Improve Efficiency of Mapping Data between XML and RDF with XSPARQL. Bischof, S., Lopes, N., & Polleres, A. In Web Reasoning and Rule Systems – Fifth International Conference, RR2011, volume 6902, of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), pages 232–237, Galway, Ireland, August, 2011. Springer. Short paper
Improve Efficiency of Mapping Data between XML and RDF with XSPARQL [pdf]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
XSPARQL is a language to transform data between the tree-based XML format and the graph-based RDF format. XML is a widely adopted data exchange format which brings its own query language XQuery along. RDF is the standard data format of the Semantic Web with SPARQL being the corresponding query language. XSPARQL combines XQuery and SPARQL to a unified query language which provides a more intuitive and maintainable way to translate data between the two data formats. A naive implementation of XSPARQL can be inefficient when evaluating nested queries. However, such queries occur often in practice when dealing with XML data. We present and compare several approaches to optimise nested queries. By implementing these optimisations we improve efficiency up to two orders of magnitude in a practical evaluation.

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