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@article{ title = {Sanitation Facilities in Somali Households: Evidence From a Multilevel Analysis of the 2020 Health and Demographic Survey}, type = {article}, year = {2025}, keywords = {Somalia,multilevel modelling,risk factors,sanitation facilities}, pages = {1-8}, month = {1}, publisher = {John Wiley & Sons, Ltd}, day = {6}, id = {2041fc1d-38cf-39a3-8313-04a0d4d62b8e}, created = {2025-01-07T09:29:22.948Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2025-02-08T13:48:58.967Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {ABSTRACT Household sanitation facilities are vital for national development, disease prevention, and health. Despite some progress, many countries, including Somalia, cannot meet Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. This study aims to identify the potential factors of utilising sanitation facilities in Somalia using Somalia Health and Demographic Surveys (SHDS)-2020 data. Chi-square test and multilevel models were employed in this study to determine the risk factors of utilising sanitation facilities. Findings revealed that about 41.35% of the respondents lived in urban areas, 46.80% of households were classified as poor, and 87.02% had no education. Several factors significantly influenced access to appropriate sanitation services, including educational level, gender of the household head, family size, and wealth status. Affluent households were 1.11 times more likely to access sanitation than poor, while female-headed households had 1.1 times higher odds than male-headed ones. Findings depict disparities in sanitation access among Somali households, driven by factors such as wealth, gender, and education. Targeted interventions, including financial support for poor households and empowerment initiatives for female heads, are essential. A focus on community education and infrastructure investment is crucial for improving health outcomes in Somalia.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Dahir, Muhyadin Yusuf and Hassan, Mohamed Said and Hossain, Md. Moyazzem}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1002/hpm.3899}, journal = {The International Journal of Health Planning and Management} }
@article{ title = {Investigating time to first birth among women of reproductive age in Bangladesh: a survival analysis of nationwide cross-sectional survey data}, type = {article}, year = {2024}, pages = {2}, volume = {43}, id = {efe52873-72a5-333a-a1c0-71f6f82f643b}, created = {2024-01-02T12:46:12.461Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2024-01-02T12:46:12.461Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {The birth of the first child is an important turning point in a woman’s life as it is the starting point of the demanding responsibilities of motherhood and childcare. This study aimed to explore the waiting time and the significant indicators of time to the first birth of aged 15–49 years of ever-married women in Bangladesh.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Sobhan, Abdus and Moinuddin, Mohammed and Hossain, Md. Moyazzem}, doi = {10.1186/s41043-023-00492-1}, journal = {Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition} }
@article{ title = {Problematic Smartphone Use Among Children Requires Immediate Attention}, type = {article}, year = {2024}, pages = {278-279}, volume = {36}, month = {1}, publisher = {SAGE Publications Inc}, day = {17}, id = {05ea5b1f-c07d-3614-9d3c-25be2d4d9f7b}, created = {2024-01-17T11:58:23.130Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2024-04-10T07:28:53.969Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, notes = {doi: 10.1177/10105395231226284}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Abdulla, Faruq and Huq, Mohammed Nazmul and Hossain, Md Moyazzem}, doi = {10.1177/10105395231226284}, journal = {Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health}, number = {2-3} }
@article{ title = {Exponentiated gamma constant-stress partially accelerated life tests with unified hybrid censored data: Statistical inferences}, type = {article}, year = {2024}, keywords = {Bayesian and E-Bayesian estimation methods,Constant-stress,Exponentiated gamma distribution,MCMC method,Maximum likelihood method,Unified hybrid censoring schemes}, pages = {268-275}, volume = {88}, websites = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1110016823011584}, id = {a93b336b-cc3a-360f-b43f-afca5ea74341}, created = {2024-01-19T23:22:44.524Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2024-01-19T23:22:44.524Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {This study considers one of the partially accelerated life testing models, mainly a constant-stress approach with unified hybrid censored data. The data represents the lifetime of units following the exponentiated gamma distribution (EGD). The estimation techniques for the parameter of EGD and the acceleration factor are discussed, along with the maximum likelihood estimation technique, the Bayesian and E-Bayesian estimation. Utilizing the squared error loss (SEL) and LINEX loss functions, the E-Bayesian and Bayesian estimates are generated. For deriving the estimates of Bayesian and E-Bayesian approaches, we use the MCMC method. Real-world data is also provided for illustration. Furthermore, unified hybrid censoring schemes (HCSs) are examined to determine their effectiveness in the light of the results. In the end, we compare among the proposed methods during their findings. The study's findings demonstrate how well the suggested techniques work when utilizing unified HCS. The study also makes clear how important it is to adopt the CSPALT model, as it yields more failed things in a shorter amount of time than items with typical use situations. In conclusion, it is suggested that this research be used to tasks like industrial product reliability testing.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Alrashidi, Afaf and Rabie, Abdalla and Mahmoud, Ahmed A and Nasr, Said G and Mustafa, Manahil SidAhmed and Mutairi, Aned Al and Hussam, Eslam and Hossain, Md. Moyazzem}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aej.2023.12.066}, journal = {Alexandria Engineering Journal} }
@article{ title = {Bridging the Gap: The Imperative for Workplace Childcare to Empower Working Mothers}, type = {article}, year = {2024}, pages = {291-292}, volume = {36}, month = {2}, publisher = {SAGE Publications Inc}, day = {12}, id = {259687d1-ee3b-32a2-80fe-c15e861f0d83}, created = {2024-03-22T06:55:04.493Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2024-04-10T07:28:53.958Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, notes = {doi: 10.1177/10105395241230747}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md. Moyazzem and Abdulla, Faruq}, doi = {10.1177/10105395241230747}, journal = {Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health}, number = {2-3} }
@article{ title = {Measuring the impact of responsible factors on CO2 emission using generalized additive model (GAM)}, type = {article}, year = {2024}, keywords = {Bangladesh,CO2 emissions,Generalized additive model,Nonparametric model}, pages = {e25416-e25416}, volume = {10}, websites = {http://www.cell.com/article/S2405844024014476/fulltext,http://www.cell.com/article/S2405844024014476/abstract,https://www.cell.com/heliyon/abstract/S2405-8440(24)01447-6}, publisher = {Elsevier Ltd}, id = {d072cc0c-38a8-33fc-8c8e-fc2bf7ecda7f}, created = {2024-03-22T06:55:04.839Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2024-03-22T06:55:04.839Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {The indicators of economic and sustainable development ultimately significantly depend on carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in every country. In Bangladesh, there is an increasing trend in population, industrialization, as well as electricity demand generated from different sources, ultimately increasing CO2 emissions. This study explores the relationship between CO2 emissions and other significant relevant indicators. Moreover, the authors aimed to identify which model is effective at predicting CO2 emissions and assess the accuracy of the prediction of different models. The secondary data from 1971 to 2020, was collected from the World Bank and the Bangladesh Road Transport Authority's publicly accessible website. The generalized additive model (GAM), the polynomial regression (PR), and multiple linear regression (MLR) were used for modeling CO2 emissions. The model performance is evaluated using the Bayesian information criterion (BIC), Akaike information criterion (AIC), Root mean square error (RMSE), R-square, and mean square error (MSE). Results revealed that there are few multicollinearity problems in the datasets and exhibit a nonlinear relationship among CO2 emissions. Among the models considered in this study, the GAM model has the lowest value of RMSE = 0.008, MSE = 0.000063, AIC = −303.21, BIC = −266.64 and the highest value of R-squared = 0.996 compared to the MLR and PR models, suggesting the most appropriate model in predicting CO2 emissions in Bangladesh. Findings revealed that the total CO2 emissions and other relevant risk factors is non-linear. The study suggests that the Generalized additive model regression technique can be used as an effective tool for predicting CO2 emissions in Bangladesh. The authors believed that the findings would be helpful to policymakers in designing effective strategies in the areas of a low-carbon economy, encouraging the use of renewable energy sources, and focusing on technological advancement that reduces CO2 emissions and ensures a sustainable environment in Bangladesh.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Amin, Ruhul and Ar Salan, Md Sifat and Hossain, Md Moyazzem}, doi = {10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e25416}, journal = {Heliyon}, number = {4} }
@article{ title = {Mental health challenges among biologically female sex workers}, type = {article}, year = {2024}, pages = {9}, volume = {2}, id = {826076b5-f66d-3a93-b64c-accd94d76a24}, created = {2024-04-10T07:25:21.204Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2024-04-10T07:25:21.204Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Female sex workers (FSWs) are referred to as women who consensually exchange sexual intercourse for money or other goods, as a livelihood activity. FSWs are at a higher threat of experiencing violence committed by clients, brothel owners, law enforcement personnel, police, non-paying or intimate partners, families, neighbors, and peers. Traumatic experiences can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression, and other mental health disorders. Additionally, the constant need to negotiate boundaries, handle difficult clients, and navigate potentially dangerous situations can create chronic stress and exacerbate mental health challenges. As a result, FSWs have a very high propensity for suicidal thoughts, suicide attempts, and other mental disorders. Therefore, it is essential to consider their voices and perspectives when discussing policies, programs, and interventions aimed at supporting their mental health and well-being.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Abdulla, Faruq and Huq, Mohammed Nazmul and Hossain, Md. Moyazzem}, doi = {10.1038/s44294-024-00013-3}, journal = {npj Women's Health} }
@article{ title = {A new hybrid odd exponential-Φ family: Properties and applications}, type = {article}, year = {2024}, pages = {45203}, volume = {14}, websites = {https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0187731}, month = {4}, day = {2}, id = {282e166b-18bd-32f9-a07a-33cac24b6d2c}, created = {2024-04-10T07:28:53.643Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2024-04-10T07:28:53.643Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {The paper introduces the hybrid odd exponential-Φ (HOE-Φ) family, a novel framework for generating a continuous distribution characterized by an additional parameter. The extensive statistical properties of this family are derived and explored in detail. Parameter estimation is performed using the maximum likelihood estimation technique. The efficacy and versatility of the proposed model are demonstrated through a comparative analysis involving two distinct real-world datasets.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Mahdi, Ghanam A and Khaleel, Mundher A and Gemeay, Ahmed M and Nagy, M and Mansi, A H and Hossain, Md. Moyazzem and Hussam, Eslam}, doi = {10.1063/5.0187731}, journal = {AIP Advances}, number = {4} }
@article{ title = {Age and sex-specific disability-free life expectancy in urban and rural settings of Bangladesh}, type = {article}, year = {2024}, pages = {7}, volume = {22}, id = {afcaf132-6f97-34fd-92ee-5d26be22334b}, created = {2024-04-20T10:10:21.071Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2024-04-20T10:10:21.071Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Disability-free life expectancy (DFLE) has been used to gain a better understanding of the population’s quality of life.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Ahmed, Khandaker Tanveer and Afrin, Aziza and Hasan, Mehedi and Sogir, Sajjad Bin and Rahman, Labiba and Karimuzzaman, Md. and Rahman, Kazi Arifur and Hossain, Md. Moyazzem and Khan, Hafiz T A}, doi = {10.1186/s12963-024-00327-z}, journal = {Population Health Metrics} }
@article{ title = {Comparison of some Bayesian estimation methods for type-I generalized extreme value distribution with simulation}, type = {article}, year = {2024}, keywords = {Bayesian shrinkage estimator,Linear exponential loss function,Maximum likelihood estimation,Shrinkage pre-test,Squared loss function,Weibull distribution}, pages = {356-363}, volume = {98}, websites = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1110016824004253}, id = {f5ca97a9-5d23-3c16-9419-f2cef8b994e0}, created = {2024-05-11T14:35:22.374Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2024-05-11T14:35:53.344Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {The Weibull distribution is considered one of the Type-I Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) distribution, and it plays a crucial role in modeling extreme events in various fields, such as hydrology, finance, and environmental sciences. Bayesian methods play a strong, decisive role in estimating the parameters of the GEV distribution due to their ability to incorporate prior knowledge and handle small sample sizes effectively. In this research, we compare several shrinkage Bayesian estimation methods based on the squared error and the linear exponential loss functions. They were adopted and compared by the Monte Carlo simulation method. The performance of these methods is assessed based on their accuracy and computational efficiency in estimating the scale parameter of the Weibull distribution. To evaluate their performance, we generate simulated datasets with different sample sizes and varying parameter values. A technique for pre-estimation shrinkage is suggested to enhance the precision of estimation. Simulation experiments proved that the Bayesian shrinkage estimator and shrinkage pre-estimation under the squared loss function method are better than the other methods because they give the least mean square error. Overall, our findings highlight the advantages of shrinkage Bayesian estimation methods for the proposed distribution. Researchers and practitioners in fields reliant on extreme value analysis can benefit from these findings when selecting appropriate Bayesian estimation techniques for modeling extreme events accurately and efficiently.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Habeeb, Sundos Bader and Abdullah, Fatima K and Shalan, Rehab Noori and Hassan, Amal S and Almetwally, Ehab M and Alghamdi, Fatimah M and Alsheikh, Sara Mohamed Ahmed and Hossain, Md Moyazzem}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aej.2024.04.042}, journal = {Alexandria Engineering Journal} }
@book{ title = {Scientific Data Analysis with R: Biostatistical Applications}, type = {book}, year = {2024}, pages = {1-412}, publisher = {Chapman & Hall/CRC}, city = {Boca Raton, USA}, edition = {1}, id = {99b4fab2-335e-313b-b132-fb640895214e}, created = {2024-05-26T08:28:28.710Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2024-09-08T16:04:49.517Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {book}, author = {Rahman, Azizur and Abdulla, Faruq and Hossain, Md Moyazzem} }
@article{ title = {Determinants of stunting among under-five children: Evidence from Cambodian Demographic and Health Survey 2021–2022}, type = {article}, year = {2024}, keywords = {Boruta algorithm,logistic regression,stunting,under-five children}, pages = {e13291}, volume = {50}, websites = {https://doi.org/10.1111/cch.13291}, month = {7}, publisher = {John Wiley & Sons, Ltd}, day = {1}, id = {22ee6370-7592-3da8-a9ef-81d096db5172}, created = {2024-06-28T06:10:41.569Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2024-06-28T06:10:41.569Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Abstract Background Epidemiological and nutritional modifications are causing an increase in stunting in many low- and middle-income countries (LMIC), which will eventually result in juvenile diseases and mortality. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the influential factors contributing to stunting among under-five children in Cambodia. Methods A secondary dataset consisting of 3268 under-five children was extracted from the latest Cambodian Demographic and Health Survey (CDHS)-2021/2022 dataset. The Chi-square test and Boruta algorithm were used for covariate selection, and logistic regression approaches were used to determine the influence of demographic, socioeconomic and other factors on the presence of stunting. Results Findings revealed that about 21% of under-five children were stunted, and the prevalence of stunting was higher in rural areas than in urban areas. The prevalence of child stunting was lower in families with highly educated parents. A child whose father had a secondary education had 0.71 times lower (adjusted odds ratio [AOR]: 0.71, 95% CI: 0.520?0.969) chance of stunting than a child whose father had no education. Findings revealed that Ratnak Kiri, Mondul Kiri, Stung Treng, Pursat and Kampot had a greater prevalence of stunting than other places, ranging from 27.11% to 35.70%, whereas Banteay Meanchey, Phnom Penh and Kandal had the lowest rates, ranging from 12.80% to 16.00%. Results of the Boruta algorithm and logistic regression suggested that under-five stunting is significantly influenced by factors such as the child's age, size at birth, mother's age at first birth, mother's body mass index (BMI), father's educational status, cooking fuel, and wealth index. Conclusions It is necessary to take initiatives for reducing the prevalence of stunted children prioritising the identified factors that ultimately help to reduce the burden of child health. The authors believed that the findings of this study will be helpful for policymakers in designing the appropriate policies and actions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by reducing stunting among under-five children in Cambodia.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Sumon, Imran Hossain and Akter, Suchana and Sujon, Md. Sazzad Hossan and Alam, Muhammad Khairul and Yasmin, Sabina and Yeasmin, Sabina and Kabir, Mohammad Alamgir and Hossain, Md. Moyazzem}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1111/cch.13291}, journal = {Child: Care, Health and Development}, number = {4} }
@article{ title = {Fitting COVID-19 datasets to a new statistical model}, type = {article}, year = {2024}, pages = {85110}, volume = {14}, month = {8}, day = {7}, id = {36ca5f66-1d12-313f-9855-4ea59632b824}, created = {2024-08-09T08:29:16.605Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2024-08-09T08:29:16.605Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {This paper discussed gull alpha power Weibull distribution with a three-parameter. Different statistical inference methods of Gull Alpha Power Weibull distribution parameters have been obtained, estimated, and evaluated. Then, the results are compared to find a suitable model. The unknown parameters of the published Gull Alpha Power Weibull distribution are analyzed. Seven estimation methods are maximum likelihood, Anderson–Darling, right-tail Anderson–Darling, Cramér–von Mises, ordinary least-squares, weighted least-squares, and maximum product of spacing. In addition, the performance of this distribution is computed using the Monte Carlo method, and the limited sample features of parameter estimates for the proposed distribution are analyzed. In light of the importance of heavy-tailed distributions, actuarial approaches are employed. Applying actuarial criteria such as value at risk and tail value at risk to the suggested distribution shows that the model under study has a larger tail than the Weibull distribution. Two real-world COVID-19 infection datasets are used to evaluate the distribution. We analyze the existence and uniqueness of the log-probability roots to establish that they represent the global maximum. We conclude by summarizing the outcomes reported in this study.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Gemeay, Ahmed M and Tashkandy, Yusra A and Bakr, M E and Kumar, Anoop and Hossain, Md. Moyazzem and Almetwally, Ehab M}, doi = {10.1063/5.0214473}, journal = {AIP Advances}, number = {8} }
@article{ title = {Data Science in Practice, First English Edition . Tom Alby , 2024 . CRC Press , 2385 NW Executive Center Dr, Suite 320, Boca Raton, FL , 33431. XVI + 301 pp., £45.59 (Paperback), £116.00 (hardcover). ISBN 9781032505268}, type = {article}, year = {2024}, pages = {qnae081}, month = {8}, day = {16}, id = {47e57b65-4ee2-3a45-8dde-16617efd430a}, created = {2024-08-31T15:07:22.044Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2024-08-31T15:07:22.044Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {In the era of data-driven decision-making, data science plays a crucial role in making efficient and effective decisions in all research fields. This book is a great attempt to efficiently demonstrate the tools in the statistical language R with an extensive collection of examples, error notes, tools for making decisions, and other useful advice. This book offers a comprehensive overview of the concepts and methods used frequently in data science along with in-depth details on the underlying theories, models, and application situations.This book, which is organized into three main sections, discusses the concept of data science, its applications and contexts, and how to use contemporary open-source software to put it into practice. In Chapters 1 and 2, the authors highlight the concepts of data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence, the necessities of learning R, and data science projects. The names of more programming languages, including Python, Julia, etc., were stated by the author in Chapter 4. However, R installation and its fundamental features occupy almost this entire chapter. Chapter 5 includes R scripts, outputs, and implementations for exploratory data analysis. From Chapters 6–9, several modelling techniques for forecasting, clustering, classification, and association rules are covered together with examples, R programs, and results interpretation that will help you comprehend the theories and applications. These might improve readers’ comprehension of how to manage their own projects.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md Moyazzem}, doi = {10.1093/jrsssa/qnae081}, journal = {Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society} }
@article{ title = {Strategic investment and program effectiveness: a roadmap to ending AIDS in Bangladesh by 2030}, type = {article}, year = {2024}, pages = {1690-1703}, volume = {36}, publisher = {Taylor & Francis}, id = {5e26f3e8-9bd3-3f35-937e-340b39e88081}, created = {2024-09-11T13:48:20.737Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2024-11-08T03:59:15.389Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, notes = {doi: 10.1080/09540121.2024.2397132}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Huq, Mohammed Nazmul and Khan, Saima and Yasmin, Sabina and Hossain, Md. Moyazzem}, doi = {10.1080/09540121.2024.2397132}, journal = {AIDS Care}, number = {11} }
@article{ title = {Determining the influential factors of postnatal care in Bangladesh using multilevel logistic regression}, type = {article}, year = {2024}, pages = {e0313424}, volume = {19}, month = {11}, publisher = {Public Library of Science}, day = {7}, id = {a52d4cc0-ab07-3da2-b86d-cebf5bf29e08}, created = {2024-11-08T03:57:12.242Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2024-11-08T03:57:12.242Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Background Postnatal care (PNC) is the care of a newborn and mother for up to six weeks from one hour of placenta birth. The postnatal period is one of the most hazardous stages for mothers and their baby’s health. The PNC is influenced by several maternal, family, biological, and socio-economic factors and it is necessary to identify the most significant factors of PNC. Therefore, the authors focus on determining the significant determinants of postnatal care in Bangladesh. Methods and materials This study is based on a secondary dataset extracted from the Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey (BDHS)-2017/18. Descriptive statistics, chi-square test, and multilevel logistic regression have been used to determine the contributing factors of PNC. Results The rate of postnatal care was highest in Sylhet (73.7%) and lowest in Dhaka (57.1%). Female babies had 10.1% less odds of having postnatal care than male babies. Findings depict that the children with 1–3 siblings have 1. 82 times more odds (odds ratio (OR):1.82, 95% confidence interval (CI):0.03–3.21) of PNC than babies without any siblings. Children who suffered from fever recently had 1.25 times (OR = 1.25, 95% CI:1.09–1.45) more odds of taking PNC than their counterparts. Children of working mothers had 1.33 times (OR:1.33, 95% CI:1.14–1.56) more odds of having PNC than children of non-working mothers. Conclusion The sex of a child, birth order number, place of residence, region, receiving Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine, number of antenatal care visits, having fever recently, number of household members, media exposure, and household facilities are significantly linked with PNC in Bangladesh. To ensure the good health of a child, it is necessary to focus on the targeted groups and put emphasis on the identified variables. The authors believe that the findings will be helpful to the policymakers of Bangladesh to lessen childhood morbidities which will be helpful in achieving the target of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for reducing preventable maternal and under-five deaths by 2030.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Sumon, Imran Hossain and Ar Salan, Md. Sifat and Kabir, Mohammad Alamgir and Majumder, Ajit Kumar and Hossain, Md. Moyazzem}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0313424}, journal = {PLOS ONE}, number = {11} }
@article{ title = {Determinants of vaccination status among Somali children: evidence from a Countrywide cross-sectional survey}, type = {article}, year = {2024}, pages = {837}, volume = {24}, id = {feea175a-f356-361f-8afd-dd985afdd65e}, created = {2024-12-27T08:21:16.855Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2024-12-27T08:21:16.855Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Immunization is the process of administering a vaccine to stimulate the development of immunity against an infectious agent, with the primary goal of preventing the illness that the infection causes. The authors aim to examine determinants of vaccination coverage among Somali children.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hassan, Mohamed Said and Hossain, Md. Moyazzem}, doi = {10.1186/s12887-024-05334-5}, journal = {BMC Pediatrics}, number = {1} }
@inbook{ type = {inbook}, year = {2023}, pages = {123-140}, publisher = {ROUTLEDGE}, edition = {1st}, chapter = {Nowcasting of selected imports and exports of Bangladesh: Comparison among traditional time series model and machine learning models}, id = {671b2d1b-a4e7-3748-b088-1dd61f4a7312}, created = {2022-10-01T21:05:09.879Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2023-04-14T23:17:03.942Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {CHAP}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {inbook}, author = {Hossain, Md Moyazzem and Abdulla, F and Rahman, A}, editor = {Harjule, Priyanka and Rahman, Azizur and Agarwal, Basant and Tiwari, Vinita}, doi = {10.1201/9781003253051-8}, title = {Computational Statistical Methodologies and Modeling for Artificial Intelligence} }
@article{ title = {Factors influencing plasma donation behavior of COVID-19 recovered patients in Bangladesh: A pilot study}, type = {article}, year = {2023}, keywords = {Sars-CoV-2,antibodies sharing,convalescent plasma (cp),correlation matrix,factor analysis}, pages = {e974}, volume = {6}, websites = {https://doi.org/10.1002/hsr2.974}, month = {1}, publisher = {John Wiley & Sons, Ltd}, day = {1}, id = {4ae87d30-7b77-34e8-bf5a-42d7cd08eb24}, created = {2022-12-04T22:18:34.211Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-12-04T22:18:34.211Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, notes = {https://doi.org/10.1002/hsr2.974}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Abstract Background and Aim The COVID-19 pandemic has plagued our lives for more than 2 years, and the preference for convalescent plasma (CP) as a life-saving treatment since CP has proven as a potential therapeutic option for acute COVID-19 patients who were suffering from severe disease. It is important to identify which factors are associated with plasma donation. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the associated factors for CP donation to COVID-19 patients. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted online from December 21, 2021 to February 15, 2022 to identify different socio-demographic factors and knowledge related to CP donation. People who recovered from the COVID-19 infections and those who are willing to participate were included in the study. A total of 60 participants were included in the study. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, correlation matrix, and factor analysis. Results The analysis results confirm that 41.67% (n?=?25) of the participants aged 26?30 years; among the recovered patients, only about 23% (n?=?14) of the participants donated plasma. Though 97% (n?=?58) of the participants agreed to donate plasma when it will be needed, however, when someone asked to donate plasma then 76.67% (n?=?46) of the patients declined it. Findings depict that gender had a weak positive relationship with ever decline in plasma donation at 5% level of significance and the age of the participants inversely related to plasma donation. Conclusion Almost all the recovered participants were willing to donate plasma, however, due to a lack of knowledge and misconception, relatively few people actually did. This study reemphasizes the importance of health education to overcome the misconception about plasma donation, which is crucial for the treatment of COVID-19 infection.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Salma, Nahid and Hossain, Md. Moyazzem and Yasmin, Sabina and Alam, Muhammad Khairul and Rimon, Ahsan Rajvee and Faruque, Jobaer and Ali, Mohammad}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1002/hsr2.974}, journal = {Health Science Reports}, number = {1} }
@article{ title = {Prevalence and risk predictors of childhood stunting in Bangladesh}, type = {article}, year = {2023}, pages = {e0279901}, volume = {18}, month = {1}, publisher = {Public Library of Science}, day = {26}, id = {3c78515b-84b0-33dd-9422-afc07832ded1}, created = {2023-01-26T19:03:03.009Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2023-03-17T21:30:42.933Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Background The child nutritional status of a country is a potential indicator of socioeconomic development. Child malnutrition is still the leading cause of severe health and welfare problems across Bangladesh. The most prevalent form of child malnutrition, stunting, is a serious public health issue in many low and middle-income countries. This study aimed to investigate the heterogeneous effect of some child, maternal, household, and health-related predictors, along with the quantiles of the conditional distribution of Z-score for height-for-age (HAZ) of under five children in Bangladesh. Methods and materials In this study, a sample of 8,321 children under five years of age was studied from BDHS-2017-18. The chi-square test was mainly used to identify the significant predictors of the HAZ score and sequential quantile regression was used to estimate the heterogeneous effect of the significant predictors at different quantiles of the conditional HAZ distribution. Results The findings revealed that female children were significantly shorter than their male counterparts except at the 75th quantile. It was also discovered that children aged 7–47 months were disadvantaged, but children aged 48–59 months were advantaged in terms of height over children aged 6 months or younger. Moreover, children with a higher birth order had significantly lower HAZ scores than 1st birth order children. In addition, home delivery, the duration of breastfeeding, and the BCG vaccine and vitamin A received status were found to have varied significant negative associations with the HAZ score. As well, seven or fewer antenatal care visits was negatively associated with the HAZ score, but more than seven antenatal care visits was positively associated with the HAZ score. Additionally, children who lived in urban areas and whose mothers were over 18 years and either normal weight or overweight had a significant height advantage. Furthermore, parental secondary or higher education had a significant positive but varied effect across the conditional HAZ distribution, except for the mother’s education, at the 50th quantile. Children from wealthier families were also around 0.30 standard deviations (SD) taller than those from the poorest families. Religion also had a significant relationship with the conditional HAZ distribution in favor of non-Muslim children. Conclusions To enhance children’s nutritional levels, intervention measures should be designed considering the estimated heterogeneous effect of the risk factors. This would accelerate the progress towards achieving the targets of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to child and maternal health in Bangladesh by 2030.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Abdulla, Faruq and Rahman, Azizur and Hossain, Md. Moyazzem}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0279901}, journal = {PLOS ONE}, number = {1} }
@article{ title = {Risk factors of caesarean deliveries in urban–rural areas of Bangladesh}, type = {article}, year = {2023}, pages = {1101400}, volume = {5}, id = {ddc6d479-694e-362c-b6c0-2f3584766ffb}, created = {2023-02-15T22:30:25.455Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2023-02-15T22:30:25.455Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {<sec>Background and aimsThe key interest of this research is to identify the causes of the ongoing increasing trends in caesarean section or C-section (CS) deliveries in both urban and rural areas of Bangladesh.</sec><sec>MethodsThis study analyzed all Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey (BDHS) datasets through Chi-square and z tests and the multivariable logistic regression model.</sec><sec>ResultsCS deliveries were found to be more prevalent in urban than in rural areas of Bangladesh. Mothers above 19 years, above 16 years at first birth, overweight mothers, those with higher educational levels, those who received more than one antenatal care (ANC) visit, fathers having secondary/higher education degrees and employed as workers or in business, and mothers living in wealthy households in the cities of Dhaka, Khulna, Mymensingh, Rajshahi, and Rangpur divisions had a significantly higher likelihood of CS deliveries in urban areas. Contrastingly, mothers with ages between 20 and 39 years, above 20 years at first birth, normal weight/overweight mothers, those with primary to higher level of education, those in the business profession, fathers who also received primary to higher education, mothers who received more than one ANC visit, and those living in wealthy households in Dhaka, Khulna, Mymensingh, Rajshahi, and Rangpur divisions were more likely to have CS deliveries in rural areas. The 45–49 age group mothers had a five times higher likelihood of CS deliveries [odds ratio (OR): 5.39] in urban areas than in rural areas. Wealthy mothers were more likely to be CS-delivered in urban (OR: 4.84) than in rural areas (OR: 3.67).</sec><sec>ConclusionThe findings reveal a gradual upward alarming trend in CS deliveries with an unequal contribution of significant determinants in urban and rural areas of Bangladesh. Therefore, integrated community-level awareness programs are an urgent need in accordance with the findings on the risks of CS and the benefits of vaginal deliveries in this country.</sec>}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Abdulla, Faruq and Hossain, Md. Moyazzem and Rahman, Md. Mahabubur and Rahman, Md. Siddikur and Rahman, Azizur}, doi = {10.3389/frph.2023.1101400}, journal = {Frontiers in Reproductive Health} }
@article{ title = {Prevalence, determinants and consequences of problematic smartphone use among preschoolers (3–5 years) from Dhaka, Bangladesh: A cross-sectional investigation}, type = {article}, year = {2023}, keywords = {Bangladesh,Cognitive development,Mental and physical health problem,Preschooler,Problematic smartphone use,Smartphone}, pages = {413-427}, volume = {329}, id = {48b5cc5b-03cb-39f0-bee4-35e9461db6a4}, created = {2023-03-02T20:18:28.941Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2023-04-13T18:33:37.799Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {The problematic smartphone use (PSU) has been becoming a challenging health issue for preschoolers aged 3–5 years as it has severe adverse effect on their psychological, physical, and cognitive development. The scarcity of scientific research on this issue in the context of Bangladesh motivated the authors for conducting this cross-sectional study to explore the prevalence of PSU with its influential factors and adverse effects on preschooler's psychological and physical development based on primary data collected from 400 mothers. The multivariable ordinal logistic regression (OLR) was used to compute the adjusted likelihoods. The estimated prevalence of PSU was approximately 86 %, where about 29 % were severely problematic user. The likelihood of preschoolers' PSU was observed to increase with >1 h/day usage of smartphone by children (Adjusted Odds Ratio (AOR): 3.92). Other important factors were parental smartphone use, education, profession, family income, and mother's age. Both of moderate and severe PSU had adverse effect on preschoolers' health- severe PSU was found to increase the likelihood of psychological and physical problems by 6.03 and 3.29 times, respectively. The preschoolers with PSU reported to suffer from many physical and mental health problems such as attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), emotional instability, aggressiveness, depression, lack of control, impaired vision and hearing, obesity, body imbalance, and lack of brain development. It is now prime time to undertake strategic policies considering the findings for limiting the preschoolers' usage of smartphone, which will make Bangladesh susceptible to protect its future generation from harmful effects of PSU.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Abdulla, Faruq and Hossain, Md. Moyazzem and Huq, Mohammed Nazmul and Hai, Abdul and Rahman, Azizur and Kabir, Russell and Peya, Farhana Jahan and Islam, Sinigdha and Khan, T A Hafiz}, doi = {10.1016/j.jad.2023.02.094}, journal = {Journal of Affective Disorders} }
@article{ title = {The Exponentiated Cotangent Generalized Distributions: Characteristics and Applications Patients of Chemotherapy Treatments Data}, type = {article}, year = {2023}, pages = {35697 - 35709}, volume = {11}, id = {7a96d414-8d4f-3c5e-92bc-4d38fb5d8ef2}, created = {2023-03-13T21:08:36.309Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2023-04-14T23:13:41.728Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Tashkandy, Y A and Nagy, M and Akbar, M and Mahmood, Z and Gemeay, A M and Hossain, M M and Muse, A H}, doi = {10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3256525}, journal = {IEEE Access} }
@article{ title = {The novel Kumaraswamy power Frechet distribution with data analysis related to diverse scientific areas}, type = {article}, year = {2023}, keywords = {Kumaraswamy-G family,Mean square error,Moments,Monte Carlo simulation,Power Frechet distribution}, pages = {651-664}, volume = {70}, websites = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1110016823001576}, id = {3e0545d9-7e92-3775-9db8-6da660298b05}, created = {2023-03-16T22:06:27.201Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2023-03-16T22:06:27.201Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {The study’s major goal is to design a superior creative distribution by using the Kumaraswamy-G family of distributions to power Frechet distribution. The Kumaraswamy power Frechet distribution (KPFD) with four parameters is the full name of the revolutionary model. The distribution’s probability density function may take numerous forms and graphs and can be used to describe complicated data sets efficiently. Several features of the new distribution are obtained, including dependability, hazard rate, quantile, and moments. The estimation of the unknown parameters of KPFD are provided using the KPFD maximum likelihood estimation technique. Furthermore, a study was performed using the Monte Carlo simulation approach to test estimator accuracy regarding average bias (AB) and mean square error (MSE). Last but not least, two genuine data sets are supplied to compare the proposed model to existing models.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Alsadat, Najwan and Ahmad, Aijaz and Jallal, Muzamil and Gemeay, Ahmed M and Meraou, Mohammed A and Hussam, Eslam and M.Elmetwally, Ehab and Hossain, Md. Moyazzem}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aej.2023.03.003}, journal = {Alexandria Engineering Journal} }
@article{ title = {Modeling COVID-19 Real Data Set by a New Extension of Haq Distribution}, type = {article}, year = {2023}, keywords = {COVID-19,Haq distribution,estimation,modeling,simulation}, pages = {327}, volume = {12}, id = {39be0bbb-96bf-386f-bedd-b8d98bee523b}, created = {2023-03-28T22:11:19.472Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2023-03-28T22:11:19.472Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {EJOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Modeling real-life pandemics is very important; this study focuses on introducing a new superior flexible extension of the asymmetric Haq distribution known as the power Haq distribution (PHD). The most fundamental mathematical properties are derived. We determine its parameters using ten estimation methods. The asymptotic behavior of its estimators is investigated through simulation, and a comparison is done to find out the most efficient method for estimating the parameters of the distribution under consideration. We use a sample for the COVID-19 data set to evaluate the proposed model’s performance and usefulness in fitting the data set in comparison to other well-known models.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Tashkandy, Yusra and Bakr, Mahmoud E and Gemeay, Ahmed M and Hussam, Eslam and Abd El-Raouf, Mahmoud M and Hossain, Md M}, doi = {10.3390/axioms12040327}, journal = {Axioms}, number = {4} }
@article{ title = {Relationships between total reserve and financial indicators of Bangladesh: Application of generalized additive model}, type = {article}, year = {2023}, pages = {e0284179}, volume = {18}, publisher = {Public Library of Science}, id = {056e2534-af30-381c-8fc7-8eab595b6f14}, created = {2023-04-08T10:08:20.899Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2023-04-13T18:33:17.441Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Background The reserve of a country is a reflection of the strength of fulfilling its financial liabilities. However, during the past several years, a regular variation of the total reserve has been observed on a global scale. The reserve of Bangladesh is also influenced by several economic and financial indicators such as total debt, net foreign assets, net domestic credit, inflation GDP deflator, net exports (% of GDP), and imports of goods and services (% of GDP), as well as foreign direct investment, GNI growth, official exchange rate, personal remittances, and so on. Therefore, the authors aimed to identify the nature of the relationship and influence of economic indicators on the total reserve of Bangladesh using a suitable statistical model. Methods and materials To meet the objective of this study, the secondary data set was extracted from the World Bank’s website which is openly accessible over the period 1976 to 2020. Moreover, the model used the appropriate splines to describe the non-linearity. The performance of the model was evaluated by the Akaike information criterion (AIC), Bayesian information criterion (BIC), and adjusted R-square. Results The total reserve of Bangladesh gradually increased since 2001, and it reached its peak in 2020 which was 43172 billion US dollars. The data were first utilized to build a multiple linear regression model as a base model, but it was later found that the model has severe multicollinearity problems, with a maximum value of VIF for GNI of 499.63. Findings revealed that total debt, inflation, import, and export are showing a non-linear relationship with the total reserve in Bangladesh. Therefore, the authors applied the Generalized Additive Model (GAM) model to take advantage of the nonlinear relationship between the reserve and the selected covariates. The overall response, which is linearly tied to the net foreign asset in the GAM model, will change by 14.43 USD for every unit change in the net foreign asset. It is observed that the GAM model performs better than the multiple linear regression. Conclusion A non-linear relationship is observed between the total reserve and different economic indicators of Bangladesh. The authors believed that this study will be beneficial to the government, monetary authorities also to the people of the country to better understand the economy.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Salan, Md. Sifat Ar and Naznin, Mahabuba and Pandit, Bristy and Sumon, Imran Hossain and Hossain, Md. Moyazzem and Kabir, Mohammad Alamgir and Majumder, Ajit Kumar}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0284179}, journal = {PLOS ONE}, number = {4} }
@article{ title = {New logarithmic type imputation techniques in presence of measurement errors}, type = {article}, year = {2023}, keywords = {Imputation,Measurement errors,Missing data}, pages = {707-730}, volume = {71}, id = {a70c3eba-84b1-36f2-bb85-4a809d1009b6}, created = {2023-04-08T10:59:22.904Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2023-04-29T15:11:44.255Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Several imputation techniques have been constructed to sort out the missing data issue. However, there are few papers that address the missing data issue in measurement error (ME). This article proposes some logarithmic type imputation techniques to tackle the missing data issue when the data are commingled with ME. The proffered imputation techniques’ mean square error is calculated to a first order approximation. The relative performance of the suggested imputation techniques against the contemporary imputation techniques is performed. Furthermore, the theoretical results are exemplified using an extensive simulation study based on artificially generated population. The appropriate recommendations have been suggested to the surveyors for real-life problems.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Bhushan, Shashi and Kumar, Anoop and Shukla, Shivam and Bakr, M E and Tashkandy, Yusra A and Hossain, Md. Moyazzem}, doi = {10.1016/j.aej.2023.03.035}, journal = {Alexandria Engineering Journal} }
@article{ title = {Prevalence and risk factors of underweight among under-5 children in Bangladesh: evidence from a countrywide cross-sectional study}, type = {article}, year = {2023}, pages = {e0284797}, volume = {18}, id = {2448d47b-b97d-30c4-98c5-0c730331a67c}, created = {2023-04-13T18:29:49.930Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2023-04-24T17:58:16.683Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md. Moyazzem and Abdulla, Faruq and Rahman, Azizur}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0284797}, journal = {PLoS ONE}, number = {4} }
@article{ title = {Estimating the potato farming efficiency: A comparative study between stochastic frontier analysis and data envelopment analysis}, type = {article}, year = {2023}, pages = {e0284391}, volume = {18}, publisher = {Public Library of Science}, id = {46ac71ee-bcdc-3bff-89c2-178c5ea07f5a}, created = {2023-04-13T18:30:10.195Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2023-04-13T18:32:20.647Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Background The government of Bangladesh has been trying to encourage potato consumption to reduce pressure on rice consumption and earn foreign currency along with ensuring zero hunger that helps to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal. It is necessary to use farmers’ resources and current technology more efficiently to meet the demand. Therefore, the authors aimed to evaluate the farm-level efficiency of potato farming in Bangladesh. Methods and materials The Cobb-Douglas Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) and the input-oriented Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) methods are used to compute farm-level technical, allocative, and economic efficiencies and inefficiency of potato farming. The primary data were collected through interviews of 300 potato farmers from Munshigonj, Rangpur, Dinajpur, and Joypurhat districts of Bangladesh. Results The findings revealed that the efficiency score of the SFA model is higher than the DEA model, which implies that the SFA frontier fits better than the DEA frontier. In the case of DEA, variable returns to scale (VRS) technical efficiency (TE) enveloped data more closely than constant returns to scale (CRS) TE. Results of efficiency suggest significant economic, technical, and allocative inefficiencies in potato farming and there is a scope to increase potato production levels through efficiency improvement. Inefficiency analysis shows that infrastructure and socio-economic factors jointly influence potato production variability. Conclusions The authors suggest for using the SFA to find efficiencies in the agriculture sector. To achieve efficiency in potato production, the government needs to pay attention for improving the allocative and economic efficiencies along with emphasizing to choose the appropriate technology and efficient use of resources for the scale of operation.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Sultana, Shamima and Hossain, Md. Moyazzem and Haque, Md. Nurul}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0284391}, journal = {PLOS ONE}, number = {4} }
@article{ title = {The Inverse XLindley Distribution: Properties and Application}, type = {article}, year = {2023}, pages = {47272-47281}, volume = {11}, id = {57d1a0c9-ce04-3a82-9b09-9226f3c54e54}, created = {2023-04-29T15:11:44.052Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2023-05-23T22:31:36.371Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Beghriche, A and Tashkandy, Y A and Bakr, M E and Halim, Z and Gemeay, A M and Hossain, M M and Muse, A H}, doi = {10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3271604}, journal = {IEEE Access} }
@article{ title = {The Markov Bernoulli Lomax with Applications Censored and COVID-19 Drought Mortality Rate Data}, type = {article}, year = {2023}, keywords = {Markov Bernoulli Lomax distribution,Markov Bernoulli geometric model,P-P plot,censored data,countable mixture,model selections}, pages = {439}, volume = {12}, id = {85136f57-9596-37d7-8173-127a2e71643d}, created = {2023-04-29T15:11:44.063Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2023-04-29T15:11:44.063Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {EJOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {In this article, we present a Markov Bernoulli Lomax (MB-L) model, which is obtained by a countable mixture of Markov Bernoulli and Lomax distributions, with decreasing and unimodal hazard rate function (HRF). The new model contains Marshall- Olkin Lomax and Lomax distributions as a special case. The mathematical properties, as behavior of probability density function (PDF), HRF, rth moments, moment generating function (MGF) and minimum (maximum) Markov-Bernoulli Geometric (MBG) stable are studied. Moreover, the estimates of the model parameters by maximum likelihood are obtained. The maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), bias and mean squared error (MSE) of MB-L parameters are inspected by simulation study. Finally, a MB-L distribution was fitted to the randomly censored and COVID-19 (complete) data.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Mohammed, Bahady I and Tashkandy, Yusra A and El-Raouf, Mohmoud M Abd and Hossain, Md. Moyazzem and Bakr, Mahmoud E}, doi = {10.3390/axioms12050439}, journal = {Axioms}, number = {5} }
@article{ title = {New hyperbolic sine-generator with an example of Rayleigh distribution: Simulation and data analysis in industry}, type = {article}, year = {2023}, keywords = {Ageing indicators,Hyperbolic sine function,Maximum likelihood estimation,Moments,Rayleigh distribution,Simulation}, pages = {415-426}, volume = {73}, id = {1305abd6-2af3-38ae-bdb0-854e3a7e7d8c}, created = {2023-05-12T09:16:00.519Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2023-05-18T09:45:30.679Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {This study focuses on a novel family of distributions inspired by the hyperbolic sine function. The Rayleigh distribution is the base model for the newly formed family of distributions known as the new hyperbolic Sine-Rayleigh distribution. The recommended distribution’s distinct structural traits have been examined. The behaviors of the distributional functions of the proposed model are depicted in several figures. The maximum likelihood estimation procedure is employed to estimate the specified distribution parameters. A simulation study was carried out to examine and evaluate the behavior of the estimators. Moreover, the efficacy of the specified distribution is supported by realistic data sets pertaining to engineering science.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Ahmad, Aijaz and Alsadat, Najwan and Atchadé, Mintodê Nicodème and Qurat ul Ain, S and Gemeay, Ahmed M and Meraou, Mohammed Amine and Almetwally, Ehab M and Hossain, Md. Moyazzem and Hussam, Eslam}, doi = {10.1016/j.aej.2023.04.048}, journal = {Alexandria Engineering Journal} }
@article{ title = {Corrigendum to “Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of children in Bangladesh: A cross-sectional study” [Child. Youth Serv. Rev. 117 (2020) 105277]}, type = {article}, year = {2023}, pages = {107028}, volume = {152}, id = {d62515fa-27da-369a-a040-af6230dda384}, created = {2023-05-31T22:38:12.477Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2023-09-11T17:39:32.543Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {COVID-19 pandemic poses a significant mental health threat among children in Bangladesh. This study aims to explore the impact of COVID-19 on the mental health of children during the lockdown in Bangladesh. An online cross-sectional study was conducted from 25th April to 9th May 2020 among 384 parents having at least one child aged between 5–15 years using non-probability sampling. K-means clustering used to group children according to mental health score and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) performed to identify the relationship among the parental behavior and child mental health, and also these associations were assessed through chi-square test. Children were classified into four groups where 43% of child had subthreshold mental disturbances (mean Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)-10; 2.8), 30.5% had mild (mean MDD-10; 8.9), 19.3% suffered moderately (mean MDD-10; 15.9), and 7.2% of child suffered from severe disturbances (mean MDD-10; 25.2). The higher percentage of mental health disturbances of children with the higher education level of parents, relative infected by COVID-19 (yes), parents still need to go the workplace (yes), and parent’s abnormal behavior but lower to their counterparts. This paper demonstrates large proportions of children are suffering from mental health disturbances in Bangladesh during the period of lockdown. Implementation of psychological intervention strategies and improvement in house-hold financial conditions, literacy of parents, taking care of children, and job security may help in improving the psychological/mental status of children and the authors believe that the findings will be beneficial to accelerate the rate of achieving the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) linked to health status in Bangladesh.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Yeasmin, Sabina and Banik, Rajon and Hossain, Sorif and Hossain, Md. Nazmul and Mahumud, Raju and Salma, Nahid and Hossain, Md. Moyazzem}, doi = {10.1016/j.childyouth.2023.107028}, journal = {Children and Youth Services Review} }
@article{ title = {Determinants of coexisting forms of undernutrition among under- five children : Evidence from the Bangladesh demographic and health surveys}, type = {article}, year = {2023}, pages = {5258-5269}, volume = {11}, id = {fa55f59d-5138-3f76-b8e6-3f0bbe00b0d1}, created = {2023-06-09T12:55:58.981Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2023-09-11T17:38:25.056Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Sumon, Imran Hossain and Hossain, Md. Moyazzem and Ar Salan, Md. Sifat and Kabir, Mohammad Alamgir and Majumder, Ajit Kumar}, doi = {10.1002/fsn3.3484}, journal = {Food Science & Nutrition}, number = {9} }
@article{ title = {Child nutrition requires affordable healthy food}, type = {article}, year = {2023}, pages = {1115}, volume = {380}, month = {6}, publisher = {American Association for the Advancement of Science}, day = {16}, id = {a1e04c90-107e-3c9a-b418-2730d529efb1}, created = {2023-06-15T21:37:20.015Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2024-06-28T06:09:46.151Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, notes = {doi: 10.1126/science.adi3972}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md Moyazzem and Huq, Mohammed Nazmul and Abdulla, Faruq}, doi = {10.1126/science.adi3972}, journal = {Science}, number = {6650} }
@article{ title = {Exploring the Prevalence, Duration and Determinants of Participation in Household Chores Among Children Aged 5–17 Years in Bangladesh}, type = {article}, year = {2023}, pages = {2107–2124}, volume = {16}, id = {9187d404-c838-3e90-9e5c-f275aa5dacc8}, created = {2023-07-10T13:53:33.922Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2024-04-10T07:25:21.538Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {The involvement of children in household chores, a form of hidden child labor, has both positive and negative aspects. On the positive side, it contributes to their physical activity and fosters a sense of responsibility towards their families and society. However, there is an adverse effect on their school attendance. Therefore, the aim of this study was to gain a better understanding of the children’s involvement in household chores in Bangladesh by examining the prevalence, duration, and controlling determinants. This study used the Chi-square test and multivariable logistic regression model to analyze the data of 39,509 children aged 5–17 years from MICS-2019. Approximately 58% of children participated in household activities, with around 69% of them being girls. About 14% of children had a chance of interruption in school attainment, while more than 6% were considered child laborers. Moreover, the study revealed that a child’s participation in household chores is significantly influenced by various key factors, including sex, age, the child’s education, the number of siblings, the mother’s education, division, and the family’s wealth status. Similarly, a child’s sex, age, education level, functional difficulties, and geographical region all had a notable influence on the duration of household activities. Furthermore, female children were almost threefold more likely to be involved in household chores than their male counterparts. Additionally, higher educated mothers and more wealthy families had a lower chance of involving their children in housekeeping chores. The study’s findings would help policymakers, social workers, and community leaders in developing appropriate strategies for involving children in household chores in order to increase their physical activity as well as family and social responsibility while ensuring that their school attainment is not hampered.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md. Moyazzem and Abdulla, Faruq and Hai, Abdul and Khan, Md Tareq Ferdous and Rahman, Azizur and Rahman, Atikur}, doi = {10.1007/s12187-023-10051-z}, journal = {Child Indicators Research} }
@misc{ title = {Theoretical Aspects for Bayesian Predictions Based on Three-Parameter Burr-XII Distribution and Its Applications in Climatic Data}, type = {misc}, year = {2023}, source = {Symmetry}, keywords = {Bayesian prediction,Burr-XII distribution,Markov chain Monte Carlo,climatic data,unified hybrid censoring}, pages = {1552}, volume = {15}, issue = {8}, id = {68ba63a1-509f-34e9-9ca5-09fa85ac01eb}, created = {2023-08-07T20:07:48.734Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2023-08-07T20:07:48.734Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {EJOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Symmetry and asymmetry play vital roles in prediction. Symmetrical data, which follows a predictable pattern, is easier to predict compared to asymmetrical data, which lacks a predictable pattern. Symmetry helps identify patterns within data that can be utilized in predictive models, while asymmetry aids in identifying outliers or anomalies that should be considered in the predictive model. Among the various factors associated with storms and their impact on surface temperatures, wind speed stands out as a significant factor. This paper focuses on predicting wind speed by utilizing unified hybrid censoring data from the three-parameter Burr-XII distribution. Bayesian prediction bounds for future observations are obtained using both one-sample and two-sample prediction techniques. As explicit expressions for Bayesian predictions of one and two samples are unavailable, we propose the use of the Gibbs sampling process in the Markov chain Monte Carlo framework to obtain estimated predictive distributions. Furthermore, we present a climatic data application to demonstrate the developed uncertainty procedures. Additionally, a simulation research is carried out to examine and contrast the effectiveness of the suggested methods. The results reveal that the Bayes estimates for the parameters outperformed the Maximum likelihood estimators.}, bibtype = {misc}, author = {Hasaballah, Mustafa M and Al-Babtain, Abdulhakim A and Hossain, Md. M and Bakr, Mahmoud E}, doi = {10.3390/sym15081552} }
@article{ title = {Influencing factors associated with maternal delivery at home in urban areas: a cross-sectional analysis of the Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey 2017–2018 data}, type = {article}, year = {2023}, pages = {83}, volume = {42}, websites = {https://doi.org/10.1186/s41043-023-00428-9}, id = {3acaa4f8-4101-3bfa-a183-971c582bd48d}, created = {2023-08-21T12:18:50.582Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2023-08-21T12:18:50.582Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {The associated factors and patterns of giving birth in home settings of rural areas have been extensively studied in Bangladeshi literature. However, urban areas still need to be explored, particularly with recent data. Therefore, the authors aimed to investigate the influential determinants of delivery at home in urban areas of Bangladesh.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Ahmed, Khandaker Tanveer and Karimuzzaman, Md. and Mahmud, Shohel and Rahman, Labiba and Hossain, Md. Moyazzem and Rahman, Azizur}, doi = {10.1186/s41043-023-00428-9}, journal = {Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition} }
@article{ title = {Challenges for influencing exclusive breastfeeding practice among lactating mothers with infants aged 0–6 months in Borama District, Somaliland: A cross-sectional study}, type = {article}, year = {2023}, keywords = {breastfeeding,development of child,infants,lactating mothers,maternal health}, pages = {e1693}, volume = {6}, month = {11}, publisher = {John Wiley & Sons, Ltd}, day = {1}, id = {4e1328f4-1b3f-37e7-b7af-14d543b738f3}, created = {2023-11-06T09:19:00.534Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2023-11-06T09:19:00.534Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Abstract Background and Aims Exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) has been demonstrated to have positive effects on a child's survival, growth, and development, as well as a mother's health and well-being. The authors aim to examine the barriers to EBF among lactating mothers in Borama town, Somaliland, with infants aged <6 months. Methods The authors collected primary data on a sample of 153 lactating mothers in Borama town, Somaliland, for this study. This study used descriptive statistics with frequencies and percentages. Moreover, the multivariable logistic regression model is applied to analyze the data. Results Findings revealed that about 28.1% of mothers pointed out that breastfeeding should be the baby's first meal. Surprisingly, 69.3% of the women were unaware that 6 months of EBF may keep a baby healthy. Results depict that EBF was influenced by lack of education (AOR: 0.013; 95% Cl: 0.001, 0.124), marital status (AOR: 0.40; 95% Cl: 0.004, 0.427), employed mothers (AOR: 0.070; 95% Cl: 0.043, 0.94), mothers perception of milk quantity (AOR: 0.033; 95% Cl: 0.001, 0.124), and perceived rejection to breastfeeding by the baby (AOR: 0.043; 95% Cl: 0.021, 0.134). Mothers who had no formal education or a primary level of education have less chance of practicing EBF than higher-educated mothers. Conclusions It is observed that the educational level of mothers, marital status (widow), employed mother, perceived insufficient milk, and the perceived rejection of breastfeeding by the baby are the major challenges for enhancing the EBF practice. The authors suggested that the Ministry of Health examine how effectively breastfeeding counseling is implemented in medical facilities. Moreover, the authors suggest that the government, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and community associations collaboratively plan and carry out suitable programs focusing on vulnerable groups.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hassan, Mohamed Said and Hossain, Md. Moyazzem}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1002/hsr2.1693}, journal = {Health Science Reports}, number = {11} }
@article{ title = {Determinants of early sexual initiation among female adolescents in Bangladesh: evidence from a countrywide cross-sectional survey}, type = {article}, year = {2023}, keywords = {Bangladesh,Early sexual initiation,Factors associated,Female adolescents}, pages = {102-109}, volume = {223}, id = {66639f2d-cb33-3723-b561-10da6172c736}, created = {2023-11-06T09:21:19.386Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2023-11-06T09:21:19.386Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Objectives Early sexual initiation (ESI), defined as sexual activity that begins before 15 or 18 years of age, is one of the risky sexual behaviours that has been linked to increased likelihood of adverse consequences, such as sexually transmitted diseases, unintended pregnancies and unsafe abortions. However, to date, there are no studies investigating the prevalence and factors influencing ESI among adolescent females (aged 10–19 years) in Bangladesh. Thus, this study aimed to identify the potential determinants of ESI among adolescent females in Bangladesh based on data that are representative of the country. Study design This was a cross-sectional study. Methods Based on the availability of the data, the analysis included a weighted sample of 2051 adolescent females aged 15–19 years from the Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey 2017/18. Initial selection of predictor variables was based on the bivariate analysis using the Chi-squared test. Univariate and multivariable logistic regression modelling were performed to measure the crude and adjusted effect of the selected predictor variables on ESI using the odds ratio (OR). The elasticity of the effects was calculated by their 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Results Approximately 22% and 85% of female adolescents experienced ESI before the age of 15 and 18 years, respectively. Findings revealed that illiteracy (adjusted OR [AOR]: 3.61, 95% CI: 1.82–7.18), primary education (AOR: 2.08, 95% CI: 1.60–2.69), working status (AOR: 1.25, 95% CI: 0.98–1.60), living in Chittagong (AOR: 0.46, 95% CI: 0.27–0.79), living in Sylhet (AOR: 0.21, 95% CI: 0.08–0.56), reading newspapers (AOR: 0.63, 95% CI: 0.40–1.01), earlier marriage preference (AOR: 3.30, 95% CI: 2.31–4.71) and later marriage preference (AOR: 4.10, 95% CI: 3.01–5.59) were significantly linked with ESI before the age of 15 years. ESI before the age of 18 years was significantly association with primary education (AOR: 1.47, 95% CI: 1.01–2.13), religion (AOR: 0.55, 95% CI: 0.32–0.94), female household head (AOR: 1.93, 95% CI: 1.17–3.19), living in Rajshahi (AOR: 1.97, 95% CI: 0.95–4.08), being in the ‘poorest’ wealth category (AOR: 2.43, 95% CI: 1.45–4.07), being in the ‘poorer’ wealth category (AOR: 1.70, 95% CI: 1.06–2.72), being in the ‘middle’ wealth category (AOR: 1.76, 95% CI: 1.12–2.77), being in the ‘richer’ wealth category (AOR: 1.58, 95% CI: 1.02–2.44), earlier marriage preference (AOR: 15.71, 95% CI: 9.09–27.14), later marriage preference (AOR: 12.62, 95% CI: 8.82–18.06) and heard about family planning (AOR: 0.70, 95% CI: 0.47–1.04). Conclusions In Bangladesh, the prevalence of ESI among female adolescents is a public health concern. Due to the detrimental impact of ESI on the well-being of adolescents, it is crucial that policymakers consider the factors influencing ESI that have been identified in this study when designing health strategies. The findings from this study will help the development of evidence-based effective initiatives by policymakers in collaboration with governmental and non-governmental organisations.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Abdulla, F and Hossain, M M and Rahman, A}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.puhe.2023.07.019}, journal = {Public Health} }
@article{ title = {Trends and long-term variation explaining nutritional determinants of child linear growth: analysis of Bangladesh Demographic and Health Surveys 1996-2018}, type = {article}, year = {2023}, keywords = {Bangladesh,Infant and Child Nutrition,Linear Growth,Malnutrition,Regression-decompositions}, pages = {1-30}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, edition = {2023/10/27}, id = {270b2068-47dd-3970-a8d1-03ac2df4edd2}, created = {2023-11-06T09:24:34.607Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2023-11-06T09:24:34.607Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Objective:Examining the height-for-age z-score (HAZ) of 0-35 months children along with stunting prevalence to identify trends, changes, and available nutrition-sensitive and specific determinants that could help explain the long-term variation in child linear growth using successive Bangladesh Demographic and Health Surveys (BDHS) data from 1996 to 2018.Design:The BDHS pooled data is used for determining the key outcome variables HAZ, stunting, and severe stunting. Trends, kernel-weighted local polynomial smoothing illustrations, pooled multivariable Linear Probability Model (LPM), Ordinary Least Squares method (OLS), and regression decomposition were used.Participants:Mothers having 0-35 months children, the most critical age range for growth faltering.Results:The mean HAZ increased by 0.91(±1.53) with 0.041 annual average change, while the percentages of stunting (-26.63 ±0.54) and severe stunting (-21.12 ±0.48) showed a reduction with 1.21 and 0.96 average annual changes, respectively. The average HAZ improvement (0.42 ±1.56) in urban areas was less than the rural areas (1.16 ±1.44). Similar patterns followed for stunting and severe stunting. The prenatal doctor visits (3064.65%), birth in a medical facility (1054.32%), breastfeeding initiation (153.18%), and asset index (144.73%) demonstrated a huge change. The findings of OLS, PLS, and regression decomposition identified asset index, birth order, paternal and maternal education, bottle-fed, prenatal doctor visit, birth in a medical facility, vaccination, maternal BMI, and ever-breastfed as influencing factors to predict the long-term changes of stunting and severe stunting.Conclusion:The nutrition-sensitive and specific factors identified through regression decomposition describing long-term variation in child linear growth should be focused further to attain the sustainable development goals (SDGs).}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Ahmed, Khandaker Tanveer and Karimuzzaman, Md. and Afroz, Sabrina and Hossain, Md. Moyazzem and Huq, Syeda Shahanara and Abdulla, Faruq and Rahman, Azizur}, doi = {DOI: 10.1017/S1368980023002288}, journal = {Public Health Nutrition} }
@article{ title = {Association of dietary diversity of 6–23 months aged children with prenatal and postnatal obstetric care: evidence from a nationwide cross-sectional study}, type = {article}, year = {2023}, pages = {120}, volume = {42}, id = {688d7205-6a9e-36ea-afec-a355da193566}, created = {2023-11-06T18:41:28.342Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2023-11-06T18:41:28.342Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Dietary diversity is a key determinant of infant and young child eating patterns for a variety of food groups taken by children between the ages of 6–23 months. The study aimed to examine the association between prenatal and postnatal obstetric care factors of mother and child’s dietary diversity, and specific food practices in Bangladesh.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Ahmed, Khandaker Tanveer and Karimuzzaman, Md. and Pinky, Guliva Nazneen and Dasgupta, Dibbya Pravas and Rahman, Labiba and Hossain, Md Moyazzem and Rahman, Azizur}, doi = {10.1186/s41043-023-00470-7}, journal = {Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition}, number = {1} }
@article{ title = {Influence of cyber-victimization and other factors on depression and anxiety among university students in Bangladesh}, type = {article}, year = {2023}, pages = {119}, volume = {42}, id = {3cb6467a-c666-313a-9033-fbc2b6125eb1}, created = {2023-11-06T18:41:28.368Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2023-11-06T18:41:28.368Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Cyber-victimization is closely linked with mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, etc., and has become a growing concern among university students in Bangladesh. In the era of globalization, smart gadgets, the internet, and other online resources are readily available, and these tools and devices have now become the primary method for cyberbullying. The authors aim to explore the impacts of cyber-victimization and other factors on anxiety and depression among university students in Bangladesh.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Rahman, Tareq and Hossain, Md. Mahin and Bristy, Nurun Nahar and Hoque, Md. Zahidul and Hossain, Md. Moyazzem}, doi = {10.1186/s41043-023-00469-0}, journal = {Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition}, number = {1} }
@article{ title = {Prevalence and Associated Factors of Severity of Gender-Based Violence Among Street-Based Female Sex Workers in Bangladesh}, type = {article}, year = {2023}, pages = {220–229}, volume = {10}, month = {11}, publisher = {Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers}, day = {7}, id = {6f8145b3-6560-3157-8a9e-4ecfe009b4d9}, created = {2023-11-16T21:21:43.907Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2023-12-14T13:55:39.401Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, notes = {doi: 10.1089/vio.2023.0039}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Gender-based violence (GBV) is a major public health issue for street-based female sex workers (SBFSWs), particularly in low- and middle-income countries like Bangladesh. There is a vast knowledge gap regarding the underlying issue; therefore, the authors aimed to perform this study to contribute to the literature by exploring the prevalence and associated factors of the severity of GBV based on secondary data collected from SBFSWs by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in 2021. In Bangladesh, it was revealed that about 95% of the SBFSWs had experienced GBV of any form. The prevalence of physical and sexual violence was more than 81% and 78% among SBFSWs, respectively. It was worthwhile to note that more than 40% of SBFSWs experienced all forms of GBV. Results also revealed that age, education, monthly income, marital status, group sex, negotiation for fees, client load, and consistent condom use had a significant effect on the severity of GBV among SBFSWs. Policymakers are recommended to take proper actions considering the magnitude and direction of the effects of the associated factors to reduce the prevalence of GBV among SBFSWs and help to access other jobs, which will contribute to improving several Sustainable Development Goals.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Huq, Mohammed Nazmul and Abdulla, Faruq and Hossain, Md. Moyazzem and Khan, Saima and Nur, Rahat Ara}, doi = {10.1089/vio.2023.0039}, journal = {Violence and Gender}, number = {4} }
@article{ title = {Applied Statistics with R: A Practical Guide for the Life Sciences}, type = {article}, year = {2023}, pages = {900-901}, volume = {186}, month = {10}, day = {1}, id = {326ac4e2-5124-301b-8699-5afb8b6730f8}, created = {2023-12-24T21:43:06.880Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2023-12-24T21:43:06.880Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Applied statistics is the application of statistical methods and techniques to solve real-world problems in diverse fields to make efficient and effective decisions. Life scientists widely employed statistical techniques from the basic to advance level. This book is an excellent effort to provide the tools in the statistical language R in an efficient manner with examples, code, and output. Although the book is especially intended for undergraduate, graduate, or post-graduate levels, it should be helpful to anyone looking for a condensed and comprehensive introduction to statistical methodologies for data analysis in relevant disciplines. The author nicely presented the important points in boxes, and at the end of each chapter, assignments are offered for practising, though answers and code can be accessed via the given GitHub link. One of the most significant advantages of this book is that the reader will be able to analyse their own data for research purposes.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md Moyazzem}, doi = {10.1093/jrsssa/qnad069}, journal = {Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society}, number = {4} }
@article{ title = {Prevalence and Determinants of stunting among under-5 children in Bangladesh : a multilevel logistic regression approach}, type = {article}, year = {2023}, pages = {83-100}, volume = {37}, id = {a5e3b2cf-fab4-3cc7-a62b-44f2d71b9aac}, created = {2024-04-10T07:25:21.203Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2024-04-10T07:25:21.203Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Sumon, Imran Hossain and Hossain, Md. Moyazzem and Haque, Sahabul and Majumder, Ajit}, journal = {Jahangirnagar University Journal of Statistical Studies} }
@article{ title = {Prevalence and determinants of wife-beating in Bangladesh: evidence from a nationwide survey}, type = {article}, year = {2022}, keywords = {Off-label,Psychiatric,Psychiatry,Psychotherapy}, pages = {9}, volume = {22}, publisher = {BioMed Central}, id = {8f7d83c7-5bd5-3d1f-b996-852d4a003ded}, created = {2022-01-04T21:20:31.718Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T21:42:23.677Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a global public health concern, with women in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) bearing a disproportionately high burden. This study investigates the prevalence and factors correlated with attitudes regarding wife-beating among Bangladeshi women in urban–rural contexts. A sample of 13,033 urban women and 51,344 rural women data from the Bangladesh Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2019 were analyzed using the Chi-square test and ordinal logistic regression model. The findings reveal that arguing with her husband is the widespread reason for wife-beating in Bangladesh (urban: 17.3%, rural: 21.9%), followed by neglecting the children (urban: 12.7%, rural: 15.8%). About 8% of urban women and 10% of rural women favoured the opinion that refusing to involve sexual intercourse is a legitimate justification for wife-beating. In comparison, around 5% feel that a husband has a right to beat his wife due to burning food. The respondents’ age, education, marital status, number of children, socioeconomic level, any health or physical difficulty, having problems becoming pregnant, and the husband’s age are all significant factors in justifying wife-beating. Bangladesh has a massive challenge in eliminating IPV. Women from lower socioeconomic classes, low levels of education, other challenges, and residents of rural areas are particularly more vulnerable than their urban counterparts. Therefore, it is vital to develop a proper action plan that considers women’s education and occupation to raise awareness of the various implications of wife-beating in women, particularly in Bangladesh’s rural areas.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md. Moyazzem and Abdulla, Faruq and Rahman, Azizur and Khan, Hafiz T A}, doi = {10.1186/S12888-021-03652-X}, journal = {BMC Psychiatry} }
@article{ title = {Quantile regression approach to estimating prevalence and determinants of child malnutrition}, type = {article}, year = {2022}, keywords = {Epidemiology,Health Promotion and Disease Prevention,Public Health,Socio-economic factors}, pages = {323-339}, volume = {30}, publisher = {Springer}, id = {6214e26c-2bc5-3265-83f3-1bafcff6b8e2}, created = {2022-01-18T11:28:39.940Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T07:49:29.707Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Child malnutrition is also associated with higher incidence of morbidity and mortality. Therefore, it is imperative to have knowledge of its correlates and determinants. The objective of this paper is to examine the association between demographic and socioeconomic factors and child nutritional status in Bangladesh. A secondary data analysis was conducted using the 2014 Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey data. The surveys used a stratified two-stage cluster sampling. In the first stage, 600 enumeration areas (EAs) were selected with probability proportional to the EA size. In the second stage of selection, a fixed number of 30 households per cluster will be selected with an equal probability systematic selection from the household listing. The sample constitutes 17,886 ever-married women age 15–49, with 34.38% and 65.62% from urban and rural areas respectively. The anthropometric indicators height-for-age, weight-for-age and weight-for-height z-scores were used as the primary and secondary outcome measures. Results show that age and birth order of child is negatively associated with height-for-age, weight-for-age, and weight-for-height z-scores. However, the size of the child at birth is positively allied with the three anthropometric indicators. Mothers’ BMI and educational level are positively connected with the nutrition z-scores, but these factors have differential effects at different points of the conditional distribution of the anthropometric z-scores. Moreover, the economic status of a family is an essential factor in determining the z-score of height-for-age, weight-for-age, and weight-for-height of a child. The age, size of child at birth, mother’s BMI and educational status, and wealth index are very important determinants of the z-score of the anthropometric indicators of a child. In order to improve the nutritional status of children in Bangladesh, the authors suggest that a joint effort by the government, non-governmental organizations, and the community is absolutely essential.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Rahman, Azizur and Hossain, Md Moyazzem}, doi = {10.1007/S10389-020-01277-0}, journal = {Journal of Public Health}, number = {2} }
@article{ title = {Book Review: Statistical regression modeling with R, Ding-Geng (Din) Chen and Jenny K. Chen, 2021, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, xvii+ 228 pp., £71.50 (eBook), £89.99 (hardcover) ISBN 9788-3-030-67582-0, ISBN 978-3-030-67583-7 (eBook)}, type = {article}, year = {2022}, pages = {743-744}, volume = {185}, month = {2}, publisher = {John Wiley & Sons, Ltd}, day = {3}, id = {eee44031-1ce6-30f4-8682-16b8811a129c}, created = {2022-02-04T23:29:41.507Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T07:49:22.104Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md Moyazzem}, doi = {10.1111/RSSA.12817}, journal = {Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society)}, number = {2} }
@article{ title = {Child marriage and its association with morbidity and mortality of under-5 years old children in Bangladesh}, type = {article}, year = {2022}, keywords = {Bangladesh,Child health,Children,Death rates,Diarrhea,Infants,Morbidity,Mothers}, pages = {e0262927}, volume = {17}, publisher = {Public Library of Science}, id = {d19078a9-160e-383e-b909-8e35dbb01e27}, created = {2022-02-09T22:52:06.878Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-12-16T15:25:10.501Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Introduction Child marriage is a significant social and health concern in many low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). This harmful practice violates children’s rights and continues to be widespread across developing nations like Bangladesh. This study investigated the mortality trend among Bangladeshi children and the impact of child marriage on under-5 children morbidity and mortality in Bangladesh. Methods and materials A sample of 8,321 children under-5 years old was analyzed using bivariate and multivariate statistical techniques collected from the recent 2017–18 BDHS data. Chi-square test and logistic regression (unadjusted and adjusted) were used to determine the influence of covariates on the target variable. Results Results revealed that child mortality was significantly higher among children whose mothers married at an early age than their counterparts. Although the general trend in the prevalence of different childhood mortality in Bangladesh was declining gradually from 1993 to 2018, it was still high in 2018. Also, marriage after 18 years lessens likelihood of diarrhea (adjusted OR = 0.93; 95% CI: 0.76–1.16) and cough (adjusted OR = 0.91; 95% CI: 0.78–1.17) among children. Furthermore, findings reveal that likelihood of different child mortality is higher among early married women. Conclusion Immediate intervention through rigorous enforcement of policies and different programs to raise the age at marriage and by lessening socioeconomic disparities can combat the prevalence of high morbidity and mortality of under-5 years old children. Findings from this study will be helpful to accelerate strategies for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to child and maternal health by 2030.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md Moyazzem and Abdulla, Faruq and Banik, Rajon and Yeasmin, Sabina and Rahmanid, Azizur}, editor = {Goli, Srinivas}, doi = {10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0262927}, journal = {PLOS ONE}, number = {2} }
@article{ title = {Book Review: Practical statistics for nursing and health care, 2nd Edition Jim Fowler, Phil Jarvis and Mel Chevannes, 2021, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., England xv+199 pp., $46.00 (e-book) ISBN: 9781119698524}, type = {article}, year = {2022}, pages = {1461-1461}, volume = {185}, publisher = {John Wiley & Sons, Ltd}, id = {bb4401e2-f2d0-3d97-9f3c-5e19b9023e67}, created = {2022-02-16T10:53:04.939Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-07-27T15:33:07.668Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md Moyazzem}, doi = {10.1111/RSSA.12818}, journal = {Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society)}, number = {3} }
@article{ title = {Likelihood of infectious diseases due to lack of exclusive breastfeeding among infants in Bangladesh}, type = {article}, year = {2022}, keywords = {Breast feeding,Child health,Death rates,Diarrhea,Infants,Infectious diseases,Medical risk factors,Morbidity}, pages = {e0263890}, volume = {17}, publisher = {Public Library of Science}, id = {6e6218ee-6690-3ab5-8eb9-88aaacdad08e}, created = {2022-02-16T21:13:40.470Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-11-01T16:09:34.118Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Background Bangladesh is a South Asian developing country trying to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)-3 and the objective of the Rural Electrification Board (REB) regarding child mortality. Infectious diseases are leading causes of child mortality, and lack of exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) among infants aged 0–6 months increases child morbidity and mortality from various infectious diseases in developing countries. However, as per existing literature, no study has been conducted yet to determine the lack of EBF practice effect on child mortality in Bangladesh. With this backdrop, the authors intend to measure the likelihood of infectious diseases due to the lack of EBF of infants aged 0–6 months in Bangladesh. Materials and methods This study used Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey (BDHS) data over 1996–97 to 2017–18. The mothers of infants aged 0–6 months who were willingly participated in the BDHSs were considered to include in our analysis. Initially, there were 9,133 cases in the combined dataset. After filtering, there were 5,724 cases in the final dataset. We have considered diarrhea (D), acute respiratory infection (ARI) separately as well as the presence of either D or ARI or both and named as CoDARI as outcome variables. This study used both graphical and statistical techniques (Chi-square test, Wald test, and logistic regression) to analyze the data. The odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) were used to quantify the likelihood of infectious diseases due to lack of EBF practice and its elasticity, respectively. Results The EBF practice got a conspicuous increasing trend, but the prevalence of infectious diseases was declined from 0 to 3 months of age of infants, whereas an inverse scenario is observed between 4–6 months. The significance of that inverse relationship was confirmed by p-value corresponding to the chi-square test and the Wald test of the adjusted regression coefficients after adjusting the associated factor’s effect on infectious diseases. The adjusted ORs also concluded that the lack of EBF practice up to six months of age could enhance the risk of D, ARI, and CoDARI by 2.11 [95% CI: 1.56–2.85], 1.43 [95% CI: 1.28–1.60], and 1.48 [95% CI: 1.32–1.66] times higher, respectively. Conclusion Findings of this study emphasize the importance of EBF up to six months of age of infants against diarrhea and ARI specific morbidity and mortality. Our results also agreed to the recommendation of the World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), and National Nutrition Programme of Ethiopia (NNPE) that the EBF practice for the first six months of age could be a best, cost-effective, long-lasting natural preventive way to reduce the child morbidity and mortality due to infectious diseases in developing countries. Therefore, findings would help policymakers ensuring the achievement target of REB and SDG-3 associated with the health sector in Bangladesh.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Abdulla, Faruq and Hossain, Md Moyazzem and Karimuzzaman, Md and Ali, Mohammad and Rahman, Azizur}, doi = {10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0263890}, journal = {PLOS ONE}, number = {2} }
@article{ title = {Prevalence and determinants of fever, ARI and diarrhea among children aged 6–59 months in Bangladesh}, type = {article}, year = {2022}, keywords = {Internal Medicine,Pediatrics,Southern Ethiopia,prospective study}, pages = {117}, volume = {22}, publisher = {BioMed Central}, id = {3b849bfb-39d7-34af-9794-c58c3fae1a9a}, created = {2022-03-05T10:32:44.829Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T21:42:23.553Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Although efforts have been made by the international community to improve childhood health, risk factors linked with the healthiness of preschool-age children in low and middle-income countries (LMICs) are very diverse. Therefore, this paper examines the prevalence and determinants of fever, acute respiratory infection and diarrhea of preschool children in Bangladesh. A sample of 8,421 children from the latest country representative BDHS-2017–18 survey was analyzed by utilizing both the bivariate and multivariate techniques. The results revealed that about 4.7, 33.1, and 35.8% of the children aged under 5 years had suffered from diarrhea, fever and ARI respectively during the 2 weeks preceding the date of the survey. Demographic, socio-economic, and community and health characteristics likely to play an important role in suffering under-five children from diarrhea, fever, and ARI in Bangladesh. The child’s age of 13–24 months, delivery by cesarean section, unsafe drinking water, unhygienic toilet facility, low level of family wealth index and parental education, a higher number of living children in the household, rural residency and regional difference were all found to be most crucial determinants of the occurrences of fever, ARI and diarrhea. Interventions should focus on improving these significant demographic, socioeconomic, and community and health risk factors. A special attention is necessary to the people who live in rural areas and geospatially disadvantaged regions.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Rahman, Azizur and Hossain, Md. Moyazzem}, doi = {10.1186/S12887-022-03166-9}, journal = {BMC Pediatrics}, number = {1} }
@article{ title = {Prevalence of anxiety, depression, and stress among students of Jahangirnagar University in Bangladesh}, type = {article}, year = {2022}, keywords = {21 scale,DASS,chi,mental health problems,square,structural equation modeling,university students}, pages = {e559}, volume = {5}, publisher = {John Wiley & Sons, Ltd}, id = {ff58f4ff-bfa0-3dd8-bdc5-f2eef9e7a539}, created = {2022-03-14T11:00:23.258Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T21:42:24.081Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Background and Aims: Anxiety and depression, as well as stress, are well-known}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md Moyazzem and Alam, Md Asraful and Masum, Monirul Hasan}, doi = {10.1002/HSR2.559}, journal = {Health Science Reports}, number = {2} }
@article{ title = {Bivariate Kumaraswamy Distribution Based on Conditional Hazard Functions: Properties and Application}, type = {article}, year = {2022}, pages = {1-10}, volume = {2022}, month = {4}, day = {16}, id = {64664f12-1944-30d1-8935-661278fb75a1}, created = {2022-04-18T10:55:24.816Z}, accessed = {2022-04-18}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T21:42:23.679Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {A new class of bivariate distributions is deduced by specifying its conditional hazard functions (hfs) which are Kumaraswamy distribution. The interest of this model is positively, negatively, or zero correlated. Properties and local measures of dependence of the bivariate Kumaraswamy conditional hazard (BKCH) distribution are studied. The estimation of type parameters is considered by used the maximum likelihood and pseudolikelihood of the new class. A simulation study was performed to inspect the bias and mean squared error of the maximum likelihood estimators. Finally, an application is obtained to clarify our results with the maximum likelihood and pseudolikelihood. Also, the results are used to compare BKCH distribution with bivariate exponential conditionals (BEC) and bivariate Lindley conditionals hazard (BLCH) distributions.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Mohammed, B. I. and Hossain, Md. Moyazzem and Aldallal, R. A. and Mohamed, Mohamed S.}, editor = {Khan, Firdous}, doi = {10.1155/2022/2609042}, journal = {Mathematical Problems in Engineering}, number = {Article ID 2609042} }
@article{ title = {Assessing the Determinants of Women’s Age at First Marriage in Rural and Urban Areas of Bangladesh: Insights From Quantile Regression (QR) Approaches}, type = {article}, year = {2022}, pages = {602-624}, volume = {30}, id = {5ae7a9a9-fdca-3ebd-8040-1cd465c5ae1b}, created = {2022-05-04T13:54:11.742Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T21:42:23.885Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, S and Hossain, M M and Yeasmin, S and Bhuiyea, M S H and Chowdhury, P B and Khan, M T F}, journal = {Journal of Population and Social Studies} }
@article{ title = {On Optimal Progressive Censoring Schemes from Models with U-Shaped Hazard Rate: A Comparison between Conventional and Fuzzy Priors}, type = {article}, year = {2022}, pages = {Article ID 2336760}, volume = {2022}, month = {5}, day = {5}, id = {c1857b10-1503-3e66-88d2-b07fce4291ef}, created = {2022-05-05T20:41:07.900Z}, accessed = {2022-05-05}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-05T20:42:15.462Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {This paper explores the optimal censoring schemes from models with U-shaped hazard rates (USHRs) using Bayesian methods. Topp-Leone (TL) distribution has been considered as a special case. We have used conventional and fuzzy priors for the estimation. Further, the symmetric and asymmetric loss functions have been considered for the estimation. Since the Bayes estimators (BEs) for the parameters of the TL distribution cannot be derived in the closed form, we have used Quadrature method (QuM), Lindley’s approximation (LinA), Tierney and Kadane’s approximation (TKA), and Gibbs sampler (GiS) for the approximate estimation of the parameters. We also considered the different techniques to compare various progressive censoring schemes on the basis of their information contents and hence reported the optimal censoring schemes under Bayesian framework. The performance of the different BEs has been compared on the basis of a simulation study. A real-life example has been considered for the illustration.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Feroze, Navid and Noor-ul-Amin, Muhammad and Sadiq, Maryam and Hossain, Md. Moyazzem}, editor = {Gulzar, Muhammad}, doi = {10.1155/2022/2336760}, journal = {Journal of Function Spaces} }
@article{ title = {A Logistic Trigonometric Generalized Class of Distribution Characteristics, Applications, and Simulations}, type = {article}, year = {2022}, pages = {Article ID 7091581}, volume = {2022}, month = {5}, day = {17}, id = {cd117a6c-fa20-31fd-bd0f-9d5f96396d96}, created = {2022-05-18T08:39:27.171Z}, accessed = {2022-05-18}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-18T08:41:47.606Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {We propose a trigonometric generalizer/generator of distributions utilizing the quantile function of modified standard Cauchy distribution and construct a logistic-based new G-class disbursing cotangent function. Significant mathematical characteristics and special models are derived. New mathematical transformations and extended models are also proposed. A two-parameter model logistic cotangent Weibull (LCW) is developed and discussed in detail. The beauty and importance of the proposed model are that its hazard rate exhibits all monotone and non-monotone shapes while the density exhibits unimodal and bimodal (symmetrical, right-skewed, and decreasing) shapes. For parametric estimation, the maximum likelihood approach is used, and simulation analysis is performed to ensure that the estimates are asymptotic. The importance of the proposed trigonometric generalizer, G class, and model is proved via two applications focused on survival and failure datasets whose results attested the distinct better fit, wider flexibility, and greater capability than existing and well-known competing models. The authors thought that the suggested class and models would appeal to a broader audience of professionals working in reliability analysis, actuarial and financial sciences, and lifetime data and analysis.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Mahmood, Zafar and Khogeer, Hazar A. and Hussam Hafez, Eslam and Hossain, Md. Moyazzem}, editor = {Raza, Nauman}, doi = {10.1155/2022/7091581}, journal = {Journal of Mathematics} }
@article{ title = {Cigarette waste: A burden to the health, environment, and economy}, type = {article}, year = {2022}, pages = {113661}, volume = {239}, month = {7}, publisher = {Academic Press}, day = {1}, id = {4705417d-12b1-3774-905f-bcd92014221b}, created = {2022-05-20T08:17:17.713Z}, accessed = {2022-05-20}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-20T08:18:46.067Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md. Moyazzem and Abdulla, Faruq and Rahman, Azizur and Huq, Mohammed Nazmul}, doi = {10.1016/J.ECOENV.2022.113661}, journal = {Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety} }
@article{ title = {On Extended Neoteric Ranked Set Sampling Plan: Likelihood Function Derivation and Parameter Estimation}, type = {article}, year = {2022}, pages = {Article ID 1697481}, volume = {2022}, websites = {https://www.hindawi.com/journals/complexity/2022/1697481/}, month = {6}, day = {2}, id = {2479c8dd-4a9f-39f1-b4b2-d2f0e230b543}, created = {2022-06-05T21:21:14.417Z}, accessed = {2022-06-05}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-06-05T21:23:48.888Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, citation_key = {Riad2022}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {<p>The extended neoteric ranked set sampling (ENRSS) plan proposed by Taconeli and Cabral has proven to outperform many one stages and two stages ranked set sampling plans when estimating the mean and the variance for different populations. Therefore, in this paper, the likelihood function based on ENRSS is proposed and used for estimation of the parameters of the inverted Nadarajah–Haghighi distribution. An extensive Monte Carlo simulation study is conducted to assess the performance of the proposed likelihood function, and the efficiency of the estimated parameters based on ENRSS is compared with the well-known ranked set sampling (RSS) plan and some of its modifications. These modifications include the extended ranked set sampling (ERSS) plan and the neoteric ranked set sampling (NRSS) plan. The results as foreseeable were very satisfactory and gave similar results to Taconeli and Cabral’s 2019 results.</p>}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Riad, Fathy H. and Sabry, Mohamed A. and Almetwally, Ehab M. and Aldallal, Ramy and Alharbi, Randa and Hossain, Md. Moyazzem}, editor = {El-Dessoky, M. M.}, doi = {10.1155/2022/1697481}, journal = {Complexity} }
The extended neoteric ranked set sampling (ENRSS) plan proposed by Taconeli and Cabral has proven to outperform many one stages and two stages ranked set sampling plans when estimating the mean and the variance for different populations. Therefore, in this paper, the likelihood function based on ENRSS is proposed and used for estimation of the parameters of the inverted Nadarajah–Haghighi distribution. An extensive Monte Carlo simulation study is conducted to assess the performance of the proposed likelihood function, and the efficiency of the estimated parameters based on ENRSS is compared with the well-known ranked set sampling (RSS) plan and some of its modifications. These modifications include the extended ranked set sampling (ERSS) plan and the neoteric ranked set sampling (NRSS) plan. The results as foreseeable were very satisfactory and gave similar results to Taconeli and Cabral’s 2019 results.
@article{ title = {Forecasting the incidence of dengue in Bangladesh—Application of time series model}, type = {article}, year = {2022}, keywords = {ARIMA model,Bangladesh,dengue,forecasting,model selection}, pages = {e666}, volume = {5}, month = {7}, publisher = {John Wiley & Sons, Ltd}, day = {1}, id = {7dde9478-daaa-366b-aa88-59c7eaec5414}, created = {2022-06-09T21:04:49.515Z}, accessed = {2022-06-09}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-06-09T21:06:06.956Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, citation_key = {Naher2022}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Background: Dengue is an alarming public health concern in terms of its preventive}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Naher, Shabnam and Rabbi, Fazly and Hossain, Md Moyazzem and Banik, Rajon and Sabbir Pervez, undefined and Boitchi, Anika Bushra}, doi = {10.1002/HSR2.666}, journal = {Health Science Reports}, number = {4} }
@article{ title = {Assessing Mental Health Status among COVID-19 Recovery Patients in Bangladesh- A Pilot Study}, type = {article}, year = {2022}, pages = {46-60}, volume = {43}, id = {15896af3-10a6-33fd-872e-b6ca8b43930e}, created = {2022-07-17T09:31:24.226Z}, accessed = {2022-07-17}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-07-17T09:33:21.581Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Salma, Nahid and Hossain, Md Moyazzem and Yasmin, Sabina and Alam, Muhammad Khairul and Alam, K.M. Rafiqul}, journal = {International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics}, number = {3} }
@article{ title = {Linear regression models: Applications in R, John P. Hoffmann, 2022, 1st Edition, Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, New York, xv+420 pp., £47.99 (paperback), £47.99 (e-book), ISBN: 9780367753665}, type = {article}, year = {2022}, websites = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/rssa.12881,https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/rssa.12881,https://rss.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/rssa.12881}, month = {6}, publisher = {John Wiley & Sons, Ltd}, day = {5}, id = {fe1e0b00-03c5-340b-9c22-5f8c8ec40c0f}, created = {2022-07-17T09:36:04.438Z}, accessed = {2022-07-17}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-07-17T09:36:48.779Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md. Moyazzem}, doi = {10.1111/RSSA.12881}, journal = {Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society)} }
@article{ title = {Efficiency of Potato Farming in Bangladesh: Cobb-Douglas Stochastic Frontier Approach}, type = {article}, year = {2022}, pages = {77-95}, volume = {36}, id = {7f035fc9-3976-3179-8bfc-513bd9b37c45}, created = {2022-09-22T12:27:02.120Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-11-02T14:38:32.400Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Sultana, Shamima and Hossain, Md. Moyazzem and Hossain, M. Ismail}, journal = {Jahangirnagar University Journal of Statistical Studies} }
@article{ title = {Determinants of mass media exposure and involvement in information and communication technology skills among Bangladeshi women}, type = {article}, year = {2022}, pages = {161-172}, volume = {36}, id = {fa19ecc5-4634-3b01-8238-237ba2109b1e}, created = {2022-09-22T12:27:02.132Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-09-22T12:27:02.132Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md. Moyazzem and Saleh, Arif Bin and Kabir, Mohammad Alamgir}, journal = {Jahangirnagar University Journal of Statistical Studies} }
@article{ title = {New Statistical Approaches for Modeling the COVID-19 Data Set: A Case Study in the Medical Sector}, type = {article}, year = {2022}, pages = {Article ID 1325825}, volume = {2022}, publisher = {Hindawi Limited}, id = {3b2c9f76-aed4-3499-831d-ef269989d261}, created = {2022-10-01T20:57:46.768Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-10-01T20:59:24.126Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Statistical distributions have great applicability for modeling data in almost every applied sector. Among the available classical distributions, the inverse Weibull distribution has received considerable attention. In the practice of distribution theory, numerous methods have been studied and suggested/introduced to increase the flexibility level of the traditional probability distributions. In this paper, we implement different distribution methods to obtain five new different versions of the inverse Weibull model. The new modifications of the inverse Weibull model are called the logarithm transformed-inverse Weibull, a flexible reduced logarithmic-inverse Weibull, the weighted TX-inverse Weibull, a new generalized-inverse Weibull, and the alpha power transformed extended-inverse Weibull distributions. To illustrate the flexibility and applicability of the new modifications of the inverse Weibull model, a biomedical data set is analyzed. The data set consists of 108 observations and represents the mortality rate of the COVID-19-infected patients. The practical application shows that the new generalized-inverse Weibull is the best modification of the inverse Weibull distribution.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Almazah, Mohammed M A and Ullah, Kalim and Hussam, Eslam and Hossain, Md. Moyazzem and Aldallal, Ramy and Riad, Fathy H}, doi = {10.1155/2022/1325825}, journal = {Complexity} }
@article{ title = {Comparison of Bayesian and Classical Methods for Exploring the Important Factors regarding Maternal and Child Health Care}, type = {article}, year = {2022}, pages = {7725632}, volume = {2022}, publisher = {Hindawi}, id = {fea9087d-e37c-3908-a31d-83305614770a}, created = {2022-10-13T15:17:48.168Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-10-13T15:17:48.168Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {The literature contains a number of studies to analyze the important factors relating to maternal and child health care (MCH). However, the earlier contributions have employed classical models for the analysis. We have proposed Bayesian models for exploring the factors regarding MCH in Pakistan. The latest data, from Pakistan Demographic and Heath Survey (PDHS) conducted in 2017-18, have been used for analysis. The performance of Bayesian methods have been compared with classical methods based on various goodness-of-fit criteria. The performance of Bayesian methods was observed to be better than the classical methods. The results advocated that 86.20% of mothers received antenatal care (ANC), while only 51.40% of the mothers received it at least for ANC visits during the whole pregnancy period. Further, 68.90% of the mothers were protected against neonatal tetanus. More than 30% of women neither delivered in the health facility place nor they were in receipt of postnatal checkups. Additionally, only three out of five newborns were availed with postnatal checkup (PNC) within two days of their births. About 66.89% of women reported problems in accessing the MCH in the country. The study also suggested the presence of severe disparities among different socio-economic groups in availing MCH. There is immediate need to reduce these disparities among various socio-economic groups in the country.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Alshenawy, R and Feroze, Navid and Almuhayfith, Fatimah Essa and Al-Alwan, Ali A and Nazakat, Aneela and Hossain, Md. Moyazzem}, editor = {Mehmood, Tahir}, doi = {10.1155/2022/7725632}, journal = {Mathematical Problems in Engineering} }
@article{ title = {On Suitability of Mixture of Generalized Exponential Models in Modeling Right-Censored Medical Datasets Using Conditional Expectations}, type = {article}, year = {2022}, pages = {7363646}, volume = {2022}, websites = {https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/7363646}, publisher = {Hindawi}, id = {ea656df6-ff69-3cd8-998f-7025eb47b7b5}, created = {2022-10-14T11:30:17.342Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-10-14T11:30:17.342Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {The exploration of suitable models for modeling censored medical datasets is of great importance. There are numerous studies dealing with modeling the censored medical datasets. However, majority of the earlier contributions have utilized the conventional models for modeling the said datasets. Unfortunately, the conventional models are not capable of capturing the behavior of the heterogeneous datasets involving the mixture of two or more subpopulations. In addition, the earlier contributions have considered conventional censoring schemes by replacing all the censored items with the largest failed item. This paper is aimed at proposing the analysis of right-censored mixture medical datasets. The mixture of the generalized exponential distribution has been proposed to model the right-censored heterogeneous medical datasets. In converse to conventional censoring schemes, we have proposed censoring schemes which replace the censored items with conditional expectation (CE) of the random variable. In addition, the Bayesian methods have been proposed to estimate the model parameters. The performance and sensitivity of the proposed estimators have been evaluated using a detailed simulation study. The detailed simulation study suggests that censoring schemes based on CE provide improved estimation as compared to conventional censoring schemes. The suitability of the model in modeling heterogeneous datasets has been verified by modeling two real right-censored medical datasets. The comparison of the proposed model with existing mixture model under Bayesian methods advocated the improved performance of the proposed model.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Feroze, Navid and Akgül, Ali and Al-Alwan, Ali A and Hossain, Md. Moyazzem and Alshenawy, R}, editor = {Qureshi, Sania}, doi = {10.1155/2022/7363646}, journal = {Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine} }
@article{ title = {Prevalence and determinants of wasting among under-5 Egyptian children: Application of quantile regression}, type = {article}, year = {2022}, keywords = {Egypt,chi-square,child malnutrition,quantile regression,undernutrition,wasting}, pages = {1073-1083}, volume = {11}, month = {11}, publisher = {John Wiley & Sons, Ltd}, day = {15}, id = {da554c86-d5e7-31e7-840e-e1886a26d135}, created = {2022-11-15T15:47:41.363Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2023-07-10T13:53:19.655Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, notes = {https://doi.org/10.1002/fsn3.3144}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Abstract Wasting is one of the symptoms of malnutrition that has been connected to the deaths of malnourished children. This study was intended to explain the effect of socio-demographic and economic factors on under-5 wasting by evaluating their conditional effect across the distribution of weight-for-height Z (WHZ) scores using the quantile regression (QR) model. The weighted sample which included 13,680 children under 5?years was taken from the countrywide Egyptian DHS 2014 survey. The results depicted that about 2% of Egyptian children were severely wasted, with the prevalence of wasting being around 8%. It was discovered that across the WHZ distribution, the child's features, maternal characteristics, father's education, and social factors had significant but varied contributions in explaining the wasting status of under-5 children. It was revealed that female children had a significant weight advantage, notably 0.21 standard deviation (SD) higher weight at the 95th quantile over their male counterparts. The WHZ score was also found to be significantly positively associated with both age and household's wealth status at the lower and upper tails of the WHZ distribution, respectively. Moreover, in comparison with children whose mothers were underweight, those whose mothers were normal or overweight had higher WHZ scores, with a 1.45 SD increase in WHZ scores at the 95th quantile for mothers who were normal weights. Furthermore, the children who were breastfed, whose mothers received antenatal care (ANC) services, and/or who had educated parents had an advantage in terms of WHZ scores than their counterparts. In addition, the children with higher birth order and/or who resided in urban areas had weight disadvantages compared to their counterparts. Therefore, in order to improve children's nutritional status and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, the government and public?private owner organizations must work together at the community level focusing on vulnerable groups.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Abdulla, Faruq and El-Raouf, M M Abd and Rahman, Azizur and Aldallal, Ramy and Mohamed, Mohamed S and Hossain, Md. Moyazzem}, doi = {10.1002/fsn3.3144}, journal = {Food Science & Nutrition}, number = {2} }
@article{ title = {Challenges and difficulties faced in low- and middle-income countries during COVID-19}, type = {article}, year = {2022}, keywords = {LMICs,Oxygen supply,Vaccine against COVID-19}, pages = {100082}, volume = {3}, id = {d1cc7579-61ed-33cf-8547-aa614752f1d4}, created = {2022-11-15T15:47:41.365Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-12-04T22:17:13.070Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Objectives The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, caused by a novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, has created a severe threat to global human health. We are extremely lucky because within the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, scientists developed a number of vaccines against COVID-19. In this paper, the authors discuss the difficulties and challenges faced in different low-and middle-income countries due to the ongoing pandemic. Study design and methods This research is primarily based on secondary data and existing literature reviews. The authors use maps and graphical representations to show information about vaccination coverage. Results The lacking vaccination coverage and insufficient supply of oxygen tanks in hospitals of low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) raise the likelihood of death of the critical COVID-19 patients. Developed countries vaccinate their citizens more quickly than LMICs. In comparison to wealthy countries, LMICs usually lack the resources and capacity to obtain the required vaccination doses. Conclusion It is frequently observed that hospitals in low- and middle-income nations with a dearth of oxygen tanks result in increased suffering and mortality. To avoid a worldwide disaster, LMICs urgently require COVID-19 vaccinations since viruses have no borders, and no one is safe until every one is protected in our interconnected world. Therefore, more national and international collaborative supports are urgently necessary for LMICs in this regard.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md Moyazzem and Abdulla, Faruq and Rahman, Azizur}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hpopen.2022.100082}, journal = {Health Policy OPEN} }
@article{ title = {Prevalence and determinants of wasting of under-5 children in Bangladesh: Quantile regression approach}, type = {article}, year = {2022}, pages = {e0278097}, volume = {17}, month = {11}, publisher = {Public Library of Science}, day = {23}, id = {1cf1efe5-837c-3696-b5de-2e11e9eb9046}, created = {2022-11-24T15:05:47.021Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2023-03-17T21:30:42.784Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Background Wasting is perhaps one of the signs of malnutrition that has been linked to the deaths of children suffering from malnutrition. As a result, understanding its correlations and drivers is critical. Using quantile regression analysis, this research aims to contribute to the discussion on under-5 malnutrition by analyzing the predictors of wasting in Bangladesh. Methods and materials The dataset was extracted from the 2017–18 Bangladesh demographic and health survey (BDHS) data. The weight-for-height (WHZ) z-score based anthropometric indicator was used in the study as the target variable. The weighted sample constitutes 8,334 children of under-5 years. However, after cleaning the missing values, the analysis is based on 8,321 children. Sequential quantile regression was used for finding the contributing factors. Results The findings of this study depict that the prevalence of wasting in children is about 8 percent and only approximately one percent of children are severely wasted in Bangladesh. Age, mother’s BMI, and parental educational qualification, are all major factors of the WHZ score of a child. The coefficient of the female child increased from 0.1 to 0.2 quantiles before dropping to 0.75 quantile. For a child aged up to three years, the coefficients have a declining tendency up to the 0.5 quantile, then an increasing trend. Children who come from the richest households had 16.3%, 3.6%, and 15.7% higher WHZ scores respectively than children come from the poorest households suggesting that the risk of severe wasting in children under the age of five was lower in children from the wealthiest families than in children from the poorest families. The long-term malnutrition indicator (wasting) will be influenced by the presence of various childhood infections and vaccinations. Furthermore, a family’s economic position is a key determinant in influencing a child’s WHZ score. Conclusions It is concluded that socioeconomic characteristics are correlated with the wasting status of a child. Maternal characteristics also played an important role to reduce the burden of malnutrition. Thus, maternal nutritional awareness might reduce the risk of malnutrition in children. Moreover, the findings disclose that to enrich the nutritional status of children along with achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG)-3 by 2030, a collaborative approach should necessarily be taken by the government of Bangladesh, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) at the community level in Bangladesh.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md. Moyazzem and Abdulla, Faruq and Rahman, Azizur}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0278097}, journal = {PLOS ONE}, number = {11} }
@article{ title = {Burden of COVID-19 on health and wellbeing, education, and economy of Bangladesh}, type = {article}, year = {2022}, keywords = {Bangladesh,COVID-19,SDGs,challenges,long-term impact}, pages = {e6639}, volume = {10}, websites = {https://doi.org/10.1002/ccr3.6639}, month = {11}, publisher = {John Wiley & Sons, Ltd}, day = {1}, id = {234c52e5-5d76-3987-8f1b-d06623fc789f}, created = {2022-11-24T15:05:47.025Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-11-24T15:05:47.025Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, notes = {https://doi.org/10.1002/ccr3.6639}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Abstract The long-term impact of this pandemic will continue in almost all sectors of a country such as health, economic situations, education, mental health, and violence. Therefore, the authors intended to discuss the prolonged effect of COVID-19 on the health along with wellbeing, education, and economy of Bangladesh through a mixed approach. To assess the possible scenario in health sector of Bangladesh, we conducted a short survey through online with a structured questionnaire. The impact of the pandemic is highlighted by graphical presentations and discussed the issues in light of the existing literature. It is realized that health care services and resources are always essential for predominant health conditions and fatal diseases patients. Mental health has also been impacted a lot during this pandemic. Moreover, students of only those schools located in urban areas are attended some online classes but due to the internet interruption and scarcity of devices students from rural areas cannot attend the classes and it will widen the gap between pupils from urban areas and those who live in remote rural areas. Additionally, many students terminate school. The country's youth unemployment is projected to intensify as a result of the economic effects, which would promote antisocial behavior and cause social discontent among young people. Also, the flow of remittances greatly declined in the last couple of months and a many people were jobless abroad, and the majority of them were sent back home. The demographic dividend's intended results are expected to be negatively impacted by COVID-19's overall effect as well as sustainable development goals (SDGs) in Bangladesh. Therefore, many social services systems need strategic backup resources at community, national, and global levels if any basic system may collapse due to COVID-19 and socio-economic as well as geopolitical negligence in handling post-pandemic challenges.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Rahman, Azizur and Abdulla, Faruq and Karimuzzaman, Md and Hossain, Md Moyazzem}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1002/ccr3.6639}, journal = {Clinical Case Reports}, number = {11} }
@article{ title = {Measuring the impact of climate change on potato production in Bangladesh using Bayesian Hierarchical Spatial-temporal modeling}, type = {article}, year = {2022}, pages = {e0277933}, volume = {17}, month = {11}, publisher = {Public Library of Science}, day = {22}, id = {3c9f9c95-7970-398d-b2c0-8c5050970687}, created = {2022-11-24T15:05:47.137Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2023-01-16T10:11:31.549Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Background Potato is a staple food and a main crop of Bangladesh. Climate plays an important role in different crop production all over the world. Potato production is influenced by climate change, which is occurring at a rapid pace according to time and space. Objective The main objective of this research is to observe the variation in potato production based on the discrepancy of the variability in the spatial and temporal domains. The research is based on secondary data on potato production from different parts of Bangladesh and five major climate variables for the last 17 years ending with 2020. Methods Bayesian Spatial-temporal modelling for linear, analysis of variance (ANOVA), and auto-Regressive models were used to find the best-fitted model compared with the independent Error Bayesian model. The Watanabe-Akaike information criterion (WAIC) and Deviance Information Criterion (DIC) were used as the model choice criteria and the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method was implemented to generate information about the prior and posterior realizations. Results Findings revealed that the ANOVA model under the Spatial-temporal framework was the best model for all model choice and validation criteria. Results depict that there is a significant impact of spatial and temporal variation on potato yield rate. Besides, the windspeed does not show any influence on potato production, however, temperature, humidity, rainfall, and sunshine are important components of potato yield rate in Bangladesh. Conclusion It is evident that there is a potential impact of climate change on potato production in Bangladesh. Therefore, the authors believed that the findings will be helpful to the policymakers or farmers in developing potato varieties that are resilient to climate change to ensure the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal of zero hunger.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Salan, Md. Sifat Ar and Hossain, Md. Moyazzem and Sumon, Imran Hossain and Rahman, Md. Mizanur and Kabir, Mohammad Alamgir and Majumder, Ajit Kumar}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0277933}, journal = {PLOS ONE}, number = {11} }
@article{ title = {AI development and employment skill structure: A case study of China}, type = {article}, year = {2022}, keywords = {Artificial intelligence,Employment structure,Innovation environment}, pages = {242-254}, volume = {73}, websites = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0313592621001570}, id = {7d692a6a-4ba9-32d2-853c-7fd934e4a685}, created = {2024-03-24T05:11:21.445Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2024-03-24T05:11:21.445Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Technological progress, represented by artificial intelligence, has a dual impact on employment structure. In order to explore the impact of artificial intelligence development on employment skill structure, this paper, based on the panel data of 30 provinces and cities in China from 2003 to 2017, used the mediating effect regression model and the threshold regression model to conduct empirical tests. The results show that the development of artificial intelligence will significantly affect the structure of employment skills, and regional innovation has a significant mediating effect. From the threshold characteristics, there is a threshold effect of regional innovation. With the improvement of innovation environment, industrial upgrading and technological progress, the influence of artificial intelligence on middle-skill employment is gradually weakened. Under the influence of innovation environment and technological progress, the high-skilled employment shows a U-shaped change.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Ma, Hongmei and Gao, Qian and Li, Xiuzhen and Zhang, Yun}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eap.2021.11.007}, journal = {Economic Analysis and Policy} }
@article{ title = {Identifying the Key Factors of the Performance of Bangladesh Cricket Team: Evidence from One Day International Cricket Matches}, type = {article}, year = {2021}, pages = {29-37}, volume = {34}, id = {651ff96b-ab93-3259-ada5-a1b7c27d4033}, created = {2020-11-12T22:25:16.671Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T21:48:21.756Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Shandip, Roy and Hossain, Md Moyazzem and Nahid, Salma}, journal = {International Journal of Tomography and Simulation}, number = {2} }
@article{ title = {Modeling of Mean Sea Level of Bay of Bengal : A Comparison between ARIMA and Artificial Neural Network}, type = {article}, year = {2021}, keywords = {Bay of Bengal.,Global Warming,Model Selection,Sea Level}, pages = {31-40}, volume = {34}, id = {a2428fe0-5df4-3d1a-b6b4-9f1df2a138a0}, created = {2021-05-05T15:07:40.686Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-05T09:22:35.447Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Sea level change is one of the effects of the recent trend of climate change. A further rise in sea level is a threat to the existence of many people in Bangladesh. If the sea level rises by 45 centimetres, scientists expect a permanent loss of up to 15,600 square kilometres of the land of Bangladesh. Moreover, the sea level rising indirectly affects the salt content of soils. In view of Bangladesh’s already problematic food situation, the expected decrease of rice production as well as several hundred tons of vegetables, lentils, onions, and other crops could be disastrous. Last but not least, valuable ecosystems would be lost. The Sundarbans, huge mangroves swamps along the coasts that are part of the United Nations world natural heritage, will be especially affected. They are the last retreat of the Bengal tiger. Therefore, it is necessary to know the behaviours of the sea level rise in Bangladesh in prior. Thus, the main intention of this paper is to select the most appropriate model for forecasting the mean sea level of the Bay of Bengal. Here, this paper forecast the future mean sea level using both ARIMA and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model and compares the forecasting accuracy of these two models. The results of the model selection criteria considered in this study advocate that the ANN model provides better results than the ARIMA model. So, this study recommends using the ANN model instead of the ARIMA model for forecasting the mean sea level of the Bay of Bengal.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Ahmed, S and Karimuzzaman, M and Hossain, MM}, journal = {International Journal of Tomography & Simulation™}, number = {1} }
@article{ title = {A Non-Linear Biostatistical Graphical Modeling of Preventive Actions and Healthcare Factors in Controlling COVID-19 Pandemic}, type = {article}, year = {2021}, pages = {4491}, volume = {18}, month = {4}, day = {23}, id = {34ae9709-d9b9-3eb8-ab9e-21f0d0ec73cd}, created = {2021-05-05T15:27:02.310Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T21:48:21.610Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Background: With the insurgence of the COVID-19 pandemic, many people died in the past several months, and the situation is ongoing with increasing health, social, and economic panic and vulnerability. As most of the countries relying on different preventive actions to control the outcomes of COVID-19, it is necessary to boost the knowledge about the effectiveness of such actions so that the policymakers take their country-based appropriate actions. This study generates evidence of taking the most impactful actions to combat COVID-19. Objective: In order to generate community-based scientific evidence, this study analyzed the outcome of COVID-19 in response to different control measures, healthcare facilities, life expectancy, and prevalent diseases. Methods: It used more than a hundred countries’ data collected from different databases. We performed a comparative graphical analysis with non-linear correlation estimation using R. Results: The reduction of COVID-19 cases is strongly correlated with the earliness of preventive initiation. The apathy of taking nationwide immediate precaution measures has been identified as one of the critical reasons to make the circumstances worse. There is significant non-linear relationship between COVID-19 case fatality and number of physicians (NCC = 0.22; p-value ≤ 0.001), nurses and midwives (NCC = 0.17; p-value ≤ 0.001), hospital beds (NCC = 0.20; p-value ≤ 0.001), life expectancy of both sexes (NCC = 0.22; p-value ≤ 0.001), life expectancy of female (NCC = 0.27; p-value ≤ 0.001), and life expectancy of male (NCC = 0.19; p-value ≤ 0.001). COVID-19 deaths were found to be reduced with increased medical personnel and hospital beds. Interestingly, no association between the comorbidities and severity of COVID-19 was found excluding asthma, cancer, Alzheimer’s, and smoking. Conclusions: Enhancing healthcare facilities and early imposing the control measures could be valuable to prevent the COVID-19 pandemic. No association between COVID-19 and other comorbidities warranted further investigation at the pathobiological level.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Abdulla, Faruq and Nain, Zulkar and Karimuzzaman, Md. and Hossain, Md. Moyazzem and Rahman, Azizur}, doi = {10.3390/ijerph18094491}, journal = {International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health}, number = {9} }
@article{ title = {Predicting Stock Market Price of Bangladesh: A Comparative Study of Linear Classification Models}, type = {article}, year = {2021}, keywords = {LDA,Logistic regression classification,Machine learning,NS-DA,PDA,PLS-DA,Stock market price}, pages = {21-38}, volume = {8}, publisher = {Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH}, id = {b483e120-29eb-3be2-ac11-3b3037d96d59}, created = {2021-05-05T15:34:33.750Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T21:48:21.145Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Stock price prediction is a popular research domain for its complex data structure and confounding factors. The use of Data science tools enormously increased along with the advancement of data mining and artificial intelligence tools. Classification is a famous machine learning tool with vast potential use in the stock market. However, predicting stock price through a perfect classification model is vital as different stock market data have individual patterns and dependencies as precise information about increasing or decreasing the market can significantly influence selling or buying the shares. The linear model of classification including logistic regression classification (LR), linear discriminant analysis (LDA), partial last-square discriminant analysis (PLS-DA), penalized discriminant analysis (PDA), and nearest Shrunken discriminant analysis are considered in this study to compare according to predict the stock market price of top six banks stock prices of Bangladesh. The existing literature recommends that PLS-DA fit well if data contain a high correlation among the predictors. On the contrary, PDA performs better if there is any multicollinearity problem or chance of overfitting; LDA gave better approximation when data got multivariate normality, and the nearest shrunken method fit well if there is any existence of high dimensionality. Interestingly, this study's data contain all the mentioned characteristics; still, LR gives less misclassification rate or apparent error rate. Thus, this study recommends that one may choose LR among the linear classification model if there is a high correlation, multicollinearity, multivariate normality, and high-dimensionality among predictors.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Karimuzzaman, Md and Islam, Nusrat and Afroz, Sabrina and Hossain, Md Moyazzem}, doi = {10.1007/s40745-020-00318-5}, journal = {Annals of Data Science}, number = {1} }
@article{ title = {A comprehensive screening of the whole proteome of hantavirus and designing a multi-epitope subunit vaccine for cross-protection against hantavirus: Structural vaccinology and immunoinformatics study}, type = {article}, year = {2021}, keywords = {Cross-protection,Immune simulation,Immunoinformatics,In silico cloning,Molecular dynamics simulation,Orthohantavirus}, pages = {104705}, volume = {150}, publisher = {Academic Press}, id = {25737b55-8958-3bc8-9e1e-cafe244f0615}, created = {2021-05-05T15:36:06.206Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T21:48:21.186Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Hantaviruses are an emerging zoonotic group of rodent-borne viruses that are having serious implications on global public health due to the increase in outbreaks. Since there is no permanent cure, there is increasing interest in developing a vaccine against the hantavirus. This research aimed to design a robust cross-protective subunit vaccine using a novel immunoinformatics approach. After careful evaluation, the best predicted cytotoxic & helper T-cell and B-cell epitopes from nucleocapsid proteins, glycoproteins, RdRp proteins, and non-structural proteins were considered as potential vaccine candidates. Among the four generated vaccine models with different adjuvant, the model with toll-like receptor-4 (TLR-4) agonist adjuvant was selected because of its high antigenicity, non-allergenicity, and structural quality. The selected model was 654 amino acids long and had a molecular weight of 70.5 kDa, which characterizes the construct as a good antigenic vaccine candidate. The prediction of the conformational B-lymphocyte (CBL) epitope secured its ability to induce the humoral response. Thereafter, disulfide engineering improved vaccine stability. Afterwards, the molecular docking confirmed a good binding affinity of −1292 kj/mol with considered immune receptor TLR-4 and the dynamics simulation showed high stability of the vaccine-receptor complex. Later, the in silico cloning confirmed the better expression of the constructed vaccine protein in E. coli K12. Finally, in in silico immune simulation, significantly high levels of immunoglobulin M (IgM), immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1), cytotoxic & helper T lymphocyte (CTL & HTL) populations, and numerous cytokines such as interferon-γ (IFN-γ), interleukin-2 (IL-2) etc. were found as coherence with actual immune response and also showed faster antigen clearance for repeated exposures. Nonetheless, experimental validation can demonstrate the safety and cross-protective ability of the proposed vaccine to fight against hantavirus infection.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Abdulla, Faruq and Nain, Zulkar and Hossain, Md Moyazzem and Syed, Shifath Bin and Ahmed Khan, Md Shakil and Adhikari, Utpal Kumar}, doi = {10.1016/j.micpath.2020.104705}, journal = {Microbial Pathogenesis} }
@article{ title = {Prevalence of Hypertension and Associated Risk Factors Among Women in a Rural Community in Bangladesh: A Cross-Sectional Study}, type = {article}, year = {2021}, pages = {1-19}, volume = {2}, publisher = {Millennium Journals}, id = {3554d9ff-9930-3a3c-aa9a-6855664de8c5}, created = {2021-05-05T15:40:20.408Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T21:48:20.976Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Abstract The purpose of this cross-sectional quantitative study was to identify the prevalence and associated risk factors of hypertension among rural women. Data collection was carried out between March to June 2019 among 380 women in Kumarkhali Upazila, Kushtia, Bangladesh. Participants were interviewed with a structured questionnaire including background characteristics, anthropometric measurements, prevalence, and risk factors of hypertension. IBM SPSS version 25 was used for analyzing the data. The prevalence of hypertension and prehypertension among the total participants was 21.3% and 17.1%, respectively. The mean systolic and diastolic blood pressure was 126.65 (±19.31) mmHg and 77.21 (±12.51) mmHg. Association was found between the prevalence of hypertension and participant’s age, marital status, educational level, body mass index, intake of raw salt, secondary smoking, stress, and diabetes (p<0.05). Among the diabetic women, prehypertension and hypertension prevailed as 26.3% and 55.3% respectively. The lowest risk of hypertension was found with limited raw salt (aOR: 1.42) and red meat (aOR: 0.05) consumption. Hypertension was more likely to affect overweight (aOR: 3.98) and women aged 55 to 64 years (aOR: 13.44). Thus, effective and integrated intervention agendas are required for women, which can improve the rate of diagnosis and prevent uncontrolled hypertension in Bangladesh. Keywords: Prevalence, hypertension, women, blood pressure, risk factor, Bangladesh}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Boitchia, Anika and Naher, Shabnam and Pervez, Sabbir and Hossainc, Moyazzem}, doi = {10.47340/mjhss.v2i2.1.2021}, journal = {Millennium Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences}, number = {2} }
@article{ title = {Intergenerational educational mobility in Bangladesh}, type = {article}, year = {2021}, keywords = {Children,Educational attainment,Fathers,Literacy,Rural areas,Social mobility,Social stratification,Urban areas}, pages = {e0255426}, volume = {16}, publisher = {Public Library of Science}, id = {d0de66e4-993c-3041-a4a5-403bf5ff0dc2}, created = {2021-08-04T22:01:30.269Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2023-01-04T22:32:31.391Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Introduction Social mobility is considered as an important indicator of the economic development of a country. However, it varies widely across geographical regions and social groups in developing countries like Bangladesh. This paper intends to evaluate the intergenerational mobility in Bangladesh across generations. Methods and materials This paper considers a nationally representative sample survey of 8,403 respondents (rural: 5,436 and urban: 2,967). The male and female respondents aged 23 years and above were included in the sample. The education attainment of a son or daughter as compared to their father’s education level was considered as the measure of intergenerational mobility. Transition probability matrix and different social mobility indices were used to find out the intergenerational education mobility in Bangladesh. Results The findings reveal that approximately three-fourth (74.5%) of the respondents attained formal education, while more than half (58.3%) of the respondents’ father was illiterate. The educational status of the respondents and their father who lived in urban areas was relatively better than who lived in rural areas. It is also observed that 91.2% and 81.6% of the intergenerational class movement was upward among sons and daughters respectively. The probability of a higher educated father will have a higher educated child is higher in urban areas than in rural areas of Bangladesh. The intergenerational mobility is higher in the primary, secondary, and higher secondary educational levels, though the illiterate and higher education levels are the least mobile classes. In addition, the limiting probabilities reveal that the chance of sending sons to schools by an illiterate father is less as compared to their daughters. Such difference is more obvious in the urban areas, i.e., it is highly likely that sons of the illiterate father are also illiterate. Conclusion Bangladesh has been progressing remarkably in recent years. To keep the pace of the ongoing economic development in the country, it is necessary to give more attention to the illiterate people especially the girls who live in rural areas. The authors anticipate that the findings will be helpful for the policymakers as the relationship between inequality and intergenerational mobility is vital for several aspects of the economic development of a country.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Huq, Mohammed Nazmul and Hossain, Md Moyazzem and Abdulla, Faruq and Yeasmin, Sabina}, editor = {Khan, Hafiz T A}, doi = {10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0255426}, journal = {PLOS ONE}, number = {7} }
@article{ title = {Rural-urban determinants of vitamin a deficiency among under 5 children in Bangladesh: Evidence from National Survey 2017–18}, type = {article}, year = {2021}, keywords = {Biostatistics,Environmental Health,Epidemiology,Medicine/Public Health,Public Health,Vaccine,general}, pages = {1569}, volume = {21}, publisher = {BioMed Central}, id = {f2af114c-c18a-3b77-b6fe-ac34e3391332}, created = {2021-08-21T21:42:51.664Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T21:48:19.708Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Vitamin A supplementation reduces child morbidity, mortality, and blindness of people, especially in developing countries like Bangladesh. This study explores significant determinants of vitamin A deficiency among preschool children in rural and urban areas of Bangladesh. The data set was extracted from a nationally representative survey based on a cross-sectional study, the BDHS-2017-18. The base survey was conducted using a two-stage stratified sample of households. A sample of 8364 (urban 2911, rural 5453) children under-5 years old was analyzed using bivariate and multivariate statistical techniques. Results have demonstrated that 73.9 and 73.2% of children have had a vitamin A supplementation from urban and rural areas, respectively. Logistic regression analysis showed that parents’ education plays a vital role in consuming vitamin A supplements in urban and rural areas. Children whose mothers have secondary (OR: 1.17, CI: 0.76–1.81) and higher (OR: 1.21, CI: 0.72–2.04) education were more likely to consume vitamin A supplementation than children whose mothers were illiterate in urban areas. However, in rural areas, children whose mothers have secondary education were about 24% and higher education with 60% more likely to consume vitamin A supplementation than children whose mothers were illiterate. Child’s age, regional variation and wealth index also contributing factors for vitamin A deficiency in Bangladesh. These findings indicated that the consumption of vitamin A does not cover the target of sustainable development goals. Thus special national and community level efforts are required to ensure the coverage of the national vitamin A program is increased adequately to the most vulnerable groups of children in Bangladesh.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md. Moyazzem and Yeasmin, Sabina and Abdulla, Faruq and Rahman, Azizur}, doi = {10.1186/S12889-021-11607-W}, journal = {BMC Public Health} }
@article{ title = {Book Review: Statistics for Data Science and Policy Analysis}, type = {article}, year = {2021}, publisher = {John Wiley & Sons, Ltd}, id = {78a9aa60-83b0-3d83-824a-0b411bb9dae2}, created = {2021-08-21T21:46:02.590Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T21:48:19.785Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md Moyazzem}, doi = {10.1111/RSSA.12744}, journal = {Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society)} }
@article{ title = {Trends and determinants of vaccination among children aged 06–59 months in Bangladesh: country representative survey from 1993 to 2014}, type = {article}, year = {2021}, keywords = {Biostatistics,Environmental Health,Epidemiology,Medicine/Public Health,Public Health,Vaccine,general}, pages = {1578}, volume = {21}, publisher = {BioMed Central}, id = {c204c93a-da24-31a0-9077-29eeb6a2a553}, created = {2021-08-21T22:54:33.636Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T21:48:21.867Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Vaccination has important consequences for childhood development, mortality, and inequalities in health and well-being. This research explores the trend of vaccinations coverage from 1993 to 2014 and determines the significant factors for vaccinations coverage in Bangladesh, considering geospatial, socioeconomic, and demographic characteristics. This study uses a secondary dataset extracted from the Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey (BDHS) from 1992 to 93 to 2014. The association between selected independent variables and vaccination coverage of children was examined through the Chi-square test. In addition, unadjusted and adjusted logistic regression approaches were applied to determine the effects of covariates on vaccination status by using the BDHS-2014 dataset. The results reveal that the trend of the vaccination coverage rate has gradually been increased over the study period. The coverage rate of BCG is observed maximum while the lowest for Measles vaccination among all types of vaccinations. The findings revealed that the significantly lower coverage of all vaccination had been observed in the Sylhet region. Children of higher educated mothers (OR 10.21; CI: 4.10–25.37) and father (OR 8.71; CI: 4.03–18.80), born at health facilities (OR 4.53; CI: 2.4–8.55) and whose mother has media exposure (OR 3.20; CI: 2.22–4.60) have more chance of receiving BCG vaccine. For DPT vaccination coverage, there is a significant difference from children whose mothers have primary (OR 1.7; CI: 1.35–2.15), secondary (OR 3.5; CI: 2.75–4.45), and higher (OR 9.6; CI: 5.28–17.42) educational qualification compared to children of illiterate mothers. Findings demonstrated that children born in wealthier households have a higher likelihood of being immunized against DPT, Polio, and Measles vaccination than children born in the poorest households. The findings reveal that to enhance and make sustainable the overall country’s vaccination coverage, we should pay more attention to the mother’s education, socioeconomic condition, children’s age, birth order number, having media exposure, place of residence, and religion. The authors think that this finding would be helpful to accelerate the achievement target of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for children’s health in Bangladesh.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md. Moyazzem and Sobhan, Md. Abdus and Rahman, Azizur and Flora, Sanzida Sharmin and Irin, Zahida Sultana}, doi = {10.1186/S12889-021-11576-0}, journal = {BMC Public Health} }
@article{ title = {Prevalence and underlying factors of mobile game addiction among university students in Bangladesh}, type = {article}, year = {2021}, keywords = {Bangladesh,mobile game addiction,ordinal regression,university students}, pages = {1-10}, volume = {8}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, id = {dc6a7d0e-c329-38c3-9396-a495cc5edb42}, created = {2021-09-11T20:27:43.056Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T21:48:22.042Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Background Nowadays, the youth are more engaging with their more advanced smartphones having high-quality graphics and gaming features. However, existing literature depicts that adolescents suffer from several forms of psychological problems including mental health, depression, loneliness, insomnia and low self-control due to mobile game addiction. Therefore, this study aims to find the prevalence and motivating factors for mobile game addiction among university students of Bangladesh. Methods A cross-sectional survey was carried out to collect the required information from 1125 students of three universities in Bangladesh. Descriptive statistics, χ2 test and ordinal regression model are employed to meet the objective of this study. Results The findings reveal that male students are more likely to show addictive behaviours than their counterparts in the context of mobile game addiction. The results depict that loneliness, duration of using smartphones and playing mobile games, and source of entertainment are the main cause of mobile addiction. Also, more than half of the respondents (54.3%) are severely addicted to mobile games who were influenced by friends and YouTube gamers to play games. Moreover, students are suffering from several physical problems such as headaches, eye discomfort, blurry vision and ear discomfort. Conclusion Considering the findings of this paper, the authors suggest that the authorities should consider this immediately and arrange a positive entertainment environment to prevent students from mobile games. Furthermore, it is necessary to encourage students to participate in sports or other extracurricular activities that may be helpful to lessen mobile game addiction among students in Bangladesh.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Sayeed, Md Abu and Rasel, Md Shabbir Rahman and Habibullah, Abrar Ahamed and Hossain, Md Moyazzem}, doi = {10.1017/GMH.2021.34}, journal = {Global Mental Health}, number = {e35} }
@article{ title = {Text Mining and Sentiment Analysis of Newspaper Headlines}, type = {article}, year = {2021}, keywords = {Bangladesh,cluster analysis,headlines pattern and context,newspaper,sentiment analysis,word cloud}, pages = {414}, volume = {12}, publisher = {Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute}, id = {53356b84-4bae-3799-955b-b30bf35ce239}, created = {2021-10-09T09:24:00.244Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T21:48:21.565Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Text analytics are well-known in the modern era for extracting information and patterns from text. However, no study has attempted to illustrate the pattern and priorities of newspaper headlines in Bangladesh using a combination of text analytics techniques. The purpose of this paper is to examine the pattern of words that appeared on the front page of a well-known daily English newspaper in Bangladesh, The Daily Star, in 2018 and 2019. The elucidation of that era’s possible social and political context was also attempted using word patterns. The study employs three widely used and contemporary text mining techniques: word clouds, sentiment analysis, and cluster analysis. The word cloud reveals that election, kill, cricket, and Rohingya-related terms appeared more than 60 times in 2018, whereas BNP, poll, kill, AL, and Khaleda appeared more than 80 times in 2019. These indicated the country’s passion for cricket, political turmoil, and Rohingya-related issues. Furthermore, sentiment analysis reveals that words of fear and negative emotions appeared more than 600 times, whereas anger, anticipation, sadness, trust, and positive-type emotions came up more than 400 times in both years. Finally, the clustering method demonstrates that election, politics, deaths, digital security act, Rohingya, and cricket-related words exhibit similarity and belong to a similar group in 2019, whereas rape, deaths, road, and fire-related words clustered in 2018 alongside a similar-appearing group. In general, this analysis demonstrates how vividly the text mining approach depicts Bangladesh’s social, political, and law-and-order situation, particularly during election season and the country’s cricket craze, and also validates the significance of the text mining approach to understanding the overall view of a country during a particular time in an efficient manner.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Arafat and Karimuzzaman, Md. and Hossain, Md. Moyazzem and Rahman, Azizur}, doi = {10.3390/INFO12100414}, journal = {Information}, number = {10} }
@article{ title = {Book Review: Statistics for Data Science and Policy Analysis Azizur Rahman (editor), 2020 Singapore, Springer XV+ 386 pp., €207.99 (hardcover) ISBN 978-981-15-1734-1}, type = {article}, year = {2021}, pages = {1612-1612}, volume = {184}, month = {10}, publisher = {John Wiley & Sons, Ltd}, day = {1}, id = {ed84de73-acfa-343e-82c3-99d1aa4c9b05}, created = {2021-10-31T11:30:58.939Z}, accessed = {2021-10-31}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T21:48:20.680Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md Moyazzem}, doi = {10.1111/RSSA.12744}, journal = {Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society)}, number = {4} }
@article{ title = {Book Review: Applied univariate, bivariate, and multivariate statistics: Understanding statistics for social and natural scientists, with applications in SPSS and R, second edition Daniel J. Denis, 2021 John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ, USA,XXI+ 551 p}, type = {article}, year = {2021}, publisher = {John Wiley & Sons, Ltd}, id = {c02168c6-563b-3db8-bc71-441a511c3ac6}, created = {2021-11-30T14:31:07.104Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T21:48:21.411Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md. Moyazzem}, doi = {10.1111/RSSA.12775}, journal = {Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society)} }
@article{ title = {The Novel Bivariate Distribution : Statistical Properties and Real Data Applications}, type = {article}, year = {2021}, pages = {2756779}, volume = {2021}, id = {d6182493-cf5c-3691-a5a5-0e427479cfaa}, created = {2021-12-15T18:52:20.959Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T21:42:23.936Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Mohammed, B I and Alghamdi, Abdulaziz S and Aljohani, Hassan M and Hossain, Moyazzem M}, doi = {10.1155/2021/2756779}, journal = {Mathematical Problems in Engineering} }
@inbook{ type = {inbook}, year = {2021}, pages = {31-55}, websites = {https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.4324/9781003093442-3/artificial-intelligence-effect-employment-skilling-arvind-upreti-sridhar}, publisher = {Routledge India}, edition = {1st Editio}, id = {d5b4f71d-73bb-3a3c-880a-096294c59e43}, created = {2024-03-24T05:11:21.444Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2024-03-24T05:11:21.444Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {CHAP}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Autonomous systems have traditionally focused on performing either routine manual tasks requiring well-defined spatial motions or routine cognitive tasks that could be unpacked into explicit instructions for computers. Advances in automation technology specifically in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) have attempted to perform non-routine tasks by utilizing large and representative examples from the problem domain to train algorithms which can make predictions over the domain objects. Stakeholders such as industries and governments can choose to deploy AI in diverse forms, such as — develop entirely new products and services, amplify human abilities in existing tasks or automate tasks by replacing humans with algorithms and robots. The task of choosing among these alternatives is non-trivial as it demands balancing objectives that can be fuzzy, shifting and conflicting. These choices can affect workers who either become more productive due to their skills being complemented by AI or made redundant as they relinquish their comparative advantage to machines. In the above stated context, this chapter discusses the state-of-the-art performance of AI specifically in tasks associated with vision and language. We examine literature that unravels the relationship between task characteristics and their suitability for AI techniques with examples from sectors such as healthcare, financial services, manufacturing and retail. We then discuss the different economic incentives for firms to adopt AI and review its impact on labor markets through contemporary economic models of AI-based automation. Subsequently, we propose a framework that formulates AI adoption as a multi-objective optimization process in which pluralistic perspectives of agents such as firms and workers can be modeled to aid policymakers evaluate AI deployment choices.}, bibtype = {inbook}, author = {Upreti, Arvind and Sridhar, V}, doi = {10.4324/9781003093442-3}, chapter = {Artificial intelligence and its effect on employment and skilling}, title = {Data-Centric Living} }
@article{ title = {Fast food consumption and obesity among urban college going adolescents in Bangladesh: A cross-sectional study}, type = {article}, year = {2020}, keywords = {College going adolescents,Consumption,Fast food,Obesity risk}, pages = {100161}, volume = {17}, month = {3}, publisher = {Elsevier Ltd}, day = {1}, id = {c96a375b-ba28-3c12-aef4-7ab92a7aa80a}, created = {2020-11-12T21:37:30.502Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T21:42:24.046Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Fast food consumption is an emerging trend among adolescents worldwide. College going adolescents are unduly prone to consume fast food which increases the risk of obesity in their future life. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of fast food consumption and to assess the association of fast food consumption with obesity among college going adolescents in Dhaka, Bangladesh. A total of 518 adolescent students were selected using a multi-stage sampling technique from five established colleges in Dhaka city from February 18, 2019, to June 30, 2019. A semi-structured questionnaire was used as a data collection tool. Statistical analysis was performed by SPSS, version 22. The results of this study revealed that 68.1% of students consumed fast foods at least once in the previous week. Taste or pleasure and convenience were the main drivers that triggered students to consume fast foods. About 64% of the participants consumed fast foods frequently (i.e.,> 3 days/week) followed by about 36% were infrequent consumers (i.e., 1–3 days/week). There was a significant difference between students who consumed and did not consume fast food in the previous week regarding the gender, education version, study group and socio-economic class (p < 0.05). The study found a significant association of fast food consumption with the higher prevalence of obesity (29.9% in fast food consumers vs 9.1% in non-consumers, p < 0.05). In addition, male fast food consumers (OR = 2.274, 95% CI = 1.484–3.485, p < 0.05) as well as individuals who consumed fast foods frequently (OR = 2.712, 95% CI = 1.592–4.622, p < 0.05) had greater likelihood to be obese. Fast food consumption among college going adolescents was considered to be an alarming situation as well as a significant public health threat. Specific health education programs, dietary guidelines and effective public awareness campaigns could be best initiated to tackle this problem.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Banik, Rajon and Naher, Shabnam and Pervez, Sabbir and Hossain, Md Moyazzem}, doi = {10.1016/j.obmed.2019.100161}, journal = {Obesity Medicine} }
@article{ title = {High abundance of the colistin resistance gene mcr-1 in chicken gut-bacteria in Bangladesh}, type = {article}, year = {2020}, volume = {10}, month = {12}, publisher = {Nature Research}, day = {1}, id = {2c5c70da-ce53-33d1-b133-dd57d95139b7}, created = {2020-11-12T21:53:06.071Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2020-11-12T21:53:07.921Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {false}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Colistin is considered a last-resort reserved drug for the treatment of critical human infections by Gram-negative bacteria. Phenotypic colistin-resistance is strongly associated with plasmid-mediated mobile colistin resistance (mcr) genes. The mcr-bearing Enterobacteriaceae have been detected in many countries from environments, animals, and humans. This study investigated phenotypic colistin-resistance and the distribution of mcr-1, mcr-2, mcr-3, mcr-4, and mcr-5 genes in chicken-gut bacteria in Bangladesh. Bacteria were isolated from poultry- and native-chicken droppings, and their susceptibilities to colistin were determined by agar dilution and E-test minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) measurements. Multiplex polymerase chain reactions detected mcr-1 to mcr-5 genes. Overall, 61.7% (92/149) of the isolates showed colistin resistance by agar dilution assessment (MIC > 2.0 μg/mL). The phenotypic resistance was observed considerably higher in poultry-chicken isolates (64.6%, 64/99) than in native-chicken isolates (56%, 28/50; p = 0.373). All the resistant isolates showed MIC levels between > 2 and > 128 μg/mL. The mcr-genes (mcr-1and mcr-2 combined) were detected more in poultry gut bacteria (36.4%) than native-chicken isolates (20%, p = 0.06). Despite bacteria sources, mcr-genes appeared to be significantly associated with phenotypic colistin-resistance phenomena (p < 0.001). Prior colistin usage led to a substantial increase in the proportion of bacteria with mcr-genes and phenotypic resistance (p < 0.001).}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Islam, Salequl and Urmi, Umme Laila and Rana, Masud and Sultana, Fahmida and Jahan, Nusrat and Hossain, Billal and Iqbal, Samiul and Hossain, Md Moyazzem and Mosaddek, Abu Syed Md and Nahar, Shamsun}, doi = {10.1038/s41598-020-74402-4}, journal = {Scientific Reports}, number = {1} }
@article{ title = {Attitudes of the Female University Students towards Skin Whitening in Bangladesh}, type = {article}, year = {2020}, pages = {000134}, volume = {4}, publisher = {Medwin Publishers}, id = {6ea85363-ce4e-3576-8101-1e5ca61f4860}, created = {2020-11-12T21:54:23.991Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2021-05-05T15:46:50.098Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Aim: This paper attempts to examine the attitude of female students towards skin whitening products. Method: Nowadays, due to the aggressive Internet and print media advertising, skin whitening products are growing. Therefore, for finding the attitude, knowledge, practice, and perception of the female students about skin whitening, a self-administered questionnaire was used to collect the primary data from the respondents. Descriptive statistics were employed to analyze the gathered data. Results: Among the respondents, 30 percent of students agreed that the use of skin whitening products is a good practice. However, about 40 percent of respondents had a skin problem due to the use of such products. Moreover, more than three-quarter of the respondents having a perception that their counterpart considers them with lighter skin to be more beautiful. Also, another three important factors are lighter skin increase the likelihood of getting married, look healthier and provide higher self-esteem. Conclusion: Several factors are responsible to increase the skin whitening products like look beautiful, likelihood of getting jobs as well as marriage. However, due to the use of different skin whitening products, female students sometimes suffered from several skin diseases.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Moyazzem}, doi = {10.23880/eij-16000134}, journal = {Epidemiology International Journal}, number = {1} }
@article{ title = {Routine Vaccination Disruption in Low-Income Countries: An Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic}, type = {article}, year = {2020}, pages = {509 –510}, volume = {32}, publisher = {SAGE Publications Inc.}, id = {d79f4afb-275e-313d-a19d-2ebdf2ccfbd7}, created = {2020-11-12T22:07:59.174Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2021-05-05T15:43:02.893Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md Moyazzem and Abdulla, Faruq and Karimuzzaman, Md and Rahman, Azizur}, doi = {10.1177/1010539520957808}, journal = {Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health}, number = {8} }
@article{ title = {Forecasting performance of nonlinear time-series models: an application to weather variable}, type = {article}, year = {2020}, keywords = {Bangladesh,Forecasting,Model selection,Nonlinearity test,Regime switching,Temperature,Threshold autoregression}, pages = {2451-2463}, volume = {6}, month = {12}, publisher = {Springer}, day = {1}, id = {5b10aa2a-6345-3f0c-bdc5-c43727e45463}, created = {2020-11-12T22:08:26.349Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2024-10-20T15:59:41.704Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Modelling the dynamic dependent data by the linear approach is the most popular among the researchers because of its simplicity in calculation and approximation, however, in real-world phenomena, most of the time-dependent data follow the nonlinearity. Moreover, most of the nonlinear modelling of time-dependent data have found in the financial applications. Besides this sector, the authors of this paper found the presence of nonlinearity in meteorological data with the help of four popular nonlinearity tests. Furthermore, there is a scarcity of the application of regime-switching threshold autoregressive nonlinear time-series model in forecasting the weather variables like temperature. Thus, this paper aims to compare the forecasting accuracy of the linear autoregressive (linear AR), self-exciting threshold autoregression (SETAR), logistic smooth transition autoregressive model (LSTAR), and feed-forward neural network (ANNs) and fitted with the determination of regime and hyperparameters. After fitting the models, twenty steps ahead forecast considered for the comparison along with the selected model selection criteria; and results depict that the LSTAR models are selected as the most appropriate fitted models for forecasting the daily Average, Maximum and Minimum temperature. Finally, it has observed that the average, as well as maximum temperature of Dhaka, Bangladesh, have an increasing trend and minimum temperature having a decreasing trend.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Karimuzzaman, Md and Hossain, Md Moyazzem}, doi = {10.1007/s40808-020-00826-6}, journal = {Modeling Earth Systems and Environment}, number = {4} }
@article{ title = {Forecasting Monthly Average Temperature of Some Selected Stations from the Northern Part of Bangladesh by ARIMA Model}, type = {article}, year = {2020}, keywords = {37M10,62-07,62M10,Bangladesh Mathematics Subject Classification: 97K,Box-Jenkin's Methodology,Model Selection,Temperature}, pages = {43-53}, volume = {31}, id = {1e470aae-4672-3067-aa06-a101fe19c0a1}, created = {2020-11-12T22:15:31.584Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T21:48:21.834Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {The global temperature is increasing day by day. It is mostly because of the Greenhouse effect, using fossil fuels and others. It is potentially impacting on human population and another organism of the environment. The environment of Bangladesh, as well as the climatic conditions all over the world, are wildly affected due to increasing temperature. This paper attempts to identify the most appropriate Time Series model for the monthly average temperature of the selected places and make forecasting with this model. For this study, the monthly average temperature data is collected between the period from January 1972 and December 2017 for Rangpur, Rajshahi and Bogra station. However, for the Dinajpur the study period is January 1981 to December 2017 since the previous data are unavailability. The final model is selected by using well-established model selection criteria like AIC, BIC, MASE, RMSE and so on. We have found the seasonal ARIMA model like 12 4,0,3 0,1,2 ARIMA , 12 5,0,4 0,1,2 ARIMA , 12 2,0,1 0,1,2 ARIMA and 12 5,0,3 0,1,2 ARIMA for Rangpur, Rajshahi, Dinajpur and Bogra stations respectively give the best fit. It is assumed that our forecasted monthly average temperature data can help the meteorologist and the decisionmakers to establish strategies, priorities and proper use of natural components.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, M M}, journal = {International Journal of Mathematics & Computation}, number = {1} }
@inbook{ type = {inbook}, year = {2020}, pages = {221-236}, publisher = {Springer Singapore}, edition = {1st}, id = {bd03397b-3f18-346a-aaa1-3d6e5e46aad6}, created = {2021-03-29T23:20:35.899Z}, accessed = {2021-03-30}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T21:48:19.881Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {inbook}, author = {Karimuzzaman, Md. and Moyazzem Hossain, Md. and Rahman, Azizur}, editor = {Rahman, Azizur}, doi = {10.1007/978-981-15-1735-8_17}, chapter = {Finite Mixture Modelling Approach to Identify Factors Affecting Children Ever Born for 15–49 Year Old Women in Asian Country}, title = {Statistics for Data Science and Policy Analysis} }
@article{ title = {Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of children in Bangladesh: A cross-sectional study}, type = {article}, year = {2020}, keywords = {Bangladesh,COVID-19,Children,Lockdown,Mental health,Pandemic}, pages = {105277}, volume = {117}, publisher = {Elsevier Ltd}, id = {f874cae2-c16f-3010-bca4-b9ebd54530c9}, created = {2021-05-05T15:48:05.431Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2021-05-05T15:48:05.431Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {COVID-19 pandemic poses a significant mental health threat among children in Bangladesh. This study aims to explore the impact of COVID-19 on the mental health of children during the lockdown in Bangladesh. An online cross-sectional study was conducted from 25th April to 9th May 2020 among 384 parents having at least one child aged between 5–15 years using non-probability sampling. K-means clustering used to group children according to mental health score and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) performed to identify the relationship among the parental behavior and child mental health, and also these associations were assessed through chi-square test. Children were classified into four groups where 43% of child had subthreshold mental disturbances (mean Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)-10; 2.8), 30.5% had mild (mean MDD-10; 8.9), 19.3% suffered moderately (mean MDD-10; 15.9), and 7.2% of child suffered from severe disturbances (mean MDD-10; 25.2). The higher percentage of mental health disturbances of children with the higher education level of parents, relative infected by COVID-19 (yes), parents still need to go the workplace (yes), and parent's abnormal behavior but lower to their counterparts. This paper demonstrates large proportions of children are suffering from mental health disturbances in Bangladesh during the period of lockdown. Implementation of psychological intervention strategies and improvement in house-hold financial conditions, literacy of parents, taking care of children, and job security may help in improving the psychological/mental status of children and the authors believe that the findings will be beneficial to accelerate the rate of achieving the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) linked to health status in Bangladesh.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Yeasmin, Sabina and Banik, Rajon and Hossain, Sorif and Hossain, Md Nazmul and Mahumud, Raju and Salma, Nahid and Hossain, Md Moyazzem}, doi = {10.1016/j.childyouth.2020.105277}, journal = {Children and Youth Services Review} }
@article{ title = {Assessing Sleep Quality and Its Effects on Academic Performance among University Students}, type = {article}, year = {2020}, keywords = {Academic Performance,Bangladesh,Sleep Quality,University Students}, pages = {72}, volume = {5}, publisher = {Knowledge E}, id = {dae1f768-b54b-3867-a876-ce311a05c4a6}, created = {2021-05-05T15:53:58.268Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T21:48:21.476Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Background and Objective: Insufficient sleep duration as well as quality is becoming endemic in our modern society. The time of going to bed and sleep quality and quantity are linked with students’ learning abilities and academic accomplishment. Therefore, this paper firstly opted to measure the level of sleep quality of the students of Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh, and finally detect the association between quality of sleep and academic achievement among the students. Materials and Methods: The primary data were collected through a self-administered questionnaire from 334 students with a response rate about 84 percent during February to March 2019. Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) was used to measure the sleep quality of the students. The percent distribution, descriptive statistics, and multiple regression were employed to identify the influence of the components of sleep quality on academic performance. Results: Only the sleep quality of one-fourth of the students was good. Moreover, sleep duration, subjective sleep quality, and daytime dysfunction were positively related to the academic performance; however, sleep latency, sleep disturbances, use of sleeping medications, and habitual sleep efficiency were inversely associated with the academic performance of the students. Conclusion: Academic performance of a student was related to the components of sleep quality. Thus, this study indicates that students with poor academic performance have problems regarding sleep issues. Medical advice should be followed to maintain a healthier lifestyle including adequate rest time.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md Moyazzem and Rahman, Md Habibur}, doi = {10.18502/jss.v5i2.5614}, journal = {Journal of Sleep sciences}, number = {2} }
@unpublished{ title = {Effect of preventive actions and health care factors in controlling the outbreaks of COVID-19 pandemic}, type = {unpublished}, year = {2020}, source = {medRxiv}, keywords = {COVID-19 pandemic,Case fatality rate,Life expectancy,Lockdown,Quarantine,Social distance}, pages = {2020.05.09.20096255}, websites = {https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.05.09.20096255}, publisher = {medRxiv}, id = {484bd3e3-aedb-397d-9158-2ffbf0509d43}, created = {2021-05-05T16:10:35.473Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2021-05-05T16:10:35.473Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {GEN}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {With the insurgence of the COVID-19 pandemic, a large number of people died in the past several months, and the situation is ongoing with increasing health, social and economic panic and vulnerability. Due to the lack of drugs and prophylaxis against COVID-19, most of the countries are now relying on maintaining social distance as preventative actions. However, this social distancing can create global socio-economic crisis and psychological disorders. Therefore, these control measures need to have an assessment to evaluate their value in containing the situation. In this study, we analyzed the outcome of COVID-19 in response to different control measures, health care facilities, and prevalent diseases. Based on our findings, the number of COVID-19 deaths found to be reduced with increased medical personnel and hospital beds. We found 0.23, 0.16, and 0.21 as the measurement of significant non-linear relationship between COVID-19 case fatality and number of physicians (p-value ≤ 7.1×10-6), nurses and midwives (p-value ≤ 4.6×10-3), and hospital beds (p-value ≤ 1.9×10-2). Importantly, we observed a significant correlation between the reduction of COVID-19 cases and the earliness of preventive initiation. As a result, enhancing health care facilities as well as imposing the control measures in a short time could be valuable to prevent the currently raging COVID-19 pandemic. The apathy of taking nation-wide immediate precaution measure has identified as one of the critical reasons to make the circumstances worst. Notably, countries including Gambia, Nicaragua, Burundi, Namibia, and Nepal have marked in a state of danger. Interestingly, no association between the comorbidities and severity of COVID-19 was found except for few diseases including cancer, which warranted further investigation at the pathobiological level. We believe that this study could be useful in developing a control strategy in COVID-19 as well as future pandemics.}, bibtype = {unpublished}, author = {Abdulla, Faruq and Nain, Zulkar and Karimuzzaman, Md and Moyazzem Hossain, Md and Adhikari, Utpal Kumar and Rahman, Azizur}, doi = {10.1101/2020.05.09.20096255} }
@unpublished{ title = {Forecasting the COVID-19 pandemic with climate variables for top five burdening and three south Asian countries}, type = {unpublished}, year = {2020}, source = {medRxiv}, keywords = {COVID-19,Climate Variables,Count Time Series,Likelihood based GLM,Machine Learning}, pages = {2020.05.12.20099044}, websites = {https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.05.12.20099044}, publisher = {medRxiv}, id = {0e523194-9ff7-36b7-b790-2ed51ee438ba}, created = {2021-05-05T16:10:35.475Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2021-05-05T16:10:35.475Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {GEN}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Background: The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is now in a horrific situation around the world. Prediction about the number of infected and death cases may help to take immediate action to prevent the epidemic as well as control the situation of a country. The ongoing debate about the climate factors may need more validation with more studies. The climate factors of the top-five affected countries and three south Asian countries have considered in this study to have a real-time forecast and robust validation about the impact of climate variables. Methods: The ARIMA model have included to model the univariate cumulative confirmed and death cases separately. The MLP, ELM and likelihood-based GLM count time series also considered as they consider the external variables as exogenous regressors. As the death count includes zero itself, zero-inflated count time series model has included instead of likelihood-based GLM. The better fitting of the ARIMA model will validate the under-whelm of meteorological factors was the initial hypothesis. The best model has identified through the application and comparison with the real data points. Results: The results depict that there is an influence of meteorological variables like temperature and humidity mostly for all the selected countries cumulative confirm cases excluding Italy and Sri-Lanka. However, the best models for deaths count of each country also identify the impact of meteorological variables for each country. Conclusion: The authors make the sixty days ahead forecast for each country which will be beneficial for the policymakers.}, bibtype = {unpublished}, author = {Karimuzzaman, Md and Afroz, Sabrina and Hossain, Md Moyazzem and Rahman, Azizur}, doi = {10.1101/2020.05.12.20099044} }
@article{ title = {Determinants of Low Birth Weight in Ghana: Does Quality of Antenatal Care Matter?}, type = {article}, year = {2020}, pages = {668-677}, volume = {24}, websites = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s10995-020-02895-6}, id = {8845010c-ffa4-310b-8db2-7e6d6facd60e}, created = {2023-10-27T19:29:10.439Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2023-10-27T19:29:10.439Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Low birth weight is a public health issue that contributes to perinatal and infant mortality, especially in limited-resource settings, but there is limited understanding of the determinants of low birth weight and the contributions of quality antenatal care to maintaining healthy birth weights for newborns in such settings. This study aims at establishing links between birthweight and quality antenatal care in Ghana.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Banchani, Emmanuel and Tenkorang, Eric Y}, doi = {10.1007/s10995-020-02895-6}, journal = {Maternal and Child Health Journal}, number = {5} }
@article{ title = {Probability modeling of monthly maximum sustained wind speed in Bangladesh}, type = {article}, year = {2019}, keywords = {Bangladesh,Maximum likelihood method,Newton-Raphson technique,Probability density function,Wind speed}, pages = {75-84}, volume = {7}, publisher = {International Academic Press}, id = {1931de08-7bdc-333b-92b4-fedb27a349d7}, created = {2020-11-12T21:39:37.891Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2021-05-05T16:05:40.383Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Wind speed is one the most important parameter of wind energy. However, the probability density functions (pdfs) are usually used to describe the characteristics of wind speed. In literature, several pdfs have been investigated to justify the suitability of modeling the wind speed in different regions all over the world. Therefore, the choice of the pdf is very crucial. This paper, firstly find the estimates of the parameters of all probability distribution considered in this study to describe wind speed characteristics by using the maximum likelihood method and iterations were carried out with Newton- Raphson technique. Finally, the appropriate pdf for monthly maximum sustained wind speed at Coxs Bazar in Bangladesh is selected with the help of the KolmogorovCSmirnov statistic, the coefficient of determination (R 2 ), the Chi-square (χ 2 ) statistic, Root mean square error (RMSE), AIC and BIC. Here, results depict that, among the distributions considered in this study, the Skewed t (ST) distribution provides the best fit to the wind speed data.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md Moyazzem}, doi = {10.19139/soic.v7i1.567}, journal = {Statistics, Optimization and Information Computing}, number = {1} }
@article{ title = {Over-Differencing and Forecasting with Non-Stationary Time Series Data}, type = {article}, year = {2019}, keywords = {Autoregressive model}, pages = {21-26}, volume = {67}, id = {456358e4-e3d3-3b55-b34e-858d231acd19}, created = {2020-11-12T21:40:05.094Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-05T09:22:35.164Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {In time series analysis, over-differencing is a common phenomenon to make the data to be stationary. However, it is not always a good idea to take over-differencing in order to ensure the stationarity of time series data. In this paper, the effect of over-differencing has been investigated via a simulation study to observe how far or how close the fitted model from the true one. Simulation results show that the fitted model is found to be different and very far from the true model because of over-differencing in most of the scenarios considered in this study. In practice, it may be worthy to consider differencing as well as suitable transformation of the time series data to make it stationary. Both transformation and differencing are used for a non-stationary time series data on average monthly house prices to ensure it to be stationary. We then analyse the data and make prediction for the future values.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Zakir and Rahman, Atikur and Hossain, Moyazzem and Karami, Jamil Hasan}, journal = {Dhaka University Journal of Science}, number = {1} }
@article{ title = {Gram-positive uropathogens: Empirical treatment and emerging antimicrobial resistance}, type = {article}, year = {2019}, pages = {1-4}, volume = {4}, publisher = {Open Access Text Pvt, Ltd.}, id = {19b8e7e3-2e82-3118-9011-b72783a55848}, created = {2020-11-12T21:52:51.188Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2021-05-05T16:05:40.275Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Laila Urmi, Umme and Jahan, Nusrat and Nahar, Shamsun and Rana, Masud and Sultana, Fahmida and Hossain, Billal and Iqbal, Samiul and Hossain, Moyazzem and Syed Md. Mosaddek, Abu and Islam, Salequl}, doi = {10.15761/brcp.1000182}, journal = {Biomedical Research and Clinical Practice}, number = {2} }
@article{ title = {Forecasting Rice Production in Jessore, Dinajpur and Kushtia Districts of Bangladesh by Time Series Model}, type = {article}, year = {2019}, pages = {105-114}, volume = {30}, id = {5b69608a-c456-3457-a0cc-063ab8a8b9f0}, created = {2020-11-12T22:12:22.489Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T16:36:19.783Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {The economy of Bangladesh mainly depends on agriculture in which rice is the leading crop. Rice is the principal food, imitated in the high per capita rice consumption in this country. Most of the people in Bangladesh fulfill the nutritional demand by rice. Over its long history, rice production of Bangladesh has gradually changed in terms of yield potentials, cultivations techniques, and cropping patterns. Despite the pressure from overpopulation , the country has reached self-sufficiency in rice production. Thus, this paper attempts to identify the appropriate ARIMA (Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average) model that is used to forecast the production of rice in Jessore, Dinajpur and Kushtia districts. In this paper, () ARIMA model for both Jessore and Dinajpur and () ARIMA model for Kushtia is found to be suitable for forecasting the rice production also the test result indicating that the errors of the selected models are not auto-correlated as well as follows the normal distribution. Finally, these models are used to forecast the rice production of the selected districts for the upcoming 20 years which help the decision makers to establish the rice production management.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Rahman, Md. Arafat and Hossain, Md. Moyazzem}, journal = {International Journal of Mathematics and Computation}, number = {2} }
@article{ title = {Application of Text Mining on the Editorial of a Newspaper of Bangladesh}, type = {article}, year = {2019}, pages = {975-8887}, volume = {178}, id = {7b630c8e-c0c9-3626-ae91-e9a8220db3b7}, created = {2020-11-12T22:16:06.990Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T21:48:20.426Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Manir, Tarequl Islam and Hossain, Md Moyazzem}, journal = {International Journal of Computer Applications}, number = {11} }
@article{ title = {Determinants of the age of mother at first birth in Bangladesh: quantile regression approach}, type = {article}, year = {2019}, keywords = {Age at first birth,Bangladesh,Quantile regression}, pages = {419-424}, volume = {27}, month = {8}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, day = {1}, id = {87f12655-a2a2-3b80-ab75-8aca219ea7ed}, created = {2021-03-06T23:08:40.924Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2023-12-12T14:45:25.675Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Objective: This paper attempts to explore the determinants that determine the mother’s age at first birth in Bangladesh by using a data set obtained from Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey (BDHS)-2014. Study design: The sampling frame used for the 2014 BDHS is the complete list of enumeration areas (EAs) covering the whole country prepared by the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics for the 2011 population census of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. An EA is a geographic area covering on average 113 households. However, the 2014 BDHS sample was stratified and selected in two stages. In the first stage, 600 EAs were selected with probability proportional to the EA size. Also, in the second stage of selection, a fixed number of 30 households per cluster will be selected with an equal probability systematic selection from the newly created household listing. Methods: The quantile regression model produces more unbiased estimates than the linear regression model when the data do not follow the assumed normal distribution. Thus, this paper considers the quantile regression model. Results: The results suggest that variables such as the type of place of residence, religious status, husband’s age and his occupation, body mass index, and wealth index of the respondent are positively related to the age of mother at first birth. However, variables such as current age, highest educational level, and occupation of the respondent, division and husband/partner’s education level are negatively related to the age of mother at first birth. Conclusion: The results show that the average age of mothers at first birth is just under 18 years, which is just under the age of marriage in Bangladesh. It is quite alarming to the government of Bangladesh. Therefore, the government should take the necessary steps to achieve an increase in the age of mothers at first birth.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md Moyazzem and Majumder, Ajit Kumar}, doi = {10.1007/s10389-018-0977-6}, journal = {Journal of Public Health}, number = {4} }
@article{ title = {Distribution of Earthquake Magnitude Levels in Bangladesh}, type = {article}, year = {2019}, keywords = {AIC,Anderson-Darling,BIC,Cumulative Distribution,Earthquake,Log-Normal}, pages = {24}, volume = {11}, publisher = {Canadian Center of Science and Education}, id = {c3aa5c89-0ab7-32d9-9e27-f3cf38fee71a}, created = {2021-05-05T15:57:59.689Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T21:48:21.336Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Earthquakes are one of the main natural hazards which seriously make threats the life and property of human beings. Different probability distributions of the earthquake magnitude levels in Bangladesh are fitted. In terms of graphical assessment and goodness-of-fit criterion, the log-normal distribution is found to be the best fit probability distributions for the earthquake magnitude levels in Bangladesh among the probability distribution considered in this study. The average earthquake magnitude level found 4.67 (in Richter scale) for log-normal distribution and the approximately forty-six percent chance is predicted to take place earthquake magnitude in the interval four to five.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Rahman, Md. Habibur and Hossain, Md. Moyazzem}, doi = {10.5539/jgg.v11n3p15}, journal = {Journal of Geography and Geology}, number = {3} }
@article{ title = {Classification and Regression Tree to Predict the Precipitation Labels of North-West Region in Bangladesh}, type = {article}, year = {2019}, keywords = {Accuracy,CART,Confusion Matrix,Gini Index,Training Data}, pages = {126}, volume = {9}, publisher = {Canadian Center of Science and Education}, id = {f64894df-9591-3722-87bf-323f98172540}, created = {2021-05-05T15:59:22.694Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T21:48:21.290Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {The north-west region of Bangladesh is completely an agricultural region and prediction of precipitation labels is extremely important to people of this region as well as for the policymaker also. The assumptions free model like the CART model is very helpful to predict the precipitation categories of the north-west part of Bangladesh. The fitted CART model and the pruned CART model provide approximately eighty percent accurate prediction to predict the precipitation labels of the north-west grid in Bangladesh in this study.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Rahman, Md. Habibur and Hossain, Md. Moyazzem}, doi = {10.5539/enrr.v9n3p117}, journal = {Environment and Natural Resources Research}, number = {3} }
@article{ title = {Forecasting Gold Price: An Application of Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average Model}, type = {article}, year = {2019}, keywords = {ARIMA Model. .,Forecasting,Gold Price,Model Selection}, pages = {115-121}, volume = {58}, id = {a55b1999-9ae3-328f-a6f1-0e74d5b64b2d}, created = {2021-05-05T16:05:40.114Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T21:42:23.804Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {In recent years, the trend of the global gold price has attracted a lot of attention and the price of gold has terrifying spike compared to historical trend. In this paper, an attempt has been made to develop a model for forecasting the gold price. The sample data of gold price (in USD per ounce) were taken from January, 1950 to January, 2018. This paper uses the Box-Jenkin's Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) methodology for building the forecasting model. Results advocate that ARIMA(1,1,2)(1,1,2)12 is the most suitable model to be used for predicting the gold price.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Faruk, M.O. and Hossain, M.M.}, journal = {International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics™}, number = {4} }
@article{ title = {Impact of Mobile Phone Usage on Academic Performance}, type = {article}, year = {2019}, keywords = {Bangladesh,CGPA,Education,Smartphones,phone technology}, pages = {164-180}, volume = {118}, id = {b9c4e12a-9724-3052-b2f1-0117d156c486}, created = {2021-05-05T16:05:40.116Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T21:48:20.798Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {As cell phone technology continues its rapid development, the device appears capable of contributing to student learning and improved academic performance. The recent rapid increase in cell phones has influenced multiple aspects of our daily lives, particularly those of Students. Therefore, the aims of the current study is to determine the influence of the mobile phone usage on academic performance among male and female students of Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh. A face to face survey was conducted among 274 students which include 159 male students and 115 female students ranging from second year to fourth year from different departments of Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh. Results depicts that gender, age and relationship with opposite sex have the significant positive effect on students' academic performance. However, marital status, spending time on mobile phone, negative effect of mobile phone and application usage while studying has the negative effect on students' academic performance. Cell phones are undeniably convenient, helpful tools for study and can be a hurtful source of distraction depending on the attitude and use pattern of a student. The author, however, suggests that the mobile phone designers must take into account how young people use cell phones for educational purposes.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md Moyazzem}, journal = {World Scientific News} }
@article{ title = {Prevalence, Patterns, and Determinants of Contraceptive Practices among Married Women in Bangladesh}, type = {article}, year = {2019}, pages = {27-44}, volume = {42}, id = {b23d6110-3ffe-3c62-ae82-ad026bba3552}, created = {2022-03-15T23:49:34.642Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2023-12-16T19:55:57.354Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Sobhan, Md. Abdus and Hossain, Md. Moyazzem}, journal = {Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science}, number = {2} }
@article{ title = {Effect of Multimedia Instruction on Learning: A Case Study}, type = {article}, year = {2018}, keywords = {Multimedia-aided teaching (MAT),academic achievement,factor analysis,information access devices}, pages = {7-11}, volume = {7}, id = {9362c7c1-87e9-3a5c-ba08-28b7dc193c88}, created = {2020-11-12T21:39:24.161Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T21:48:19.821Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Multimedia are increasingly one of the most popular information access devices; and what stands out from the study is the high use of interactive, multiuser functions which can at times be disruptive or beneficial during the study. The use of multimedia in education has proven its importance due to its positive impact on the teaching and learning process. So, the present study investigates comparative effectiveness of multimedia-aided teaching on students' academic achievement and attitude at the undergraduate level in the teaching of science. The valid and reliable questionnaires were used as data collection tools. Moreover, a face to face survey was conducted in Jahangirnagar University students of the second year to the fourth year from different departments of science faculty. The results indicate that multimedia-aided teaching is more effective than the traditional one. Therefore, higher institutions can take the advantage of the potential and capitalize on the multimedia for educational purposes because of the intrinsic motivation of university students.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Miah, Md Shiblu and Hossain, Md Moyazzem and Rahman, Md Habibur}, journal = {Research & Reviews: Journal of Statistics}, number = {2} }
@article{ title = {An Empirical Model of Students Satisfaction and Service Quality of Jahangirnagar University}, type = {article}, year = {2018}, keywords = {Bangladesh,Factor Analysis,Service Quality,Student's Satisfaction}, pages = {2321-1091}, volume = {13}, id = {e1e8f495-5169-359c-87ff-02855ca98d55}, created = {2020-11-12T21:40:21.108Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T21:48:22.100Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Satisfaction is a state felt by a person who has experienced performance or an outcome that fulfill his or her expectation and service quality is an important parameter of educational excellence. This study attempts to examine the relationship between service quality dimensions (tangibility, responsiveness, reliability, assurance and empathy) and students' satisfaction. The results exhibit that there is a significant correlation among all the constructs with student satisfaction at 1% level of significance. The results also depict that the tangibles factor is the most important factor which includes a group of statements related to the environment and facilities provided by the university. Therefore, this paper will be helpful for institutions in order to enhance the quality of educational services.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Moyazzem}, journal = {Journal of Social Science Research} }
@article{ title = {An Impact of Foreign Remittance on the Profitability of EXIM (Export Import) Bank in Bangladesh}, type = {article}, year = {2018}, keywords = {Bangladesh,EXIM BANK,Profitability,Remittance}, pages = {58-61}, volume = {9}, publisher = {Online}, id = {ee936d3c-884e-3891-97ac-106a1b05d855}, created = {2020-11-12T21:43:41.911Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T21:48:20.027Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Remittance is an important and challenging issue in the banking industry nowadays. Remittance affects the health of banking sector and also the economy of a country. The aim of this paper is to identify the trend of remittance and the contribution of remittance to the profitability of EXIM Bank. The study based on secondary data collected from the different annual reports of the bank during its establishment year 1999 to 2016. The findings of this study show that remittance has the significant positive impact on the profitability.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Rahman, Md Ashfaqur and Hossain, Md Moyazzem}, journal = {Research Journal of Finance and Accounting}, number = {15} }
@article{ title = {Analysis of Factors Affecting the Technical Efficiency: A Case Study}, type = {article}, year = {2018}, pages = {10-13}, volume = {6}, id = {69730a3b-8ebf-3778-9231-08a6ebb86f6c}, created = {2020-11-12T21:43:58.051Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2021-05-05T16:16:40.871Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {The measurement of the production efficiency in agricultural production is very important since it gives useful information for making decisions, resource allocations, and for formulating agricultural policies and institutional improvement. This paper attempts to estimate the individual banana farmer’s technical and scale efficiency in Kushtia district of Bangladesh by input and output-oriented Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) model considering the variable returns to scale (VRS) assumption. The result specifies that the average technical efficiency (TE) and scale efficiency (SE) for banana farmers in Kushtia district is about 87% and 97% respectively for both input and output oriented VRS. Also, Tobit regression shows the variation of TE is related to farm-specific attributes such as age, experience, education of farmers and firm size. All of these factors provide a positive impact on farmer’s efficiency. Therefore, this study suggests that the existing inefficiency may be reduced through training, policy interventions, adoption and spread of improved agricultural mechanization.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Md. Moyazzem Hossain, and Ajit Kumar Majumder}, journal = {International Journal of Economics and Statistics} }
@article{ title = {Effects of Climate Variable on Aus Rice Production at Selected Districts of Bangladesh}, type = {article}, year = {2018}, keywords = {Climate Variables,Maximum Temperature,Regression Analysis,SARIMA,and Forecasting}, pages = {87-102}, volume = {41}, id = {913db482-b007-3f75-b6de-dfdff6d4d69a}, created = {2020-11-12T21:46:11.998Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-09-22T12:27:02.346Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {The production of rice is sensitive to the climatic variables. So, any changes in climate variables have harmful effects on rice production. Keeping the above view in mind, this study is undertaken to investigate the impacts of climate change on Aus rice production at selected districts of Bangladesh and modeling the climate variable to predict future situations. In this study, multiple regressions and correlation analysis were carried out and observed that the maximum temperature has a significantly negative effect on Aus rice production at Dhaka, Jessore and Kushtia districts of Bangladesh. Moreover, the behavior of the time series of maximum temperature is observed and it can be seen that the series is stationary with some seasonal variation. Finally, the authors fit different order of the SARIMA model and forecast the maximurn temperature of selected districts using the fitted model. It is found that the forecasted value has a similar pattern to the original data series and has an increasing tendency which is harmful for Aus rice production in selected districts of Bangladesh.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Marjan, Nahyarul and Hossain, Md Moyazzem}, journal = {Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science}, number = {1} }
@article{ title = {Socio-Economic and Demographic Determinants of Birth Intervals among Married Women in Bangladesh}, type = {article}, year = {2018}, keywords = {BDHS,Birth Intervals,Log-rank Test,Proportional Hazard Ratio}, pages = {103-118}, volume = {41}, id = {929a0612-7bd8-36eb-a2e7-b004f97c5e02}, created = {2020-11-12T21:49:04.196Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-01-14T18:26:49.976Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {One of the important goals for sustainable development imposed by the United Nations is to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for the people of all ages. The goal placed a target; that is, to reduce the global matemal mortality ratio to less than 70 per 100,000 live births and reduce under-five mortality to at least as low as 25 per 1000 live births in every country. However, the length of the preceding birth interval is one of the major determinants of infant and early childhood mortality. In order to identify the socioeconomic and demographic determinants of preceding birth interval among married women in Bangladesh, this study considered a secondary dataset taken from the national representative survey Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey (BDHS) 2014. At first, the Log-rank test is implemented for scrutinizing the association between the length of preceding birth intervals and different socioeconomic and demographic variables. After that, the unadjusted and adjusted Cox proportional hazard regressions are applied separately to analyze the data. The overall mean duration of the birth interval was 58 months (median 52 months) among the surveyed women, almost one-third (30.5%) of the respondents having subsequent birth within 36 months. The results from unadjusted and adjusted Cox proportional hazard model examined that number of living children, the status of current contraceptive use, respondent's employment status, husband's age, husband's educational level, and wealth index were identified as significant determinants for increasing the length of birth intervals of currently married women in Bangladesh. It also found that women's birth intervals of Chattogram and Sylhet division had significantly (p<0.01) sorter birth intervals compared to other regions of the country. Hence, the organization who are concerned about women's birth intervals in Bangladesh should be taken an action on the mentioned determinants.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Sobhan, Md Abdus and Hasan, Md Farooq and Hossain, Md Moyazzem}, journal = {Jahangimagar University Journal of Science}, number = {2} }
@article{ title = {Patterns, prevalence and determinants of environmental tobacco smoke exposure among adults in Bangladesh}, type = {article}, year = {2018}, keywords = {Bangladesh,Environmental tobacco smoke exposure,Equiponderant graphs,Public health}, pages = {113-121}, volume = {8}, month = {12}, publisher = {Elsevier Ltd}, day = {1}, id = {09e377c2-f540-30bf-9016-406ce15b4585}, created = {2020-11-12T21:55:07.263Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2021-05-05T16:16:41.094Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Background: Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) has been suggested as a risk factor for various health problems. Thus, this study examines the patterns and predictors of ETS exposure among adults at home, workplace and public places. Methods: The dataset covered a nationally representative sample of 9629 respondents extracted from the Global Adult Tobacco Survey. Diamond-shaped equiponderant graphs were used to exhibit the prevalence of ETS. In Logistic regressions, ETS exposure at home, workplace and public places were used as response variables. Demographic and socioeconomic variables, health knowledge about ETS, attitude towards ETS, perception of smoking restrictions were considered as predictors. Results: Adults in higher age groups and females were less exposed to ETS. Better education, high wealth status, better health knowledge on ETS, practice of no smoking at home, and support smoking restrictions were significantly associated with lower ETS exposure at home. Those residing in rural areas and living with many people together were more likely to be exposed to ETS at home. In contrast with home and workplace exposure, adults with higher education, better wealth status, good knowledge on ETS, and support smoking restrictions experienced a high level of exposure at public places. Interestingly, results suggest that those with high levels of ETS exposure at home and workplace had lower exposure to ETS in public places. Conclusions: ETS control should not be overlooked in public health policy. Protection from ETS at home is particularly important, given its impact on the attitude towards and awareness about ETS exposure at all places.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Kabir, Mohammad Alamgir and Hossain, Md Moyazzem and Duty, Farhana Afrin}, doi = {10.1016/j.abrep.2018.09.001}, journal = {Addictive Behaviors Reports} }
@article{ title = {Fitting the Probability Distribution of Monthly Maximum Temperature of Some Selected Stations from the Northern Part of Bangladesh}, type = {article}, year = {2018}, pages = {80-91}, volume = {39}, id = {91973fc3-a247-3fdb-ad36-c68c5273b359}, created = {2020-11-12T22:09:09.170Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T21:48:21.737Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Md. Moyazzem Hossain, undefined}, journal = {International Journal of Ecological Economics & Statistics}, number = {4} }
@article{ title = {On Identifying the Probability Distribution of Monthly Maximum Temperature of Two Coastal Stations in Bangladesh}, type = {article}, year = {2018}, keywords = {Bangladesh,Coastal Area,Model Selection,Probability Distribution,Temperature}, pages = {1-12}, volume = {8}, id = {4710adf2-33c9-301f-98aa-c9f24a083029}, created = {2020-11-12T22:15:43.500Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T21:48:21.957Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Rising temperature in the atmosphere causes sea level rise and affects low lying coastal areas and deltas of the world. The last decade of the twentieth century was globally the hottest since the beginning of worldwide temperature measurement during the nineteenth century. Many PDFs have been proposed in recent past, but in present study Weibull, Lognormal, Gamma, GEV, etc are used to describe the characteristics of maximum temperature. This paper attempts to determine the best fitted probability distribution of monthly maximum temperature. To identify the appropriate probability distribution of the observed data, this paper considers a data set on the monthly maximum temperature of two coastal stations (Cox's Bazar and Patuakhali) over the respectively. To check the accuracy of the predicted data using theoretical probability distributions the goodness-of-fit criteria like KS, R 2 , χ 2 , and RMSE were used in this paper. According to the goodness-of-fit criteria and from the graphical comparisons it can be said that Generalized Skew Logistic distribution (GSL) provides the best fit for the observed monthly maximum temperature data of Cox's Bazar and Weibull (W) gives the best fit for Patuakhali among the probability distributions considered in this paper.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md Moyazzem and Abdulla, Faruq and Alam, Gazi Mahmud}, journal = {Journal of Environmental Statistics}, number = {8} }
@article{ title = {Time Series Analysis of Onion Production in Bangladesh}, type = {article}, year = {2017}, keywords = {RH_V:RH_R}, pages = {1-4}, volume = {5}, id = {3bcac26f-af20-3bf4-a2c4-d36481672f95}, created = {2020-11-12T21:43:15.772Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2021-05-05T17:29:59.574Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Objectives: The main purpose of this paper is to identify the auto-regressive integrated moving average (ARIMA)model that could be used to forecast the production of onion in Bangladesh. Methods: This paper considers a secondary data set of yearly onion production in Bangladesh over the period 1971-2013. The Box-Jenkins ARIMA model is employed to forecast the Onion productions in Bangladesh. Results: The most suitable Box-Jenkins ARIMA model for forecasting the onion productions in Bangladesh is ARIMA (0, 2, 1). From the comparison between the original series and forecasted series, it is concluded that the selected models forecast well during and beyond the estimation period to a satisfactory level. Conclusion: This paper suggests the time series model to forecast the onion production in Bangladesh which will be used for policy purposes as far as forecasts the onion production in Bangladesh.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md Moyazzem and Abdulla, Faruq and Parvez, Imran}, journal = {Innovare Journal of Agricultural Sciences}, number = {1} }
@book{ title = {Production Behaviors of Manufacturing Industries in Bangladesh}, type = {book}, year = {2017}, publisher = {LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany}, id = {ebf3471e-6afb-35f0-9251-a8bec43b72b9}, created = {2020-11-12T21:51:11.865Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2021-05-05T18:31:54.508Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {book}, author = {Hossain, Md Moyazzem and Majumder, Ajit Kumar} }
@article{ title = {Capital Structure and Firm's Financial Performance: Evidence from Listed Cement Companies of Dhaka Stock Exchange of Bangladesh}, type = {article}, year = {2017}, keywords = {Accounting Measures,Capital Structure,Cement Companies,Dhaka Stock Exchange,Financial Performance}, pages = {2384-4663}, volume = {4}, id = {8d59eab1-7a84-3704-8410-2527552179c0}, created = {2020-11-12T22:07:10.873Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T21:48:20.336Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Bangladesh cement industry is the 40 th largest market in the world. Despite the recent global economic upheavals, the Bangladesh economy continues its steady march with growth in excess of 6% over the past few years. Development of cement industry in Bangladesh dates back to the early-fifties but its growth in real sense started only about a decade. The country has been experiencing an upsurge in cement consumption for the last five years. This paper examines the effect of capital structure on firm's performance. This paper uses four performance ratios namely ROE, ROA, EPS and Net profit margin as the dependent variables and SDTA, LDTA, TDTA, LTDCE, TDTQ (five capital structure ratios), size, growth of the company, tangibility of assets, cash flows and liquidity as independent variables. This paper uses panel data procedure for a sample of 5 companies out of 7 listed cement companies of Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) over the period 1999 to 2011. The panel data regression Fixed Effects Model (FEM) analysis demonstrated that short-term debt and cash flows have significant positive effect on performance variables. But long-term debts, tangibility of assets and liquidity have significant negative effect on the financial performance variables except on ROE. This paper shows that Bangladeshi cement companies represent low accounting performance over the years. So this study recommends that managers of manufacturing companies should exercise caution while choosing the long-term debt to use in their capital structure as it affects their performance negatively.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Khatoon, Tawhida and Hossain, Md Moyazzem}, journal = {International Journal of Business andStatistical Analysis}, number = {1} }
@article{ title = {Comparison of ARIMA and Neural Network Model to Forecast the Jute Production in Bangladesh}, type = {article}, year = {2017}, keywords = {ARIMA,Forecasting,Jute Production,Neural Network}, pages = {11-18}, volume = {40}, id = {36e3fc73-5bad-37a7-87d5-3b21c3bee0b3}, created = {2020-11-12T22:07:42.006Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2021-05-05T17:29:59.458Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Bangladesh is a famous for jute production since 1971 and earned a significant amount of foreign currency by exporting jute and jute products to different countries. This paper compares the accuracy of forecasting jute productions in Bangladesh of the two models namely Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) and Neural Network (NN). However, this paper considers a secondary data set of yearly jute production in Bangladesh over the period 1972 to 2013. Results of this paper shown that the Neural Network (NN) model performs better than ARIMA model to forecast the jute production in Bangladesh. Therefore, this paper suggests using NN model to forecast the jute productions in Bangladesh.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md Moyazzem and Abdulla, Faruq and Hossain, Zakir}, journal = {Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science}, number = {1} }
@article{ title = {Comparing the Forecasting Performance of ARIMA and Neural Network Model by using the Remittances of Bangladesh}, type = {article}, year = {2017}, keywords = {Bangladesh,Forecasting,Model Selection,Remittance}, pages = {1-12}, volume = {34}, id = {bc268c2f-5cb1-3b64-9727-4d242b4e1fbc}, created = {2020-11-12T22:12:07.326Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2021-05-05T17:29:59.445Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {At present, remittances play a crucial role in the economy of Bangladesh. However, the trends in the share of remittance to macroeconomic variable point to the growing importance of remittance in the Bangladesh economy and testify to the popular view that remittances are gradually providing more and more important contribution to our GDP over time. This paper considers a secondary data set collected from Bangladesh Bank over the period 1987-88 to 2014-15. This paper attempts here to forecast the total remittance received by Bangladesh with the help of ARIMA and Neural Network (NN) model and compare the performance of those models by using well-known model selection criteria. The time series plot is given in Figure 1(a) illustrates that remittance flows to Bangladesh have grown rapidly over the last two decades. Moreover, the fluctuations between forecasted series and original series are less by NN compared to ARIMA. In addition, based on the model selection criteria it may be concluded that the neural network performs better than ARIMA to forecast the remittance of Bangladesh.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md Moyazzem and Abdulla, Faruq and Majumder, Ajit Kumar}, journal = {Jahangirnagar University Journal of Statistical Studies} }
@article{ title = {Variance in the Presence of Outlier: Weighted Variance}, type = {article}, year = {2017}, pages = {57-59}, volume = {4}, month = {5}, publisher = {Natural Sciences Publishing}, day = {1}, id = {23a0abef-bfaf-3c5f-9cea-775dc9dc1167}, created = {2020-11-12T22:16:28.965Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2021-05-05T17:29:59.562Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {In Statistics, an outlier is an observation point that is distant from other observations. Usually, the outlier is removed from the data set for further analysis as a consequence the degrees of freedom is lost. The variance has a central role in Statistics. It is extremely affected by the outlier. This paper propose the new formula for computing the variance called weighted variance that are not unduly affected by outliers. Thus, this paper suggests to use the proposed variance (weighted variance) in the presence of outlier in any field of study.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md. Moyazzem}, doi = {10.18576/jsapl/040203}, journal = {Journal of Statistics Applications & Probability Letters}, number = {2} }
@article{ title = {Comparison of Different Volatility Model on Dhaka Stock Exchange}, type = {article}, year = {2017}, pages = {41-51}, volume = {17}, month = {5}, day = {30}, id = {f2775185-601f-3e40-ba2b-d70854303312}, created = {2021-05-05T17:29:59.292Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T21:48:20.978Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Dhaka stock exchange (DSE) is a very hazardous market, so its volatility forecasting would be a very difficult and necessary task. The behaviour of Stock Market is different from market to market. So a unique time series model couldn’t be a best forecasting technique for all stock market because of their varying nature. There are various types of time series model like Expected weighted moving average model, GARCH-type models, Moving Average models, Exponential smoothing model and so on. In this paper our objective is to compare the ability of different types of models to forecast volatility of Dhaka stock exchange.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Parvez, Imran and Hossain, MM and Islam, M}, journal = {Global Journal of Science Frontier Research: F Mathematics and Decision Sciences}, number = {3} }
@article{ title = {Usages Pattern of Cell Phone in Classroom: A Case Study of Mathematical and Physical Science Faculty Students of Jahangirnagar University}, type = {article}, year = {2017}, keywords = {Classroom,Mobile phone usage,University students}, pages = {103-108}, volume = {8}, websites = {http://www.iiste.org}, publisher = {Online}, id = {068a85a3-bfc0-35c9-a928-cce701fce37c}, created = {2021-05-05T17:29:59.294Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2021-05-05T17:29:59.294Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Now-a-days mobile phone is very important communicational device. This cableless device reduces the hazards of the land phone. In spite of its various advantages it has some disadvantages also. Misusing of mobile phone increases the disadvantages of this device day by day. Unnecessary talking makes the reasons of wasting the money and time for the youth. Modern cell phones enable users to access a variety of electronic media at almost any time and any place. At present, the cell phone is likely to be on hand while university students are in class and studying. Thus, the main purpose of the present study is to investigate the usages pattern of cell phone in class room with the help of the evidences from Mathematical and Physical Science Faculty Students of Jahangirnagar University. The result shows that a cell phone is a very important tool for study as most of the respondents used their phones for study purposes. Cell phones are increasingly one of the most popular information access devices and multiuser functions which can be beneficial during study. This study suggests that mobile phone designers must take into account how young people use cell phones for educational purposes. The presence of cell phones presents a host of options and challenges for today's students. Higher institutions can take advantage of the potential and capitalize on the cell phone for educational purposes because of the intrinsic motivation of university students in wanting to communicate among themselves.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Miah, Md Shiblu and Hossain, Md Moyazzem and Rahman, Md Habibur}, journal = {Journal of Education and Practice}, number = {10} }
@article{ title = {Revenue Forecasting using Holt-Winters Exponential Smoothing}, type = {article}, year = {2016}, keywords = {Bangladesh,Forecast,levels,root mean squared,seasonality,trend}, pages = {19-25}, volume = {5}, id = {1bed0b77-3d55-3b73-a1bf-d40f8adb6e5b}, created = {2020-11-12T21:39:52.703Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T21:48:21.669Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {A lot of time series demonstrate seasonal behavior with trend, such type of series was monthly revenue (in crore) of Bangabandhu Multipurpose Bridge. The seasonal forecasting with trend issue was considerable importance. The research work focus on the analysis of seasonal time series data using additive and multiplicative seasonal model of Holt-winters method and forecast the monthly revenue (in crore) using best model-additive Holt-Winters exponential smoothing up to January 2021.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Rahman, Md Habibur and Salma, Umma and Hossain, Md Moyazzem and Khan, Md Tareq Ferdous}, journal = {Research & Reviews: Journal of Statistics}, number = {3} }
@article{ title = {Forecasting of banana production in Bangladesh}, type = {article}, year = {2016}, keywords = {ARIMA model,Banana,Bangladesh,Forecasting}, pages = {93-99}, volume = {11}, month = {6}, publisher = {Science Publications}, day = {16}, id = {7716fe1f-998a-3236-bdf7-9bdd166e5ef1}, created = {2020-11-12T21:45:28.650Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2021-05-05T17:42:11.725Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {In Bangladesh, banana is a very popular fruit and cultivated almost everywhere round the year. Rank of Bangladesh is 14 among the top 20 banana producing countries in the world. It is a commercial fruit, but in Bangladesh it is grown in limited area commercially. The demand of banana is increasing day by day in Bangladesh. Thus, this paper attempts to identify the Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model that could be used to forecast the production of banana in Bangladesh. This study considered the secondary data of yearly banana production in Bangladesh over the period 1972 to 2013. The best selected ARIMA model to forecast the banana productions in Bangladesh is ARIMA (0,2,1). The graphical comparison between the observed and forecasted banana production indicate the fitted model behaved statistically well during and beyond the estimation period.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md Moyazzem and Abdulla, Faruq and Majumder, Ajit Kumar}, doi = {10.3844/ajabssp.2016.93.99}, journal = {American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science}, number = {2} }
@article{ title = {Application of DEA Methodology in Measuring Efficiency of Some Selected Commercial Banks in Bangladesh}, type = {article}, year = {2016}, keywords = {Bangladesh,DEA,Efficiency,Private Banking}, pages = {57-64}, volume = {33}, id = {fe771ede-9e6a-37dc-a8c9-f886e441a3f3}, created = {2020-11-12T21:53:53.644Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2021-05-05T17:42:11.259Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Banking sector is one of the most important mechanisms of Bangladesh financial system since the early 1970s. In most developing countries, the banking sector represents the backbone of the financial system. Performance of a bank is generally conceptualized as bank's ability to generate transaction by effectively utilizing its resources. Bank efficiency has been an important issue in transition. This paper focuses on measuring efficiency performance of 21 commercial banks in Bangladesh of the year 2014 with the help of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). The technical efficiency is estimated by using the input-oriented and output-oriented DEA methods under the variable return to scale (VRS). Results show that under the VRS assumptions, both input-oriented output-oriented methods out of twenty one banks only five banks namely ICB Islami bank, National bank, Basic Bank, EXIM bank and NRB bank are technically efficient because they have the technical efficiency scores equal to one. The Bangladesh banking sector is expected to be able to meet the increasing and more sophisticated demands from consumers and businesses, to adapt and adjust to the technological advances, to face the challenges of globalization and liberalization, and thereby contributing to the overall economic growth and stability.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossian, Md Moyazzem and Sobhan, Md Abdus and Sultana, Shamima}, journal = {Jahangirnagar University Journal of Statistical Studies} }
@article{ title = {Socio-Economic and Clinical Condition of Some Registered Diabetes Patients in BIRDEM: A Case Study}, type = {article}, year = {2016}, keywords = {Association,Bangladesh,Diabetes}, pages = {15-20}, volume = {3}, id = {2bd8f89e-461f-3fa3-bf99-8fe1b50b76f4}, created = {2020-11-12T21:54:09.276Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2021-05-05T17:42:11.506Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Diabetes is a major health problem of all countries of the world including Bangladesh. Most of the people do not have proper knowledge and the medical facilities. As a result the disease is in severe form among many diabetic patients. We took a random sample of size 2000 and then studied the different socioeconomic , clinical history of the selected patients. Results show that the age, area, family history etc. are the important risk factors for developing diabetics. It is evident that majority of the patients (77.6 percent) do not take physical exercise. Thus physical inactivity or sedentary life is also risk factor for developing diabetes. Also, it is observed that blood glucose level is associated with most of the variables such as age, income etc. and blood glucose level is highly associated with the annual family income and body mass index (BMI).}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md Moyazzem}, journal = {Global Journal of Quantitative Science}, number = {2} }
@article{ title = {On identifying the SARIMA Model to forecast the humidity of some selected stations in Bangladesh}, type = {article}, year = {2016}, keywords = {Bangladesh,Humidity,Jarqu-Bera Test,Ljung-Box Test,Model Selection}, pages = {1080-1089}, volume = {6}, id = {a6451865-1d0d-3318-8ce2-75a6b77ebdc2}, created = {2020-11-12T21:54:39.808Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T21:48:22.161Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Bangladesh is predominantly an agricultural country. Crop agriculture is highly influenced by climatic change and majority of population is dependent on agricultural crop in Bangladesh. The cultivation mainly depends on natural calamities like rainfall, humidity and temperature. Humidity affects crops through evaporation, transpiration and condensation. This paper attempts to identify the appropriate SARIMA model and check the statistical properties of the fitted model for the humidity for selected stations. Finally, forecast some future monthly humidity of the stations considered in this study. The forecasted series is really a better representation of the original humidity series of the selected stations in Bangladesh. Thus the fitted models are used to forecasting the monthly humidity for the upcoming two years to help decision makers to establish priorities in terms of water demand management.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md Moyazzem}, doi = {10.6088/ijes}, journal = {International Journal of Environmental Sciences}, number = {6} }
@article{ title = {Technical Efficiency Measurement of Green Chili Production in Bogra District of Bangladesh}, type = {article}, year = {2016}, pages = {97-101}, volume = {3}, month = {5}, publisher = {Natural Sciences Publishing}, day = {1}, id = {956d68f4-56da-370b-a0f9-8ef59cdb4ecb}, created = {2020-11-12T22:06:55.477Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2021-05-05T17:42:11.380Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Agriculture plays vital role and is taken as the most important sector of economy in Bangladesh. Bangladesh possesses very fertile land in which various types of crops are produced. Chilli is one of the most important crops grown in Bangladesh. Although chilli is a major spice crop of Bangladesh, but its production technologies has not been standardized from the scientific and economic point of view. The main objective of this study is to estimate the technical efficiency of chili production in Bogra district (the largest produced area) of Bangladesh. In order to estimate the level of technical efficiency in a manner consistent with the theory of production function, Cobb-Douglas type stochastic frontier production function was used in the present study. Among the elasticities, the elasticity for land used for chili production is the largest (31.1434) and for the cost on insecticide is the lowest (0.0401). The average technical efficiency for the sample is about 88 percent. The Government should provide priority by giving subsidy to the farmers on different inputs such as seeds, fertilizer, irrigation etc. to achieve self-sufficiency in chilli production. Government also should take necessary steps to improve the knowledge of a farmer to the modern cultivation technique and encouraged them to adopt the new technology to increase the production.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md. Moyazzem}, doi = {10.18576/jsapl/030204}, journal = {Journal of Statistics Applications & Probability Letters}, number = {2} }
@article{ title = {Proposed Mean (Robust) in the Presence of Outlier}, type = {article}, year = {2016}, pages = {103-107}, volume = {3}, month = {9}, publisher = {Natural Sciences Publishing}, day = {1}, id = {10015bbb-440d-3127-a8e4-4858e65c9714}, created = {2020-11-12T22:08:11.440Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2021-05-05T17:42:11.564Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {The term "arithmetic mean" is preferred in some contexts in mathematics and statistics because it helps distinguish it from other means, such as the geometric mean and the harmonic mean. In addition to mathematics and statistics, the arithmetic mean is used frequently in fields such as economics, sociology, and history, and it is used in almost every academic field to some extent. The first recorded time that the arithmetic mean was extended from 2 to n cases for the use of estimation was in the sixteenth century. While the arithmetic mean is often used to report central tendencies, it is not a robust statistic, meaning that it is greatly influenced by outliers. This paper attempts to propose a mean in the presence of outlier and compare the results to the well established and most frequently used arithmetic mean. The results reveal that the proposed mean is less affected by the outlier than the arithmetic mean.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md. Moyazzem}, doi = {10.18576/jsapl/030301}, journal = {Journal of Statistics Applications & Probability Letters}, number = {3} }
@article{ title = {Projection on Elderly Population in Bangladesh}, type = {article}, year = {2016}, keywords = {Bangladesh,Elderly Population,Projection}, pages = {1-9}, volume = {39}, id = {6fb3ff8d-1d14-3aa9-97e4-ee07b00714df}, created = {2020-11-12T22:11:23.375Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2021-05-05T17:42:11.671Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {In Bangladesh, persons aged 60 or above are considered to be elderly. There is no universally accepted definition of the elderly but, in most gerontological literature, people above 60 years of age are considered as 'old' and taken to be the 'elderly' segment of the population of a country. However, in the 20th century, the massive reduction in infant and childhood deaths due to infectious diseases is the primary driver of increased average life expectancy in the developing countries. The numerical growth of elderly persons is an eloquent testimony not only of reductions in fertility but also of reduction in infant and maternal mortality, improved nutrition, reduction in infectious and parasitic diseases, as well as improvement in healthcare, education and income. In Bangladesh, many older people spend their lives in poverty and ill health is the major risk for the elderly population. In view of the size of the population, scarcity of resources, existing poverty, insufficient health facilities and absence of social security, ageing is going to be a major problem in Bangladesh. Thus, there is an urgent need to know the future size of the elderly population in Bangladesh. Therefore, in view of the ever-increasing importance to elderly, this paper attempts to make projection on elderly population in Bangladesh. The family support to elderly people declined. From the population pyramid it is observed that there is rapid increase of population aged 65 years or more. Therefore, we may conclude that there will be fewer persons to look after the elderly population in future. This indicates that we must have more hospitals, demand for more family care in future. Thus, Government needs to consider how older can afford health care facility they need. The public and/or private sections may provide it. Introduction The term "projection" indicates that future population trends are unknown and that the figures quoted for future years are meant as indications of what the future population would be if certain likely rates of mortality, fertility and migration were to apply. Because of the uncertainty about future rates it is usual to prepare several projections on the basis of different sets of rates. It is}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md Moyazzem}, journal = {Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science}, number = {1} }
@article{ title = {Forecasting Potato Production in Bangladesh by ARIMA Model}, type = {article}, year = {2016}, keywords = {Bangladesh.,Potato,forecasting,time series analysis}, pages = {191-198}, volume = {1}, id = {83b6552d-afd9-34b2-a616-bd3831392761}, created = {2020-11-12T22:11:36.768Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-04-15T23:31:05.520Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Bangladesh is recognized as a rice-eating nation; nevertheless, large quantities of potatoes are produced and consumed each year. In Bangladesh, potato has gradually gained popularity. Potato is used as food crop as well as vegetable by both the poor and rich people. Recently, the government has been trying to diversify food habits and encourage potato consumption to reduce pressure on rice. In this regard, potato can play an important role as an alternative and a multipurpose food crop of Bangladesh. This study considered the published secondary data of yearly potato production in Bangladesh over the period 1971 to 2013. The best selected Box-Jenkins ARIMA model for forecasting the potato production for whole Bangladesh is ARIMA(0,2,1). The comparison between the original series and forecasted series shows that the fitted model behaved statistically well and is suitable to forecast the potato productions in Bangladesh.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md Moyazzem and Abdulla, Faruq}, doi = {10.22606/jas.2016.14002}, journal = {Journal of Advanced Statistics}, number = {4} }
@article{ title = {Selecting the Probability Distribution of Monthly Maximum Temperature of Dhaka (Capital City) in Bangladesh}, type = {article}, year = {2016}, keywords = {Bangladesh,Model Selection,Probability Distribution,Temperature}, pages = {33-45}, volume = {33}, id = {f99f0c77-3102-3ccc-bef3-5667892795c9}, created = {2020-11-12T22:15:55.873Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2021-05-05T17:42:11.788Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Rising temperature in the atmosphere causes sea level rise and affects low lying coastal areas and deltas of the world. The last decade of the twentieth century was globally the hottest since the beginning of worldwide temperature measurement during the nineteenth century. Many PDFs have been proposed in recent past, but in present study Weibull, Lognormal, Gamma, GEV, etc are used to describe the characteristics of maximum temperature. This paper attempts to determine the best fitted probability distribution of monthly maximum temperature. To identify the appropriate probability distribution of the observed data, this paper considers a data set on the monthly maximum temperature of Dhaka over the period January, 1972 to September, 2015. Goodness-of-fit criteria like the Kolmogrov-Smirnov (KS), the 2 R , the 2 χ and the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) were used in this paper to check the accuracy of the predicted data. According to the goodness-of-fit criteria and from the graphical comparisons it can be said that Generalized Skew Logistic distribution (GSL) provided the best fit for the observed monthly maximum temperature data of Dhaka station among the probability distribution considered in this paper.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossian, Md Moyazzem and Abdulla, Faruq and Rahman, Md Habibur}, journal = {Jahangirnagar University Journal of Statistical Studies} }
@article{ title = {A Study on Monthly Maximum Wind Speed Probability Distributions at Hazrat Shahajalal and MAG Osmani International Airport of Bangladesh}, type = {article}, year = {2016}, keywords = {Bangladesh,Model selection,Probability density functions,Wind speed,likelihood method}, pages = {11-22}, volume = {39}, id = {6f910636-b252-3e3b-8ce6-48815dd9b337}, created = {2020-11-12T22:19:42.671Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T21:48:19.699Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Wind speed is a fundamental atmospheric rate. Wind speed is caused by air moving from high pressure to low pressure, usually due to changes in temperature. Probability density functions (PDFs) have been used in literature to describe wind speed characteristics which include Weibull, Rayleigh, bimodal Weibull, Lognormal, Gamma and so on. This paper considers a data set on maximum sustained wind speed (Km/h) at Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport and Osmani International Airport, Bangladesh over the period January, 1982 to June, 2015. This paper attempts to determine the best fit wind speed distribution with statistical properties of the monthly maximum sustained wind speed (Km/h) of the Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport and Osmani International Airport. The higher value of 2 R and the lower values of K-S error, RMSE and Chi-square error indicate that GEV distribution is more accurate than other PDFs in modeling wind speeds of both locations.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md Moyazzem and Abdulla, Faruq and Kumar Majumder, Ajit}, journal = {Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science}, number = {2} }
@article{ title = {Forecasting of humidity of some selected stations from the northern part of Bangladesh: An application of SARIMA model}, type = {article}, year = {2016}, keywords = {Box-Jenkin’s Methodology,Forecasting,Humidity,SARIMA Model}, pages = {182-192}, volume = {12}, month = {5}, publisher = {Science Publications}, day = {10}, id = {7e2d4ba1-9886-318e-a399-5a650153bfc3}, created = {2021-03-06T23:08:40.822Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2021-03-09T21:59:05.417Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Community risk from natural hazards and climate change depends largely on physical and climatic settings of an area, socioeconomic condition of a community and the magnitude, duration and consecutiveness of the hazard or change itself. Impacts of climate change can be characterized by increasing temperatures, rainfall, humidity changes and climate related extreme events such as floods, cyclone, droughts, sea level rise, salinity and soil erosion etc. Humidity affects crops through evaporation, transpiration and condensation. Crop agriculture is highly influenced by climatic change and majority of population is dependent on agricultural crop in Bangladesh. Any unfavorable change in future climate could have a devastating impact on agriculture and the economy of the country. It is needed to know the socio-economic settings of the rural community, their agricultural practices, anticipated changes in climatic parameters and the link between the climatic variables and crop growth and productivity. Time Series analysis and forecasting has become a major tools in different applications in meteorological phenomena, such as rainfall, humidity, temperature, draught etc. and environmental management fields. Among the most effective approaches for analyzing time series data is the Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model introduced by Box and Jenkins. In this study, we used Box-Jenkins methodology to build seasonal ARIMA model for monthly Humidity data taken from Bogra, Dinajpur, Rajshahi and Rangpur stations over the period January, 2001 to October, 2014. In this study, ARIMA (2,0,2)(2,1,2)12, ARIMA (0,1,2)(1,1,1)12, ARIMA (1,0,2)(2,1,1)12 and ARIMA (1,0,2)(2,1,2)12 model respectively are found to be suitable models for Dinajpur, Rajshahi, Bogra and Rangpur stations respectively and these models are used to forecasting the monthly humidity for the upcoming two years to help decision makers to establish priorities in terms of water demand management.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, M. Moyazzem and Rahman, M. Atikur and Islam, M. Zahirul and Majumder, Ajit Kumar}, doi = {10.3844/ajessp.2016.182.192}, journal = {American Journal of Environmental Sciences}, number = {3} }
@article{ title = {A Time Series Analysis for the Pineapple Production in Bangladesh}, type = {article}, year = {2015}, keywords = {ARIMA Model,Bangladesh,Forecasting,Pineapple}, pages = {49-59}, volume = {38}, id = {03b3213c-4d8f-342e-8fd8-7e012290ed8b}, created = {2020-11-12T22:11:10.149Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-04-15T23:31:05.412Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Pineapple is one of the most important commercial fruit crops in the world. It is the third most important tropical fruit in the world and in Bangladesh, pineapple ranks 4 th in terms of total cropping area and production. The production of fruits including pineapple is increasing day by day in Bangladesh. Also, the world pineapple demand has been expanding rapidly. Moreover, a large number of people were involved in the production and marketing of Pineapple in Bangladesh which contribute our economy as well as GDP. Thus, it is necessary to estimate the Pineapple production in Bangladesh. The main purpose of this paper is to identify the Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model that could be used to forecast the production of Pineapple in Bangladesh. This paper considered the published secondary data of yearly Pineapple production in Bangladesh over the period 1972 to 2013. The best selected ARIMA model to forecast the Pineapple productions in Bangladesh is ARIMA (0,2,1). The comparison between the original series and forecasted series shows the same manner indicating the fitted model behaved statistically well and suitable to forecast the Pineapple productions in Bangladesh i.e., the models forecast well during and beyond the estimation period.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossian, Md Moyazzem and Abdulla, Faruq}, journal = {Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science}, number = {2} }
@article{ title = {On Measurement of Efficiency of Cobb-Douglas Production Function with Additive and Multiplicative Errors}, type = {article}, year = {2015}, keywords = {62G05,62J02,65D15,Bangladesh AMS 2010 subject classifications 62F07,Cobb-Douglas Production Function,Efficiency}, pages = {96-104}, volume = {3}, publisher = {Academic Press}, id = {7f6f0730-65de-3b8b-98e8-ca72b2a2102e}, created = {2020-11-12T22:14:21.622Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T21:48:22.220Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {In developing counties, efficiency of economic development has determined by the analysis of industrial production. An examination of the characteristic of industrial sector is an essential aspect of growth studies. The most of the developed countries are highly industrialized as they brief "The more industrialization, the more development". For proper industrialization and industrial development we have to study industrial input-output relationship that leads to production analysis. For a number of reasons econometrician's belief that industrial production is the most important component of economic development because, if domestic industrial production increases, GDP will increase, if elasticity of labor is higher, implement rates will increase and investment will increase if elasticity of capital is higher. In this regard, this paper choose and estimate the parameters of Cobb-Douglas function with additive errors and multiplicative errors for some selected manufacturing industries of Bangladesh over the period 1978-79 to 2011-2012, which should be helpful in suggesting the most suitable Cobb-Douglas production function to forecast the production process for some selected manufacturing industries of developing countries like Bangladesh. This paper also investigates the efficiency of both capital and labor elasticity of the two mentioned form of Cobb-Douglas production function. The estimated results shows that the estimates of both capital and labor elasticity of Cobb-Douglas production function with additive errors are more efficient than those estimates of Cobb-Douglas production function with multiplicative errors.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md Moyazzem and Majumder, Ajit Kumar}, journal = {Statistics, Optimization and Information Computing}, number = {1} }
@article{ title = {Forecasting the Sugarcane Production in Bangladesh by ARIMA Model}, type = {article}, year = {2015}, keywords = {ARIMA Model,Bangladesh,Forecasting,Sugarcane}, pages = {297-303}, volume = {4}, id = {e819de62-7d0a-30c6-b285-cd5242855374}, created = {2020-11-12T22:14:35.883Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-04-30T08:28:40.487Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Around 70% of the world's sugar is produced from sugarcane. The production of sugarcane is fluctuated from year to year due to fluctuation of area under sugarcane cultivation. According to FAO, sugar requirement per capita/day is 29g and Bangladesh requires 1.0-1.2 million tonnes of sugar/year to meet the demand of domestic consumption. To meet the demand of domestic consumption of sugar, it is too much essential to estimate the production of sugar since sugar is produced mainly from sugarcane in Bangladesh which leads us to do this research. The main purpose of this research is to identify the Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model that could be used to forecast the production of sugarcane in Bangladesh. This study considered the published secondary data of yearly sugarcane production in Bangladesh over the period 1971 to 2013. The best selected Box-Jenkins ARIMA model for forecasting the sugarcane productions in Bangladesh is ARIMA (0,2,1). The comparison between the original series and forecasted series shows the same manner indicating fitted model are statistically well behaved to forecast sugarcane productions in Bangladesh i.e., the models forecast well during and beyond the estimation period to a satisfactory level.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md Moyazzem and Abdulla, Faruq}, doi = {10.12785/jsap/040214}, journal = {Journal of Statistics Applications & Probability}, number = {2} }
@article{ title = {Forecasting the Tea Production of Bangladesh: Application of ARIMA Model}, type = {article}, year = {2015}, pages = {257-270}, volume = {8}, id = {97ed5acc-9709-30af-9edd-65a6f1070d80}, created = {2020-11-12T22:15:21.836Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2021-05-05T18:11:40.241Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Bangladesh is the world's 10 th largest tea producer and fifteen number exporters and sixteen number consumers in the world. The consumption is increasing day by day mainly due to the rapid increase in population. The main purpose of this research is to identify the Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model that could be used to forecast the production of tea in Bangladesh. This study considered the published secondary data of yearly tea production in Bangladesh over the period 1972 to 2013. According to AIC, AIC C and BIC, the most suitable model to forecast the tea productions in Bangladesh is ARIMA (0,2,1). Adequacy of the fitted model has been tested using Run test and Jarque and Bera test criteria followed by residual analysis. The comparison between the original series and forecasted series shows the same manner indicating the fitted model behaved statistically well and suitable to forecast the Tea productions in Bangladesh i.e., the models forecast well during and beyond the estimation period.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md Moyazzem and Abdulla, Faruq}, journal = {Jordan Journal of Mathematics and Statistics}, number = {3} }
@article{ title = {On the production behaviors and forecasting the tomatoes production in Bangladesh}, type = {article}, year = {2015}, keywords = {ARIMA model,Bangladesh,Box-Jenkin's Methodology,Ljung-Box Test,Tomato,forecasting}, pages = {66-074}, volume = {4}, id = {cfb2447a-316b-3eed-b98d-aefc41bec1b0}, created = {2020-11-12T22:16:19.535Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-05T09:22:35.118Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Tomato is one of the most important and popular vegetables in Bangladesh. It ranks fourth in respect of production and third in respect of area in Bangladesh. It is a good source of Vitamin A and C, and it provides antioxidant elements such as lycopen which prevents cancer. Regular consumption of tomatoes can prevent short sightedness, night blindness, and other eye diseases. Tomato is also helpful in preventing joint pain problems and the respiratory disorder as well. The main purpose of this research is to identify the Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model by Box-Jenkin's methodology that could be used to forecast the tomato production in Bangladesh. This study considered the published secondary data of yearly tomato production in Bangladesh over the period of 1971 to 2013. The best selected Box-Jenkin's ARIMA model for forecasting the tomato productions in Bangladesh is ARIMA (0,2,1). The comparison of the original series and forecasted series shows the same manner which indicates that the fitted model is statistically suitable to forecast the tomato productions in Bangladesh, that is, the models forecast well during and beyond the estimation period.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md Moyazzem and Abdulla, Faruq}, journal = {Journal of Agricultural Economics and Development}, number = {5} }
@article{ title = {Forecasting of Wheat Production in Kushtia District & Bangladesh by ARIMA Model: An Application of Box-Jenkin's Method}, type = {article}, year = {2015}, pages = {465-474}, volume = {4}, id = {5cc344ae-b027-394d-b3b9-17658dabbe95}, created = {2020-11-12T22:16:42.812Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-04-22T18:07:18.404Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Abdulla, Faruq and Hossain, Md. Moyazzem}, journal = {Journal of Statistics Applications & Probability}, number = {3} }
@article{ title = {Forecasting the garlic production in Bangladesh by ARIMA Model}, type = {article}, year = {2015}, keywords = {ARIMA model,Bangladesh,Forecasting,Garlic}, pages = {147-153}, volume = {7}, publisher = {Asian Network for Scientific Information}, id = {0733f7b8-faf2-357a-9c55-8500a56d866a}, created = {2021-03-06T23:08:40.841Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2021-03-06T23:08:44.224Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Among the species grown in Bangladesh, garlic is undoubtedly one of the important crops cultivated during cool season. It has been considered as a rich source of carbohydrates, proteins and phosphorus. It also helps eliminating waste materials and dangerous free radicals from the human body. The production of garlic is insufficient in Bangladesh. The main purpose of this study is to identify the Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model that could be used to forecast the production of garlic in Bangladesh. This study considered the published secondary data of yearly garlic production in Bangladesh over the period 1971-2013. The best selected Box-Jenkin's ARIMA model for forecasting the garlic productions in Bangladesh is ARIMA (0, 2, 1). From the comparison between the original series and forecasted series shows the same manner indicating fitted model are statistically well behaved to forecast the garlic productions in Bangladesh i.e., the models forecast well during and beyond the estimation period to a satisfactory level.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md Moyazzem and Abdulla, Faruq}, doi = {10.3923/ajcs.2015.147.153}, journal = {Asian Journal of Crop Science}, number = {2} }
@article{ title = {Application of Stochastic Frontier Production Function on Small Banana Growers of Kushtia District in Bangladesh}, type = {article}, year = {2015}, keywords = {Banana,Bangladesh,Efficiency,Stochastic Frontier}, pages = {337-342}, volume = {4}, id = {97df92f6-325a-3f31-a1a9-38fb27aa7fa6}, created = {2021-03-06T23:08:40.967Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T21:48:20.689Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Agricultural productivity varies due to differences in production technology, differences in the setting in which production occurs and differences in the efficiency of the production process. Efficiency measurement has been the concern of researches with an aim to investigate the efficiency levels of farmers engaged in agricultural activities. Identifying determinants of efficiency levels is a major task in efficiency analysis. Moreover, estimates on the extent and sources of inefficiencies could help improve the efficiency or develop new technology to raise the banana productivity. Thus the main objective of this paper is to estimate the efficiency of the small banana grower in Kushtia district of Bangladesh. In this study, econometric frontier models were estimated under the specification of the Cobb-Doulas production function model. Primary data for this study were collected by the use of well structured questionnaire. Among the elasticities, the elasticity for land used for banana production is the largest (0.3498). The second largest elasticity is cost on fertilizer which is 0.2417 and the elasticity for the cost on labor is lowest (0.0495). From the results of the study, it is revealed that age and education level of the farmers has a positive effect on technical efficiency. This paper recommend that the Government should take an effective step to control the price system and price spread of the market and make sure that the producers can get their reasonable price and also the consumer can also get the product in a reasonable price. Government also should take necessary steps to improve the knowledge of a farmer to the modern cultivation technique and encouraged them to adopt the new technology to increase the production.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md Moyazzem and Alam, Md Asraful and Kamal Uddin, Md}, doi = {10.12785/jsap/040218}, journal = {Journal of Statistics Applications & Probability An International Journal}, number = {2} }
@article{ title = {Jute production in Bangladesh: A time series analysis}, type = {article}, year = {2015}, keywords = {ARIMA model,Bangladesh,Forecasting,Jute}, pages = {93-98}, volume = {11}, month = {12}, publisher = {Science Publications}, day = {6}, id = {8b9668a9-f362-336b-8dbc-7dff6eaa2a7f}, created = {2021-05-04T22:55:56.028Z}, accessed = {2021-05-04}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-04-22T18:07:18.545Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Jute is called the Golden Fiber of Bangladesh. Bangladesh is currently the second largest producer of jute fiber. Bangladesh falls behind its other competitors in applying recent technological advancements. In terms of world export of jute fiber, Bangladesh's share is more than 70%, which makes Bangladesh the largest exporter of jute fiber in the world. The global demand for jute and allied products has seen a steady increase driven by a fresh comeback for biodegradable fiber as people now look for eco-friendly products replacing synthetics. The main purpose of this research is to identify the Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model that could be used to forecast the production of jute in Bangladesh. This study considered the published secondary data of yearly jute production in Bangladesh over the period 1972 to 2013. The best selected Box-Jenkin's ARIMA model for forecasting the jute productions in Bangladesh is ARIMA(1,1,1). The comparison between the original series and forecasted series shows the same manner which indicate the fitted model behaved statistically well and suitable to forecast the jute productions in Bangladesh i.e., the models forecast well during and beyond the estimation period.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md Moyazzem and Abdulla, Faruq}, doi = {10.3844/jmssp.2015.93.98}, journal = {Journal of Mathematics and Statistics}, number = {3} }
@article{ title = {An Impact Measurement on the Loan Operation of Agricultural Marketing Goods by the Lenders: A Case Study of Bangladesh}, type = {article}, year = {2014}, keywords = {Agricultural marketing goods loan,BKB,BRDB and BSBL),Bangladesh,Lenders (NCBs,RAKUB}, pages = {30-36}, volume = {6}, publisher = {Online}, id = {4eabec41-ab91-3a63-ab8b-651467a417d2}, created = {2020-11-12T21:40:41.645Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T21:48:20.291Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Bangladesh is predominantly agricultural country from the beginning of its invention. About 85% people are living in the rural society to sustain their life in the hard situation. To the rural economy finance is very potential to provide in the development of agricultural activities. Various banks are providing agricultural loan under the control of Bangladesh Bank in the development of agriculture sector. Among them BKB, RAKUB and four government bank played key role in the agriculture development besides private commercial banks and foreign commercial banks are also active in loan providing. The aim of this paper is to identify the relation of agricultural marketing goods loan to other loans. This study is confined to the loans on different agricultural sectors by five banks of Bangladesh named NCBs, BKB, RAKUB, BRDB and BSBL and the contribution to agricultural marketing goods loan by the agriculture sector by the lenders for the nine years period from 2005-2006 to 2011-2012. This paper shows that all the variables are not positively correlated to each other. Except the loan on marketing of agricultural goods, the correlation among the other loans is positive. On the basis of t statistics, we may conclude that the coefficient of the loan on Purchase of irrigation equipment, loan on Livestock and loan Poverty Alleviation are so statistically significant at 5 percent level of significance. Other coefficients of the independent variables considered in the study are statistically significant at 5 percent level of significance.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Ashfaqur Rahman, undefined and Hossain, Md Moyazzem and Karim, Mohammad Nesarul}, journal = {European Journal of Business and Management}, number = {1} }
@article{ title = {Effect of Advertisement on Purchasing Energy Drink in Dhaka City of Bangladesh}, type = {article}, year = {2014}, keywords = {()}, pages = {1-11}, volume = {6}, publisher = {Online}, id = {5f37dba8-2eb1-39f0-9e88-268718c4874c}, created = {2020-11-12T21:41:30.119Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T21:48:19.967Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Public announcement intended to promote the sale, purchase or rental of a product or service to advance a cause or idea or to bring about some other effect desired by the advertiser, for which transmission time has been given to the advertiser for remuneration or similar consideration. The consumer durables usually calls for a greater exchange and hence the consumer decision-making process turns into a comparative critical evaluation method before the purchase is made; the first moving consumers good (FMCG) do not follow the same procedure in reaching at the purchase decision. Failure to address the advertising communication tools accordingly is wastage of valuable time, money, effort as well as other resources. For instances, communicating through an ineffective media or otherwise failing to reach the target segment is wastage of resources along with loss of sales as well as other favorable consequences. So that this paper tries to identify the advertisement effectiveness of energy drinks in different media on the buying decision among the peoples of Dhaka in Bangladesh. In order to reach the study objectives convenience/purposive sampling has been employed and sample is selected from different shopping mall of different areas of Dhaka city. The results of this study show that advertisement has great influence in expanding Energy drink Company. So producer should spend huge amount of money in advertisement and also should prepare the advertisement in such way that people of all classes are attracted of that advertisement and the most effective media is TV.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md Moyazzem and Azad, S M Nasim and Parveen, Rehena and Masum, Monirul Hasan}, journal = {European Journal of Business and Management}, number = {7} }
@article{ title = {On Identifying the Motivating Factors of Job & Career Satisfaction of IT Professionals in Dhaka City of Bangladesh}, type = {article}, year = {2014}, keywords = {Bangladesh,Information Technology,Job & Career Satisfaction,Logistic Regression}, pages = {77-86}, volume = {4}, id = {4a0f4217-3d5d-33bf-88a5-48fc62c43ce2}, created = {2020-11-12T21:41:45.294Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T21:48:20.057Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {An effective organization will make sure that there is a spirit of cooperation and sense of commitment and satisfaction within the sphere of its influence. In today's dynamic and ever changing environment the job & career satisfaction has emerged as the key fact for motivating employees towards the organizational goals and objectives. This issue has also been identified as one of the most important issues in today's all sector. Information technology (IT) has in the recent times dominated all aspect of the business world, and, for this reason, today's business environment is more challenging and more dynamic than in previous years. In the development of information and communication technology (ICT), the fact of job & career satisfaction is becoming more complex day by day. To cope with the changes and upcoming challenges, organizations must identify the factors, which have profound impact on organizational performance as well as job satisfaction. This study is important because companies need to know the effects of job satisfaction to IT personnel and to the corporation as a whole. Unfortunately, very insufficient number of studies has been conducted in this area context of Bangladesh. This study is important because companies need to know the effects of job satisfaction to IT personnel and to the corporation as a whole. This study will help companies and company executives to understand that integrating the use of IT into their business in order to maximize profit and optimum performance depends on the level of satisfaction given to the IT professionals. This study focused on examining job satisfaction of Information Technology professionals in the Dhaka city of Bangladesh, paying particular attention to the most important factors of job satisfaction for IT workers. This paper determines the association between different characteristics of the respondents and the level of Job satisfaction among IT professional in Dhaka city. This paper also determines the key factors of Job satisfaction like salary, supervision, working environment, personal growth, training and promotion are the sources or determiners of satisfaction of IT professional in Dhaka city of Bangladesh which gives IT leaders and management the perception and vision to tackle job satisfaction issues in the IT environment.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Asaduzzaman, Md and Hossain, Md Moyazzem and Rahman, Md Mahabubur}, journal = {Information and Knowledge Management}, number = {3} }
@article{ title = {A New (Proposed) Formula for Interpolation and Comparison with Existing Formula of Interpolation}, type = {article}, year = {2014}, keywords = {Central Difference,Gauss's Formula,Interpolation}, pages = {33-48}, volume = {4}, id = {14c0cec5-b10e-36e3-848f-f49c4e7014d3}, created = {2020-11-12T21:41:58.031Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T21:48:20.150Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {The word "interpolation" originates from the Latin verb interpolare, a contraction of "inter," meaning "between," and "polare," meaning "to polish." That is to say, to smooth in between given pieces of information. A number of different methods have been developed to construct useful interpolation formulas for evenly and unevenly spaced points. The aim of this paper is to develop a central difference interpolation formula which is derived from Gauss's Backward Formula and another formula in which we retreat the subscripts in Gauss's Forward Formula by one unit and replacing u by 1 u . Also, we make the comparisons of the developed interpolation formula with the existing interpolation formulas based on differences. Results show that the new formula is very efficient and posses good accuracy for evaluating functional values between given data.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Abdulla, Faruq and Rahman, Md Mahabubur}, journal = {Mathematical Theory and Modeling}, number = {4} }
@article{ title = {On the Selection of Samples in Probability Proportional to Size Sampling: Cumulative Relative Frequency Method}, type = {article}, year = {2014}, keywords = {Cumulative Relative Frequency Method,Cumulative Total Method,Lahiri's Method,Probability Proportional to Size (PPS) Sampling}, pages = {2224-5804}, volume = {4}, id = {d5f89f6b-78df-3a48-b8fa-71bb5258599c}, created = {2020-11-12T21:42:10.602Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T21:48:20.591Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Generally in the sense that, the unit with large size contain more ancillary information than the unit with smaller size. So when samples from different sized subgroups or units are used and sampling is taken with the same probability, the chances of selecting a member from a large group are less than selecting a member from a smaller group although here the chances of selecting a member from a large group will be greater than selecting a member from a smaller group. That is it is clear that, the probability of selecting a unit is positively proportional to its size. The aim of this paper is to propose a method of selecting samples in probability proportional to size. This method uses relative frequency to select samples in probability proportional to size. Comparatively it takes less time and easy to apply than Cumulative Total Method and Lahiri's Method.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Abdulla, Faruq and Hossain, Md Moyazzem and Rahman, Md Mahabubur}, journal = {Mathematical Theory and Modeling}, number = {6} }
@article{ title = {Service Quality and Student Satisfaction: A Case Study on Private Universities in Bangladesh}, type = {article}, year = {2013}, keywords = {Bangladesh,Private University,Service Quality,Student Satisfaction}, pages = {128-135}, volume = {1}, publisher = {Asaduzzaman}, id = {213d2de4-de23-3530-872e-1d4352351bbb}, created = {2020-11-12T21:38:10.684Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T21:48:21.976Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {With an ever growing assortment of educational options, students seek institutions that will provide for them a unique educational experience that they will remember for a life time. In addition, the present student is a customer seeking an educational program that will prepare him/her for a successful career and gainful employment. Since institutional budgets are developed based upon projected enrolments, it is becoming crucial for private institutions to retain the students they recruit. This situation has created a need for continued research in the area of student satisfaction and student retention. A reduction in student numbers, therefore, leads to a reduction in budgeted funds available to operate, maintain, and grow a private institution. This study attempts to examine the relationship between service quality dimensions and overall service quality (tan-gibility, responsiveness, reliability, assurance and empathy) and students satisfaction. Furthermore, this study is also examining critical factors in service quality dimensions (tangibility, responsiveness, reliability, assurance and empathy) that contribute most to the satisfaction of the students. This study was conducted using a set of questionnaire to 550 Business students from Private University institutions, Dhaka City, Bangladesh. Among the respondents, male respondents were 411, thus representing 75% of the total population, whereas the female respondents were 139 and thus representing 25% of the total population. All the respondents are undergraduate students. Majority of the Student population were between 18 to 24 years of age group. There is a significant correlation among all the constructs with student satisfaction. Factor 1 is by far the most important, accounting for the largest proportion of the variance (34 per cent), with eigenvalues greater than 3.00 (10.596). This factor includes a group of statements related to environment and facilities of the university, and is labeled here 'tangibles'.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Asaduzzaman, Md and Hossain, Md Moyazzem and Rahman, Md Mahabubur}, doi = {10.11648/j.ijefm.20130103.11}, journal = {International Journal of Economics}, number = {3} }
@article{ title = {Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) Practices and Its Effect on Financial Performance: Evidence from Some Selected Scheduled Private Commercial Banks in Bangladesh}, type = {article}, year = {2013}, keywords = {Bangladesh,Financial Performance,Private Commercial Banks,SHRM}, pages = {151-158}, volume = {1}, id = {d3018dd0-06ad-3eca-8bea-f6c470e6cc70}, created = {2020-11-12T21:38:31.118Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T21:48:20.462Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Formulation and execution of Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) practices and its effect on perceived financial performance of any organization is a burning issue in the globalized competitive business era. This study aims to find out the relationship between SHRM and financial performance to ensure the sustainability and competitive advantage of the selected scheduled private commercial banks in Bangladesh. The research has been conducted on managers as sample of some private commercial banks during the period of January to November 2012 to collect the primary data. To evaluate the financial performance researchers have used annual reports of 2011 and 2012, journals, web sites etc. as secondary source. Survey research findings indicate that strategic integration and development of HRM were practiced to a full extent in the sampled firms. From the cross sectional analysis, the financial performance indicators show that the capital adequacy was mostly at satisfactory level compared with eh industry average. The quality of assets loan varies from bank to bank but most of them are performing at the desired level. Management efficiency was out-performing the standard in most of the cases. The profitability indicators ratio was also better than the average of private commercial banks. The result presented in this study suggests practicing intensive SHRM so that improved financial performance can be asserted to sustain in the competitive environment.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Khatoon, Tawhida and Amin, Muhammad Ruhul and Hossain, Md Moyazzem}, doi = {10.11648/j.ijefm.20130103.14}, journal = {International Journal of Economics}, number = {3} }
@article{ title = {A Socioeconomic Analysis on Tobacco Cultivation in Kushtia District of Bangladesh}, type = {article}, year = {2013}, pages = {128-134}, volume = {2}, publisher = {Science Publishing Group}, id = {3b375587-11c3-3895-a70e-0ada93fc9e39}, created = {2020-11-12T21:39:07.423Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2021-05-05T18:26:55.319Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Tobacco has been introduced since mid sixties of the last century into the fields where food crops were grown, and more widely after liberation in 1971 by the British American Tobacco Company in Teesta silt in Rangpur area. Bangladesh is one of the largest tobacco consuming countries in the world. Employment in tobacco farming accounts for less than 0.5% of agricultural employment in Bangladesh. Tobacco is grown throughout the country, with the largest tobacco growing areas including Rangpur, Kushtia, and Chittagong Hill. The purpose of this paper is to reveal some basic social and economical characteristics of tobacco growers. This paper investigates the impact of tobacco cultivation on environment and health. This paper also identifies the factors which are responsible for the profits of tobacco cultivation. The paper finds that tobacco cultivation has some negative effects on environment and health though it has some short term positive effects such as more profit. The paper also shows that the profits depends on so many factors some of them are cost on seed, fertilizer and other pesticides, labor, irrigation, production, price, etc.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md. Moyazzem and Rahman, MM}, doi = {10.11648/j.ss.20130203.14}, journal = {Social Sciences}, number = {3} }
@article{ title = {Classification Rule for Small Samples: A Bootstrap Approach}, type = {article}, year = {2013}, keywords = {Bootstrap Approach,Fisher's Linear Classification,Neural Network Classification,Quadratic Classification,Small Sample}, pages = {337-344}, volume = {3}, id = {ec2cb174-c7a9-3734-a672-b95274b63084}, created = {2020-11-12T21:53:38.476Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2021-05-05T18:26:55.141Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {In a recent year, classification is computer implemented and most popular data mining technique. Thus in this paper, we address the issue of classification errors over small samples and propose a new Bootstrap based approach for quantifying the level of classification errors. We investigate the performances of classification techniques and observed that, Bootstrap based classification techniques significantly reduce the classification errors than the usual techniques of small samples. Thus, this paper proposes to apply classification techniques under Bootstrap approach for classifying objects in case of small samples. INTRODUCTION Classification is perhaps the most familiar and most popular data mining technique (M. H. Dunham) [1]. Examples of classification applications include image and pattern recognition, medical diagnosis, loan approval, detecting faults in industry applications, and classifying financial market trends. Estimation and prediction may be viewed as types of classification. When someone estimates your age or guesses the number of marbles in a jar, these are actually classification problems. Before the use of current data mining techniques, classification was frequently performed by simply applying knowledge of the data. Statistical classification is a procedure in which individual items are placed into groups based on quantitative information on one or more characteristics inherent in the items (referred to as traits, variables, characters, etc) and based on a training set of previously labeled items. We still do not have single classifier that can reliably outperform all others on a given data set. The accuracy of a particular parametric classifier on a given data set will clearly depend on the relationship between the classifier and the data (C. M. Van Der Walt and E. Barnard) [2]. By developing statistical classification methods we can asses the performance of the assignment rule, the relative sizes of the classes can be measured formally the differences between classes can also be tested (D. J. Hand) [3].}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Rahman, M M and Hossain, M M and Majumder, A K}, journal = {International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Issue}, number = {1} }
@article{ title = {Application of Non-Linear Cobb-Douglas Production Function with Autocorrelation Problem to Selected Manufacturing Industries in Bangladesh}, type = {article}, year = {2013}, pages = {173-178}, volume = {03}, publisher = {Scientific Research Publishing, Inc,}, id = {21d4ee54-49a2-391b-abca-e732988d8ce1}, created = {2020-11-12T22:08:42.660Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2021-05-05T18:26:55.131Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {In developing counties, efficiency of economic development has been determined by the analysis of industrial produc-tion. An examination of the characteristic of industrial sector is an essential aspect of growth studies. The growth of a country can be measured by Gross Domestic Product (GDP). GDP is substantially affected by the industrial output. In-dustrial gross output is mainly a function of capital and labor input. If the effect of labor and capital input to output is at a satisfactory level in an industry or in a group of industries, then industrial investment will increase. As a result, the number of industries will increase, which will directly affect GDP and also will decrease the unemployment rate. This is why, industrial input-output relationship is so important for any industry as well as for the overall industrial sector of a country. To forecast the production of a firm is necessary to identify the appropriate model. MD. M. Hossain et al. [1] have shown that Cobb-Douglas production function with additive errors was more suitable for some selected manu-facturing industries in Bangladesh. The main purpose of this paper is to detect the autocorrelation problem of Cobb-Douglas production model with additive errors. The result shows that autocorrelation is presented in some manufactur-ing industries. Finally, this paper removes the autocorrelation problem and re-estimates the parameters of the Cobb-Douglas production function with additive errors.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md. Moyazzem and Basak, Tapati and Majumder, Ajit Kumar}, doi = {10.4236/ojs.2013.33019}, journal = {Open Journal of Statistics}, number = {03} }
@article{ title = {Supervised Parametric Classification on Simulated Data via Box-Cox Transformation}, type = {article}, year = {2013}, keywords = {Bayesian Network,Box-Cox Transformation,Fisher's Linear Classification,Logistic Classification,Naïve Bayes,Parametric Classification,Quadratic Classification}, pages = {541-550}, volume = {3}, id = {e72efa77-b91f-331b-b1ff-2c07dc0505ce}, created = {2021-05-05T18:26:54.984Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2021-05-05T18:26:54.984Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {JOUR}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Most of the classification techniques are developed under the normality assumption. In practical situations data set of course may be non-normal. Hence, we are motivated to apply Box-Cox transformation for transforming non-normal data set to near normal data set. In this paper we consider different parametric classification techniques to classify objects into classes and make a comparative study among these classification techniques to recognize the suitable one for a given situation. There is no unique classification technique that is suitable for all the situations. In most of the situations classification techniques gives few misclassifications under transformed data set. Also, the classification accuracy through Naive Bayes technique is better than the other classification techniques. We also investigate the effect of Box-Cox transformation and observe that, the classification accuracy under transformed data set is higher than the simulated data set.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Rahman, M M and Hossain, M M and Uddin, M K and Majumder, A K}, journal = {International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Issue}, number = {1} }
@article{ title = {Agro Based Industries Loan Operation and Contribution in GDP of Bangladesh: A Case Study on Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank (RAKUB)}, type = {article}, year = {2013}, keywords = {Agro based industries loan,Bangladesh,GDP,Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank}, pages = {43-48}, volume = {1}, id = {3c81e500-552d-3567-a6d2-36b4a0369d90}, created = {2021-05-05T18:26:54.986Z}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T21:48:20.819Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {RPRT}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Agro based industries are highly potential in the development of Bangladesh through government support with the financial aids along with training facilities for development in this sector. The aim of this paper is to identify the relations of Agro based industries loan to other loans. Also this paper identifies the contribution of the loans on different agricultural sectors in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Bangladesh. The study is confined only to the specific areas like the loans on different agricultural sectors and the contribution to GDP by the agriculture sector by the Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank for the twelve years period starting from 1998-1999 to 2009-2010. This paper investigate that all the variables considered in this study are positively correlated to each other. The coefficient of the regression line showed that there was a significant positive association between the contribution in GDP by agriculture and the loans on Crops, Livestock, Fishery, Irrigation equipment & farm machinery and Agro based industries.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Rahman, Md Ashfaqur and Hossain, Md Moyazzem}, journal = {IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance}, number = {4} }
@article{ title = {Customer Perception, Price and Demand Analysis of Supermarkets in Dhaka City}, type = {article}, year = {2012}, keywords = {Bangladesh,Logistic Regression,Supermarket}, pages = {35-51}, volume = {6 & 7}, id = {fbd168f6-acef-3df2-8453-9c2cf805dcf9}, created = {2020-11-12T21:42:45.169Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2021-05-05T18:36:10.658Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {This paper estimates the customer perception about supermarkets and also tries to estimate the determinants which are responsible to satisfy the customers of supermarkets in Bangladesh. For empirical estimation we use primary data from 290 respondents. The respondents are customers of selected supermarkets in Dhaka city. We use logistic regression to identify the factors. Thus age, sex, education level, monthly household income, monthly household expenditure, monthly frequency of visit to Supermarket, availability of (almost) all products and price of the products are significant predictors of satisfaction level with regard to supermarket in Bangladesh.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Azad, S M Nasim and Hossain, Md Moyazzem and Parveen, Rehena}, journal = {Journal of Business and Technology (Dhaka)}, number = {2 & 1} }
@article{ title = {An Application of Non–Linear Cobb-Douglas Production Function to Selected Manufacturing Industries in Bangladesh}, type = {article}, year = {2012}, pages = {460-468}, volume = {02}, publisher = {Scientific Research Publishing, Inc,}, id = {012f918b-d6a5-366b-8bb8-85ca5f9ff9fd}, created = {2020-11-12T22:08:54.351Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2021-05-05T18:31:54.451Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Recently, businessmen as well as industrialists are very much concerned about the theory of firm in order to make cor-rect decisions regarding what items, how much and how to produce them. All these decisions are directly related with the cost considerations and market situations where the firm is to be operated. In this regard, this paper should be help-ful in suggesting the most suitable functional form of production process for the major manufacturing industries in Bangladesh. This paper considers Cobb-Douglas (C-D) production function with additive error and multiplicative error term. The main purpose of this paper is to select the appropriate Cobb-Douglas production model for measuring the production process of some selected manufacturing industries in Bangladesh. We use different model selection criteria to compare the Cobb-Douglas production function with additive error term to Cobb-Douglas production function with multiplicative error term. Finally, we estimate the parameters of the production function by using optimization subroutine.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Hossain, Md. Moyazzem and Majumder, Ajit Kumar and Basak, Tapati}, doi = {10.4236/ojs.2012.24058}, journal = {Open Journal of Statistics}, number = {04} }
@article{ title = {Impacts of Smoking Habit by Young Generation in Our Society}, type = {article}, year = {2011}, pages = {45-64}, volume = {10}, id = {7019bdf3-bde1-3371-b8a1-63c8c9a0031a}, created = {2020-11-12T21:36:42.499Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {3d6b17c2-7de8-3a82-bf4f-ddb0e3081e5f}, last_modified = {2022-05-06T21:48:20.546Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {true}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {Tobacco use, which is rising quickly in developing countries, kills 5.4 million people a year worldwide. This paper explores the impacts of smoking habit by young generation in our society. Using 180 primary data from different public and private university students of Bangladesh, the analysis finds that smoking is associated with poor overall health and a variety of short-term adverse health effects among young people and may also be a marker for underlying mental health problems, such as depression among adolescents. The habit of smoking is largely seen among young generation because of lack of the awareness & proper education. There are some other causes like-peer pressures; attractive advertising, desire to look mature etc. & also some biological factors encourage young people to smoke.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Azad, S M Nasim and Hossain, Md Moyazzem and Parveen, Rehena}, journal = {AIUB Journal of Business and Economics}, number = {1&2} }