Requirements-Driven Supervision of Socio-Technical Systems. Dell'Anna, D. In Joint Proceedings of REFSQ-2018 Workshops, Doctoral Symposium, Live Studies Track, and Poster Track, REFSQ 2018, volume 2075, 2018.
Requirements-Driven Supervision of Socio-Technical Systems [pdf]Paper  Requirements-Driven Supervision of Socio-Technical Systems [pdf]Slides  abstract   bibtex   
Modern software systems are characterized by ever-changing goals and requirements. Such systems operate in an environment that is dynamic, open, partly known, unpredictable. New goals arise and others are dropped, due to changes in stakeholders' needs and priorities, government regulations, technology. Despite this dynamism, systems should meet their goals and comply with the evolving requirements. While several self-adaptation mechanisms have been proposed in the literature, they cannot be fully applied for socio-technical systems that involve autonomous (thus, non-controllable) components. This project aims at designing and developing a runtime requirements supervision framework that monitors the execution of socio-technical systems, evaluates their behavior against the overall goals and intervenes by deciding how to revise requirements when adaptation is not possible.

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