ASTRO-DF: Adaptive sampling trust-region optimization algorithms, heuristics, and numerical experience. Shashaani, S., Hunter, S. R., & Pasupathy, R. In Roeder, T. M. K., Frazier, P. I., Szechtman, R., & Zhou, E., editors, Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference, pages 554–565, Piscataway, NJ, 2016. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.. 2016 Winter Simulation Conference I-Sim Best Student Paper Award.
ASTRO-DF: Adaptive sampling trust-region optimization algorithms, heuristics, and numerical experience [pdf]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   3 downloads  
ASTRO-DF is a class of adaptive sampling algorithms for solving simulation optimization problems in which only estimates of the objective function are available by executing a Monte Carlo simulation. ASTRO-DF algorithms are iterative trust-region algorithms, where a local model is repeatedly constructed and optimized as iterates evolve through the search space. The ASTRO-DF class of algorithms is derivative-free in the sense that it does not rely on direct observations of the function derivatives. A salient feature of ASTRO-DF is the incorporation of adaptive sampling and replication to keep the model error and the trust-region radius in lock-step, to ensure efficiency. ASTRO-DF has been demonstrated to generate iterates that globally converge to a first-order critical point with probability one. In this paper, we describe and list ASTRO-DF, and discuss key heuristics that ensure good finite-time performance. We report our numerical experience with ASTRO-DF on test problems in low to moderate dimensions.

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