PLTOOL. A Knowledge Engineering Tool for Planning and Learning. Fernández, S., Borrajo, D., Fuentetaja, R., Arias, J. D., & Veloso, M. The Knowledge Engineering Review, 22(2):153-184, 2007.
  author = 	 {Susana Fern\'{a}ndez and Daniel Borrajo and Raquel Fuentetaja and Juan D. Arias and Manuela Veloso},
  title = 	 {{PLTOOL. A Knowledge Engineering Tool for Planning and Learning}},
  journal = 	 {The Knowledge Engineering Review},
  year = 	 {2007},
  OPTkey = 	 {},
  volume = 	 {22},
  number = 	 {2},
  pages = 	 {153-184},
  OPTmonth = 	 {},
  OPTnote = 	 {},
  OPTannote = 	 {Cambridge University Press. ISSN 0269-8889. Printed in the United Kingdom. Impact Factor (JCR 2007): 1.312, 35/93 Q2}

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