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  2024 (2)
MAGPIE: Multi-Task Analysis of Media-Bias Generalization with Pre-Trained Identification of Expressions. Horych, T.; Wessel, M. P.; Wahle, J. P.; Ruas, T.; Waßmuth, J.; Greiner-Petter, A.; Aizawa, A.; Gipp, B.; and Spinde, T. In Calzolari, N.; Kan, M.; Hoste, V.; Lenci, A.; Sakti, S.; and Xue, N., editor(s), Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024), pages 10903–10920, Torino, Italy, May 2024. ELRA and ICCL Core Rank B
MAGPIE: Multi-Task Analysis of Media-Bias Generalization with Pre-Trained Identification of Expressions [link]Paper   link   bibtex   abstract  
Taxonomy of Mathematical Plagiarism. Satpute, A.; Greiner-Petter, A.; Gießing, N.; Beckenbach, I.; Schubotz, M.; Teschke, O.; Aizawa, A.; and Gipp, B. In Goharian, N.; Tonellotto, N.; He, Y.; Lipani, A.; McDonald, G.; Macdonald, C.; and Ounis, I., editor(s), 46th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR), volume 14611, pages 12–20, Glasgow, UK, March 2024. Springer Nature Switzerland Core Rank A
Taxonomy of Mathematical Plagiarism [link]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2023 (4)
Making Presentation Math Computable: A Context-Sensitive Approach for Translating LaTeX to Computer Algebra Systems. Greiner-Petter, A. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden, 2023. Doctoral Dissertation at University of Wuppertal, Germany
Making Presentation Math Computable: A Context-Sensitive Approach for Translating LaTeX to Computer Algebra Systems [link]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   3 downloads  
Do the Math: Making Mathematics in Wikipedia Computable. Greiner-Petter, A.; Schubotz, M.; Breitinger, C.; Scharpf, P.; Aizawa, A.; and Gipp, B. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 45(4): 4384–4395. 2023. Journal Rank Q1; IF: 24.314
Do the Math: Making Mathematics in Wikipedia Computable [link]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   2 downloads  
TEIMMA: The First Content Reuse Annotator for Text, Images, and Math. Satpute, A.; Greiner-Petter, A.; Schubotz, M.; Meuschke, N.; Aizawa, A.; Teschke, O.; and Gipp, B. In 2023 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), pages 271–273, Santa Fe, NM, USA, June 2023. IEEE
TEIMMA: The First Content Reuse Annotator for Text, Images, and Math [pdf]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Neural Machine Translation for Mathematical Formulae. Petersen, F.; Schubotz, M.; Greiner-Petter, A.; and Gipp, B. In Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers), pages 11534–11550, Toronto, Canada, 2023. Association for Computational Linguistics Core Rank A*
Neural Machine Translation for Mathematical Formulae [link]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2022 (3)
Comparative Verification of the Digital Library of Mathematical Functions and Computer Algebra Systems. Greiner-Petter, A.; Cohl, H. S.; Youssef, A.; Schubotz, M.; Trost, A.; Dey, R.; Aizawa, A.; and Gipp, B. In Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems - 28th International Conference, (TACAS), of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 87–105, Munich, Germany, April 2022. Springer Core Rank A
Comparative Verification of the Digital Library of Mathematical Functions and Computer Algebra Systems [link]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   4 downloads  
Collaborative and AI-aided Exam Question Generation using Wikidata in Education. Scharpf, P.; Schubotz, M.; Spitz, A.; Greiner-Petter, A.; and Gipp, B. In Proceedings of the 3rd Wikidata Workshop 2022 co-located with the 21st International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2022), volume 3262, of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Hanghzou, China, 2022. Core Rank A
Collaborative and AI-aided Exam Question Generation using Wikidata in Education [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex   abstract  
Caching and Reproducibility: Making Data Science Experiments Faster and FAIRer. Schubotz, M.; Satpute, A.; Greiner-Petter, A.; Aizawa, A.; and Gipp, B. Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics, 7: 861944. April 2022.
Caching and Reproducibility: Making Data Science Experiments Faster and FAIRer [link]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   2 downloads  
  2021 (2)
Comparative Verification of Digital Mathematical Libraries and Computer Algebra Systems. Greiner-Petter, A. March 2021. Invited Talk
Comparative Verification of Digital Mathematical Libraries and Computer Algebra Systems [link]Paper   link   bibtex   2 downloads  
Semantic Preserving Translations between NIST's Digital Library of Mathematical Functions and Computer Algebra Systems. Greiner-Petter, A. July 2021. Invited Talk
Semantic Preserving Translations between NIST's Digital Library of Mathematical Functions and Computer Algebra Systems [link]Paper   link   bibtex   1 download  
  2020 (6)
Towards Grounding of Formulae. Asakura, T.; Greiner-Petter, A.; Aizawa, A.; and Miyao, Y. In Proceedings of the First Workshop on Scholarly Document Processing (SDP@EMNLP), pages 138–147, Online, 2020. ACL Core Rank A*
Towards Grounding of Formulae [link]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   1 download  
Making Presentation Math Computable: Proposing a Context Sensitive Approach for Translating LaTeX to Computer Algebra Systems. Greiner-Petter, A.; Schubotz, M.; Aizawa, A.; and Gipp, B. In Bigatti, A. M.; Carette, J.; Davenport, J. H.; Joswig, M.; and de Wolff, T., editor(s), International Congress of Mathematical Software (ICMS), volume 12097, of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 335–341, Braunschweig, Germany, 2020. Springer
Making Presentation Math Computable: Proposing a Context Sensitive Approach for Translating LaTeX to Computer Algebra Systems [pdf]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Discovering Mathematical Objects of Interest — A Study of Mathematical Notations. Greiner-Petter, A.; Schubotz, M.; Müller, F.; Breitinger, C.; Cohl, H.; Aizawa, A.; and Gipp, B. In Proceedings of The Web Conference (WWW), pages 1445–1456, Taipei, Taiwan, April 2020. ACM Core Rank A*
Discovering Mathematical Objects of Interest — A Study of Mathematical Notations [link]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Math-Word Embedding in Math Search and Semantic Extraction. Greiner-Petter, A.; Youssef, A.; Ruas, T.; Miller, B. R.; Schubotz, M.; Aizawa, A.; and Gipp, B. Scientometrics, 125(3): 3017–3046. December 2020. Journal Rank Q1; IF: 3.702
Math-Word Embedding in Math Search and Semantic Extraction [link]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
ARQMath Lab: An Incubator for Semantic Formula Search in zbMATH Open?. Scharpf, P.; Schubotz, M.; Greiner-Petter, A.; Ostendorff, M.; Teschke, O.; and Gipp, B. In Working Notes of (CLEF) 2020 - Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum, volume 2696, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2020.
ARQMath Lab: An Incubator for Semantic Formula Search in zbMATH Open? [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex   abstract   1 download  
Mathematical Formulae in Wikimedia Projects 2020. Schubotz, M.; Greiner-Petter, A.; Meuschke, N.; Teschke, O.; and Gipp, B. In Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), pages 447–448, Virtual Event, China, August 2020. ACM Core Rank A*
Mathematical Formulae in Wikimedia Projects 2020 [link]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   15 downloads  
  2019 (3)
Automatic Mathematical Information Retrieval to Perform Translations up to Computer Algebra Systems. Greiner-Petter, A. Bulletin of IEEE Technical Committee on Digital Libraries (TCDL), 15(1). 2019.
Automatic Mathematical Information Retrieval to Perform Translations up to Computer Algebra Systems [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex   abstract  
Why Machines Cannot Learn Mathematics, Yet. Greiner-Petter, A.; Ruas, T.; Schubotz, M.; Aizawa, A.; Grosky, W. I.; and Gipp, B. In Proceedings of the 4th Joint Workshop on Bibliometric-Enhanced Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing for Digital Libraries (BIRNDL@SIGIR), volume 2414, Paris, France, 2019. Core Rank A*
Why Machines Cannot Learn Mathematics, Yet [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex   abstract   2 downloads  
Semantic Preserving Bijective Mappings for Expressions involving Special Functions between Computer Algebra Systems and Document Preparation Systems. Greiner-Petter, A.; Schubotz, M.; Cohl, H. S.; and Gipp, B. Aslib Journal of Information Management, 71(3): 415–439. May 2019. Journal Rank Q1; IF: 2.653
Semantic Preserving Bijective Mappings for Expressions involving Special Functions between Computer Algebra Systems and Document Preparation Systems [link]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2018 (4)
Automated Symbolic and Numerical Testing of DLMF Formulae Using Computer Algebra Systems. Cohl, H. S.; Greiner-Petter, A.; and Schubotz, M. In Rabe, F.; Farmer, W. M.; Passmore, G. O.; and Youssef, A., editor(s), Proceedings International Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM), volume 11006, of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 39–52, Hagenberg, Austria, 2018. Springer International Publishing
Automated Symbolic and Numerical Testing of DLMF Formulae Using Computer Algebra Systems [link]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Automatic Mathematical Information Retrieval to Perform Translations up to Computer Algebra Systems. Greiner-Petter, A. In Joint Proceedings of the CME-EI, FMM, CAAT, FVPS, M3SRD, OpenMath Workshops, Doctoral Program and Work in Progress at the Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM), volume 2307, Hagenberg, Austria, 2018.
Automatic Mathematical Information Retrieval to Perform Translations up to Computer Algebra Systems [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
MathTools: An Open API for Convenient MathML Handling. Greiner-Petter, A.; Schubotz, M.; Cohl, H. S.; and Gipp, B. In Rabe, F.; Farmer, W. M.; Passmore, G. O.; and Youssef, A., editor(s), Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM), volume 11006, of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 104–110, Hagenberg, Austria, 2018. Springer International Publishing
MathTools: An Open API for Convenient MathML Handling [link]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Improving the Representation and Conversion of Mathematical Formulae by Considering their Textual Context. Schubotz, M.; Greiner-Petter, A.; Scharpf, P.; Meuschke, N.; Cohl, H. S.; and Gipp, B. In Proceedings of the 18th ACM/IEEE on Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), pages 233–242, Fort Worth, Texas, USA, May 2018. ACM Core Rank A*
Improving the Representation and Conversion of Mathematical Formulae by Considering their Textual Context [link]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   2 downloads  
  2017 (1)
Semantic Preserving Bijective Mappings of Mathematical Formulae Between Document Preparation Systems and Computer Algebra Systems. Cohl, H. S.; Schubotz, M.; Youssef, A.; Greiner-Petter, A.; Gerhard, J.; Saunders, B. V.; McClain, M. A.; Bang, J.; and Chen, K. In Geuvers, H.; England, M.; Hasan, O.; Rabe, F.; and Teschke, O., editor(s), Proceedings International Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM), volume 10383, of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 115–131, Edinburgh, UK, 2017. Springer
Semantic Preserving Bijective Mappings of Mathematical Formulae Between Document Preparation Systems and Computer Algebra Systems [link]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract