Statistical characterisation of polychromatic absolute and differential squared visibilities obtained from AMBER/VLTI instrument.
Schutz, A.; Vannier, M.; Mary, D.; Ferrari, A.; Millour, F.; and Petrov, R.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 565: 1–12. May 2014.
Author = {A. Schutz and M. Vannier and D. Mary and A. Ferrari and F. Millour and R. Petrov},
Date-Added = {2015-02-18 17:44:37 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2015-02-18 17:46:47 +0000},
Journal = {Astronomy and Astrophysics},
Month = may,
Pages = {1--12},
Title = {Statistical characterisation of polychromatic absolute and differential squared visibilities obtained from {AMBER/VLTI} instrument},
Volume = {565},
Year = {2014}}
PAINTER: a spatio-spectral image reconstruction algorithm for optical interferometry.
Schutz, A.; Ferrari, A.; Mary, D.; Soulez, F.; Thiébaut, É.; and Vannier, M.
Journal of the Optical Society of America, A, 31(12): 2356–2361. December 2014.
Author = {Antony Schutz and A. Ferrari and David Mary and F{\'e}rr{\'e}ol Soulez and {\'E}ric Thi{\'e}baut and Martin Vannier},
Comments = {Accepted, to be published},
Date-Added = {2015-02-18 12:54:37 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2015-02-18 12:54:57 +0000},
Journal = {Journal of the Optical Society of America, A},
Month = dec,
Number = {12},
Pages = {2356--2361},
Title = {{PAINTER}: a spatio-spectral image reconstruction algorithm for optical interferometry},
Volume = {31},
Year = {2014}}
Dimension Reduction for Hypothesis Testing in Worst-Case Scenarios.
Suleiman, R.; Mary, D.; and Ferrari, A.
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 62(22): 5973–5986. November 2014.
Author = {R.F.R. Suleiman and D. Mary and A. Ferrari},
Date-Added = {2015-02-18 12:49:25 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2015-02-18 12:52:24 +0000},
Journal = {IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing},
Month = nov,
Number = {22},
Pages = {5973--5986},
Title = {Dimension Reduction for Hypothesis Testing in Worst-Case Scenarios},
Volume = {62},
Year = {2014}}
Blind and Fully Constrained Unmixing of Hyperspectral Images.
Ammanouil, R.; Ferrari, A.; and Richard, C.
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 23(12): 5510–5518. December 2014.
Author = {R. Ammanouil and A. Ferrari and C. Richard},
Date-Added = {2015-02-18 12:42:12 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2015-02-18 12:43:55 +0000},
Journal = {IEEE Transactions on Image Processing},
Month = dec,
Number = {12},
Pages = {5510--5518},
Title = {Blind and Fully Constrained Unmixing of Hyperspectral Images},
Volume = {23},
Year = {2014}}
Equivalence between the Posterior Distribution of the Likelihood Ratio and a p-value in an Invariant Frame.
Smith, I.; and Ferrari, A.
Bayesian Analysis, 9(4): 939–962. September 2014.
Author = {Isabelle Smith and A. Ferrari},
Date-Added = {2015-02-18 11:02:22 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2015-02-18 11:03:27 +0000},
Journal = {Bayesian Analysis},
Month = sep,
Number = {4},
Pages = {939--962},
Title = {Equivalence between the Posterior Distribution of the Likelihood Ratio and a p-value in an Invariant Frame},
Volume = {9},
Year = {2014}}