An Empirical Study of the Effectiveness of an Ensemble of Stand-alone Sentiment Detection Tools for Software Engineering Datasets. Uddin, G., Gu�h�neuc, Y., Khomh, F., & Roy, C. Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM), 31(3):48:1–48:38, ACM Press, April, 2022. 37 pages.
An Empirical Study of the Effectiveness of an Ensemble of Stand-alone Sentiment Detection Tools for Software Engineering Datasets [pdf]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
Sentiment analysis in software engineering (SE) has shown promise to analyze and support diverse development activities. Recently, several tools are proposed to detect sentiments in software artifacts. While the tools improve accuracy over off-the-shelf tools, recent research shows that their performance could still be unsatisfactory. A more accurate sentiment detector for SE can help reduce noise in analysis of software scenarios where sentiment analysis is required. Recently, combinations, i.e., hybrids of stand-alone classifiers are found to offer better performance than the stand-alone classifiers for fault detection. However, we are aware of no such approach for sentiment detection for software artifacts. We report the results of an empirical study that we conducted to determine the feasibility of developing an ensemble engine by combining the polarity labels of stand-alone SE-specific sentiment detectors. Our study has two phases. In the first phase, we pick five SE-specific sentiment detection tools from two recently published papers by Lin et al., who first reported negative results with stand alone sentiment detectors and then proposed an improved SE-specific sentiment detector, POME. We report the study results on 17,581 units (sentences/documents) coming from six currently available sentiment benchmarks for software engineering. We find that the existing tools can be complementary to each other in 85-95% of the cases, i.e., one is wrong but another is right. However, a majority voting-based ensemble of those tools fails to improve the accuracy of sentiment detection. We develop Sentisead, a supervised tool by combining the polarity labels and bag of words as features. Sentisead improves the performance (F1-score) of the individual tools by 4% (over Senti4SD) – 100% (over POME). The initial development of Sentisead occurred before we observed the use of deep learning models for SE-specific sentiment detection. In particular, recent papers show the superiority of advanced language-based pre-trained transformer models (PTM) over rule-based and shallow learning models. Consequently, in a second phase, we compare and improve Sentisead infrastructure using the PTMs. We find that a Sentisead infrastructure with RoBERTa as the ensemble of the five stand-alone rule-based and shallow learning SE-specific tools from Lin et al.\ offers the best F1-score of 0.805 across the six datasets, while a stand-alone RoBERTa shows an F1-score of 0.801.

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