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\n@article{\n title = {Refining the nuclear mass surface with the mass of <math> <mmultiscripts> <mi>Sn</mi> <mprescripts/> <none/> <mn>103</mn> </mmultiscripts> </math>},\n type = {article},\n year = {2025},\n pages = {014315},\n volume = {111},\n month = {1},\n day = {9},\n id = {9a747cd6-4621-3938-873d-bd60dd3aeebb},\n created = {2025-01-18T08:01:52.418Z},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {457b77a6-0c72-3a5f-b581-b54c97c524f4},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2025-01-18T08:01:52.418Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {<p> Mass measurements with the ISOLTRAP mass spectrometer at CERN-ISOLDE improve mass uncertainties of neutron-deficient tin isotopes towards doubly magic <math> <mmultiscripts> <mi>Sn</mi> <mprescripts/> <none/> <mn>100</mn> </mmultiscripts> </math> . The mass uncertainty of <math> <mmultiscripts> <mi>Sn</mi> <mprescripts/> <none/> <mn>103</mn> </mmultiscripts> </math> was reduced by a factor of 4, and the new value for the mass excess of <math> <mrow> <mo>−</mo> <mn>67104</mn> <mo>(</mo> <mn>18</mn> <mo>)</mo> <mspace width="0.16em"/> <mi mathvariant="normal">k</mi> <mi mathvariant="normal">e</mi> <mi mathvariant="normal">V</mi> </mrow> </math> is compared with nuclear and density functional theory calculations. Based on these results and local trends in the mass surface, the masses of <math> <mmultiscripts> <mi>Sn</mi> <mprescripts/> <none/> <mrow> <mn>101</mn> <mo>,</mo> <mn>103</mn> </mrow> </mmultiscripts> </math> , as determined through their <math> <msub> <mi>Q</mi> <mtext>EC</mtext> </msub> </math> values, were found to be inconsistent with the new results. From our measurement for <math> <mmultiscripts> <mi>Sn</mi> <mprescripts/> <none/> <mn>103</mn> </mmultiscripts> </math> , we extrapolate the mass excess of <math> <mmultiscripts> <mi>Sn</mi> <mprescripts/> <none/> <mn>101</mn> </mmultiscripts> </math> to <math> <mrow> <mo>−</mo> <mn>60005</mn> <mo>(</mo> <mn>300</mn> <mo>)</mo> <mspace width="0.16em"/> <mi mathvariant="normal">k</mi> <mi mathvariant="normal">e</mi> <mi mathvariant="normal">V</mi> </mrow> </math> , which is significantly more bound than previously suggested. By correcting the mass values for <math> <mmultiscripts> <mi>Sn</mi> <mprescripts/> <none/> <mrow> <mn>101</mn> <mo>,</mo> <mn>103</mn> </mrow> </mmultiscripts> </math> , we also adjust the values of <math> <mmultiscripts> <mi>Sb</mi> <mprescripts/> <none/> <mn>104</mn> </mmultiscripts> <mo>,</mo> <mo> </mo> <mmultiscripts> <mi>Te</mi> <mprescripts/> <none/> <mrow> <mn>105</mn> <mo>,</mo> <mn>107</mn> </mrow> </mmultiscripts> <mo>,</mo> <mo> </mo> <mmultiscripts> <mi mathvariant="normal">I</mi> <mprescripts/> <none/> <mn>108</mn> </mmultiscripts> <mo>,</mo> <mo> </mo> <mmultiscripts> <mi>Xe</mi> <mprescripts/> <none/> <mrow> <mn>109</mn> <mo>,</mo> <mn>111</mn> </mrow> </mmultiscripts> </math> , and <math> <mmultiscripts> <mi>Cs</mi> <mprescripts/> <none/> <mn>112</mn> </mmultiscripts> </math> near the proton drip line which are connected through their <math> <mi>α</mi> </math> and proton <math> <mi>Q</mi> </math> values. The results show an overall smoothening of the mass surface, suggesting the absence of deformation energy above the <math> <mrow> <mi>N</mi> <mo>=</mo> <mn>50</mn> </mrow> </math> shell closure. </p>},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Nies, L. and Atanasov, D. and Athanasakis-Kaklamanakis, M. and Au, M. and Bernerd, C. and Blaum, K. and Chrysalidis, K. and Fischer, P. and Heinke, R. and Klink, C. and Lange, D. and Lunney, D. and Manea, V. and Marsh, B. A. and Müller, M. and Mougeot, M. and Naimi, S. and Schweiger, Ch. and Schweikhard, L. and Wienholtz, F.},\n doi = {10.1103/PhysRevC.111.014315},\n journal = {Physical Review C},\n number = {1}\n}\n
Mass measurements with the ISOLTRAP mass spectrometer at CERN-ISOLDE improve mass uncertainties of neutron-deficient tin isotopes towards doubly magic . The mass uncertainty of was reduced by a factor of 4, and the new value for the mass excess of is compared with nuclear and density functional theory calculations. Based on these results and local trends in the mass surface, the masses of , as determined through their values, were found to be inconsistent with the new results. From our measurement for , we extrapolate the mass excess of to , which is significantly more bound than previously suggested. By correcting the mass values for , we also adjust the values of , and near the proton drip line which are connected through their and proton values. The results show an overall smoothening of the mass surface, suggesting the absence of deformation energy above the shell closure.
\n@article{\n title = {Production of neptunium and plutonium nuclides from uranium carbide using 1.4-GeV protons},\n type = {article},\n year = {2023},\n pages = {064604},\n volume = {107},\n websites = {},\n month = {6},\n day = {8},\n id = {ae26a69c-3301-3c6b-a697-5f2683f7d72d},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:42:04.759Z},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {457b77a6-0c72-3a5f-b581-b54c97c524f4},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:42:04.759Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n citation_key = {au2023PuNpISOLDE},\n private_publication = {false},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Au, M. and Athanasakis-Kaklamanakis, M. and Nies, L. and Heinke, R. and Chrysalidis, K. and Köster, U. and Kunz, P. and Marsh, B. and Mougeot, M. and Schweikhard, L. and Stegemann, S. and Vila Gracia, Y. and Düllmann, Ch. E. and Rothe, S.},\n doi = {10.1103/PhysRevC.107.064604},\n journal = {Physical Review C},\n number = {6}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {In-source and in-trap formation of molecular ions in the actinide mass range at CERN-ISOLDE},\n type = {article},\n year = {2023},\n pages = {375-379},\n volume = {541},\n websites = {},\n month = {8},\n id = {d5545048-7437-36f9-bc21-67da1d5dbc92},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:42:07.403Z},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {457b77a6-0c72-3a5f-b581-b54c97c524f4},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:42:07.403Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n citation_key = {au2023intrapmolecules},\n private_publication = {false},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Au, M. and Athanasakis-Kaklamanakis, M. and Nies, L. and Ballof, J. and Berger, R. and Chrysalidis, K. and Fischer, P. and Heinke, R. and Johnson, J. and Köster, U. and Leimbach, D. and Marsh, B. and Mougeot, M. and Reich, B. and Reilly, J. and Reis, E. and Schlaich, M. and Schweiger, Ch. and Schweikhard, L. and Stegemann, S. and Wessolek, J. and Wienholtz, F. and Wilkins, S.G. and Wojtaczka, W. and Düllmann, Ch.E. and Rothe, S.},\n doi = {10.1016/j.nimb.2023.05.015},\n journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {The empirical shell gap revisited in light of recent high precision mass spectrometry data},\n type = {article},\n year = {2023},\n pages = {22},\n volume = {59},\n websites = {},\n month = {2},\n day = {10},\n id = {a6b79061-515a-38b9-9bf5-c8bceea44f4c},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:49:38.269Z},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {457b77a6-0c72-3a5f-b581-b54c97c524f4},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T19:03:42.832Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Manea, Vladimir and Mougeot, Maxime and Lunney, David},\n doi = {10.1140/epja/s10050-023-00929-5},\n journal = {The European Physical Journal A},\n number = {2}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Isomeric Excitation Energy for 99In from Mass Spectrometry Reveals Constant Trend Next to Doubly Magic 100Sn},\n type = {article},\n year = {2023},\n pages = {022502},\n volume = {131},\n websites = {},\n month = {7},\n day = {14},\n id = {23e612c8-ae3c-3422-9439-caf43d6d8673},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:49:47.332Z},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {457b77a6-0c72-3a5f-b581-b54c97c524f4},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-12-12T09:04:00.169Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Nies, L. and Atanasov, D. and Athanasakis-Kaklamanakis, M. and Au, M. and Blaum, K. and Dobaczewski, J. and Hu, B. S. and Holt, J. D. and Karthein, J. and Kulikov, I. and Litvinov, Yu. A. and Lunney, D. and Manea, V. and Miyagi, T. and Mougeot, M. and Schweikhard, L. and Schwenk, A. and Sieja, K. and Wienholtz, F.},\n doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.131.022502},\n journal = {Physical Review Letters},\n number = {2}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Deformation versus Sphericity in the Ground States of the Lightest Gold Isotopes},\n type = {article},\n year = {2023},\n pages = {202501},\n volume = {131},\n websites = {},\n month = {11},\n day = {14},\n id = {7fa85ee6-5806-3ea9-94f9-fb47ff27caa3},\n created = {2023-11-24T12:23:18.312Z},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {457b77a6-0c72-3a5f-b581-b54c97c524f4},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-11-24T12:23:18.312Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Cubiss, J. G. and Andreyev, A. N. and Barzakh, A. E. and Van Duppen, P. and Hilaire, S. and Péru, S. and Goriely, S. and Al Monthery, M. and Althubiti, N. A. and Andel, B. and Antalic, S. and Atanasov, D. and Blaum, K. and Cocolios, T. E. and Day Goodacre, T. and de Roubin, A. and Farooq-Smith, G. J. and Fedorov, D. V. and Fedosseev, V. N. and Fink, D. A. and Gaffney, L. P. and Ghys, L. and Harding, R. D. and Huyse, M. and Imai, N. and Joss, D. T. and Kreim, S. and Lunney, D. and Lynch, K. M. and Manea, V. and Marsh, B. A. and Martinez Palenzuela, Y. and Molkanov, P. L. and Neidherr, D. and O’Neill, G. G. and Page, R. D. and Prosnyak, S. D. and Rosenbusch, M. and Rossel, R. E. and Rothe, S. and Schweikhard, L. and Seliverstov, M. D. and Sels, S. and Skripnikov, L. V. and Stott, A. and Van Beveren, C. and Verstraelen, E. and Welker, A. and Wienholtz, F. and Wolf, R. N. and Zuber, K.},\n doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.131.202501},\n journal = {Physical Review Letters},\n number = {20}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Further Evidence for Shape Coexistence in 79Zn near Doubly Magic 78Ni},\n type = {article},\n year = {2023},\n pages = {222503},\n volume = {131},\n websites = {},\n month = {11},\n day = {30},\n id = {e99b05e0-d659-3954-a435-c880cac40c97},\n created = {2023-12-12T09:31:52.838Z},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {457b77a6-0c72-3a5f-b581-b54c97c524f4},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-12-12T09:31:52.838Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Nies, L. and Canete, L. and Dao, D. D. and Giraud, S. and Kankainen, A. and Lunney, D. and Nowacki, F. and Bastin, B. and Stryjczyk, M. and Ascher, P. and Blaum, K. and Cakirli, R. B. and Eronen, T. and Fischer, P. and Flayol, M. and Girard Alcindor, V. and Herlert, A. and Jokinen, A. and Khanam, A. and Köster, U. and Lange, D. and Moore, I. D. and Müller, M. and Mougeot, M. and Nesterenko, D. A. and Penttilä, H. and Petrone, C. and Pohjalainen, I. and de Roubin, A. and Rubchenya, V. and Schweiger, Ch. and Schweikhard, L. and Vilen, M. and Äystö, J.},\n doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.131.222503},\n journal = {Physical Review Letters},\n number = {22}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Producing gold at ISOLDE-CERN},\n type = {article},\n year = {2022},\n pages = {26-32},\n volume = {513},\n websites = {},\n month = {2},\n id = {d4e780cc-47ae-3f00-86ca-33da9741a88d},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:49:32.951Z},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {457b77a6-0c72-3a5f-b581-b54c97c524f4},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T19:04:19.624Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Barzakh, A.E. and Andreyev, A.N. and Atanasov, D. and Cubiss, J.G. and Harding, R.D. and Al Monthery, M. and Althubiti, N.A. and Andel, B. and Antalic, S. and Ballof, J. and Blaum, K. and Cocolios, T.E. and Van Duppen, P. and Day Goodacre, T. and de Roubin, A. and Duchemin, C. and Farooq-Smith, G.J. and Fedorov, D.V. and Fedosseev, V.N. and Fink, D.A. and Gaffney, L.P. and Ghys, L. and Huyse, M. and Imai, N. and Johnson, J. and Kreim, S. and Lunney, D. and Lynch, K.M. and Manea, V. and Marsh, B.A. and Martinez Palenzuela, Y. and Molkanov, P.L. and Neidherr, D. and Panteleev, V.N. and Rosenbusch, M. and Rossel, R.E. and Rothe, S. and Schweikhard, L. and Seliverstov, M.D. and Sels, S. and Van Beveren, C. and Verstraelen, E. and Welker, A. and Wienholtz, F. and Wolf, R.N. and Zuber, K.},\n doi = {10.1016/j.nimb.2021.12.011},\n journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Mass measurements of 99–101In challenge ab initio nuclear theory of the nuclide 100Sn},\n type = {article},\n year = {2021},\n keywords = {Experimental nuclear physics,Theoretical nuclear physics},\n pages = {1099-1103},\n volume = {17},\n websites = {},\n month = {9},\n publisher = {Nature Publishing Group},\n day = {23},\n id = {05157c90-c26d-3f91-9aec-d18fb4da905e},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:15.846Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {true},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:59.840Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The tin isotope 100Sn is of singular interest for nuclear structure due to its closed-shell proton and neutron configurations. It is also the heaviest nucleus comprising protons and neutrons in equal numbers—a feature that enhances the contribution of the short-range proton–neutron pairing interaction and strongly influences its decay via the weak interaction. Decay studies in the region of 100Sn have attempted to prove its doubly magic character1 but few have studied it from an ab initio theoretical perspective2,3, and none of these has addressed the odd-proton neighbours, which are inherently more difficult to describe but crucial for a complete test of nuclear forces. Here we present direct mass measurements of the exotic odd-proton nuclide 100In, the beta-decay daughter of 100Sn, and of 99In, with one proton less than 100Sn. We use advanced mass spectrometry techniques to measure 99In, which is produced at a rate of only a few ions per second, and to resolve the ground and isomeric states in 101In. The experimental results are compared with ab initio many-body calculations. The 100-fold improvement in precision of the 100In mass value highlights a discrepancy in the atomic-mass values of 100Sn deduced from recent beta-decay results4,5. Accurate mass measurements of the indium isotopes adjacent to the doubly magic 100Sn provide critical benchmarks for ab initio theory, which withstands the challenge.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Mougeot, M. and Atanasov, D. and Karthein, J. and Wolf, R. N. and Ascher, P. and Blaum, K. and Chrysalidis, K. and Hagen, G. and Holt, J. D. and Huang, W. J. and Jansen, G. R. and Kulikov, I. and Litvinov, Yu A. and Lunney, D. and Manea, V. and Miyagi, T. and Papenbrock, T. and Schweikhard, L. and Schwenk, A. and Steinsberger, T. and Stroberg, S. R. and Sun, Z. H. and Welker, A. and Wienholtz, F. and Wilkins, S. G. and Zuber, K.},\n doi = {10.1038/s41567-021-01326-9},\n journal = {Nature Physics},\n number = {10}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Analysis methods and code for very high-precision mass measurements of unstable isotopes},\n type = {article},\n year = {2021},\n pages = {108070},\n volume = {267},\n month = {10},\n publisher = {North-Holland},\n day = {1},\n id = {77a65026-2eec-34be-9b31-0eaa71555df9},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:16.370Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:16.370Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {We present a robust analysis code developed in the Python language and incorporating libraries of the ROOT data analysis framework for the state-of-the-art mass spectrometry method called phase-imaging ion-cyclotron-resonance (PI-ICR). A step-by-step description of the dataset construction and analysis algorithm is given. The code features a new phase-determination approach that offers up to 10 times smaller statistical uncertainties. This improvement in statistical uncertainty is confirmed using extensive Monte-Carlo simulations and allows for very high-precision studies of exotic nuclear masses to test, among others, the standard model of particle physics. Program summary Program Title: PI-ICR analysis software CPC Library link to program files: https://doi .org /10 .17632 /5jxkxbkkkr.1 Developer's repository link: https://doi .org /10 .5281 /zenodo .4553515 Licensing provisions: MIT Programming language: Python Nature of problem: Analysis software for the next-generation mass spectrometry technique PI-ICR for radioactive isotopes and isomers. Solution method: Using Jupyter notebooks in the Python programming language and libraries of the ROOT analysis framework, the full PI-ICR analysis from the raw data to the final mass value is presented. Furthermore , a new phase-determination approach is introduced offering up to ten times smaller statistical uncertainties on the same dataset compared to the state-of-the-art approaches that are based on X/Y projection fits [14]. This improvement was confirmed by extensive Monte-Carlo simulations. Additional comments including restrictions and unusual features: 1. A new phase-determination approach is presented offering up to ten times smaller statistical uncertainties on the same dataset compared to state-of-the-art approaches. 2. The code features a robust and precise cyclotron-frequency ratio determination based on simultaneous polynomial fitting with several advantages over the commonly used linear extrapolation. 3. The use of Jupyter notebooks and Python allows for a cloud-based analysis on any device or operating system offering a web browser through services such as CERN's SWAN platform or Google Colab. 4. The entire frequency determination is based on Bayesian analysis using unbinned maximum likelihood estimation.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Karthein, J. and Atanasov, D. and Blaum, K. and Lunney, D. and Manea, V. and Mougeot, M.},\n doi = {10.1016/J.CPC.2021.108070},\n journal = {Computer Physics Communications}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Laser Spectroscopy of Neutron-Rich 207,208Hg Isotopes: Illuminating the Kink and Odd-Even Staggering in Charge Radii across the N=126 Shell Closure},\n type = {article},\n year = {2021},\n pages = {032502},\n volume = {126},\n month = {1},\n day = {22},\n id = {1532da89-c7b3-34d4-afde-cb1e0b02a341},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:49:35.763Z},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {457b77a6-0c72-3a5f-b581-b54c97c524f4},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:50:35.992Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Day Goodacre, T. and Afanasjev, A. V. and Barzakh, A. E. and Marsh, B. A. and Sels, S. and Ring, P. and Nakada, H. and Andreyev, A. N. and Van Duppen, P. and Althubiti, N. A. and Andel, B. and Atanasov, D. and Billowes, J. and Blaum, K. and Cocolios, T. E. and Cubiss, J. G. and Farooq-Smith, G. J. and Fedorov, D. V. and Fedosseev, V. N. and Flanagan, K. T. and Gaffney, L. P. and Ghys, L. and Huyse, M. and Kreim, S. and Lunney, D. and Lynch, K. M. and Manea, V. and Martinez Palenzuela, Y. and Molkanov, P. L. and Rosenbusch, M. and Rossel, R. E. and Rothe, S. and Schweikhard, L. and Seliverstov, M. D. and Spagnoletti, P. and Van Beveren, C. and Veinhard, M. and Verstraelen, E. and Welker, A. and Wendt, K. and Wienholtz, F. and Wolf, R. N. and Zadvornaya, A. and Zuber, K.},\n doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.032502},\n journal = {Physical Review Letters},\n number = {3}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Charge radii, moments, and masses of mercury isotopes across the N=126 shell closure},\n type = {article},\n year = {2021},\n pages = {054322},\n volume = {104},\n month = {11},\n day = {30},\n id = {a99d6a6e-8501-314f-9712-4b051d494427},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:52:55.920Z},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {457b77a6-0c72-3a5f-b581-b54c97c524f4},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:52:55.920Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Day Goodacre, T. and Afanasjev, A. V. and Barzakh, A. E. and Nies, L. and Marsh, B. A. and Sels, S. and Perera, U. C. and Ring, P. and Wienholtz, F. and Andreyev, A. N. and Van Duppen, P. and Althubiti, N. A. and Andel, B. and Atanasov, D. and Augusto, R. S. and Billowes, J. and Blaum, K. and Cocolios, T. E. and Cubiss, J. G. and Farooq-Smith, G. J. and Fedorov, D. V. and Fedosseev, V. N. and Flanagan, K. T. and Gaffney, L. P. and Ghys, L. and Gottberg, A. and Huyse, M. and Kreim, S. and Kunz, P. and Lunney, D. and Lynch, K. M. and Manea, V. and Palenzuela, Y. Martinez and Medonca, T. M. and Molkanov, P. L. and Mougeot, M. and Ramos, J. P. and Rosenbusch, M. and Rossel, R. E. and Rothe, S. and Schweikhard, L. and Seliverstov, M. D. and Spagnoletti, P. and Van Beveren, C. and Veinhard, M. and Verstraelen, E. and Welker, A. and Wendt, K. and Wolf, R. N. and Zadvornaya, A. and Zuber, K.},\n doi = {10.1103/PhysRevC.104.054322},\n journal = {Physical Review C},\n number = {5}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {First Glimpse of the N=82 Shell Closure below Z=50 from Masses of Neutron-Rich Cadmium Isotopes and Isomers},\n type = {article},\n year = {2020},\n keywords = {doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.092502 url:},\n pages = {092502},\n volume = {124},\n websites = {},\n month = {3},\n publisher = {American Physical Society},\n day = {6},\n id = {d08f6d33-7858-3232-96d6-aba9b2b5b883},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:16.884Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {true},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:37:00.552Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {We probe the N=82 nuclear shell closure by mass measurements of neutron-rich cadmium isotopes with the ISOLTRAP spectrometer at ISOLDE-CERN. The new mass of Cd132 offers the first value of the N=82, two-neutron shell gap below Z=50 and confirms the phenomenon of mutually enhanced magicity at Sn132. Using the recently implemented phase-imaging ion-cyclotron-resonance method, the ordering of the low-lying isomers in Cd129 and their energies are determined. The new experimental findings are used to test large-scale shell-model, mean-field, and beyond-mean-field calculations, as well as the ab initio valence-space in-medium similarity renormalization group.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Manea, V. and Karthein, J. and Atanasov, D. and Bender, M. and Blaum, K. and Cocolios, T. E. and Eliseev, S. and Herlert, A. and Holt, J. D. and Huang, W. J. and Litvinov, Yu A. and Lunney, D. and Menéndez, J. and Mougeot, M. and Neidherr, D. and Schweikhard, L. and Schwenk, A. and Simonis, J. and Welker, A. and Wienholtz, F. and Zuber, K.},\n doi = {10.1103/PHYSREVLETT.124.092502/FIGURES/5/MEDIUM},\n journal = {Physical Review Letters},\n number = {9}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Examining the N=28 shell closure through high-precision mass measurements of Ar 46-48},\n type = {article},\n year = {2020},\n keywords = {doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.102.014301 url:},\n pages = {014301},\n volume = {102},\n websites = {},\n month = {7},\n publisher = {American Physical Society},\n day = {1},\n id = {1047f8bd-5a0c-3261-a7e6-d6b516b9519e},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:17.438Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {true},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:37:01.391Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The strength of the N=28 magic number in neutron-rich argon isotopes is examined through high-precision mass measurements of Ar46-48, performed with the ISOLTRAP mass spectrometer at ISOLDE/CERN. The new mass values are up to 90 times more precise than previous measurements. While they suggest the persistence of the N=28 shell closure for argon, we show that this conclusion has to be nuanced in light of the wealth of spectroscopic data and theoretical investigations performed with the SDPF-U phenomenological shell model interaction. Our results are also compared with ab initio calculations using the valence space in-medium similarity renormalization group and the self-consistent Green's function approaches. Both calculations provide a very good account of mass systematics at and around Z=18 and, generally, a consistent description of the physics in this region. This combined analysis indicates that Ar46 is the transition between the closed-shell Ca48 and collective S44.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Mougeot, M. and Atanasov, D. and Barbieri, C. and Blaum, K. and Breitenfeld, M. and De Roubin, A. and Duguet, T. and George, S. and Herfurth, F. and Herlert, A. and Holt, J. D. and Karthein, J. and Lunney, D. and Manea, V. and Navrátil, P. and Neidherr, D. and Rosenbusch, M. and Schweikhard, L. and Schwenk, A. and Somà, V. and Welker, A. and Wienholtz, F. and Wolf, R. N. and Zuber, K.},\n doi = {10.1103/PHYSREVC.102.014301/FIGURES/14/MEDIUM},\n journal = {Physical Review C},\n number = {1}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Masses of short-lived 49Sc, 50Sc, 70As, 73Br and stable 196Hg nuclides},\n type = {article},\n year = {2020},\n keywords = {Atomic mass evaluation,ISOLTRAP,Mass measurements,Multi-reflection time-of-flight,Penning trap mass spectrometry},\n pages = {121990},\n volume = {1002},\n month = {10},\n publisher = {North-Holland},\n day = {1},\n id = {1c09d47f-7537-398d-9c67-b8ed43ed478d},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:18.021Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:18.021Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Mass measurements of 49,50Sc, 70As, 73Br and 196Hg nuclides produced at CERN's radioactive-ion beam facility ISOLDE are presented. The measurements were performed at the ISOLTRAP mass spectrometer by use of the multi-reflection time-of-flight and the Penning-trap mass spectrometry techniques. The new results agree well with previously known literature values. The mass accuracy for all cases has been improved.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Kulikov, I. and Algora, A. and Atanasov, D. and Ascher, P. and Blaum, K. and Cakirli, R. B. and Herlert, A. and Huang, W. J. and Karthein, J. and Litvinov, Yu A. and Lunney, D. and Manea, V. and Mougeot, M. and Schweikhard, L. and Welker, A. and Wienholtz, F.},\n doi = {10.1016/J.NUCLPHYSA.2020.121990},\n journal = {Nuclear Physics A}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {QEC -value determination for Na 21 → Ne 21 and Mg 23 → Na 23 mirror-nuclei decays using high-precision mass spectrometry with ISOLTRAP at the CERN ISOLDE facility},\n type = {article},\n year = {2019},\n keywords = {doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.100.015502 url:},\n pages = {015502},\n volume = {100},\n websites = {},\n month = {7},\n publisher = {American Physical Society},\n day = {15},\n id = {8a26c5b8-f236-33d9-b87d-3ea8d3b7abb2},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:18.633Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {true},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:37:01.788Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {We report on high-precision QEC values of the Na21→Ne21 and Mg23→Na23 mirror β transitions from mass measurements with ISOLTRAP at the CERN ISOLDE facility. A precision of δm/m=9×10-10 and δm/m=1.5×10-9 was reached for the masses of Na21 and Mg23, respectively. We reduce the uncertainty of the QEC values by a factor of 5, making them the most precise experimental input data for the calculation of the corrected Ft value of these mixed Fermi and Gamow-Teller transitions. For the Na21→Ne21QEC value, a 2.3σ deviation from the literature QEC value was found.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Karthein, J. and Atanasov, D. and Blaum, K. and Breitenfeldt, M. and Bondar, V. and George, S. and Hayen, L. and Lunney, D. and Manea, V. and Mougeot, M. and Neidherr, D. and Schweikhard, L. and Severijns, N. and Welker, A. and Wienholtz, F. and Wolf, R. N. and Zuber, K.},\n doi = {10.1103/PHYSREVC.100.015502/FIGURES/6/MEDIUM},\n journal = {Physical Review C},\n number = {1}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Mass measurements of neutron-rich isotopes near N=20 by in-trap decay with the ISOLTRAP spectrometer},\n type = {article},\n year = {2019},\n keywords = {doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.100.014304 url:},\n pages = {014304},\n volume = {100},\n websites = {},\n month = {7},\n publisher = {American Physical Society},\n day = {8},\n id = {ed769311-5be3-3e5e-b0d1-18948d16e309},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:19.202Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {true},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:37:02.096Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The masses of Si34, Mg33,34, and Al34 have been measured with the ISOLTRAP Penning-trap spectrometer at ISOLDE/CERN. The results are in agreement with previous mass measurements and uncertainties have been decreased. The mass of Al34 was determined in two configurations, one following direct production by the ISOLDE facility, favoring the 4- state, expected to be the ground state, second by in-trap decay of Mg34, followed by recoil-ion trapping, favoring the production of the isomeric 1+ state. A position-sensitive detector was used to clean the ToF-ICR resonance. In addition, the mass of the refractory doubly magic Si34 nucleus was directly measured, using the in-trap decay of Mg34, following two sequential recoil-ion captures. The approach, challenges and conclusions are discussed.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Ascher, P. and Althubiti, N. and Atanasov, D. and Blaum, K. and Cakirli, R. B. and Grévy, S. and Herfurth, F. and Kreim, S. and Lunney, D. and Manea, V. and Neidherr, D. and Rosenbusch, M. and Schweikhard, L. and Welker, A. and Wienholtz, F. and Wolf, R. N. and Zuber, K.},\n doi = {10.1103/PHYSREVC.100.014304/FIGURES/6/MEDIUM},\n journal = {Physical Review C},\n number = {1}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Improved stability of multi-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometers through passive and active voltage stabilization},\n type = {article},\n year = {2019},\n keywords = {ISOLTRAP,MR-ToF MS,Multi-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometry,Short-lived nuclides,Voltage stabilization},\n pages = {348-356},\n volume = {463},\n month = {1},\n publisher = {North-Holland},\n day = {15},\n id = {fc6df617-ff0a-3143-bc7d-e2839337bab7},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:19.715Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:19.715Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Multi-reflection time-of-flight (MR-ToF) spectrometers are devices in which ions are reflected between two electrostatic mirrors to prolong their flight path. The performance of the apparatus relies on the stability of the voltages that are used to define the mirror potentials. Especially the voltage of the mirror electrodes at the point where the ions reverse the direction of their axial motion needs to be stable in order to minimize fluctuations of their total flight time. Here we present a method to increase the short- and long-term stability of suitable voltage supplies for enhanced performance of the spectrometer.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Wienholtz, F. and Blaum, K. and Karthein, J. and Lunney, D. and Malbrunot-Ettenauer, S. and Manea, V. and Mougeot, M. and Schweikhard, L. and Steinsberger, T. and Wolf, R. N.},\n doi = {10.1016/J.NIMB.2019.04.061},\n journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Evaluation of high-precision atomic masses of A ∼ 50–80 and rare-earth nuclides measured with ISOLTRAP},\n type = {article},\n year = {2019},\n keywords = {Hadrons,Heavy Ions,Nuclear Fusion,Nuclear Physics,Particle and Nuclear Physics},\n pages = {1-9},\n volume = {55},\n websites = {},\n month = {6},\n publisher = {Springer},\n day = {21},\n id = {cbaa038f-bfe9-3c8a-9abe-61e882389de6},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:20.276Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {true},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:37:02.386Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {High-precision mass measurements of stable and beta-decaying nuclides 52-57Cr, 55Mn, 56,59Fe, 59Co, 75, 77-79Ga, and the lanthanide nuclides 140Ce, 140Nd, 160Yb, 168Lu, 178Yb have been performed with the Penning-trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP at ISOLDE/CERN. The new data are entered into the Atomic Mass Evaluation and improve the accuracy of masses along the valley of stability, strengthening the so-called backbone. The mass of neutron-deficient 168Lu in its isomeric state has been measured directly. The mass of neutron-rich 178Yb indicates a change of nuclear structure approaching the double harmonic-oscillator shell closure for $ Z=70$ and $ N=112$.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Huang, W. J. and Atanasov, D. and Audi, G. and Blaum, K. and Cakirli, R. B. and Herlert, A. and Kowalska, M. and Kreim, S. and Litvinov, Yu A. and Lunney, D. and Manea, V. and Mougeot, M. and Rosenbusch, M. and Schweikhard, L. and Welker, A. and Wienholtz, F. and Wolf, R. N. and Zuber, K.},\n doi = {10.1140/EPJA/I2019-12775-5},\n journal = {The European Physical Journal A},\n number = {6}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Direct decay-energy measurement as a route to the neutrino mass},\n type = {article},\n year = {2019},\n keywords = {Atomic,Condensed Matter Physics,Hadrons,Heavy Ions,Molecular,Nuclear Physics,Optical and Plasma Physics,Surfaces and Interfaces,Thin Films},\n pages = {1-9},\n volume = {240},\n websites = {},\n month = {6},\n publisher = {Springer},\n day = {12},\n id = {41edcbbd-6b8e-3bdf-990b-6325f270c316},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:20.865Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:20.865Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {A high-precision measurement of the 131Cs→131Xe ground-to-ground-state electron-capture QEC-value was performed using the ISOLTRAP mass spectrometer at ISOLDE/CERN. The novel PI-ICR technique allowed to reach a relative mass precision δm/m of 1.4 ⋅ 10− 9. A mass resolving power m/Δm exceeding 1 ⋅ 107 was obtained in only 1s trapping time. Allowed electron-capture transitions with sub-keV or lower decay energies are of high interest for the direct determination of the νe mass. The new measurement improves the uncertainty on the ground-to-ground-state QEC-value by a factor 25 precluding the 131Cs→131Xe pair as a feasible candidate for the direct determination of the νe mass.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Karthein, J. and Atanasov, D. and Blaum, K. and Eliseev, S. and Filianin, P. and Lunney, D. and Manea, V. and Mougeot, M. and Neidherr, D. and Novikov, Y. and Schweikhard, L. and Welker, A. and Wienholtz, F. and Zuber, K.},\n doi = {10.1007/S10751-019-1601-Z},\n journal = {Hyperfine Interactions},\n number = {1}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Characterization of the shape-staggering effect in mercury nuclei},\n type = {article},\n year = {2018},\n keywords = {Experimental nuclear physics,Theoretical nuclear physics},\n pages = {1163-1167},\n volume = {14},\n websites = {},\n month = {10},\n publisher = {Nature Publishing Group},\n day = {1},\n id = {74eeb017-7cc1-3948-aeb1-52e3521f5520},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:21.473Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:21.473Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {In rare cases, the removal of a single proton (Z) or neutron (N) from an atomic nucleus leads to a dramatic shape change. These instances are crucial for understanding the components of the nuclear interactions that drive deformation. The mercury isotopes (Z = 80) are a striking example1,2: their close neighbours, the lead isotopes (Z = 82), are spherical and steadily shrink with decreasing N. The even-mass (A = N + Z) mercury isotopes follow this trend. The odd-mass mercury isotopes 181,183,185Hg, however, exhibit noticeably larger charge radii. Due to the experimental difficulties of probing extremely neutron-deficient systems, and the computational complexity of modelling such heavy nuclides, the microscopic origin of this unique shape staggering has remained unclear. Here, by applying resonance ionization spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and nuclear spectroscopy as far as 177Hg, we determine 181Hg as the shape-staggering endpoint. By combining our experimental measurements with Monte Carlo shell model calculations, we conclude that this phenomenon results from the interplay between monopole and quadrupole interactions driving a quantum phase transition, for which we identify the participating orbitals. Although shape staggering in the mercury isotopes is a unique and localized feature in the nuclear chart, it nicely illustrates the concurrence of single-particle and collective degrees of freedom at play in atomic nuclei. Spectroscopy and shell model calculations reveal the 181Hg isotope as the endpoint of the shape-staggering of Hg nuclei, a consequence of neutron removal which arises from the interplay of single-particle and collective degrees of freedom.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Marsh, B. A. and Day Goodacre, T. and Sels, S. and Tsunoda, Y. and Andel, B. and Andreyev, A. N. and Althubiti, N. A. and Atanasov, D. and Barzakh, A. E. and Billowes, J. and Blaum, K. and Cocolios, T. E. and Cubiss, J. G. and Dobaczewski, J. and Farooq-Smith, G. J. and Fedorov, D. V. and Fedosseev, V. N. and Flanagan, K. T. and Gaffney, L. P. and Ghys, L. and Huyse, M. and Kreim, S. and Lunney, D. and Lynch, K. M. and Manea, V. and Martinez Palenzuela, Y. and Molkanov, P. L. and Otsuka, T. and Pastore, A. and Rosenbusch, M. and Rossel, R. E. and Rothe, S. and Schweikhard, L. and Seliverstov, M. D. and Spagnoletti, P. and Van Beveren, C. and Van Duppen, P. and Veinhard, M. and Verstraelen, E. and Welker, A. and Wendt, K. and Wienholtz, F. and Wolf, R. N. and Zadvornaya, A. and Zuber, K.},\n doi = {10.1038/s41567-018-0292-8},\n journal = {Nature Physics},\n number = {12}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Precision Mass Measurements of Cr 58-63: Nuclear Collectivity Towards the N=40 Island of Inversion},\n type = {article},\n year = {2018},\n keywords = {doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.232501 url:},\n pages = {232501},\n volume = {120},\n websites = {},\n month = {6},\n publisher = {American Physical Society},\n day = {6},\n id = {5db6bf8a-6c11-3678-970c-38066cb600e4},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:21.957Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {true},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:37:02.706Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The neutron-rich isotopes Cr58-63 were produced for the first time at the ISOLDE facility and their masses were measured with the ISOLTRAP spectrometer. The new values are up to 300 times more precise than those in the literature and indicate significantly different nuclear structure from the new mass-surface trend. A gradual onset of deformation is found in this proton and neutron midshell region, which is a gateway to the second island of inversion around N=40. In addition to comparisons with density-functional theory and large-scale shell-model calculations, we present predictions from the valence-space formulation of the ab initio in-medium similarity renormalization group, the first such results for open-shell chromium isotopes.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Mougeot, M. and Atanasov, D. and Blaum, K. and Chrysalidis, K. and Goodacre, T. Day and Fedorov, D. and Fedosseev, V. and George, S. and Herfurth, F. and Holt, J. D. and Lunney, D. and Manea, V. and Marsh, B. and Neidherr, D. and Rosenbusch, M. and Rothe, S. and Schweikhard, L. and Schwenk, A. and Seiffert, C. and Simonis, J. and Stroberg, S. R. and Welker, A. and Wienholtz, F. and Wolf, R. N. and Zuber, K.},\n doi = {10.1103/PHYSREVLETT.120.232501/FIGURES/3/MEDIUM},\n journal = {Physical Review Letters},\n number = {23}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Spectroscopy of the long-lived excited state in the neutron-deficient nuclides Po 195,197,199 by precision mass measurements},\n type = {article},\n year = {2017},\n pages = {044325},\n volume = {96},\n websites = {},\n month = {10},\n publisher = {American Physical Society},\n day = {27},\n id = {bfa6695c-60f1-3831-a4e5-826c97b3b918},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:22.534Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {true},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:37:03.422Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Direct mass measurements of the low-spin 3/2- and high-spin 13/2+ states in the neutron-deficient isotopes Po195 and Po197 were performed with the Penning-trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP at ISOLDE-CERN. These measurements allow the determination of the excitation energy of the isomeric state arising from the νi13/2 orbital in Po195,197. Additionally, the excitation energy of isomeric states of lead, radon, and radium isotopes in this region were obtained from α-decay chains. These excitation energies complete the knowledge of the energy systematics in the region and confirm that the 13/2+ states remain isomeric, independent of the number of valence neutrons.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Althubiti, N. A. and Atanasov, D. and Blaum, K. and Cocolios, T. E. and Day Goodacre, T. and Farooq-Smith, G. J. and Fedorov, D. V. and Fedosseev, V. N. and George, S. and Herfurth, F. and Heyde, K. and Kreim, S. and Lunney, D. and Lynch, K. M. and Manea, V. and Marsh, B. A. and Neidherr, D. and Rosenbusch, M. and Rossel, R. E. and Rothe, S. and Schweikhard, L. and Seliverstov, M. D. and Welker, A. and Wienholtz, F. and Wolf, R. N. and Zuber, K.},\n doi = {10.1103/PHYSREVC.96.044325/FIGURES/9/MEDIUM},\n journal = {Physical Review C},\n number = {4}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Binding Energy of Cu 79: Probing the Structure of the Doubly Magic Ni 78 from only One Proton Away},\n type = {article},\n year = {2017},\n pages = {192502},\n volume = {119},\n websites = {},\n month = {11},\n publisher = {American Physical Society},\n day = {6},\n id = {23fb3003-768e-315a-86c3-5024b0ff7a69},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:23.106Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {true},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:37:03.817Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The masses of the neutron-rich copper isotopes Cu75-79 are determined using the precision mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP at the CERN-ISOLDE facility. The trend from the new data differs significantly from that of previous results, offering a first accurate view of the mass surface adjacent to the Z=28, N=50 nuclide Ni78 and supporting a doubly magic character. The new masses compare very well with large-scale shell-model calculations that predict shape coexistence in a doubly magic Ni78 and a new island of inversion for Z<28. A coherent picture of this important exotic region begins to emerge where excitations across Z=28 and N=50 form a delicate equilibrium with a spherical mean field.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Welker, A. and Althubiti, N. A.S. and Atanasov, D. and Blaum, K. and Cocolios, T. E. and Herfurth, F. and Kreim, S. and Lunney, D. and Manea, V. and Mougeot, M. and Neidherr, D. and Nowacki, F. and Poves, A. and Rosenbusch, M. and Schweikhard, L. and Wienholtz, F. and Wolf, R. N. and Zuber, K.},\n doi = {10.1103/PHYSREVLETT.119.192502/FIGURES/5/MEDIUM},\n journal = {Physical Review Letters},\n number = {19}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Nuclear deformation in the A≈100 region: Comparison between new masses and mean-field predictions},\n type = {article},\n year = {2017},\n pages = {014310},\n volume = {96},\n websites = {},\n month = {7},\n publisher = {American Physical Society},\n day = {14},\n id = {35323249-6666-3138-a9c4-6c0e1f655314},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:23.665Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {true},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:37:04.205Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {An extension of the atomic mass surface in the region A≈100 was performed via measurements of the Sr100-102 and Rb100-102 masses with the ion-trap spectrometer ISOLTRAP at CERN-ISOLDE, including the first direct mass determination of Sr102 and Rb101,102. These measurements confirm the continuation of the region of deformation with the increase of neutron number, at least as far as N=65. To interpret the deformation in the strontium isotopic chain and to determine whether an onset of deformation is present in heavier krypton isotopes, a comparison is made between the experimental values and mean-field and beyond mean-field results available in the literature. To complete this comparison Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov calculations for even and odd isotopes were performed, illustrating the competition of nuclear shapes in the region.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {De Roubin, A. and Atanasov, D. and Blaum, K. and George, S. and Herfurth, F. and Kisler, D. and Kowalska, M. and Kreim, S. and Lunney, D. and Manea, V. and Minaya Ramirez, E. and Mougeot, M. and Neidherr, D. and Rosenbusch, M. and Schweikhard, L. and Welker, A. and Wienholtz, F. and Wolf, R. N. and Zuber, K.},\n doi = {10.1103/PHYSREVC.96.014310/FIGURES/7/MEDIUM},\n journal = {Physical Review C},\n number = {1}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Penning-trap mass spectrometry and mean-field study of nuclear shape coexistence in the neutron-deficient lead region},\n type = {article},\n year = {2017},\n pages = {054322},\n volume = {95},\n websites = {},\n month = {5},\n publisher = {American Physical Society},\n day = {24},\n id = {0c25c71d-14ca-3549-82ff-35d72d579efd},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:24.231Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {true},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:37:04.589Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {We present a study of nuclear shape coexistence in the region of neutron-deficient lead isotopes. The midshell gold isotopes Au180,185,188,190 (Z=79), the two long-lived nuclear states in At197 (Z=85), and the neutron-rich nuclide At219 were produced by the ISOLDE facility at CERN and their masses were determined with the high-precision Penning-trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP. The studied gold isotopes address the trend of binding energies in a region of the nuclear chart where the nuclear charge radii show pronounced discontinuities. Significant deviations from the atomic-mass evaluation were found for Au188,190. The new trend of two-neutron separation energies is smoother, although it does reveal the onset of deformation. The origin of this effect is interpreted in connection to the odd-even staggering of binding energies, as well as theoretically by Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov calculations including quasiparticle blocking. The role of blocking for reproducing the large odd-even staggering of charge radii in the mercury isotopic chain is illustrated.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Manea, V. and Ascher, P. and Atanasov, D. and Barzakh, A. E. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Borgmann, Ch and Breitenfeldt, M. and Cakirli, R. B. and Cocolios, T. E. and Day Goodacre, T. and Fedorov, D. V. and Fedosseev, V. N. and George, S. and Herfurth, F. and Kowalska, M. and Kreim, S. and Litvinov, Yu A. and Lunney, D. and Marsh, B. and Neidherr, D. and Rosenbusch, M. and Rossel, R. E. and Rothe, S. and Schweikhard, L. and Wienholtz, F. and Wolf, R. N. and Zuber, K.},\n doi = {10.1103/PHYSREVC.95.054322/FIGURES/7/MEDIUM},\n journal = {Physical Review C},\n number = {5}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Mass-selective ion ejection from multi-reflection time-of-flight devices via a pulsed in-trap lift},\n type = {article},\n year = {2017},\n keywords = {Beam purification,Electrostatic ion-beam trap,Ion selection,Mass separation,Multi-reflection time-of-flight mass separation,Short lived nuclei},\n pages = {285-293},\n volume = {421},\n month = {10},\n publisher = {Elsevier},\n day = {1},\n id = {3e10a7ef-535e-3e83-a243-14b47f2442d4},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:24.739Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:24.739Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {A method for high-resolution mass selection is presented which makes use of a multi-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometer with in-trap lift. The new method needs no additional gating or deflection components. The concept is described in detail and demonstrated with both offline and online measurements on short-lived nuclides performed with ISOLTRAP at ISOLDE/CERN.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Wienholtz, F. and Kreim, S. and Rosenbusch, M. and Schweikhard, L. and Wolf, R. N.},\n doi = {10.1016/J.IJMS.2017.07.016},\n journal = {International Journal of Mass Spectrometry}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Precision electron-capture energy in 202Pb and its relevance for neutrino mass determination},\n type = {article},\n year = {2017},\n keywords = {Hadrons,Heavy Ions,Nuclear Fusion,Nuclear Physics,Particle and Nuclear Physics},\n pages = {1-4},\n volume = {53},\n websites = {},\n month = {7},\n publisher = {Springer},\n day = {20},\n id = {43d6d127-0180-353d-a64b-0674c69f3f27},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:25.394Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:25.394Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Within the framework of an extensive programme devoted to the search for alternative candidates for the neutrino mass determination, the atomic mass difference between 202Pb and 202Tl has been measured with the Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP at the ISOLDE facility at CERN. The obtained value \n \n \n \n $ Q_\\rm EC = 38.8(43)$\n \n \n \n keV is three times more precise than the AME2012 value. While it will probably not lead to a replacement of 163Ho in modern experiments on the determination of the electron-neutrino mass, the electron capture in 202Pb would however allow a determination of the electron-neutrino mass on the few-eV level using a cryogenic micro-calorimeter.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Welker, A. and Filianin, P. and Althubiti, N. A.S. and Atanasov, D. and Blaum, K. and Cocolios, T. E. and Eliseev, S. and Herfurth, F. and Kreim, S. and Lunney, D. and Manea, V. and Neidherr, D. and Novikov, Yu and Rosenbusch, M. and Schweikhard, L. and Wienholtz, F. and Wolf, R. N. and Zuber, K.},\n doi = {10.1140/EPJA/I2017-12345-Y},\n journal = {The European Physical Journal A},\n number = {7}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Precision mass measurements of cesium isotopes—new entries in the ISOLTRAP chronicles},\n type = {article},\n year = {2017},\n keywords = {ISOLDE/CERN,atomic masses of cesium isotopes,penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP},\n pages = {044004},\n volume = {44},\n websites = {,},\n month = {2},\n publisher = {IOP Publishing},\n day = {23},\n id = {e56a0323-4d0b-34ab-9f89-4b08b66adec4},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:25.929Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {true},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:37:04.984Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Alkali ion beams are among the most intense produced by the ISOLDE facility. These were the first to be studied by the ISOLTRAP mass spectrometer and ever since, new measurements have been regularly reported. Recently the masses of very neutron-rich and short-lived cesium isotopes were determined at ISOLTRAP. The isotope 148Cs was measured directly for the first time by Penning-trap mass spectrometry. Using the new results, the trend of two-neutron separation energies in the cesium isotopic chain is revealed to be smooth and gradually decreasing, similar to the ones of the barium and xenon isotopic chains. Predictions of selected microscopic models are employed for a discussion of the experimental data in the region.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Atanasov, D. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Borgmann, Ch and Cakirli, R. B. and Eronen, T. and George, S. and Herfurth, F. and Herlert, A. and Kowalska, M. and Kreim, S. and Litvinov, Yu A. and Lunney, D. and Manea, V. and Neidherr, D. and Rosenbusch, M. and Schweikhard, L. and Wienholtz, F. and Wolf, R. N. and Zuber, K.},\n doi = {10.1088/1361-6471/AA5A20},\n journal = {Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics},\n number = {4}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Extending and refining the nuclear mass surface with ISOLTRAP},\n type = {article},\n year = {2017},\n keywords = {ion trapping,mass spectrometry,nuclear physics,trans-plutonian planets},\n pages = {064008},\n volume = {44},\n websites = {,},\n month = {5},\n publisher = {IOP Publishing},\n day = {3},\n id = {cc4c60b5-3c56-3e72-ac46-1d0b770e6af7},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:26.479Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {true},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:37:05.327Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The Penning-trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP has received ISOLDE beams for the past 30 years! Following the move of ISOLDE to the proton-synchrotron booster site, ISOLTRAP has pioneered almost all of the techniques now associated with on-line ion trapping and manipulation for precision measurements of atomic masses. After an introduction on physics motivation, a brief history and description of the ISOLTRAP spectrometer is given, followed by an overview of the numerous developments and scientific results achieved since the previous ISOLDE Laboratory Portrait.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Lunney, D.},\n doi = {10.1088/1361-6471/AA6752},\n journal = {Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics},\n number = {6}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Background-free beta-decay half-life measurements by in-trap decay and high-resolution MR-ToF mass analysis},\n type = {article},\n year = {2016},\n keywords = {Half-life,ISOLTRAP,In-trap decay,Lifetime,Multi-reflection time-of-flight mass separation},\n pages = {275-280},\n volume = {376},\n month = {6},\n publisher = {North-Holland},\n day = {1},\n id = {a840dd94-15cd-37fb-a446-c30d192be24e},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:27.104Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:27.104Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {In-trap decay in ISOLTRAP's radiofrequency quadrupole (RFQ) ion beam cooler and buncher was used to determine the lifetime of short-lived nuclides. After various storage times, the remaining mother nuclides were mass separated from accompanying isobaric contaminations by the multi-reflection time-of-flight mass separator (MR-ToF MS), allowing for a background-free ion counting. A feasibility study with several online measurements shows that the applications of the ISOLTRAP setup can be further extended by exploiting the high resolving power of the MR-ToF MS in combination with in-trap decay and single-ion counting.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Wolf, R. N. and Atanasov, D. and Blaum, K. and Kreim, S. and Lunney, D. and Manea, V. and Rosenbusch, M. and Schweikhard, L. and Welker, A. and Wienholtz, F. and Zuber, K.},\n doi = {10.1016/J.NIMB.2016.01.045},\n journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Towards ultrahigh-resolution multi-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometry at ISOLTRAP},\n type = {article},\n year = {2015},\n keywords = {ion purification,isobar separator,mass resolving power,mass spectrometry,multiple-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometer,nuclear physics},\n pages = {014068},\n volume = {2015},\n websites = {,},\n month = {11},\n publisher = {IOP Publishing},\n day = {26},\n id = {fd45d56c-4844-316d-8ab7-91913da46160},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:27.663Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:27.663Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The mass resolving power of the multi-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometer of ISOLTRAP was studied by monitoring 39K+ signals. A drift tube at the center of the MR-ToF MS allows decreasing or increasing the kinetic energy of the ion bunch, by switching its potential when the ions are traversing it. This offers the possibility of capturing and ejecting ion bunches by controlling a single voltage by the so-called in-trap lift technique. It also allows changing the energy of the trapped ions inside the MR-ToF MS, offering a way to optimize the resolving power of the device. For a fixed number of 2000 laps corresponding to a total ion flight time of about 30 ms, data was accumulated for 100 experimental cycles, adding to a duration of 10 s for each spectrum. Without any subsequent corrections for broadening effects, mass resolving powers in excess of 300 000 (FWHM) were obtained.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Wienholtz, F. and Atanasov, D. and Kreim, S. and Manea, V. and Rosenbusch, M. and Schweikhard, L. and Welker, A. and Wolf, R. N.},\n doi = {10.1088/0031-8949/2015/T166/014068},\n journal = {Physica Scripta},\n number = {T166}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Precision Mass Measurements of Cd 129-131 and Their Impact on Stellar Nucleosynthesis via the Rapid Neutron Capture Process},\n type = {article},\n year = {2015},\n keywords = {0775+h,2630Hj,numbers: 2110Dr},\n pages = {232501},\n volume = {115},\n websites = {},\n month = {12},\n publisher = {American Physical Society},\n day = {2},\n id = {a3137c42-92fd-3c8d-9d8c-35ee90e8daf9},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:28.218Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {true},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:37:05.665Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Masses adjacent to the classical waiting-point nuclide Cd130 have been measured by using the Penning-trap spectrometer ISOLTRAP at ISOLDE/CERN. We find a significant deviation of over 400 keV from earlier values evaluated by using nuclear beta-decay data. The new measurements show the reduction of the N=82 shell gap below the doubly magic Sn132. The nucleosynthesis associated with the ejected wind from type-II supernovae as well as from compact object binary mergers is studied, by using state-of-the-art hydrodynamic simulations. We find a consistent and direct impact of the newly measured masses on the calculated abundances in the A=128-132 region and a reduction of the uncertainties from the precision mass input data.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Atanasov, D. and Ascher, P. and Blaum, K. and Cakirli, R. B. and Cocolios, T. E. and George, S. and Goriely, S. and Herfurth, F. and Janka, H. T. and Just, O. and Kowalska, M. and Kreim, S. and Kisler, D. and Litvinov, Yu A. and Lunney, D. and Manea, V. and Neidherr, D. and Rosenbusch, M. and Schweikhard, L. and Welker, A. and Wienholtz, F. and Wolf, R. N. and Zuber, K.},\n doi = {10.1103/PHYSREVLETT.115.232501/FIGURES/5/MEDIUM},\n journal = {Physical Review Letters},\n number = {23}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Probing the N=32 Shell Closure below the Magic Proton Number Z=20: Mass Measurements of the Exotic Isotopes K},\n type = {article},\n year = {2015},\n pages = {202501},\n volume = {114},\n websites = {},\n month = {5},\n publisher = {American Physical Society},\n day = {20},\n id = {97d76b6c-ccc9-3ddd-8519-46bccae1c6f1},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:28.780Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {true},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:37:06.117Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The recently confirmed neutron-shell closure at N=32 has been investigated for the first time below the magic proton number Z=20 with mass measurements of the exotic isotopes K the latter being the shortest-lived nuclide investigated at the online mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP. The resulting two-neutron separation energies reveal a 3 MeV shell gap at N=32, slightly lower than for Ca52, highlighting the doubly magic nature of this nuclide. Skyrme-Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov and ab initio Gorkov-Green function calculations are challenged by the new measurements but reproduce qualitatively the observed shell effect.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Rosenbusch, M. and Ascher, P. and Atanasov, D. and Barbieri, C. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Borgmann, Ch and Breitenfeldt, M. and Cakirli, R. B. and Cipollone, A. and George, S. and Herfurth, F. and Kowalska, M. and Kreim, S. and Lunney, D. and Manea, V. and Navrátil, P. and Neidherr, D. and Schweikhard, L. and Somà, V. and Stanja, J. and Wienholtz, F. and Wolf, R. N. and Zuber, K.},\n doi = {10.1103/PHYSREVLETT.114.202501/FIGURES/5/MEDIUM},\n journal = {Physical Review Letters},\n number = {20}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Experimental tests of an advanced proton-to-neutron converter at ISOLDE-CERN},\n type = {article},\n year = {2014},\n keywords = {ISOLDE,Isotope separation on-line (ISOL),Proton-to-neutron converter,Radioactive ion beams (RIB),Spallation neutron source},\n pages = {143-148},\n volume = {336},\n month = {10},\n publisher = {North-Holland},\n day = {1},\n id = {c37b8e6a-7758-3c3f-b33c-d75ae9142b70},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:29.340Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {true},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:37:06.548Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The suppression of isobaric contaminations is of growing importance for many scientific programs using radioactive isotopes produced at isotope separation on-line (ISOL) facilities, such as ISOLDE-CERN. A solid tungsten proton-to-neutron converter has been used for ten years to produce neutron-rich fission fragments from an UCx target while suppressing the production of neutron-deficient isobaric contaminants. The remaining contamination is mainly produced by primary protons that are scattered by the heavy neutron converter and finally impinge on the UCx target itself. Therefore, the knowledge of the energy-dependant cross-sections of proton and neutron induced fission events is crucial in order to evaluate future converter concepts. In this paper, an improved neutron converter prototype design is presented together with the experimentally assessed radioisotope production of Rb, Zn, Cu, Ga and In that validate the converter concept aiming at beams of higher purity neutron-rich isotopes. The experimentally derived release efficiencies for isotopes produced by the 1.4 GeV protons available at ISOLDE are used to evaluate the Monte Carlo code FLUKA and the cross-section codes TALYS and ABRABLA, respectively. © 2014 Published by Elsevier B.V.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Gottberg, A. and Mendonca, T. M. and Luis, R. and Ramos, J. P. and Seiffert, C. and Cimmino, S. and Marzari, S. and Crepieux, B. and Manea, V. and Wolf, R. N. and Wienholtz, F. and Kreim, S. and Fedosseev, V. N. and Marsh, B. A. and Rothe, S. and Vaz, P. and Marques, J. G. and Stora, T.},\n doi = {10.1016/J.NIMB.2014.04.026},\n journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Evolution of nuclear ground-state properties of neutron-deficient isotopes around Z=82 from precision mass measurements},\n type = {article},\n year = {2014},\n pages = {044307},\n volume = {90},\n websites = {},\n month = {10},\n publisher = {American Physical Society},\n day = {7},\n id = {1348a3e9-647f-3ab2-8b11-3fef2a2dac1d},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:29.782Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:29.782Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {High-precision mass measurements of neutron-deficient Tl (A=184, 186, 190, 193-195, 198) isotopes as well as Pb (A=202,208), Fr (A=207,208), and Ra (A=224) are performed with the Penning-trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP at ISOLDE/CERN. The improved precision of the mass data now allows the study of subtle odd-even effects. The gradual development of collectivity with the removal of protons from the magic Z=82 core is analyzed by combining the new mass results with nuclear charge-radii data and mean-field model predictions.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Böhm, Ch and Borgmann, Ch and Audi, G. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Breitenfeldt, M. and Cakirli, R. B. and Cocolios, T. E. and Eliseev, S. and George, S. and Herfurth, F. and Herlert, A. and Kowalska, M. and Kreim, S. and Lunney, D. and Manea, V. and Minaya Ramirez, E. and Naimi, S. and Neidherr, D. and Rosenbusch, M. and Schweikhard, L. and Stanja, J. and Wang, M. and Wolf, R. N. and Zuber, K.},\n doi = {10.1103/PHYSREVC.90.044307/FIGURES/7/MEDIUM},\n journal = {Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics},\n number = {4}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Competition between pairing correlations and deformation from the odd-even mass staggering of francium and radium isotopes},\n type = {article},\n year = {2014},\n pages = {024301},\n volume = {90},\n websites = {},\n month = {8},\n publisher = {American Physical Society},\n day = {4},\n id = {9a412387-80aa-3e33-8db2-9f5b1dffdc18},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:30.223Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:30.223Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The masses of Fr222,224,226-233 and Ra233,234 have been determined with the Penning-trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP at the ISOLDE facility at CERN, including the previously unknown mass and half-life of Fr233. We study the evolution of the odd-even staggering of binding energies along the francium and radium isotopic chains and of its lowest-order estimator, Δ3(N). An enhancement of the staggering of Δ3(N) is observed towards neutron number N=146, which points to contributions beyond pairing correlations. These contributions are investigated in the Hartree-Fock and Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov approaches, emphasizing the connections to the single-particle level density and nuclear deformation. © 2014 American Physical Society.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Kreim, S. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Borgmann, Ch and Breitenfeldt, M. and Cocolios, T. E. and Gottberg, A. and Herfurth, F. and Kowalska, M. and Litvinov, Yu A. and Lunney, D. and Manea, V. and Mendonca, T. M. and Naimi, S. and Neidherr, D. and Rosenbusch, M. and Schweikhard, L. and Stora, Th and Wienholtz, F. and Wolf, R. N. and Zuber, K.},\n doi = {10.1103/PHYSREVC.90.024301/FIGURES/7/MEDIUM},\n journal = {Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics},\n number = {2}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Ion bunch stacking in a Penning trap after purification in an electrostatic mirror trap},\n type = {article},\n year = {2014},\n keywords = {Engineering,Lasers,Optical Devices,Optics,Photonics,Physical Chemistry,Physics,Quantum Optics,general},\n pages = {147-155},\n volume = {114},\n websites = {},\n month = {11},\n publisher = {Springer},\n day = {22},\n id = {e8d2f122-533f-3776-b187-6f0d477a70c0},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:30.933Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:30.933Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The success of many measurements in analytical mass spectrometry as well as in precision mass determinations for atomic and nuclear physics is handicapped when the ion sources deliver “contaminations”, i.e., unwanted ions of masses similar to those of the ions of interest. In particular, in ion-trapping devices, large amounts of contaminant ions result in significant systematic errors—if the measurements are possible at all. We present a solution for such cases: The ions from a quasi-continuous source are bunched in a linear radio-frequency-quadrupole ion trap, separated by a multi-reflection time-of-flight section followed by a Bradbury–Nielsen gate, and then captured in a Penning trap. Buffer-gas cooling is used to damp the ion motion in the latter, which allows a repeated opening of the Penning trap for a stacking of mass-selected ion bunches. Proof-of-principle demonstrations have been performed with the ISOLTRAP setup at ISOLDE/CERN, both with 133Cs+ ions from an off-line ion source and by application to an on-line beam of 179Lu+ ions contaminated with 163Dy16O+ ions. In addition, an optimization of the experimental procedure is given, in particular for the number of ion bunches captured as a function of the ions’ lifetimes and the parameters of the experiment\n.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Rosenbusch, M. and Atanasov, D. and Blaum, K. and Borgmann, Ch and Kreim, S. and Lunney, D. and Manea, V. and Schweikhard, L. and Wienholtz, F. and Wolf, R. N.},\n doi = {10.1007/S00340-013-5702-0},\n journal = {Applied Physics B},\n number = {1}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {New developments of the in-source spectroscopy method at RILIS/ISOLDE},\n type = {article},\n year = {2013},\n keywords = {Hyperfine structure,Isotope shift,Laser spectroscopy,Nuclear physics,Rresonance laser ionization},\n pages = {550-556},\n volume = {317},\n month = {12},\n publisher = {North-Holland},\n day = {15},\n id = {fe11c19d-f15a-3812-8046-4abe9e4c0ff9},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:31.516Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:31.516Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {At the CERN ISOLDE facility, long isotope chains of many elements are produced by proton-induced reactions in target materials such as uranium carbide. The Resonance Ionization Laser Ion Source (RILIS) is an efficient and selective means of ionizing the reaction products to produce an ion beam of a chosen isotope. Coupling the RILIS with modern ion detection techniques enables highly sensitive studies of nuclear properties (spins, electromagnetic moments and charge radii) along an isotope chain, provided that the isotope shifts and hyperfine structure splitting of the atomic transitions can be resolved. At ISOLDE the campaign to measure the systematics of isotopes in the lead region (Pb, Bi, Tl and Po) has been extended to include the gold and astatine isotope chains. Several developments were specifically required for the feasibility of the most recent measurements: new ionization schemes (Po, At); a remote controlled narrow line-width mode of operation for the RILIS Ti:sapphire laser (At, Au, Po); isobar free ionization using the Laser Ion Source Trap, LIST (Po); isobar selective particle identification using the multi-reflection time-of-flight mass separator (MR-ToF MS) of ISOLTRAP (Au, At). These are summarized as part of an overview of the current status of the in-source resonance ionization spectroscopy setup at ISOLDE. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Marsh, B. A. and Andel, B. and Andreyev, A. N. and Antalic, S. and Atanasov, D. and Barzakh, A. E. and Bastin, B. and Borgmann, Ch and Capponi, L. and Cocolios, T. E. and Day Goodacre, T. and Dehairs, M. and Derkx, X. and De Witte, H. and Fedorov, D. V. and Fedosseev, V. N. and Focker, G. J. and Fink, D. A. and Flanagan, K. T. and Franchoo, S. and Ghys, L. and Huyse, M. and Imai, N. and Kalaninova, Z. and Köster, U. and Kreim, S. and Kesteloot, N. and Kudryavtsev, Yu and Lane, J. and Lecesne, N. and Liberati, V. and Lunney, D. and Lynch, K. M. and Manea, V. and Molkanov, P. L. and Nicol, T. and Pauwels, D. and Popescu, L. and Radulov, D. and Rapisarda, E. and Rosenbusch, M. and Rossel, R. E. and Rothe, S. and Schweikhard, L. and Seliverstov, M. D. and Sels, S. and Sjödin, A. M. and Truesdale, V. and Van Beveren, C. and Van Duppen, P. and Wendt, K. and Wienholtz, F. and Wolf, R. N. and Zemlyanoy, S. G.},\n doi = {10.1016/J.NIMB.2013.07.070},\n journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms},\n number = {PART B}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Recent exploits of the ISOLTRAP mass spectrometer},\n type = {article},\n year = {2013},\n keywords = {Beam purification,Ion-beam analysis,Measurement of pure ion ensembles,Multi-reflection time-of-flight mass separator,Penning-trap mass spectrometry},\n pages = {492-500},\n volume = {317},\n month = {12},\n publisher = {North-Holland},\n day = {15},\n id = {4dfe1255-53c3-39a5-931b-4d4981aec52e},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:32.311Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:32.311Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The Penning-trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP, located at the isotope-separator facility ISOLDE (CERN), is presented in its current form taking into account technical developments since 2007. Three areas of developments are presented. The reference ion sources have been modified to guarantee a sufficient supply of reference ions for mass measurements and systematic studies. Different excitation schemes have been investigated for manipulation of the ion motion in the Penning trap, to enhance either the purification or measurement process. A multi-reflection time-of-flight mass separator has been implemented and can now be routinely used for purification and as a versatile tool for beam analysis. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Kreim, S. and Atanasov, D. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Böhm, Ch and Borgmann, Ch and Breitenfeldt, M. and Cocolios, T. E. and Fink, D. and George, S. and Herlert, A. and Kellerbauer, A. and Köster, U. and Kowalska, M. and Lunney, D. and Manea, V. and Minaya Ramirez, E. and Naimi, S. and Neidherr, D. and Nicol, T. and Rossel, R. E. and Rosenbusch, M. and Schweikhard, L. and Stanja, J. and Wienholtz, F. and Wolf, R. N. and Zuber, K.},\n doi = {10.1016/J.NIMB.2013.07.072},\n journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms},\n number = {PART B}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Collective degrees of freedom of neutron-rich A≈100 nuclei and the first mass measurement of the short-lived nuclide 100Rb},\n type = {article},\n year = {2013},\n pages = {054322},\n volume = {88},\n websites = {},\n month = {11},\n publisher = {American Physical Society},\n day = {25},\n id = {e3724073-87cc-399a-8070-2ec106362e4e},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:33.025Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:33.025Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The mass surface in the A∼100 region of the nuclear chart is extended by the measurement of the 98-100Rb isotopes with the Penning-trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP at ISOLDE/CERN. The mass of 100Rb is determined for the first time. The studied nuclides mark the known low-Z frontier of the shape transition at N=60. To describe the shape evolution towards the krypton isotopic chain, a theoretical analysis is presented in the framework of the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov approach. The importance of the pairing interaction for describing the extent and strength of the region of quadrupole deformation is emphasized. A later transition to large prolate deformation or, alternatively, the predominance of oblate deformation is proposed as explanation for the different behavior of the krypton isotopes. Octupole collectivity is explored as a possible mechanism for the evolution of two-neutron separation energies around N=56. © 2013 American Physical Society.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Manea, V. and Atanasov, D. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Borgmann, C. and Cakirli, R. B. and Eronen, T. and George, S. and Herfurth, F. and Herlert, A. and Kowalska, M. and Kreim, S. and Litvinov, Yu A. and Lunney, D. and Neidherr, D. and Rosenbusch, M. and Schweikhard, L. and Wienholtz, F. and Wolf, R. N. and Zuber, K.},\n doi = {10.1103/PHYSREVC.88.054322/FIGURES/6/MEDIUM},\n journal = {Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics},\n number = {5}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Mass spectrometry and decay spectroscopy of isomers across the Z=82 shell closure},\n type = {article},\n year = {2013},\n pages = {054304},\n volume = {88},\n websites = {},\n month = {11},\n publisher = {American Physical Society},\n day = {6},\n id = {2c264c05-ce41-331d-8732-bbe0d3469d41},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:33.711Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:33.711Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Recent results from a measurement campaign studying the isomerism in neutron-deficient Tl isotopes are presented. The measurements make use of a nuclear spectroscopy setup coupled to the high-resolution Penning-trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP at CERN's radioactive ion-beam facility ISOLDE. The mass values of 190,194Tl are improved and a mass-spin-state assignment is carried out. An additional mass measurement of the grandparent nuclide 198At allows the deduction of the spin-state ordering in 190Tl. As a result, the excitation energies of the isomers in both Tl isotopes are determined for the first time to Eex(194Tl)=260(15) keV and E ex(190Tl)=89(12) keV. Furthermore, this allows anchoring of the ground-state and isomer masses of 194Bi, 202Fr, and 206Ac, which are linked by two independent α-decay chains. © 2013 American Physical Society.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Stanja, J. and Borgmann, Ch and Agramunt, J. and Algora, A. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Böhm, Ch and Breitenfeldt, M. and Cocolios, T. E. and Fraile, L. M. and Herfurth, F. and Herlert, A. and Kowalska, M. and Kreim, S. and Lunney, D. and Manea, V. and Minaya Ramirez, E. and Naimi, S. and Neidherr, D. and Rosenbusch, M. and Schweikhard, L. and Simpson, G. and Wienholtz, F. and Wolf, R. N. and Zuber, K.},\n doi = {10.1103/PHYSREVC.88.054304/FIGURES/8/MEDIUM},\n journal = {Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics},\n number = {5}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {ISOLTRAP's multi-reflection time-of-flight mass separator/spectrometer},\n type = {article},\n year = {2013},\n keywords = {ISOLTRAP,Isobar purification,Mr-ToF mass separator,Penning trap mass spectrometer,Radioactive ion beam},\n pages = {123-133},\n volume = {349-350},\n month = {9},\n publisher = {Elsevier},\n day = {1},\n id = {711aa3bf-de2b-3883-8a25-e652ce2abe54},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:34.347Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:34.347Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The online precision mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP at ISOLDE/CERN was recently upgraded by adding a multi-reflection time-of-flight mass separator/ spectrometer (MR-ToF MS) between the linear radio-frequency ion trap and the two Penning traps already in place. As a mass separator, the MR-ToF device has improved significantly ISOLTRAP's capability of purification of contaminated ion beams. In addition, the MR-ToF MS can be operated as a mass spectrometer, either to analyze the ISOLDE ion beam or for precision mass measurements of nuclides that are shorter-lived or that have lower yields than those accessible for Penning-trap mass spectrometry. The MR-ToF MS and corresponding components, its integration into ISOLTRAP, and its various operation modes are reviewed. Furthermore, a precision measurement of the 137Eu mass is presented, determined with the help of the MR-ToF device as a mass separator. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Wolf, R. N. and Wienholtz, F. and Atanasov, D. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Borgmann, Ch and Herfurth, F. and Kowalska, M. and Kreim, S. and Litvinov, Yu A. and Lunney, D. and Manea, V. and Neidherr, D. and Rosenbusch, M. and Schweikhard, L. and Stanja, J. and Zuber, K.},\n doi = {10.1016/J.IJMS.2013.03.020},\n journal = {International Journal of Mass Spectrometry},\n number = {1}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Masses of exotic calcium isotopes pin down nuclear forces},\n type = {article},\n year = {2013},\n keywords = {Experimental nuclear physics,Theoretical nuclear physics},\n pages = {346-349},\n volume = {498},\n websites = {},\n month = {6},\n publisher = {Nature Publishing Group},\n day = {19},\n id = {9e3da749-3c5b-3eed-94a8-c5e0d276851c},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:34.809Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:34.809Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The masses of the exotic calcium isotopes 53Ca and 54Ca measured by a multi-reflection time-of-flight method confirm predictions of calculations including nuclear three-body interactions. The calcium atom provides an ideal system for the study of nuclear shell evolution, from the valley of stability to the limits of existence. Although predictions for the masses of the neutron-rich isotopes 51Ca and 52Ca have been tested by direct measurements, it is an open question as to how nuclear masses evolve for heavier calcium isotopes. Frank Wienholtz and colleagues report the mass determination of the exotic calcium isotopes 53Ca and 54Ca, using a multi-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometer. The results provide key information for theoretical models and show that a description of extreme neutron-rich nuclei can be closely connected to a deeper understanding of nuclear forces. The properties of exotic nuclei on the verge of existence play a fundamental part in our understanding of nuclear interactions1. Exceedingly neutron-rich nuclei become sensitive to new aspects of nuclear forces2. Calcium, with its doubly magic isotopes 40Ca and 48Ca, is an ideal test for nuclear shell evolution, from the valley of stability to the limits of existence. With a closed proton shell, the calcium isotopes mark the frontier for calculations with three-nucleon forces from chiral effective field theory3,4,5,6. Whereas predictions for the masses of 51Ca and 52Ca have been validated by direct measurements4, it is an open question as to how nuclear masses evolve for heavier calcium isotopes. Here we report the mass determination of the exotic calcium isotopes 53Ca and 54Ca, using the multi-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometer7 of ISOLTRAP at CERN. The measured masses unambiguously establish a prominent shell closure at neutron number N = 32, in excellent agreement with our theoretical calculations. These results increase our understanding of neutron-rich matter and pin down the subtle components of nuclear forces that are at the forefront of theoretical developments constrained by quantum chromodynamics8.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Wienholtz, F. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Borgmann, Ch and Breitenfeldt, M. and Cakirli, R. B. and George, S. and Herfurth, F. and Holt, J. D. and Kowalska, M. and Kreim, S. and Lunney, D. and Manea, V. and Menéndez, J. and Neidherr, D. and Rosenbusch, M. and Schweikhard, L. and Schwenk, A. and Simonis, J. and Stanja, J. and Wolf, R. N. and Zuber, K.},\n doi = {10.1038/nature12226},\n journal = {Nature},\n number = {7454}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Plumbing neutron stars to new depths with the binding energy of the exotic nuclide Zn82},\n type = {article},\n year = {2013},\n pages = {041101},\n volume = {110},\n websites = {},\n month = {1},\n publisher = {American Physical Society},\n day = {22},\n id = {ebb89068-7b6c-34b1-960c-1052c427b633},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:35.350Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:35.350Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Modeling the composition of neutron-star crusts depends strongly on binding energies of neutron-rich nuclides near the N=50 and N=82 shell closures. Using a recent development of time-of-flight mass spectrometry for on-line purification of radioactive ion beams to access more exotic species, we have determined for the first time the mass of Zn82 with the ISOLTRAP setup at the ISOLDE-CERN facility. With a robust neutron-star model based on nuclear energy-density-functional theory, we solve the general relativistic Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equations and calculate the neutron-star crust composition based on the new experimental mass. The composition profile is not only altered but now constrained by experimental data deeper into the crust than before. © 2013 American Physical Society.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Wolf, R. N. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Böhm, Ch and Borgmann, Ch and Breitenfeldt, M. and Chamel, N. and Goriely, S. and Herfurth, F. and Kowalska, M. and Kreim, S. and Lunney, D. and Manea, V. and Minaya Ramirez, E. and Naimi, S. and Neidherr, D. and Rosenbusch, M. and Schweikhard, L. and Stanja, J. and Wienholtz, F. and Zuber, K.},\n doi = {10.1103/PHYSREVLETT.110.041101/FIGURES/3/MEDIUM},\n journal = {Physical Review Letters},\n number = {4}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Recoil-ion trapping for precision mass measurements},\n type = {article},\n year = {2012},\n keywords = {Hadrons,Heavy Ions,Nuclear Fusion,Nuclear Physics,Particle and Nuclear Physics},\n pages = {1-12},\n volume = {48},\n websites = {},\n month = {7},\n publisher = {Springer},\n day = {26},\n id = {06da319f-9863-3606-b095-dc52a18d2324},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:35.886Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:35.886Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {For the first time masses of recoiling daughter ions have been measured that were held after beta-decay in a buffer-gas-filled Penning trap. From the masses of the trapped beta-decaying manganese ions 61-63Mn+ and the daughter recoil-ions 61-63Fe+ the Q values of 61-63Mn have been deduced with absolute uncertainties of about 5keV. The observed yields of iron ions are compared to the results from simulations, which confirm a recoil-ion trapping efficiency of about 50%.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Herlert, A. and van Gorp, S. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Breitenfeldt, M. and Cakirli, R. B. and George, S. and Hager, U. and Herfurth, F. and Kellerbauer, A. and Lunney, D. and Savreux, R. and Schweikhard, L. and Yazidjian, C.},\n doi = {10.1140/EPJA/I2012-12097-2},\n journal = {The European Physical Journal A},\n number = {7}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Surveying the N=40 island of inversion with new manganese masses},\n type = {article},\n year = {2012},\n pages = {014325},\n volume = {86},\n websites = {},\n month = {7},\n publisher = {American Physical Society},\n day = {20},\n id = {fb048782-e76c-3dfe-a226-1d9917977239},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:36.447Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:36.447Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {High-precision mass measurements of neutron-rich 57-66Mn and 61-63Fe isotopes are reported. The new mass surface shows no shell closure at N=40. In contrast, there is an increase of the two-neutron separation energy at N=38. This behavior is consistent with the onset of collectivity due to the occupation of intruder states from higher orbits, in analogy with the well known "island of inversion" around N=20. Our results indicate that the neutron-rich Mn isotopes, starting from 63Mn, are most likely within the new island of inversion. From the new mass surface, we evaluate the empirical proton-neutron interaction and the pairing gap, both playing a significant role in the structural changes in this region. © 2012 American Physical Society.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Naimi, S. and Audi, G. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Böhm, Ch and Borgmann, Ch and Breitenfeldt, M. and George, S. and Herfurth, F. and Herlert, A. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kowalska, M. and Lunney, D. and Minaya Ramirez, E. and Neidherr, D. and Rosenbusch, M. and Schweikhard, L. and Wolf, R. N. and Zuber, K.},\n doi = {10.1103/PHYSREVC.86.014325/FIGURES/6/MEDIUM},\n journal = {Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics},\n number = {1}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Buffer-gas-free mass-selective ion centering in Penning traps by simultaneous dipolar excitation of magnetron motion and quadrupolar excitation for interconversion between magnetron and cyclotron motion},\n type = {article},\n year = {2012},\n keywords = {Mass-selective ion centering,Penning trap,Simultaneous excitation},\n pages = {51-57},\n volume = {325-327},\n month = {7},\n publisher = {Elsevier},\n day = {1},\n id = {39b423ef-3d3b-3c68-bca4-b955a13096eb},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:36.972Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:36.972Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {A new excitation scheme of the radial ion-motional modes is introduced for Penning-trap ion-cyclotron-resonance experiments. By simultaneous dipolar excitation of the magnetron motion and resonant quadrupolar excitation for the conversion between magnetron motion and cyclotron motion, a mass-selective recentering of the ions of interest is performed while all other (contaminant) ions are ejected from the trap. This new technique does not rely on the application of a buffer gas as presently used [G. Savard, St. Becker, G. Bollen, H.-J. Kluge, R.B. Moore, Th. Otto, L. Schweikhard, H. Stolzenberg, U. Wiess, Physics Letters A 158 (1991) 247] and will thus prevent charge-exchange reactions and damping of the motion that decreases mass resolving power. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Rosenbusch, M. and Blaum, K. and Borgmann, Ch and Kreim, S. and Kretzschmar, M. and Lunney, D. and Schweikhard, L. and Wienholtz, F. and Wolf, R. N.},\n doi = {10.1016/J.IJMS.2012.06.008},\n journal = {International Journal of Mass Spectrometry}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Trap-assisted decay spectroscopy with ISOLTRAP},\n type = {article},\n year = {2012},\n keywords = {Penning trap mass spectrometers,Studies at ISOL-type facilities,Trap-assisted decay spectroscopy},\n pages = {102-107},\n volume = {689},\n month = {10},\n publisher = {North-Holland},\n day = {11},\n id = {478ca0f9-2deb-393c-abdd-6b2ba36feccb},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:37.513Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:37.513Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Penning traps are excellent high-precision mass spectrometers for radionuclides. The high-resolving power used for cleaning isobaric and even isomeric contaminants can be exploited to improve decay-spectroscopy studies by delivering purified samples. An apparatus allowing trap-assisted decay spectroscopy has been coupled to the ISOLTRAP mass spectrometer at ISOLDE/CERN. The results from studies with stable and radioactive ions show that the setup can be used to perform decay studies on purified short-lived nuclides and to assist mass measurements. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Kowalska, M. and Naimi, S. and Agramunt, J. and Algora, A. and Beck, D. and Blank, B. and Blaum, K. and Böhm, Ch and Borgmann, Ch and Breitenfeldt, M. and Fraile, L. M. and George, S. and Herfurth, F. and Herlert, A. and Kreim, S. and Lunney, D. and Minaya-Ramirez, E. and Neidherr, D. and Rosenbusch, M. and Rubio, B. and Schweikhard, L. and Stanja, J. and Zuber, K.},\n doi = {10.1016/J.NIMA.2012.04.059},\n journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {On-line separation of short-lived nuclei by a multi-reflection time-of-flight device},\n type = {article},\n year = {2012},\n keywords = {ISOLTRAP,Isobar purification,MR-ToF mass separator,Mass spectrometer,Penning trap,RIB},\n pages = {82-90},\n volume = {686},\n month = {9},\n publisher = {North-Holland},\n day = {11},\n id = {57f2da65-80e3-3794-9cd5-8d61f3969d4c},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:38.108Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:38.108Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {A multi-reflection time-of-flight (MR-ToF) mass analyzer has been integrated into ISOLTRAP, the precision mass spectrometer for on-line mass determinations of short-lived nuclides at ISOLDE/CERN. The new instrument improves ISOLTRAP by providing a fast separation of isobaric contaminant species as well as subsequent ion selection using the fast Bradbury-Nielsen gate. Suppression ratios of up to 10 4 and mass-resolving powers of over 10 5 have been reached in off-line experiments. Preliminary data from on-line applications illustrate the benefit and performance of the device and its potential in the context of the ISOLTRAP setup. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Wolf, R. N. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Böhm, Ch and Borgmann, Ch and Breitenfeldt, M. and Herfurth, F. and Herlert, A. and Kowalska, M. and Kreim, S. and Lunney, D. and Naimi, S. and Neidherr, D. and Rosenbusch, M. and Schweikhard, L. and Stanja, J. and Wienholtz, F. and Zuber, K.},\n doi = {10.1016/J.NIMA.2012.05.067},\n journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Q value and half-lives for the double-βdecay nuclide Pd110},\n type = {article},\n year = {2012},\n pages = {062502},\n volume = {108},\n websites = {},\n month = {2},\n publisher = {American Physical Society},\n day = {10},\n id = {c3e8b48c-e9ae-3054-be22-3e8ba8162bc4},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:38.647Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:38.647Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The Pd110 double-β decay Q value was measured with the Penning-trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP to be Q=2017.85(64)keV. This value shifted by 14 keV compared with the literature value and is 17 times more precise, resulting in new phase-space factors for the two-neutrino and neutrinoless decay modes. In addition a new set of the relevant matrix elements has been calculated. The expected half-life of the two-neutrino mode was reevaluated as 1.5(6)×1020yr. With its high natural abundance, the new results reveal Pd110 to be an excellent candidate for double-β decay studies. © 2012 American Physical Society.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Fink, D. and Barea, J. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Böhm, Ch and Borgmann, Ch and Breitenfeldt, M. and Herfurth, F. and Herlert, A. and Kotila, J. and Kowalska, M. and Kreim, S. and Lunney, D. and Naimi, S. and Rosenbusch, M. and Schwarz, S. and Schweikhard, L. and Šimkovic, F. and Stanja, J. and Zuber, K.},\n doi = {10.1103/PHYSREVLETT.108.062502/FIGURES/3/MEDIUM},\n journal = {Physical Review Letters},\n number = {6}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {A study of octupolar excitation for mass-selective centering in Penning traps},\n type = {article},\n year = {2012},\n keywords = {Mass-selective ion centering,Octupolar excitation,Penning trap},\n pages = {6-12},\n volume = {314},\n month = {3},\n publisher = {Elsevier},\n day = {15},\n id = {f82720dd-0d70-3e7d-b6c7-09de71739423},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:39.227Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:39.227Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Octupolar excitation has been investigated with respect to mass-selective ion centering in buffer-gas filled Penning traps for the isolation of an ion species of interest. To this end, off-line test measurements have been performed with the preparation Penning trap of the mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP located at ISOLDE/CERN including a comparison with the conventional quadrupolar excitation. The experimental results are compared to numerical simulations of ions under influence of quadrupolar and octupolar excitation. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Rosenbusch, M. and Böhm, Ch and Borgmann, Ch and Breitenfeldt, M. and Herlert, A. and Kowalska, M. and Kreim, S. and Marx, G. and Naimi, S. and Neidherr, D. and Schneider, R. and Schweikhard, L.},\n doi = {10.1016/J.IJMS.2012.01.002},\n journal = {International Journal of Mass Spectrometry}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Static-mirror ion capture and time focusing for electrostatic ion-beam traps and multi-reflection time-of-flight mass analyzers by use of an in-trap potential lift},\n type = {article},\n year = {2012},\n pages = {8-14},\n volume = {313},\n month = {3},\n id = {1918247a-c434-30e5-b6f7-7d48acfe76c4},\n created = {2024-05-07T16:11:07.848Z},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {457b77a6-0c72-3a5f-b581-b54c97c524f4},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2024-05-07T16:11:07.848Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Wolf, Robert N. and Marx, Gerrit and Rosenbusch, Marco and Schweikhard, Lutz},\n doi = {10.1016/j.ijms.2011.12.006},\n journal = {International Journal of Mass Spectrometry}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Cadmium mass measurements between the neutron shell closures at N = 50 and 82},\n type = {article},\n year = {2011},\n keywords = {cyclotrons,isotope separation,neutrons,particle traps},\n pages = {332},\n volume = {1377},\n websites = {},\n month = {10},\n publisher = {American Institute of PhysicsAIP},\n day = {31},\n id = {03068014-5c0a-38a0-ac69-7a691c053f6f},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:39.894Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:39.894Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The mass values of the neutron‐deficient cadmium isotopes 99–109Cd and of the neutron‐rich isotopes 114,120,122–124,126,128Cd have been measured using ISOLTRAP. The behavior of the separation energ...},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Borgmann, Ch and Breitenfeldt, M. and Audi, G. and Baruah, S. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Böhm, Ch and Cakirli, R. B. and Casten, R. F. and Delahaye, P. and Dworschak, M. and George, S. and Herfurth, F. and Herlert, A. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kowalska, M. and Kreim, S. and Lunney, D. and Minaya-Ramirez, E. and Naimi, S. and Neidherr, D. and Rosenbusch, M. and Savreux, R. and Schwarz, S. and Schweikhard, L. and Yazidjian, C.},\n doi = {10.1063/1.3628403},\n journal = {AIP Conference Proceedings},\n number = {1}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Measurements of ground-state properties for nuclear structure studies by precision mass and laser spectroscopy},\n type = {article},\n year = {2011},\n pages = {092001},\n volume = {312},\n websites = {,},\n month = {9},\n publisher = {IOP Publishing},\n day = {23},\n id = {a7957aff-18ac-3c9e-bde5-86f69ef5791c},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:40.451Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {true},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:37:07.482Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Atomic physics techniques like Penning-trap and storage-ring mass spectrometry as well as laser spectroscopy have provided sensitive high-precision tools for detailed studies of nuclear ground-state properties far from the valley of β-stability. Mass, moment and nuclear charge radius measurements in long isotopic and isotonic chains have allowed extraction of nuclear structure information such as halos, shell and subshell closures, the onset of deformation, and the coexistence of nuclear shapes at nearly degenerate energies. This review covers experimental precision techniques to study nuclear ground-state properties and some of the most recent results for nuclear structure studies.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Blaum, K. and Block, M. and Cakirli, R. B. and Eliseev, S. and Kowalska, M. and Kreim, S. and Litvinov, Y. A. and Nagy, Sz and Nörtershäuser, W. and Yordanov, D. T.},\n doi = {10.1088/1742-6596/312/9/092001},\n journal = {Journal of Physics: Conference Series},\n number = {9}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Mass measurements of short-lived nuclides using the Isoltrap preparation Penning trap},\n type = {article},\n year = {2011},\n keywords = {Atomic,Condensed Matter Physics,Hadrons,Heavy Ions,Molecular,Nuclear Physics,Optical and Plasma Physics,Surfaces and Interfaces,Thin Films},\n pages = {231-240},\n volume = {199},\n websites = {},\n month = {5},\n publisher = {Springer},\n day = {4},\n id = {7847caa6-a86b-3b19-974a-dd95d420688e},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:41.001Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:41.001Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {For exotic nuclear species, short decay half-lives make precision mass measurements particularly challenging. Combining isobaric purification and the mass measurement in the same trap may offer an interesting compromise between losses due to half-life and measurement precision. Here we discuss a mass measurement performed in a preparation Penning trap, and perform a study of the resonance lineshape.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Naimi, S. and Rosenbusch, M. and Audi, G. and Blaum, K. and Böhm, Ch and Borgmann, Ch and Breitenfeldt, M. and George, S. and Herfurth, F. and Herlert, A. and Kowalska, M. and Kreim, S. and Lunney, D. and Minaya-Ramirez, E. and Neidherr, D. and Schweikhard, L. and Wang, M.},\n doi = {10.1007/S10751-011-0318-4},\n journal = {Hyperfine Interactions},\n number = {1}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {New mass data for the rp-process above Z = 32},\n type = {article},\n year = {2011},\n keywords = {Hadrons,Heavy Ions,Nuclear Fusion,Nuclear Physics,Particle and Nuclear Physics},\n pages = {1-9},\n volume = {47},\n websites = {},\n month = {6},\n publisher = {Springer},\n day = {13},\n id = {8ffcaba4-494d-3890-8603-cad807481eb3},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:41.458Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:41.458Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {High-accuracy mass measurements have been performed with the Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP at ISOLDE/CERN. The short-lived nuclides 70, 71, 72, 73Se , 72, 73, 74, 75Br , and 98, 99, 100, 101, 103Ag have been measured with an average uncertainty of a few keV. The data are important input for nucleosynthesis calculations of the rp-process beyond Z = 32 .},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Herfurth, F. and Audi, G. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Bollen, G. and Delahaye, P. and Dworschak, M. and George, S. and Guénaut, C. and Kellerbauer, A. and Lunney, D. and Mukherjee, M. and Rahaman, S. and Schwarz, S. and Schweikhard, L. and Weber, C. and Yazidjian, C.},\n doi = {10.1140/EPJA/I2011-11075-6},\n journal = {The European Physical Journal A},\n number = {6}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Effects of space charge on the mass purification in Penning traps},\n type = {article},\n year = {2011},\n keywords = {Atomic,Condensed Matter Physics,Hadrons,Heavy Ions,Molecular,Nuclear Physics,Optical and Plasma Physics,Surfaces and Interfaces,Thin Films},\n pages = {211-220},\n volume = {199},\n websites = {},\n month = {4},\n publisher = {Springer},\n day = {13},\n id = {8a8ee195-9405-3519-bdb0-6b935f1d1039},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:42.019Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:42.019Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The influence of space charge on the mass selection of ions stored in a Penning trap was investigated with the ISOLTRAP experiment at CERN/ISOLDE. A mixture of 85,87Rb + ions has been used to probe the change of the experimental parameters, e.g. frequencies and amplitudes of the radiofrequency excitations, as a function of the number of ions present in the trap.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Herlert, Alexander and Borgmann, Christopher and Fink, Daniel and Christensen, Christian Holm and Kowalska, Magdalena and Naimi, Sarah},\n doi = {10.1007/S10751-011-0316-6},\n journal = {Hyperfine Interactions 2011},\n number = {1}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Damping effects in Penning trap mass spectrometry},\n type = {article},\n year = {2011},\n keywords = {Ion motion,Mass spectrometry,Penning trap},\n pages = {102-112},\n volume = {299},\n month = {1},\n publisher = {Elsevier},\n day = {15},\n id = {439dad3e-a92a-3839-b4f5-1c7f757b9064},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:42.618Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:42.618Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Collisions of ions with residual gas atoms in a Penning trap can have a strong influence on the trajectories of the ions, depending on the atom species and the gas pressure. We report on investigations of damping effects in time-of-flight ion-cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry with the Penning trap mass spectrometers ISOLTRAP at ISOLDE/CERN (Geneva, Switzerland) and SHIPTRAP at GSI (Darmstadt, Germany). The work focuses on the interconversion of the magnetron and cyclotron motional modes, in particular the modification of the resonance profiles for quadrupolar excitation due to the damping effect of the residual gas. Extensive experiments have been performed with standard and Ramsey excitation schemes. The results are in good agreement with predictions obtained by analytical continuation of the formulae for the undamped case. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {George, S. and Blaum, K. and Block, M. and Breitenfeldt, M. and Dworschak, M. and Herfurth, F. and Herlert, A. and Kowalska, M. and Kretzschmar, M. and Ramirez, E. Minaya and Neidherr, D. and Schwarz, S. and Schweikhard, L.},\n doi = {10.1016/J.IJMS.2010.09.030},\n journal = {International Journal of Mass Spectrometry},\n number = {2-3}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Direct mass measurements of 194Hg and 194Au: A new route to the neutrino mass determination?},\n type = {article},\n year = {2010},\n keywords = {Atomic masses,Mass spectrometry,Neutrino mass,Penning trap},\n pages = {426-429},\n volume = {693},\n month = {10},\n publisher = {North-Holland},\n day = {11},\n id = {35e085c0-0405-3fd6-a4e7-78cb728c87c5},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:43.108Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {true},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:37:07.986Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The study of nuclear electron capture (EC) offers an exciting alternative for the determination of the neutrino mass. Whereas only tritium and 187Re can be used in the case of β-decay experiments involving the anti-neutrino, a potentially large number of EC-nuclides can be used in experiments involving the monochromatic neutrino. This alternative to β-decay experiments requires an accurate measurement of QEC-values of appropriate candidates. In the present work we initiate a search for such a candidate and determined the QEC-value of the electron capture in 194Hg by direct mass measurements of 194Hg and 194Au. The new QEC-value of 29(4) keV determined by the ISOLTRAP Penning-trap mass spectrometer at ISOLDE/CERN forbids the K-capture for 194Hg. However, it allows a determination of the neutrino mass by a combination of a micro-calorimetric measurement of the de-excitation spectrum from L-capture in 194Hg and a comparable QEC-value remeasurement by high-precision Penning trap mass spectrometry. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Eliseev, S. and Böhm, C. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Breitenfeldt, M. and Fedosseev, V. N. and George, S. and Herfurth, F. and Herlert, A. and Kluge, H. J. and Kowalska, M. and Lunney, D. and Naimi, S. and Neidherr, D. and Novikov, Yu N. and Rosenbusch, M. and Schweikhard, L. and Schwarz, S. and Seliverstov, M. and Zuber, K.},\n doi = {10.1016/J.PHYSLETB.2010.08.071},\n journal = {Physics Letters B},\n number = {4}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Critical-point boundary for the nuclear quantum phase transition near A=100 from Mass measurements of Kr96,97},\n type = {article},\n year = {2010},\n pages = {032502},\n volume = {105},\n websites = {},\n month = {7},\n publisher = {American Physical Society},\n day = {16},\n id = {ba299cc6-f6b6-35f4-9a04-cd4fec441c13},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:43.670Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:43.670Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Mass measurements of Kr96,97 using the ISOLTRAP Penning-trap spectrometer at CERN-ISOLDE are reported, extending the mass surface beyond N=60 for Z=36. These new results show behavior in sharp contrast to the heavier neighbors where a sudden and intense deformation is present. We interpret this as the establishment of a nuclear quantum phase transition critical-point boundary. The new masses confirm findings from nuclear mean-square charge-radius measurements up to N=60 but are at variance with conclusions from recent gamma-ray spectroscopy. © 2010 The American Physical Society.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Naimi, S. and Audi, G. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Böhm, Ch and Borgmann, Ch and Breitenfeldt, M. and George, S. and Herfurth, F. and Herlert, A. and Kowalska, M. and Kreim, S. and Lunney, D. and Neidherr, D. and Rosenbusch, M. and Schwarz, S. and Schweikhard, L. and Zuber, K.},\n doi = {10.1103/PHYSREVLETT.105.032502/FIGURES/2/MEDIUM},\n journal = {Physical Review Letters},\n number = {3}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Approaching the N=82 shell closure with mass measurements of Ag and Cd isotopes},\n type = {article},\n year = {2010},\n pages = {034313},\n volume = {81},\n websites = {},\n month = {3},\n publisher = {American Physical Society},\n day = {26},\n id = {df27bfc6-99f0-3e13-812a-a2037b15de2b},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:44.165Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:44.165Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Mass measurements of neutron-rich Cd and Ag isotopes were performed with the Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP. The masses of 112 ,114-124Ag and 114,120,122 -124,126,128Cd, determined with relative uncertainties between 2×10-8 and 2×10-7, resulted in significant corrections and improvements of the mass surface. In particular, the mass of Ag124 was previously unknown. In addition, other masses that had to be inferred from Q values of nuclear decays and reactions have now been measured directly. The analysis includes various mass differences, namely the two-neutron separation energies, the applicability of the Garvey-Kelson relations, double differences of masses δVpn, which give empirical proton-neutron interaction strengths, as well as a comparison with recent microscopic calculations. The δVpn results reveal that for even-even nuclides around Sn132 the trends are similar to those in the Pb208 region. © 2010 The American Physical Society.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Breitenfeldt, M. and Borgmann, Ch and Audi, G. and Baruah, S. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Böhm, Ch and Cakirli, R. B. and Casten, R. F. and Delahaye, P. and Dworschak, M. and George, S. and Herfurth, F. and Herlert, A. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kowalska, M. and Lunney, D. and Minaya-Ramirez, E. and Naimi, S. and Neidherr, D. and Rosenbusch, M. and Savreux, R. and Schwarz, S. and Schweikhard, L. and Yazidjian, C.},\n doi = {10.1103/PHYSREVC.81.034313/FIGURES/7/MEDIUM},\n journal = {Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics},\n number = {3}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {ISOLTRAP results 2006–2009},\n type = {article},\n year = {2010},\n keywords = {Atomic,Condensed Matter Physics,Hadrons,Heavy Ions,Molecular,Nuclear Physics,Optical and Plasma Physics,Surfaces and Interfaces,Thin Films},\n pages = {199-203},\n volume = {196},\n websites = {},\n month = {1},\n publisher = {Springer},\n day = {22},\n id = {e4740294-4d2e-3b2d-8c3f-a326d793fc57},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:44.623Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {true},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:37:08.400Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Since 2006 the ISOLTRAP mass spectrometer has provided high-precision masses of many short-lived nuclides located all across the nuclear chart with half-lives down to a few 10 ms. These nuclides range from the two-proton halo candidate 17Ne, via the neutron-rich magic 80Zn and 132Sn, up to 229Rn which was identified for the first time. The results show that ISOLTRAP is a versatile tool well suited to address physics topics such as nuclear structure, stellar nucleosynthesis, or the weak interaction.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Kowalska, Magdalena},\n doi = {10.1007/S10751-009-0140-4},\n journal = {Hyperfine Interactions},\n number = {1}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {High-precision Penning-trap mass measurements of heavy xenon isotopes for nuclear structure studies},\n type = {article},\n year = {2009},\n pages = {044323},\n volume = {80},\n websites = {},\n month = {10},\n publisher = {American Physical Society},\n day = {21},\n id = {032d1ae3-ff3b-3189-bc06-f0cec0f78748},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:45.185Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:45.185Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {With the double Penning-trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP at ISOLDE/CERN the masses of the neutron-rich isotopes Xe136-146 were measured with a relative uncertainty of the order of 10-8 to 10-7. In particular, the masses of Xe144-146 were measured for the first time. These new mass values allow one to extend calculations of the mass surface in this region. Proton-Neutron interaction strength, obtained from double differences of binding energies, relate to subtle structural effects, such as the onset of octupole correlations, the growth of collectivity, and its relation to the underlying shell model levels. In addition, they provide a test of density functional calculations. © 2009 The American Physical Society.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Neidherr, D. and Cakirli, R. B. and Audi, G. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Böhm, Ch and Breitenfeldt, M. and Casten, R. F. and George, S. and Herfurth, F. and Herlert, A. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kowalska, M. and Lunney, D. and Minaya-Ramirez, E. and Naimi, S. and Rosenbusch, M. and Schwarz, S. and Schweikhard, L.},\n doi = {10.1103/PHYSREVC.80.044323/FIGURES/7/MEDIUM},\n journal = {Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics},\n number = {4}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Penning trap mass measurements of Cd99-109 with the ISOLTRAP mass spectrometer, and implications for the rp process},\n type = {article},\n year = {2009},\n pages = {035805},\n volume = {80},\n websites = {},\n month = {9},\n publisher = {American Physical Society},\n day = {23},\n id = {9f274a8c-74c7-3fe0-9fa2-6e5ae603c2cb},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:45.741Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:45.741Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Penning trap mass measurements of neutron-deficient Cd isotopes Cd99-109 have been performed with the ISOLTRAP mass spectrometer at ISOLDE/CERN, all with relative mass uncertainties below 3•10-8. A new mass evaluation has been performed. The mass of Cd99 has been determined for the first time, which extends the region of accurately known mass values toward the doubly magic nucleus Sn100. The implication of the results on the reaction path of the rp process in stellar x-ray bursts is discussed. In particular, the uncertainty of the abundance and the overproduction created by the rp-process for the mass A=99 are demonstrated by reducing the uncertainty of the proton-separation energy of In100Sp(In100) by a factor of 2.5. © 2009 The American Physical Society.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Breitenfeldt, M. and Audi, G. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and George, S. and Herfurth, F. and Herlert, A. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kluge, H. J. and Kowalska, M. and Lunney, D. and Naimi, S. and Neidherr, D. and Schatz, H. and Schwarz, S. and Schweikhard, L.},\n doi = {10.1103/PHYSREVC.80.035805/FIGURES/9/MEDIUM},\n journal = {Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics},\n number = {3}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Neutron Drip‐Line Topography},\n type = {article},\n year = {2009},\n keywords = {density functional theory,shell model (nuclear),topography, surface},\n pages = {94},\n volume = {1165},\n websites = {},\n month = {9},\n publisher = {American Institute of PhysicsAIP},\n day = {2},\n id = {5442608c-d61f-3ff7-a780-4acce807abd4},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:46.311Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:46.311Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The development of microscopic mass models is a crucial ingredient for the understanding of how most of the elements of our world were fabricated. Confidence in drip‐line predictions of such models...},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Minaya Rainirez, E. and Audi, G. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Bohm, Ch and Borgmann, C. and Breitenfeldt, M. and Chamel, N. and George, S. and Goriely, S. and Herfurth, F. and Herlert, A. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kowalska, M. and Lunney, D. and Naimi, S. and Neidherr, D. and Pearson, J. M. and Rosenbusch, M. and Schwarz, S. and Schweikhard, L.},\n doi = {10.1063/1.3232162},\n journal = {AIP Conference Proceedings},\n number = {1}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Preparing a journey to the east of 208Pb with ISOLTRAP: Isobaric purification at A = 209 and new masses for 211-213Fr and 211Ra},\n type = {article},\n year = {2009},\n keywords = {Hadrons,Heavy Ions,Nuclear Fusion,Nuclear Physics,Particle and Nuclear Physics},\n pages = {351-359},\n volume = {42},\n websites = {},\n month = {7},\n publisher = {Springer},\n day = {26},\n id = {e546424c-74e8-3e8d-981f-48188b501f1d},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:46.921Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:46.921Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {With the Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP, located at ISOLDE/CERN, preparatory work has been performed towards mass and decay studies on neutron-rich Hg and Tl isotopes beyond N = 126 . The properties of these isotopes are not well known because of large isobaric contamination coming mainly from surface-ionised Fr. Within the studies, production tests using several target-ion source combinations were performed. It was furthermore demonstrated around mass number A = 209 that the resolving power required to purify Fr is achievable with ISOLTRAP. In addition, masses of several isobaric contaminants, 211-213Fr and 211Ra , were determined with a three-fold improved precision. The results influence masses of more than 20 other nuclides in the 208Pb region.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Kowalska, M. and Naimi, S. and Agramunt, J. and Algora, A. and Audi, G. and Beck, D. and Blank, B. and Blaum, K. and Böhm, Ch and Breitenfeldt, M. and Estevez, E. and Fraile, L. M. and George, S. and Herfurth, F. and Herlert, A. and Kellerbauer, A. and Lunney, D. and Minaya-Ramirez, E. and Neidherr, D. and Olaizola, B. and Riisager, K. and Rosenbusch, M. and Rubio, B. and Schwarz, S. and Schweikhard, L. and Warring, U.},\n doi = {10.1140/EPJA/I2009-10835-1},\n journal = {The European Physical Journal A},\n number = {3}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Investigation of Space‐Charge Phenomena in Gas‐Filled Penning Traps},\n type = {article},\n year = {2009},\n keywords = {Penning discharges,mass spectrometers,quadrupole coupling},\n pages = {185},\n volume = {1114},\n websites = {},\n month = {4},\n publisher = {American Institute of PhysicsAIP},\n day = {3},\n id = {d4496983-a283-38be-b80c-75ba34bbfb15},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:47.546Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:47.546Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The centering of ions in Penning traps by a quadrupolar radiofrequency excitation in the presence of a buffer gas has been studied in the regime of high charge‐densities. It is found to deviate sig...},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Sturm, Sven and Blaum, Klaus and Breitenfeldt, Martin and Delahaye, Pierre and Herlert, Alexander and Schweikhard, Lutz and Wenander, Fredrik},\n doi = {10.1063/1.3122282},\n journal = {AIP Conference Proceedings},\n number = {1}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Discovery of Rn229 and the structure of the heaviest Rn and Ra isotopes from penning-trap mass measurements},\n type = {article},\n year = {2009},\n pages = {112501},\n volume = {102},\n websites = {},\n month = {3},\n publisher = {American Physical Society},\n day = {19},\n id = {b8877038-f5a3-3187-99ab-3383015bfc68},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:48.147Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:48.147Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The masses of the neutron-rich radon isotopes Rn223-229 have been determined for the first time, using the ISOLTRAP setup at CERN ISOLDE. In addition, this experiment marks the first discovery of a new nuclide, Rn229, by Penning-trap mass measurement. The new, high-accuracy data allow a fine examination of the mass surface, via the valence-nucleon interaction δVpn. The results reveal intriguing behavior, possibly reflecting either a N=134 subshell closure or an octupolar deformation in this region. © 2009 The American Physical Society.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Neidherr, D. and Audi, G. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Böhm, Ch and Breitenfeldt, M. and Cakirli, R. B. and Casten, R. F. and George, S. and Herfurth, F. and Herlert, A. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kowalska, M. and Lunney, D. and Minaya-Ramirez, E. and Naimi, S. and Noah, E. and Penescu, L. and Rosenbusch, M. and Schwarz, S. and Schweikhard, L. and Stora, T.},\n doi = {10.1103/PHYSREVLETT.102.112501/FIGURES/4/MEDIUM},\n journal = {Physical Review Letters},\n number = {11}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Electric and magnetic field optimization procedure for Penning trap mass spectrometers},\n type = {article},\n year = {2008},\n keywords = {High-precision mass measurements,Ion motion,Optimization,Penning trap},\n pages = {635-641},\n volume = {598},\n month = {1},\n publisher = {North-Holland},\n day = {11},\n id = {a54eb564-922a-32a7-af4f-74a6a059b37b},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:48.609Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:48.609Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Significant systematic errors in high-precision Penning trap mass spectrometry can result from electric- and magnetic-field imperfections. An experimental procedure to minimize these uncertainties is presented for the on-line Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP, located at ISOLDE/CERN. The deviations from the ideal magnetic and electric fields are probed by measuring the cyclotron frequency and the reduced cyclotron frequency, respectively, of stored ions as a function of the time between the ejection of ions from the preparation trap and their capture in the precision trap, which influences the energy of their axial motion. The correction parameters are adjusted to minimize the frequency shifts. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Bollen, G. and Delahaye, P. and George, S. and Guénaut, C. and Herfurth, F. and Herlert, A. and Lunney, D. and Schweikhard, L. and Yazidjian, C.},\n doi = {10.1016/J.NIMA.2008.09.019},\n journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment},\n number = {2}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Mass measurements beyond the major r-process waiting point Zn80},\n type = {article},\n year = {2008},\n pages = {262501},\n volume = {101},\n websites = {},\n month = {12},\n publisher = {American Physical Society},\n day = {22},\n id = {5f82a569-6aae-3df9-9f37-331a9a847f18},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:49.166Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:49.166Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {High-precision mass measurements on neutron-rich zinc isotopes Zn71m,72-81 have been performed with the Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP. For the first time, the mass of Zn81 has been experimentally determined. This makes Zn80 the first of the few major waiting points along the path of the astrophysical rapid neutron-capture process where neutron-separation energy and neutron-capture Q-value are determined experimentally. The astrophysical conditions required for this waiting point and its associated abundance signatures to occur in r-process models can now be mapped precisely. The measurements also confirm the robustness of the N=50 shell closure for Z=30. © 2008 The American Physical Society.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Baruah, S. and Audi, G. and Blaum, K. and Dworschak, M. and George, S. and Guénaut, C. and Hager, U. and Herfurth, F. and Herlert, A. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kluge, H. J. and Lunney, D. and Schatz, H. and Schweikhard, L. and Yazidjian, C.},\n doi = {10.1103/PHYSREVLETT.101.262501/FIGURES/3/MEDIUM},\n journal = {Physical Review Letters},\n number = {26}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Masses and charge radii of Ne17-22 and the two-proton-halo candidate Ne17},\n type = {article},\n year = {2008},\n pages = {252502},\n volume = {101},\n websites = {},\n month = {12},\n publisher = {American Physical Society},\n day = {15},\n id = {b21117e4-ecf9-3f9c-bcf0-0425a17f6911},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:49.791Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:49.791Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {High-precision mass and charge radius measurements on Ne17-22, including the proton-halo candidate Ne17, have been performed with Penning trap mass spectrometry and collinear laser spectroscopy. The Ne17 mass uncertainty is improved by factor 50, and the charge radii of Ne17-19 are determined for the first time. The fermionic molecular dynamics model explains the pronounced changes in the ground-state structure. It attributes the large charge radius of Ne17 to an extended proton configuration with an s2 component of about 40%. In Ne18 the smaller radius is due to a significantly smaller s2 component. The radii increase again for Ne19-22 due to cluster admixtures. © 2008 The American Physical Society.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Geithner, W. and Neff, T. and Audi, G. and Blaum, K. and Delahaye, P. and Feldmeier, H. and George, S. and Guénaut, C. and Herfurth, F. and Herlert, A. and Kappertz, S. and Keim, M. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kluge, H. J. and Kowalska, M. and Lievens, P. and Lunney, D. and Marinova, K. and Neugart, R. and Schweikhard, L. and Wilbert, S. and Yazidjian, C.},\n doi = {10.1103/PHYSREVLETT.101.252502/FIGURES/3/MEDIUM},\n journal = {Physical Review Letters},\n number = {25}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Time-separated oscillatory fields for high-precision mass measurements on short-lived Al and Ca nuclides},\n type = {article},\n year = {2008},\n pages = {50005},\n volume = {82},\n websites = {,},\n month = {5},\n publisher = {IOP Publishing},\n day = {27},\n id = {a4d50d29-0e13-3115-b459-0d2e14b06044},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:50.290Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:50.290Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {High-precision Penning trap mass measurements on the stable nuclide 27Al as well as on the short-lived radionuclides 26Al and 38,39Ca have been performed by use of radiofrequency excitation with time-separated oscillatory fields, i.e.Ramsey's method, recently extended to Penning trap mass measurements of radioactive isotopes. A comparison with the conventional method of a single continuous excitation demonstrates the advantage of up to ten times shorter measurements. The new mass values of 26,27Al are compared to literature values and clarify conflicting data in this mass region. In addition, the resulting mass values of the superallowed β-emitter 38Ca as well as of the ground state of the β-emitter 26Alm confirm previous measurements. Copyright © EPLA, 2008.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {George, S. and Audi, G. and Blank, B. and Blaum, K. and Breitenfeldt, M. and Hager, U. and Herfurth, F. and Herlert, A. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kluge, H. J. and Kretzschmar, M. and Lunney, D. and Savreux, R. and Schwarz, S. and Schweikhard, L. and Yazidjian, C.},\n doi = {10.1209/0295-5075/82/50005},\n journal = {Europhysics Letters},\n number = {5}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Atomic mass measurements of short-lived nuclides around the doubly-magic 208Pb},\n type = {article},\n year = {2008},\n keywords = {145,147Cs,181,183Tl,186Tlm,187Tlm,190Bim,191,193,195,197,209,215,216Bi,192Bim,194Bim,196Bim,196Tlm,197Pbm,203,205,229Fr,205Tl,208Pb,214,229,230Ra,Atomic masses,masses using the ISOLTRAP Penning trap mass spectrometer,measured},\n pages = {1-29},\n volume = {803},\n month = {4},\n publisher = {North-Holland},\n day = {15},\n id = {b34f9190-c0c9-3807-80aa-a7e0174e2f08},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:50.819Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:50.819Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Accurate atomic mass measurements of neutron-deficient and neutron-rich nuclides around the doubly-magic 208Pb and of neutron-rich cesium isotopes were performed with the Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP at ISOLDE/CERN. The masses of 145,147Cs, 181,183Tl, 186Tlm, 187Tlm, 196Tlm, 205Tl, 197Pbm, 208Pb, 190-197Bi, 209,215,216Bi, 203,205,229Fr, and 214,229,230Ra were determined. The obtained relative mass uncertainty in the range of 2 × 10-7 to 2 × 10-8 is not only required for safe identification of isomeric states but also allows mapping the detailed structure of the mass surface. A mass adjustment procedure was carried out and the results included into the Atomic Mass Evaluation. The resulting separation energies are discussed and the mass spectrometric and laser spectroscopic data are examined for possible correlations. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Weber, C. and Audi, G. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Bollen, G. and Herfurth, F. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kluge, H. J. and Lunney, D. and Schwarz, S.},\n doi = {10.1016/J.NUCLPHYSA.2007.12.014},\n journal = {Nuclear Physics A},\n number = {1-2}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Towards a magnetic field stabilization at ISOLTRAP for high-accuracy mass measurements on exotic nuclides},\n type = {article},\n year = {2008},\n keywords = {Magnetic field,Penning trap,Precision mass spectrometry,Stabilization},\n pages = {464-473},\n volume = {587},\n month = {3},\n publisher = {North-Holland},\n day = {21},\n id = {1d367ea8-de7f-3274-9d67-3442bb9bcd24},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:51.360Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:51.360Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The field stability of a mass spectrometer plays a crucial role in the accuracy of mass measurements. In the case of mass determination of short-lived nuclides with a Penning trap, major causes of fluctuations are temperature variations in the vicinity of the trap and pressure changes in the liquid helium cryostat of the superconducting magnet. Thus systems for the temperature and pressure stabilization of the Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP at the ISOLDE facility at CERN have been installed. A reduction of the temperature and pressure fluctuations by at least an order of magnitude down to Δ T ≈ ± 5 mK and Δ p ≈ ± 5 Pa has been achieved, which corresponds to a relative magnetic field change of Δ B / B = 2.7 × 10- 9 and 1.1 × 10- 10, respectively. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Marie-Jeanne, M. and Alonso, J. and Blaum, K. and Djekic, S. and Dworschak, M. and Hager, U. and Herlert, A. and Nagy, Sz and Savreux, R. and Schweikhard, L. and Stahl, S. and Yazidjian, C.},\n doi = {10.1016/J.NIMA.2008.01.061},\n journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment},\n number = {2-3}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Mass measurements and evaluation around A = 22},\n type = {article},\n year = {2008},\n keywords = {Hadrons,Heavy Ions,Nuclear Fusion,Nuclear Physics,Particle and Nuclear Physics},\n pages = {31-37},\n volume = {35},\n websites = {},\n month = {2},\n publisher = {Springer},\n day = {27},\n id = {cbc1bb18-54b0-34ff-8a5b-117e26f051e4},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:51.910Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:51.910Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Frequency ratio measurements with different combinations of the singly charged ions from 21, 22, 23Na , 22, 24Mg , and 37, 39K were performed at the on-line Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP, CERN, Geneva. The masses and mass differences were deduced with a relative uncertainty of about or even below one part in 108 for the ions of interest using a least-squares analysis of all measured relations. The results have direct consequences for weak-interaction study as they give additional input to the test of CVC, and for nuclear astrophysics, because they help to establish the minimum observable signal for a NeNa cycle in a nova burst. We report here about the measurements and the detailed evaluation.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Mukherjee, M. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Bollen, G. and Delahaye, P. and Dilling, J. and George, S. and Guénaut, C. and Herfurth, F. and Herlert, A. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kluge, H. -J. and Köster, U. and Lunney, D. and Schwarz, S. and Schweikhard, L. and Yazidjian, C.},\n doi = {10.1140/EPJA/I2007-10523-2},\n journal = {The European Physical Journal A},\n number = {1}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {ISOLTRAP: An on-line Penning trap for mass spectrometry on short-lived nuclides},\n type = {article},\n year = {2008},\n keywords = {Hadrons,Heavy Ions,Nuclear Fusion,Nuclear Physics,Particle and Nuclear Physics},\n pages = {1-29},\n volume = {35},\n websites = {},\n month = {2},\n publisher = {Springer},\n day = {27},\n id = {04877acd-6d22-3b92-aa9a-f4f7d1d4a9bb},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:52.359Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {true},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:37:08.979Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {ISOLTRAP is a Penning trap mass spectrometer for high-precision mass measurements on short-lived nuclides installed at the on-line isotope separator ISOLDE at CERN. The masses of close to 300 radionuclides have been determined up to now. The applicability of Penning trap mass spectrometry to mass measurements of exotic nuclei has been extended considerably at ISOLTRAP by improving and developing this double Penning trap mass spectrometer over the past two decades. The accurate determination of nuclear binding energies far from stability includes nuclei that are produced at rates less than 100 ions/s and with half-lives well below 100ms. The mass-resolving power reaches 107 corresponding to 10keV for medium heavy nuclei and the uncertainty of the resulting mass values has been pushed down to below 10-8. The article describes technical developments achieved since 1996 and the present performance of ISOLTRAP.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Mukherjee, M. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Bollen, G. and Dilling, J. and George, S. and Herfurth, F. and Herlert, A. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kluge, H. -J. and Schwarz, S. and Schweikhard, L. and Yazidjian, C.},\n doi = {10.1140/EPJA/I2007-10528-9},\n journal = {The European Physical Journal A},\n number = {1}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Restoration of the N=82 shell gap from direct mass measurements of Sn132,134},\n type = {article},\n year = {2008},\n pages = {072501},\n volume = {100},\n websites = {},\n month = {2},\n publisher = {American Physical Society},\n day = {28},\n id = {3eb576cd-4a9d-3800-97d3-7032068d7097},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:52.900Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:52.900Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {A high-precision direct Penning trap mass measurement has revealed a 0.5-MeV deviation of the binding energy of Sn134 from the currently accepted value. The corrected mass assignment of this neutron-rich nuclide restores the neutron-shell gap at N=82, previously considered to be a case of "shell quenching." In fact, the new shell gap value for the short-lived Sn132 is larger than that of the doubly magic Ca48 which is stable. The N=82 shell gap has considerable impact on fission recycling during the r process. More generally, the new finding has important consequences for microscopic mean-field theories which systematically deviate from the measured binding energies of closed-shell nuclides. © 2008 The American Physical Society.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Dworschak, M. and Audi, G. and Blaum, K. and Delahaye, P. and George, S. and Hager, U. and Herfurth, F. and Herlert, A. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kluge, H. J. and Lunney, D. and Schweikhard, L. and Yazidjian, C.},\n doi = {10.1103/PHYSREVLETT.100.072501/FIGURES/3/MEDIUM},\n journal = {Physical Review Letters},\n number = {7}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {High-precision masses of neutron-deficient rubidium isotopes using a Penning trap mass spectrometer},\n type = {article},\n year = {2007},\n pages = {045504},\n volume = {76},\n websites = {},\n month = {10},\n publisher = {American Physical Society},\n day = {30},\n id = {619722f2-d118-3e26-b11f-c1f3e657d112},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:53.441Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:53.441Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The atomic masses of the neutron-deficient radioactive rubidium isotopes Rb74-77,79,80,83 have been measured with the Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP. Using the time-of-flight cyclotron resonance technique, relative mass uncertainties ranging from 1.6×10-8 to 5.6×10-8 were achieved. In all cases, the mass precision was significantly improved as compared with the prior Atomic-Mass Evaluation; no significant deviations from the literature values were observed. The exotic nuclide Rb74, with a half-life of only 65 ms, is the shortest-lived nuclide on which a high-precision mass measurement in a Penning trap has been carried out. The significance of these measurements for a check of the conserved-vector-current hypothesis of the weak interaction and the unitarity of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix is discussed. © 2007 The American Physical Society.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Kellerbauer, A. and Audi, G. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Bollen, G. and Guénaut, C. and Herfurth, F. and Herlert, A. and Kluge, H. J. and Lunney, D. and Schwarz, S. and Schweikhard, L. and Weber, C. and Yazidjian, C.},\n doi = {10.1103/PHYSREVC.76.045504/FIGURES/4/MEDIUM},\n journal = {Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics},\n number = {4}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Evidence for a breakdown of the isobaric multiplet mass equation: A study of the A=35,T=3/2 isospin quartet},\n type = {article},\n year = {2007},\n pages = {024308},\n volume = {76},\n websites = {},\n month = {8},\n publisher = {American Physical Society},\n day = {8},\n id = {1068acb3-63cf-35c3-b536-4ad9ef33a642},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:53.973Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:53.973Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Mass measurements on radionuclides along the potassium isotope chain have been performed with the ISOLTRAP Penning trap mass spectrometer. For K35 (T1/2=178 ms) to K46 (T1/2=105 s) relative mass uncertainties of 2×10-8 and better have been achieved. The accurate mass determination of K35 (δm=0.54 keV) has been exploited to test the isobaric multiplet mass equation for the A=35,T=3/2 isospin quartet. The experimental results indicate a deviation from the generally adopted quadratic form. © 2007 The American Physical Society.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Yazidjian, C. and Audi, G. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and George, S. and Guénaut, C. and Herfurth, F. and Herlert, A. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kluge, H. J. and Lunney, D. and Schweikhard, L.},\n doi = {10.1103/PHYSREVC.76.024308/FIGURES/4/MEDIUM},\n journal = {Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics},\n number = {2}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Die Ramsey-Methode in der Präzisions-Massenspektrometrie},\n type = {article},\n year = {2007},\n pages = {163-164},\n volume = {38},\n websites = {,,},\n month = {7},\n publisher = {John Wiley & Sons, Ltd},\n day = {1},\n id = {48ce7f96-334a-3e47-aae1-590fb96926e3},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:54.548Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:54.548Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {George, Sebastian and Blaum, Klaus and Kretzschmar, Martin and Schweikhard, Lutz},\n doi = {10.1002/PIUZ.200790042},\n journal = {Physik in unserer Zeit},\n number = {4}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {The Ramsey method in high-precision mass spectrometry with Penning traps: Experimental results},\n type = {article},\n year = {2007},\n keywords = {Ion motion,Mass spectrometry,Penning trap,Ramsey excitation},\n pages = {110-121},\n volume = {264},\n month = {7},\n publisher = {Elsevier},\n day = {1},\n id = {1dece5a7-6001-34e4-8e52-438f2e4f1c2c},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:54.993Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:54.993Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The highest precision in direct mass measurements is obtained with Penning trap mass spectrometry. Most experiments use the interconversion of the magnetron and cyclotron motional modes of the stored ion due to excitation by external radiofrequency-quadrupole fields. In this work a new excitation scheme, Ramsey's method of time-separated oscillatory fields, has been successfully tested. It has been shown to reduce significantly the uncertainty in the determination of the cyclotron frequency and thus of the ion mass of interest. The theoretical description of the ion motion excited with Ramsey's method in a Penning trap and subsequently the calculation of the resonance line shapes for different excitation times, pulse structures, and detunings of the quadrupole field has been carried out in a quantum mechanical framework and is discussed in detail in the preceding article in this journal by M. Kretzschmar. Here, the new excitation technique has been applied with the ISOLTRAP mass spectrometer at ISOLDE/CERN for mass measurements on stable as well as short-lived nuclides. The experimental resonances are in agreement with the theoretical predictions and a precision gain more than a factor of three was achieved compared to the use of the conventional excitation technique. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {George, S. and Blaum, K. and Herfurth, F. and Herlert, A. and Kretzschmar, M. and Nagy, S. and Schwarz, S. and Schweikhard, L. and Yazidjian, C.},\n doi = {10.1016/J.IJMS.2007.04.003},\n journal = {International Journal of Mass Spectrometry},\n number = {2-3}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Ramsey method of separated oscillatory fields for high-precision penning trap mass spectrometry},\n type = {article},\n year = {2007},\n pages = {162501},\n volume = {98},\n websites = {},\n month = {4},\n publisher = {American Physical Society},\n day = {16},\n id = {f76d62e4-e560-327e-abb9-9b896bd6a6db},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:55.531Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:55.531Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Ramsey's method of separated oscillatory fields is applied to the excitation of the cyclotron motion of short-lived ions in a Penning trap to improve the precision of their measured mass values. The theoretical description of the extracted ion-cyclotron-resonance line shape is derived and its correctness demonstrated experimentally by measuring the mass of the short-lived Ca38 nuclide with an uncertainty of 1.1×10-8 using the Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP at CERN. The mass of the superallowed beta emitter Ca38 contributes for testing the theoretical corrections of the conserved-vector- current hypothesis of the electroweak interaction. It is shown that the Ramsey method applied to Penning trap mass measurements yields a statistical uncertainty similar to that obtained by the conventional technique but 10 times faster. Thus the technique is a new powerful tool for high-precision mass measurements. © 2007 The American Physical Society.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {George, S. and Baruah, S. and Blank, B. and Blaum, K. and Breitenfeldt, M. and Hager, U. and Herfurth, F. and Herlert, A. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kluge, H. J. and Kretzschmar, M. and Lunney, D. and Savreux, R. and Schwarz, S. and Schweikhard, L. and Yazidjian, C.},\n doi = {10.1103/PHYSREVLETT.98.162501/FIGURES/4/MEDIUM},\n journal = {Physical Review Letters},\n number = {16}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {High-precision mass measurements of nickel, copper, and gallium isotopes and the purported shell closure at N=40},\n type = {article},\n year = {2007},\n pages = {044303},\n volume = {75},\n websites = {},\n month = {4},\n publisher = {American Physical Society},\n day = {9},\n id = {43ec90ce-513d-3bfb-b798-3c768bbee0ce},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:56.087Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:56.087Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {High-precision mass measurements of more than 30 neutron-rich nuclides around the Z=28 closed proton shell were performed with the triple-trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP at ISOLDE/CERN to address the question of a possible neutron shell closure at N=40. The results for Ni57,60,64-69 (Z=28), Cu65-74,76 (Z=29), and Ga63-65,68-78 (Z=31) have a relative uncertainty of the order of 10-8. In particular, the mass of Cu76 was measured for the first time. We analyze the resulting mass surface for signs of magicity, comparing the behavior of N=40 with that of known magic numbers and with midshell behavior. While the classic indications from the mass surface show no evidence for a shell closure at N=40, there is evidence for a weak-and very localized-effect for Z=28, consistent with findings from nuclear spectroscopy studies. © 2007 The American Physical Society.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Guénaut, C. and Audi, G. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Bollen, G. and Delahaye, P. and Herfurth, F. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kluge, H. J. and Libert, J. and Lunney, D. and Schwarz, S. and Schweikhard, L. and Yazidjian, C.},\n doi = {10.1103/PHYSREVC.75.044303/FIGURES/12/MEDIUM},\n journal = {Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics},\n number = {4}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {A new Channeltron-detector setup for precision mass measurements at ISOLTRAP},\n type = {article},\n year = {2006},\n keywords = {Atomic,Condensed Matter Physics,Hadrons,Heavy Ions,Molecular,Nuclear Physics,Optical and Plasma Physics,Surfaces and Interfaces,Thin Films},\n pages = {181-193},\n volume = {173},\n websites = {},\n month = {6},\n publisher = {Springer},\n day = {14},\n id = {7b735981-abf5-39c8-8c26-7689c6df1d11},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:56.592Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:56.592Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Recent technical developments at ISOLTRAP include the design, installation and characterization of a new Channeltron-detector setup in order to increase the detection efficiency by about a factor of 3. Since a detection efficiency close to 100% is reached, true single-ion experiments can be performed for the first time and exotic nuclides further away from the valley of stability with lower production yields and/or shorter half-lives as compared to previous investigations are accessible.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Yazidjian, C. and Blaum, K. and Ferrer, R. and Herfurth, F. and Herlert, A. and Schweikhard, L.},\n doi = {10.1007/S10751-007-9555-Y},\n journal = {Hyperfine Interactions},\n number = {1}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Towards a nuclear charge radius determination for beryllium isotopes},\n type = {article},\n year = {2006},\n keywords = {Atomic,Condensed Matter Physics,Hadrons,Heavy Ions,Molecular,Nuclear Physics,Optical and Plasma Physics,Surfaces and Interfaces,Thin Films},\n pages = {189-195},\n volume = {171},\n websites = {},\n month = {2},\n publisher = {Springer},\n day = {1},\n id = {5b751adc-7750-3b82-9441-c08897091e43},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:57.124Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:57.124Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {We propose determination of isotope shifts for radioactive beryllium isotopes using laser cooled ions in a linear radio frequency (RF) trap. Based on these measurements, combined with precise mass shift calculations, it will be possible to extract model-independent nuclear charge radii of 7,9,10Be and the one-neutron halo 11Be with precision better than 3%. Radioactive beryllium isotopes produced at ISOLDE and ionized with a laser ion source will be cooled and bunched in the radio frequency quadrupole buncher of ISOLTRAP. Ion temperatures will be reduced to the mK range by sympathetic cooling with co-trapped laser cooled ions in a specially designed two-stage linear RF trap. Resonances will be detected via fluorescence and frequencies measured with a femtosecond frequency comb.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Žáková, M. and Geppert, Ch and Herlert, A. and Kluge, H. J. and Sánchez, R. and Schmidt-Kaler, F. and Tiedemann, D. and Zimmermann, C. and Nörtershäuser, W.},\n doi = {10.1007/S10751-006-9490-3},\n journal = {Hyperfine Interactions},\n number = {1}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Penning trap mass spectrometry for nuclear structure studies},\n type = {article},\n year = {2006},\n keywords = {Atomic,Condensed Matter Physics,Hadrons,Heavy Ions,Molecular,Nuclear Physics,Optical and Plasma Physics,Surfaces and Interfaces,Thin Films},\n pages = {83-91},\n volume = {171},\n websites = {},\n month = {2},\n publisher = {Springer},\n day = {15},\n id = {1b4d1dd4-2a0b-329c-98ba-7d2270f9d09a},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:57.716Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:57.716Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {High-precision mass measurements as performed at the Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP at ISOLDE/CERN are an important contribution to the investigation of nuclear structure. Precise nuclear masses with less than 0.1 ppm relative mass uncertainty allow stringent tests of mass models and formulae that are used to predict mass values of nuclides far from the valley of stability. Furthermore, an investigation of nuclear structure effects like shell or sub-shell closures, deformations, and halos is possible. In addition to a sophisticated experimental setup for precise mass measurements, a radioactive ion-beam facility that delivers a large variety of short-lived nuclides with sufficient yield is required. An overview of the results from the mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP is given and its limits and possibilities are described.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Blaum, Klaus and Beck, Dietrich and Breitenfeldt, Martin and George, Sebastian and Herfurth, Frank and Herlert, Alexander and Kellerbauer, Alban and Kluge, H. Jürgen and Lunney, David and Savreux, Romain and Schwarz, Stefan and Schweikhard, Lutz and Yazidjian, Chabouh},\n doi = {10.1007/S10751-006-9501-4},\n journal = {Hyperfine Interactions},\n number = {1}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {High-Accuracy Mass Measurements for a Test of the Standard Model},\n type = {article},\n year = {2006},\n pages = {19},\n volume = {637},\n websites = {},\n id = {ce2e8f1a-4e12-39a7-9570-69e8f3354ff9},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:58.904Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {true},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:37:09.488Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {ººº Î × ØÖÙÙ ÓÒ×ØØÒØ ÒÒ ÒÓØ ÖÖÒÓÖÑÑÐÐÞÞÞ Ò ØØØ ÒÙÐÐÖ ÑÑÑÑÙÑ ÒÒ ØØÙ× Ø ÓÒ×غ ÀÓÛ¹ ÚÖ¸××ÒÚÖ¸××Ò ØØØ Ý ØØØ× ÔÐÐ Ò ØØØ ÒÚÚÖÓÒÑÑÒØ ÓÓ ØØØ ÒÙÐÐÙ׸ÓÖÖÖÐÐÙ׸ÓÖÖÖØØÓÒ× Ú ØÓ ÔÔÐÐÐÐ ØÓ Õº ½ ½¼℄º Ö×ظØØØÖ×ظØØØ ÑÑØØØØ ¬ ÔÔÖØØÐÐ ÑÑÝ ÑÑØ ÖÖÑ××ØÖÖÖÐÙÒÒ¸ºººÖÖÑ××ØÖÖÖÐÙÒÒ¸ººº ÖÖÖÖÖØØÚ ÓÖÖÖØØÓÒ × ØÓ ØØØÒ ÒØÓ ÓÙÒØÛ × ×ÔÐÐØ ÙÔ ÒØÓ ØÖÖÒ××ØØÓÒ¹ ÔÒÒÒÒØ ÔÔÖظAEÔÔÖظAE Ê ¸ ÒÒ ØÖÖÒ××ØØÓÒ¹¹ÒÒÒÔÒÒÒÒØ ÔÔÖظ¡ÔÔÖظ¡ Î Ê º ËËÓÒÒ¸ØØØÓÒÒ¸ØØØ ×Ó×ÔÔÒ ×ÝÑÑÑØÖÝ × ÒÓØ ÜÜØ ÒÒ Ò ×Ó×ÔÔÒ¹×ÝÑÑÑØÖݹ¹ÖÖÖÖÖÒÒ ÓÖÖÖØØÓÒ AE × ÔÔÐÐÐк ÐÐØÓÓÓØØØÖ¸ÓÖÖÖÐÐØÓÓÓØØØÖ¸ÓÖÖÖØØØØ Ø¹ÚÐÙÙ Ò ¬ÒÒÒ ½¼℄℄ Ø Ø´½ · AE Ê µ´½ AE µ à ¾ ¾ Î ´½ · ¡ Î Ê µ ÓÒ×Ø´¾µ ÓÒ×Ø´¾µ ÁÒ ÓÖÖÖÖ ØÓ ÐÐØØØØ ØØØ ÒÚ×ØØØØØØÓÒ ÒÒ ÐÙÐÐØØÓÒ ÓÓ ØØØ ÓÖÖÖØØÓÒ ØØÖÑ׸ØØØØØÖÑ׸ØØØ ÖÖÖÖÖØØÚ ÓÖÖÖØØÓÒ AE Ê × ÙÖØØØÖ ××ÔÔÖÖØØØ ÒØÓ ØÛÓ ØØÖÑ× AE Ê AE ¼ Ê · AE AEË´¿µ AEË´¿µ ÛÛÛÖÖ AE ¼ Ê × ØØØ ÒÙÐÐÐÖ ×ØÖÙØÙÖÖ ÒÒÒÔÒÒÒÒØ ÔÔÖØ ÒÒ ØØÙ× ×××Ö ØÓ ØØÖÑÑÒÒº ÌÌÌ ÔÔÖØØØÐ ÐÐÐ¹Ð Ø × ÙÒØØÓÒ ÓÓ ØØØ ØÓØØÐ ÐÐÐ¹Ð Ì ½¾ ÒÒ ØØØ ÖÖÒÒÒ ÖÖØØÓ Êº ÌÌÌ ×ØØØØ×ØØÐ ÖÖØØ ÙÒØØÓÒ ÔÒÒ× ÓÒ ØØØ ÖÖÖ ÓÓ ØØØ ÙÙÙØØÖ ÒÙÐÐÙ× ÒÒ ÓÒ ØØØ ¬¬ØØ ÔÓÛÖ ÓÓ ØØØ É¹ÚÐÙÙ ÓÓ ØØØ Ýº ÌÌÌ ÜÔÖÖÑÑÒØØÐ ØØ ÓÖ ØØØ É¹ÚÐÙÙ¸ØØØɹÚÐÙÙ¸ØØØ ÐйÐÐÐÐ Ì ½¾¸ÒÒ½¾¸½¾¸ÒÒ ØØØ ÖÖÒÒÒ ÖÖØØÓ Ê Ú Ò ÓÐÐÐØØØ ÓÖ ÚÖÖÓÙ× ×ÙÔÖÖÐÐÓÛ ¬¹¹¹Ý ÒÙÐÐÐÐ× ÒÒ ØØØ ÓÖÖÖ×ÔÓÒÒÒÒÒ ÓÖÖÖØØÓÒ ØØÖÑ× Ú Ò ÐÙÐÐØØØ ½¼℄º ÍÒØØÐ ¾¼¼¾ ØØØ ÜÔÖÖÑÑÒØØÐ ÚÐÙÙ× × ÛÐÐ × ØØØ ÓÖ¹ ÖÖØØÓÒ ØØÖÑ× ÛÖÖ ÔÖÖ×× ÒÓÙÙÙ ÓÖ ÒÒÒÒ ÒÙÐÐÐÐ×´´ÐÐ ÐÐÐÐ×´´ÐÐ ÓÓ ØØØÑ ÚÚÒÒ ×ØØØÐÐ ÙÙÙØØÖ ÒÙÐÐÐ×µ ØÓ ÔÖ¹ ÓÖÑ ¬Ö×Ø ×ØÖÖÒÒÒÒØ ØØ×Ø ÓÓ ØØØ ÎÝÔÓØØØ××× ½¼℄º ÌÌÌ ÖÖ×ÔØØÚ Ø¹ÚÐÙÙ× ÖÖ ÔÐÓØØØØ × ÙÒØØÓÒ ÓÓ ØØØ ÖÖÖ ÓÓ ØØØ ÙÙÙØØÖ ÒÙÐÐÐÐ Ò º ½¸ÛÛÛÖÖ½¸ÛÛÛÖÖ ØØØ ×××× ÐÐÒÒ ××ÓÛ× ØØØ ÖÖ×ÙÐØØÒÒ ÛØØØ ÑÑÑÒ ÚÐÙÙ Ø ¿¼¾¾´´µ × ÛÛØØ ÖÖÖÙ ¹×ÕÙÙÖÖ ÓÓ ¾ Ú ¼ ØØØØ ××ÓÛ× ØØØ ÚÐÐÐÐØÝÓØÎ ÝÔÓØع ××× Ø ÐÐÚÐ ÓÓ ¿ ¢ ½¼ º × ÔÓÓÒØØØ ÓÙØ Ò ½¼℄ ÑÓÖÖ ÔÖÖ×× ÜÔÖÖÑÑÒØØÐ ÐÐØØ × ÛÐÐ × ØØØÖ ÐÙÐÐØØÓÒ× ÓÓ ØØØ ÓÖÖÖØØÓÒ ØØÖÑ× ÖÖ ÒÒÒÒÒÒ ÒÓØ ÓÒÐÝ ÓÖ ØØØ×× ÒÒÒÒ ÛÐй¹ÒÓÛÒ ××× ÙØ Ð×Ó ÓÖ ÓØØØÖ ÒÙÐÐÐÐ× ØØØØ ÜÜÜÜÜØ ×ÙÔÖÖй ÐÓÛ ¬ ݸ×Ôݸ×ÔÐÐÝ ÛÛØØ ÙÒ×ØØØÐÐ ÙÙÙØØÖ ÒÙ¹ ÐÐÐÐ׺ ÌÌÙ׸¹¹ÌÌÙ׸¹¹ÙÖÖÝ ÑÑ×× ÚÐÙÙ× ÓÖ ØØØ ÔÔÖ¹ ÒØ ÒÒ ÙÙÙØØÖ ÒÙÐÐÐÐ׸ÛÛÛÐÐÐÐ׸ÛÛÛ Ò ØØÖ ÖÖØÐÝ ØØØ É¹ÚÐÙÙ ÓÓ ØØØ Ý¸ÖÖݸÖÖ ÓÓ ÖÖÖØ ÑÔÓÖØØÒº ¾º¾º ÍÒÒØØÖÖØÝ ÓÓ ØØØ Ó¹ÃÓÓÓÝ×××¹ ÅÅ××Û ÑÑØÖÖÜ ÁÁ ØØØ Î ÝÔÓØØØ××× × ××ÙÑÑѸØØØ××ÙÑÑѸØØØ ÚØÓÖ ÓÙ¹ ÔÐÐÒÒ ÓÒ×ØØÒØ Î Ò Ù ÖÓÑ ØØØ ÚÖ¹ عÚÐÙÙ Ý Ù×× ÓÓ Õº´¾µºÕº´¾µº ÌÌÌ ÓÙÔÐÐÒÒ ÓÒ¹ ×ØØÒØ Î Ò ÖÖÐÐØØØ ØÓ ØØØ Û¹¹ÒØØÖÖØØÓÒ ÓÒ¹ ×ØØÒØ ÓÖ ØØØ ÔÙÖÖÐÝ ÐÐÔØÓÒÒ ÑÙÓÒ Ý¸¸Ý¸¸ Ý Î Î ÙÙ ÛÛÛ ÝÝÝÐÐ× ØØØ ÑÑØÖÖÜ ÐÐÑÑÒØ Î ÙÙ ÓÓ ØØØ Ó¹ÃÓÓÓÝ×××¹ÅÅ××Û´´ÃŵӹÃÓÓÓÝ×××¹ÅÅ××Û´´Ãŵ ÕÙÙÖÖ¹ ÑÑÜÜÒÒ ÑÑØÖÖÜÜ ¼ × ¼ ¼ ¼¼¼½½´´µ¼¼¼½½´´µ ÐÐÐ Ý ÑÓÖÖ ØØØÒ ØÛÓ ×ØØÒÒÒÖÖ ÚÚÚØØÓÒ׺ ÍÒÒ¹ ØØÖÖØÝ × ÖÖÕÙÙÖÖÖ¸××ÒÖÖÕÙÙÖÖÖ¸××Ò ØØØ ÃÅ ÑÑØÖÖÜ ×ÖÖÖ× ØØØ ÒÒÒ ÓÓ ØØØ ××× ÖÓÑ ÕÙÙÖÖ Û¹¹ÒØØÖÖØØÓÒ Ò×ØØØØ× ØÓ ÕÙÙÖÖ¹ÑÑ×× Ò×ØØØØ׺ ÌÌÌÖÖÓÖÖ¸ÛÛØØ ÌÌÌÖÖÓÖÖ¸ÛÛØØ Ò ÑÔÖÓÚÑÑÒØ ÓÓ ØØØ ÔÖÖ××ÓÒ ØØØ× ÒÚ×ØØØع ØØÓÒ ÓÙÐÐ ×ØÖÖÒÒÒÒØ ØØ×Ø ÓÓ ØØØ ËØØÒÒÒÖÖ ÅÓÐ ÛÛÛÖÖ¸Ò¸¹¹ÛÛÛÖÖ¸Ò¸ÛÛÛÖÖ¸Ò¸¹¹ÙÖÖÝ ÑÑ×× ÑÑÑ×ÙÖÖÑÑÒØ× ÔÐÐÝ Ý ÖÓÐк ¿º ÌÀÀ ÁËÇÄÌÊÊÈ ÈÈÊÁÅÅAEÌ ÌÌÌ ÁËÇÄÌÊÊÈ ÑÑ×× ×ÔØÖÓÑÑØØÖ × ØØØ ØÓ ¹¹ÙÖÖÝ ÑÑ×× ÑÑÑ×ÙÖÖÑÑÒØ× ÓÓ ××ÓÖعÐÐÚ ÒÙ¹ ÐÐÐÐ× ½¾¸½¿ ℄º ÁØ ÓÑÔÖÖ××× ØØÖÖÖ ÓÒ ØÖÖÔ× × ××ÓÛÒ},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Herlert, A. and Audi, G. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Bollen, G. and Delahaye, P. and George, S. and Guénaut, C. and Herfurth, F. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kluge, H. -J. and Lunney, D. and Mukherjee, M. and Rodriguez, D. and Schwarz, S. and Schweikhard, L. and Weber, C. and Yazidjian, C. and Herlert, A. and Audi, G. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Bollen, G. and Delahaye, P. and George, S. and Guénaut, C. and Herfurth, F. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kluge, H. -J. and Lunney, D. and Mukherjee, M. and Rodriguez, D. and Schwarz, S. and Schweikhard, L. and Weber, C. and Yazidjian, C.},\n journal = {ESASP}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {High-precision mass measurements for reliable nuclear astrophysics calculations PoS(NIC-IX)051},\n type = {article},\n year = {2006},\n websites = {},\n id = {f5a605ac-8abf-3a74-b677-ecab4a467ac5},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:59.428Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {true},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:37:09.890Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {High-precision mass measurements as performed at the Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP at ISOLDE/CERN are an important contribution to the investigation of nuclear astrophysics processes. Accurate nuclear masses with 0.1 ppm relative mass uncertainty are required for tests of models which are used to predict mass values of nuclides far from the valley of stability. Especially for the determination of the nucleosynthesis pathways, e.g. the rp-process or the r-process, a large number of nuclear masses need to be precisely and accurately known. In addition to a radioactive ion beam facility that delivers a large variety of short-lived nuclides with sufficient yield, a sophisticated experimental setup for precise mass measurements is required. An overview of the results from the mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP is given and the limits and possibilities are described.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Herlert, A and Baruah, S and Blaum, K and Breitenfeldt, M and Delahaye, P and Dworschak, M and George, S and Guénaut, C and Hager, U and Herfurth, F and Kellerbauer Ab, A and Kluge, H.-J and Lunney, D and Savreux, R and Schwarz, S and Schweikhard, L and Yazidjian, C},\n journal = {International Symposium on Nuclear Astrophysics-Nuclei in the Cosmos-IX}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {High-accuracy mass measurements of neutron-rich Kr isotopes},\n type = {article},\n year = {2006},\n pages = {034331},\n volume = {74},\n websites = {},\n month = {9},\n publisher = {American Physical Society},\n day = {28},\n id = {f59ca2ee-ab45-3a64-b30b-6585eda3f1f9},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:35:59.978Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:35:59.978Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The atomic masses of the neutron-rich krypton isotopes Kr84,86-95 have been determined with the tandem Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP with uncertainties ranging from 20 to 220 ppb. The masses of the short-lived isotopes Kr94 and Kr95 were measured for the first time. The masses of the radioactive nuclides Kr89 and Kr91 disagree by 4 and 6 standard deviations, respectively, from the present Atomic-Mass Evaluation database. The resulting modification of the mass surface with respect to the two-neutron separation energies as well as implications for mass models and stellar nucleosynthesis are discussed. © 2006 The American Physical Society.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Delahaye, P. and Audi, G. and Blaum, K. and Carrel, F. and George, S. and Herfurth, F. and Herlert, A. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kluge, H. J. and Lunney, D. and Schweikhard, L. and Yazidjian, C.},\n doi = {10.1103/PHYSREVC.74.034331/FIGURES/8/MEDIUM},\n journal = {Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics},\n number = {3}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {High‐accuracy mass measurements on neutron deficient neon isotopes},\n type = {article},\n year = {2006},\n keywords = {mass spectrometers,neon,neutrons,nuclear mass,nuclei with mass number 6 to 19},\n pages = {152},\n volume = {831},\n websites = {},\n month = {5},\n publisher = {American Institute of PhysicsAIP},\n day = {3},\n id = {65d13b72-d116-3caa-a6b5-d9dbd3cd9a58},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:00.497Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:00.497Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The atomic masses of the short‐lived nuclides 17Ne and 19Ne have been measured with the triple‐trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP at ISOLDE/CERN. The obtained mass excess for both nuclides deviates si...},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Herlert, A. and Baruah, S. and Blaum, K. and Delahaye, P. and George, S. and Guénaut, C. and Herfurth, F. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kluge, H. J. and Lunney, D. and Schwarz, S. and Schweikhard, L. and Weber, C. and Yazidjian, C.},\n doi = {10.1063/1.2200916},\n journal = {AIP Conference Proceedings},\n number = {1}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {ISOLTRAP Mass Measurements for Weak‐Interaction Studies},\n type = {article},\n year = {2006},\n keywords = {Standard model,Weak interaction,beta-decay,elementary particle weak interactions},\n pages = {49},\n volume = {831},\n websites = {},\n month = {5},\n publisher = {American Institute of PhysicsAIP},\n day = {3},\n id = {cd12a952-6489-37fd-a8f7-807d418d191e},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:00.913Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:00.913Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The conserved‐vector‐current (CVC) hypothesis of the weak interaction and the unitarity of the Cabibbo‐Kobayashi‐Maskawa (CKM) matrix are two fundamental postulates of the Standard Model. While exi...},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Kellerbauer, A. and Audi, G. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Bollen, G. and Delahaye, P. and George, S. and Guénaut, C. and Herfurth, F. and Herlert, A. and Kluge, H. J. and Lunney, D. and Mukherjee, M. and Rodríguez, D. and Schwarz, S. and Schweikhard, L. and Weber, C. and Yazidjian, C.},\n doi = {10.1063/1.2200898},\n journal = {AIP Conference Proceedings},\n number = {1}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Towards high-accuracy mass spectrometry of highly charged short-lived ions at ISOLTRAP},\n type = {article},\n year = {2006},\n keywords = {Highly charged ion,Penning trap,Precision mass spectrometry},\n pages = {131-137},\n volume = {251},\n month = {4},\n publisher = {Elsevier},\n day = {1},\n id = {4cb891dd-0fe4-375b-94e3-4cb932fe6a82},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:01.440Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:01.440Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Multiply charged ions of stable xenon isotopes from a plasma ion source have been mass-selected by the on-line mass separator ISOLDE/CERN and delivered to the triple-trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP. The doubly charged ions that survived the charge-exchange processes during bunching and ion preparation were transferred to a precision Penning trap for mass determination. Mass values were obtained for the isotopes with mass numbers A = 126, 129, 130, 136. They are consistent with previous results except for the case of multiscripts(Xe, mml:none(), mml:none(), prescripts(), mml:none(), 126) where a significant deviation from the literature value was found. The performance of ISOLTRAP is analyzed with respect to a future application of highly charged ions for mass determination of short-lived radionuclides at ISOLDE. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Herlert, A. and Baruah, S. and Blaum, K. and Delahaye, P. and Dworschak, M. and George, S. and Guénaut, C. and Hager, U. and Herfurth, F. and Kellerbauer, A. and Marie-Jeanne, M. and Schwarz, S. and Schweikhard, L. and Yazidjian, C.},\n doi = {10.1016/J.IJMS.2006.01.017},\n journal = {International Journal of Mass Spectrometry},\n number = {2-3}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Accurate mass measurements on neutron-deficient krypton isotopes},\n type = {article},\n year = {2006},\n pages = {1-15},\n volume = {769},\n month = {4},\n publisher = {North-Holland},\n day = {17},\n id = {0aceebdc-1afb-3531-9ffd-3ce4830dd202},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:01.902Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:01.902Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The masses of 72-78,80,82,86Kr were measured directly with the ISOLTRAP Penning trap mass spectrometer at ISOLDE/CERN. For all these nuclides, the measurements yielded mass uncertainties below 10 keV. The ISOLTRAP mass values for 72-75Kr outweighed previous results obtained by means of other techniques, and thus completely determine the new values in the Atomic-Mass Evaluation. Besides the interest of these masses for nuclear astrophysics, nuclear structure studies, and Standard Model tests, these results constitute a valuable and accurate input to improve mass models. In this paper, we present the mass measurements and discuss the mass evaluation for these Kr isotopes. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Rodríguez, D. and Audi, G. and Äystö, J. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Bollen, G. and Herfurth, F. and Jokinen, A. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kluge, H. J. and Kolhinen, V. S. and Oinonen, M. and Sauvan, E. and Schwarz, S.},\n doi = {10.1016/J.NUCLPHYSA.2006.02.001},\n journal = {Nuclear Physics A},\n number = {1-4}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {High-accuracy mass spectrometry with stored ions},\n type = {article},\n year = {2006},\n keywords = {Atomic masses,Binding energy,Ion cooling techniques,Ion detection techniques,Nuclear masses,Paul trap,Penning trap,Storage ring},\n pages = {1-78},\n volume = {425},\n month = {3},\n publisher = {North-Holland},\n day = {1},\n id = {b52f808d-26f6-3a69-829f-7831474df243},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:02.344Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:02.344Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Like few other parameters, the mass of an atom, and its inherent connection with the atomic and nuclear binding energy is a fundamental property, a unique fingerprint of the atomic nucleus. Each nuclide comes with its own mass value different from all others. For short-lived exotic atomic nuclei the importance of its mass ranges from the verification of nuclear models to a test of the Standard Model, in particular with regard to the weak interaction and the unitarity of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa quark mixing matrix. In addition, accurate mass values are important for a variety of applications that extend beyond nuclear physics. Mass measurements on stable atoms now reach a relative uncertainty of about 10-11. This extreme accuracy contributes, among other things, to metrology, for example the determination of fundamental constants and a new definition of the kilogram, and to tests of quantum electrodynamics and fundamental charge, parity, and time reversal symmetry. The introduction of Penning traps and storage rings into the field of mass spectrometry has made this method a prime choice for high-accuracy measurements on short-lived and stable nuclides. This is reflected in the large number of traps in operation, under construction, or planned world-wide. With the development and application of proper cooling and detection methods the trapping technique has the potential to provide the highest sensitivity and accuracy, even for very short-lived nuclides far from stability. This review describes the basics and recent progress made in ion trapping, cooling, and detection for high-accuracy mass measurements with emphasis on Penning traps. Special attention is devoted to the applications of accurate mass values in different fields of physics. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Blaum, Klaus},\n doi = {10.1016/J.PHYSREP.2005.10.011},\n journal = {Physics Reports},\n number = {1}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Mass measurements on neutron-deficient Sr and neutron-rich Sn isotopes with the ISOLTRAP mass spectrometer},\n type = {article},\n year = {2005},\n keywords = {Atomic masses 76,77,80,81,86,88Sr, 124,129,130,131,132Sn,Measured masses. Pennig trap mass spectrometer, comparison with previous results},\n pages = {45-58},\n volume = {763},\n month = {12},\n publisher = {North-Holland},\n day = {26},\n id = {670514e7-e3cf-313b-a2c7-f2cf5f91899e},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:02.881Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:02.881Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The atomic masses of 76,77,80,81,86,88Sr and 124,129,130,131,132Sn were measured by means of the Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP at ISOLDE/CERN. 76Sr is now the heaviest N = Z nucleus for which the mass is measured to a precision better than 35 keV. For the tin isotopes in the close vicinity of the doubly magic nucleus 132Sn, mass uncertainties below 20 keV were achieved. An atomic mass evaluation was carried out taking other experimental mass values into account by performing a least-squares adjustment. Some discrepancies between older experimental values and the ones reported here emerged and were resolved. The results of the new adjustment and their impact will be presented. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Sikler, G. and Audi, G. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Bollen, G. and Herfurth, F. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kluge, H. J. and Lunney, D. and Oinonen, M. and Scheidenberger, C. and Schwarz, S. and Szerypo, J.},\n doi = {10.1016/J.NUCLPHYSA.2005.08.014},\n journal = {Nuclear Physics A},\n number = {1-4}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Weighing excited nuclear states with a Penning trap mass spectrometer},\n type = {article},\n year = {2005},\n keywords = {Atomic mass,Binding energy,Isomer,Laser ionization,Lead,Penning trap,Radionuclide},\n pages = {81-87},\n volume = {347},\n month = {11},\n publisher = {North-Holland},\n day = {14},\n id = {72b89e49-0013-3c76-9b40-9dc1bac09ad9},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:03.465Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:03.465Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {We report on high-accuracy mass measurements and isomer identification of 187Pb. In this nuclide, two close-lying isomeric states are known from α-decay studies. With the combined use of the ISOLDE resonance ionization laser ion source and the Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP the energy difference of 187Pb and 187mPb was determined to be E=33(13) keV. This is the lowest isomeric excitation energy ever determined by weighing nuclei. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Weber, C. and Audi, G. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Bollen, G. and Herfurth, F. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kluge, H. J. and Lunney, D. and Schwarz, S.},\n doi = {10.1016/J.PHYSLETA.2005.06.108},\n journal = {Physics Letters A},\n number = {1-3}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Eine Waage für exotische Kerne: Massenbestimmung von Atomkernen mit Isoltrap},\n type = {article},\n year = {2005},\n keywords = {Astrophysik,Exotische Kerne,Falle,Isolde,Isoltrap,Kernbindungsenergie,Massenspektrometer,Penning,Präzisionsmassenmessung,Radionuklide,Standardmodell,Wartepunkt,schwache Wechselwirkung},\n pages = {222-228},\n volume = {36},\n websites = {,,},\n month = {9},\n publisher = {John Wiley & Sons, Ltd},\n day = {1},\n id = {be92b503-72c8-3a0f-902a-e4d5fa0e30b4},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:04.139Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:04.139Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Blaum, Klaus and Herfurth, Frank and Kellerbauer, Alban},\n doi = {10.1002/PIUZ.200501074},\n journal = {Physik in unserer Zeit},\n number = {5}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Wenn Atomkerne an Masse zulegen},\n type = {article},\n year = {2005},\n pages = {113-114},\n volume = {36},\n websites = {,,},\n month = {5},\n publisher = {John Wiley & Sons, Ltd},\n day = {1},\n id = {01556c57-17ef-3462-b776-f5c573c75e72},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:04.640Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:04.640Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Schweikhard, Lutz and Blaum, Klaus and Herfurth, Frank},\n doi = {10.1002/PIUZ.200590042},\n journal = {Physik in unserer Zeit},\n number = {3}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Effects of the pairing energy on nuclear charge radii},\n type = {article},\n year = {2005},\n pages = {201-202},\n websites = {},\n month = {8},\n publisher = {Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg},\n day = {11},\n id = {0fd209f1-713f-32b1-8cb0-118b34ddd764},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:05.094Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:05.094Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Weber, C. and Audi, G. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Bollen, G. and Herfurth, F. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kluge, H. -J. and Lunney, D. and Schwarz, S.},\n doi = {10.1007/3-540-37642-9_58},\n journal = {The 4th International Conference on Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Commissioning and first on-line test of the new ISOLTRAP control system},\n type = {article},\n year = {2005},\n pages = {67-68},\n websites = {},\n month = {8},\n publisher = {Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg},\n day = {11},\n id = {b1c75fa8-7f78-3b47-a03d-506e63805884},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:05.517Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:05.517Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Yazidjian, C. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Brand, H. and Herfurth, F. and Schwarz, S.},\n doi = {10.1007/3-540-37642-9_20},\n journal = {The 4th International Conference on Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Extending the mass “backbone” to short-lived nuclides with ISOLTRAP},\n type = {article},\n year = {2005},\n keywords = {Hadrons,Heavy Ions,Nuclear Fusion,Nuclear Physics,Particle and Nuclear Physics},\n pages = {35-36},\n volume = {25},\n websites = {},\n month = {4},\n publisher = {Springer},\n day = {20},\n id = {55457346-81ed-38ae-aad3-0d11ad986e1a},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:06.602Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:06.602Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {New measurements performed with the Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP extend the backbone to short-lived species. Recently obtained mass results are presented.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Guénaut, C. and Audi, G. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Bollen, G. and Delahaye, P. and Herfurth, F. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kluge, H. J. and Lunney, D. and Schwarz, S. and Schweikhard, L. and Yazidjian, C.},\n doi = {10.1140/EPJAD/I2005-06-030-4},\n journal = {The European Physical Journal A},\n number = {1}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Is N = 40 magic? An analysis of ISOLTRAP mass measurements},\n type = {article},\n year = {2005},\n pages = {33-34},\n websites = {},\n month = {8},\n publisher = {Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg},\n day = {11},\n id = {28fe7c21-7867-35a6-a524-70b9fc047622},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:07.203Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:07.203Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Guénaut, C. and Audi, G. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Bollen, G. and Delahaye, P. and Herfurth, F. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kluge, H. -J. and Lunney, D. and Schwarz, S. and Schweikhard, L. and Yazidjian, C.},\n doi = {10.1007/3-540-37642-9_7},\n journal = {The 4th International Conference on Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Laser Ionization and Penning Trap Mass Spectrometry – A Fruitful Combination for Isomer Separation and High-precision Mass Measurements},\n type = {article},\n year = {2005},\n keywords = {Atomic,Condensed Matter Physics,Hadrons,Heavy Ions,Molecular,Nuclear Physics,Optical and Plasma Physics,Surfaces and Interfaces,Thin Films},\n pages = {173-179},\n volume = {162},\n websites = {},\n month = {3},\n publisher = {Springer},\n day = {22},\n id = {a2b97957-541a-333b-baab-355ac23edeec},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:07.764Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:07.764Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {We have demonstrated for the first time that element-selective laser ionization in combination with ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry can be used to prepare isomerically pure ion ensembles. Together with β–γ coincidence studies this method allowed a determination of the low-energy structure and the unambiguous identification of triple β-decaying isomerism in 70Cu. By selective resonant ionization and measurement of the masses of these three states using ISOLTRAP at ISOLDE/CERN with a relative uncertainty of δm/m ≈ 5 ⋅ 10−8 a clear state-to-mass assignment was possible which resolved the assignment puzzle in 70Cu.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Blaum, K. and Beck, D. and Bollen, G. and Delahaye, P. and Guénaut, C. and Herfurth, F. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kluge, H. J. and Köster, U. and Lunney, D. and Schwarz, S. and Schweikhard, L. and Yazidjian, C.},\n doi = {10.1007/S10751-005-9223-Z},\n journal = {Hyperfine Interactions},\n number = {1}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Recent high-precision mass measurements with the Penning trap spectrometer ISOLTRAP},\n type = {article},\n year = {2005},\n keywords = {Hadrons,Heavy Ions,Nuclear Fusion,Nuclear Physics,Particle and Nuclear Physics},\n pages = {17-21},\n volume = {25},\n websites = {},\n month = {4},\n publisher = {Springer},\n day = {25},\n id = {a9e78cf4-50d9-37af-b139-24ba38d7036d},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:08.314Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:08.314Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP has to date been used for the determination of close to 300 masses of radionuclides. A relative mass uncertainty of 10-8 can now be reached. Recent highlights were measurements of rp-process nuclides as for instance 72-74Kr or superallowed β emitters like 22Mg, 74Rb and 34Ar. The heaviest nuclides measured so far with ISOLTRAP are neutron-rich radium and francium isotopes. An overview of ISOLTRAP mass measurements and details about the recent experiment on 229-232Ra and 230Fr are presented.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Herfurth, F. and Audi, G. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Bollen, G. and Delahaye, P. and George, S. and Guénaut, C. and Herlert, A. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kluge, H. J. and Lunney, D. and Mukherjee, M. and Rahaman, S. and Schwarz, S. and Schweikhard, L. and Weber, C. and Yazidjian, C.},\n doi = {10.1140/EPJAD/I2005-06-031-3},\n journal = {The European Physical Journal A},\n number = {1}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {ISOLTRAP pins down masses of exotic nuclides},\n type = {article},\n year = {2005},\n pages = {S1775},\n volume = {31},\n websites = {,},\n month = {9},\n publisher = {IOP Publishing},\n day = {12},\n id = {73fe959d-7d9c-3518-890f-65a25ba87e44},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:08.912Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:08.912Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The mass of radionuclides contribute to a variety of fundamental studies including tests of the weak interaction and the standard model. The limits of mass measurements on exotic nuclides have been extended considerably by the Penning-trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP at the ISOLDE facility at CERN. Recent ISOLTRAP measurements are summarized and current technical improvements are outlined. © 2005 IOP Publishing Ltd.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Blaum, K. and Audi, G. and Beck, D. and Bollen, G. and Brodeur, M. and Delahaye, P. and George, S. and Guénaut, C. and Herfurth, F. and Herlert, A. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kluge, H. J. and Lunney, D. and Mukherjee, M. and Rodríguez, D. and Schwarz, S. and Schweikhard, L. and Yazidjian, C.},\n doi = {10.1088/0954-3899/31/10/071},\n journal = {Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics},\n number = {10}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Mass measurements of 56−57Cr and the question of shell reincarnation at N = 32},\n type = {article},\n year = {2005},\n pages = {S1765},\n volume = {31},\n websites = {,},\n month = {9},\n publisher = {IOP Publishing},\n day = {12},\n id = {bff408db-201d-3f95-9dd2-29df0ac06a92},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:09.507Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:09.507Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Binding energies determined with high accuracy provide smooth derivatives of the mass surface for analysis of shell and pairing effects. Measurements with the Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP at CERN-ISOLDE were made for 56-57Cr for which an accuracy of 4 × 10-8 was achieved. Analysis of the mass surface for the supposed new N ≤ 32 shell closure rather indicates a sub-shell closure, but of a different nature than known cases such as 94Sr. © 2005 IOP Publishing Ltd.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Guénaut, C. and Audi, G. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Bollen, G. and Delahaye, P. and Herfurth, F. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kluge, H. J. and Lunney, D. and Schwarz, S. and Schweikhard, L. and Yazidjian, C.},\n doi = {10.1088/0954-3899/31/10/069},\n journal = {Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics},\n number = {10}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {ISOLTRAP mass measurements of exotic nuclides at δm/m=10−8},\n type = {article},\n year = {2005},\n pages = {317-320},\n volume = {752},\n month = {4},\n publisher = {North-Holland},\n day = {18},\n id = {a1b5563d-92ed-327d-87ce-4a5824d79a85},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:10.020Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:10.020Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The ISOLTRAP experiment at the ISOLDE facility at CERN is a Penning trap mass spectrometer for on-line mass measurements on short-lived radionuclides. It allows the determination of atomic masses of exotic nuclides with a relative uncertainty of only 10-8. The results provide important information for, e.g., weak interaction studies and nuclear models. Recent ISOLTRAP investigations and applications of high-precision mass measurements are discussed. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Blaum, K. and Audi, G. and Beck, D. and Bollen, G. and Delahaye, P. and George, S. and Guénaut, C. and Herfurth, F. and Herlert, A. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kluge, H. J. and Lunney, D. and Mukherjee, M. and Schwarz, S. and Schweikhard, L. and Yazidjian, C.},\n doi = {10.1016/J.NUCLPHYSA.2005.02.124},\n journal = {Nuclear Physics A},\n number = {1-4 SPEC. ISS.}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Mass spectrometry of atomic ions produced by in-trap decay of short-lived nuclides},\n type = {article},\n year = {2005},\n pages = {44},\n volume = {7},\n websites = {,},\n month = {2},\n publisher = {IOP Publishing},\n day = {8},\n id = {eb35d674-09a5-3fc5-a85b-423e5d5ce061},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:10.729Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:10.729Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The triple-trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP at ISOLDE/CERN has demonstrated the feasibility of mass spectrometry of in-trap-decay product ions. This novel technique gives access to radionuclides, which are not produced directly at ISOL-type radioactive ion beam facilities. As a proof of principle, the in-trap decay of 37K + has been investigated in a Penning trap filled with helium buffer gas. The half-life of the mother nuclide was confirmed and the recoiling 37Ar + daughter ion was contained within the trap. The ions of either the mother or the daughter nuclide were transferred to a precision Penning trap, where their mass was determined. © IOP Publishing Ltd and Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Herlert, A. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Carrel, F. and Delahaye, P. and George, S. and Guénaut, C. and Herfurth, F. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kluge, H. J. and Lunney, D. and Mukherjee, M. and Schweikhard, L. and Yazidjian, C.},\n doi = {10.1088/1367-2630/7/1/044},\n journal = {New Journal of Physics},\n number = {1}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Mass measurement on the rp-process waiting point72Kr},\n type = {article},\n year = {2004},\n pages = {161104},\n volume = {93},\n websites = {},\n month = {10},\n publisher = {American Physical Society},\n day = {15},\n id = {2f2ada4f-f064-3bb0-a666-50f24c863b36},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:06.032Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:06.032Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Rodríguez, D. and Kolhinen, V. S. and Audi, G. and Äystö, J. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Bollen, G. and Herfurth, F. and Jokinen, A. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kluge, H. J. and Oinonen, M. and Schatz, H. and Sauvan, E. and Schwarz, S.},\n doi = {10.1103/PHYSREVLETT.93.161104/FIGURES/3/MEDIUM},\n journal = {Physical Review Letters},\n number = {16}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Direct mass measurements of neutron-deficient xenon isotopes using the ISOLTRAP mass spectrometer},\n type = {article},\n year = {2004},\n keywords = {Hadrons,Heavy Ions,Nuclear Fusion,Nuclear Physics,Particle and Nuclear Physics},\n pages = {163-171},\n volume = {22},\n websites = {},\n month = {11},\n publisher = {Springer},\n day = {3},\n id = {130f9fa9-e8cd-3ea3-a2b8-096ad3fad603},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:11.256Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:11.256Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The masses of the noble-gas Xe isotopes with 114≤A≤123 have been directly measured for the first time. The experiments were carried out with the ISOLTRAP triple trap spectrometer at the on-line mass separator ISOLDE/CERN. A mass resolving power of the Penning trap spectrometer of m/Δm of close to a million was chosen resulting in an accuracy of δm ⩽ 13 keV for all investigated isotopes. Conflicts with existing, indirectly obtained, mass data by several standard deviations were found and are discussed. An atomic mass evaluation has been performed and the results are compared to information from laser spectroscopy experiments and to recent calculations employing an interacting boson model.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Dilling, J. and Herfurth, F. and Kellerbauer, A. and Audi, G. and Beck, D. and Bollen, G. and Kluge, H. J. and Moore, R. B. and Scheidenberger, C. and Schwarz, S. and Sikler, G.},\n doi = {10.1140/EPJA/I2004-10015-Y},\n journal = {The European Physical Journal A},\n number = {2}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Towards high-precision mass measurements on 74Rb for a test of the CVC hypothesis and the unitarity of the CKM matrix},\n type = {article},\n year = {2004},\n pages = {635-638},\n volume = {746},\n month = {12},\n publisher = {North-Holland},\n day = {27},\n id = {6e6cc5d9-0c3c-3dfa-a2e8-8ecc8101906a},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:11.789Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:11.789Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {At the highest possible precisions, atomic-mass measurements can be used to perform fundamental studies. Examples for such studies are a check of the conserved-vector-current (CVC) hypothesis and the unitarity of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix, both postulates of the Standard Model. The comparative half-lives Ft of superallowed β decays constitute the nuclear-physics access to these tests. The Q value of the β decay of 74Rb, one of the three experimentally accessible parameters that enter into the Ft values, has been measured with the ISOLTRAP experiment at ISOLDE/CERN. The ultimate mass precision requirement and the way to achieve it are outlined. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Kellerbauer, A. and Audi, G. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Bollen, G. and Delahaye, P. and Herfurth, F. and Kluge, H. J. and Kolhinen, V. and Mukherjee, M. and Rodríguez, D. and Schwarz, S.},\n doi = {10.1016/J.NUCLPHYSA.2004.09.099},\n journal = {Nuclear Physics A},\n number = {1-4 SPEC.ISS.}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Masses along the rp-process path and large scale surveys on Cu, Ni and Ga with ISOLTRAP},\n type = {article},\n year = {2004},\n pages = {487-492},\n volume = {746},\n month = {12},\n publisher = {North-Holland},\n day = {27},\n id = {056b8082-5075-3478-956f-2b352059aec5},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:12.340Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:12.340Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Mass measurements with exceptionally low uncertainty can be performed with the Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP. Out of the large number of recent measurements two regions of the chart of nuclei have been selected for this article. The astrophysically interesting N = Z nuclei above Z = 32 and neutron-rich copper, nickel and gallium isotopes have been investigated. The relative mass uncertainty obtained is generally ≤ 1 · 10-7. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Herfurth, F. and Audi, G. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Bollen, G. and Delahaye, P. and Guénaut, C. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kluge, H. J. and Lunney, D. and Rodríguez, D. and Saxena, S. and Schwarz, S. and Schweikhard, L. and Sikler, G. and Yazidjian, C.},\n doi = {10.1016/J.NUCLPHYSA.2004.09.074},\n journal = {Nuclear Physics A},\n number = {1-4 SPEC.ISS.}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Recent results from the Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP},\n type = {article},\n year = {2004},\n pages = {305-310},\n volume = {746},\n month = {12},\n publisher = {North-Holland},\n day = {27},\n id = {8ab26ecf-e749-3adb-9c72-075764eb88ce},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:12.890Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:12.890Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {In the last few years a number of new scientific highlights have been obtained by ISOLTRAP, the tandem Penning trap mass spectrometer for on-line mass measurements of short-lived radionuclides. The precise determination of nuclear binding energies far from stability includes nuclei that are produced at rates of 100 ions/s and with half-lives below 100 ms. The mass resolving power reaches 107 and the uncertainty of the resulting mass values has been pushed down to 1 · 10-8 . In this article recent ISOLTRAP mass measurements are summarized and the current status of ISOLTRAP is presented. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Blaum, Klaus and Audi, G. and Beck, D. and Bollen, G. and Guénaut, C. and Delahaye, P. and Herfurth, F. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kluge, H. J. and Lunney, D. and Rodríguez, D. and Schwarz, S. and Schweikhard, L. and Weber, C. and Yazidjian, C.},\n doi = {10.1016/J.NUCLPHYSA.2004.09.028},\n journal = {Nuclear Physics A},\n number = {1-4 SPEC.ISS.}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Trapping radioactive ions},\n type = {article},\n year = {2004},\n pages = {200-205},\n volume = {746},\n month = {12},\n publisher = {North-Holland},\n day = {27},\n id = {e4f76d77-1cd3-320d-9743-ad97e30b4f3d},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:13.457Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:13.457Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Trapping devices for atomic and nuclear physics experiments with radioactive ions are becoming more and more important at accelerator facilities. While about ten years ago only one online Penning trap experiment existed, namely ISOLTRAP at ISOLDE/CERN, meanwhile almost every radioactive beam facility has installed or plans an ion trap setup. This article gives an overview on ion traps in the operation, construction or planing phase which will be used for fundamental studies with short-lived radioactive nuclides such as mass spectrometry, laser spectroscopy and nuclear decay spectroscopy. In addition, this article summarizes the use of gas cells and radiofrequency quadrupole (Paul) traps at different facilities as a versatile tool for ion beam manipulation like retardation, cooling, bunching, and cleaning. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Kluge, H. J. and Blaum, K.},\n doi = {10.1016/J.NUCLPHYSA.2004.09.034},\n journal = {Nuclear Physics A},\n number = {1-4 SPEC.ISS.}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Mass measurement on the rp-process waiting point72Kr},\n type = {article},\n year = {2004},\n pages = {161104},\n volume = {93},\n websites = {},\n month = {10},\n publisher = {American Physical Society},\n day = {15},\n id = {10c3ceb2-2b98-3e21-b03b-2b643087f3e4},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:14.046Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:14.046Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Rodríguez, D. and Kolhinen, V. S. and Audi, G. and Äystö, J. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Bollen, G. and Herfurth, F. and Jokinen, A. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kluge, H. J. and Oinonen, M. and Schatz, H. and Sauvan, E. and Schwarz, S.},\n doi = {10.1103/PHYSREVLETT.93.161104/FIGURES/3/MEDIUM},\n journal = {Physical Review Letters},\n number = {16}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {The mass of22Mg},\n type = {article},\n year = {2004},\n pages = {150801},\n volume = {93},\n websites = {},\n month = {10},\n publisher = {American Physical Society},\n day = {8},\n id = {9c7d9c67-b29b-3bdd-a705-e37a46bbfdfd},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:14.488Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:14.488Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Mukherjee, M. and Kellerbauer, A. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Bollen, G. and Carrel, F. and Delahaye, P. and Dilling, J. and George, S. and Guénaut, C. and Herfurth, F. and Herlert, A. and Kluge, H. J. and Köster, U. and Lunney, D. and Schwarz, S. and Schweikhard, L. and Yazidjian, C.},\n doi = {10.1103/PHYSREVLETT.93.150801/FIGURES/3/MEDIUM},\n journal = {Physical Review Letters},\n number = {15}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Mass measurement of radioactive isotopes},\n type = {article},\n year = {2004},\n keywords = {Atomic masses,Cooling,Mass spectrometry,Penning trap,Storage ring},\n pages = {48-55},\n volume = {532},\n month = {10},\n publisher = {North-Holland},\n day = {11},\n id = {43adfd73-80da-3916-91b5-774494fd1972},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:14.941Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:14.941Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The highest precision in mass measurements on short-lived radionuclides is obtained using trapping and cooling techniques. Here, the experimental storage ring (ESR) at GSI/Darmstadt and the tandem Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP at ISOLDE/CERN play an important role. Status and recent results on mass measurements of radioactive nuclides with ESR and ISOLTRAP are summarized. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Kluge, H. J. and Blaum, K. and Scheidenberger, C.},\n doi = {10.1016/J.NIMA.2004.06.029},\n journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment},\n number = {1-2}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Population inversion of nuclear states \nby a Penning trap mass spectrometer},\n type = {article},\n year = {2004},\n pages = {586},\n volume = {67},\n websites = {,},\n month = {8},\n publisher = {IOP Publishing},\n day = {1},\n id = {4a51a341-eab3-392d-8c0a-2a02becaf3a7},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:15.478Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:15.478Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {According to the energy-mass equivalence, E = mc2, excited long-lived nuclear states, so-called isomers, are distinguished from the ground state by their additional mass. The ultra-high accuracy provided by Penning traps now allows to weigh nuclear excitation energies. With the on-line Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP, we have developed a mass-separation procedure of sufficient resolving power to isolate particles of a selected isomeric state from an ensemble delivered from the radioactive beam facility ISOLDE at CERN, first demonstrated for 68Cu. The resulting unique form of ion ensembles opens up a large variety of new nuclear-physics experiments. Mass excesses of - 65567.0(1.6) keV for the 1+ ground state and -64850.3(1.5) keV for the 6- isomeric state have been determined.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Blaum, K. and Beck, D. and Bollen, G. and Delahaye, P. and Guénaut, C. and Herfurth, F. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kluge, H. J. and Lunney, D. and Schwarz, S. and Schweikhard, L. and Yazidjian, C.},\n doi = {10.1209/EPL/I2004-10089-5},\n journal = {Europhysics Letters},\n number = {4}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Direct mass measurements on the superallowed emitter74Rb and its daughter74Kr: Isospin-symmetry-breaking correction for standard-model tests},\n type = {article},\n year = {2004},\n pages = {072502},\n volume = {93},\n websites = {},\n month = {8},\n publisher = {American Physical Society},\n day = {13},\n id = {fa03baab-f77f-389d-8605-83fc6e6a69c0},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:16.019Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:16.019Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Kellerbauer, A. and Audi, G. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Bollen, G. and Brown, B. A. and Delahaye, P. and Guénaut, C. and Herfurth, F. and Kluge, H. J. and Lunney, D. and Schwarz, S. and Schweikhard, L. and Yazidjian, C.},\n doi = {10.1103/PHYSREVLETT.93.072502/FIGURES/4/MEDIUM},\n journal = {Physical Review Letters},\n number = {7}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {A new control system for ISOLTRAP},\n type = {article},\n year = {2004},\n keywords = {Control system,LabVIEW,Penning traps,Unstable nuclei},\n pages = {567-579},\n volume = {527},\n month = {7},\n publisher = {North-Holland},\n day = {21},\n id = {f11833c9-9e7c-33b2-8e40-87218ebb14b1},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:16.579Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:16.579Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {A new LabVIEW-based control system for the ISOLTRAP facility at ISOLDE/CERN has been implemented by using the Control System (CS) framework which has been developed by DVEE/GSI during the last two years. CS is an object-oriented, multi-threaded, event-driven framework with Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) functionality. It allows one to implement distributed control systems by adding experiment specific add-ons. This paper gives an overview on the CS framework, describes the requirements for ISOLTRAP and reports on the implementation of the new control system. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Brand, H. and Herfurth, F. and Schwarz, S.},\n doi = {10.1016/J.NIMA.2004.02.043},\n journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment},\n number = {3}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Unambiguous Identification of Three β-Decaying Isomers in 70Cu},\n type = {article},\n year = {2004},\n pages = {112501},\n volume = {92},\n websites = {},\n month = {3},\n publisher = {American Physical Society},\n day = {19},\n id = {a420e8fd-148f-3046-8759-4c4764aa53ec},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:17.147Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:17.147Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Van Roosbroeck, J. and Guénaut, C. and Audi, G. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Bollen, G. and Cederkall, J. and Delahaye, P. and De Maesschalck, A. and De Witte, H. and Fedorov, D. and Fedoseyev, V. N. and Franchoo, S. and Fynbo, H. O.U. and Górska, M. and Herfurth, F. and Heyde, K. and Huyse, M. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kluge, H. J. and Köster, U. and Kruglov, K. and Lunney, D. and Mishin, V. I. and Mueller, W. F. and Nagy, Sz and Schwarz, S. and Schweikhard, L. and Smirnova, N. A. and Van De Vel, K. and Van Duppen, P. and Van Dyck, A. and Walters, W. B. and Weissman, L. and Yazidjian, C.},\n doi = {10.1103/PHYSREVLETT.92.112501/FIGURES/2/MEDIUM},\n journal = {Physical Review Letters},\n number = {11}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {PRECISION MASS MEASUREMENTS ON NEUTRON-RICH NUCLEI WITH THE PENNING TRAP MASS SPECTROMETER ISOLTRAP},\n type = {article},\n year = {2003},\n keywords = {Experimental Techniques,Fission,Nuclear Astrophysics,Nuclear Structure,Radioactive Ion Beam Facilities},\n pages = {655-662},\n month = {10},\n publisher = {World Scientific Pub Co Pte Lt},\n id = {6fc020e6-4774-3249-893a-1d6d116c6605},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:17.615Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:17.615Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {BLAUM, K. and HERFURTH, F. and KELLERBAUER, A. and BECK, D. and KLUGE, H.-J. and SCHEIDENBERGER, C. and RODRIGUEZ, D. and SIKLER, G. and WEBER, C. and BOLLEN, G. and SCHWARZ, S. and MOORE, R.B. and SCHWEIKHARD, L.},\n doi = {10.1142/9789812705211_0098}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Masses of [formula presented] and [formula presented] for fundamental tests},\n type = {article},\n year = {2003},\n pages = {260801},\n volume = {91},\n websites = {},\n month = {12},\n publisher = {American Physical Society},\n day = {24},\n id = {c487857c-f18a-38c2-b188-4db9491c608b},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:18.131Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:18.131Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Masses of the short-lived radionuclides [Formula presented] ([Formula presented]) and [Formula presented] ([Formula presented]) have been determined with the Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP. Relative uncertainties of [Formula presented] ([Formula presented]) and [Formula presented] ([Formula presented]), respectively, have been achieved. At present, these new mass data serve as the most stringent test of the quadratic form of the isobaric-multiplet mass equation. Furthermore, the improved accuracy for the mass of [Formula presented] will allow for a better constraint on scalar contributions to the weak interaction. New mass values have also been measured for [Formula presented] and [Formula presented], and a [Formula presented] deviation for [Formula presented] from the literature value was found and interpreted. © 2003 The American Physical Society.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Blaum, K. and Audi, G. and Beck, D. and Bollen, G. and Herfurth, F. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kluge, H. J. and Sauvan, E. and Schwarz, S.},\n doi = {10.1103/PHYSREVLETT.91.260801/FIGURES/2/MEDIUM},\n journal = {Physical Review Letters},\n number = {26}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Recent improvements of ISOLTRAP: absolute mass measurements of exotic nuclides at 10−8 precision},\n type = {article},\n year = {2003},\n keywords = {Atomic masses,Binding energies,Carbon clusters,Fullerenes,Mass spectrometer},\n pages = {107-115},\n volume = {229},\n month = {9},\n publisher = {Elsevier},\n day = {1},\n id = {876fdde6-c782-3b7c-acac-51f4d72e2f47},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:18.785Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:18.785Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {In the past three years, the sensitivity and the performance of the Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP have been enhanced significantly. These improvements, which range from technical developments to systematic studies of the various factors contributing to the uncertainty of the final mass result, now allow mass measurements of short-lived radionuclides with half-lives of less than 100ms and with a precision of better than 10-8. Using a newly developed carbon cluster ion source, ISOLTRAP can perform absolute mass measurements relative to the microscopic mass standard 12C. These developments are reviewed as pertaining to the extension of ISOLTRAP mass measurements to higher precision and shorter half-lives and to molecular mass measurements. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Kellerbauer, Alban},\n doi = {10.1016/S1387-3806(03)00262-8},\n journal = {International Journal of Mass Spectrometry},\n number = {1-2}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Cluster calibration in mass spectrometry: laser desorption/ionization studies of atomic clusters and an application in precision mass spectrometry},\n type = {article},\n year = {2003},\n keywords = {Analytical Chemistry,Biochemistry,Characterization and Evaluation of Materials,Food Science,Laboratory Medicine,Mass spectra,Mass spectrometry,Monitoring/Environmental Analysis,general},\n pages = {1133-1139},\n volume = {377},\n websites = {},\n month = {8},\n publisher = {Springer},\n day = {28},\n id = {8c3275df-d8e7-3200-95b4-d5c689042a73},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:19.409Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:19.409Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {For accurate mass measurements and identification of atomic and molecular species precise mass calibration is mandatory. Recent studies with laser desorption/ionization and time-of-flight analysis of cluster ion production by use of fullerene and gold targets demonstrate the generation of atomic clusters for calibration purposes. Atomic ion results from the Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP, in which a carbon cluster ion source has recently been installed, are presented as an application in the field of precision mass spectrometry.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Blaum, K. and Herlert, A. and Huber, G. and Kluge, H. J. and Maul, J. and Schweikhard, L.},\n doi = {10.1007/S00216-003-2168-7},\n journal = {Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry},\n number = {7}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Mass measurements and nuclear physics—recent results from ISOLTRAP},\n type = {article},\n year = {2003},\n pages = {931},\n volume = {36},\n websites = {,},\n month = {2},\n publisher = {IOP Publishing},\n day = {19},\n id = {39944f12-992e-39bb-830a-037100ae41f0},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:20.123Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:20.123Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP is a facility for high-precision mass measurements of short-lived radioactive nuclei installed at ISOLDE/CERN in Geneva. More than 200 masses have been measured with relative uncertainties of 1 × 10-7 or even close to 1 × 10-8 in special cases. This publication gives an overview of the measurements performed with ISOLTRAP and discusses some results.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Herfurth, F. and Ames, F. and Audi, G. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Bollen, G. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kluge, H. J. and Kuckein, M. and Lunney, D. and Moore, R. B. and Oinonen, M. and Rodríguez, D. and Sauvan, E. and Scheidenberger, C. and Schwarz, S. and Sikler, G. and Weber, C.},\n doi = {10.1088/0953-4075/36/5/312},\n journal = {Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics},\n number = {5}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Recent developments at ISOLTRAP: towards a relative mass accuracy of exotic nuclei\nbelow 10−8},\n type = {article},\n year = {2003},\n pages = {921},\n volume = {36},\n websites = {,},\n month = {2},\n publisher = {IOP Publishing},\n day = {19},\n id = {24492ff3-24a7-361a-ab56-99480b149f55},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:20.853Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:20.853Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {During the last two years, the performance of the Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP at ISOLDE/CERN (Geneva) has been considerably enhanced. Many technical improvements have been completed (i) to access nuclides that are produced in minute quantities of only 100 ions s-1, (ii) to increase the relative mass accuracy to ≤1 × 10-8 and (iii) to make accessible nuclei with a half-life of down to ≈50 ms. The major steps are presented, in particular the recent implementation of a magnetron phase locking mechanism which results in a significant reduction of the duration of ISOLTRAP's cyclotron measurements.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Blaum, K. and Bollen, G. and Herfurth, F. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kluge, H. J. and Kuckein, M. and Heinz, S. and Schmidt, P. and Schweikhard, L.},\n doi = {10.1088/0953-4075/36/5/311},\n journal = {Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics},\n number = {5}\n}\n
@inbook{\n type = {inbook},\n year = {2003},\n pages = {307-312},\n websites = {},\n publisher = {Springer Netherlands},\n city = {Dordrecht},\n id = {df70d1e8-aee5-3cb8-873e-caceaab7753f},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:21.648Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:21.648Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n bibtype = {inbook},\n author = {Kellerbauer, A. and Blaum, K. and Bollen, G. and Herfurth, F. and Kluge, H.-J. and Kuckein, M. and Sauvan, E. and Scheidenberger, C. and Schweikhard, L.},\n doi = {10.1007/978-94-007-0946-1_47},\n chapter = {Carbon Cluster Ions For a Study of the Accuracy of ISOLTRAP},\n title = {Atomic Physics at Accelerators: Stored Particles and Fundamental Physics}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Laser desorption/ionization cluster studies for calibration in mass spectrometry},\n type = {article},\n year = {2003},\n keywords = {Applications of Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos Theory,Atomic,Molecular,Optical and Plasma Physics,Physical Chemistry,Quantum Information Technology,Quantum Physics,Spectroscopy/Spectrometry,Spintronics},\n pages = {145-148},\n volume = {24},\n websites = {},\n month = {7},\n publisher = {Springer},\n day = {3},\n id = {0fd723de-5a41-33e0-b359-78599aadbd2d},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:22.103Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:22.103Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Precise mass calibration is mandatory in many fields of\nmass spectrometry. We have performed laser desorption/ionization\ncluster studies with a MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer on gold and\nfullerene targets to produce atomic clusters. These\ninvestigations demonstrate that clusters are ideally suited for\nthis purpose. Pulsed N2-laser and\nNd:YAG-laser ablation was used to produce positively as well as\nnegatively charged clusters. Earlier observations of dianionic\nmetal clusters are confirmed. First results from the tandem\nPenning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP using carbon clusters as\nmass references show how carbon clusters can be applied to\nprecision mass spectrometry by providing absolute mass\nstandards.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Blaum, K. and Huber, G. and Kluge, H. J. and Schweikhard, L.},\n doi = {10.1140/EPJD/E2003-00131-8},\n journal = {The European Physical Journal D - Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics},\n number = {1}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Atomic and nuclear physics with stored particles in ion traps},\n type = {article},\n year = {2003},\n pages = {167-177},\n volume = {104},\n websites = {,},\n month = {1},\n publisher = {IOP Publishing},\n day = {1},\n id = {e4f62cf8-5bf6-3bc2-8065-2f0aa318667e},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:22.936Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:22.936Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Trapping and cooling techniques play an increasingly important role in many areas of science. This review concentrates on recent applications of ion traps installed at accelerator facilities to atomic and nuclear physics such as mass spectrometry of radioactive isotopes, weak interaction studies, symmetry tests, determination of fundamental constants, laser spectroscopy, and spectroscopy of highly-charged ions. In addition, ion traps are proven to be extremely efficient devices for (radioactive) ion beam manipulation as, for example, retardation, accumulation, cooling, beam cleaning, charge-breeding, and bunching.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Kluge, H. J. and Blaum, K. and Herfurth, F. and Quint, W.},\n doi = {10.1238/PHYSICA.TOPICAL.104A00167/XML},\n journal = {Physica Scripta T},\n number = {T104}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Segmented linear RFQ traps for nuclear physics},\n type = {article},\n year = {2003},\n keywords = {Beam manipulation,Ion trap,Linear Paul trap,Nuclear physics},\n pages = {587-591},\n volume = {204},\n month = {5},\n publisher = {North-Holland},\n day = {1},\n id = {d7f4fa22-fb58-3392-a970-6ed16dfd99ef},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:23.696Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:23.696Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Segmented linear radio-frequency quadrupole (RFQ) ion traps are nowadays widely used in experimental nuclear physics. Within recent years this type of device proved to be very valuable for an improved matching of the requirements of nuclear physics experiments with the boundary conditions dictated by the production technique of radioactive beams. Due to the success of the systems already in operation at on-line facilities, a number of new systems are designed or under construction. © 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Herfurth, F.},\n doi = {10.1016/S0168-583X(02)02135-3},\n journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Pushing the relative mass accuracy limit of ISOLTRAP on exotic nuclei below 10 ppb},\n type = {article},\n year = {2003},\n keywords = {Carbon clusters,Fullerenes,Mass measurement,Penning trap,Radio-frequency quadrupole},\n pages = {478-481},\n volume = {204},\n month = {5},\n publisher = {North-Holland},\n day = {1},\n id = {19eb2454-2962-3b8e-b305-70c9e6be646f},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:24.287Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:24.287Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP plays a leading role in mass spectrometry of short-lived nuclides. The recent installation of a radio-frequency quadrupole trap and a carbon cluster ion source allowed for the first time mass measurements on exotic nuclei with a relative uncertainty of δm/m ≈ 1 × 10-8. The status of ISOLTRAP mass spectrometry and recent highlights are presented. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Blaum, K. and Beck, D. and Bollen, G. and Herfurth, F. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kluge, H. J. and Moore, R. B. and Sauvan, E. and Scheidenberger, C. and Schwarz, S. and Schweikhard, L.},\n doi = {10.1016/S0168-583X(02)02115-8},\n journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Ion traps for radioactive beam manipulation and precision experiments},\n type = {article},\n year = {2003},\n keywords = {Beam manipulation,Binding energies and masses,Paul trap,Penning trap},\n pages = {466-473},\n volume = {204},\n month = {5},\n publisher = {North-Holland},\n day = {1},\n id = {a9d8195a-3bf7-3bc9-bd21-24885005b3df},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:25.070Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:25.070Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Ion traps have become important experimental tools in nuclear physics. They can be used for precise determination of nuclear binding energies, decay studies and radioactive ion beam manipulation. This article will summarize their basic features and how they are employed and will present new developments. © 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Bollen, G. and Schwarz, S.},\n doi = {10.1016/S0168-583X(03)00466-X},\n journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {From direct to absolute mass measurements: A study of the accuracy of ISOLTRAP},\n type = {article},\n year = {2003},\n keywords = {Applications of Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos Theory,Atomic,Molecular,Optical and Plasma Physics,Physical Chemistry,Quantum Information Technology,Quantum Physics,Spectroscopy/Spectrometry,Spintronics},\n pages = {53-64},\n volume = {22},\n websites = {},\n month = {1},\n publisher = {Springer},\n id = {658e2a39-e67f-3d72-808f-a7c2f7254c56},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:25.613Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:25.613Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {For a detailed study of the accuracy of the Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP all expected sources of uncertainty were investigated with respect to their contributions to the uncertainty of the final result. In the course of these investigations, cross-reference measurements with singly charged carbon clusters 12C+\nn were carried out. The carbon cluster ions were produced by use of laser-induced desorption, fragmentation, and ionization of C60 fullerenes and injected into and stored in the Penning trap system. The comparison of the cyclotron frequencies of different carbon clusters has provided detailed insight into the residual systematic uncertainty of ISOLTRAP and yielded a value of 8×10-9. This also represents the current limit of mass accuracy of the apparatus. Since the unified atomic mass unit is defined as 1/12 of the mass of the 12C atom, it will be possible to carry out absolute mass measurements with ISOLTRAP in the future.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Kellerbauer, A. and Blaum, K. and Bollen, G. and Herfurth, F. and Kluge, H. J. and Kuckein, M. and Sauvan, E. and Scheidenberger, C. and Schweikhard, L.},\n doi = {10.1140/EPJD/E2002-00222-0},\n journal = {The European Physical Journal D - Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics},\n number = {1}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Kohlenstoffcluster in der Präzisionsmassenspektrometrie},\n type = {article},\n year = {2002},\n pages = {208},\n volume = {33},\n websites = {<208::AID-PIUZ208>3.0.CO;2-L},\n id = {2d8b3cc7-92a9-330e-b299-ffad1959f0b4},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:26.198Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:26.198Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Blaum, K. and Kluge, H.-J. and Schweikhard, L.},\n doi = {10.1002/1521-3943(200209)33:5%3C208::AID-PIUZ208%3E3.0.CO;2-L},\n journal = {Physik in unserer Zeit}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Accurate mass measurements of very short-lived nuclei},\n type = {article},\n year = {2002},\n keywords = {Hadrons,Heavy Ions,Nuclear Fusion,Nuclear Physics,Particle and Nuclear Physics},\n pages = {17-20},\n volume = {15},\n websites = {},\n month = {9},\n publisher = {Springer},\n day = {1},\n id = {b47c07f3-69c3-3ebc-8c56-aa5259bc0351},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:26.939Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:26.939Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Mass measurements of 34Ar, 73-78Kr, and 74,76Rb were performed with the Penning-trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP. Very accurate Q\nEC-values are needed for the investigations of the t-value of 0+ → 0+ nuclear β-decays used to test the standard model predictions for weak interactions. The necessary accuracy on the Q\nEC-value requires the mass of mother and daughter nuclei to be measured with δm/m ⩽ 3.10-8. For most of the measured nuclides presented here this has been reached. The 34Ar mass has been measured with a relative accuracy of 1.1.10-8. The QEC-value of the 34Ar 0+ → 0+ decay can now be determined with an uncertainty of about 0.01%. Furthermore, 74Rb is the shortest-lived nuclide ever investigated in a Penning trap.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Herfurth, F. and Kellerbauer, A. and Ames, F. and Audi, G. and Beck, D. and Blaum, K. and Bollen, G. and Engels, O. and Kluge, H. J. and Lunney, D. and Moore, R. B. and Oinonen, M. and Sauvan, E. and Scheidenberger, C. and Schwarz, S. and Sikler, G. and Weber, C.},\n doi = {10.1140/EPJA/I2001-10216-X},\n journal = {The European Physical Journal A},\n number = {1}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Ion traps — Precision measurements and more},\n type = {article},\n year = {2002},\n pages = {411-417},\n websites = {},\n publisher = {Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg},\n id = {2223a80d-e95d-35bf-bcfc-08e682fc2d0c},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:27.603Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:27.603Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Bollen, G.},\n doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-55560-2_152},\n journal = {Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {New mass measurements with the ISOLTRAP spectrometer},\n type = {article},\n year = {2002},\n keywords = {data analysis,isotope effects,mass spectrometers,mass spectroscopy,nuclear mass,radioisotopes},\n pages = {905},\n volume = {610},\n websites = {},\n month = {4},\n publisher = {American Institute of PhysicsAIP},\n day = {5},\n id = {05338a7f-2954-3ddb-8e90-d68427e8ac22},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:28.170Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:28.170Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The Penning trap spectrometer ISOLTRAP at the on-line mass separator facility ISOLDE/CERN has been employed for mass measurements of more than 200 unstable nuclei. Examples for recent ISOLTRAP meas...},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Bollen, G. and Ames, F. and Audi, G. and Beck, D. and Engels, O. and Herfurth, F. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kluge, H.-J. and Lunney, D. and Moore, R. B. and Oinonen, M. and Sauvan, E. and Scheidenberger, C. and Schwarz, S. and Sikler, G. and Szerypo, J. and Weber, C.},\n doi = {10.1063/1.1470059},\n journal = {AIP Conference Proceedings},\n number = {1}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Carbon clusters for absolute mass measurements at ISOLTRAP},\n type = {article},\n year = {2002},\n keywords = {Hadrons,Heavy Ions,Nuclear Fusion,Nuclear Physics,Particle and Nuclear Physics},\n pages = {245-248},\n volume = {15},\n websites = {},\n month = {9},\n publisher = {Springer},\n day = {1},\n id = {9b0d8100-4f7c-3883-859a-6098cb37e7a2},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:28.711Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:28.711Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The cyclotron frequencies of singly charged carbon clusters Cn\n+ (n ≥ 2) were measured with the Penning-trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP at ISOLDE/CERN. The present limit of mass accuracy δm/m = 1.2.10-8 and the extent of the mass-dependent systematic shift (δm/m)sys = 1.7(0.6).10-10/u\n.(m - m\nref) of the setup were investigated for the first time. In addition, absolute mass measurements by use of pure clusters of the most abundant carbon isotope 12C are now possible at ISOLTRAP.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Blaum, K. and Bollen, G. and Herfurth, F. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kluge, H. J. and Kuckein, M. and Sauvan, E. and Scheidenberger, C. and Schweikhard, L.},\n doi = {10.1140/EPJA/I2001-10262-4},\n journal = {The European Physical Journal A},\n number = {1}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Production and trapping of carbon clusters for absolute mass measurements at ISOLTRAP},\n type = {article},\n year = {2002},\n keywords = {Absolute mass measurements,Atomic mass standard,Carbon clusters,Exotic nuclei,Fullerenes,Penning trap},\n pages = {574-578},\n volume = {701},\n month = {4},\n publisher = {North-Holland},\n day = {22},\n id = {a8b244a7-9eb3-3951-b5ca-bd28ae4eaee8},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:29.186Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:29.186Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Singly-charged carbon cluster Cn+ (n ≥ 1) have been produced by laser-induced desorption and fragmentation of C60 fullerenes and have been injected into and stored in the Penning trap system of the ISOLTRAP mass spectrometer at ISOLDE/CERN. The present study is the first step to extend the until now direct mass measurements at ISOLTRAP to absolute mass measurements by using clusters of 12C. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Scheidenberger, C. and Bollen, G. and Herfurth, F. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kluge, H. J. and Koizumi, M. and Schwarz, S. and Schweikhard, L.},\n doi = {10.1016/S0375-9474(01)01647-5},\n journal = {Nuclear Physics A},\n number = {1-4}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {High-accuracy mass determination of neutron-rich rubidium and strontium isotopes},\n type = {article},\n year = {2002},\n keywords = {Atomic masses88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95Sr,Least-squares adjustment of data,Measured masses,On-line mass spectrometry,Penning trap},\n pages = {3-14},\n volume = {706},\n month = {7},\n publisher = {North-Holland},\n day = {29},\n id = {2c7131e1-f750-36e1-b45c-b8873fdd6aa9},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:29.748Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:29.748Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP, installed at the on-line isotope separator ISOLDE at CERN, has been used to measure atomic masses of 88,89,90m,91,92,93,94Rb and 91,92,93,94,95Sr. Using a resolving power of R ≈ 1 million a mass accuracy of typically 10 keV was achieved for all nuclides. Discrepancies with older data are analyzed and discussed, leading to corrections to those data. Together with the present ISOLTRAP data these corrected data have been used in a general mass adjustment. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Raimbault-Hartmann, H. and Audi, G. and Beck, D. and Bollen, G. and De Saint Simon, M. and Kluge, H. J. and König, M. and Moore, R. B. and Schwarz, S. and Savard, G. and Szerypo, J.},\n doi = {10.1016/S0375-9474(02)00863-1},\n journal = {Nuclear Physics A},\n number = {1-2}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Atomic physics techniques applied to nuclear physics},\n type = {article},\n year = {2002},\n keywords = {Atomic physics techniques,Cooling,Exotic nuclei,Ion traps,Laser spectroscopy,Magneto-optical traps,Mass spectrometry,Radioactive nuclear beams,Storage rings,Weak-interaction studies},\n pages = {495-502},\n volume = {701},\n month = {4},\n publisher = {North-Holland},\n day = {22},\n id = {e8fa1361-f55a-3ed8-98b4-b57de47cb530},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:30.190Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:30.190Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {An overview is given on atomic physics techniques for manipulating radioactive beams and for extracting nuclear properties. Emphasis is put on recent developments involving storing and cooling of radioactive species in ion traps, storage rings, and laser neutral-atom traps. The recent progress achieved in mass and laser spectroscopy as well as in weak-interaction studies will be discussed. © 2002 Elsevier Scinece B.V. All rigths reserved.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Kluge, H. Jürgen},\n doi = {10.1016/S0375-9474(01)01634-7},\n journal = {Nuclear Physics A},\n number = {1-4}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {A linear radiofrequency quadrupole ion trap for the cooling and bunching of radioactive ion beams},\n type = {article},\n year = {2002},\n keywords = {Atomic masses,Buffer gas cooling,Ion guide,Ion trap,Mass spectrometry,Radioactive ions beams},\n pages = {565-569},\n volume = {701},\n month = {4},\n publisher = {North-Holland},\n day = {22},\n id = {70a71220-c45c-3661-9492-fbb7ece5ab33},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:30.732Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:30.732Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {A linear radio-frequency quadrupole ion guide and beam buncher has been installed at the ISOLTRAP mass spectrometry experiment at he ISOLDE facility at CERN. The apparatus is being used as a beam cooling, accumulation, and bunching system. It operates with a buffer gas that cools the injected ions and converts the quasicontinuous 60-keV beam from the ISOLDE facility to 2.5-keV beam pulses with improved normalized transverse emittance. Recent measurements suggest a capture efficiency of the ion guide of up to 40% and a cooling and bunching efficiency of at least 12% which is expected to still be increased. The improved ISOLTRAP setup has so far been very successfully in three on-line experiments. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Kellerbauer, A. and Bollen, G. and Dilling, J. and Henry, S. and Herfurth, F. and Kluge, H. J. and Lamour, E. and Moore, R. B. and Scheidenberger, C. and Schwarz, S. and Sikler, G. and Szerypo, J.},\n doi = {10.1016/S0375-9474(01)01645-1},\n journal = {Nuclear Physics A},\n number = {1-4}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Direct mass measurements of neutron-deficient xenon isotopes with the ISOLTRAP mass spectrometer},\n type = {article},\n year = {2002},\n keywords = {Atomic masses,Mass spectrometry,Penning trap,Radioactive ions,Xenon isotopes},\n pages = {520-523},\n volume = {701},\n month = {4},\n publisher = {North-Holland},\n day = {22},\n id = {b1766b0f-9d95-3693-8c18-fbc19f4fd8d6},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:31.357Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:31.357Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The masses of Xe isotopes with 124 ≥ A ≥ 114 have been measured using the ISOLTRAP spectrometer at the on-line mass separator ISOLDE/CERN. A mass resolving power of 500 000 was chosen resulting in an accuracy of δm ≈ 12 keV for all isotopes investigated. Conflicts with existing mass data of several standard deviations were found. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Dilling, J. and Audi, G. and Beck, D. and Bollen, G. and Henry, S. and Herfurth, F. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kluge, H. J. and Lunney, D. and Moore, R. B. and Scheidenberger, C. and Schwarz, S. and Sikler, G. and Szerypo, J.},\n doi = {10.1016/S0375-9474(01)01638-4},\n journal = {Nuclear Physics A},\n number = {1-4}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Extension of Penning-trap mass measurements to very short-lived nuclides},\n type = {article},\n year = {2002},\n keywords = {33Ar,Atomic masses,Ion cooling,Ion guide,Ion trap,On-line mass spectrometry,Radioactive ion beams},\n pages = {516-519},\n volume = {701},\n month = {4},\n publisher = {North-Holland},\n day = {22},\n id = {c00445a5-f561-3bd2-b78c-56995c8046d1},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:31.927Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:31.927Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Mass measurements on 33,34,42,43Ar have been performed at the ISOLTRAP spectrometer. An accuracy of δm ≈ 4 keV has been achieved for all measured isitopes. With 33Ar it is the first time that a nuclide with a half-life shorter than one second has been investigated using a Penning trap. This became possible due to the recently installed linear radio-frequency ion-trap system and an improved, faster measurement cycle. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Herfurth, F. and Audi, G. and Beck, D. and Bollen, G. and Dilling, J. and Henry, S. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kluge, H. J. and Kolhinen, V. and Lunney, D. and Moore, R. B. and Scheidenberger, C. and Schwarz, S. and Sikler, G. and Szerypo, J.},\n doi = {10.1016/S0375-9474(01)01637-2},\n journal = {Nuclear Physics A},\n number = {1-4}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Accurate masses of neutron-deficient nuclides close to Z=82},\n type = {article},\n year = {2001},\n keywords = {07.75.+h,21.10.Dr,27.70.+q,27.80.+w,32.10.Bi,ATOMIC MASSES 179,180,181,182,183,184,185,185m,186,187,187m, 188,189m,190,191,191m,192,193,193m,194,195,196,197,197m,200Hg, 196,198,204Pb, 197Bi, 198Po},\n pages = {533-545},\n volume = {693},\n month = {10},\n publisher = {North-Holland},\n day = {22},\n id = {aa9c14f2-0aed-36b3-87f5-8b9bf5f0774b},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:32.470Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:32.470Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Mass measurements with the Penning-trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP at ISOLDE/CERN are extended to nonsurface ionizable species using newly developed ion-beam bunching devices. Masses of 179-197Hg, 196,198Pb, 197Bi, 198Po and 203At were determined with an accuracy of 1×10-7 corresponding to δm≈20 keV. Applying a resolving power of up to 3.7×106 ground and isomeric states of 185,187,191,193,197Hg were separated. First experimental values for the isomeric excitation energy of 187,191Hg are obtained. A least-squares adjustment has been performed and theoretical approaches are discussed to model the observed fine structure in the binding energy. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Schwarz, S. and Ames, F. and Audi, G. and Beck, D. and Bollen, G. and De Coster, C. and Dilling, J. and Engels, O. and Fossion, R. and Garcia Ramos, J. E. and Henry, S. and Herfurth, F. and Heyde, K. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kluge, H. J. and Kohl, A. and Lamour, E. and Lunney, D. and Martel, I. and Moore, R. B. and Oinonen, M. and Raimbault-Hartmann, H. and Scheidenberger, C. and Sikler, G. and Szerypo, J. and Weber, C.},\n doi = {10.1016/S0375-9474(01)00881-8},\n journal = {Nuclear Physics A},\n number = {3-4}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Accurate Mass Determination of Neutron-Deficient Nuclides Close to Z=82 with ISOLTRAP},\n type = {article},\n year = {2001},\n keywords = {Atomic,Condensed Matter Physics,Hadrons,Heavy Ions,Molecular,Nuclear Physics,Optical and Plasma Physics,Surfaces and Interfaces,Thin Films},\n pages = {335-338},\n volume = {132},\n websites = {},\n month = {1},\n publisher = {Springer},\n day = {28},\n id = {ca97adf9-86ef-3c98-b647-828299024f86},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:33.086Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:33.086Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The recent implementation of gas-filled radiofrequency traps for efficient ion beam bunching extended the applicability of the Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP/CERN to non-surface ionizable species. In a first series of successful runs the masses of 182–197Hg, 196,198Pb, 197Bi, 198Po and 203At have been determined with an accuracy of 1⋅10−7. In order to unambiguously determine the ground state mass the ground and isomeric states of 185,187,191,193,197Hg were separated applying a resolving power of up to 3.7⋅106. First experimental values for the isomeric excitation energy of 187,191Hg were obtained.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Schwarz, S. and Ames, F. and Audi, G. and Beck, D. and Bollen, G. and Dilling, J. and Herfurth, F. and Kluge, H. J. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kohl, A. and Lunney, D. and Moore, R. B. and Raimbault-Hartmann, H. and Scheidenberger, C. and Sikler, G. and Szerypo, J.},\n doi = {10.1023/A:1011996613609},\n journal = {Hyperfine Interactions 2001},\n number = {1}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Improvement of the Applicability, Efficiency, and Precision of the Penning Trap Mass Spectrometer ISOLTRAP},\n type = {article},\n year = {2001},\n keywords = {Atomic,Condensed Matter Physics,Hadrons,Heavy Ions,Molecular,Nuclear Physics,Optical and Plasma Physics,Surfaces and Interfaces,Thin Films},\n pages = {507-511},\n volume = {132},\n websites = {},\n month = {1},\n publisher = {Springer},\n day = {28},\n id = {f48d0a2f-fabb-3b49-9166-bfef0292b1f3},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:33.629Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:33.629Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {With the Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP, close to 200 nuclides have already been investigated and their masses determined with a typical relative precision of δm/m=10−7. Recently, ISOLTRAP's beam preparation system was replaced by an RFQ ion beam cooler and buncher. The principle and the characteristics of this new beam preparation system will be presented. It is planned to use ions of various carbon clusters C+\n \n n\n (n>1) as reference ions for mass measurements. Apart from negligible molecular binding energies, these clusters have masses that are exact multiples of the unified atomic mass unit. This will allow ISOLTRAP to carry out absolute mass measurements as well as to investigate possible mass-dependent systematic errors. The results of tests of the production, transport, and trapping of such carbon clusters will be presented.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Kellerbauer, A. and Bollen, G. and Dilling, J. and Henry, S. and Herfurth, F. and Kluge, H. J. and Lamour, E. and Lunney, D. and Moore, R. B. and Scheidenberger, C. and Schwarz, S. and Sikler, G. and Szerypo, J.},\n doi = {10.1023/A:1011991316760},\n journal = {Hyperfine Interactions 2001},\n number = {1}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Breakdown of the Isobaric Multiplet Mass Equation at A=33, T=3/2},\n type = {article},\n year = {2001},\n pages = {142501},\n volume = {87},\n websites = {},\n month = {9},\n publisher = {American Physical Society},\n day = {13},\n id = {b2fedd39-4c6d-3960-a12d-133e301ac34e},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:34.221Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:34.221Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Herfurth, F. and Dilling, J. and Kellerbauer, A. and Audi, G. and Beck, D. and Bollen, G. and Kluge, H.-J. and Lunney, D. and Moore, R. B. and Scheidenberger, C. and Schwarz, S. and Sikler, G. and Szerypo, J. and ISOLDE Collaboration, undefined},\n doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.87.142501},\n journal = {Physical Review Letters},\n number = {14}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Towards Shorter-Lived Nuclides in ISOLTRAP Mass Measurements},\n type = {article},\n year = {2001},\n keywords = {33Ar,Atomic masses,Ion trap,On-line mass spectrometry,Radioactive ion beams},\n pages = {309-314},\n volume = {132},\n websites = {},\n publisher = {Springer, Dordrecht},\n id = {3c628070-b76e-3cf0-bc83-3a4589bc3bf9},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:34.765Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:34.765Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Recently, the applicability of Penning trap mass spectrometry has been extended to nuclides with a half-life of less than one second. The mass of 33Ar (T1/2 = 174 ms) was measured using the ISOLTRAP spectrometer with an accuracy of 4.2 keV. This measurement provided a stringent test of the Isobaric Multiplet Mass Equation (IMME) at mass number A = 33 and isospin T = 3/2. The fast measurement cycle that shows the way to other measurements of very-short-lived nuclides is presented. Furthermore, the results of the IMME test are displayed.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Herfurth, F. and Dilling, J. and Kellerbauer, A. and Audi, G. and Beck, D. and Bollen, G. and Henry, S. and Kluge, H. J. and Lunney, D. and Moore, R. B. and Scheidenberger, C. and Schwarz, S. and Sikler, G. and Szerypo, J.},\n doi = {10.1007/978-94-015-1270-1_27},\n journal = {Hyperfine Interactions},\n number = {1-4}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {A linear radiofrequency ion trap for accumulation, bunching, and emittance improvement of radioactive ion beams},\n type = {article},\n year = {2001},\n keywords = {Ion buncher,Ion cooling,Ion guide,Ion trap,On-line mass spectrometry,Radioactive ion beams},\n pages = {254-275},\n volume = {469},\n month = {8},\n publisher = {North-Holland},\n day = {11},\n id = {fc3b9d81-1fe2-33f0-a73b-c416303d08a8},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:35.314Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:35.314Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {An ion beam cooler and buncher has been developed for the manipulation of radioactive ion beams. The gas-filled linear radiofrequency ion trap system is installed at the Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP at ISOLDE/CERN. Its purpose is to accumulate the 60-keV continuous ISOLDE ion beam with high efficiency and to convert it into low-energy low-emittance ion pulses. The efficiency was found to exceed 10% in agreement with simulations. A more than 10-fold reduction of the ISOLDE beam emittance can be achieved. The system has been used successfully for first on-line experiments. Its principle, setup and performance will be discussed. © Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Herfurth, F. and Dilling, J. and Kellerbauer, A. and Bollen, G. and Henry, S. and Kluge, H. J. and Lamour, E. and Lunney, D. and Moore, R. B. and Scheidenberger, C. and Schwarz, S. and Sikler, G. and Szerypo, J.},\n doi = {10.1016/S0168-9002(01)00168-1},\n journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment},\n number = {2}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Mass Measurements of 114–124,130Xe with the ISOLTRAP Penning Trap Spectrometer},\n type = {article},\n year = {2001},\n keywords = {Atomic,Condensed Matter Physics,Hadrons,Heavy Ions,Molecular,Nuclear Physics,Optical and Plasma Physics,Surfaces and Interfaces,Thin Films},\n pages = {329-333},\n volume = {132},\n websites = {},\n month = {1},\n publisher = {Springer},\n day = {28},\n id = {7fd21e32-8aa4-32bc-b18a-9a6d0d53f59f},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:35.899Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:35.899Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The masses of the xenon isotopes with 114≤A≤123 were directly measured for the first time. The experiments were carried out at the ISOLTRAP triple trap spectrometer at the on-line mass separator ISOLDE/CERN. A mass resolving power of the Penning trap spectrometer of m/Δm≈500 000 was chosen and an accuracy of δm≈12keV for all investigated Xe isotopes was achieved. An atomic mass evaluation was performed and the results of this adjustment are compared with theoretical predictions. The new results for the xenon isotopes and their effects on neighboring nuclides are discussed within the two-neutron separation energy picture.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Dilling, J. and Audi, G. and Beck, D. and Bollen, G. and Herfurth, F. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kluge, H. J. and Lunney, D. and Moore, R. B. and Scheidenberger, C. and Schwarz, S. and Sikler, G. and Szerypo, J.},\n doi = {10.1023/A:1011988426813},\n journal = {Hyperfine Interactions 2001},\n number = {1}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Mass measurements of short-lived nuclides with ion traps},\n type = {article},\n year = {2001},\n pages = {3-18},\n volume = {693},\n month = {10},\n publisher = {North-Holland},\n day = {8},\n id = {e3144213-19db-342d-b994-6a28a44c53c4},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:36.497Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:36.497Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Penning-trap mass spectrometry has reached a state that allows its application to very short-lived isotopes available from various sources of radioactive beams. Mass values with outstanding accuracy are achieved even far from stability. This paper illustrate the state of the art by discussing the status of the ISOLTRAP experiment at ISOLDE/CERN. In addition an overview of new ion-trap projects for nuclear mass determination will be given. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Bollen, G.},\n doi = {10.1016/S0375-9474(01)00353-0},\n journal = {Nuclear Physics A},\n number = {1-2}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Mass Measurements on Short-Lived Nuclides with ISOLTRAP},\n type = {article},\n year = {2001},\n keywords = {Atomic,Condensed Matter Physics,Hadrons,Heavy Ions,Molecular,Nuclear Physics,Optical and Plasma Physics,Surfaces and Interfaces,Thin Films},\n pages = {213-220},\n volume = {132},\n websites = {},\n month = {1},\n publisher = {Springer},\n day = {28},\n id = {d16971d9-ec3c-34d9-a67c-a29300c5a934},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:37.070Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:37.070Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Penning trap mass spectrometry has reached a state that allows its application to very short-lived nuclides available from various sources of radioactive beams. Mass values with outstanding accuracy are achieved even far from stability. This paper illustrates the state of the art by summarizing the status of the ISOLTRAP experiment at ISOLDE/CERN. Furthermore, results of mass measurements on unstable rare earth isotopes will be given.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Bollen, G. and Ames, F. and Audi, G. and Beck, D. and Dilling, J. and Engels, O. and Henry, S. and Herfurth, F. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kluge, H. J. and Kohl, A. and Lamour, E. and Lunney, D. and Moore, R. B. and Oinonen, M. and Scheidenberger, C. and Schwarz, S. and Sikler, G. and Szerypo, J. and Weber, C.},\n doi = {10.1023/A:1011943813020},\n journal = {Hyperfine Interactions 2001},\n number = {1}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Extending and refining the nuclear mass surface with ISOLTRAP and MISTRAL},\n type = {article},\n year = {2000},\n keywords = {Atomic,Condensed Matter Physics,Hadrons,Heavy Ions,Molecular,Nuclear Physics,Optical and Plasma Physics,Surfaces and Interfaces,Thin Films},\n pages = {249-269},\n volume = {129},\n websites = {},\n publisher = {Springer},\n id = {c31ebcb0-a7ac-3d7e-8068-32c8efac9cb6},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:37.536Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:37.536Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Through the nuclear binding energy, the atomic mass gives us important information about nuclear structure. Viewing the ensemble of mass data over the nuclear chart, we can examine the hills and valleys that form this surface and make hypotheses about the effects of certain nuclear configurations. To unveil these effects, mass measurements of very high precision (<10−6) are required. Two experiments at ISOLDE pursue this effort of nuclear cartography: the tandem Penning trap spectrometer ISOLTRAP and the radiofrequency transmission spectrometer MISTRAL. Between them, the masses of almost 150 nuclides have been measured from stable isotopes to those with half-lives as short as 30 ms. Both experiments rely on good optical properties of a low energy ion beam and are thus well suited to the ISOLDE facility.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Lunney, D. and Bollen, G.},\n doi = {10.1023/A:1012698824893},\n journal = {Hyperfine Interactions 2000},\n number = {1}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Accurate masses of unstable rare-earth isotopes by ISOLTRAP},\n type = {article},\n year = {2000},\n keywords = {Hadrons,Heavy Ions,Nuclear Fusion,Nuclear Physics,Particle and Nuclear Physics},\n pages = {307-329},\n volume = {8},\n websites = {},\n publisher = {Springer},\n id = {fcbdaccc-6497-3a02-995c-482da774853c},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:38.092Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:38.092Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Direct mass measurements of neutron-deficient rare-earth isotopes in the vicinity of 146Gd were performed with the Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP at ISOLDE/CERN. This paper reports on the measurement of more than 40 isotopes of the elements praseodymium, neodymium, promethium, samarium, europium, dysprosium and holmium, that have been measured with a typical accuracy of δm ≈ 14 keV. An atomic mass evaluation has been performed taking into account other experimental mass values via a least-squares adjustment. The results of the adjustment are discussed.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Beck, D. and Ames, F. and Audi, G. and Bollen, G. and Herfurth, F. and Kluge, H. J. and Kohl, A. and König, M. and Lunney, D. and Martel, I. and Moore, R. B. and Raimbault-Hartmann, H. and Schark, E. and Schwarz, S. and De Saint Simon, M. and Szerypo, J.},\n doi = {10.1007/S100500070085},\n journal = {The European Physical Journal A},\n number = {3}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Gross properties of exotic nuclei investigated at storage rings and ion traps},\n type = {article},\n year = {2000},\n keywords = {antiproton sources,beam handling techniques,heavy ion fusion reactions,mass spectroscopy,proton-nucleus scattering,radioactive ion beams,storage rings},\n pages = {275},\n volume = {512},\n websites = {},\n month = {2},\n publisher = {American Institute of PhysicsAIP},\n day = {12},\n id = {9034d9d4-cc1c-3198-b48c-293865a78fc6},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:38.636Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:38.636Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Properties of exotic nuclei like atomic masses, decay modes, and half-lives can be ideally investigated in storage rings and ion traps. Some experiments can be carried out under conditions which pr...},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Scheidenberger, C. and Bollen, G. and Bosch, F. and Casares, A. and Geissel, H. and Kholomeev, A. and Münzenberg, G. and Weick, H. and Wollnik, H.},\n doi = {10.1063/1.1291452},\n journal = {AIP Conference Proceedings},\n number = {1}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Trapping and cooling of highly charged or radioactive ions},\n type = {article},\n year = {1999},\n pages = {1021c-1026c},\n volume = {654},\n month = {7},\n publisher = {North-Holland},\n day = {26},\n id = {e3220702-6066-3846-9cb2-eade9cd099c5},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:39.272Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:39.272Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Ion traps and storage rings provide unique experimental conditions for the study of the properties of stable or radioactive, singly or highly charged ions. Storage of the confined particles for extended periods of times and cooling are the key issues for extremely high accuracy and sensitivity. At many accelerators such facilities are in operation or planned for experiments in atomic and nuclear physics.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Kluge, H. Jürgen},\n doi = {10.1016/S0375-9474(00)88591-7},\n journal = {Nuclear Physics A},\n number = {1}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {High-accuracy mass determination of unstable cesium and barium isotopes},\n type = {article},\n year = {1999},\n keywords = {Atomic masses 117-142Cs, 123-128,131,138-144Ba,Least-squares adjustment of data,Macroscopic-microscopic mass model calculations,Measured masses,On-line mass spectrometry,Penning trap},\n pages = {3-30},\n volume = {651},\n month = {5},\n publisher = {North-Holland},\n day = {3},\n id = {328d04b6-5b06-3e1b-86c3-817bf8409676},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:39.823Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:39.823Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Direct mass measurements of short-lived Cs and Ba isotopes have been performed with the tandem Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP installed at the on-line isotope separator ISOLDE at CERN. Typically, a mass resolving power of 600 000 and an accuracy of δm ≈ 13 keV have been obtained. The masses of 123,124,126Ba and 122mCs were measured for the first time. A least-squares adjustment has been performed and the experimental masses are compared with theoretical ones, particularly in the frame of a macroscopic-microscopic model. © 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Ames, F. and Audi, G. and Beck, D. and Bollen, G. and De Saint Simon, M. and Jertz, R. and Kluge, H. J. and Kohl, A. and König, M. and Lunney, D. and Martel, I. and Moore, R. B. and Otto, T. and Patyk, Z. and Raimbault-Hartmann, H. and Rouleau, G. and Savard, G. and Schark, E. and Schwarz, S. and Schweikhard, L. and Stolzenberg, H. and Szerypo, J.},\n doi = {10.1016/S0375-9474(99)00111-6},\n journal = {Nuclear Physics A},\n number = {1}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Mass measurements on radioactive isotopes with a Penning trap mass spectrometer},\n type = {article},\n year = {1999},\n keywords = {ion optics,mass measurement,mass spectrometers,nuclear mass,nuclei with mass number 150 to 189,nuclei with mass number 90 to 149,particle traps,radioactive ion beams},\n pages = {111},\n volume = {457},\n websites = {},\n month = {3},\n publisher = {American Institute of PhysicsAIP},\n day = {27},\n id = {4b9faed1-8511-37d7-b7df-7dfeae79db4e},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:40.371Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:40.371Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Penning trap mass measurements on short-lived isotopes are performed with the ISOLTRAP mass spectrometer at the radioactive beam facility ISOLDE/CERN. In the last years the applicability of the spe...},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Bollen, G. and Ames, F. and Audi, G. and Beck, D. and Herfurth, F. and Kluge, H.-J. and Kohl, A. and Lunney, D. and Moore, R. B. and Simon, M. de Saint and Schark, E. and Schwarz, S. and Szerypo, J. and Collaboration, ISOLDE},\n doi = {10.1063/1.57487},\n journal = {AIP Conference Proceedings},\n number = {1}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {A radio frequency quadrupole ion beam buncher for ISOLTRAP},\n type = {article},\n year = {1998},\n keywords = {beam handling techniques,isotope separation,mass spectroscopy,particle traps,radioactive ion beams},\n pages = {965},\n volume = {455},\n websites = {},\n month = {3},\n publisher = {American Institute of PhysicsAIP},\n day = {27},\n id = {b0a034d7-5577-3817-9b58-68b032bd4e77},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:40.978Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:40.978Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {ISOLTRAP is a Penning trap spectrometer at the on-line mass separator ISOLDE at CERN for the mass determination of radioisotopes. It consists of three electromagnetic traps in tandem; a Paul trap f...},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Bollen, G. and Dilling, J. and Dezfuli, A. M. Ghalambor and Henry, S. and Herfurth, F. and Kellerbauer, A. and Kim, T. and Kluge, H.-J. and Kohl, A. and Lamour, E. and Lunney, D. and Moore, R. B. and Quint, W. and Schwarz, S. and Varfalvy, P. and Vermeeren, L.},\n doi = {10.1063/1.57380},\n journal = {AIP Conference Proceedings},\n number = {1}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Mass measurements with a Penning trap mass spectrometer at ISOLDE},\n type = {article},\n year = {1998},\n keywords = {mass measurement,mass spectroscopy,nuclear mass,nuclei with mass number 150 to 189,nuclei with mass number 190 to 219,nuclei with mass number 90 to 149,particle traps},\n pages = {3},\n volume = {455},\n websites = {},\n month = {3},\n publisher = {American Institute of PhysicsAIP},\n day = {27},\n id = {26250cae-8a6c-369b-b718-344371dadc73},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:41.518Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:41.518Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Penning trap mass measurements on radioactive isotopes are performed with the ISOLTRAP mass spectrometer at ISOLDE/CERN. In the last years the applicability of the spectrometer has been considerabl...},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Bollen, G. and Ames, F. and Audi, G. and Beck, D. and Herfurth, F. and Kluge, H.-J. and Kohl, A. and Lunney, D. and Moore, R. B. and Simon, M. de Saint and Schark, E. and Schwarz, S. and Szerypo, J. and Collaboration, the ISOLDE},\n doi = {10.1063/1.57389},\n journal = {AIP Conference Proceedings},\n number = {1}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Modern approaches for direct mass measurements far from stability},\n type = {article},\n year = {1997},\n pages = {297-305},\n volume = {626},\n month = {11},\n publisher = {North-Holland},\n day = {17},\n id = {dc3e7a77-1377-31ee-bc94-bee59d20c0b3},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:42.065Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:42.065Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Today a variety of techniques exist for direct mass measurements on unstable isotopes. The most modern approaches are based on the measurement of time of flight and frequencies. They allow us to investigate nuclear binding very far away from stability with high accuracy for a wide range of isotopes and half-lives.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Bollen, G.},\n doi = {10.1016/S0375-9474(97)00550-2},\n journal = {Nuclear Physics A},\n number = {1-2}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Direct mass measurements of unstable rare earth isotopes with the ISOLTRAP mass spectrometer},\n type = {article},\n year = {1997},\n pages = {343-352},\n volume = {626},\n month = {11},\n publisher = {North-Holland},\n day = {17},\n id = {15f2ab0b-3633-32ce-b433-e67f37f5c449},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:42.674Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:42.674Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Direct mass measurements of neutron deficient rare earth isotopes in the vicinity of 146Gd were performed for the first time with the Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP at ISOLDE/CERN. Since ISOL-facilities deliver these isotopes with a large amount of isobaric contamination, these measurements became possible only after the installation of a new cooler trap which acts as an isobar separator. To date more than 40 isotopes of the elements Pr, Nd, Pm, Sm, Eu, Dy, and Ho have been measured with a typical accuracy of δm ≈ 14keV. Some of these isotopes provide an important anchor for many other isotopes linked by known Q-values.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Beck, D. and Ames, F. and Audi, G. and Bollen, G. and Kluge, H. J. and Kohl, A. and König, M. and Lunney, D. and Martel, I. and Moore, R. B. and Raimbault-Hartmann, H. and Schark, E. and Schwarz, S. and De Saint Simon, M. and Szerypo, J.},\n doi = {10.1016/S0375-9474(97)00556-3},\n journal = {Nuclear Physics A},\n number = {1-2}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {A cylindrical Penning trap for capture, mass selective cooling, and bunching of radioactive ion beams},\n type = {article},\n year = {1997},\n keywords = {Ion accumulation,Ion cooling,Mass separation,Penning trap},\n pages = {378-382},\n volume = {126},\n month = {4},\n publisher = {North-Holland},\n day = {4},\n id = {71973bc5-19b0-3544-ba29-559d277d37c5},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:43.128Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:43.128Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {A Penning trap ion accumulator, cooler, and buncher for low-energy ion beams has been developed for the ISOLTRAP mass spectrometer at ISOLDE/CERN. A cylindrical electrode configuration is used for the creation of a nested trapping potential This is required for efficient accumulation of externally produced ions and for high-mass selectivity by buffer gas cooling. The design goal of a mass resolving power of about 1 × 105 has been achieved. Isobar separation has been demonstrated for radioactive rare-earth ion beams delivered by the ISOLDE on-line mass separator.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Raimbault-Hartmann, H. and Beck, D. and Bollen, G. and König, M. and Kluge, H. J. and Schark, E. and Stein, J. and Schwarz, S. and Szerypo, J.},\n doi = {10.1016/S0168-583X(96)01067-1},\n journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms},\n number = {1-4}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {High-accuracy mass measurements in ion traps and storage rings},\n type = {article},\n year = {1997},\n keywords = {Atomic,Condensed Matter Physics,Hadrons,Heavy Ions,Molecular,Nuclear Physics,Optical and Plasma Physics,Surfaces and Interfaces,Thin Films},\n pages = {207-218},\n volume = {108},\n websites = {},\n publisher = {Springer},\n id = {684e61d1-604f-37f3-89de-eb69232d0dab},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:43.667Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:43.667Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {High-accuracy mass measurements have recently been performed on radioactive isotopes produced by proton-induced spallation at the on-line isotope separator ISOLDE at CERN and by heavy-ion projectile fragmentation at the fragment separator FRS at GSI. At ISOLDE, singly charged ions were injected into the Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP and their masses determined by observing their cyclotron frequencies in the homogeneous magnetic field of the ion trap. At GSI, bare, hydrogen, or helium-like ions were injected into the experimental storage ring ESR, electron-cooled to the same velocity, and their masses determined by observing their revolution frequencies in the ESR. With ISOLTRAP and ESR, resolving power in the range of 4 × 105< = m/Δ m(FWHM)< = 107 and an accuracy up to \\delta m/m~ 10-7 were achieved for radioactive isotopes. Mass measurements of highly charged ions of stable isotopes were performed at Stockholm by use of SMILETRAP. In this case, a resolving power of about 108 and an accuracy close to 10-9 were obtained.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Kluge, H. J.},\n doi = {10.1023/A:1012606611902},\n journal = {Hyperfine Interactions},\n number = {1}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Precision experiments with exotic nuclei},\n type = {article},\n year = {1997},\n pages = {351-360},\n volume = {126},\n month = {4},\n publisher = {North-Holland},\n day = {4},\n id = {93917ee6-6741-385f-b5be-aa4e9e343242},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:44.252Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:44.252Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Progress and modern developments of secondary nuclear beam facilities based on the in-flight and ISOL separation methods are outlined. Precision experiments with nuclear beams characterized by large emittances have been performed by using special ion-optical conditions in spectrometers. A new generation of experiments have been started with stored and cooled exotic nuclei at sub eV and at relativistic energies using the combination of an ISOL facility and an ion trap or the combination of an in-flight system with a storage and cooler ring, respectively. Both experimental scenarios are realized by ISOLDE and the ISOLTRAP at CERN and the fragment separator FRS in combination with the experimental storage ring ESR at GSI. The power and the potential of these devices are illustrated by direct mass and lifetime measurements.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Geissel, H. and Bollen, G. and Franzke, B. and Münzenberg, G. and Patyk, Z.},\n doi = {10.1016/S0168-583X(96)01039-7},\n journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms},\n number = {1-4}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Radioactive ion beams and penning traps},\n type = {article},\n year = {1997},\n pages = {457-468},\n volume = {616},\n month = {4},\n publisher = {North-Holland},\n day = {14},\n id = {b387df5b-6b4d-371c-b03c-8659ec877ceb},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:44.888Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:44.888Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Penning traps are well known as high precision mass spectrometers mainly employed for the investigation of stable particles. For accurate mass measurements of short-lived radioactive isotopes one Penning trap system is operational today. It is the ISOLTRAP spectrometer installed at the ISOLDE facility at CERN/Geneva. Another Penning trap system is presently under construction at the TASCC facility in Chalk River. Beside the very accurate determination of nuclear masses Penning traps can play an important role in the preparation of ISOL-beams for their further post-acceleration, as it is planned in the REX-ISOLDE experiment at CERN.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Bollen, G.},\n doi = {10.1016/S0375-9474(97)00117-6},\n journal = {Nuclear Physics A},\n number = {1-2}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Towards higher accuracy with the ISOLTRAP mass spectrometer},\n type = {article},\n year = {1997},\n keywords = {141Sm,Atomic masses,Mass spectrometry,Penning trap,Radioactive isotopes,Rare-earth isotopes},\n pages = {374-377},\n volume = {126},\n websites = {},\n month = {4},\n publisher = {North-Holland},\n day = {4},\n id = {b60e858b-801e-39dc-8ae2-4b942d78fd2f},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:45.398Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:45.398Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {To now the masses of more than hundred unstable isotopes have been determined with the ISOLTRAP mass spectrometer installed at ISOLDE/CERN. Typically a resolving power of m/Δm ≈ 1 × 106 was used and the mass determinations were assigned an accuracy of δm/m ≈ 1 × 10-7. We show that with improvements to ISOLTRAP and refinements of the experimental technique an accuracy of δm/m ≈ 3 × 10-8 can be obtained.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Beck, D. and Ames, F. and Audi, G. and Bollen, G. and Kluge, H.-J. and Kohl, A. and König, M. and Lunney, D. and Raimbault-Hartmann, H. and Schwarz, S. and Szerypo, J.},\n doi = {10.1016/S0168-583X(96)01031-2},\n journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms},\n number = {1-4}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Exploring new mass regions with the ISOLTRAP spectrometer},\n type = {article},\n year = {1997},\n keywords = {Atomic,Condensed Matter Physics,Hadrons,Heavy Ions,Molecular,Nuclear Physics,Optical and Plasma Physics,Surfaces and Interfaces,Thin Films},\n pages = {219-225},\n volume = {108},\n websites = {},\n publisher = {Springer},\n id = {bcd3b838-e3a3-3b1c-9f0f-79f257a530a6},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:45.909Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:45.909Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {First direct mass measurements on rare earth isotopes around 146Gd have been performed with the Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP at ISOLDE/CERN. More than 40 isotopes of the elements Pr, Nd, Pm, Sm, Eu, Dy and Ho have been measured with an accuracy of typically 1 × 10-7. In the case of 141Sm isomeric and ground state (ΔE = 175 keV) were resolved. Since isobaric contaminations are present in the ISOLDE beam, these measurements on rare earth isotopes became only possible after the installation of a new cooler trap which acts an isobar separator.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Beck, D. and Arnes, F. and Audi, G. and Bollen, G. and Kluge, H. J. and Kohl, A. and König, M. and Martel, I. and Lunney, D. and Moore, R. B. and Raimbault-Hartmann, H. and De Saint Simon, M. and Schark, E. and Schwarz, S. and Szerypo, J.},\n doi = {10.1023/A:1012658628740},\n journal = {Hyperfine Interactions},\n number = {1}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Exotic Particles in Small and Large Ion Traps},\n type = {article},\n year = {1996},\n pages = {323-342},\n volume = {27},\n websites = {},\n id = {31d0beee-8321-3914-8bf8-b2994f3080af},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:46.500Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:46.500Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Bosch, F. and Kluge, H.-J. and Bollen, G.},\n journal = {Acta Phys. Pol. B}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {ISOLTRAP: a tandem Penning trap system for accurate on-line mass determination of short-lived isotopes},\n type = {article},\n year = {1996},\n pages = {675-697},\n volume = {368},\n month = {1},\n publisher = {North-Holland},\n day = {11},\n id = {b1252a5c-d966-3c7d-8f43-5ac72e8fcac5},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:47.019Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:47.019Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The tandem Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP has been set up at the on-line mass separator ISOLDE at CERN/Geneva for accurate mass measurements of short-lived nuclei with T1/2i ≥ 1 s. The mass measurement is performed via the determination of the cyclotron frequency of an ion in a magnetic field. The design of the spectrometer matches the particular requirements for on-line mass measurements on short-lived isotopes. With the ISOLTRAP spectrometer masses of more than 70 radioactive nuclei have so far been determined with resolving powers exceeding one million and an accuracy of typically 10-7.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Bollen, G. and Becker, S. and Kluge, H. J. and König, M. and Moore, R. B. and Otto, T. and Raimbault-Hartmann, H. and Savard, G. and Schweikhard, L. and Stolzenberg, H.},\n doi = {10.1016/0168-9002(95)00561-7},\n journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment},\n number = {3}\n}\n
@book{\n title = {Handbook of Nuclear Properties - Penning trap mass spectrometer},\n type = {book},\n year = {1996},\n pages = {66-79},\n websites = {},\n publisher = {Clarendon Press},\n city = {Oxford},\n id = {f5d677e2-4401-392f-a779-82233d5d3b0f},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:47.450Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:47.450Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n bibtype = {book},\n author = {Bollen, G. and Kluge, H.-J.},\n editor = {Poenaru, D.N. and Greiner, W.}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Exoten auf die Waage gestellt},\n type = {article},\n year = {1995},\n pages = {29-34},\n volume = {26},\n websites = {},\n month = {1},\n publisher = {John Wiley & Sons, Ltd},\n day = {1},\n id = {43d3f628-bedc-39b4-8670-90728ba66f35},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:48.031Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:48.031Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Otto, Thomas},\n doi = {10.1002/piuz.19950260110},\n journal = {Physik in unserer Zeit},\n number = {1}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Quadrupole excitation of stored ion motion at the true cyclotron frequency},\n type = {article},\n year = {1995},\n keywords = {Buffer gas cooling,Ion cooling,Ion trap,Mass determination,Quadrupole excitation},\n pages = {95-116},\n volume = {142},\n month = {3},\n publisher = {Elsevier},\n day = {31},\n id = {c2f1604a-fdac-3044-ba1f-b74f88713c28},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:48.575Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:48.575Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The motion of an ion in a Penning trap has been investigated in the presence of an azimuthal quadrupole radio frequency field and a damping force provided by buffer gas collisions. Analytical expressions are derived which describe the line shape of the cyclotron resonance as well as the properties of the mass-selective cooling mechanism for heavy ions. Excellent agreement is observed between theoretical results and experimental data obtained with the tandem Penning trap mass spectromer ISOLTRAP at ISOLDE (CERN). © 1995.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {König, M. and Bollen, G. and Kluge, H. J. and Otto, T. and Szerypo, J.},\n doi = {10.1016/0168-1176(95)04146-C},\n journal = {International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes},\n number = {1-2}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Mass determination of radioactive isotopes with the ISOLTRAP spectrometer at ISOLDE, CERN},\n type = {article},\n year = {1995},\n pages = {165},\n volume = {1995},\n websites = {,},\n month = {1},\n publisher = {IOP Publishing},\n day = {1},\n id = {e80a557c-0910-380a-b822-7e12114d0a5c},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:49.207Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:49.207Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Mass determination of radioactive isotopes is performed with the tandem Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP at the on-line mass separator ISOLDE at CERN/Geneva. The design of the spectrometer matches the particular requirements for on-line mass measurements on short-lived isotopes with T1/2>1s. With the ISOLTRAP spectrometer masses of more than 70 radioactive nuclei have so far been determined with resolving powers exceeding one million and an accuracy of typically 10-1. © 1995 IOP Publishing Ltd.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Bollen, G and Collaboration, ISOLTRAP},\n doi = {10.1088/0031-8949/1995/T59/020},\n journal = {Physica Scripta},\n number = {T59}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Penning-trap mass measurements of neutron-deficient Rb and Sr isotopes},\n type = {article},\n year = {1994},\n keywords = {ATOMIC MASSES},\n pages = {281-302},\n volume = {567},\n month = {1},\n publisher = {North-Holland},\n day = {17},\n id = {99eeaa94-615f-36ed-93d2-685016789102},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:49.746Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:49.746Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The Penning-trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP installed at the on-line mass separator ISOLDE 2 at CERN has been used for mass determination of 75-87Rb and 78-83,87Sr. Ions are captured in a Penning trap and their cyclotron frequency ωc = ( q m)B in the trapping field B is measured. Ratios of these frequencies lead to the determination of the atomic mass of these isotopes. A resolving power of typically m Δm = 106 and an accuracy of δm ≈10 keV is obtained. The mass of 78Sr is measured for the first time and, in most cases, the mass values of the other isotopes are significantly improved. The experimental masses are compared with theoretical predictions. © 1994.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Otto, T. and Bollen, G. and Savard, G. and Schweikhard, L. and Stolzenberg, H. and Audi, G. and Moore, R. B. and Rouleau, G. and Szerypo, J. and Patyk, Z.},\n doi = {10.1016/0375-9474(94)90149-X},\n journal = {Nuclear Physics A},\n number = {2}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Mass Measurements of Short‐Lived Isotopes in Traps and Storage Rings},\n type = {article},\n year = {1994},\n pages = {176},\n volume = {323},\n websites = {},\n month = {6},\n publisher = {American Institute of PhysicsAIP},\n day = {16},\n id = {70a9aaac-80f8-395f-abc9-867be57fe7b5},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:50.377Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:50.377Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {High‐accuracy mass measurements can be performed on short‐lived radionuclides with half‐lives T1/2 ≥ 1ms by storing them in ion traps or storage rings. The masses of about 80 isotopes have been det...},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Kluge, H.-Jürgen and Bollen, Georg and Franzke, Bernhard and Wineland, D. J. and Wieman, C. E. and Smith, S. J.},\n doi = {10.1063/1.2946004},\n journal = {AIP Conference Proceedings},\n number = {1}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {ISOLTRAP: A tandem penning trap mass spectrometer for radioactive isotopes},\n type = {article},\n year = {1993},\n keywords = {Atomic,Condensed Matter Physics,Hadrons,Heavy Ions,Molecular,Nuclear Physics,Optical and Plasma Physics,Surfaces and Interfaces,Thin Films},\n pages = {15-26},\n volume = {81},\n websites = {},\n month = {3},\n publisher = {Springer},\n id = {38367557-9313-3bf4-bae8-a0a92bdd8c1a},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:50.961Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:50.961Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The masses of over sixty short-lived Rb, Sr, Cs, Ba, Fr and Ra isotopes have been measured at the on-line mass separator ISOLDE at CERN/Geneva by determination of their cyclotron frequency in the tandem Penning trap system ISOLTRAP. Resolving powers exceedingm/Δm(FWHM)=106 and accuracies of typically δm/m=10−7 could be achieved. ISOLTRAP can also act as an isomer separator, as proven for the cases of84Rb and78Rb.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Kluge, H. J. and Bollen, G.},\n doi = {10.1007/BF00567247},\n journal = {Hyperfine Interactions},\n number = {1}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Nuclear physics with ion traps at ISOLDE: present and future},\n type = {article},\n year = {1993},\n keywords = {Atomic,Condensed Matter Physics,Hadrons,Heavy Ions,Molecular,Nuclear Physics,Optical and Plasma Physics,Surfaces and Interfaces,Thin Films},\n pages = {57-66},\n volume = {78},\n websites = {},\n month = {3},\n publisher = {Springer},\n id = {05bfa6d5-bf55-3449-a754-a3a97f9e3310},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:51.660Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:51.660Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Nuclear physics experiments with ion traps started at the on-line separator ISOLDE/CERN, Geneva, with the installation of the tandem Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP. With this device the massM of a stored ion is determined by measuring its cyclotron frequency θc=(q/M)B in a magnetic fieldB. Mass measurements with a resolving powerR=θc/Δθc(FWHM)≈1×106 and accuracies of δM/M≈10−7 were performed on more than sixty unstable isotopes of the elements Rb, Sr, Cs, Ba, Fr, and Ra.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Bollen, G.},\n doi = {10.1007/BF00568117},\n journal = {Hyperfine Interactions},\n number = {1-4}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Ramsey technique applied in a Penning trap mass spectrometer},\n type = {article},\n year = {1992},\n pages = {490-493},\n volume = {70},\n month = {8},\n publisher = {North-Holland},\n day = {1},\n id = {f6ad1e7d-bc36-3346-b5a6-d0cba41d7d69},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:52.273Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:52.273Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The Ramsey method has been applied in an experiment aiming for accurate mass determination of unstable isotopes. The ion motion in a Penning trap has been excited with time-separated oscillatory fields and Ramsey fringes were observed in the case of dipole and quadrupole excitation. The experimental resonances are in good agreement with theory. Further applications of the technique are discussed. © 1992.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Bollen, G. and Kluge, H. J. and Otto, T. and Savard, G. and Stolzenberg, H.},\n doi = {10.1016/0168-583X(92)95971-S},\n journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms},\n number = {1-4}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Towards a "perfect" Penning trap mass spectrometer for unstable isotopes},\n type = {article},\n year = {1992},\n pages = {581-586},\n volume = {46},\n websites = {},\n month = {12},\n publisher = {IOP Publishing},\n day = {1},\n id = {3235fa0f-0f1a-3415-a5af-a57e711217c5},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:52.850Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:52.850Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {A Penning trap mass spectrometer has been set up at the on-line isotope separator ISOLDE/CERN for the mass determination of unstable heavy isotopes.The spectrometer should fulfil the following requirements: capture of external ions in high efficiency, high resolving power and accuracy, general applicability to all elements and isotopes available at the on-line facility. © 1992 IOP Publishing Ltd.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Bollen, G and Hartmann, H and Kluge, H-J and König, M and Otto, T and Savard, G and Stolzenberg, H and Collaboration, The ISOLDE},\n doi = {10.1088/0031-8949/46/6/016},\n journal = {Physica Scripta},\n number = {6}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Resolution of nuclear ground and isomeric states by a Penning trap mass spectrometer},\n type = {article},\n year = {1992},\n pages = {R2140},\n volume = {46},\n websites = {},\n month = {12},\n publisher = {American Physical Society},\n day = {1},\n id = {6a1caf45-3e05-3329-9143-e002a6f96af1},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:53.383Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:53.383Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Ground and isomeric states of a nucleus have been resolved for the first time by mass spectrometry. Measurements on Rbm,78g and Rbm,84g were performed using a tandem Penning trap mass spectrometer on-line with the isotope separator ISOLDE/CERN. The effects of ion-ion interaction were investigated for two ion species differing in mass and stored simultaneously in the trap. © 1992 The American Physical Society.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Bollen, G. and Kluge, H. J. and König, M. and Otto, T. and Savard, G. and Stolzenberg, H. and Moore, R. B. and Rouleau, G. and Audi, G.},\n doi = {10.1103/PhysRevC.46.R2140},\n journal = {Physical Review C},\n number = {6}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Mass Determination of Francium and Radium Isotopes by a Penning Trap Mass Spectrometer},\n type = {article},\n year = {1992},\n pages = {257-262},\n volume = {39},\n websites = {},\n publisher = { Taylor & Francis Group },\n id = {75500ee8-f366-3a9d-9e71-1dae7e0c09dc},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:54.009Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:54.009Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {A tandem Penning trap mass spectrometer is used for mass measurement of radioactive isotopes produced at the on-line isotope separator ISOLDE/CERN. The mass is determined directly and with high acc...},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Bollen, G. and Kluge, H. J. and Otto, Th and Savard, G. and Schweikhard, L. and Stolzenberg, H. and Audi, G. and Moore, R. B. and Rouleau, G.},\n doi = {10.1080/09500349214550261},\n journal = {Journal of Modern Optics},\n number = {2}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {A new cooling technique for heavy ions in a Penning trap},\n type = {article},\n year = {1991},\n pages = {247-252},\n volume = {158},\n websites = {},\n month = {9},\n publisher = {North-Holland},\n day = {2},\n id = {3a77bbc2-3d67-3a11-bdf8-20802f5f9fbd},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:54.530Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:54.530Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {A new cooling technique for heavy ions stored in a Penning trap has been developed. The axial and cyclotron motions are cooled by buffer gas collisions. The outward radial diffusion caused by the buffer gas is counteracted by an azimuthal quadrupole rf field at the sum frequency of the magnetron and cyclotron motions. A mass selectivity of 500 in the cooling is achieved while the axial energy distribution is observed to be in equilibrium with the buffer gas temperature (T = 300 K). © 1991.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Savard, G. and Becker, St. and Bollen, G. and Kluge, H.-J. and Moore, R.B. and Otto, Th. and Schweikhard, L. and Stolzenberg, H. and Wiess, U.},\n doi = {10.1016/0375-9601(91)91008-2},\n journal = {Physics Letters A},\n number = {5}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {The accuracy of heavy‐ion mass measurements using time of flight‐ion cyclotron resonance in a Penning trap},\n type = {article},\n year = {1990},\n keywords = {ELECTRIC FIELDS,HEAVY IONS,HIGH−RESOLUTION METHODS,ION CYCLOTRON−RESONANCE,MASS SPECTROSCOPY,PENNING EFFECT,QUADRUPOLES,TIME−OF−FLIGHT METHOD},\n pages = {4355-4374},\n volume = {68},\n websites = {},\n month = {11},\n publisher = {American Institute of PhysicsAIP},\n day = {17},\n id = {5caa7bbd-eb0d-3abf-87b4-85696a0aca0a},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:55.588Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:55.588Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Ion motion in a Penning trap and the electrical signals it can produce have been analyzed for the purpose of identifying the important causes of uncertainty in high‐accuracy mass measurements of he...},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Bollen, G. and Moore, R. B. and Savard, G. and Stolzenberg, H.},\n doi = {10.1063/1.346185},\n journal = {Journal of Applied Physics},\n number = {9}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {The Inchworm® as a precision translator in a high magnetic field and uhv environment},\n type = {article},\n year = {1990},\n pages = {495-498},\n volume = {40},\n websites = {},\n month = {1},\n publisher = {Pergamon},\n day = {1},\n id = {5d05d825-b3dd-3976-8474-646c93fce53d},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:56.153Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:56.153Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {A new set-up has been designed and tested for on-line, high-precision mass measurements of short-lived radioactive isotopes via a determination of the ion cyclotron resonance. Ions delivered by the on-line isotope separator ISOLDE at CERN/Geneva are stored in a Penning trap installed in a superconducting solenoid. Due to severe space limitations in the bore of the solenoid, it is impossible to use conventional mechanical feedthroughs for the necessary manipulations inside the uhv chamber. Instead, a number of Inchworms, a high-precision positioning device based on the piezo-electric effect are employed. This publication reports on the first application of this device in a uhv environment at a magnetic field of nearly 6 T. © 1990.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Becker, P and Becker, St and Bollen, G and Kluge, H-J and Savard, G and Stampp, W and Stolzenberg, H},\n doi = {10.1016/0042-207X(90)90003-H},\n journal = {Vacuum},\n number = {6}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Accurate mass determination of short-lived isotopes by a tandem Penning-trap mass spectrometer},\n type = {article},\n year = {1990},\n pages = {3104},\n volume = {65},\n websites = {},\n month = {12},\n publisher = {American Physical Society},\n day = {17},\n id = {dea7b78e-30ad-3617-a70f-054f2259dfca},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:56.700Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:56.700Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {A mass spectrometer consisting of two Penning traps has been set up for short-lived isotopes at the on-line mass separator ISOLDE at CERN. The ion beam is collected and cooled in the first trap. After delivery to the second trap, high-accuracy direct mass measurements are made by determining the cyclotron frequency of the stored ions. Measurements have been performed for 137118Cs. A resolving power of over 106 and an accuracy of 1.4×10-7 have been achieved, corresponding to about 20 keV. © 1990 The American Physical Society.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Stolzenberg, H. and Becker, St and Bollen, G. and Kern, F. and Kluge, H. J. and Otto, Th and Savard, G. and Schweikhard, L. and Audi, G. and Moore, R. B.},\n doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.65.3104},\n journal = {Physical Review Letters},\n number = {25}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Mass measurements of very high accuracy by time-of-flight ion cyclotron resonance of ions injected into a penning trap},\n type = {article},\n year = {1990},\n pages = {53-77},\n volume = {99},\n websites = {},\n month = {10},\n publisher = {Elsevier},\n day = {1},\n id = {ea870586-9a24-341a-9dba-5ccce71e3da0},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:57.262Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:57.262Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {The possibility of absolute mass measurements using time-of-flight detection of ion cyclotron resonance on ions injected into a Penning trap has been demonstrated. Resolving powers of 2 million have been achieved, with accuracies of about 0.5 ppm. Absolute accuracy is obtained by direct observation of the sum frequency of the cyclotron and the magnetron motions through the use of an azimuthal quadrupole r.f. field to transform initial magnetron motion into cyclotron motion. Imperfections of the Penning trap leading to systematic errors are discussed. The system has been designed specifically to measure the masses of radionuclides produced at the on-line isotope separator ISOLDE. With further developments this system will provide mass measurements of 0.1 ppm accuracy on nuclei which are available in quantities such that on average one will survive nuclear decay for the duration of the measurement cycle. © 1990.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Becker, St. and Bollen, G. and Kern, F. and Kluge, H.-J. and Moore, R.B. and Savard, G. and Schweikhard, L. and Stolzenberg, H.},\n doi = {10.1016/0168-1176(90)85021-S},\n journal = {International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes},\n number = {1-2}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {Precision Measurements of Masses of Radioactive Atoms using ISOLDE and Ion Traps},\n type = {article},\n year = {1988},\n pages = {85-89},\n volume = {T22},\n websites = {},\n month = {1},\n publisher = {IOP Publishing},\n day = {1},\n id = {0b3504cb-06ee-3323-96c1-b389bf505f8e},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:55.089Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:55.089Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {A mass spectrometer has been set up at the on-line isotope separator ISOLDE at CERN/Geneva. Mass-separated radioactive ions are stored in a Penning trap. Their mass is determined by a measurement of the cyclotron frequency in the magnetic field of a superconducting magnet. A resolving power of up to 300 000 and a precision of some 10 keV were determined in case of mass measurements of neutron-deficient Rb and Cs isotopes. © 1988 IOP Publishing Ltd.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Kluge, H-J},\n doi = {10.1088/0031-8949/1988/T22/012},\n journal = {Physica Scripta},\n number = {T22}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {First absolute mass measurements of short-lived isotopes},\n type = {article},\n year = {1987},\n keywords = {Atomic,Condensed Matter Physics,Hadrons,Heavy Ions,Molecular,Nuclear Physics,Optical and Plasma Physics,Surfaces and Interfaces,Thin Films},\n pages = {793-802},\n volume = {38},\n websites = {},\n month = {12},\n publisher = {Springer},\n id = {f8287918-0f15-3cea-999e-1e3befdb63f2},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:57.956Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:57.956Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {Absolute mass measurements of short-lived isotopes have been performed at the on-line mass separator ISOLDE at CERN by determining the cyclotron frequencies of ions confined in a Penning trap. The cyclotron frequencies for77,78,85,86,88Rb and88Sr ions could be determined with a resolving power of 3×105 and an accuracy of better than 10−6, which corresponds to 100 keV for massA=100. The shortest-lived isotope under investigation was77Rb with a half-life of 3.7 min. The resonances obtained for the isobars88Rb and88Sr were clearly resolved.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Bollen, G. and Dabkiewicz, P. and Egelhof, P. and Hilberath, T. and Kalinowsky, H. and Kern, F. and Schnatz, H. and Schweikhard, L. and Stolzenberg, H. and Moore, R. B. and Kluge, H. -J. and Temmer, G. M. and Ulm, G.},\n doi = {10.1007/BF02394875},\n journal = {Hyperfine Interactions},\n number = {1-4}\n}\n
@inproceedings{\n title = {Mass measurements of short-lived isotopes in a penning trap},\n type = {inproceedings},\n year = {1987},\n keywords = {CONFINEMENT,ELECTRIC FIELDS,EXPERIMENTAL DATA,INTERMEDIATE MASS NUCLEI,ION CYCLOTRON RESONANCE SPECTROSCOPY,MAGNETIC FIELDS,MASS,NEUTRON−RICH ISOTOPES,SUPERCONDUCTING MAGNETS,TIME−OF−FLIGHT METHOD},\n pages = {22-29},\n volume = {164},\n issue = {1},\n websites = {},\n month = {5},\n publisher = {AIP},\n day = {29},\n id = {ed564e5c-6e84-3416-8416-0635c559676e},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:58.526Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:58.526Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {A mass spectrometer has been set up at the on‐line isotope separator ISOLDE at CERN/Geneva. Mass‐separated radioactive ions are stored in a Penning trap. Their mass is determined by a measurement o...},\n bibtype = {inproceedings},\n author = {Kern, F. and Egelhof, P. and Hilberath, T. and Kalinowsky, H. and Kluge, H. -J. and Kunz, K. and Schweikhard, L. and Stolzenberg, H. and Moore, R. B. and Audi, G. and Bollen, G.},\n doi = {10.1063/1.37038},\n booktitle = {AIP Conference Proceedings}\n}\n
@article{\n title = {In-flight capture of ions into a penning trap},\n type = {article},\n year = {1986},\n pages = {17-20},\n volume = {251},\n websites = {},\n month = {10},\n publisher = {North-Holland},\n day = {1},\n id = {80c16971-18ba-3c91-9d3d-74ba452ccc11},\n created = {2023-07-31T18:36:59.112Z},\n accessed = {2022-01-20},\n file_attached = {false},\n profile_id = {4aed738b-137b-3d29-9e3a-9ef895581cc9},\n group_id = {033577ea-f905-3a88-a6d2-1db6bc10e2f3},\n last_modified = {2023-07-31T18:36:59.112Z},\n read = {false},\n starred = {false},\n authored = {false},\n confirmed = {false},\n hidden = {false},\n private_publication = {false},\n abstract = {A bunched beam of alkali ions with a pulse length of about 10 μs and an energy of 1 KeV has been retarded electrostatically and captured in flight into a Penning trap. A trapping efficiency of up to 70% has been determined. Subsequently the cyclotron resonance was induced. In the case of K a line width of the resonance of 4 Hz was measured at a resonance frequency of 2.3 MHz. This enables mass determinations of unstable nuclei produced at on-line mass separators with an accuracy in the sub-ppm region. © 1986.},\n bibtype = {article},\n author = {Schnatz, H. and Bollen, G. and Dabkiewicz, P. and Egelhof, P. and Kern, F. and Kalinowsky, H. and Schweikhard, L. and Stolzenberg, H. and Kluge, H.-J.},\n doi = {10.1016/0168-9002(86)91145-9},\n journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment},\n number = {1}\n}\n