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  2024 (6)
Individual behaviour, growth, survival and vulnerability to hunting in a large mammal. Cusson, P.; and Pelletier, F. Ecology and Evolution, 14(2). 2 2024.
Individual behaviour, growth, survival and vulnerability to hunting in a large mammal [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Cadre législatif québécois pour la protection des espèces sauvages en situation précaire: évaluation critique et recommandations pour une révision majeure. Pelletier, F.; Dumont, P.; de Walle, J., V.; Jauvin, D.; and Rodrigue, D. FACETS, 9: 1-14. 1 2024.
Cadre législatif québécois pour la protection des espèces sauvages en situation précaire: évaluation critique et recommandations pour une révision majeure [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Behavioural responses of brown bears to roads and hunting disturbance. Brown, L.; Zedrosser, A.; Kindberg, J.; and Pelletier, F. Ecology and Evolution, Sous presse. 5 2024.
link   bibtex  
Are non-social species more social than we think? Seasonal patterns in sociality in a solitary terrestrial carnivore. Heeres, R.; Leclerc, M.; Frank, S.; Kopatz, A.; Pelletier, F.; and Zedrosser, A. Animal Behaviour, Sous presse. 5 2024.
link   bibtex  
Sons shorten mother’s lifespan in pre-industrial families with high level of infant mortality. Invernizzi, L.; Bergeron, P.; Pelletier, F.; Lemaître, J.; and Douhard, M. The American Naturalist, Sous presse. 5 2024.
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Direct and indirect effects of cougar predation on bighorn sheep fitness. Cloutier, Z.; Festa‐Bianchet, M.; and Pelletier, F. Ecology. 7 2024.
doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2023 (6)
Lead exposure in brown bears is linked to environmental levels and the distribution of moose kills. Brown, L.; Fuchs, B.; Arnemo, J., M.; Kindberg, J.; Rodushkin, I.; Zedrosser, A.; and Pelletier, F. Science of The Total Environment, 873: 162099. 5 2023.
Lead exposure in brown bears is linked to environmental levels and the distribution of moose kills [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex  
Extensive regional variation in the phenology of insects and their response to temperature across N orth A merica. Dunn, P., O.; Ahmed, I.; Armstrong, E.; Barlow, N.; Barnard, M., A.; Bélisle, M.; Benson, T., J.; Berzins, L., L.; Boynton, C., K.; Brown, T., A.; Cady, M.; Cameron, K.; Chen, X.; Clark, R., G.; Clotfelter, E., D.; Cromwell, K.; Dawson, R., D.; Denton, E.; Forbes, A.; Fowler, K.; Fraser, K., C.; Gandhi, K., J., K.; Garant, D.; Hiebert, M.; Houchen, C.; Houtz, J.; Imlay, T., L.; Inouye, B., D.; Inouye, D., W.; Jackson, M.; Jacobson, A., P.; Jayd, K.; Juteau, C.; Kautz, A.; Killian, C.; Kinnear, E.; Komatsu, K., J.; Larsen, K.; Laughlin, A.; Levesque‐Beaudin, V.; Leys, R.; Long, E.; Lougheed, S., C.; Mackenzie, S.; Marangelo, J.; Miller, C.; Molano‐Flores, B.; Morrissey, C., A.; Nicholls, E.; Orlofske, J., M.; Pearse, I., S.; Pelletier, F.; Pitt, A., L.; Poston, J., P.; Racke, D., M.; Randall, J., A.; Richardson, M., L.; Rooney, O.; Ruegg, A., R.; Rush, S.; Ryan, S., J.; Sadowski, M.; Schoepf, I.; Schulz, L.; Shea, B.; Sheehan, T., N.; Siefferman, L.; Sikes, D.; Stanback, M.; Styrsky, J., D.; Taff, C., C.; Uehling, J., J.; Uvino, K.; Wassmer, T.; Weglarz, K.; Weinberger, M.; Wenzel, J.; and Whittingham, L., A. Ecology, 104(5). 5 2023.
Extensive regional variation in the phenology of insects and their response to temperature across <scp>N</scp> orth <scp>A</scp> merica [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex  
Genetic rescue from protected areas is modulated by migration, hunting rate, and timing of harvest. Lassis, R.; Festa‐Bianchet, M.; Van de Walle, J.; and Pelletier, F. Evolutionary Applications. 5 2023.
Genetic rescue from protected areas is modulated by migration, hunting rate, and timing of harvest [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex  
Landscape of fear or landscape of food? Moose hunting triggers an antipredator response in brown bears. Brown, L.; Zedrosser, A.; Arnemo, J., M.; Fuchs, B.; Kindberg, J.; and Pelletier, F. Ecological Applications, 33(4). 6 2023.
Landscape of fear or landscape of food? Moose hunting triggers an antipredator response in brown bears [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex  
Spatiotemporal variation in pup abundance and pre-weaning survival of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) in the St. Lawrence Estuary, Canada. Renaud, L.; Pigeon, G.; Van de Walle, J.; Bordeleau, X.; Hammill, M.; and Pelletier, F. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 6 2023.
Spatiotemporal variation in pup abundance and pre-weaning survival of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) in the St. Lawrence Estuary, Canada. [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Individual life histories: neither slow nor fast, just diverse. Van de Walle, J.; Fay, R.; Gaillard, J.; Pelletier, F.; Hamel, S.; Gamelon, M.; Barbraud, C.; Blanchet, F., G.; Blumstein, D., T.; Charmantier, A.; Delord, K.; Larue, B.; Martin, J.; Mills, J., A.; Milot, E.; Mayer, F., M.; Rotella, J.; Saether, B.; Teplitsky, C.; van de Pol, M.; Van Vuren, D., H.; Visser, M., E.; Wells, C., P.; Yarrall, J.; and Jenouvrier, S. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 290(2002). 7 2023.
Individual life histories: neither slow nor fast, just diverse [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2022 (14)
Breeding migrations by bighorn sheep males are driven by mating opportunities. Lassis, R.; Festa‐Bianchet, M.; and Pelletier, F. Ecology and Evolution, 12(3). 2 2022.
Breeding migrations by bighorn sheep males are driven by mating opportunities [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex  
Trophic niche partitioning between two prey and their incidental predators revealed various threats for an endangered species. Rioux, È.; Pelletier, F.; and St‐Laurent, M. Ecology and Evolution, 12(3). 3 2022.
Trophic niche partitioning between two prey and their incidental predators revealed various threats for an endangered species [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex  
Ewe are what ewe wear: bigger horns, better ewes and the potential consequence of trophy hunting on female fitness in bighorn sheep. Deakin, S.; Festa-Bianchet, M.; Miller, J., M.; Pelletier, F.; and Coltman, D., W. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 289(1971). 3 2022.
Ewe are what ewe wear: bigger horns, better ewes and the potential consequence of trophy hunting on female fitness in bighorn sheep [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Temporal correlations among demographic parameters are ubiquitous but highly variable across species. Fay, R.; Hamel, S.; Pol, M.; Gaillard, J.; Yoccoz, N., G.; Acker, P.; Authier, M.; Larue, B.; Le Coeur, C.; Macdonald, K., R.; Nicol‐Harper, A.; Barbraud, C.; Bonenfant, C.; Van Vuren, D., H.; Cam, E.; Delord, K.; Gamelon, M.; Moiron, M.; Pelletier, F.; Rotella, J.; Teplitsky, C.; Visser, M., E.; Wells, C., P.; Wheelwright, N., T.; Jenouvrier, S.; and Sæther, B. Ecology Letters. 5 2022.
Temporal correlations among demographic parameters are ubiquitous but highly variable across species [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex  
Combined influence of food availability and agricultural intensification on a declining aerial insectivore. Garrett, D., R.; Pelletier, F.; Garant, D.; and Bélisle, M. Ecological Monographs, 92(3). 8 2022.
Combined influence of food availability and agricultural intensification on a declining aerial insectivore [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex  
Effects of hunting pressure and timing of harvest on bighorn sheep ( Ovis canadensis ) horn size. Lassis, R.; Festa-Bianchet, M.; and Pelletier, F. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 6 2022.
Effects of hunting pressure and timing of harvest on bighorn sheep ( <i>Ovis canadensis</i> ) horn size [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Interacting effects of cold snaps, rain, and agriculture on the fledging success of a declining aerial insectivore. Garrett, D., R.; Pelletier, F.; Garant, D.; and Bélisle, M. Ecological Applications,e2645. 6 2022.
Interacting effects of cold snaps, rain, and agriculture on the fledging success of a declining aerial insectivore [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex  
Negative effects of agricultural intensification on the food provisioning rate of a declining aerial insectivore. Garrett, D., R.; Pelletier, F.; Garant, D.; and Bélisle, M. Ecosphere, 13(9). 9 2022.
Negative effects of agricultural intensification on the food provisioning rate of a declining aerial insectivore [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex  
A multivariate perspective of resource acquisition behaviours in bighorn sheep. Larue, B.; Pelletier, F.; and Festa-Bianchet, M. Animal Behaviour, 184: 81-87. 2 2022.
A multivariate perspective of resource acquisition behaviours in bighorn sheep [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex  
Links between individual performance, trace elements and stable isotopes in an endangered caribou population. Rioux, È.; Pelletier, F.; Mosbacher, J., B.; Lesmerises, F.; St-Louis, R.; Kutz, S.; and St-Laurent, M. Global Ecology and Conservation, 38: e02234. 10 2022.
Links between individual performance, trace elements and stable isotopes in an endangered caribou population [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex  
Determinants of spring molt in bighorn sheep: life-history, plasticity and phenology. Larue, B.; Pelletier, F.; and Festa-Bianchet, M. Oecologia 2022 199:4, 199(4): 809-817. 8 2022.
Determinants of spring molt in bighorn sheep: life-history, plasticity and phenology [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Lead exposure in American black bears increases with age and big game harvest density. Brown, L.; Rosabal, M.; Dussault, C.; Arnemo, J., M.; Fuchs, B.; Zedrosser, A.; and Pelletier, F. Environmental Pollution, 315: 120427. 12 2022.
Lead exposure in American black bears increases with age and big game harvest density [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex  
Different proxies, different stories? Imperfect correlations and different determinants of fitness in bighorn sheep. Van de Walle, J.; Larue, B.; Pigeon, G.; and Pelletier, F. Ecology and Evolution, 12(12). 12 2022.
Different proxies, different stories? Imperfect correlations and different determinants of fitness in bighorn sheep [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex  
Combined effects of cold snaps and agriculture on the growth rates of Tree Swallows ( Tachycineta bicolor ). Garrett, D., R.; Lamoureux, S.; Rioux Paquette, S.; Pelletier, F.; Garant, D.; and Bélisle, M. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 100(10): 630-646. 10 2022.
Combined effects of cold snaps and agriculture on the growth rates of Tree Swallows ( Tachycineta bicolor ) [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2021 (13)
Determinants and long‐term costs of early reproduction in males of a long‐lived polygynous mammal. Ritchot, Y.; Festa‐Bianchet, M.; Coltman, D.; and Pelletier, F. Ecology and Evolution,ece3.7530. 4 2021.
Determinants and long‐term costs of early reproduction in males of a long‐lived polygynous mammal [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Growth and reproduction trade‐offs can estimate previous reproductive history in alpine ungulates. Larue, B.; Pelletier, F.; Côté, S., D.; Hamel, S.; and Festa‐Bianchet, M. Journal of Applied Ecology, 58(4): 869-878. 4 2021.
Growth and reproduction trade‐offs can estimate previous reproductive history in alpine ungulates [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Agricultural pesticides and ectoparasites: potential combined effects on the physiology of a declining aerial insectivore. Sigouin, A.; Bélisle, M.; Garant, D.; and Pelletier, F. Conservation Physiology, 9(1). 1 2021.
Agricultural pesticides and ectoparasites: potential combined effects on the physiology of a declining aerial insectivore [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Harvest is associated with the disruption of social and fine‐scale genetic structure among matrilines of a solitary large carnivore. Frank, S., C.; Pelletier, F.; Kopatz, A.; Bourret, A.; Garant, D.; Swenson, J., E.; Eiken, H., G.; Hagen, S., B.; and Zedrosser, A. Evolutionary Applications, 14(4): 1023-1035. 4 2021.
Harvest is associated with the disruption of social and fine‐scale genetic structure among matrilines of a solitary large carnivore [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Do Early-Life Conditions Drive Variation in Senescence of Female Bighorn Sheep?. Pigeon, G.; Landes, J.; Festa-Bianchet, M.; and Pelletier, F. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 9: 1-9. 5 2021.
Do Early-Life Conditions Drive Variation in Senescence of Female Bighorn Sheep? [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
The interplay between hunting rate, hunting selectivity, and reproductive strategies shapes population dynamics of a large carnivore. Van de Walle, J.; Pelletier, F.; Zedrosser, A.; Swenson, J., E.; Jenouvrier, S.; and Bischof, R. Evolutionary Applications,eva.13253. 6 2021.
The interplay between hunting rate, hunting selectivity, and reproductive strategies shapes population dynamics of a large carnivore [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Assessing pesticides exposure effects on the reproductive performance of a declining aerial insectivore. Poisson, M.; Garrett, D., R.; Sigouin, A.; Bélisle, M.; Garant, D.; Haroune, L.; Bellenger, J.; and Pelletier, F. Ecological Applications, e02415. 8 2021.
Assessing pesticides exposure effects on the reproductive performance of a declining aerial insectivore [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Testing the match–mismatch hypothesis in bighorn sheep in the context of climate change. Renaud, L.; Festa-Bianchet, M.; and Pelletier, F. Global Change Biology. 2021.
Testing the match–mismatch hypothesis in bighorn sheep in the context of climate change [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Of war, tusks, and genes. Darimont, C., T.; and Pelletier, F. Science, 374(6566): 394-395. 10 2021.
Of war, tusks, and genes [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex  
Quantifying fixed individual heterogeneity in demographic parameters: Performance of correlated random effects for Bernoulli variables. Fay, R.; Authier, M.; Hamel, S.; Jenouvrier, S.; Pol, M.; Cam, E.; Gaillard, J.; Yoccoz, N., G.; Acker, P.; Allen, A.; Aubry, L., M.; Bonenfant, C.; Caswell, H.; Coste, C., F., D.; Larue, B.; Le Coeur, C.; Gamelon, M.; Macdonald, K., R.; Moiron, M.; Nicol‐Harper, A.; Pelletier, F.; Rotella, J., J.; Teplitsky, C.; Touzot, L.; Wells, C., P.; and Sæther, B. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 10 2021.
Quantifying fixed individual heterogeneity in demographic parameters: Performance of correlated random effects for Bernoulli variables [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Nonideal nest box selection by tree swallows breeding in farmlands: Evidence for an ecological trap?. Courtois, È.; Garant, D.; Pelletier, F.; and Bélisle, M. Ecology and Evolution, 11(22): 16296-16313. 11 2021.
Nonideal nest box selection by tree swallows breeding in farmlands: Evidence for an ecological trap? [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Determinants of nest box local recruitment and natal dispersal in a declining bird population. Carle‐Pruneau, E.; Bélisle, M.; Pelletier, F.; and Garant, D. Oikos. 11 2021.
Determinants of nest box local recruitment and natal dispersal in a declining bird population [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
The pace of modern life, revisited. Sanderson, S.; Beausoleil, M.; O’Dea, R., E.; Wood, Z., T.; Correa, C.; Frankel, V.; Gorné, L., D.; Haines, G., E.; Kinnison, M., T.; Oke, K., B.; Pelletier, F.; Pérez‐Jvostov, F.; Reyes‐Corral, W., D.; Ritchot, Y.; Sorbara, F.; Gotanda, K., M.; and Hendry, A., P. Molecular Ecology. 12 2021.
The pace of modern life, revisited [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex  
  2020 (9)
An introduction to event history analyses for ecologists. Landes, J.; Engelhard, S.; and Pelletier, F. Ecosphere, 11(10): e03238. 2020.
An introduction to event history analyses for ecologists [link]Website   link   bibtex   abstract  
Sons accelerate maternal aging in a wild mammal. Douhard, M.; Festa-Bianchet, M.; and Pelletier, F. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(9): 4850-4857. 3 2020.
Sons accelerate maternal aging in a wild mammal [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   3 downloads  
Linking habitat, predators and alternative prey to explain recruitment variations of an endangered caribou population. Frenette, J.; Pelletier, F.; and St-Laurent, M. Global Ecology and Conservation, 22: e00920. 6 2020.
Linking habitat, predators and alternative prey to explain recruitment variations of an endangered caribou population [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   1 download  
Trade-off between offspring mass and number: the lightest offspring bear the costs. Van de Walle, J.; Zedrosser, A.; Swenson, J., E.; and Pelletier, F. Biology Letters, 16(2): 20190707. 2 2020.
Trade-off between offspring mass and number: the lightest offspring bear the costs [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Impacts of environmental heterogeneity on natural selection in a wild bird population. Houle, C.; Pelletier, F.; Bélisle, M.; and Garant, D. Evolution, 74(6): 1142-1154. 6 2020.
Impacts of environmental heterogeneity on natural selection in a wild bird population [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Milk composition in a wild mammal: a physiological signature of phenological changes. Renaud, L.; Rousseu, F.; Blanchet, F., G.; Cohen, A., A.; Festa-Bianchet, M.; and Pelletier, F. Oecologia, 193(2): 349-358. 6 2020.
Milk composition in a wild mammal: a physiological signature of phenological changes [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
From diet to hair and blood: empirical estimation of discrimination factors for C and N stable isotopes in five terrestrial mammals. Rioux, È.; Pelletier, F.; and St-Laurent, M. Journal of Mammalogy, 101(5): 1332-1344. 10 2020.
From diet to hair and blood: empirical estimation of discrimination factors for C and N stable isotopes in five terrestrial mammals [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Evolutionary origins for ecological patterns in space. Urban, M., C.; Strauss, S., Y.; Pelletier, F.; Palkovacs, E., P.; Leibold, M., A.; Hendry, A., P.; De Meester, L.; Carlson, S., M.; Angert, A., L.; and Giery, S., T. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(30): 17482-17490. 7 2020.
Evolutionary origins for ecological patterns in space [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   1 download  
Disentangling direct and indirect determinants of the duration of maternal care in brown bears: Environmental context matters. Van de Walle, J.; Zedrosser, A.; Swenson, J.; and Pelletier, F. Journal of Animal Ecology, 90(2): 376-386. 2020.
Disentangling direct and indirect determinants of the duration of maternal care in brown bears: Environmental context matters [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2019 (19)
Influence of lipids on stable isotope ratios in mammal hair: highlighting the importance of validation. Rioux, È.; Pelletier, F.; and St‐Laurent, M. Ecosphere, 10(5). 5 2019.
Influence of lipids on stable isotope ratios in mammal hair: highlighting the importance of validation [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Long‐term studies of bighorn sheep and mountain goats reveal fitness costs of reproduction. Festa‐Bianchet, M.; Côté, S., D.; Hamel, S.; and Pelletier, F. Journal of Animal Ecology, 88(8): 1118-1133. 8 2019.
Long‐term studies of bighorn sheep and mountain goats reveal fitness costs of reproduction [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Trophy hunting mediates sex‐specific associations between early‐life environmental conditions and adult mortality in bighorn sheep. Douhard, M.; Festa‐Bianchet, M.; Landes, J.; and Pelletier, F. Journal of Animal Ecology, 88(5): 734-745. 5 2019.
Trophy hunting mediates sex‐specific associations between early‐life environmental conditions and adult mortality in bighorn sheep [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Using geographic distance as a potential proxy for help in the assessment of the grandmother hypothesis. Engelhardt, S., C.; Bergeron, P.; Gagnon, A.; Dillon, L.; and Pelletier, F. Current Biology, 29(4): 651-656.e3. 2 2019.
Using geographic distance as a potential proxy for help in the assessment of the grandmother hypothesis [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Genetic decline, restoration and rescue of an isolated ungulate population. Poirier, M.; Coltman, D., W.; Pelletier, F.; Jorgenson, J.; and Festa‐Bianchet, M. Evolutionary Applications, 12(7): 1318-1328. 8 2019.
Genetic decline, restoration and rescue of an isolated ungulate population [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Genetic structure and effective size of an endangered population of woodland caribou. Pelletier, F.; Turgeon, G.; Bourret, A.; Garant, D.; and St-Laurent, M., H. Conservation Genetics, 20(2): 203-213. 4 2019.
Genetic structure and effective size of an endangered population of woodland caribou [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Don't poke the bear: using tracking data to quantify behavioural syndromes in elusive wildlife. Hertel, A., G.; Leclerc, M.; Warren, D.; Pelletier, F.; Zedrosser, A.; and Mueller, T. Animal Behaviour, 147: 91-104. 1 2019.
Don't poke the bear: using tracking data to quantify behavioural syndromes in elusive wildlife [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Maternal longevity and offspring sex in wild ungulates. Douhard, M.; Festa-Bianchet, M.; Hamel, S.; Nussey, D., H.; Côté, S., D.; Pemberton, J., M.; and Pelletier, F. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 286(1896): 20181968. 2 2019.
Maternal longevity and offspring sex in wild ungulates [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Nonbreeding season movements of a migratory songbird are related to declines in resource availability. Knight, S.; Gow, E.; Bradley, D.; Clark, R.; Bélisle, M.; Berzins, L.; Blake, T.; Bridge, E.; Burke, L.; Dawson, R.; Dunn, P.; Garant, D.; Holroyd, G.; Hussell, D.; Lansdorp, O.; Laughlin, A.; Leonard, M.; Pelletier, F.; Shutler, D.; Siefferman, L.; Taylor, C.; Trefry, H.; Vleck, C.; Vleck, D.; Whittingham, L.; Winkler, D.; and Ryan Norris, D. Auk, 136(3). 2019.
Nonbreeding season movements of a migratory songbird are related to declines in resource availability [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Effects of spring migration distance on tree swallow reproductive success within and among flyways. Gow, E., A.; Knight, S., M.; Bradley, D., W.; Clark, R., G.; Winkler, D., W.; Bélisle, M.; Berzins, L., L.; Blake, T.; Bridge, E., S.; Burke, L.; Dawson, R., D.; Dunn, P., O.; Garant, D.; Holroyd, G.; Horn, A., G.; Hussell, D., J.; Lansdorp, O.; Laughlin, A., J.; Leonard, M., L.; Pelletier, F.; Shutler, D.; Siefferman, L.; Taylor, C., M.; Trefry, H.; Vleck, C., M.; Vleck, D.; Whittingham, L., A.; and Norris, D., R. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 7. 10 2019.
Effects of spring migration distance on tree swallow reproductive success within and among flyways [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
A range-wide domino effect and resetting of the annual cycle in a migratory songbird. Gow, E., A.; Burke, L.; Winkler, D., W.; Knight, S., M.; Bradley, D., W.; Clark, R., G.; Bélisle, M.; Berzins, L., L.; Blake, T.; Bridge, E., S.; Dawson, R., D.; Dunn, P., O.; Garant, D.; Holroyd, G.; Horn, A., G.; Hussell, D., J., T.; Lansdorp, O.; Laughlin, A., J.; Leonard, M., L.; Pelletier, F.; Shutler, D.; Siefferman, L.; Taylor, C., M.; Trefry, H.; Vleck, C., M.; Vleck, D.; Whittingham, L., A.; and Norris, D., R. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 286(1894): 20181916. 1 2019.
A range-wide domino effect and resetting of the annual cycle in a migratory songbird [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Eco-Evolutionary Dynamics. Pigeon, G.; and Pelletier, F. Encyclopedia of Ecology, pages 56-63. Wertheim, B., editor(s). Elsevier, 2nd edition, 2019.
Encyclopedia of Ecology [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Testing the importance of harvest refuges for phenotypic rescue of trophy hunted populations. Poisson, Y.; Festa‐Bianchet, M.; and Pelletier, F. Journal of Applied Ecology, 57(3): 526-535. 12 2019.
Testing the importance of harvest refuges for phenotypic rescue of trophy hunted populations [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Offspring mass variation in tree swallows: A case of bet‐hedging?. Gossieaux, P.; Leclerc, M.; Van de Walle, J.; Poisson, Y.; Toni, P.; Landes, J.; Bourret, A.; Garant, D.; Pelletier, F.; and Bélisle, M. Ecosphere, 10(3): e02607. 3 2019.
Offspring mass variation in tree swallows: A case of bet‐hedging? [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   1 download  
Proximity to humans is associated with longer maternal care in brown bears. Van de Walle, J.; Leclerc, M.; Steyaert, S., M., J., G.; Zedrosser, A.; Swenson, J., E.; and Pelletier, F. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 73(12): 158. 12 2019.
Proximity to humans is associated with longer maternal care in brown bears [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Hunters select for behavioral traits in a large carnivore. Leclerc, M.; Zedrosser, A.; Swenson, J., E.; and Pelletier, F. Scientific Reports, 9(1): 12371. 12 2019.
Hunters select for behavioral traits in a large carnivore [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Causes and short‐term consequences of variation in milk composition in wild sheep. Renaud, L.; Blanchet, F., G.; Cohen, A., A.; and Pelletier, F. Journal of Animal Ecology, 88(6): 1365-2656.12977. 4 2019.
Causes and short‐term consequences of variation in milk composition in wild sheep [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   1 download  
Testing evolutionary predictions in wild mice: An experimental demonstration of a “simple” evolutionary path for camouflage in nature. Pelletier, F. Science, 363(6426). 2019.
doi   link   bibtex  
Phenotypic plasticity in bighorn sheep reproductive phenology: from individual to population. Renaud, L.; Pigeon, G.; Festa‐Bianchet, M.; and Pelletier, F. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 73: 50. 2019.
Phenotypic plasticity in bighorn sheep reproductive phenology: from individual to population [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex  
  2018 (14)
Environmental determinants of haemosporidian parasite prevalence in a declining population of Tree swallows. Turcotte, A.; Bélisle, M.; Pelletier, F.; and Garant, D. Parasitology, 145(7): 961-970. 6 2018.
Environmental determinants of haemosporidian parasite prevalence in a declining population of Tree swallows [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Interplay between contact risk, conspecific density, and landscape connectivity: An individual-based modeling framework. Tardy, O.; Massé, A.; Pelletier, F.; and Fortin, D. Ecological Modelling, 373: 25-38. 4 2018.
Interplay between contact risk, conspecific density, and landscape connectivity: An individual-based modeling framework [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Ecology of harvest-driven trait changes and implications for ecosystem management. Palkovacs, E., P.; Moritsch, M., M.; Contolini, G., M.; and Pelletier, F. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 16(1): 20-28. 2 2018.
Ecology of harvest-driven trait changes and implications for ecosystem management [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Influence of agricultural intensification on prey availability and nestling diet in Tree Swallows (Tachycineta bicolor). Bellavance, V.; Bélisle, M.; Savage, J.; Pelletier, F.; and Garant, D. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 96(9): 1053-1065. 9 2018.
Influence of agricultural intensification on prey availability and nestling diet in Tree Swallows (<i>Tachycineta bicolor</i>) [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Parasite prevalence, infection intensity and richness in an endangered population, the Atlantic-Gaspésie caribou. Turgeon, G.; Kutz, S., J.; Lejeune, M.; St-Laurent, M.; and Pelletier, F. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife, 7(1): 90-94. 4 2018.
Parasite prevalence, infection intensity and richness in an endangered population, the Atlantic-Gaspésie caribou [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Effects of blood parasite infection and innate immune genetic diversity on mating patterns in a passerine bird breeding in contrasted habitats. Garant, D.; Bourret, A.; Schmitt, C.; Turcotte, A.; Pelletier, F.; and Bélisle, M. PeerJ, 6(11): e6004. 11 2018.
Effects of blood parasite infection and innate immune genetic diversity on mating patterns in a passerine bird breeding in contrasted habitats [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Quantifying individual heterogeneity and its influence on life-history trajectories: different methods for different questions and contexts. Hamel, S.; Gaillard, J.; Douhard, M.; Festa-Bianchet, M.; Pelletier, F.; and Yoccoz, N., G. Oikos, 127(5): 687-704. 5 2018.
Quantifying individual heterogeneity and its influence on life-history trajectories: different methods for different questions and contexts [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Sociodemographic factors modulate the spatial response of brown bears to vacancies created by hunting. Frank, S., C.; Leclerc, M.; Pelletier, F.; Rosell, F.; Swenson, J., E.; Bischof, R.; Kindberg, J.; Eiken, H., G.; Hagen, S., B.; and Zedrosser, A. Journal of Animal Ecology, 87(1): 247-258. 1 2018.
Sociodemographic factors modulate the spatial response of brown bears to vacancies created by hunting [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Constructing and evaluating a continent-wide migratory songbird network across the annual cycle. Knight, S., M.; Bradley, D., W.; Clark, R., G.; Gow, E., A.; Bélisle, M.; Berzins, L., L.; Blake, T.; Bridge, E., S.; Burke, L.; Dawson, R., D.; Dunn, P., O.; Garant, D.; Holroyd, G., L.; Hussell, D., J., T.; Lansdorp, O.; Laughlin, A., J.; Leonard, M., L.; Pelletier, F.; Shutler, D.; Siefferman, L.; Taylor, C., M.; Trefry, H., E.; Vleck, C., M.; Vleck, D.; Winkler, D., W.; Whittingham, L., A.; and Norris, D., R. Ecological Monographs, 88(3): 445-460. 8 2018.
Constructing and evaluating a continent-wide migratory songbird network across the annual cycle [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Will human influences on evolutionary dynamics in the wild pervade the Anthropocene?. Pelletier, F.; and Coltman, D., W. BMC Biology, 16(1): 7. 12 2018.
Will human influences on evolutionary dynamics in the wild pervade the Anthropocene? [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   2 downloads  
Hunting regulation favors slow life histories in a large carnivore. Van de Walle, J.; Pigeon, G.; Zedrosser, A.; Swenson, J., E.; and Pelletier, F. Nature Communications, 9(1): 1100. 12 2018.
Hunting regulation favors slow life histories in a large carnivore [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   2 downloads  
Direct and indirect effects of early-life environment on lifetime fitness of bighorn ewes. Pigeon, G.; and Pelletier, F. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 285(1870): 20171935. 1 2018.
Direct and indirect effects of early-life environment on lifetime fitness of bighorn ewes [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Hunting regulation favors slow life histories in a large carnivore. Van De Walle, J.; Pigeon, G.; Zedrosser, A.; Swenson, J., E.; and Pelletier, F. 12 2018.
doi   link   bibtex   abstract   2 downloads  
Drivers and demographic consequences of seasonal mass changes in an alpine ungulate. Douhard, M.; Guillemette, S.; Festa-Bianchet, M.; and Pelletier, F. Ecology, 99(3): 724-734. 2018.
Drivers and demographic consequences of seasonal mass changes in an alpine ungulate [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2017 (17)
Harvesting as a potential selective pressure on behavioural traits. Leclerc, M.; Zedrosser, A.; and Pelletier, F. Journal of Applied Ecology, 54(6): 1941-1945. 12 2017.
Harvesting as a potential selective pressure on behavioural traits [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Successes and challenges of long-term field studies of marked ungulates. Festa-Bianchet, M.; Douhard, M.; Gaillard, J.; and Pelletier, F. Journal of Mammalogy, 98(3): 612-620. 5 2017.
Successes and challenges of long-term field studies of marked ungulates [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Linking innate immunogenetic variation with phenotypic traits in a wild population of tree swallows, Tachycineta bicolor. Schmitt, C.; Garant, D.; Bélisle, M.; and Pelletier, F. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 121(3): 685-697. 7 2017.
Linking innate immunogenetic variation with phenotypic traits in a wild population of tree swallows, <i>Tachycineta bicolor</i> [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   2 downloads  
Hunting, age structure, and horn size distribution in bighorn sheep. Schindler, S.; Festa-Bianchet, M.; Hogg, J., T.; and Pelletier, F. The Journal of Wildlife Management, 81(5): 792-799. 7 2017.
Hunting, age structure, and horn size distribution in bighorn sheep [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Agricultural intensification is linked to constitutive innate immune function in a wild bird population. Schmitt, C.; Garant, D.; Bélisle, M.; and Pelletier, F. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 90(2): 201-209. 3 2017.
Agricultural intensification is linked to constitutive innate immune function in a wild bird population [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   1 download  
Evolutionary potential of morphological traits across different life-history stages. Bourret, A.; Bélisle, M.; Pelletier, F.; and Garant, D. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 30(3): 616-626. 3 2017.
Evolutionary potential of morphological traits across different life-history stages [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Hunting promotes spatial reorganization and sexually selected infanticide. Leclerc, M.; Frank, S., C.; Zedrosser, A.; Swenson, J., E.; and Pelletier, F. Scientific Reports, 7(1): 45222. 5 2017.
Hunting promotes spatial reorganization and sexually selected infanticide [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Towards robust evolutionary inference with integral projection models. Janeiro, M., J.; Coltman, D., W.; Festa-Bianchet, M.; Pelletier, F.; and Morrissey, M., B. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 30(2): 270-288. 2 2017.
Towards robust evolutionary inference with integral projection models [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Hunting promotes sexual conflict in brown bears. Gosselin, J.; Leclerc, M.; Zedrosser, A.; Steyaert, S., M., J., G.; Swenson, J., E.; and Pelletier, F. Journal of Animal Ecology, 86(1): 35-42. 1 2017.
Hunting promotes sexual conflict in brown bears [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Assessment of individual and conspecific reproductive success as determinants of breeding dispersal of female tree swallows: A capture–recapture approach. Lagrange, P.; Gimenez, O.; Doligez, B.; Pradel, R.; Garant, D.; Pelletier, F.; and Bélisle, M. Ecology and Evolution, 7(18): 7334-7346. 9 2017.
Assessment of individual and conspecific reproductive success as determinants of breeding dispersal of female tree swallows: A capture–recapture approach [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Patterns of diversity and spatial variability of β-defensin innate immune genes in a declining wild population of tree swallows. Schmitt, C.; Garant, D.; Doyon, K.; Bousquet, N.; Gaudreau, L.; Bélisle, M.; and Pelletier, F. Journal of Heredity, 108(3): 262-269. 4 2017.
Patterns of diversity and spatial variability of β-defensin innate immune genes in a declining wild population of tree swallows [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   1 download  
Eco-evolutionary dynamics in a contemporary human population. Pelletier, F.; Pigeon, G.; Bergeron, P.; Mayer, F., M.; Boisvert, M.; Réale, D.; and Milot, E. Nature Communications, 8(1): 15947. 8 2017.
Eco-evolutionary dynamics in a contemporary human population [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Fluctuating effects of genetic and plastic changes in body mass on population dynamics in a large herbivore. Pigeon, G.; Ezard, T., H., G.; Festa-Bianchet, M.; Coltman, D., W.; and Pelletier, F. Ecology, 98(9): 2456-2467. 9 2017.
Fluctuating effects of genetic and plastic changes in body mass on population dynamics in a large herbivore [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Indirect effects of bear hunting: a review from Scandinavia. Frank, S., C.; Ordiz, A.; Gosselin, J.; Hertel, A.; Kindberg, J.; Leclerc, M.; Pelletier, F.; Steyaert, S., M., J., G.; Støen, O.; Van de Walle, J.; Zedrosser, A.; and Swenson, J., E. Ursus, 28(2): 150-164. 11 2017.
Indirect effects of bear hunting: a review from Scandinavia [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Long-term fitness consequences of early environment in a long-lived ungulate. Pigeon, G.; Festa-Bianchet, M.; and Pelletier, F. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 284(1853): 20170222. 4 2017.
Long-term fitness consequences of early environment in a long-lived ungulate [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Environmental and evolutionary effects on horn growth of male bighorn sheep. Douhard, M.; Pigeon, G.; Festa-Bianchet, M.; Coltman, D., W.; Guillemette, S.; and Pelletier, F. Oikos, 126(7): 1031-1041. 7 2017.
Environmental and evolutionary effects on horn growth of male bighorn sheep [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex  
Capital vs. income‐dependent optimal birth date in two North American ungulates. Hogg, J., T.; Dunn, S., J.; Poissant, J.; Pelletier, F.; and Byers, J., A. Ecosphere, 8(4). 4 2017.
Capital vs. income‐dependent optimal birth date in two North American ungulates [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex  
  2016 (14)
Maternal condition and previous reproduction interact to affect offspring sex in a wild mammal. Douhard, M.; Festa-Bianchet, M.; and Pelletier, F. Biology Letters, 12(8): 20160510. 8 2016.
Maternal condition and previous reproduction interact to affect offspring sex in a wild mammal [pdf]Paper   Maternal condition and previous reproduction interact to affect offspring sex in a wild mammal [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Demographic drivers of age-dependent sexual selection. Martin, A., M.; Festa-Bianchet, M.; Coltman, D., W.; and Pelletier, F. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 29(7): 1437-1446. 7 2016.
Demographic drivers of age-dependent sexual selection [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Dyadic associations and individual sociality in bighorn ewes. Vander Wal, E.; Gagné-Delorme, A.; Festa-Bianchet, M.; and Pelletier, F. Behavioral Ecology, 27(2): 560-566. 2016.
Dyadic associations and individual sociality in bighorn ewes [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
A reliable technique to quantify the individual variability of iridescent coloration in birds. Van Wijk, S.; Bélisle, M.; Garant, D.; and Pelletier, F. Journal of Avian Biology, 47(2): 227-234. 3 2016.
A reliable technique to quantify the individual variability of iridescent coloration in birds [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Paternal reproductive success drives sex allocation in a wild mammal. Douhard, M.; Festa-Bianchet, M.; Coltman, D., W.; and Pelletier, F. Evolution, 70(2): 358-368. 2 2016.
Paternal reproductive success drives sex allocation in a wild mammal [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
The influence of iridescent coloration directionality on male tree swallows’ reproductive success at different breeding densities. Van Wijk, S.; Bourret, A.; Bélisle, M.; Garant, D.; and Pelletier, F. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 70(9): 1557-1569. 9 2016.
The influence of iridescent coloration directionality on male tree swallows’ reproductive success at different breeding densities [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
The trade-off between clutch size and egg mass in tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) is modulated by female body mass. Pellerin, S.; Paquette, S., R.; Pelletier, F.; Garant, D.; and Bélisle, M. Journal of Avian Biology, 47(4): 500-507. 7 2016.
The trade-off between clutch size and egg mass in tree swallows (<i>Tachycineta bicolor</i>) is modulated by female body mass [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Quantifying consistent individual differences in habitat selection. Leclerc, M.; Vander Wal, E.; Zedrosser, A.; Swenson, J., E.; Kindberg, J.; and Pelletier, F. Oecologia, 180(3): 697-705. 3 2016.
Quantifying consistent individual differences in habitat selection [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Human shields mediate sexual conflict in a top predator. Steyaert, S., M., J., G.; Leclerc, M.; Pelletier, F.; Kindberg, J.; Brunberg, S.; Swenson, J., E.; and Zedrosser, A. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 283(1833): 20160906. 6 2016.
Human shields mediate sexual conflict in a top predator [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Cohort variation in individual body mass dissipates with age in large herbivores. Hamel, S.; Gaillard, J., M.; Yoccoz, N., G.; Albon, S.; Côté, S., D.; Craine, J., M.; Festa-Bianchet, M.; Garel, M.; Lee, P.; Moss, C.; Nussey, D., H.; Pelletier, F.; Stien, A.; and Tveraa, T. Ecological Monographs, 86(4): 517-543. 11 2016.
Cohort variation in individual body mass dissipates with age in large herbivores [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Solutions for archiving data in long-term studies: A reply to Whitlock et al. Mills, J., A.; Teplitsky, C.; Arroyo, B.; Charmantier, A.; Becker, P., H.; Birkhead, T., R.; Bize, P.; Blumstein, D., T.; Bonenfant, C.; Boutin, S.; Bushuev, A.; Cam, E.; Cockburn, A.; Côté, S., D.; Coulson, J., C.; Daunt, F.; Dingemanse, N., J.; Doligez, B.; Drummond, H.; Espie, R., H.; Festa-Bianchet, M.; Frentiu, F., D.; Fitzpatrick, J., W.; Furness, R., W.; Gauthier, G.; Grant, P., R.; Griesser, M.; Gustafsson, L.; Hansson, B.; Harris, M., P.; Jiguet, F.; Kjellander, P.; Korpimäki, E.; Krebs, C., J.; Lens, L.; Linnell, J., D.; Low, M.; McAdam, A.; Margalida, A.; Merilä, J.; Møller, A., P.; Nakagawa, S.; Nilsson, J.; Nisbet, I., C.; van Noordwijk, A., J.; Oro, D.; Pärt, T.; Pelletier, F.; Potti, J.; Pujol, B.; Réale, D.; Rockwell, R., F.; Ropert-Coudert, Y.; Roulin, A.; Thébaud, C.; Sedinger, J., S.; Swenson, J., E.; Visser, M., E.; Wanless, S.; Westneat, D., F.; Wilson, A., J.; and Zedrosser, A. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 31(2): 85-87. 2 2016.
Solutions for archiving data in long-term studies: A reply to Whitlock et al. [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex  
Intense selective hunting leads to artificial evolution in horn size. Pigeon, G.; Festa-Bianchet, M.; Coltman, D., W.; and Pelletier, F. Evolutionary Applications, 9(4): 521-530. 4 2016.
Intense selective hunting leads to artificial evolution in horn size [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Can hunting data be used to estimate unbiased population parameters? A case study on brown bears. Leclerc, M.; Van de Walle, J.; Zedrosser, A.; Swenson, J., E.; and Pelletier, F. Biology Letters, 12(6): 20160197. 6 2016.
Can hunting data be used to estimate unbiased population parameters? A case study on brown bears [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Changes in horn size of Stone's sheep over four decades correlate with trophy hunting pressure. Douhard, M.; Festa-Bianchet, M.; Pelletier, F.; Gaillard, J.; and Bonenfant, C. Ecological Applications, 26(1): 309-321. 1 2016.
Changes in horn size of Stone's sheep over four decades correlate with trophy hunting pressure [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex  
  2015 (11)
Record books do not capture population trends in horn length of bighorn sheep. Festa-Bianchet, M.; Schindler, S.; and Pelletier, F. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 39(4): 746-750. 12 2015.
Record books do not capture population trends in horn length of bighorn sheep [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Multidimensional environmental influences on timing of breeding in a tree swallow population facing climate change. Bourret, A.; Bélisle, M.; Pelletier, F.; and Garant, D. Evolutionary Applications, 8(10): 933-944. 12 2015.
Multidimensional environmental influences on timing of breeding in a tree swallow population facing climate change [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Patterns of fluctuating selection on morphological and reproductive traits in female tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor). Millet, A.; Pelletier, F.; Bélisle, M.; and Garant, D. Evolutionary Biology, 42(3): 349-358. 9 2015.
Patterns of fluctuating selection on morphological and reproductive traits in female tree swallow (<i>Tachycineta bicolor</i>) [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Resampling method for applying density-dependent habitat selection theory to wildlife surveys. Tardy, O.; Massé, A.; Pelletier, F.; and Fortin, D. PLOS ONE, 10(6): e0128238. 6 2015.
Resampling method for applying density-dependent habitat selection theory to wildlife surveys [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Born to be wild? Response of an urban exploiter to human-modified environment and fluctuating weather conditions. Turgeon, G.; Wal, E., V.; Massé, A.; and Pelletier, F. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 93(4): 315-322. 4 2015.
Born to be wild? Response of an urban exploiter to human-modified environment and fluctuating weather conditions [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Comparing measures of breeding inequality and opportunity for selection with sexual selection on a quantitative character in bighorn rams. Martin, A., M.; Festa-Bianchet, M.; Coltman, D., W.; and Pelletier, F. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 28(1): 223-230. 1 2015.
Comparing measures of breeding inequality and opportunity for selection with sexual selection on a quantitative character in bighorn rams [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Sex-based differences in the adaptive value of social behavior contrasted against morphology and environment. Vander Wal, E.; Festa-Bianchet, M.; Réale, D.; Coltman, D., W.; and Pelletier, F. Ecology, 96(3): 631-641. 3 2015.
Sex-based differences in the adaptive value of social behavior contrasted against morphology and environment [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Energy expenditure and personality in wild chipmunks. Careau, V.; Montiglio, P.; Garant, D.; Pelletier, F.; Speakman, J., R.; Humphries, M., M.; and Réale, D. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 69(4): 653-661. 4 2015.
Energy expenditure and personality in wild chipmunks [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry determination for multiclass pesticides from insect samples by microwave-assisted solvent extraction followed by a salt-out effect and micro-dispersion purification. Haroune, L.; Cassoulet, R.; Lafontaine, M.; Bélisle, M.; Garant, D.; Pelletier, F.; Cabana, H.; and Bellenger, J. Analytica Chimica Acta, 891: 160-170. 9 2015.
Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry determination for multiclass pesticides from insect samples by microwave-assisted solvent extraction followed by a salt-out effect and micro-dispersion purification [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Archiving primary data: solutions for long-term studies. Mills, J., A.; Teplitsky, C.; Arroyo, B.; Charmantier, A.; Becker, P., H.; Birkhead, T., R.; Bize, P.; Blumstein, D., T.; Bonenfant, C.; Boutin, S.; Bushuev, A.; Cam, E.; Cockburn, A.; Côté, S., D.; Coulson, J., C.; Daunt, F.; Dingemanse, N., J.; Doligez, B.; Drummond, H.; Espie, R., H.; Festa-Bianchet, M.; Frentiu, F.; Fitzpatrick, J., W.; Furness, R., W.; Garant, D.; Gauthier, G.; Grant, P., R.; Griesser, M.; Gustafsson, L.; Hansson, B.; Harris, M., P.; Jiguet, F.; Kjellander, P.; Korpimäki, E.; Krebs, C., J.; Lens, L.; Linnell, J., D.; Low, M.; McAdam, A.; Margalida, A.; Merilä, J.; Møller, A., P.; Nakagawa, S.; Nilsson, J.; Nisbet, I., C.; van Noordwijk, A., J.; Oro, D.; Pärt, T.; Pelletier, F.; Potti, J.; Pujol, B.; Réale, D.; Rockwell, R., F.; Ropert-Coudert, Y.; Roulin, A.; Sedinger, J., S.; Swenson, J., E.; Thébaud, C.; Visser, M., E.; Wanless, S.; Westneat, D., F.; Wilson, A., J.; and Zedrosser, A. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 30(10): 581-589. 10 2015.
Archiving primary data: solutions for long-term studies [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Intra-individual variability in fecal cortisol metabolites varies with lifetime exploration and reproductive life history in eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus). Montiglio, P.; Garant, D.; Pelletier, F.; and Réale, D. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 69(1): 1-11. 1 2015.
Intra-individual variability in fecal cortisol metabolites varies with lifetime exploration and reproductive life history in eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus) [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex  
  2014 (12)
Evolutionary perspectives on wildlife disease: concepts and applications. Vander Wal, E.; Garant, D.; and Pelletier, F. Evolutionary Applications, 7(7): 715-722. 8 2014.
Evolutionary perspectives on wildlife disease: concepts and applications [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
The relative importance of direct and indirect effects of hunting mortality on the population dynamics of brown bears. Gosselin, J.; Zedrosser, A.; Swenson, J., E.; and Pelletier, F. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 282(1798): 20141840. 1 2014.
The relative importance of direct and indirect effects of hunting mortality on the population dynamics of brown bears [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Not surprisingly, no inheritance of a trait results in no evolution. Hedrick, P., W.; Coltman, D., W.; Festa-Bianchet, M.; and Pelletier, F. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(45): E4810-E4810. 11 2014.
Not surprisingly, no inheritance of a trait results in no evolution [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex  
Severe recent decrease of adult body mass in a declining insectivorous bird population. Rioux Paquette, S.; Pelletier, F.; Garant, D.; and Bélisle, M. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 281(1786): 20140649. 7 2014.
Severe recent decrease of adult body mass in a declining insectivorous bird population [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Sexually antagonistic association between paternal phenotype and offspring viability reinforces total selection on a sexually selected trait. Martin, A., M.; Festa-Bianchet, M.; Coltman, D., W.; and Pelletier, F. Biology Letters, 10(2): 20140043. 2 2014.
Sexually antagonistic association between paternal phenotype and offspring viability reinforces total selection on a sexually selected trait [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Density-dependent functional responses in habitat selection by two hosts of the raccoon rabies virus variant. Tardy, O.; Massé, A.; Pelletier, F.; Mainguy, J.; and Fortin, D. Ecosphere, 5(10): art132. 10 2014.
Density-dependent functional responses in habitat selection by two hosts of the raccoon rabies virus variant [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Modelling the dispersal of the two main hosts of the raccoon rabies variant in heterogeneous environments with landscape genetics. Rioux Paquette, S.; Talbot, B.; Garant, D.; Mainguy, J.; and Pelletier, F. Evolutionary Applications, 7(7): 734-749. 8 2014.
Modelling the dispersal of the two main hosts of the raccoon rabies variant in heterogeneous environments with landscape genetics [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Individual and environmental determinants of reproductive success in male tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor). Lessard, A.; Bourret, A.; Bélisle, M.; Pelletier, F.; and Garant, D. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 68(5): 733-742. 5 2014.
Individual and environmental determinants of reproductive success in male tree swallow (<i>Tachycineta bicolor</i>) [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Decrease in horn size and increase in age of trophy sheep in Alberta over 37 years. Festa-Bianchet, M.; Pelletier, F.; Jorgenson, J., T.; Feder, C.; and Hubbs, A. Journal of Wildlife Management, 78(1): 133-141. 1 2014.
Decrease in horn size and increase in age of trophy sheep in Alberta over 37 years [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Solar irradiance, survival and longevity in a pre-industrial human population. Bergeron, P.; Milot, E.; Mayer, F., M.; Boisvert, M.; Réale, D.; and Pelletier, F. Human Ecology, 42(4): 645-650. 8 2014.
Solar irradiance, survival and longevity in a pre-industrial human population [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex  
Applying evolutionary concepts to wildlife disease ecology and management. Vander Wal, E.; Garant, D.; Calmé, S.; Chapman, C., A.; Festa-Bianchet, M.; Millien, V.; Rioux-Paquette, S.; and Pelletier, F. Evolutionary Applications, 7(7): 856-868. 8 2014.
Applying evolutionary concepts to wildlife disease ecology and management [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Can phenotypic rescue from harvest refuges buffer wild sheep from selective hunting?. Pelletier, F.; Festa-Bianchet, M.; Jorgenson, J., T.; Feder, C.; and Hubbs, A. Ecology and Evolution, 4(17): 3375-3382. 9 2014.
Can phenotypic rescue from harvest refuges buffer wild sheep from selective hunting? [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2013 (12)
Human evolution: new playgrounds for natural selection. Milot, E.; and Pelletier, F. Current Biology, 23(10): R446-R448. 5 2013.
Human evolution: new playgrounds for natural selection [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Despite catch-up, prolonged growth has detrimental fitness consequences in a long-lived vertebrate. Marcil-Ferland, D.; Festa-Bianchet, M.; Martin, A., M.; and Pelletier, F. The American Naturalist, 182(6): 775-785. 12 2013.
Despite catch-up, prolonged growth has detrimental fitness consequences in a long-lived vertebrate [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Context-dependent social behaviour: testing the interplay between season and kinship with raccoons. Robert, K.; Garant, D.; Vander Wal, E.; and Pelletier, F. Journal of Zoology, 290(3): 199-207. 7 2013.
Context-dependent social behaviour: testing the interplay between season and kinship with raccoons [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Male mating competitiveness and age-dependent relationship between testosterone and social rank in bighorn sheep. Martin, A., M.; Presseault-Gauvin, H.; Festa-Bianchet, M.; and Pelletier, F. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 67(6): 919-928. 6 2013.
Male mating competitiveness and age-dependent relationship between testosterone and social rank in bighorn sheep [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Comment on "Bateman in nature: Predation on offspring reduces the potential for sexual selection". Bergeron, P.; Martin, A., M.; Garant, D.; and Pelletier, F. 5 2013.
Comment on "Bateman in nature: Predation on offspring reduces the potential for sexual selection" [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Seasonal patterns in Tree Swallow prey (Diptera) abundance are affected by agricultural intensification. Rioux-Paquette, S.; Garant, D.; Pelletier, F.; and Bélisle, M. Ecological Applications, 23(1): 122-133. 1 2013.
Seasonal patterns in Tree Swallow prey (<i>Diptera</i>) abundance are affected by agricultural intensification [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Evolutionary rescue in vertebrates: evidence, applications and uncertainty. Vander Wal, E.; Garant, D.; Festa-Bianchet, M.; and Pelletier, F. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 368(1610): 20120090. 1 2013.
Evolutionary rescue in vertebrates: evidence, applications and uncertainty [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Genetic structure and diversity among rabid and nonrabid raccoons. Talbot, B.; Garant, D.; Rioux Paquette, S.; Mainguy, J.; and Pelletier, F. Écoscience, 20(4): 345-351. 12 2013.
Genetic structure and diversity among rabid and nonrabid raccoons [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Determinants of lifetime reproduction in female brown bears: early body mass, longevity, and hunting regulations. Zedrosser, A.; Pelletier, F.; Bischof, R.; Festa-Bianchet, M.; and Swenson, J., E. Ecology, 94(1): 231-240. 1 2013.
Determinants of lifetime reproduction in female brown bears: early body mass, longevity, and hunting regulations [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Context-dependent correlation between resting metabolic rate and daily energy expenditure in wild chipmunks. Careau, V.; Réale, D.; Garant, D.; Pelletier, F.; Speakman, J., R.; and Humphries, M., M. Journal of Experimental Biology, 216(3): 418-426. 2 2013.
Context-dependent correlation between resting metabolic rate and daily energy expenditure in wild chipmunks [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Ecological immunology in a fluctuating environment: an integrative analysis of tree swallow nestling immune defense. Pigeon, G.; Bélisle, M.; Garant, D.; Cohen, A., A.; and Pelletier, F. Ecology and Evolution, 3(4): 1091-1103. 4 2013.
Ecological immunology in a fluctuating environment: an integrative analysis of tree swallow nestling immune defense [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Effects of agricultural intensification and temperature on immune response to phytohemagglutinin in Tree Swallows (Tachycineta bicolor). Pigeon, G.; Baeta, R.; Bélisle, M.; Garant, D.; and Pelletier, F. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 91(2): 56-63. 2 2013.
Effects of agricultural intensification and temperature on immune response to phytohemagglutinin in Tree Swallows (<i>Tachycineta bicolor</i>) [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2012 (11)
Population consequences of individual variation in behaviour. Pelletier, F.; and Garant, D. Behavioural Responses to a Changing World, pages 159-174. Oxford University Press, 6 2012.
Behavioural Responses to a Changing World [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
A new metric to calculate the opportunity for selection on quantitative characters. Pelletier, F.; and Coulson, T. Evolutionary Ecology Research, 14(6): 729-742. 2012.
link   bibtex   abstract  
Keep in touch: Does spatial overlap correlate with contact rate frequency?. Robert, K.; Garant, D.; and Pelletier, F. Journal of Wildlife Management, 76(8): 1670-1675. 11 2012.
Keep in touch: Does spatial overlap correlate with contact rate frequency? [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Chemical immobilization of raccoons (Procyon lotor) with ketamine-medetomidine mixture and reversal with Atipamezole. Robert, K.; Garant, D.; and Pelletier, F. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 48(1): 122-130. 1 2012.
Chemical immobilization of raccoons (<i>Procyon lotor</i>) with ketamine-medetomidine mixture and reversal with Atipamezole [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Personality differences are related to long-term stress reactivity in a population of wild eastern chipmunks, Tamias striatus. Montiglio, P.; Garant, D.; Pelletier, F.; and Réale, D. Animal Behaviour, 84(4): 1071-1079. 10 2012.
Personality differences are related to long-term stress reactivity in a population of wild eastern chipmunks, <i>Tamias striatus</i> [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Lack of genetic structure and female-specific effect of dispersal barriers in a rabies vector, the striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis). Talbot, B.; Garant, D.; Rioux Paquette, S.; Mainguy, J.; and Pelletier, F. PLoS ONE, 7(11): e49736. 11 2012.
Lack of genetic structure and female-specific effect of dispersal barriers in a rabies vector, the striped skunk (<i>Mephitis mephitis</i>) [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Litter reductions reveal a trade-off between offspring size and number in brown bears. Gonzalez, O.; Zedrosser, A.; Pelletier, F.; Swenson, J., E.; and Festa-Bianchet, M. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 66(7): 1025-1032. 7 2012.
Litter reductions reveal a trade-off between offspring size and number in brown bears [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Genetic structure and rabies spread potential in raccoons: the role of landscape barriers and sex-biased dispersal. Côté, H.; Garant, D.; Robert, K.; Mainguy, J.; and Pelletier, F. Evolutionary Applications, 5(4): 393-404. 6 2012.
Genetic structure and rabies spread potential in raccoons: the role of landscape barriers and sex-biased dispersal [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Non-invasive monitoring of fecal cortisol metabolites in the eastern chipmunk (Tamias striatus): validation and comparison of two enzyme immunoassays. Montiglio, P.; Pelletier, F.; Palme, R.; Garant, D.; Réale, D.; and Boonstra, R. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 85(2): 183-193. 3 2012.
Non-invasive monitoring of fecal cortisol metabolites in the eastern chipmunk (<i>Tamias striatus</i>): validation and comparison of two enzyme immunoassays [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Decomposing variation in population growth into contributions from environment and phenotypes in an age-structured population. Pelletier, F.; Moyes, K.; Clutton-Brock, T., H.; and Coulson, T. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 279(1727): 394-401. 1 2012.
Decomposing variation in population growth into contributions from environment and phenotypes in an age-structured population [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Data from selective harvests underestimate temporal trends in quantitative traits. Pelletier, F.; Festa-Bianchet, M.; and Jorgenson, J., T. Biology Letters, 8(5): 878-881. 10 2012.
Data from selective harvests underestimate temporal trends in quantitative traits [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2011 (8)
Measuring growth patterns in the field: effects of sampling regime and methods on standardized estimates. Martin, J.; and Pelletier, F. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 89(6): 529-537. 6 2011.
Measuring growth patterns in the field: effects of sampling regime and methods on standardized estimates [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   1 download  
Observation of nocturnal feeding in black vultures (Coragyps atratus). Charette, M., R.; Calmé, S.; and Pelletier, F. Journal of Raptor Research, 45(3): 279-280. 9 2011.
Observation of nocturnal feeding in black vultures (<i>Coragyps atratus</i>) [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex  
Predator-driven component Allee effects in a wild ungulate. Bourbeau-Lemieux, A.; Festa-Bianchet, M.; Gaillard, J.; and Pelletier, F. Ecology Letters, 14(4): 358-363. 4 2011.
Predator-driven component Allee effects in a wild ungulate [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Oral vaccination against raccoon rabies: Landscape heterogeneity and timing of distribution influence wildlife contact rates with the ONRAB vaccine bait. Boyer, J.; Canac-Marquis, P.; Guérin, D.; Mainguy, J.; and Pelletier, F. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 47(3): 593-602. 7 2011.
Oral vaccination against raccoon rabies: Landscape heterogeneity and timing of distribution influence wildlife contact rates with the ONRAB vaccine bait [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Individual quality: tautology or biological reality?. Bergeron, P.; Baeta, R.; Pelletier, F.; Réale, D.; and Garant, D. Journal of Animal Ecology, 80(2): 361-364. 3 2011.
Individual quality: tautology or biological reality? [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex  
The population growth consequences of variation in individual heterozygosity. Di Fonzo, M., M., I.; Pelletier, F.; Clutton-Brock, T.; Pemberton, J., M.; and Coulson, T. PLoS ONE, 6(5): e19667. 5 2011.
The population growth consequences of variation in individual heterozygosity [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Evidence for evolution in response to natural selection in a contemporary human population. Milot, E.; Mayer, F., M.; Nussey, D., H.; Boisvert, M.; Pelletier, F.; and Reale, D. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108(41): 17040-17045. 10 2011.
Evidence for evolution in response to natural selection in a contemporary human population [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Genetic correlation between resting metabolic rate and exploratory behaviour in deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus). Careau, V.; Thomas, D.; Pelletier, F.; Turki, L.; Landry, F.; Garant, D.; and Réale, D. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 24(10): 2153-2163. 10 2011.
Genetic correlation between resting metabolic rate and exploratory behaviour in deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2010 (2)
Plasticity in the rumination behaviour of bighorn sheep: contrasting strategies between the sexes?. Moquin, P.; Curry, B.; Pelletier, F.; and Ruckstuhl, K., E. Animal Behaviour, 79(5): 1047-1053. 5 2010.
Plasticity in the rumination behaviour of bighorn sheep: contrasting strategies between the sexes? [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Matrix models for a changeable world: the importance of transient dynamics in population management. Ezard, T., H., G.; Bullock, J., M.; Dalgleish, H., J.; Millon, A.; Pelletier, F.; Ozgul, A.; and Koons, D., N. Journal of Applied Ecology, 47(3): 515-523. 4 2010.
Matrix models for a changeable world: the importance of transient dynamics in population management [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2009 (6)
Eco-evolutionary dynamics: disentangling phenotypic, environmental and population fluctuations. Ezard, T., H.; Côté, S., D.; and Pelletier, F. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 364(1523): 1491-1498. 6 2009.
Eco-evolutionary dynamics: disentangling phenotypic, environmental and population fluctuations [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Eco-evolutionary dynamics: an introduction. Pelletier, F.; Garant, D.; and Hendry, A. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 364(1523): 1483-1489. 6 2009.
Eco-evolutionary dynamics: an introduction [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Rut-induced hypophagia in male bighorn sheep and mountain goats: foraging under time budget constraints. Pelletier, F.; Mainguy, J.; and Côté, S., D. Ethology, 115(2): 141-151. 2 2009.
Rut-induced hypophagia in male bighorn sheep and mountain goats: foraging under time budget constraints [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Age-dependent relationship between horn growth and survival in wild sheep. Bonenfant, C.; Pelletier, F.; Garel, M.; and Bergeron, P. Journal of Animal Ecology, 78(1): 161-171. 1 2009.
Age-dependent relationship between horn growth and survival in wild sheep [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
From genes to ecosystems: an emerging synthesis of eco-evolutionary dynamics. Bailey, J., K.; Hendry, A., P.; Kinnison, M., T.; Post, D., M.; Palkovacs, E., P.; Pelletier, F.; Harmon, L., J.; and Schweitzer, J., A. New Phytologist, 184(4): 746-749. 12 2009.
From genes to ecosystems: an emerging synthesis of eco-evolutionary dynamics [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex  
Value of captive populations for quantitative genetics research. Pelletier, F.; Réale, D.; Watters, J.; Boakes, E., H.; and Garant, D. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 24(5): 263-270. 5 2009.
Value of captive populations for quantitative genetics research [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2008 (1)
Estimating the functional form for the density dependence from life history data. Coulson, T.; Ezard, T., H., G.; Pelletier, F.; Tavecchia, G.; Stenseth, N., C.; Childs, D., Z.; Pilkington, J., G.; Pemberton, J., M.; Kruuk, L., E., B.; Clutton-Brock, T., H.; and Crawley, M., J. Ecology, 89(6): 1661-1674. 6 2008.
Estimating the functional form for the density dependence from life history data [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2007 (5)
Invited comment on: Life span is unrelated to investment in reproduction in populations of mammals and birds in captivity by Ricklefs, R.E. and Cadena, C.D. (2007). Mace, G., M.; and Pelletier, F. Ecology Letters, 10(10): 872-874. 10 2007.
Invited comment on: Life span is unrelated to investment in reproduction in populations of mammals and birds in captivity by Ricklefs, R.E. and Cadena, C.D. (2007) [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex  
Evidence for a genetic basis of aging in two wild vertebrate populations. Wilson, A., J.; Nussey, D., H.; Pemberton, J., M.; Pilkington, J., G.; Morris, A.; Pelletier, F.; Clutton-Brock, T., H.; and Kruuk, L., E. Current Biology, 17(24): 2136-2142. 12 2007.
Evidence for a genetic basis of aging in two wild vertebrate populations [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Selection on heritable seasonal phenotypic plasticity of body mass. Pelletier, F.; Réale, D.; Garant, D.; Coltman, D., W.; and Festa-Bianchet, M. Evolution, 61(8): 1969-1979. 8 2007.
Selection on heritable seasonal phenotypic plasticity of body mass [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
The evolutionary demography of ecological change: linking trait variation and population growth. Pelletier, F.; Clutton-Brock, T.; Pemberton, J.; Tuljapurkar, S.; and Coulson, T. Science, 315(5818): 1571-1574. 3 2007.
The evolutionary demography of ecological change: linking trait variation and population growth [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
EARLY ONSET OF VEGETATION GROWTH VS. RAPID GREEN-UP: IMPACTS ON JUVENILE MOUNTAIN UNGULATES. Pettorelli, N.; Pelletier, F.; Hardenberg, A., v.; Festa-Bianchet, M.; and Côté, S., D. Ecology, 88(2): 381-390. 2 2007.
  2006 (7)
Erratum: Male mating effort in a polygynous ungulate. Pelletier, F.; Hogg, J., T.; and Festa-Bianchet, M. 9 2006.
Erratum: Male mating effort in a polygynous ungulate [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex  
Stochastic predation events and population persistence in bighorn sheep. Festa-Bianchet, M.; Coulson, T.; Gaillard, J.; Hogg, J., T.; and Pelletier, F. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 273: 1537-1543. 6 2006.
Stochastic predation events and population persistence in bighorn sheep [pdf]Paper   Stochastic predation events and population persistence in bighorn sheep [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Effects of tourist activities on ungulate behaviour in a mountain protected area. Pelletier, F. Journal of Mountain Ecology, 8: 15-19. 2006.
Effects of tourist activities on ungulate behaviour in a mountain protected area [pdf]Website   link   bibtex   abstract  
Sexual selection and social rank in bighorn rams. Pelletier, F.; and Festa-Bianchet, M. Animal Behaviour, 71(3): 649-655. 3 2006.
Sexual selection and social rank in bighorn rams [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Male mating effort in a polygynous ungulate. Pelletier, F.; Hogg, J., T.; and Festa-Bianchet, M. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 60(5): 645-654. 9 2006.
Male mating effort in a polygynous ungulate [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Behavioural reactions of bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) to cougar (Puma concolor ) attacks / Comportement du mouflon d'Amerique (Ovis canadensis) lors d'attaques par le cougar (Puma concolor). Pelletier, F.; Gendreau, Y.; and Feder, C. Mammalia, 70(1-2): 160-162. 1 2006.
Behavioural reactions of bighorn sheep (<i>Ovis canadensis</i>) to cougar (<i>Puma concolor</i> ) attacks / Comportement du mouflon d'Amerique (<i>Ovis canadensis</i>) lors d'attaques par le cougar (<i>Puma concolor</i>) [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   1 download  
Reproductive social behavior: Ignoring ecological scenarios and the "Currency" of evolution. Pelletier, F.; and Börger, L. Science E-letters,1-13. 2006.
Reproductive social behavior: Ignoring ecological scenarios and the "Currency" of evolution [link]Website   link   bibtex  
  2005 (2)
Fecal counts of lungworm larvae and reproductive effort in bighorn sheep, Ovis canadensis. Pelletier, F.; Page, K., A.; Ostiguy, T.; and Festa-Bianchet, M. Oikos, 110(3): 473-480. 9 2005.
Fecal counts of lungworm larvae and reproductive effort in bighorn sheep, <i>Ovis canadensis</i> [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Foraging time of rutting bighorn rams varies with individual behavior, not mating tactic. Pelletier, F. Behavioral Ecology, 16(1): 280-285. 1 2005.
Foraging time of rutting bighorn rams varies with individual behavior, not mating tactic [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2004 (2)
Effect of chemical immobilization on social status of bighorn rams. Pelletier, F.; Hogg, J., T.; and Festa-Bianchet, M. Animal Behaviour, 67(6): 1163-1165. 6 2004.
Effect of chemical immobilization on social status of bighorn rams [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex  
Effects of body mass, age, dominance and parasite load on foraging time of bighorn rams, Ovis canadensis. Pelletier, F.; and Festa-Bianchet, M. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 56(6): 546-551. 10 2004.
Effects of body mass, age, dominance and parasite load on foraging time of bighorn rams, <i>Ovis canadensis</i> [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2003 (2)
A method to weigh free-ranging ungulates without handling. Bassano, B.; Von Hardenberg, A.; Pelletier, F.; and Gobbi, G. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 31(4): 1205-1209. 2003.
link   bibtex   abstract  
Fecal testosterone in bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis): behavioural and endocrine correlates. Pelletier, F.; Bauman, J.; and Festa-Bianchet, M. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 81(10): 1678-1684. 10 2003.
Fecal testosterone in bighorn sheep (<i>Ovis canadensis</i>): behavioural and endocrine correlates [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract