Perceiving depth and motion in depth from successive occlusion. Lee, A. R. I., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. S. Journal of Vision, 23(12):Article 2, 2023.
Perceiving depth and motion in depth from successive occlusion [link]-1  doi  bibtex   
	author = {Abigail R. I. Lee and Laurie M. Wilcox and Robert S. Allison},
	date-added = {2023-10-05 15:29:53 -0400},
	date-modified = {2023-10-05 15:29:53 -0400},
	doi = {10.1167/jov.23.12.2},
	journal = {Journal of Vision},
	keywords = {Depth perception},
	number = {12},
	pages = {Article 2},
	title = {Perceiving depth and motion in depth from successive occlusion},
	volume = {23},
	year = {2023},
	url-1 = {}}

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