Neural Avionics: Development of Airborne Neural Recording Capabilities in Fixed and Rotary Wing Aircraft to Monitor Pilot Mental State. Macuda, T., Craig, G., Erdos, R., Carignan, S., Jennings, S., Swail, C., Schnell, T., Poolman, P., Allison, R., & Lenert, A. Technical Report FRL-2006-0050, NRC Institute for Aerospace Research, National Research Council Canada, 2006. NRC Institute for Aerospace Research FRL-2006-0050
	author = {Macuda, T. and Craig, G. and Erdos, R. and Carignan, S. and Jennings, S. and Swail, C. and Schnell, T. and Poolman, P. and Allison, R.S. and Lenert, A.},
	date-modified = {2016-01-03 03:28:46 +0000},
	institution = {NRC Institute for Aerospace Research, National Research Council Canada},
	keywords = {Neural Avionics},
	note = {NRC Institute for Aerospace Research FRL-2006-0050},
	number = {FRL-2006-0050},
	title = {Neural Avionics: Development of Airborne Neural Recording Capabilities in Fixed and Rotary Wing Aircraft to Monitor Pilot Mental State},
	year = {2006}}

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