Deciding Unitary Equivalence Between Matrix Polynomials and Sets of Bipartite Quantum States. Chitambar, E., Miller, C., A., & Shi, Y. Quantum Information and Computation, 11:0813-0819, 2011.
Deciding Unitary Equivalence Between Matrix Polynomials and Sets of Bipartite Quantum States [pdf]Paper  Deciding Unitary Equivalence Between Matrix Polynomials and Sets of Bipartite Quantum States [link]Website  doi  abstract   bibtex   1 download  
In this brief report, we consider the equivalence between two sets of $m+1$ bipartite quantum states under local unitary transformations. For pure states, this problem corresponds to the matrix algebra question of whether two degree $m$ matrix polynomials are unitarily equivalent; i.e. $UA_iV^\dagger=B_i$ for $0\leq i\leq m$ where $U$ and $V$ are unitary and $(A_i, B_i)$ are arbitrary pairs of rectangular matrices. We present a randomized polynomial-time algorithm that solves this problem with an arbitrarily high success probability and outputs transforming matrices $U$ and $V$.

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