@article{brunsell_impacts_2014, title = {Impacts of seasonality and surface heterogeneity on water-use efficiency in mesic grasslands}, volume = {7}, author = {Brunsell, J.B. Nippert, {and} T.L. Buck, N.A.}, year = {2014}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@phdthesis{liu_inorganic_2014, address = {Lawrence, KS}, title = {Inorganic and organic carbon variations in surface water, {Konza} {Prairie} {LTER} {Site}, {USA}, and {Maolan} {Karst} {Experimental} {Site}, {China}}, school = {University of Kansas}, author = {Liu, Huan.}, year = {2014}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@article{koerner_interactive_2014, title = {Interactive effects of grazing, drought, and fire on grassland plant communities in {North} {America} and {South} {Africa}}, volume = {95}, author = {Koerner, S.E. and Collins, S.L.}, year = {2014}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@article{a_joern_ecological_2013, title = {Ecological mechanisms underlying arthropod species diversity in grasslands}, volume = {58}, author = {{A Joern} and {A. Laws}}, year = {2013}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@incollection{miller_arbuscular_2012, title = {Arbuscular {Mycorrhizas} and {Grassland} {Ecosystems}}, author = {Miller, G.W.T. Wilson, {and} N.C. Johnson, R.M.}, year = {2012}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@phdthesis{chang_dimensions_2012, title = {Dimensions of diversity and their direct and indirect effects on tallgrass prairie ecosystem functioning}, author = {Chang, C.C.}, year = {2012}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@article{gough_incorporating_2012, title = {Incorporating clonal growth form clarifies the role of plant height in response to nitrogen addition}, volume = {169}, abstract = {Nutrient addition to grasslands consistentlycauses species richness declines and productivity increases.Competition, particularly for light, is often assumed to producethis result. Using a long-term dataset from North Americanherbaceous plant communities, we tested whether heightand clonal growth form together predict responses to fertilizationbecause neither trait alone predicted species loss in aprevious analysis. Species with a tall-runner growth formcommonly increased in relative abundance in response toadded nitrogen, while short species and those with a tallclumpedclonal growth form often decreased. The ability toincrease in size via vegetative spread across space, whilesimultaneously occupying the canopy, conferred competitiveadvantage, although typically only the abundance of a singlespecies within each height-clonal growth form significantlyresponded to fertilization in each experiment. Classifyingspecies on the basis of two traits (height and clonal growthform) increases our ability to predict species responses tofertilization compared to either trait alone in predominantlyherbaceous plant communities.}, author = {Gough, Laura and Gross, Katherine L. and Cleland, Elsa E and Clark, Christopher M. and Collins, Scott L. and Fargione, Joseph E. and Pennings, Steven C. and Suding, Katherine N.}, year = {2012}, keywords = {KNZ, GCE, ARC, productivity, grassland, competition, clonal growth, nitrogen addition} }
@article{a.k._knapp_past_2012, title = {Past, present, and future roles of long-term experiments in the {LTER} {Network}}, volume = {62}, number = {4}, journal = {Bioscience}, author = {{A.K. Knapp} and Seastedt, T. R. and Shaver, G. R. and Webster, J.R. and Smith, M.D. and Hobbie, S.E. and Collins, S. L. and Fahey, T. J. and Hansen, G. J. A. and Landis, D.A. and La Pierre, K. and Melillo, J.}, year = {2012}, keywords = {ARC, KNZ, NTL} }
@article{mccain_mycorrhizal_2011, title = {Mycorrhizal suppression alters plant productivity and forb establishment in a grass-dominated prairie restoration}, volume = {212}, author = {McCain, G.W.T. Wilson, {and} J.M. Blair, K.N.S.}, year = {2011}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@article{kaufman_observation_2011, title = {Observation of porcupine in {Geary} {County}, {Kansas}}, volume = {114}, author = {Kaufman, D.W. {and} G.A. Kaufman}, year = {2011}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@article{augustine_demography_2011, title = {Demography of female {Greater} {Prairie}-{Chickens} in unfragmented grasslands in {Kansas}}, volume = {6}, author = {Augustine, J.K. {and} B.K. Sandercock}, year = {2011}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@article{sousa_design_2011, title = {Design and effectiveness of a novel trap for capturing nesting songbirds}, volume = {82}, author = {Sousa, B.F. {and} S.L.M. Stewart}, year = {2011}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@article{mccain_dominant_2010, title = {Dominant grasses suppress local diversity in restored tallgrass prairie}, volume = {18}, author = {McCain, S.G. Baer, J.M. Blair, {and} G.W.T. Wilson, K.N.S.}, year = {2010}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@article{saleh_relatedness_2010, title = {Relatedness of {Macrophomina} phaseolina isolates from tallgrass prairie, maize, soybean, and sorghum}, volume = {19}, author = {Saleh, H.U. Ahmed, T.C. Todd, S.E. Travers, K.A. Zeller, J.F. Leslie, {and} K.A. Garrett, A.A.}, year = {2010}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@article{gido_retrospective_2010, title = {Retrospective analysis of fish community change during a half-century of landuse and streamflow changes}, volume = {29}, author = {Gido, W.K. Dodds, {and} M.E. Eberle, K.B.}, year = {2010}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@article{bernot_inter-regional_2010, title = {Inter-regional comparison of land-use effects on stream metabolism}, volume = {55}, url = {http://andrewsforest.oregonstate.edu/pubs/pdf/pub4587.pdf}, journal = {Freshwater Biology}, author = {Bernot, Melody J. and Dahm, Clifford N. and Gregory, Stanley V. and Grimm, Nancy B. and Hamilton, Stephen K. and Johnson, Sherri L. and McDowell, W.H. and Meyer, Judy L. and Peterson, B. V. and Poole, G.C. and Valett, H.M. and Sobota, Daniel J. and Arango, Clay P. and Beaulieu, Jake J. and Burgin, Amy J. and Crenshaw, Chelsea L. and Helton, Ashley M. and Johnson, Laura T. and Merriam, J.L. and Niederlehner, B. R. and {O} and Potter, J.D. and Hall, Robert O. and Sheibley, Richard W. and Mulholland, Patrick J. and Dodds, Walter K. and Webster, J.R. and Tank, J.L. and Ashkenas, Linda R. and Cooper, Lee W.}, year = {2010}, keywords = {AND, CAP, KNZ} }
@article{margosian_connectivity_2009, title = {Connectivity of the {American} agricultural landscape: {Assessing} the national risk of crop pest and disease spread}, volume = {59}, author = {Margosian, K.A. Garrett, J.M.S. Hutchinson, {and} K.A. With, M.L.}, year = {2009}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@article{molecular_ecology_resources_primer_development_consortium_permanent_2009, title = {Permanent {Genetic} {Resources} added to {Molecular} {Ecology} {Resources} {Database} 1 {May} 2009 31 {July} 2009}, volume = {9}, author = {{Molecular Ecology Resources Primer Development Consortium} and {et al}}, year = {2009}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@article{rothii_hippocampal_2009, title = {Hippocampal volumes and neuron numbers increase along a gradient of environmental harshness: a large-scale comparison}, volume = {276}, author = {RothII, T.C. {and} V.V. Pravosudov}, year = {2009}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@phdthesis{klug_interactions_2009, title = {Interactions between grassland birds and their snake predators: the potential for conservation conflicts in the tallgrass prairie}, author = {Klug, P.E.}, year = {2009}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@article{baer_non-target_2009, title = {Non-target and invasive species in rehabilitated production systems: {Ecological} impacts, management and future use}, volume = {43}, author = {Baer, D. Engle, J.M.H. Knops, K.A. Langeland, B.D. Maxwell, F.D. Menalled, {and} A. Symstad, S.G.}, year = {2009}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@article{gerten_modeled_2008-1, title = {Modeled effects of precipitation on ecosystem carbon and water dynamics in different climatic zones}, volume = {14}, author = {Gerten, Y. Luo, G. Le Maire, W.J. Parton, C. Keough, E. Weng, C. Beier, P. Ciais, W. Cramer, J.S. Dukes, , D}, year = {2008}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@article{schook_geographic_2008, title = {Geographic patterns of song similarity in the {Dickcissel} ({Spiza} americana)}, volume = {125}, author = {Schook, M.D. Collins, W.E. Jensen, P.J. Williams, N.E. Bader, {and} T.H. Parker, D.M.}, year = {2008}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@article{towne_long-term_2008, title = {Long-term response patterns of tallgrass prairie to frequent summer burning}, volume = {61}, author = {Towne, G.E. {and} K.E. Kemp}, year = {2008}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@article{williams_response_2007, title = {Response of microbial communities to water stress in irrigated and drought-prone tallgrass prairie soils}, volume = {39}, journal = {Soil Biology \& Biochemistry}, author = {Williams, M.A.}, year = {2007}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@phdthesis{rouse_diversity_2007, title = {Diversity of a disease resistance gene homolog in {Andropogon} gerardii ({Poaceae}) is correlated with precipitation}, author = {Rouse, M.N.}, year = {2007}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@article{whiles_ecological_2006, title = {The ecological significance of tallgrass prairie arthropods}, volume = {51}, journal = {Annual Review of Entomology}, author = {Whiles, M.R. and Charlton, R. E.}, year = {2006}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@article{bakker_herbivore_2006-2, title = {Herbivore impact on grassland plant diversity depends on habitat productivity and herbivore size}, volume = {9}, author = {Bakker, ES and Ritchie, ME and Olff, H and Milchunas, DG and Knops, JMH}, year = {2006}, keywords = {KNZ, SGS} }
@article{a.k._knapp_convergence_2006, title = {Convergence and contingency in production}, volume = {149}, journal = {Oecologia}, author = {{A.K. Knapp} and Burns, C. E. and Fynn, S and Kirkman, K. P.}, year = {2006}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@article{todd_sentinel_2006, title = {Sentinel nematodes of land-use change and restoration in tallgrass prairie}, volume = {38}, journal = {Journal of Nematology}, author = {Todd, T. C. and Powers, T.O.}, year = {2006}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@phdthesis{nippert_life_2006, title = {Life by the drop: {Water} as a physiological driver of the tallgrass prairie plant community}, author = {Nippert, J. B.}, year = {2006}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@article{fritz_harshness:_2005, title = {Harshness: characterization of intermittent stream habitat over space and time}, volume = {56}, journal = {Marine and Freshwater Research}, author = {Fritz, K. M.}, year = {2005}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@article{knight_habitat_2005, title = {Habitat use and susceptibility to predation of four prairie stream fishes: implications for conservation of the endangered {Topeka} shiner}, journal = {Copeia}, author = {Knight, G. L. and Gido, K. B.}, year = {2005}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@article{gustafson_using_2005, title = {Using local seed in prairie restoration}, journal = {Native Plants Journal}, author = {Gustafson, D. J. and Gibson, D.J. and Nickrent, D. L.}, year = {2005}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@phdthesis{reed_effects_2005, title = {Effects of fire and plant invasion on aspects of aboveground and belowground interactions in an eastern tallgrass prairie}, author = {Reed, H}, year = {2005}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@phdthesis{watson_soil_2005, title = {Soil biotic interactions and carbon dynamics}, author = {Watson, G.}, year = {2005}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@article{benson_belowground_2004, title = {Belowground bud banks and meristem limitation in tallgrass prairie plant populations}, volume = {91}, journal = {American Journal of Botany}, author = {Benson, E. and Hartnett, D. C. and Mann, K.}, year = {2004}, keywords = {KNZ, tallgrass prairie} }
@article{lee_comparison_2004, title = {Comparison of hyperspectral and multispectral data for estimating leaf area index in four biomes}, volume = {91}, journal = {Remote Sensing of Environment}, author = {Lee, K-S. and Cohen, W.B. and Kennedy, R.E. and Maiersperger, T.K. and Gower, S.T.}, year = {2004}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@phdthesis{cox_cytogenetic_2004, title = {Cytogenetic characterization and disease resistance of perennial grasses and disease response to host diversity}, author = {Cox, C.M.}, year = {2004}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@book{greenland_climate_2003-2, address = {New York}, title = {Climate {Variability} and {Ecosystem} {Response} at {Long}-{Term} {Ecological} {Research} {Sites}}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, author = {Greenland, David. and Goodin, D.G. and Smith, Raymond C.}, year = {2003}, keywords = {KNZ, PAL} }
@article{bernot_population_2003, title = {Population differences in effects of fish on {Physia} integra refuge use}, volume = {150}, journal = {American Midland Naturalist}, author = {Bernot, R.J.}, year = {2003}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@article{johnson_nitrogen_2003, title = {Nitrogen enrichment alters mycorrhizal allocation at five mesic to semiarid grasslands}, volume = {84}, author = {Johnson, D. L. Rowland, L. Corkidi, L. M. Egerton-Warburton, {and} E. B. Allen., N. C.}, year = {2003}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@phdthesis{mccarron_ecological_2002, title = {Ecological interactions between grasses and shrubs in a tallgrass prairie}, author = {McCarron, J. K.}, year = {2002}, keywords = {KNZ, tallgrass prairie} }
@article{owens_phrynosoma_2002, title = {Phrynosoma cornutum ({Texas} horned lizard) reproduction}, volume = {33}, journal = {Herpetological Review}, author = {Owens, A. and Trager, M. and Horne, E.}, year = {2002}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@article{rundquist_influence_2002, title = {The influence of canopy green vegetation fraction on spectral measurements over native tallgrass prairie}, volume = {81}, journal = {Remote Sensing of the Environment}, author = {Rundquist, B. C.}, year = {2002}, keywords = {KNZ, tallgrass prairie} }
@article{collins_long-term_2001, title = {Long-term research and the dynamics of bird populations and communities: an overview}, volume = {118}, journal = {Auk}, author = {Collins, S. L.}, year = {2001}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@article{post_sexual_2001, title = {Sexual segregation results in differences in content and quality of bison ({Bos} bison) diets}, volume = {82}, journal = {Journal of Mammalogy}, author = {Post, DM and Armbrust, T. A. and Horne, E. A. and Goheen, J.}, year = {2001}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@article{danner_carbon_2001, title = {Carbon and water relations of juvenile {Quercus} species in tallgrass prairie}, volume = {12}, journal = {Journal of Vegetation Science}, author = {Danner, B. T. and {A.K. Knapp}}, year = {2001}, keywords = {KNZ, tallgrass prairie, water relations} }
@article{smith_species_2001, title = {Species, season, and density of buried seeds surviving fox squirrel depredation}, volume = {33}, journal = {Prairie Naturalist}, author = {Smith, C. C. and Briggs, J.M.}, year = {2001}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@article{blair_ecosystems_2000, title = {Ecosystems as functional units in nature}, volume = {14}, journal = {Natural Resources and Environment}, author = {Blair, J.M. and Collins, S. L. and {A.K. Knapp}}, year = {2000}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@incollection{blair_responses_2000, title = {Responses of grassland soil invertebrates to natural and anthropogenic disturbances}, publisher = {Invertebrates as Webmasters in Ecosystems}, author = {Blair, J.M. and Todd, T. C. and Callaham, M.A.}, year = {2000}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@article{cavitt_fire_2000, title = {Fire and a tallgrass prairie reptile community: effects on relative abundance and seasonal activity}, volume = {34}, journal = {Journal of Herpetology}, author = {Cavitt, J. F.}, year = {2000}, keywords = {KNZ, fire, tallgrass prairie} }
@article{vestweber_demodicosis_1999, title = {Demodicosis in an {American} {Bison}}, volume = {40}, journal = {Canadian Veterinary Journal}, author = {Vestweber, J. G. and Ridley, R. K. and Nietfeld, J. C. and Wilkerson, M. J.}, year = {1999}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@article{cavitt_brown_1999, title = {Brown {Thrasher} {Nest} {Reuse}}, volume = {101}, journal = {A Time Saving Resource, Protection From Search-strategy Predators, or Cues for Nest-site Selection? The Condor}, author = {Cavitt, J. F. and Pearse, A. T. and Miller, T. A.}, year = {1999}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@article{turner_relationships_1999, title = {Relationships between leaf area index and {Landsat} {TM} spectral vegetation indices across three temperate zone sites}, volume = {70}, number = {1}, journal = {Remote Sensing of Environment}, author = {Turner, David P. and Cohen, Warren B. and Kennedy, Robert E. and Fassnacht, Karin S. and Briggs, John M.}, year = {1999}, keywords = {AND, KNZ, leaf area} }
@article{collins_modulation_1998, title = {Modulation of diversity by grazing and mowing in native tallgrass prairie}, volume = {280}, journal = {Science}, author = {Collins, S. L. and {A.K. Knapp} and Briggs, J.M. and Blair, J.M. and Steinauer, E. M.}, year = {1998}, keywords = {KNZ, tallgrass prairie} }
@phdthesis{cavitt_role_1998, title = {The role of food supply and nest predation in limiting reproductive success of {Brown} {Thrashers} ({Toxostoma} rufum ) : {Effects} of predator removal, food supplements and predation risk}, author = {Cavitt, John. F.}, year = {1998}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@incollection{hayden_regional_1998-1, title = {Regional climate and the distribution of tallgrass prairie}, publisher = {Grassland Dynamics: Long-Term Ecological Research in Tallgrass Prairie}, author = {Hayden, BP}, year = {1998}, keywords = {KNZ, tallgrass prairie} }
@incollection{ransom_soils_1998, title = {Soils and soil biota}, publisher = {Grassland Dynamics: Long-Term Ecological Research in Tallgrass Prairie}, author = {Ransom, M. D. and Rice, C. W. and Todd, T. C. and Wehmueller, W. A.}, year = {1998}, keywords = {KNZ, tallgrass prairie} }
@phdthesis{fritz_effects_1997, title = {The effects of natural disturbances on lotic fauna of a pristine tallgrass prairie stream}, author = {Fritz, K. M.}, year = {1997}, keywords = {KNZ, tallgrass prairie} }
@article{dodds_distribution_1997, title = {Distribution of runoff and rivers related to vegetative characteristics, latitude, and slope: {A} global perspective}, volume = {16}, journal = {Journal of the North American Benthological Society}, author = {Dodds, W.K.}, year = {1997}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@article{sotomayor_denitrification_1996, title = {Denitrification in soil profiles beneath grassland and cultivated soils}, volume = {60}, journal = {Soil Science Society of America Journal}, author = {Sotomayor, D. and Rice, C. W.}, year = {1996}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@article{loehle_forest_1996, title = {Forest spread and phase transitions at forest-prairie ecotones in {Kansas}, {U}.{S}.{A}}, volume = {11}, journal = {Landscape Ecology}, author = {Loehle, C. and Li, B. L. and Sundell, R. C.}, year = {1996}, keywords = {KNZ, gallery forest} }
@incollection{ojima_impact_1996, title = {Impact of climate and atmospheric carbon dioxide changes on grasslands of the world}, publisher = {Global Change: Effects on Coniferous Forests and Grasslands}, author = {Ojima, DS and Parton, WJ and Coughenour, MB and Scurlock, JMO and Kirchener, T. B. and Kittel, T.G.}, year = {1996}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@phdthesis{davy_responses_1996, title = {Responses of two forbs, {Solidago} canadensis and {Vernonia} baldwinii , to variation in nitrogen availability and light environments in lowland, annually burned tallgrass prairie}, author = {Davy, A. L.}, year = {1996}, keywords = {KNZ, tallgrass prairie} }
@article{johnson_influence_1995, title = {The influence of fire on {Spartina} pectinata wetland communities in a northeastern {Kansas} tallgrass prairie}, volume = {73}, journal = {Canadian Journal of Botany}, author = {Johnson, S. R. and {A.K. Knapp}}, year = {1995}, keywords = {KNZ, fire, tallgrass prairie} }
@article{johnson_spider_1995, title = {Spider communities in the canopies of annually burned and long-term unburned {Spartina} pectinata wetlands}, volume = {24}, journal = {Environmental Entomology}, author = {Johnson, S. R.}, year = {1995}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@article{briggs_interannual_1995, title = {Interannual variability in primary production in tallgrass prairie: climate, soil moisture, topographic position and fire as determinants of aboveground biomass}, volume = {82}, journal = {American Journal of Botany}, author = {Briggs, J.M. and {A.K. Knapp}}, year = {1995}, keywords = {KNZ, primary production, fire, tallgrass prairie, aboveground biomass} }
@article{jekanoski_use_1995, title = {Use of simulated herbaceous canopy by foraging rodents}, volume = {133}, journal = {The American Midland Naturalist}, author = {Jekanoski, R. D. and Kaufman, D.W.}, year = {1995}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@phdthesis{pomes_study_1995, title = {A study of the aquatic humic substances and hydrogeology in a prairie watershed: use of humic material as a tracer of recharge through soils}, author = {Pomes, M. L.}, year = {1995}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@incollection{hartnett_population_1995, title = {Population {Processes}}, publisher = {The Changing Prairie}, author = {Hartnett, D. C. and Keeler, K. H.}, year = {1995}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@incollection{blair_influences_1995, title = {Influences of earthworms on biogeochemistry}, publisher = {Earthworm Ecology and Biogeography in North America}, author = {Blair, J.M. and Parmelee, R. W. and Lavelle, P.}, year = {1995}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@article{knight_expansion_1994, title = {Expansion of gallery forest on {Konza} {Prairie} {Research} {Natural} {Area}, {Kansas}}, volume = {9}, journal = {Landscape Ecology}, author = {Knight, C. L. and Briggs, J.M. and Nellis, M. D.}, year = {1994}, keywords = {KNZ, gallery forest} }
@article{luft_odor_1994, title = {Odor as a factor in nut discovery by fox squirrels}, volume = {97}, journal = {Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science}, author = {Luft, J. and Malinowski, J. and Briggs, J.M. and Smith, C. C.}, year = {1994}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@incollection{rice_biologically_1994, title = {Biologically active pools of soil {C} and {N} in tallgrass prairie}, publisher = {Defining Soil Quality for a Sustainable Environment}, author = {Rice, C. W. and Garcia, F. O.}, year = {1994}, keywords = {KNZ, tallgrass prairie} }
@article{a.k._knapp_elevated_1994, title = {Elevated {CO}2 alters dynamic stomatal responses to sunlight in a {C}4 grass}, volume = {17}, journal = {Plant Cell and Environment}, author = {{A.K. Knapp} and Fahnestock, J.T. and Owensby, CE}, year = {1994}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@article{chen_mathematical_1994, title = {Mathematical simulation of {C}4 grass photosynthesis in ambient and elevated {C}02}, volume = {73}, journal = {Ecological Modelling}, author = {Chen, DX and Coughenour, MB and {A.K. Knapp} and Owensby, CE}, year = {1994}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@phdthesis{rustiati_experimental_1993, title = {Experimental analyses of the effects of prairie ash and sodium on food choices by prairie rodents}, author = {Rustiati, E. L.}, year = {1993}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@phdthesis{fahnestock_indirect_1992, title = {Indirect effects of selective grass herbivory by bison on tallgrass prairie forbs}, author = {Fahnestock, J.T.}, year = {1992}, keywords = {KNZ, tallgrass prairie} }
@article{glenn_disturbances_1992, title = {Disturbances in tallgrass prairie: local versus regional effects on community heterogeneity}, volume = {7}, journal = {Landscape Ecology}, author = {Glenn, S. M. and Collins, S. L. and Gibson, D.J.}, year = {1992}, keywords = {KNZ, tallgrass prairie} }
@phdthesis{santanachote_vegetation_1992, title = {The vegetation cover, seed bank, seed rain, and seed reproduction of the relictual tallgrass prairie of {Boulder} county, {Colorado}}, author = {Santanachote, K.}, year = {1992}, keywords = {KNZ, tallgrass prairie} }
@article{burke_regional_1991-1, title = {Regional analysis of the central {Great} {Plains}}, volume = {41}, journal = {BioScience}, author = {Burke, IC and Kittel, TGF and Lauenroth, WK and Snook, P and Yonker, CM and Parton, WJ}, year = {1991}, keywords = {KNZ, SGS} }
@incollection{kaufman_small_1990, title = {Small mammals and grassland fires}, publisher = {Fire in North American Tallgrass Prairies}, author = {Kaufman, D.W. and Finck, E. J. and Kaufman, G. A.}, year = {1990}, keywords = {KNZ, fire} }
@article{hetrick_differential_1990, title = {Differential responses of {C}3 and {C}4 grasses to mycorrhizal symbiosis, phosphorus fertilization, and soil microorganisms}, volume = {68}, journal = {Canadian Journal of Botany}, author = {Hetrick, B. A. D. and Wilson, G. W. T. and Todd, T. C.}, year = {1990}, keywords = {KNZ, tallgrass prairie} }
@article{briggs_influence_1989, title = {Influence of habitat on acorn selection by {Peromyscus} leucopus}, volume = {70}, journal = {Journal of Mammalogy}, author = {Briggs, J.M. and Smith, K. G.}, year = {1989}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@article{jayachandran_mycorrhizal_1989, title = {Mycorrhizal mediation of phosphorus availability: synthetic iron chelate effects on phosphorus solubilization}, volume = {53}, journal = {Soil Science Society of America Journal}, author = {Jayachandran, K. and Schwab, A. P. and Hetrick, B. A. D.}, year = {1989}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@article{schmugge_results_1988, title = {Results from the push broom microwave radiometer flights over the {Konza} {Prairie} in 1985}, volume = {26}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing}, author = {Schmugge, T. J. and Wang, J. R. and Asrar, G. A.}, year = {1988}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@article{sellers_first_1988, title = {The first {ISLSCP} field experiment ({FIFE})}, volume = {69}, journal = {Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society}, author = {Sellers, P. J. and Hall, F. G. and Asrar, D. E. and Strebel, D. E. and Murphy, R. E.}, year = {1988}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@article{robel_feeding_1987, title = {Feeding by bobwhites on sprouting corn reduced by bendiocarb}, volume = {90}, journal = {Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science}, author = {Robel, R. J. and Morrow, M. E.}, year = {1987}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@article{gilliam_chemistry_1987, title = {The chemistry of wet deposition for a tallgrass prairie ecosystem: inputs and interactions with plant canopies}, volume = {4}, journal = {Biogeochemistry}, author = {Gilliam, F. S.}, year = {1987}, keywords = {KNZ, tallgrass prairie} }
@article{seastedt_experimental_1987, title = {Experimental manipulations of soil arthropod, nematode, and earthworm communities in a {North} {American} tallgrass prairie}, volume = {30}, journal = {Pedobiologia}, author = {Seastedt, T. R. and Todd, T. C. and James, S. J.}, year = {1987}, keywords = {KNZ, tallgrass prairie} }
@article{mcarthur_interactions_1986, title = {Interactions of the bacterial assemblages of a prairie stream with dissolved organic carbon from riparian vegetation}, volume = {134}, journal = {Hydrobiologia}, author = {McArthur, J. V. and Marzolf, G. R.}, year = {1986}, keywords = {KNZ, tallgrass prairie} }
@article{stapanian_how_1986, title = {How fox squirrels influence the invasion of prairies by nut-bearing trees}, volume = {67}, journal = {Journal of Mammalogy}, author = {Stapanian, M. A. and Smith, C. C.}, year = {1986}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@phdthesis{gurtz_habitat_1985, title = {Habitat selection by small mammals: seasonality of responses to conditions created by fire and topography in tallgrass prairie}, author = {Gurtz, S. P.}, year = {1985}, keywords = {KNZ, tallgrass prairie} }
@phdthesis{kale_role_1985, title = {The role of host egg color in host nest selection by the brown-headed cowbird ({Molothrus} ater)}, author = {Kale, C.}, year = {1985}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@article{zajicek_vesicular-arbuscular_1985, title = {Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae and greenhouse production of three native tallgrass prairie forbs}, volume = {31}, journal = {Restoration and Management Notes}, author = {Zajicek, J. M. and Albrecht, M. L. and Hetrick, B. A. D.}, year = {1985}, keywords = {KNZ, tallgrass prairie, milkweed} }
@article{powers_soil_1984, title = {Soil structure as influenced by simulated tillage}, volume = {48}, journal = {Journal of Soil Science}, author = {Powers, D. H. and Skidmore, E. L.}, year = {1984}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@phdthesis{blew_rhizosphere_1984, title = {Rhizosphere nitrogen fixation ({C}2H2 reduction) associated with the major species of the tallgrass prairie}, author = {Blew, R. D.}, year = {1984}, keywords = {KNZ, tallgrass prairie} }
@article{hatch_nestling_1983, title = {Nestling growth relationships of brown-headed cowbirds and dickcissels}, volume = {95}, journal = {The Wilson Bulletin}, author = {Hatch, S. A.}, year = {1983}, keywords = {KNZ} }
@article{zimmerman_cowbird_1983, title = {Cowbird parasitism of dickcissels in different habitats and at different nest densities}, volume = {95}, journal = {The Wilson Bulletin}, author = {Zimmerman, J. L.}, year = {1983}, keywords = {KNZ} }