The DLV$^{a̧l K}$ Planning System. Eiter, T., Faber, W., Leone, N., Pfeifer, G., & Polleres, A. In Cimatti, A., Geffner, H., Giunchiglia, E., & Rintanen, J., editors, IJCAI-01 Workshop on Planning under Uncertainty and Incomplete Information, pages 76–81, August, 2001.
	Author = {Thomas Eiter and Wolfgang Faber and Nicola Leone and Gerald Pfeifer and Axel Polleres},
	Booktitle = {{IJCAI-01 Workshop on Planning under Uncertainty and Incomplete Information}},
	Editor = {Alessandro Cimatti and H{\'e}ctor Geffner and Enrico Giunchiglia and Jussi Rintanen},
	Month = AUG,
	Pages = {76--81},
	Project = {dlv},
	Talk = {Wolfgang Faber},
	Title = {{The DLV$^{\cal K}$ Planning System}},
	Year = 2001}

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