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  2019 (1)
A parallel and automatically tuned algorithm for multispectral image deconvolution. Ammanouil, R.; Ferrari, A.; Mary, D.; Ferrari, C.; and Loi, F. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 490(1): 37–49. August 2019.
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  2018 (2)
Robust distributed calibration of radio interferometers with direction dependent distortions. Ollier, V.; Korso, M. N. E.; Ferrari, A.; Boyer, R.; and Larzabal, P. Signal Processing, 153: 348–354. December 2018.
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Distribution strategies for very large 3D image deconvolution algorithms. Meillier, C.; Ammanouil, R.; Ferrari, A.; and Bianchi, P. Signal Processing: Image Communication, 67: 149–160. September 2018.
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  2017 (2)
Diffusion LMS for Multitask Problems With Local Linear Equality Constraints. Nassif, R.; Richard, C.; Ferrari, A.; and Sayed, A. H. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 65(19): 4979–4993. October 2017.
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Nonlinear Unmixing of Hyperspectral Data With Vector-Valued Kernel Functions. Ammanouil, R.; Ferrari, A.; Richard, C.; and Mathieu, S. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 26(1): 340-354. January 2017.
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  2016 (3)
Proximity operators for phase retrieval. Soulez, F.; Thiébaut, É.; Schutz, A.; Ferrari, A.; Courbin, F.; and Unser, M. Applied Optics, 55(26): 7412–7421. September 2016.
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Multitask Diffusion Adaptation Over Asynchronous Networks. Nassif, R.; Richard, C.; Ferrari, A.; and Sayed, A. H. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 64(11): 2835-2850. June 2016.
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Proximal Multitask Learning Over Networks With Sparsity-Inducing Coregularization. Nassif, R.; Richard, C.; Ferrari, A.; and Sayed, A. H. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 64(23): 6329-6344. December 2016.
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  2014 (5)
Statistical characterisation of polychromatic absolute and differential squared visibilities obtained from AMBER/VLTI instrument. Schutz, A.; Vannier, M.; Mary, D.; Ferrari, A.; Millour, F.; and Petrov, R. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 565: 1–12. May 2014.
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PAINTER: a spatio-spectral image reconstruction algorithm for optical interferometry. Schutz, A.; Ferrari, A.; Mary, D.; Soulez, F.; Thiébaut, É.; and Vannier, M. Journal of the Optical Society of America, A, 31(12): 2356–2361. December 2014.
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Dimension Reduction for Hypothesis Testing in Worst-Case Scenarios. Suleiman, R.; Mary, D.; and Ferrari, A. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 62(22): 5973–5986. November 2014.
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Blind and Fully Constrained Unmixing of Hyperspectral Images. Ammanouil, R.; Ferrari, A.; and Richard, C. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 23(12): 5510–5518. December 2014.
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Equivalence between the Posterior Distribution of the Likelihood Ratio and a p-value in an Invariant Frame. Smith, I.; and Ferrari, A. Bayesian Analysis, 9(4): 939–962. September 2014.
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  2013 (1)
Detection Tests Using Sparse Models, With Application to Hyperspectral Data. Paris, S.; Mary, D.; and Ferrari, A. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 61(6): 1481–1494. January 2013.
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  2012 (1)
Stationnarité Relative et Approches Connexes. Flandrin, P.; Richard, C.; Amblard, P.; Borgnat, P.; Honeine, P.; Amoud, H.; Ferrari, A.; Xiao, J.; Moghtaderi, A.; and Ramirez-Cobo, P. Traitement du signal, 8(6): 691–716. August 2012.
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  2011 (1)
Apodized Lyot coronagraph for SPHERE/VLT. Carbillet, M.; Bendjoya, P.; Abe, L.; Guerri, G.; Boccaletti, A.; Daban, J.; Dohlen, K.; Ferrari, A.; Robbe-Dubois, S.; Douet, R.; and Vakili, F. Experimental Astronomy, 30(1): 39–58. March 2011.
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  2010 (1)
Joint myopic deconvolution. Benvenuto, F.; and Ferrari, A. Inverse Problems, 26(10). 2010.
Joint myopic deconvolution [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
  2009 (4)
Apodized pupil Lyot coronagraphs for arbitrary apertures. II. theoretical properties and application to extremely large telescopes. Soummer, R.; Pueyo, L.; Ferrari, A.; Aime, C.; Sivaramakrishnan, A.; and Yaitskova, N. The Astrophysical Journal, 695: 695–706. 2009.
Apodized pupil Lyot coronagraphs for arbitrary apertures. II. theoretical properties and application to extremely large telescopes. [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
Analytical computation of the Lyot coronagraph response to an extended source. Ferrari, A.; Aime, C.; and Soummer, R. Journal of the Optical Society of America, 708(1): 218–223. 2009.
Analytical computation of the Lyot coronagraph response to an extended source [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
Lois de Poisson mélangées multivariées : application à la détection en présence de speckles. Chatelain, F.; Ferrari, A.; and Tourneret, J. Traitement du Signal, (3). 2009. Traitement du Signal
Lois de Poisson mélangées multivariées : application à la détection en présence de speckles [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
Detection of a moving source in speckle noise. Application to exoplanet detection. Smith, I.; Ferrari, A.; and Carbillet, M. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 57(3): 904–915. March 2009.
Detection of a moving source in speckle noise. Application to exoplanet detection [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
  2008 (1)
The study of an iterative method for the reconstruction of images corrupted by Poisson and Gaussian noise. Benvenuto, F.; Camera, A. L.; Theys, C.; Ferrari, A.; Lantéri, H.; and Bertero, M. Inverse Problems, 24(3): 035016 (20pp). 2008.
The study of an iterative method for the reconstruction of images corrupted by Poisson and Gaussian noise [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
  2007 (6)
Strehl ratio estimation and statistics in adaptive optics images. Soummer, R.; and Ferrari, A. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 669(1): 642–656. 2007.
Strehl ratio estimation and statistics in adaptive optics images [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
An introduction to stellar coronagraphy. Ferrari, A.; Soummer, R.; and Aime, C. Comptes Rendus de L'Académie des Sciences, Physiques, 8(3–4): 277-287. 2007.
An introduction to stellar coronagraphy [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
Speckle noise and dynamic range in coronagraphic images. Soummer, R.; Ferrari, A.; Aime, C.; and Jolissaint, L. The Astrophysical Journal, 669(1): 642–656. 2007.
Speckle noise and dynamic range in coronagraphic images [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
Bivariate Gamma Distributions for Image Registration and Change Detection. Chatelain, F.; Tourneret, J.; Inglada, J.; and Ferrari, A. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 16(7): 1796–1806. 2007.
Bivariate Gamma Distributions for Image Registration and Change Detection [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
Analytical Analysis of Lyot Coronographs Response. Ferrari, A. The Astrophysical Journal, 657: 1201–1209. 2007.
Analytical Analysis of Lyot Coronographs Response [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
Exponential families of mixed Poisson distributions. Ferrari, A.; Letac, G.; and Tourneret, J. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 98(6): 1283–1292. 2007.
Exponential families of mixed Poisson distributions [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
  2004 (2)
Fringe visibility estimation in Michelson stellar interferometry: asymptotic performances. Cavallin, Y.; and Ferrari, A. Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics, 6: 269–277. 2004. see corrigendum in June p. 666
Fringe visibility estimation in Michelson stellar interferometry: asymptotic performances [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
Cramer-Rao Lower Bounds in Additive and Multiplicative Noise. Tourneret, J.; Ferrari, A.; and Swami, A. EURASIP Signal Processing, 84(7): 1071–1088. 2004.
Cramer-Rao Lower Bounds in Additive and Multiplicative Noise [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
  2002 (2)
Total coronographic extinction of rectangular apertures using linear prolate apodizations. Aime, C.; Soummer, R.; and Ferrari, A. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 389: 334–344. 2002.
Total coronographic extinction of rectangular apertures using linear prolate apodizations [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
Parametric modeling of photometric signals. Ferrari, A.; Tourneret, J.; and Alengrin, G. EURASIP Signal Processing, 82: 649–661. 2002.
Parametric modeling of photometric signals [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
  2001 (2)
Interferometric apodization of rectangular apertures. Application to stellar coronography. Aime, C.; Soummer, R.; and Ferrari, A. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 379: 697–707. 2001.
Interferometric apodization of rectangular apertures. Application to stellar coronography [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
Marginal Bayesian analysis of Polynomial-Phase Signals. Theys, C.; Ferrari, A.; and Vieira, M. EURASIP Signal Processing, 81: 69–82. 2001. Special issue on MCMC
Marginal Bayesian analysis of Polynomial-Phase Signals [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
  1999 (1)
Parametric representation of helioseismic data. Part 1: a method for estimation of mode correlation. Ferrari, A.; Schmider, F.; and Alengrin, G. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 138: 177–185. 1999.
Parametric representation of helioseismic data. Part 1: a method for estimation of mode correlation [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
  1997 (1)
Doppler Ambiguity Resolution Using Multiple PRF. Ferrari, A.; Bérenguer, C.; and Alengrin, G. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 33(3): 738–751. 1997.
Doppler Ambiguity Resolution Using Multiple PRF [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
  1996 (1)
Polynomial phase signal analysis using stationary moments. Ferrari, A.; Theys, C.; and Alengrin, G. EURASIP Signal Processing, 54: 239–248. 1996.
Polynomial phase signal analysis using stationary moments [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
  1995 (1)
Doppler Ambiguity Resolution Using Staggered PRF with a New Chirp Sweep Rate Estimation Algorithm. Ferrari, A.; Alengrin, G.; and Theys, C. IEE Proceedings - Part F Radar, Sonar, Navigation, 142(4): 191–194. 1995.
Doppler Ambiguity Resolution Using Staggered PRF with a New Chirp Sweep Rate Estimation Algorithm [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
  1994 (1)
High Order Ergodicity of a Complex Sinusoidal Process. Ferrari, A.; and Alengrin, G. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 40(4): 1228–1229. 1994.
High Order Ergodicity of a Complex Sinusoidal Process [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
  1993 (1)
Numerical Experiments with One Dimensional Adaptive Cubic Algorithm. Ferrari, A.; and Galperin, E. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 25(10): 47–56. 1993. Second Special Issue on Global Optimization, Control and Games
Numerical Experiments with One Dimensional Adaptive Cubic Algorithm [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
  1992 (1)
Improvements of a State-Space Iterative Noise Reduction Algorithm for Harmonic Retrieval. Ferrari, A.; Alengrin, G.; and Pitarque, T. IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 40(5): 1263–1266. 1992.
Improvements of a State-Space Iterative Noise Reduction Algorithm for Harmonic Retrieval [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
  1991 (2)
A new state-space algorithm for computing the frequencies of sinusoids in white noise. Pitarque, T.; Alengrin, G.; and A. Ferrari, J. M. EURASIP Signal Processing, 22(3): 231–238. 1991.
A new state-space algorithm for computing the frequencies of sinusoids in white noise [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex  
A single frequency efficient estimator. Ferrari, A.; Ménez, J.; and Alengrin, G. Electronics letters, 27(21): 1939–1941. 1991.
A single frequency efficient estimator [pdf]Paper   link   bibtex