Getting Started

BibBase can render your publications from a variety of data sources. These options are sorted from most to least recommended. Once you have selected your source and your publication list has been generated, there will be instructions on how to embed the listing on your page. See below if you don't yet have a website.

Drop .bib file here
This will upload the file and render it. This is just meant as a preview. To use the file for your publication list create a free account so you can edit the file later to add new publications or make corrections.
The whole process in 30 seconds

Don't yet have a web page?

Sign up for one of our premium plans to get a personal website hosted by BibBase. This makes it even easier to maintain your web presence and publications list. You can start creating your website for free using our easy-to-use website editor. Signing up for a premium plan is only required once you are ready to publish your site.


If you are familiar with HTML or are willing to learn it, you can also get a basic but free webpage from GitHub by forking this example page. Make sure to call your fork "". That page is already set up for using BibBase. Just replace the BibTeX file with your own and edit index.html with your own details.