Designing for the exceptional user: Nonhuman animal-computer interaction (ACI). Ritvo, S. E. & Allison, R. S. Computers in Human Behavior, 70:222-233, 2017.
Designing for the exceptional user: Nonhuman animal-computer interaction (ACI) [link]-1  doi  abstract   bibtex   
Given the increasing variety, affordability and accessibility of sophisticated computer technologies, particularly webcam technologies, touchscreen interfaces, and wearables, there has been a marked increase in the application of such technology to enrich the lives of nonhuman animals (NHAs) and to study their cognitive abilities. However, the anthropocentric design of current computer systems is a barrier for successful adoption of such technologies by NHA users. NHA factors have not driven the design of the majority of computer technologies that has, or could be applied to this user population. This paper explores (a) how human-computer interaction (HCI) principles may apply (or not apply) to NHA-computer interaction (ACI), (b) how principles and computer system designs exclusive for ACI may be developed, and (c) how NHA-centered computer designs may benefit HCI and its user population.
	abstract = {Given the increasing variety, affordability and accessibility of sophisticated computer technologies, particularly webcam technologies, touchscreen interfaces, and wearables, there has been a marked increase in the application of such technology to enrich the lives of nonhuman animals (NHAs) and to study their cognitive abilities. However, the anthropocentric design of current computer systems is a barrier for successful adoption of such technologies by NHA users. NHA factors have not driven the design of the majority of computer technologies that has, or could be applied to this user population. This paper explores (a) how human-computer interaction (HCI) principles may apply (or not apply) to NHA-computer interaction (ACI), (b) how principles and computer system designs exclusive for ACI may be developed, and (c) how NHA-centered computer designs may benefit HCI and its user population.},
	author = {Ritvo, S. E. and Allison, R. S.},
	date-added = {2016-12-30 04:24:15 +0000},
	date-modified = {2017-04-24 21:22:44 +0000},
	doi = {10.1016/j.chb.2016.12.062},
	journal = {Computers in Human Behavior},
	keywords = {Misc.},
	pages = {222-233},
	title = {Designing for the exceptional user: Nonhuman animal-computer interaction ({ACI})},
	url-1 = {},
	volume = {70},
	year = {2017},
	url-1 = {}}

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