A Study on Convolution Using Half–Precision Floating–Point Numbers on GPU for Radioastronomy Deconvolution. Seznec, M., Gac, N., Ferrari, A., & Orieux, F. In IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SIPS), October, 2018.
	Author = {M. Seznec and N. Gac and A. Ferrari and F. Orieux},
	Booktitle = {{IEEE} Workshop on Signal Processing Systems ({SIPS})},
	Date-Added = {2018-09-28 14:07:05 +0200},
	Date-Modified = {2018-09-28 14:07:05 +0200},
	Month = oct,
	Title = {A Study on Convolution Using Half--Precision Floating--Point Numbers on GPU for Radioastronomy Deconvolution},
	Year = {2018}}

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