Electronic Portfolios for Reflective Self-Assessment. Heath, M. Teacher Librarian, 30(1):19–23, 2002. 00061
Electronic Portfolios for Reflective Self-Assessment. [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
Explains the value of developing a professional portfolio to be used for evaluation for teacher-librarians. Discusses electronic portfolios; collecting pertinent information to accurately reflect the scope of abilities and accomplishments; identifying professional growth and possibilities for future growth; and how to present an electronic portfolio. (LRW)
	title = {Electronic {Portfolios} for {Reflective} {Self}-{Assessment}.},
	volume = {30},
	issn = {ISSN-1481-1782},
	url = {http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/detail?accno=EJ663180},
	abstract = {Explains the value of developing a professional portfolio to be used for evaluation for teacher-librarians. Discusses electronic portfolios; collecting pertinent information to accurately reflect the scope of abilities and accomplishments; identifying professional growth and possibilities for future growth; and how to present an electronic portfolio. (LRW)},
	number = {1},
	urldate = {2012-01-07},
	journal = {Teacher Librarian},
	author = {Heath, Marilyn},
	year = {2002},
	note = {00061},
	keywords = {Elementary Secondary Education, Evaluation Methods, Futures (of Society), Portfolios (Background Materials), Professional Development, School Libraries},
	pages = {19--23},

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