Bidirectional Mappings for Data and Update Exchange. Ives, Zachary & Karvounarakis, G. In WebDB, 2008.
  author = {{Ives, Zachary, Karvounarakis}, Grigoris},
  title = {{Bidirectional Mappings for Data and Update Exchange}},
  booktitle = {WebDB},
  year = {2008},
  file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/Dani/AppData/Local/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Ives, Zachary, Karvounarakis - 2008 - Bidirectional Mappings for Data and Update Exchange.pdf:pdf},
  keywords = {\#Data\_Provenance,\#disease\_outbreak,\#accountability,\#data\_integration,collaborative
	data sharing,data exchange,data integration,update exchange,view
	maintenance,view update},
  mendeley-tags = {\#Data\_Provenance,\#disease\_outbreak,\#accountability,\#data\_integration}

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