On topological conditions to maintain leader-follower connectivity in double-integrator multi-agent systems. Köhler, P. N. & Dimarogonas, D. V. In Proc.\ 24th Mediterranean Conf.\ Control and Automation (MED), pages 767–772, Athens, Greece, 2016.
  author = {K{\"o}hler, P. N. and Dimarogonas, D. V.},
  title = {On topological conditions to maintain leader-follower connectivity
	in double-integrator multi-agent systems},
  booktitle = {Proc.\ 24th Mediterranean Conf.\ Control and Automation (MED)},
  year = {2016},
  pages = {767--772},
  address = {Athens, Greece},
  pubtype = {proceeding}

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