Software Engineering Patterns for Machine Learning Applications (SEP4MLA). Washizaki, H., Khomh, F., & Gu�h�neuc, Y. In Cheng, Y., Iba, T., & Ni, W., editors, Proceedings of the 9<sup>th</sup> Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (AsianPLoP), September, 2020. ACM Press. 10 pages.
Software Engineering Patterns for Machine Learning Applications (SEP4MLA) [pdf]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
To grasp the landscape of software engineering patterns for machine learning (ML) applications, a systematic literature review of both academic and gray literature is conducted to collect good and bad software-engineering practices in the form of patterns and anti-patterns for ML applications. From the 32 scholarly documents and 48 gray documents identified, we extracted 12 ML architecture patterns, 13 ML design patterns, and 8 ML anti-patterns. From these 33 ML patterns, we describe three major ML architecture patterns (``Data Lake'', ``Distinguish Business Logic from ML Models'', and ``Microservice Architecture'') and one ML design pattern (``ML Versioning'') in the standard pattern format so that practitioners can (re)use them in their contexts.

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