Semantic annotation of maps through knowledge provenance. Del Rio, N., Pinheiro Da Silva, P., Gates, A. Q, & Salayandia, L. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Geospatial Semantics (GeoS), of LNCS, pages 20--35, Mexico City, Mexico, 2007. Springer.
  author = {{Del Rio}, Nicholas and {Pinheiro Da Silva}, Paulo and Gates, Ann
	Q and Salayandia, Leonardo},
  title = {{Semantic annotation of maps through knowledge provenance}},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Geospatial
	Semantics (GeoS)},
  year = {2007},
  series = {LNCS},
  pages = {20--35},
  address = {Mexico City, Mexico},
  publisher = {Springer},
  file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/Dani/AppData/Local/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Del Rio et al. - 2007 - Semantic annotation of maps through knowledge provenance.pdf:pdf},
  keywords = {\#PML,\#attribution,\#content,\#provenance},
  mendeley-tags = {\#PML,\#attribution,\#content,\#provenance}

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