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  2022 (4)
Quantum telescopy clock games. Czupryniak, R.; Chitambar, E.; Steinmetz, J.; and Jordan, A., N. Physical Review A, 106(3): 1-16. 2022.
Quantum telescopy clock games [pdf]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Entanglement Verification of Hyperentangled Photon Pairs. Zeitler, C., K.; Chapman, J., C.; Chitambar, E.; and Kwiat, P., G. Physical Review Applied, 18(5): 1. 2022.
Entanglement Verification of Hyperentangled Photon Pairs [pdf]Paper   Entanglement Verification of Hyperentangled Photon Pairs [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Building Multiple Access Channels with a Single Particle. Zhang, Y.; Chen, X.; and Chitambar, E. Quantum, 6: 10-12. 2022.
Building Multiple Access Channels with a Single Particle [pdf]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Process-optimized phase-covariant quantum cloning. Kim, C.; and Chitambar, E. Physical Review A, 106(2): 1-9. 2022.
Process-optimized phase-covariant quantum cloning [pdf]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2021 (4)
Entanglement of assistance in three-qubit systems. Pollock, K.; Wang, G.; and Chitambar, E. Physical Review A, 103(3): 032428. 3 2021.
Entanglement of assistance in three-qubit systems [pdf]Paper   Entanglement of assistance in three-qubit systems [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Certifying the classical simulation cost of a quantum channel. Doolittle, B.; and Chitambar, E. Physical Review Research, 3(4): 043073. 10 2021.
Certifying the classical simulation cost of a quantum channel [pdf]Paper   Certifying the classical simulation cost of a quantum channel [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Achieving a quantum smart workforce. Aiello, C., D.; Awschalom, D., D.; Bernien, H.; Brower, T.; Brown, K., R.; Brun, T., A.; Caram, J., R.; Chitambar, E.; Di Felice, R.; Edmonds, K., M.; Fox, M., F.; Haas, S.; Holleitner, A., W.; Hudson, E., R.; Hunt, J., H.; Joynt, R.; Koziol, S.; Larsen, M.; Lewandowski, H., J.; McClure, D., T.; Palsberg, J.; Passante, G.; Pudenz, K., L.; Richardson, C., J.; Rosenberg, J., L.; Ross, R., S.; Saffman, M.; Singh, M.; Steuerman, D., W.; Stark, C.; Thijssen, J.; Vamivakas, A., N.; Whitfield, J., D.; and Zwickl, B., M. Quantum Science and Technology, 6(3). 2021.
Achieving a quantum smart workforce [pdf]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Less entanglement exhibiting more nonlocality with noisy measurements. Zhu, G.; Dilley, D.; Wang, K.; Xiao, L.; Chitambar, E.; and Xue, P. Nature Physics Journal Quantum Information, 7(1): 166. 12 2021.
Less entanglement exhibiting more nonlocality with noisy measurements [pdf]Paper   Less entanglement exhibiting more nonlocality with noisy measurements [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2020 (7)
Entanglement manipulation beyond local operations and classical communication. Chitambar, E.; de Vicente, J., I.; Girard, M., W.; and Gour, G. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 61(4): 042201. 4 2020.
Entanglement manipulation beyond local operations and classical communication [pdf]Paper   Entanglement manipulation beyond local operations and classical communication [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   20 downloads  
Bounds on Instantaneous Nonlocal Quantum Computation. Gonzales, A.; and Chitambar, E. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 66(5): 2951-2963. 5 2020.
Bounds on Instantaneous Nonlocal Quantum Computation [pdf]Paper   Bounds on Instantaneous Nonlocal Quantum Computation [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   9 downloads  
Complete Resource Theory of Quantum Incompatibility as Quantum Programmability. Buscemi, F.; Chitambar, E.; and Zhou, W. Physical Review Letters, 124(12): 120401. 2020.
Complete Resource Theory of Quantum Incompatibility as Quantum Programmability [pdf]Paper   Complete Resource Theory of Quantum Incompatibility as Quantum Programmability [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Dynamical resource theory of quantum coherence. Saxena, G.; Chitambar, E.; and Gour, G. Physical Review Research, 2(2): 23298. 2020.
Dynamical resource theory of quantum coherence [pdf]Paper   Dynamical resource theory of quantum coherence [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   5 downloads  
Channel activation of CHSH nonlocality. Zhang, Y.; Bravo, R., A.; Lorenz, V., O.; and Chitambar, E. New Journal of Physics, 22(4): 043003. 4 2020.
Channel activation of CHSH nonlocality [pdf]Paper   Channel activation of CHSH nonlocality [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   7 downloads  
Entanglement-breaking superchannels. Chen, S.; and Chitambar, E. Quantum, 4: 299. 2020.
Entanglement-breaking superchannels [pdf]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   1 download  
Simple bounds for one-shot pure-state distillation in general resource theories. Vijayan, M., K.; Chitambar, E.; and Hsieh, M. Physical Review A, 102(5): 052403. 11 2020.
Simple bounds for one-shot pure-state distillation in general resource theories [pdf]Paper   Simple bounds for one-shot pure-state distillation in general resource theories [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   2 downloads  
  2019 (3)
The zero-error entanglement cost is highly non-additive. Yue, Q.; and Chitambar, E. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 60(11): 112204. 11 2019.
The zero-error entanglement cost is highly non-additive [pdf]Paper   The zero-error entanglement cost is highly non-additive [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   3 downloads  
One-Shot Coherence Distillation: Towards Completing the Picture. Zhao, Q.; Liu, Y.; Yuan, X.; Chitambar, E.; and Winter, A. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 65(10): 6441-6453. 10 2019.
One-Shot Coherence Distillation: Towards Completing the Picture [pdf]Paper   One-Shot Coherence Distillation: Towards Completing the Picture [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   3 downloads  
Quantum resource theories. Chitambar, E.; and Gour, G. Reviews of Modern Physics, 91(2): 25001. 2019.
Quantum resource theories [pdf]Paper   Quantum resource theories [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   9 downloads  
  2018 (6)
One-Shot Coherence Dilution. Zhao, Q.; Liu, Y.; Yuan, X.; Chitambar, E.; and Ma, X. Physical Review Letters, 120(7): 70403. 2018.
One-Shot Coherence Dilution [pdf]Paper   One-Shot Coherence Dilution [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   2 downloads  
One-shot assisted concentration of coherence. Vijayan, M., K.; Chitambar, E.; and Hsieh, M., H. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 51(41). 2018.
One-shot assisted concentration of coherence [pdf]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   1 download  
Comparing coherence and entanglement under resource non-generating unitary transformations. Takahashi, M.; and Chitambar, E. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 51(41). 2018.
Comparing coherence and entanglement under resource non-generating unitary transformations [pdf]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
The Conditional Common Information in Classical and Quantum Secret Key Distillation. Chitambar, E.; Fortescue, B.; and Hsieh, M., H. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 64(11): 7381-7394. 2018.
The Conditional Common Information in Classical and Quantum Secret Key Distillation [pdf]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   1 download  
More nonlocality with less entanglement in Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt experiments using inefficient detectors. Dilley, D.; and Chitambar, E. Physical Review A, 97(6): 062313. 6 2018.
More nonlocality with less entanglement in Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt experiments using inefficient detectors [pdf]Paper   More nonlocality with less entanglement in Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt experiments using inefficient detectors [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   1 download  
Dephasing-covariant operations enable asymptotic reversibility of quantum resources. Chitambar, E. Physical Review A, 97(5): 050301. 5 2018.
Dephasing-covariant operations enable asymptotic reversibility of quantum resources [pdf]Paper   Dephasing-covariant operations enable asymptotic reversibility of quantum resources [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   2 downloads  
  2017 (1)
Round complexity in the local transformations of quantum and classical states. Chitambar, E.; and Hsieh, M., H. Nature Communications, 8(1): 1-7. 2017.
Round complexity in the local transformations of quantum and classical states [pdf]Paper   Round complexity in the local transformations of quantum and classical states [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   2 downloads  
  2016 (7)
Assisted Distillation of Quantum Coherence. Chitambar, E.; Streltsov, A.; Rana, S.; Bera, M., N.; Adesso, G.; and Lewenstein, M. Physical Review Letters, 116(7): 1-5. 2016.
Assisted Distillation of Quantum Coherence [pdf]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   1 download  
Entanglement and Coherence in Quantum State Merging. Streltsov, A.; Chitambar, E.; Rana, S.; Bera, M., N.; Winter, A.; and Lewenstein, M. Physical Review Letters, 116(24): 1-7. 2016.
Entanglement and Coherence in Quantum State Merging [pdf]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Relating the Resource Theories of Entanglement and Quantum Coherence. Chitambar, E.; and Hsieh, M. Physical Review Letters, 117(2): 020402. 7 2016.
Relating the Resource Theories of Entanglement and Quantum Coherence [pdf]Paper   Relating the Resource Theories of Entanglement and Quantum Coherence [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   2 downloads  
Comparison of incoherent operations and measures of coherence. Chitambar, E.; and Gour, G. Physical Review A, 94(5): 1-19. 2016.
Comparison of incoherent operations and measures of coherence [pdf]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
The Private and Public Correlation Cost of Three Random Variables With Collaboration. Chitambar, E.; Hsieh, M.; and Winter, A. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 62(4): 2034-2043. 4 2016.
The Private and Public Correlation Cost of Three Random Variables With Collaboration [pdf]Paper   The Private and Public Correlation Cost of Three Random Variables With Collaboration [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Critical Examination of Incoherent Operations and a Physically Consistent Resource Theory of Quantum Coherence. Chitambar, E.; and Gour, G. Physical Review Letters, 117(3): 1-5. 2016.
Critical Examination of Incoherent Operations and a Physically Consistent Resource Theory of Quantum Coherence [pdf]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Loss-tolerant quantum secure positioning with weak laser sources. Lim, C., C., W.; Xu, F.; Siopsis, G.; Chitambar, E.; Evans, P., G.; and Qi, B. Physical Review A, 94(3): 032315. 9 2016.
Loss-tolerant quantum secure positioning with weak laser sources [pdf]Paper   Loss-tolerant quantum secure positioning with weak laser sources [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2015 (4)
Distributions Attaining Secret Key at a Rate of the Conditional Mutual Information. Chitambar, E.; Fortescue, B.; and Hsieh, M. Volume 1 . pages 443-462. 2015.
 [pdf]Paper    [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex  
Free-space reconfigurable quantum key distribution network. Qi, B.; Lo, H.; Lim, C., C., W.; Siopsis, G.; Chitambar, E., A.; Pooser, R.; Evans, P., G.; and Grice, W. In 2015 IEEE International Conference on Space Optical Systems and Applications (ICSOS), pages 1-6, 10 2015. IEEE
Free-space reconfigurable quantum key distribution network [pdf]Paper   Free-space reconfigurable quantum key distribution network [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Restrictions on initial system-environment correlations based on the dynamics of an open quantum system. Chitambar, E.; Abu-Nada, A.; Ceballos, R.; and Byrd, M. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 92(5): 1-8. 2015.
Restrictions on initial system-environment correlations based on the dynamics of an open quantum system [pdf]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   1 download  
Classical Analog to Entanglement Reversibility. Chitambar, E.; Fortescue, B.; and Hsieh, M., H. Physical Review Letters, 115(9): 1-5. 2015.
Classical Analog to Entanglement Reversibility [pdf]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2014 (4)
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About LOCC (But Were Afraid to Ask). Chitambar, E.; Leung, D.; Mančinska, L.; Ozols, M.; and Winter, A. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 328(1): 303-326. 5 2014.
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About LOCC (But Were Afraid to Ask) [pdf]Paper   Everything You Always Wanted to Know About LOCC (But Were Afraid to Ask) [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   2 downloads  
Asymptotic state discrimination and a strict hierarchy in distinguishability norms. Chitambar, E.; and Hsieh, M. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 55(11): 112204. 11 2014.
Asymptotic state discrimination and a strict hierarchy in distinguishability norms [pdf]Paper   Asymptotic state discrimination and a strict hierarchy in distinguishability norms [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   1 download  
When Do Local Operations and Classical Communication Suffice for Two-Qubit State Discrimination?. Chitambar, E.; Duan, R.; and Hsieh, M. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 60(3): 1549-1561. 3 2014.
When Do Local Operations and Classical Communication Suffice for Two-Qubit State Discrimination? [pdf]Paper   When Do Local Operations and Classical Communication Suffice for Two-Qubit State Discrimination? [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Bell inequalities with communication assistance. Maxwell, K.; and Chitambar, E. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 89(4): 1-5. 2014.
Bell inequalities with communication assistance [pdf]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2013 (1)
Revisiting the optimal detection of quantum information. Chitambar, E.; and Hsieh, M., H. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 88(2): 1-4. 2013.
Revisiting the optimal detection of quantum information [pdf]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2012 (3)
Entanglement monotones for W-type states. Chitambar, E.; Cui, W.; and Lo, H., K. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 85(6): 1-10. 2012.
Entanglement monotones for W-type states [pdf]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Increasing entanglement monotones by separable operations. Chitambar, E.; Cui, W.; and Lo, H., K. Physical Review Letters, 108(24): 1-4. 2012.
Increasing entanglement monotones by separable operations [pdf]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Quantum correlations in high-dimensional states of high symmetry. Chitambar, E. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 86(3): 1-9. 2012.
Quantum correlations in high-dimensional states of high symmetry [pdf]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2011 (5)
Deciding Unitary Equivalence Between Matrix Polynomials and Sets of Bipartite Quantum States. Chitambar, E.; Miller, C., A.; and Shi, Y. Quantum Information and Computation, 11: 0813-0819. 2011.
Deciding Unitary Equivalence Between Matrix Polynomials and Sets of Bipartite Quantum States [pdf]Paper   Deciding Unitary Equivalence Between Matrix Polynomials and Sets of Bipartite Quantum States [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   1 download  
Randomly distilling W-class states into general configurations of two-party entanglement. Cui, W.; Chitambar, E.; and Lo, H., K. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 84(5): 1-11. 2011.
Randomly distilling W-class states into general configurations of two-party entanglement [pdf]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Two local observables are sufficient to characterize maximally entangled states of N qubits. Yan, F.; Gao, T.; and Chitambar, E. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 83(2): 1-4. 2011.
Two local observables are sufficient to characterize maximally entangled states of N qubits [pdf]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   1 download  
Local quantum transformations requiring infinite rounds of classical communication. Chitambar, E. Physical Review Letters, 107(19): 1-5. 2011.
Local quantum transformations requiring infinite rounds of classical communication [pdf]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Detecting multipartite classical states and their resemblances. Chen, L.; Chitambar, E.; Modi, K.; and Vacanti, G. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 83(2): 1-4. 2011.
Detecting multipartite classical states and their resemblances [pdf]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   1 download  
  2010 (4)
Multipartite-to-bipartite entanglement transformations and polynomial identity testing. Chitambar, E.; Duan, R.; and Shi, Y. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 81(5): 1-4. 2010.
Multipartite-to-bipartite entanglement transformations and polynomial identity testing [pdf]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   2 downloads  
Matrix pencils and entanglement classification. Chitambar, E.; Miller, C., A.; and Shi, Y. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 51(7). 2010.
Matrix pencils and entanglement classification [pdf]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Tensor rank and stochastic entanglement catalysis for multipartite pure states. Chen, L.; Chitambar, E.; Duan, R.; Ji, Z.; and Winter, A. Physical Review Letters, 105(20): 1-4. 2010.
Tensor rank and stochastic entanglement catalysis for multipartite pure states [pdf]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
Optimal entanglement transformations among N-qubit W-class states. Cui, W.; Chitambar, E.; and Lo, H., K. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 82(6): 1-6. 2010.
Optimal entanglement transformations among N-qubit W-class states [pdf]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2009 (2)
Nonlocal Entanglement Transformations Achievable by Separable Operations. Chitambar, E.; and Duan, R. Physical Review Letters, 103(11): 1-4. 2009.
Nonlocal Entanglement Transformations Achievable by Separable Operations [pdf]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   1 download  
The Tensor Rank of the Tripartite State $\ketW^\otimes n$. Yu, N.; Chitambar, E.; Guo, C.; and Duan, R. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 81(1): 3-5. 10 2009.
The Tensor Rank of the Tripartite State $\ketW^\otimes n$ [pdf]Paper   The Tensor Rank of the Tripartite State $\ketW^\otimes n$ [link]Website   doi   link   bibtex   abstract  
  2008 (1)
Tripartite entanglement transformations and tensor rank. Chitambar, E.; Duan, R.; and Shi, Y. Physical Review Letters, 101(14): 1-4. 2008.
Tripartite entanglement transformations and tensor rank [pdf]Paper   doi   link   bibtex   abstract   3 downloads