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@article{yang_network_2025, title = {Network analysis of cross-income-level collaboration on multiple myeloma in sub-{Saharan} {Africa}}, volume = {2}, url = {https://www.nature.com/articles/s44401-024-00003-2}, number = {1}, urldate = {2025-01-10}, journal = {npj Health Systems}, author = {Yang, Kaiyi and Benkwitz-Bedford, Sam and Cazier, Jean-Baptiste and Spill, Fabian}, month = jan, year = {2025}, note = {Publisher: Nature Publishing Group UK London}, pages = {1}, }
@article{schindler_applicability_2025, title = {Applicability of {Retrospective} and {Prospective} {Gender} {Scores} for {Clinical} and {Health} {Data}: {Protocol} for a {Scoping} {Review}}, volume = {14}, copyright = {Unless stated otherwise, all articles are open-access distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work ("first published in JMIR Research Protocols...") is properly cited with original URL and bibliographic citation information. The complete bibliographic information, a link to the original publication on http://www.researchprotocols.org/, as well as this copyright and license information must be included.}, shorttitle = {Applicability of {Retrospective} and {Prospective} {Gender} {Scores} for {Clinical} and {Health} {Data}}, url = {https://www.researchprotocols.org/2025/1/e57669}, doi = {10.2196/57669}, abstract = {Background: Gender is known to have a strong influence on human health and disease. Despite its relevance to treatment and outcome, gender is insufficiently considered in current health research. One hindering factor is the poor representation of gender information in clinical and health (meta) data. Objective: We aim to conduct a scoping review of the literature describing gender scores. The review will provide insights into the current application of gender scores in clinical and health settings. The protocol describes how relevant literature will be identified and how gender scores will be evaluated concerning applicability and usability in scientific investigations. Methods: Our scoping review follows the PRISMA-ScR (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews) guidelines. A title and abstract screening was conducted on PubMed, followed by a full-text screening. The inclusion and exclusion criteria were discussed by a team of 5 domain experts, and a data-charting form was developed. The charted data will be categorized, summarized, and analyzed based on the research questions during the scoping review. Results: We will report our research results according to the PRISMA-ScR guidelines. The literature retrieval was carried out on June 13, 2024, and resulted in 1202 matches. As of July 2024, the scoping review is in the data extraction phase and we expect to complete and publish the results in the first quarter of 2025. Conclusions: The scoping review lays the foundation for a retrospective gender assessment by identifying scores that can be applied to existing large-scale datasets. Moreover, it will help to formulate recommendations for standardized gender scores in future investigations.}, language = {EN}, number = {1}, urldate = {2025-01-22}, journal = {JMIR Research Protocols}, author = {Schindler, Lea and Beelich, Hilke and Röll, Selina and Katsari, Elpiniki and Stracke, Sylvia and Waltemath, Dagmar}, month = jan, year = {2025}, note = {Company: JMIR Research Protocols Distributor: JMIR Research Protocols Institution: JMIR Research Protocols Label: JMIR Research Protocols Publisher: JMIR Publications Inc., Toronto, Canada}, pages = {e57669}, }
@incollection{oliver_investigating_2025, address = {Singapore}, title = {Investigating {Industry}–{Academia} {Collaboration} in {Artificial} {Intelligence}: {PDF}-{Based} {Bibliometric} {Analysis} from {Leading} {Conferences}}, volume = {15494}, isbn = {978-981-9608-67-6 978-981-9608-68-3}, shorttitle = {Investigating {Industry}–{Academia} {Collaboration} in {Artificial} {Intelligence}}, url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-981-96-0868-3_5}, language = {en}, urldate = {2025-01-10}, booktitle = {Sustainability and {Empowerment} in the {Context} of {Digital} {Libraries}}, publisher = {Springer Nature Singapore}, author = {Yamauchi, Kazuhiro and Katsurai, Marie}, editor = {Oliver, Gillian and Frings-Hessami, Viviane and Du, Jia Tina and Tezuka, Taro}, year = {2025}, doi = {10.1007/978-981-96-0868-3_5}, note = {Series Title: Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages = {70--84}, }
@article{espinosa_implicaciones_2025, title = {{IMPLICACIONES} {DE} {LA} {TRANSFORMACIÓN} {DIGITAL} {EN} {EL} Á{MBITO} {LABORAL} {Y} {SU} {IMPACTO} {EN} {LAS} {SITUACIONES} {DE} {ACOSO} {LABORAL} {O} {MOBBING}}, volume = {43}, copyright = {Derechos de autor 2024 Juan Esteban Aguirre Espinosa, Dany Steven Gómez Agudelo, Sebastián Díaz Bolívar}, issn = {2521-5280}, url = {https://portalrevistas.aulavirtualusmp.pe/index.php/VJ/article/view/2985}, abstract = {This research article analyzes the regulatory changes in the labor field in Colombia during the COVID-19 pandemic and their impact on preventing digital workplace harassment. The global health emergency has generated the creation of norms aimed at regulating new forms of work, such as telework and distance work. However, the use of information and communication technologies in remote work has increased the risk of digital workplace harassment, which has generated the need to adapt regulatory provisions to the new realities of work. This essay analyzes the contribution, contradiction, practice, and evaluation of digital evidence in workplace harassment processes, where evidence becomes a fundamental element for the accreditation of facts and the generation of corresponding legal effects.}, language = {es}, number = {1}, urldate = {2024-11-12}, journal = {Vox Juris}, author = {Espinosa, Juan Esteban Aguirre and Agudelo, Dany Steven Gómez and Bolívar, Sebastián Díaz}, year = {2025}, note = {Number: 1}, pages = {66--81}, }
@article{bibliotheken_forschungsnahe_2024, title = {Forschungsnahe {Dienstleistungen}-{Alphabetische} {Liste}}, url = {https://www.ssoar.info/ssoar/handle/document/94322}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.12754/misc-2024-0001}, urldate = {2024-06-24}, author = {Bibliotheken, Leibniz-Arbeitskreis and Dienste, Informationseinrichtungen AG Forschungsnahe}, year = {2024}, note = {Publisher: DEU}, }
@phdthesis{arroyo_bello_alisis_2024, address = {Madrid, Spain}, title = {Análisis de la investigación española sobre cáncer de mama a través de la {Web} of {Science} (1900-2020)}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14352/104928}, urldate = {2024-06-24}, school = {Universidad Complutense Madrid}, author = {Arroyo Bello, Elena}, year = {2024}, note = {Publisher: Universidad Complutense de Madrid}, }
@article{hagemann-wilholt_persistent_2024, title = {Persistent {Identifier}, ihre {Metadaten} und {FAIRness}}, volume = {27}, url = {https://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2024-06-fachbeitrag-hagemann-wilholt.pdf}, language = {de}, number = {6}, urldate = {2025-01-10}, journal = {b.i.t. online}, author = {Hagemann-Wilholt, Stephanie and El-Gebali, Sara and Dreyer, Britta and Vierkant, Paul}, year = {2024}, }
@incollection{kempf_gestione_2024, title = {La gestione della qualità nei progetti di digitalizzazione di massa}, isbn = {9791256002214}, url = {https://iris.unica.it/retrieve/eaca5e0a-0832-4c23-9fa4-014416b62928/Atti%20I%20convegno%20SISBB%20def%20stampa.pdf#page=99}, language = {it}, urldate = {2025-01-10}, booktitle = {I {Convegno} della {Società} italiana di scienze bibliografiche e biblioteconomiche ({SISBB})}, author = {Kempf, Klaus and Cusimano, Fabio}, year = {2024}, }
@misc{ding_rise_2024, title = {Rise of {Generative} {Artificial} {Intelligence} in {Science}}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/2412.20960}, doi = {10.48550/arXiv.2412.20960}, abstract = {Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI, generative AI) has rapidly become available as a tool in scientific research. To explore the use of generative AI in science, we conduct an empirical analysis using OpenAlex. Analyzing GenAI publications and other AI publications from 2017 to 2023, we profile growth patterns, the diffusion of GenAI publications across fields of study, and the geographical spread of scientific research on generative AI. We also investigate team size and international collaborations to explore whether GenAI, as an emerging scientific research area, shows different collaboration patterns compared to other AI technologies. The results indicate that generative AI has experienced rapid growth and increasing presence in scientific publications. The use of GenAI now extends beyond computer science to other scientific research domains. Over the study period, U.S. researchers contributed nearly two-fifths of global GenAI publications. The U.S. is followed by China, with several small and medium-sized advanced economies demonstrating relatively high levels of GenAI deployment in their research publications. Although scientific research overall is becoming increasingly specialized and collaborative, our results suggest that GenAI research groups tend to have slightly smaller team sizes than found in other AI fields. Furthermore, notwithstanding recent geopolitical tensions, GenAI research continues to exhibit levels of international collaboration comparable to other AI technologies.}, urldate = {2025-01-10}, publisher = {arXiv}, author = {Ding, Liangping and Lawson, Cornelia and Shapira, Philip}, month = dec, year = {2024}, note = {arXiv:2412.20960 [cs]}, keywords = {Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science - Computers and Society, Computer Science - Information Retrieval}, }
@inproceedings{haarlander_edmondopen_2024, title = {Edmond–{Open} {Access} {Data} {Repository} of the {Max} {Planck} {Society}, based on {Dataverse}}, url = {https://pure.mpg.de/rest/items/item_3626426/component/file_3626530/content}, urldate = {2025-01-10}, booktitle = {{ZB} {MED} {Cookie} {Lecture}}, author = {Haarländer, Markus and Walter, David}, year = {2024}, }
@article{mitchell_enhancing_2024, title = {Enhancing the {Oxford} {University} {Research} {Archive}: compliance, consistency, and challenges in supporting researchers}, volume = {209}, shorttitle = {Enhancing the {Oxford} {University} {Research} {Archive}}, url = {https://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:496618eb-b5b6-4a1b-a40d-d2d393036a0d}, urldate = {2025-01-10}, journal = {Catalogue and Index}, author = {Mitchell, Tom and Lindgren, Tuula and Partridge, Jason}, year = {2024}, note = {Publisher: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals}, }
@article{mukhopadhyay_library_2024, title = {Library {Carpentry} and the {Bibliographic} {Data} {Universe}: {What} {Librarians} {Can} {Do} with {Open} {Data}}, volume = {71}, shorttitle = {Library {Carpentry} and the {Bibliographic} {Data} {Universe}}, url = {https://or.niscpr.res.in/index.php/ALIS/article/view/13392}, number = {4}, urldate = {2025-01-10}, journal = {Annals of Library and Information Studies}, author = {Mukhopadhyay, Parthasarathi and Mukhopadhyay, Mondrita}, year = {2024}, pages = {370--383}, }
@article{ralph_identifier_2024, title = {Identifier {Service} in the {Mindat} {Database}: {Persistent} and {Structured} {Access} to {Massive} {Records} of {Minerals} and {Other} {Natural} {Materials}}, shorttitle = {Identifier {Service} in the {Mindat} {Database}}, url = {https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Xiaogang-Ma-4/publication/386023908_Identifier_Service_in_the_Mindat_Database_Persistent_and_Structured_Access_to_Massive_Records_of_Minerals_and_Other_Natural_Materials/links/674768bba7fbc259f192eea3/Identifier-Service-in-the-Mindat-Database-Persistent-and-Structured-Access-to-Massive-Records-of-Minerals-and-Other-Natural-Materials.pdf}, urldate = {2025-01-10}, author = {Ralph, Jolyon and Martynov, Pavel and Ma, Xiaogang and Von Bargen, David and Li, Wenjia and Huang, Jingyi and Golden, Joshua and Profeta, Lucia and Prabhu, Anirudh and Morrison, Shaunna}, year = {2024}, }
@article{__2024, title = {Аналитическая статистика о научных публикациях казанского федерального университета на {Scilit}}, volume = {27}, url = {https://rdl-journal.ru/article/view/875}, number = {6}, urldate = {2025-01-10}, journal = {Электронные библиотеки}, author = {Ермаков, Алексей Викторович}, year = {2024}, pages = {878--896}, }
@misc{ibict_projeto_2024, type = {Notícia}, title = {Projeto {dARK} impulsiona um novo modelo de gestão de identificadores acadêmicos no portal {Oasisbr} do {Ibict}}, url = {https://www.gov.br/ibict/pt-br/central-de-conteudos/noticias/2024/novembro/projeto-dark-impulsiona-um-novo-modelo-de-gestao-de-identificadores-academicos-no-portal-oasisbr-do-ibict}, abstract = {Portal Oasisbr passa a contar com o identificador persistente dARK (Decentralized Archival Resource Key), um serviço PID (Persistent Identifier) descentralizado e aberto concebido como um bem público para o ecossistema da Ciência Aberta}, language = {pt-br}, urldate = {2024-11-26}, journal = {Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia}, author = {Ibict, Núcleo de Comunicação Social do}, year = {2024}, }
@article{narlock_institutionally_2024, title = {Institutionally based research data services: {Current} developments and future direction}, shorttitle = {Institutionally based research data services}, url = {https://publishing.lib.umn.edu/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/STAIRS-Report-Final-Oct-31-v3.pdf}, urldate = {2024-12-03}, author = {Narlock, Mikala and Carlson, Jake and Cowles, Wind and Delserone, Leslie and Herndon, Joel and Kozlowski, Wendy and Petters, Jonathan}, year = {2024}, }
@article{amdekar_scholarly_2024, title = {Scholarly {Metadata} as {Trust} {Signals}: {Opportunities} for {Journal} {Editors}}, shorttitle = {Scholarly {Metadata} as {Trust} {Signals}}, url = {https://www.csescienceeditor.org/article/scholarly-metadata-as-trust-signals-opportunities-for-journal-editors/}, doi = {10.36591/SE-4704-10}, abstract = {In recent years, research integrity issues are in the limelight with the emergence of new and complex threats, such as paper mills, citation cartels, fabricated peer reviews, fake papers, artificial intelligence–generated images, among many others.1-4 A worrying feature of these emerging research integrity threats is that they often occur at scale and can affect many journals and articles at the same time. Taken together, this poses a considerable challenge to journal editors and editorial offices, which are key stakeholders in ensuring the integrity of the work they publish. Scholarly metadata is an important tool that can be used in the endeavor to protect research integrity, especially to uphold the integrity of the scholarly record. The term “scholarly record” refers to the complex and interconnected network of published outputs (e.g., journal articles, books), the inputs that go into the creation of these outputs (e.g., datasets, preprints), and the metadata for these outputs.5 Preserving the integrity of the scholarly record is important because the scholarly record provides the foundation on which the global scholarly community can continue to build. When relationships between research outputs are not explicit, or when the metadata about these outputs are either incomplete or outdated, there is a risk that the scholarly community will not be able to access the most up to date information. Metadata provide critical context about published works.5 By doing this, it acts as a marker for trustworthiness. Crossref provides infrastructure that allows those who create scholarly outputs to provide metadata for these outputs. […]}, language = {en-US}, urldate = {2024-12-06}, journal = {Science Editor}, author = {Amdekar, Madhura S.}, month = nov, year = {2024}, }
@misc{kopitar_two_2024, title = {Two scholarly publishing cultures? {Open} access drives a divergence in {European} academic publishing practices}, shorttitle = {Two scholarly publishing cultures?}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/2411.06282}, doi = {10.48550/arXiv.2411.06282}, abstract = {The current system of scholarly publishing is often criticized for being slow, expensive, and not transparent. The rise of open access publishing as part of open science tenets, promoting transparency and collaboration, together with calls for research assesment reforms are the results of these criticisms. The emergence of new open access publishers presents a unique opportunity to empirically test how universities and countries respond to shifts in the academic publishing landscape. These new actors challenge traditional publishing models, offering faster review times and broader accessibility, which could influence strategic publishing decisions. Our findings reveal a clear division in European publishing practices, with countries clustering into two groups distinguished by the ratio of publications in new open access journals with accelerated review times versus legacy journals. This divide underscores a broader shift in academic culture, highlighting new open access publishing venues as a strategic factor influencing national and institutional publishing practices, with significant implications for research accessibility and collaboration across Europe.}, urldate = {2024-11-22}, publisher = {arXiv}, author = {Kopitar, Leon and Plohl, Nejc and Verboten, Mojca Tancer and Štiglic, Gregor and Watson, Roger and Korošak, Dean}, month = nov, year = {2024}, note = {arXiv:2411.06282}, keywords = {Computer Science - Computers and Society, Computer Science - Digital Libraries, Physics - Physics and Society}, }
@article{pentz_building_2024, title = {Building open scholarly infrastructure: {A} journey of collaboration and diplomacy}, issn = {0167-5265}, shorttitle = {Building open scholarly infrastructure}, url = {https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/18758789241296761}, doi = {10.1177/18758789241296761}, abstract = {This article expands on the Miles Conrad Award lecture delivered at the NISO Plus 2024 conference. Drawing from over three decades in scholarly publishing, including twenty-four years at Crossref, Edward Pentz, the Executive Director of Crossref, explores the critical role of collaboration and diplomacy in developing open scholarly infrastructure. The piece examines key inflection points in scholarly communication, lessons learned from collaborative initiatives, and future challenges and opportunities in the field. It also reflects on the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion in shaping the future of open scholarly infrastructure.}, language = {en}, urldate = {2024-11-22}, journal = {Information Services and Use}, author = {Pentz, Edward}, month = nov, year = {2024}, note = {Publisher: SAGE Publications}, pages = {18758789241296761}, }
@article{getzlaff_whirls_2024, title = {{WHIRLS} {Research} {Data} {Policy}}, url = {https://oceanrep.geomar.de/id/eprint/61010}, urldate = {2024-12-03}, author = {Getzlaff, Klaus}, year = {2024}, note = {Publisher: Zenodo}, }
@article{__2024-1, title = {Огляд використання постійних ідентифікаторів в Україні}, volume = {1}, url = {http://journal.dntb.gov.ua/index.php/osi/article/view/27}, number = {2}, urldate = {2024-12-03}, journal = {Відкрита наука та інновації}, author = {Цюра, Маргарита and Жеребчук, Софія}, year = {2024}, }
@inproceedings{__2024-2, title = {Аналитическая статистика об изданиях ИПМ на {Scilit}}, volume = {26}, url = {https://www.keldysh.ru/abrau/2024/theses/19.pdf}, urldate = {2024-12-03}, booktitle = {Научный сервис в сети Интернет}, author = {Ермаков, А. В.}, year = {2024}, pages = {109--122}, }
@article{gee_temnos_2024, title = {{TEMNOS} ({Temnospondyl} {Evolution}, {Morphology}, {Nomenclature}, and {Other} {Stuff}), an openly available database of curated temnospondyl datasets}, url = {https://files.osf.io/v1/resources/tfrbu/providers/osfstorage/673c10a680654f62b688668e?action=download&direct&version=2}, urldate = {2024-12-03}, author = {Gee, Bryan M.}, year = {2024}, note = {Publisher: OSF}, }
@article{__2024-3, title = {Аналитическая статистика научных изданий на {Scilit} (на примере публикаций ИПМ им. МВ Келдыша)}, url = {https://keldysh.ru/papers/2024/prep2024_71.pdf}, number = {71}, urldate = {2024-12-03}, journal = {Препринты ИПМ им. МВ Келдыша}, author = {Ермаков, А. В.}, year = {2024}, pages = {1--17}, }
@misc{kulczycki_learned_2024, title = {Learned societies in the academic landscape: {Challenges} in identifying and categorizing organizations}, shorttitle = {Learned societies in the academic landscape}, url = {https://osf.io/3zgks}, doi = {10.31235/osf.io/3zgks}, abstract = {This study explores ways of identifying learned societies within the Research Organization Registry (ROR), a type of organization that so far lacks its own category within the registry. Despite their significant role in the academic landscape, learned societies lack distinct recognition in global databases, which lowers their visibility and perceived impact. Using enhanced ISSN data and the existing ROR database, we present a methodology to identify learned societies based on their publishing activities and organizational names. Our approach is validated against national lists of societies from Austria, Finland, and the UK, demonstrating the feasibility and reliability of our method which, however, has several limitations discussed in the paper. Our findings show that 92\% of 1,471 societies identified in ROR are currently assigned to ‘Other’ and ‘Nonprofit’ categories. We also highlight the geographical distribution and field-specific categorization of learned societies, emphasizing the diversity and scope of their influence. This paper contributes to the science of science field by proposing a framework that enhances the visibility and recognition of learned societies globally. Our research argues that ROR should consider enhancing their data schema to accommodate for learned societies. This way ROR can provide an open research information resource for identifying learned societies both for research and practical purposes.}, language = {en-us}, urldate = {2024-11-22}, publisher = {OSF}, author = {Kulczycki, Emanuel and Pölönen, Janne and Laakso, Mikael and Taskin, Zehra}, month = nov, year = {2024}, keywords = {ISSN, Research Organization Registry, learned societies, research organizations}, }
@article{page_who_2024, title = {Who is {Doing} {Taxonomy}, {Whereabouts}, and {Who} {Is} {Funding} {Them}? {A} {Practical} {Test} of {What} {Knowledge} {Graphs} {Can} {Tell} {Us} about {Taxonomic} {Research}}, volume = {8}, shorttitle = {Who is {Doing} {Taxonomy}, {Whereabouts}, and {Who} {Is} {Funding} {Them}?}, url = {https://biss.pensoft.net/article/138477/download/pdf/}, urldate = {2024-10-18}, journal = {Biodiversity Information Science and Standards}, author = {Page, Roderic}, year = {2024}, note = {Publisher: Pensoft Publishers}, pages = {e138477}, }
@book{vardoulaki_data-intensive_2024, address = {Cham}, series = {Astrophysics and {Space} {Science} {Library}}, title = {Data-{Intensive} {Radio} {Astronomy}: {Bringing} {Astrophysics} to the {Exabyte} {Era}}, volume = {472}, copyright = {https://www.springernature.com/gp/researchers/text-and-data-mining}, isbn = {978-3-031-58467-1 978-3-031-58468-8}, shorttitle = {Data-{Intensive} {Radio} {Astronomy}}, url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-031-58468-8}, language = {en}, urldate = {2024-11-12}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, editor = {Vardoulaki, Eleni and Dembska, Marta and Drabent, Alexander and Hoeft, Matthias}, year = {2024}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-58468-8}, keywords = {ALMA data, ASKAP data, EHT data, FAST radio telescope data, LOFAR data, MeerKAT data, SKA radio telescope data, astronomy archives and storage, astronomy data analysis, astronomy data architecture, astronomy data lifecycle, astronomy processing pipelines}, }
@article{haris_scholarly_2024, title = {Scholarly knowledge reuse leveraging knowledge graphs}, url = {https://www.repo.uni-hannover.de/handle/123456789/18238}, urldate = {2024-11-08}, author = {Haris, Muhammad}, year = {2024}, note = {Publisher: Hannover: Institutionelles Repositorium der Leibniz Universität Hannover}, }
@article{mukherjee_genomes_2024, title = {Genomes {OnLine} {Database} ({GOLD}) v. 10: new features and updates}, shorttitle = {Genomes {OnLine} {Database} ({GOLD}) v. 10}, url = {https://academic.oup.com/nar/advance-article/doi/10.1093/nar/gkae1000/7875979}, urldate = {2024-11-08}, journal = {Nucleic Acids Research}, author = {Mukherjee, Supratim and Stamatis, Dimitri and Li, Cindy Tianqing and Ovchinnikova, Galina and Kandimalla, Mahathi and Handke, Van and Reddy, Anuha and Ivanova, Natalia and Woyke, Tanja and Eloe-Fardosh, Emiley A.}, year = {2024}, note = {Publisher: Oxford University Press}, pages = {gkae1000}, }
@article{dias_alises_2024, title = {Análises métricas potencializadas: a contribuição da plataforma {BrCris} na integração de repositórios}, volume = {9}, copyright = {Copyright (c) 2024 Encontro Brasileiro de Bibliometria e Cientometria}, shorttitle = {Análises métricas potencializadas}, url = {https://ebbc.inf.br/ojs/index.php/ebbc/article/view/377}, doi = {10.22477/ix.ebbc.377}, abstract = {Este trabalho explora a contribuição da Plataforma BrCris para estudos métricos da informação, destacando visualizações e resultados que facilitam análises sobre a ciência brasileira. A partir de informações atuais dispostas na plataforma, discute-se como o BrCris simplifica análises bibliométricas e aborda a importância da incorporação de novas métricas para aprimorar estudos sobre o ecossistema da pesquisa científica no país. Exemplos de uso e desafios são examinados, revelando a flexibilidade da plataforma. Ressalta-se a influência do BrCris na compreensão da ciência brasileira, promovendo uma visão abrangente e valiosa para pesquisadores e acadêmicos.}, language = {pt}, urldate = {2024-11-06}, journal = {Encontro Brasileiro de Bibliometria e Cientometria}, author = {Dias, Thiago Magela Rodrigues and Segundo, Washington Luís Ribeiro de Carvalho and Souza, Marcel Garcia de and Silva, Janinne Barcelos de Morais and Neubert, Patricia da Silva}, month = jul, year = {2024}, keywords = {Cientometria, Estudos métricos, Indicadores de Ciência e Tecnologia, Sistema de informação científica}, pages = {1--8}, }
@article{zheng_fair_2024, title = {A {FAIR} {Workflow} {Guide} for {Researchers} in {Human} {Cognitive} {Neuroscience}}, url = {https://osf.io/yhj5c/download}, urldate = {2024-08-28}, author = {Zheng, Zefan and Chen, Xiaoli and Brown, Tanya and Cousijn, Helena and Melloni, Lucia}, month = aug, year = {2024}, note = {Publisher: OSF}, }
@article{des_weiterbildenden_masterstudiengangs_affiliationsrichtlinien_2024, title = {Affiliationsrichtlinien an {Universitäten}–{Analyse} zu {Inhalt} und {Umsetzung}}, url = {https://www.db-thueringen.de/servlets/MCRFileNodeServlet/dbt_derivate_00064875/master_lang_2024.pdf}, urldate = {2024-10-18}, author = {des Weiterbildenden Masterstudiengangs, Masterarbeit im Rahmen and im Fernstudium, Bibliotheksund Informationswissenschaft and Lang, Kevin and Pampel, Heinz and Rothfritz, Laura}, year = {2024}, }
@phdthesis{alexis_s_graves_team_2024, title = {A {Team} {Science} {Characterization} of the {National} {COVID} {Cohort} {Collaborative} ({N3C}) - {ProQuest}}, url = {https://www.proquest.com/openview/1852c45ffe1393ee06b0e8b0c3217e2d/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750&diss=y}, abstract = {Explore millions of resources from scholarly journals, books, newspapers, videos and more, on the ProQuest Platform.}, language = {en}, urldate = {2024-08-02}, school = {The University of Iowa}, author = {{Alexis S. Graves}}, year = {2024}, }
@phdthesis{ashmita_shishodia_scientific_2024, title = {Scientific {Discourse} {Analysis} {Using} {Large} {Language} {Models} - {ProQuest}}, url = {https://www.proquest.com/openview/9deb198959877331415ac582c9e8322b/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750&diss=y}, abstract = {Explore millions of resources from scholarly journals, books, newspapers, videos and more, on the ProQuest Platform.}, language = {en}, urldate = {2024-08-02}, school = {San Diego State University}, author = {{Ashmita Shishodia}}, year = {2024}, }
@misc{beigel_cartographies_2024, title = {Cartographies for an inclusive {Open} {Science}}, url = {https://preprints.scielo.org/index.php/scielo/preprint/view/10286}, doi = {10.1590/SciELOPreprints.10286}, abstract = {The Call for the STI Conference held in September 2024, in Berlin, argues that there is a variety of processes of openness among different communities and stakeholders which pose questions about the interaction of openness and closedness. It stimulates the participants to ask how much closedness is embedded in openness and vice versa and how to measure these intertwined phenomena. This keynote has been framed in these basic concerns and intends to advance towards the intersection with inclusiveness, considering that openness is necessary but not sufficient to achieve a more equitable and effective scholarly communication globally. In the convergence of field approach and structural heterogeneity, we build a conceptual framework to assess the combinations observed in the space of open science, and the stakeholders that represent forces towards inclusiveness or exclusiveness. Exploring the main indicators of inclusive openness, 7 cartographies are proposed for a global mapping and the discussion of the main issues at stake towards a just transition to open science: 1) a comparison between the distribution by country of repositories of published output and primary data repositories, 2) a mapping of the Current Information systems (CRIS) and their different developments at the national and institutional level, 3) a cartography of persistent identifiers of digital resources comparing DOI and ARK, 4) a cartography of persistent identifiers for active researchers (ORCID) by country and its weak representation of the national research communities, 5) a comparison of the coverage of identifiers of research organizations (ROR) with a national database of organizations, 6) a cartography of indexed journals with no-fee for publishing or reading and 7) a mapping of multilingualism in scholarly publishing, by platform. Finally, some study cases are discussed to show examples of the limited inclusiveness of the current state of open infrastructures and publishing platforms.}, language = {en}, urldate = {2024-11-06}, publisher = {SciELO Preprints}, author = {Beigel, Fernanda}, month = oct, year = {2024}, keywords = {open access, preprints, scholarly publishing, scielo}, }
@article{ammar_interoperable_2024, title = {Interoperable nanosafety data using semantic modeling and linked data knowledge graphs}, url = {https://chemrxiv.org/engage/chemrxiv/article-details/671a577b98c8527d9e365cd3}, urldate = {2024-11-06}, author = {Ammar, Ammar and Evelo, Chris and Willighagen, Egon}, year = {2024}, }
@article{fernandes_caracterizacao_2024, title = {Caracterização dos programas de pós-graduação em {Ciência} da {Computação} no {Brasil} a partir de dados bibliométricos da {OpenAlex}.}, url = {http://monografias.ufop.br/handle/35400000/7098}, urldate = {2024-11-06}, author = {Fernandes, Fabio Henrique Alves}, year = {2024}, }
@article{yang_network_2024, title = {Network analysis of cross-income-level collaboration on non-communicable disease: the example of multiple myeloma in {Sub}-{Saharan} {Africa}}, shorttitle = {Network analysis of cross-income-level collaboration on non-communicable disease}, url = {https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.10.24.24316045.abstract}, urldate = {2024-11-06}, journal = {medRxiv}, author = {Yang, Kaiyi and Bedford, Sam Benkwitz and Cazier, Jean-Baptiste and Spill, Fabian}, year = {2024}, note = {Publisher: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press}, pages = {2024--10}, }
@article{aygun_making_2024, title = {Making {Research} {FAIR}: {Findable}, {Accessible}, {Interoperable}, {Reusable}}, shorttitle = {Making {Research} {FAIR}}, url = {https://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1097&context=ato}, urldate = {2024-11-06}, author = {Aygun, Ramazan}, year = {2024}, }
@inproceedings{marc_persistente_2024, title = {Persistente {Identifikatoren} für offene und {FAIRe} {Wissenschaft}}, url = {https://gfzpublic.gfz-potsdam.de/rest/items/item_5028126_1/component/file_5028127/content}, urldate = {2024-10-18}, booktitle = {Open-{Access}-{Tage} 2024}, author = {Marc, Lange and Genderjahn, S. and Czerniak, S. A.}, year = {2024}, }
@inproceedings{lange_identifikatorenbekanntes_2024, title = {Identifikatoren–{Bekanntes} und {Neues} für {Bibliotheken}}, url = {https://gfzpublic.gfz-potsdam.de/rest/items/item_5028124_2/component/file_5028125/content}, urldate = {2024-10-18}, booktitle = {112. {BiblioCon}}, author = {Lange, Marc and Genderjahn, S.}, year = {2024}, }
@misc{deb_overview_2024, title = {An {Overview} of {zbMATH} {Open} {Digital} {Library}}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/2410.06948}, abstract = {Mathematical research thrives on the effective dissemination and discovery of knowledge. zbMATH Open has emerged as a pivotal platform in this landscape, offering a comprehensive repository of mathematical literature. Beyond indexing and abstracting, it serves as a unified quality-assured infrastructure for finding, evaluating, and connecting mathematical information that advances mathematical research as well as interdisciplinary exploration. zbMATH Open enables scientific quality control by post-publication reviews and promotes connections between researchers, institutions, and research outputs. This paper represents the functionalities of the most significant features of this open-access service, highlighting its role in shaping the future of mathematical information retrieval.}, urldate = {2024-10-18}, publisher = {arXiv}, author = {Deb, Madhurima and Beckenbach, Isabel and Petrera, Matteo and Ehsani, Dariush and Fuhrmann, Marcel and Hao, Yun and Teschke, Olaf and Schubotz, Moritz}, month = oct, year = {2024}, note = {arXiv:2410.06948}, keywords = {Computer Science - Digital Libraries, Computer Science - Information Retrieval}, }
@phdthesis{mesclon_utilisation_2024, type = {{PhD} {Thesis}}, title = {Utilisation et usages des identifiants numériques chercheurs en {France}. {Synthèse} de l’enquête sociologique par entretiens 2023-2024}, url = {https://hal.science/hal-04720794/}, urldate = {2024-10-18}, school = {Unité Régionale de Formation à l'Information Scientifique et Technique de Paris}, author = {Mesclon, Anna}, year = {2024}, }
@misc{lei_understanding_2024, title = {Understanding {Teams} and {Productivity} in {Information} {Retrieval} {Research} (2000-2018): {Academia}, {Industry}, and {Cross}-{Community} {Collaborations}}, shorttitle = {Understanding {Teams} and {Productivity} in {Information} {Retrieval} {Research} (2000-2018)}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/2410.01541}, abstract = {Previous researches on the Information retrieval (IR) field have focused on summarizing progress and synthesizing knowledge and techniques from individual studies and data-driven experiments, the extent of contributions and collaborations between researchers from different communities (e.g., academia and industry) in advancing IR knowledge remains unclear. To address this gap, this study explores several characteristics of information retrieval research in four areas: productivity patterns and preferred venues, the relationship between citations and downloads, changes in research topics, and changes in patterns of scientific collaboration, by analyzing 53,471 papers published between 2000 and 2018 from the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Digital Library dataset. Through the analysis and interpretation on empirical datasets, we find that academic research, industry research, and collaborative research between academia and industry focused on different topics. Among the collaboration models, Academia-Industry Collaboration is more oriented towards large teamwork. Collaborative networks between researchers in academia and industry suggest that the field of information retrieval has become richer over time in terms of themes, foci, and sub-themes, becoming a more diverse field of study.}, urldate = {2024-10-18}, publisher = {arXiv}, author = {Lei, Jiaqi and Hu, Liang and Bu, Yi and Liu, Jiqun}, month = oct, year = {2024}, note = {arXiv:2410.01541}, keywords = {Computer Science - Digital Libraries}, }
@article{agudelo_flexibilizacion_2024, title = {Flexibilización probatoria en casos de falsos positivos en la jurisprudencia colombiana}, volume = {19}, url = {http://publicaciones.unaula.edu.co/index.php/ratiojuris/article/view/1639}, number = {39}, urldate = {2024-10-18}, journal = {Ratio Juris (UNAULA)}, author = {Agudelo, Dany Steven Gómez and Espinosa, Juan Esteban Aguirre and Pineda, Paula Andrea Malavera and Moreno, Bryan Stiven Vásquez and Naranjo, Julián Camilo Giraldo}, year = {2024}, }
@article{boldrini_blue-cloud_2024, title = {Blue-cloud {DAB}: developing a platform to harmonize, assess and disseminate marine metadata collections}, issn = {2364-415X, 2364-4168}, shorttitle = {Blue-cloud {DAB}}, url = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/s41060-024-00664-0}, doi = {10.1007/s41060-024-00664-0}, abstract = {Abstract The integration and harmonization of marine data from diverse sources are vital for advancing global oceanographic research and ensuring seamless discovery and access of critical datasets. This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the metadata harmonization efforts within the Blue-cloud 2026 project, which brokers data from numerous Blue Data Infrastructures (BDIs), leveraging the Discovery and Access Broker technology. The platform enables discovery and analysis of marine data collections while facilitating interoperability with other components of the marine digital ecosystem, such as virtual laboratories and the Semantic Analyzer. It also supports the flow of Blue-cloud information to other initiatives like the Global Earth Observations System of Systems. For data managers, the findings emphasize the importance of enhancing metadata quality, revealing discrepancies in core metadata elements, and the need for more consistent use of controlled vocabularies. For cyberinfrastructure developers, the study details the challenges of accommodating a wide array of interfaces from different data systems, highlighting the adoption of an extensible brokering architecture that harmonizes metadata models and protocols. The study also emphasizes the importance of metadata analysis in ensuring effective searches for end users, highlighting challenges in aggregating diverse sources, where data providers may have structured the content with different objectives compared to those of the system of systems. End users will gain insights into the current metadata content of Blue-cloud, enabling them to search and access data from multiple BDIs with an understanding of the technical complexities behind the scenes.}, language = {en}, urldate = {2024-10-18}, journal = {International Journal of Data Science and Analytics}, author = {Boldrini, Enrico and Roncella, Roberto and Papeschi, Fabrizio and Mazzetti, Paolo and Schaap, Dick and Thijsse, Peter and Weerheim, Paul and Nativi, Stefano}, month = oct, year = {2024}, }
@misc{xu_pubmed_2024, title = {{PubMed} knowledge graph 2.0: {Connecting} papers, patents, and clinical trials in biomedical science}, shorttitle = {{PubMed} knowledge graph 2.0}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/2410.07969}, abstract = {Papers, patents, and clinical trials are indispensable types of scientific literature in biomedicine, crucial for knowledge sharing and dissemination. However, these documents are often stored in disparate databases with varying management standards and data formats, making it challenging to form systematic, fine-grained connections among them. To address this issue, we introduce PKG2.0, a comprehensive knowledge graph dataset encompassing over 36 million papers, 1.3 million patents, and 0.48 million clinical trials in the biomedical field. PKG2.0 integrates these previously dispersed resources through various links, including biomedical entities, author networks, citation relationships, and research projects. Fine-grained biomedical entity extraction, high-performance author name disambiguation, and multi-source citation integration have played a crucial role in the construction of the PKG dataset. Additionally, project data from the NIH Exporter enriches the dataset with metadata of NIH-funded projects and their scholarly outputs. Data validation demonstrates that PKG2.0 excels in key tasks such as author disambiguation and biomedical entity recognition. This dataset provides valuable resources for biomedical researchers, bibliometric scholars, and those engaged in literature mining.}, urldate = {2024-10-18}, publisher = {arXiv}, author = {Xu, Jian and Yu, Chao and Xu, Jiawei and Ding, Ying and Torvik, Vetle I. and Kang, Jaewoo and Sung, Mujeen and Song, Min}, month = oct, year = {2024}, note = {arXiv:2410.07969}, keywords = {Computer Science - Digital Libraries}, }
@misc{torres_salinas_learning_2024, title = {Learning materials for the {Erasmus}+ {Project} {RAQMYAT}: {Parcours} {SOFTS} {Skills}}, shorttitle = {Learning materials for the {Erasmus}+ {Project} {RAQMYAT}}, url = {https://digibug.ugr.es/handle/10481/94779}, urldate = {2024-09-23}, author = {Torres Salinas, Daniel and Arroyo Machado, Wenceslao and Robinson García, Nicolás}, year = {2024}, }
@article{bhat_fairification_2024, title = {The {FAIRification} process for data stewardship: {A} comprehensive discourse on the implementation of the {FAIR} principles for data visibility, interoperability and management}, issn = {0340-0352, 1745-2651}, shorttitle = {The {FAIRification} process for data stewardship}, url = {https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/03400352241270692}, doi = {10.1177/03400352241270692}, abstract = {This article discusses the importance of good data management for knowledge discovery and innovation. It outlines the FAIR principles, which provide guidelines for publishing digital resources in a way that makes the data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable. Using a systematic literature review, the study focuses on the implementation of these principles in research data management and their applicability in data repositories and data centres. It highlights the importance of implementing these principles systematically, allowing stakeholders to choose the minimum requirements and provide a vision for implementing them in data repositories and data centres. The article also highlights the steps in the FAIRification process, which can enhance data interoperability, discovery and reusability. The paper is unique in that it explores how implementing FAIR principles impacts data management for data hosting platforms on a global scale.}, language = {en}, urldate = {2024-09-05}, journal = {IFLA Journal}, author = {Bhat, Ajra and Wani, Zahid Ashraf}, month = sep, year = {2024}, pages = {03400352241270692}, }
@article{romero_betancur_universidad_2023, title = {Universidad {Distrital} en {Rankings} {Universitarios}}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/11349/33128}, urldate = {2024-02-12}, author = {Romero Betancur, David and Parrado Rosselli, Ángela}, month = dec, year = {2023}, note = {Publisher: Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas}, }
@phdthesis{kim_implementing_2023, title = {Implementing pre-trained language modeling approaches for author name disambiguation}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/2142/118099}, abstract = {Distinguishing who is who has been a lingering problem for researchers analyzing bibliographic data in which different authors share the same names or different names refer to the same authors. Various machine learning (ML) methods have been proposed to resolve the issue of author name ambiguity. Still, technical details of ML workflows necessary to compare and improve these methods have been insufficiently shared. Also, a few studies showed that neural network models can outperform conventional ML models in author name disambiguation (AND), but deep learning (DL) using pre-trained language models such as BERT have not yet been applied to AND tasks. This study investigates how pre-trained language models can be adopted for AND tasks, aiming to make novel contributions in several ways. First, an approach of using the state-of-the-art pre-trained language models is used in AND tasks for comparison with conventional ML techniques. Second, the scope of features used for existing studies is extended by adding abstract texts to records of metadata. Third, the workflows of several high-performing ML and DL methods for classification and clustering in AND are integrated as an open-source framework, enabling the implementation steps of different AND methods transparent and thus allowing easy comparison across the methods. The code will be made publicly available for use as a benchmark framework upon which AND researchers can build new models, reducing error or delay raised when developing code from scratch. By helping researchers have a better understanding of similarities and differences between various ML- and DL-based AND approaches, this study can enhance the robustness of research findings that resolve author name ambiguity in bibliographic data.}, school = {University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign}, author = {Kim, Jenna}, year = {2023}, }
@article{karlstrom_nye_2023, title = {Nye kilder til data om forskningsaktivitet: {Notat} til {NFRs} arbeidsgruppe for bibliometri, 2023}, shorttitle = {Nye kilder til data om forskningsaktivitet}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/11250/3074742}, author = {Karlstrøm, Henrik}, year = {2023}, note = {Publisher: Nordisk institutt for studier av innovasjon, forskning og utdanning NIFU}, }
@article{demir_ucretle_2023, title = {Ücretle {DOI} {Alınması} {Ancak} Üst {Verisinin} {Eksik} {Bırakılması}}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.37697/eskiyeni.1320604}, number = {49}, journal = {Eskiyeni}, author = {DEMİR, Abdullah}, year = {2023}, note = {Publisher: Anadolu İlahiyat Akademisi}, pages = {387--392}, }
@article{kosanovic_enauka_2023, title = {{eNauka} — {CRIS} in {Serbia}}, volume = {23}, issn = {1450-9687, 2217-9461}, url = {http://infoteka.bg.ac.rs/ojs/index.php/Infoteka/article/view/2023.23.2.5_en}, doi = {10.18485/infotheca.2023.23.2.5}, number = {2}, urldate = {2024-11-06}, journal = {Infotheca}, author = {Kosanović, Biljana}, year = {2023}, pages = {83--100}, }
@article{gomez_razza_perucris_2022, title = {{PeruCRIS} national {CRIS} is live}, url = {https://dspacecris.eurocris.org/handle/11366/2250}, abstract = {A PeruCRIS project update is provided a few months after the presentation delivered at the CRIS2022 Conference in Dubrovnik. The PeruCRIS national CRIS has now been released at https://www.perucris.pe/home and up-to-date content is currently being ingested into the national portal covering interlinked CERIF entities such as researchers, organisations, projects, publications and equipment. The presentation summarises the work done by the PeruCRIS project in areas like (among others) standardisation, persistent identifiers and pilot interoperability initiatives for research information exchange with various institutional CRIS systems in the country based on different software solutions such as DSpace-CRIS and Pure. A roadmap is finally shared showing the next steps for the project to undertake.}, language = {en}, urldate = {2024-11-06}, author = {Gómez Razza, Víctor}, month = dec, year = {2022}, note = {Accepted: 2022-12-08T11:03:28Z Publisher: euroCRIS}, }