DNS Privacy, Service Management, and Research: Friends or Foes. Heidemann, J. Talk at ISOC NDSS Workshop on DNS Privacy , February, 2017.
DNS Privacy, Service Management, and Research: Friends or Foes [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
(no formal abstract) This invited talk is part of a panel on the tension between DNS privacy and service management. In the talk I expand on that topic and discuss the tension between DNS privacy, service management, and research. I give suggestions about how service management and research can adapt to proceed while still providing basic privacy.
	author = 	"John Heidemann",
	title = 	"DNS Privacy, Service Management, and
                  Research: Friends or Foes",
	howpublished = "Talk at " # " {ISOC} {NDSS} Workshop on {DNS} Privacy ",
	month = 	feb,
	year = 	2017,
	sortdate = 	"2017-02-26", 
	project = "ant, nocredit, lacrend, researchroot, nipet",
	jsubject = "dns",
	jlocation = 	"johnh: pafile",
	keywords = 	"dns, privacy, experimentation",
	url =		"https://ant.isi.edu/%7ejohnh/PAPERS/Heidemann17a.html",
	pdfurl =	"https://ant.isi.edu/%7ejohnh/PAPERS/Heidemann17a.pdf",
	blogurl = "https://ant.isi.edu/blog/?p=962",
	myorganization =	"USC/Information Sciences Institute",
	copyrightholder = "authors",
	abstract = "
(no formal abstract)
This invited talk is part of a panel on the tension between DNS
privacy and service management.
In the talk I expand on that topic and discuss
the tension between DNS privacy, service management, and research.
I give suggestions about how service management and research
can adapt to proceed while still providing basic privacy.",

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