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\n@mastersthesis{BenjaminHaugnes2023,\n title = {Development of a {{HIL}} System for Simulating {{FMUs}}},\n author = {{Benjamin Haugnes}},\n year = {2023},\n month = may,\n address = {Porsgrunn},\n abstract = {Hydropower is one of the top interest research in renewable energy towards the transition of clean and green energy, therefore, there are increasingly simulation models of hydroelectric power plant with the purpose of examining and predicting the characteristic and behavior of hydropower plant during the different operating conditions. In progress of modelling and simulating, these models need to be verified and optimized to give the high reliable simulation results. Under the vast amount of data, there are some difficulties to filter out the necessary parameters for the simulation and realize unknown source leading to difference between simulation results and reference values, therefore, it requires an organized and systematic method where ``Design of Experiments'' method are applied. ``Design of Experiments'' (DoE) is a powerful data collection and analysis tool with planning, conducting, analyzing and interpreting experiments to evaluate the factors affecting responses of experiments. The main subject of DoE application in this thesis is simulation model of Grunn{\\aa}i hydropower plant that has been built before by Dymola/Modelica in combination with OpenHPL and OpenIPSL. All of portions of this hydropower plant model are experimented according to DoE procedures with the purpose of model verification and optimization. Through performing these verification experiments, the hydropower plant model has been optimized and completed. This thesis presents how to apply DoE method in verifying simulation models of hydropower plant under the vast amount of data as a premise for other verification experiments of associated simulation models in various of engineering field.},\n copyright = {All rights reserved},\n school = {University of South-Eastern Norway},\n file = {/home/dietmarw/FoU/Publications/zotero/storage/3WGPJGTQ/Working_With_dSPACE.pdf;/home/dietmarw/FoU/Publications/zotero/storage/Q6W4VCVY/Benjamin Haugnes_2023_Development of a HIL system for simulating FMUs.pdf}\n}\n\n\n
@mastersthesis{AnnikenSembKvalsund2022,\n title = {Development of an Open Control Interface for a Servo Machine Test Stand},\n author = {{Anniken Semb Kvalsund}},\n year = {2022},\n month = may,\n address = {Porsgrunn},\n abstract = {A few years ago, the University of South-Eastern Norway acquired a Servo Machine Test stand, consisting of an asynchronous servo machine with a corresponding drive coupled to a small frequency drive controlled asynchronous machine. The stand is used for small-scale load-handling demonstrations and was planned to be used in teaching and research settings. The servo machine is configured as a brake, mimicking various load conditions, controlled by either a physical user panel or a computer program via a USB interface. However, as the supplied software only included a narrow range of applications, the goal is to develop a more flexible control interface allowing for further simulations and control applications. The thesis analyses the test stand's components and their restrictions, including its communication options, including CANopen, LenzeDiag and analogue I/O terminals, and considers the most viable one to be the analogue I/O terminals due to the serial ports secured access and cost. A new control interface is developed based on Python's open-source programming software and Arduino's open-source and accessible hardware. The new interface communicates with the test stand through its I/O terminals via developed electronic amplifiers and creates a solid base for further development towards more extensive hardware in the loop simulations.},\n copyright = {All rights reserved},\n school = {University of South-Eastern Norway},\n file = {/home/dietmarw/FoU/Publications/zotero/storage/33745HH5/Anniken Semb Kvalsund_2022_Development of an open control interface for a servo machine test stand.pdf}\n}\n\n\n
@mastersthesis{LeNamHaiPham2022,\n title = {Application of {{Design}} of {{Experiments}} for {{theVerification}} of a {{Hydro Power Plant}}},\n author = {{Le Nam Hai Pham}},\n year = {2022},\n month = may,\n address = {Porsgrunn},\n abstract = {Hydropower is one of the top interest research in renewable energy towards the transition of clean and green energy, therefore, there are increasingly simulation models of hydroelectric power plant with the purpose of examining and predicting the characteristic and behavior of hydropower plant during the different operating conditions. In progress of modelling and simulating, these models need to be verified and optimized to give the high reliable simulation results. Under the vast amount of data, there are some difficulties to filter out the necessary parameters for the simulation and realize unknown source leading to difference between simulation results and reference values, therefore, it requires an organized and systematic method where ``Design of Experiments'' method are applied. ``Design of Experiments'' (DoE) is a powerful data collection and analysis tool with planning, conducting, analyzing and interpreting experiments to evaluate the factors affecting responses of experiments. The main subject of DoE application in this thesis is simulation model of Grunn{\\aa}i hydropower plant that has been built before by Dymola/Modelica in combination with OpenHPL and OpenIPSL. All of portions of this hydropower plant model are experimented according to DoE procedures with the purpose of model verification and optimization. Through performing these verification experiments, the hydropower plant model has been optimized and completed. This thesis presents how to apply DoE method in verifying simulation models of hydropower plant under the vast amount of data as a premise for other verification experiments of associated simulation models in various of engineering field.},\n copyright = {All rights reserved},\n school = {University of South-Eastern Norway},\n file = {/home/dietmarw/FoU/Publications/zotero/storage/DKHQKJ3H/Le Nam Hai Pham_2022_Application of Design of Experiments for theVerification of a Hydro Power Plant.pdf}\n}\n\n\n
@mastersthesis{LarsJonatanHellborg2021,\n title = {Evaluation of Battery Storage in Combination with Hydro-Power Systems},\n author = {{Lars Jonatan Hellborg}},\n year = {2021},\n month = may,\n address = {Porsgrunn},\n abstract = {As the power grid moves away from larger rotating masses, thereby decreasing the inertia and making the grid more sensitive to production changes, it becomes more and more important that new and improved power reserves are implemented. Battery storage systems are a great tool for providing the ancillary services that are required in order to ensure the stability of the grid- but, they do suffer from a flaw in that they are limited. This flaw can, as is shown in this thesis, be mitigated by installing the battery energy storage in connection with hydro-power units and allowing them to increase production to offset the battery output if the frequency deviation persists. This Thesis contains a technical study which details the various parts of this type of hybrid system as well as discussing the various benefits and future scenarios. Furthermore, it contains an evaluation of the work done by Uniper, which also serve as the foundation of this Thesis. The evaluation of installed units at L{\\"o}v{\\"o}n clearly shows that the technical requirements, as stipulated by SVK in conjunction with the rest of the Nordic TSOs, are fulfilled. Furthermore, while the developed models are not an exact replica of the installed units, they do exhibit the same behaviour and provide realistic, verified results as well as providing a base for future developments. The models and simulations show that this type of hybrid system can greatly reduce the wear and tear on the turbines, while still being able to provide the required functions.},\n copyright = {All rights reserved},\n school = {University of South-Eastern Norway},\n file = {/home/dietmarw/FoU/Publications/zotero/storage/WFLFC5QK/Lars Jonatan Hellborg - 2021 - Evaluation of battery storage in combination with .pdf}\n}\n\n\n
@mastersthesis{LuxshanManoranjan2021,\n title = {Modeling the {{Excitation Control System}} of a {{Hydropower Controller}} in {{Modelica}}},\n author = {{Luxshan Manoranjan}},\n year = {2021},\n month = may,\n address = {Porsgrunn},\n abstract = {Hydropower technologies are crucial to provide flexibility, reliability, and stability to the grid compared to other renewable energy technologies. Therefore, the number of hydropower plants, mainly the small-scale plants, are still increasing worldwide. In order to build the small-scale power plants, proper planning is essential to minimize the cost and environmental impact. To achieve it, accurate modeling and simulation of the existing plants is necessary to predict the new plant's behavior before beginning the construction process. The thesis's main objective was to create a digital twin of the real-life hydropower controller HYMAREG 10's excitation control system developed by Hymatek Controls AS. The generated models during the thesis were mainly object-oriented modeled in Modelica modeling language with the help of the standard Modelica library and OpenIPSL in the Dymola software tool. All the models were simulated individually to examine the behavior of the controllers and the limiters. The simulation results showed reasonable behavior of each model, but still, proper tuning and further development are required to obtain accurate behavior as a real controller. Most importantly, the models need to be compared with an actual plant in the future to verify the model's behavior.},\n copyright = {All rights reserved},\n school = {University of South-Eastern Norway},\n file = {/home/dietmarw/FoU/Publications/zotero/storage/2PJJAHAZ/Masters Thesis rapport Luxshan Manoranjan_confidential.pdf}\n}\n\n\n
@mastersthesis{HectorCamiloZambranoHernandez2020,\n title = {Dynamic {{Modelling}} of the {{S{\\o}lia Hydropower System Using Modelica}}},\n author = {{Hector Camilo Zambrano Hernandez}},\n year = {2020},\n month = may,\n address = {Porsgrunn},\n abstract = {A permanently increasing electrical power demand in today's world pushes society into exploring every possible source of power to be converted into electricity. This tendency is turning the looks to renewable sources like hydro, solar and wind power. In a globalised word where energy can be produced, bought and sold in real time, studying and understanding these power systems can be advantageous. There are different software tools that allow modelling and simulation to be performed on hydropower systems. Commercial products can be applied to large scale hydropower systems in order to model and predict their behaviour, this through extensive development. The work developed in this thesis combines open source libraries for the Modelica language such as OpenHPL and OpenISPL, the Dymola modelling laboratory based on Modelica is used to load the libraries. It is based on a small hydropower system owned by Sm{\\aa}kraft AS and an existing hydraulic model developed previously at the University of South-Eastern Norway. The model developed through this thesis allows to simulate the complete hydropower system, including the main control unit and the different internal control units or processes like water level control and frequency control. The overall results showed consistency although further tuning and development of the model would increase accuracy.},\n school = {University of South-Eastern Norway},\n annotation = {Master's thesis},\n file = {/home/dietmarw/FoU/Publications/zotero/storage/UYAAVXTV/Hector Camilo Zambrano Hernandez - 2020 - Dynamic Modelling of the Sølia Hydropower System U.pdf}\n}\n\n\n
@mastersthesis{JonHaraldSchoning2020,\n title = {Energy {{Management}} of an {{Islanded}}/Offshore {{Power System}} Using {{Renewable Energy}} as a {{Source}}},\n author = {{Jon Harald Sch{\\o}ning}},\n year = {2020},\n month = may,\n address = {Porsgrunn},\n abstract = {The thesis is written in collaboration with TechnipFMC for their Deep Purple project. The goal of the project is to deliver green energy for offshore installations. This will be done by powering offshore installations with wind power and in case of excess wind power produce hydrogen by water electrolysis. Fuel cells powered by said hydrogen will power the installation when the wind power output is below system demand. This thesis investigates the effect lack of inertia have on transient electrical performance and power system stability, and thereby system frequency stability in particular. Power management guidelines has been developed based on frequency regulations and electrical performance of the technologies in use. The available field data was analyzed and based on the data and general knowledge of offshore facilities critical performance parameters was developed. A model based on swing equation, frequency load damping and the relevant technologies with their parameters was developed to study the frequency stability and to develop power management guidelines. Depending on operating parameters on the installation, the inertia constant H requirement is as follows: With momentaneous load deviation no larger than 1 \\% of system load and 20 ms reaction time for FFS: H = 1 s. No larger than 1 \\% of system load and 60 ms reaction time: H = 1.2 s. The battery power capability must be 2.5 MW for operating safely with regard to the frequency stability requirements and to reduce the amount of load shedding. With that capability, changing of states will be of no concern.},\n school = {University of South-Eastern Norway},\n annotation = {Master's thesis},\n file = {/home/dietmarw/FoU/Publications/zotero/storage/8K5BARA6/frequency_control.txt;/home/dietmarw/FoU/Publications/zotero/storage/PDE8HQRA/Jon Harald Schøning - 2020 - Energy Management of an Islandedoffshore Power Sy.pdf}\n}\n\n\n
@mastersthesis{WillemMeijer2020,\n title = {Dynamic {{Reservoir Model}} Using {{Modelica}}: {{Modelling}} of {{Water Levels}} in {{Aurdalsfjord}}},\n author = {{Willem Meijer}},\n year = {2020},\n month = may,\n address = {Porsgrunn},\n abstract = {The regulation of hydro power plants is influenced by amongst others reservoir capacity and the knowledge about how it is influenced by changes in in- and outflow. Aurdalsfjord is the the intake reservoir for Bagn power plant and receives water from two power plants upstream. It contains a narrowing in the middle which influences the water levels and flows. The reservoirs shape, strict governmental regulations and small capacity compared to the inflow make the regulation of the reservoir complex. A discretised reservoir model was developed in order to investigate time-constants between in- and outflow in Aurdalsfjord. The water level in each cell is described with a mass balance, while the flow between two cells is described with a momentum balance. The balance equations are formulated as DAEs. The model is developed in Modelica which allows it to be used in connection with models of a wide variety of other components that are present in a hydro power system. The model will be integrated in the open-source hydro power library OpenHPL developed at USN. The implementation for Aurdalsfjord suffered from two main problems. The model needed to be made partially data driven and the time limitations for the thesis. This resulted in not optimal parameter estimation. A better parameter estimation needs to be performed before the model is used in a production application. In addition, the model should be implemented for a simpler reservoir to see if the additional parameters are related to the complex shape. The found parameters can be used as indications and resulted in a time-constant of 2 hours, which is independent of the size or the source of inflow. To develop the model was more challenging than anticipated. A significant amount of time was spent on fixing small modelling issues, which made the main focus in the thesis shift to the development of the generic model.},\n school = {University of South-Eastern Norway},\n file = {/home/dietmarw/FoU/Publications/zotero/storage/MY58VVKJ/Willem Meijer - 2020 - Dynamic Reservoir Model using Modelica Modelling .pdf}\n}\n\n\n
@mastersthesis{EirikBakko2019,\n title = {Online Monitoring and Visualizing of a Generator's Capability with {{Modelica}}},\n author = {{Eirik Bakko}},\n year = {2019},\n month = may,\n address = {Porsgrunn},\n abstract = {In the electric utility industry, voltage stability issues need to be studied. Voltage stability involves a power systems proficiency to keep the voltage at all buses in the system within specified limits, when disturbed and under normal conditions. The voltage collapse phe- nomenon occurs when a power system is disturbed by one or a sequence of disturbances that causes a voltage drop. When a power system experiences voltage drop, the demand for reactive power increases. Reserves of reactive power is kept in the systems generators and compensators. In most cases the reserves will be adequate to stabilize the voltage. Occasionally the reserves is less than the demand and this may cause a voltage collapse. A synchronous generator should be able to operate uninterrupted and without overheating. The generator capability curve, shows the area of which a generator can operate safely. Open-instance power system library, or OpenIPSL for short, is a library based on Modelica modelling language and contains power system components. OpenIPSL is used to create a model of the 11-bus system. The model is built based on Prabha Kundur's book: ''Power System Stability and Control''. The 11-bus system is used for dynamic voltage stability analysis with a time domain method. The purpose is to show the outcome of a tap changing transformer, overexcitation limiter in a generator and voltage stability with load character- istics. In this thesis a real time visualizer of a generators capability was built. This visualizer is based on a generator capability curve. Long term voltage stability analysis of the 11-bus system is verified with Kundur's results. When applying a larger load and disconnecting one of the high voltage lines, the demand for reactive power increases. On the highest load level, (load level 3) the field current reaches it's limit and the amount of reactive power pro- duced is not sufficient to avoid a voltage collapse. During simulation, the real time generator capability visualizer created for this model, shows the generators increased production of reactive power while staying within its capability limits.},\n school = {University of South-Eastern Norway},\n annotation = {Master's thesis},\n file = {/home/dietmarw/FoU/Publications/zotero/storage/9CGPA9GK/Eirik Bakko_2019_Online monitoring and visualizing of a generator’s capability with Modelica.pdf;/home/dietmarw/FoU/Publications/zotero/storage/GWLS6522/}\n}\n\n\n
@mastersthesis{GunhildMarieGrimstvedt2019,\n title = {Transient and Long-Term Power System Stability with {{Modelica}}},\n author = {{Gunhild Marie Grimstvedt}},\n year = {2019},\n month = may,\n address = {Porsgrunn},\n abstract = {n 2011 R.Leelaruji and L.Vanfretti developed ''All-in-one'' test system for investigation of power system stability. This is a compressed simulation model which contains all the important aspects in a power system, connected up against a strong grid. The main objective is to develop this model in Dymola with use of OpenIPSL library. The test system is further used to implement {\\AA}bj{\\o}ra hydrogenerator ({\\O}yvang, 2018) with cor- responding control systems. This includes excitation system ST8C, power system stabilizer PSS2A and hydro gouvernor system. There are not a model of this type of excitation system in OpenIPSL and ST8C is therefore developed and tested against requirements given in by the Norwegian transmission system operator Statnett. These models should strengthen the system when the power system is being exposed to disturbances. Transient and long-term voltage stability is therefor simulated for both of the models where the behavior of the generator and control systems was investigated. This thesis gives a theoretical understanding of power system stability and the different models involved in a power system. ''All-in-one'' test system together with {\\AA}bj{\\o}ra did not act as expected, but is a base for further work. The developed model of ST8C responded satisfactory to the requirements given by Statnett. Transient and long-term voltage was simulated and substantiates the theory for both of the models. The models should be further investigated to draw a actual conclusion.},\n school = {University of South-Eastern Norway},\n annotation = {Master's thesis},\n file = {/home/dietmarw/FoU/Publications/zotero/storage/2S58G8GV/Gunhild Marie Grimstvedt_2019_Transient and long-term power system stability with Modelica.pdf;/home/dietmarw/FoU/Publications/zotero/storage/58AE8SV5/}\n}\n\n\n
@mastersthesis{JonasHetlandMong2019,\n title = {Transient and Long-Term Power System Stability with {{Simulink}} - {{A}} Case Study of a 5-Bus Benchmark Model},\n author = {{Jonas Hetland Mong}},\n year = {2019},\n month = may,\n address = {Porsgrunn},\n abstract = {The power systems today are becoming more larger, complex and are operating closer to their security and stability limits particularly due to an increase in load demands and number of environmental concerns. Voltage stability has been a major subject of discussion and concern in electric power system operation and planning worldwide. Firstly, this thesis aims to do the survey on voltage stability and collapse phenomena in order to get insights into the mechanisms, causes, and prevention techniques to avoid such. The dynamic long-term voltage stability analysis is carried out using a free and open source, MATLAB based-PSAT software taking a test power system. The influence of load models, overexcitation limiter and transformer load tap changers on voltage collapse are investigated as a part of the thesis. It is observed that the constant power load has a greater impact on the voltage instability as it tries to restore the load unlike constant impedance and the constant current loads. Furthermore, a mathematical model for drawing the generator PQ capability diagram is presented and implemented in MATLAB software environment. For improved visualization and user interactions, a visualization tool is developed using the Graphical User Interface. In addition, the temperature development in the rotor and stator of the 103 MVA hydro- generator at `{\\AA}bj{\\o}ra' in Norway, is investigated in the same visualization tool utilizing the already developed thermal model. For increased accuracy of the results from dynamic voltage analysis, development and use of more accurate power system component models is recommended. Moreover, the effect of changing armature voltage and the direct axis synchronous reactance on PQ capability diagram can be investigated under further study.},\n school = {University of South-Eastern Norway},\n annotation = {Master's thesis},\n file = {/home/dietmarw/FoU/Publications/zotero/storage/TSAQR377/[12] Jonas Hetland Mong_Appendix material_AllInOne.slx;/home/dietmarw/FoU/Publications/zotero/storage/WC3YE97P/[12] Jonas Hetland Mong_Appendix material_StepResponseExcitation.slx;/home/dietmarw/FoU/Publications/zotero/storage/WUEGYBLJ/Jonas Hetland Mong_2019_Transient and long-term power system stability with Simulink - A case study of.pdf;/home/dietmarw/FoU/Publications/zotero/storage/WWC3SEJW/[12] Jonas Hetland Mong_Appendix material_aabjoora.slx}\n}\n\n\n
@mastersthesis{MariusSalen2019,\n title = {Impact of Distributed Generation at the Customer},\n author = {{Marius Salen}},\n year = {2019},\n month = may,\n address = {Porsgrunn},\n abstract = {This Master's Thesis gives an understanding of how distributed generation impact both the Distributed System Operator (DSO) and the customers. The simulations in this thesis are divided into two where the programs NETBAS and HOMER Pro are used. In a collaboration with the DSO at Hvaler which is Norgesnett, a weak grid and a robust grid was picked and simulated in NETBAS. The aim of the simulations is to study the impact clouds have on the power output from the solar panels. Since the production drops locally at the customer when the weather changes from sun to cloudy. Also, the impact this has on the DSO with the requirements given from {\\S} 3.4 in the Norwegian Directive on Quality of Supply (FoL) regarding ∆U stationary are conducted. The simulations are conducted with different scenarios which illustrate the production in the solar panels when cloudy. In a collaboration with the Norwegian Meteorological Institute (MET) solar data is used to get a more realistic picture of the sun conditions on the different scenarios. The main findings are that the passing clouds had a large impact on the customers regarding the voltage drop at the weak grid in S{\\o}ndre Sand{\\o}y. Also, some customers at S{\\o}ndre Sand{\\o}y without solar panels got affected by the customers with solar panels. Resulting in some of the customers without solar panels also exceeded the limit of 3 \\% regarding ∆U stationary from FoL. On the other hand, the more robust network at Norderhaug had fewer challenges and could hold a higher solar capacity. The simulations with HOMER Pro found that the demand rate which is 76.15 (NOK/kW/mo) at Hvaler today, is not profitable with a battery energy storage system (BESS) in combination with a PV system used for peak shaving. Furthermore, the demand rate is not profitable for this solution unless it is doubled. Also, the simulations found that a PV system is more profitable compared to a regular grid connected customer and a combined PV + BESS solution. The conclusion is that the clouds had a significant impact on the weak grid simulated at Hvaler, resulting in {\\S} 3.4 from FoL is not met in many cases. Also, the robust grid is affected but could withstand a much higher capacity of solar due to the higher short-circuit performance. From the simulations with HOMER Pro the conclusion is that increasing the demand rate to twice the amount today is not socioeconomically.},\n school = {University of South-Eastern Norway},\n annotation = {Master's thesis},\n file = {/home/dietmarw/FoU/Publications/zotero/storage/7PKPVZDD/Salen - Impact of distributed generation at the customer.pdf}\n}\n\n\n
@mastersthesis{NiteshThapa2019,\n title = {Hydro-{{Electric Modeling}} and {{Simulation}} of {{Hval{\\'a}rvirkjun}} in {{North-West Iceland}}},\n author = {{Nitesh Thapa}},\n year = {2019},\n month = may,\n address = {Porsgrunn},\n abstract = {This Master's Thesis gives an understanding of how distributed generation impact both the Distributed System Operator (DSO) and the customers. The simulations in this thesis are divided into two where the programs NETBAS and HOMER Pro are used. In a collaboration with the DSO at Hvaler which is Norgesnett, a weak grid and a robust grid was picked and simulated in NETBAS. The aim of the simulations is to study the impact clouds have on the power output from the solar panels. Since the production drops locally at the customer when the weather changes from sun to cloudy. Also, the impact this has on the DSO with the requirements given from {\\S} 3.4 in the Norwegian Directive on Quality of Supply (FoL) regarding ∆U stationary are conducted. The simulations are conducted with different scenarios which illustrate the production in the solar panels when cloudy. In a collaboration with the Norwegian Meteorological Institute (MET) solar data is used to get a more realistic picture of the sun conditions on the different scenarios. The main findings are that the passing clouds had a large impact on the customers regarding the voltage drop at the weak grid in S{\\o}ndre Sand{\\o}y. Also, some customers at S{\\o}ndre Sand{\\o}y without solar panels got affected by the customers with solar panels. Resulting in some of the customers without solar panels also exceeded the limit of 3 \\% regarding ∆U stationary from FoL. On the other hand, the more robust network at Norderhaug had fewer challenges and could hold a higher solar capacity. The simulations with HOMER Pro found that the demand rate which is 76.15 (NOK/kW/mo) at Hvaler today, is not profitable with a battery energy storage system (BESS) in combination with a PV system used for peak shaving. Furthermore, the demand rate is not profitable for this solution unless it is doubled. Also, the simulations found that a PV system is more profitable compared to a regular grid connected customer and a combined PV + BESS solution. The conclusion is that the clouds had a significant impact on the weak grid simulated at Hvaler, resulting in {\\S} 3.4 from FoL is not met in many cases. Also, the robust grid is affected but could withstand a much higher capacity of solar due to the higher short-circuit performance. From the simulations with HOMER Pro the conclusion is that increasing the demand rate to twice the amount today is not socioeconomically.},\n school = {University of South-Eastern Norway},\n annotation = {Master's thesis},\n file = {/home/dietmarw/FoU/Publications/zotero/storage/4Q3TTREM/Nitesh Thapa_2019_Hydro-Electric Modeling and Simulation of Hvalárvirkjun in North-West Iceland.pdf;/home/dietmarw/FoU/Publications/zotero/storage/DGU3YXE5/}\n}\n\n\n
@mastersthesis{PrabeshKhadka2019,\n title = {Online Monitoring and Visualizing of a Generator's Capability with {{Simulink}}},\n author = {{Prabesh Khadka}},\n year = {2019},\n month = may,\n address = {Porsgrunn},\n school = {University of South-Eastern Norway},\n annotation = {Master's thesis},\n file = {/home/dietmarw/FoU/Publications/zotero/storage/7SHK665W/CapabilityCurveVisiualization.mlapp;/home/dietmarw/FoU/Publications/zotero/storage/FLAAQ2J7/Rotor_temperature.mat;/home/dietmarw/FoU/Publications/zotero/storage/MZ4Y7RUJ/Thermal_model_scope.slx;/home/dietmarw/FoU/Publications/zotero/storage/TGRM8JLM/ThermalModel_Thermal_model_scope.m;/home/dietmarw/FoU/Publications/zotero/storage/UWHGP552/Prabesh Khadka_2019_Online monitoring and visualizing of a generator’s capability with Simulink.pdf;/home/dietmarw/FoU/Publications/zotero/storage/VSPZAZPL/Kundur_CIGRE_based_collapse_04.m}\n}\n\n\n
@mastersthesis{PrakashChinnasamy2019,\n title = {Study of {{AC}} Synchronous Generator Reactance for Medium Voltage Motor Start Capabilities on the Offshore Gas Turbine Generator Packages.},\n author = {{Prakash Chinnasamy}},\n year = {2019},\n month = may,\n address = {Porsgrunn},\n school = {University of South-Eastern Norway},\n annotation = {Master's thesis}\n}\n\n\n
@mastersthesis{MulubrhanTeklehaymanotTewelde2018,\n title = {Modeling of a {{Fault Ride Through}} in {{Transmission System}} with {{Distributed Hydropower Production}}},\n author = {{Mulubrhan Teklehaymanot Tewelde}},\n year = {2018},\n month = may,\n address = {Porsgrunn},\n abstract = {As part of the development plan for the European Transmission Network, the European Network of Transmission System Operator (ENTSO-E) proposed the creation of a Network code dealing the requirements for the grid connections of generators (NC RfG) which came into effect on May 17 th , 2016. The response to the ENTSO-E network code, the Norwegian Transmission System Operator (TSO) formulated updates to the Norwegian Power System. These updates were based on ENTSO-E requirements for synchronous Power Generating Modules of types B, C and D. With that in mind, the project for this thesis involved the testing of the Norwegian TSO recommended values on the distribution of hydropower generators based in the Telemark region. The testing was conducted using PowerFactory and OpenIPSL with a simulation of five cases. The simulation cases were designed to test a balanced three-phase short circuit occurring on the 300, 132, 66 and 22 kV sections of the central and regional transmission networks. Fault simulations on the 300 kV and 132 kV regional distribution networks showed positive results with few exceptions. The 66 kV and 22 kV networks were highlighted as the ones requiring improvement. This thesis report will present the studies and the simulations conducted along with the results and conclusions drawn from the simulations with the aim of finding an enhanced way forward in the area of power generation and transmission.},\n school = {University of South-Eastern Norway},\n annotation = {Master's thesis},\n file = {/home/dietmarw/FoU/Publications/zotero/storage/Q4442QJ4/Mulubrhan Teklehaymanot Tewelde_2018_Modeling of a Fault Ride Through in Transmission System with Distributed.pdf}\n}\n\n\n
@mastersthesis{TienThanhNguyen2018,\n title = {Modelling and {{Simulation}} of a {{New Power Delivery}} in the {{North}} of {{Iceland}}},\n author = {{Tien Thanh Nguyen}},\n year = {2018},\n month = may,\n address = {Porsgrunn},\n abstract = {A former assessment report conducted by Verk{\\'i}s using the proprietary simulation tool DIgSILENT PowerFactory is now implemented in Dymola with the OpenIPSL library. The OpenIPSL is a power system component library started as a successor from the iPSL library in the iTesla project. It has proven to be suitable to develop and perform power system phasor time domain simulations. The main goal of this thesis is to perform initialisation and time domain simulation in Dymola. The results obtained in steady state will be compared, and validated with the power flow simulations performed in the DIgSILENT PowerFactory. The time domain simulation in Dymola provided the expected results compared with PowerFactory power flow calculation, with a slightly difference in voltage level and reactive power dispatch. However, power system without a shunt capacitance is not recommended because of the reactive power demand cannot be achieved, and the voltage limits has been violated. The additional time domain simulation to analyse the dynamic response of the power system did not yield the expected results. The main source to this is the time domain simulation that has not been fully analysed in the PowerFactory to obtain the correct implementation in Dymola, and is therefore restrained to as future work. Otherwise, the short- circuit analysis did show great similarities. Above all, the Modelica language in modelling of power system is reliable if the correct implementation is performed. It can highly be recommended because Modelica language is equation based modelling, and can describe the exact physical behaviour of a component model independently of the software. It provides a great advantage in sharing consistent models between different simulation tools supporting Modelica.},\n school = {University of South-Eastern Norway},\n annotation = {Master's thesis},\n file = {/home/dietmarw/FoU/Publications/zotero/storage/DYVCDPEZ/Tien Thanh Nguyen_2018_Modelling and Simulation of a New Power Delivery in the North of Iceland.pdf}\n}\n\n\n
@mastersthesis{KimAars2017,\n title = {Simulation of Load and Fault Scenarios in a Hydro Power Systems with Island Grid},\n author = {{Kim Aars}},\n year = {2017},\n month = may,\n address = {Porsgrunn},\n abstract = {The Westfjords area of Iceland is only connected to the national grid by one transmission line. Due to harsh weather conditions during winter, the reliability of power supply is bad. Two models of the transmission system of the Westfjords were models using OpenIPSL, one base model with three generating units and one extended model with four generating units. Two different load scenarios are simulated. From simulations of the disconnection from the national grid, it is found that the extended model, in Scenario 1 will stabilize the system without disconnection any loads. In scenario 2, the model with increased production returns to steady state slower than the three generator model, but will keep the voltage levels on the buses more stable and at a higher voltage level. Another important factor regarding operation of hydro power units, is the water hammer effect caused by rapid changes in the penstock flow rate. Waterway models were made using Hydro Power Library in Dymola, the models are used for finding optimal closing time for the turbine guide vanes/nozzles of the three generation units at Mj{\\'o}lk{\\'a}. From simulations, it is found that the closing times can be considerably reduced for all three units.},\n school = {University College of Southeast Norway},\n annotation = {Master's thesis},\n file = {/home/dietmarw/FoU/Publications/zotero/storage/6I4ED38G/Simulation of load and fault scenarios in a hydro power systems with island grid 152558.pdf}\n}\n\n\n
@mastersthesis{ArndisMagnusdottir2016,\n title = {Modelling and {{Simulation}} of {{Hydro Power Station Foss{\\'a}rvirkjun}} in {{Iceland}}},\n author = {{Arnd{\\'i}s Magn{\\'u}sd{\\'o}ttir}},\n year = {2016},\n month = jun,\n address = {Porsgrunn},\n abstract = {There is a strong focus on new renewable energy sources, such as, solar power, wind energy and biomass, in the context of reducing carbon emissions. Because of its maturity, hydropower is often overlooked. However, there is an era of hydro oriented research in improving many aspects of this well established technology. Imitating a physical system of a hydropower plant by mathematical models can serve as a power- ful tool for analysing and predicting the system performance during disturbances. Furthermore it can create opportunities in investigating more advanced control method, such as Model Predict- ive Control which is equipped with handling multiple-input and multiple-output systems in the presence of constraints. This control method was researched and a presented as a supervisory control scheme. A simulation model of a reference hydropower station located in northwest of Iceland was imple- mented using a commercial simulation environment Dymola based on the modelling language Modelica{\\textregistered} . The main simulation scenarios of interest were; 20\\% load rejection, worst-case scenario of full shut down and pressure rise in the pressure shaft due to the water hammer ef- fect. These scenarios were successfully carried out given the data available of Foss{\\'a}rvirkjun power plant. The load rejection simulation gave expected results and was verified against a ref- erence results from manufacturer. After full shutdown the pressure increase at the bottom of the pressure shaft increased by 3.8 bar due to the water hammer effect which is within margin of maximum allowable pressure in the pressure shaft. However, the model could do with a better response from the control system, which can be further implemented. The results gave an indication that the model built is a satisfactory representation of Foss{\\'a}r- virkun. Further implementation of a more advance control scheme such as, Model Predictive Controller is considered to be the next step for future work. It is proposed that MATLAB/Simulink{\\textregistered} software is to be co-simulated with Dymola. It is appropriate that model of the hydropower plant will be simulated in Modelica whilst the whole control aspect, the supervisory MPC and the PID controller, would be implemented in MATLAB/Simulink{\\textregistered} .},\n school = {University College of Southeast Norway},\n annotation = {Master's thesis},\n file = {/home/dietmarw/FoU/Publications/zotero/storage/5KMUWK3Q/;/home/dietmarw/FoU/Publications/zotero/storage/XXNKAWRD/ArndisMagnusdottir_142857.pdf}\n}\n\n\n
@mastersthesis{XinZhang2015,\n title = {Modelling and {{Control}} of {{Sauland Hydro Power Plant}}},\n author = {{Xin Zhang}},\n year = {2015},\n month = jun,\n address = {Porsgrunn},\n school = {Telemark University College},\n annotation = {Master's Thesis}\n}\n\n\n
@mastersthesis{HakonMollandEdvardsen2013,\n title = {System Dynamics of Asynchronous Generators at Islanded Grid Operation},\n author = {{H{\\aa}kon Molland Edvardsen}},\n year = {2013},\n abstract = {It is well known that the phenomenon of self-excitation allows the asynchronous generator to operate as a standalone unit. The robustness and low cost of the asynchronous generator makes it beneficial for small hydro power plants below 1 MW. Investigation of the self-excitation process shows that significant overvoltages can occur if a generator with sufficient capacitors is suddenly disconnected from the utility grid. The precondition for a successive voltage build-up is that the generator is left with enough capacitive power and a low load after the disconnection. The L{\\o}nnestad radial in Seljord, Norway, is a distribution radial with both asynchronous and synchronous generators connected. In order to investigate the system dynamics in the radial after it is disconnected from the rest of the 22 kV distribution grid, the radial was modeled and simulated in Dymola. From the simulations it was seen that the cables in the grid represent enough capacitive power to initiate self-excitation of the seven generators in Sagbekken 1, and Sagbekken 2 and 3 momentarily after the radial is brought into islanded operation. Since the amount of load connected to the radial is low, the self-excitation leads to a successive voltage build-up, resulting in a harmful overvoltage. For simulations with a load connected to the radial, the overvoltage reached its peak value of circa 50 kV only 0.4 seconds after the asynchronous generators are left in standalone operation. To avoid voltage build-ups caused by self-excitation it is essential with proper parameters in the protection relays. It is recommended to have monetarily disconnection when the voltage exceeds a given limit slightly above the nominal voltage. In addition to the protection relays, a damping load can be installed in Seljord substation to momentarily connect when the radial is disconnected from the rest of the distribution grid.},\n school = {Telemark University College},\n annotation = {Master's thesis}\n}\n\n\n
@mastersthesis{HerbjornHolstad2013,\n title = {Stability {{Analysis}} of {{MPC}} in {{Hydro Turbine Controllers}}},\n author = {{Herbj{\\o}rn Holstad}},\n year = {2013},\n school = {Telemark University College},\n annotation = {Master's Thesis}\n}\n\n\n
@mastersthesis{IngvarAndreassen2011,\n title = {Stability {{Analysis}} of {{AGC}} in the {{Norwegian Energy System}}},\n author = {{Ingvar Andreassen}},\n year = {2011},\n month = jun,\n abstract = {In the last recent years it has been observed increasing power system instability in the Nordic power system, this is observed by an increasing incidents of frequency deviations. The theory of power system control and actual control of the Norwegian power system was investigated, and a simplified model was made for stability analysis on the Norwegian power system to find probable causes for system instability and better parameter settings. The theory of the main contributing factors in power system stability was studied, such as Automatic Generation Control (AGC), Load Frequency Control (LFC) and turbine controllers with droop. The implementation of power frequency control in Norway and the Nordic power system was investigated and described in this report. The functional description of an AGC system from ABB used by Statkraft at an actual operations centre was studied, in addition to how this system was used and implemented. An actual AGC control area with hydropower units was then used as a basis for making a dynamic model. The model was made using the Modelica programming language together with the computer tool Dymola. Components from the Hydro Plant Library (HPL) from MODELON AB were used in making models of the hydropower units and the Nordic power system. One detailed plant with HPL water way components was made, while the other hydropower units in the area were simplified to ease the computational burden in simulations. The model contains a total of seven hydropower units where six is controlled by an AGC. The turbine controllers were implemented with and without frequency dead band. An AGC system model was made realistically including low pass filters and non linear functions such as sampling, dead bands and rate limiters. The AGC PI controller were tuned, and then tested and compared to the recorded real response. This showed similar system dynamics, although the model responded slightly faster. Simulations showed that a slow response of the AGC could be an advantage, as it gave both a minimized Area Control Error (ACE) and better stability. It was also observed small oscillations in steady state of the system, which was partly caused by a dead band zone filter in the AGC system. Load change tests were also performed on the model, where a sudden large drop in grid frequency occurs. The turbine controllers with dead band on the frequency measurement caused a poorer primary frequency control in the system, as expected. The tests also showed that the ACE regulation of the AGC controller model cancelled the primary control action from the turbine controllers, which caused a larger grid frequency deviation. However, the model needs to be investigated for the verification of this last result.},\n school = {Telemark University College},\n annotation = {Master's Thesis}\n}\n\n\n
@mastersthesis{PrabinShreshta2010,\n title = {Modelling of a {{Hydro Power System}} with {{Modelica}}},\n author = {{Prabin Shreshta}},\n year = {2010},\n month = jun,\n school = {Telemark University College},\n annotation = {Master's Thesis}\n}\n\n\n
@mastersthesis{FlorianDoring2009,\n title = {Parameteridentifikation Einer {{Asynchronmaschine}} Am {{Pr{\\"u}fstand}}},\n author = {{Florian D{\\"o}ring}},\n year = {2009},\n month = jul,\n school = {Technische Universit{\\"a}t Berlin},\n annotation = {Diplomarbeit}\n}\n\n\n
@techreport{FelixAndre2008,\n type = {Projektarbeit},\n title = {Modellierung Einer {{Li-Ionen Batterie}} F{\\"u}r {{Hybridfahrzeug-Simulationen}}},\n author = {{Felix Andre} and {Dipl-Ing Dietmar Winkler}},\n year = {2008},\n month = oct,\n institution = {Technische Universit{\\"a}t Berlin},\n urldate = {2016-09-08},\n annotation = {Student Project},\n file = {/home/dietmarw/FoU/Publications/zotero/storage/XSP9EZ9B/SP_BatteryModel-FelixAndre.pdf}\n}\n\n\n
@techreport{BernhardWede2007,\n type = {Studienarbeit},\n title = {Modellierung Eines 6-{{Gang-Schaltgetriebes}} Mit {{Hilfe}} Der {{Modellierungssprache Modelica}}},\n author = {{Bernhard Wede}},\n year = {2007},\n month = jan,\n institution = {Technische Universit{\\"a}t Berlin},\n abstract = {This papers deals with the modelling of a whole power train especially with the construction of a model of 6-speed-manual gearbox with the programming language Modelica. Additionally an engine, a friction clutch, a differential, brakes with torsion, a simple driver and the car environment have to be modelled. The car resistances are limited to the forces of longitudinal direction. All partial models are tested before implementing to the total model. The last step of this paper will be a proving of the real-time ability of the model in order to run on real-time test benches.},\n annotation = {Studienarbeit}\n}\n\n\n
@techreport{DanielMeyer2007,\n type = {Studienarbeit},\n title = {Erstellung Eines Echtzeitf{\\"a}higen {{Fahrermodells}} F{\\"u}r Eine {{HiL-Pr{\\"u}fstandssimulation}} Unter {{Verwendung}} von {{MATLAB}}/ {{Simulink}}/ {{Stateflow}}},\n author = {{Daniel Meyer}},\n year = {2007},\n month = jul,\n institution = {Technische Universit{\\"a}t Berlin},\n keywords = {and,Modelling,simulation},\n annotation = {Studienarbeit}\n}\n\n\n
@techreport{JaneNatalieLazzarato2007,\n type = {Studienarbeit},\n title = {Ausarbeitung Eines {{Statistikversuchs}} F{\\"u}r Das {{Messtechniklabor}}},\n author = {{Jane Natalie Lazzarato}},\n year = {2007},\n month = jan,\n institution = {Technische Universit{\\"a}t Berlin},\n annotation = {Studienarbeit}\n}\n\n\n
@techreport{StefanRinderer2007,\n type = {Studienarbeit},\n title = {Erstellung Einer {{Modelica-Bibliothek}} F{\\"u}r Die Feldorientierte {{Regelung}} Elektrischer {{Maschinen}}},\n author = {{Stefan Rinderer}},\n year = {2007},\n month = apr,\n institution = {Technische Universit{\\"a}t Berlin},\n annotation = {Studienarbeit},\n file = {/home/dietmarw/FoU/Publications/zotero/storage/2ZUJZXD2/Rinderer_2007_Erstellung einer Modelica-Bibliothek für die feldorientierte Regelung.pdf}\n}\n\n\n
@techreport{EmmanuelKouemo2006,\n type = {Studienarbeit},\n title = {Plausibilisierung Eines {{HIL-Teststandes}}},\n author = {{Emmanuel Kouemo}},\n year = {2006},\n month = jan,\n institution = {Technische Universit{\\"a}t Berlin},\n abstract = {Model in the Loop (MiL), software in the loop (SiL), and hardware in the loop (HiL) are the most used methods in the software development process of CPUs. The first step of development concerns CPUs functions, which are based on computer models. The functions are modeled with usual graphic programmer tools (Simulink{\\textregistered}/Stateflows{\\textregistered}, Ascet{\\textregistered}, VelodYn{\\textregistered}, etc...) and analyzed in interaction with other vehicle parts. Subsequently, these working models are used to generate real time codes which are tested at the vehicle in a rapid prototyping process. The models are validated as last step in a HiL-process. The goal of this activity is to find errors in an early development process and to eliminate them. The validity of this analysis presupposes naturally that the vehicle models have a sufficient degree of details. It also presupposes that the entire behavior of the HiL system, including actuators and sensors do not strongly deviate from the real system. In this diploma such a HiL system is analyzed. We will first examine the correctness of the signal processing unit of the HiL system. Subsequently, the handling of the HiL system is compared with the one of a reference vehicle},\n annotation = {Studienarbeit}\n}\n\n\n
@techreport{YvonneKnoll2006,\n type = {Studienarbeit},\n title = {Erstellung Und {{Optimierung}} Eines {{Fahrermodells}} in {{Dymola}}},\n author = {{Yvonne Knoll}},\n year = {2006},\n month = dec,\n institution = {Technische Universit{\\"a}t Berlin},\n keywords = {and,Modelling,simulation},\n annotation = {Studienarbeit}\n}\n\n
@techreport{EmmanuelKouemo2005,\n type = {Studienarbeit},\n title = {Entwicklung Eines Parametrierbaren {{L{\\"a}ngsdynamikreglers}} F{\\"u}r Das {{Simulationsprogramm VeLoDyn}} Unter {{Verwendung}} von {{MATLAB}}/{{Simulink}}},\n author = {{Emmanuel Kouemo}},\n year = {2005},\n month = jul,\n institution = {Technische Universit{\\"a}t Berlin},\n annotation = {Studienarbeit}\n}\n\n\n
@techreport{SteffenWeidinger2005,\n type = {Studienarbeit},\n title = {Entwicklung Einer {{Messger{\\"a}testeuerung}} Mit {{Hilfe}} von {{MATLAB}} F{\\"u}f Ein {{Studentenlabor}}},\n author = {{Steffen Weidinger}},\n year = {2005},\n institution = {Technische Universit{\\"a}t Berlin},\n annotation = {Studienarbeit}\n}\n\n\n