Local and nonlocal dynamics in superfluid turbulence. Sherwin-Robson, L., K., Barenghi, C., F., & Baggaley, A., W. Physical Review B, 91(10):104517, American Physical Society, 4, 2015.
Local and nonlocal dynamics in superfluid turbulence [link]Website  doi  abstract   bibtex   6 downloads  
Turbulence in superfluid helium~II is a tangle of quantized vortex lines which interact via the classical Biot-Savart law. We show that vortex tangles with the same vortex line density will have different energy spectra, depending on the normal fluid which feeds energy into the superfluid component, and identify the spectral signature of two forms of superfluid turbulence: Kolmogorov tangles and Vinen tangles. By decomposing the superfluid velocity field into local and nonlocal contributions, we find that in Vinen tangles the motion of vortex lines depends mainly on the local curvature, whereas in Kolmogorov tangles the long-range vortex interaction is dominant and leads to the formation of clustering of lines, in analogy to the 'worms` of ordinary turbulence.
 title = {Local and nonlocal dynamics in superfluid turbulence},
 type = {article},
 year = {2015},
 pages = {104517},
 volume = {91},
 websites = {https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.91.104517},
 month = {4},
 publisher = {American Physical Society},
 id = {7bb1275f-e165-3b14-a23e-732c494ccda4},
 created = {2021-04-09T15:23:27.432Z},
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 profile_id = {75799766-8e2d-3c98-81f9-e3efa41233d0},
 group_id = {c9329632-2a50-3043-b803-cadc8dbdfc3f},
 last_modified = {2021-04-09T15:23:27.432Z},
 read = {false},
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 hidden = {false},
 source_type = {article},
 private_publication = {false},
 abstract = {Turbulence in superfluid helium~II is a tangle of quantized vortex lines which interact via the classical Biot-Savart law. We show that vortex tangles with the same vortex line density will have different energy spectra, depending on the normal fluid which feeds energy into the superfluid component, and identify the spectral signature of two forms of superfluid turbulence: Kolmogorov tangles and Vinen tangles. By decomposing the superfluid velocity field into local and nonlocal contributions, we find that in Vinen tangles the motion of vortex lines depends mainly on the local curvature, whereas in Kolmogorov tangles the long-range vortex interaction is dominant and leads to the formation of clustering of lines, in analogy to the 'worms` of ordinary turbulence.},
 bibtype = {article},
 author = {Sherwin-Robson, L K and Barenghi, C F and Baggaley, A W},
 doi = {10.1103/PhysRevB.91.104517},
 journal = {Physical Review B},
 number = {10}

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