Computer Gaming for Vision Therapy. Carvelho, T., Allison, R., Irving, E. L., & Herriot, C. In 2008 Virtual Rehabilitation, pages 198-204, Vancouver, Canada, 2008. IEEE, New York.
Computer Gaming for Vision Therapy [link]-1  Computer Gaming for Vision Therapy [link]-2  doi  abstract   bibtex   
Convergence insufficiency is characterized by an inability to maintain effortless alignment of the two eyes (binocular convergence) while performing near tasks. Conventional rehabilitative vision therapy for the condition is monotonous and dull, leading to low levels of compliance. If the therapy is not performed then improvements in the condition are unlikely. This paper examines the use of computer games as a new delivery paradigm for vision therapy, specifically at how they can be used in the treatment of convergence insufficiency while at home. A game was created and tested in a small scale clinical trial. Results show clinical improvements, as well as high levels of compliance and motivation. Additionally, the game was able to objectively track patient progress and compliance.
	abstract = {Convergence insufficiency is characterized by an inability to maintain effortless alignment of the two eyes (binocular convergence) while performing near tasks. Conventional rehabilitative vision therapy for the condition is monotonous and dull, leading to low levels of compliance. If the therapy is not performed then improvements in the condition are unlikely. This paper examines the use of computer games as a new delivery paradigm for vision therapy, specifically at how they can be used in the treatment of convergence insufficiency while at home. A game was created and tested in a small scale clinical trial. Results show clinical improvements, as well as high levels of compliance and motivation. Additionally, the game was able to objectively track patient progress and compliance.},
	address = {Vancouver, Canada},
	author = {Carvelho, T. and Allison, R.S. and Irving, E. L. and Herriot, C.},
	booktitle = {2008 Virtual Rehabilitation},
	date-modified = {2012-07-02 22:39:29 -0400},
	doi = {10.1109/ICVR.2008.4625160},
	keywords = {Gaming for Vision Therapy},
	pages = {198-204},
	publisher = {IEEE, New York},
	title = {Computer Gaming for Vision Therapy},
	url-1 = {},
	url-2 = {},
	year = {2008},
	url-1 = {}}

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