@article{fisk_carbon_2015, title = {Carbon mineralization is promoted by phosphorus and reduced by nitrogen addition in the organic horizon of northern hardwood forests}, volume = {81}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.soilbio.2014.11.022}, author = {Fisk, Melany and Santangelo, Sharon and Minick, Kevan}, year = {2015}, keywords = {HBR, p limitation} }
@article{fakhraei_proton_2015, title = {Proton and {Aluminum} {Binding} {Properties} of {Organic} {Acids} in {Surface} {Waters} of the {Northeastern} {U}.{S}.}, volume = {49}, url = {http://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdfplus/10.1021/es504024u}, number = {5}, author = {Fakhraei, Habibollah and Driscoll, Charles T.}, year = {2015}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{fuss_recovery_2015, title = {Recovery from chronic and snowmelt acidification: {Long}-term trends in stream and soil water chemistry at the {Hubbard} {Brook} {Experimental} {Forest}, {New} {Hampshire}, {USA}}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/2015JG003063}, author = {Fuss, Colin B. and Driscoll, Charles T. and Campbell, John L.}, year = {2015}, keywords = {HBR, watershed} }
@article{kaiser_experimental_2015, title = {Experimental food supplementation reveals habitat-dependent male reproductive investment in a migratory bird}, volume = {282}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2014.2523}, number = {1803}, author = {Kaiser, Sara A. and Sillett, T. Scott and Risk, Benjamin B. and Webster, Michael S.}, year = {2015}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{mitchell_comparisons_2011, title = {Comparisons of watershed sulfur budgets in southeast {Canada} and northeast {US}: new approaches and implications}, volume = {103}, number = {1-3}, journal = {Biogeochemistry}, author = {Mitchell, M.J. and Eimers, M.C. and Fernandez, I and Houle, D. and Jeffries, D.S. and Likens, G.E. and Moran, M. D. and Rogers, C. and Schwede, D. and Shanley, J. and Weathers, K. and Lovett, G. and Vet, R. and Bailey, S. and Beall, F. and Burns, D. and Buso, D. and Clair, T. and Courchesne, F. and Duchesne, L.}, year = {2011}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{fuss_dynamics_2010, title = {Dynamics of oxidized and reduced iron in a northern hardwood forest}, volume = {DOI 10.1007/s10533-010-9490-x}, journal = {Biogeochemistry}, author = {Fuss, C. B. and Driscoll, C.T. and Johnson, C. E. and Petras, R. J. and Fahey, T. J.}, year = {2010}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{kaushal_rising_2010, title = {Rising stream and river temperatures in the {United} {States}}, abstract = {Water temperatures are increasing in many streams and rivers throughout the US. We analyzed historical records from 40 sites and found that 20 major streams and rivers have shown statistically significant, long-term warming. Annual mean water temperatures increased by 0.009–0.077°C yr−1, and rates of warming were most rapid in, but not confined to, urbanizing areas. Long-term increases in stream water temperatures were typically correlated with increases in air temperatures. If stream temperatures were to continue to increase at current rates, due to global warming and urbanization, this could have important effects on eutrophication, ecosystem processes such as biological productivity and stream metabolism, contaminant toxicity, and loss of aquatic biodiversity.}, journal = {Frontiers in Ecology and Environment}, author = {Kaushal, S. S. and Likens, G.E. and Jaworski, N. A. and Pace, M. L. and Sides, A. M. and Seekell, D. A. and Belt, K. T. and Secor, D. T. and Wingate, R. L.}, year = {2010}, keywords = {BES, HBR, river, stream} }
@article{wu_application_2009, title = {Application of {PnET}-{BGC} - an integrated biogeochemical model - to assess {ANC} recovery in the {Adirondack} region of {New} {York} under three multi-pollutant proposals}, volume = {378}, journal = {J. Hydrol.}, author = {Wu, W. and Driscoll, C.T.}, year = {2009}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{bradford_carbon_2009, title = {Carbon pools and fluxes in small temperate forest landscapes: {Variability} and implications for sampling design}, volume = {doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2009.04.009}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, author = {Bradford, J. and Weishampel, P. and Smith, M. L. and Kolka, R. and Birdsey, R. A. and Ollinger, S. V. and Ryan, M. G.}, year = {2009}, keywords = {HBR} }
@phdthesis{christenson_biogeochemistry_2007, address = {Syracuse, NY}, title = {The biogeochemistry of moose and soil freezing: {Multiple} interactions influence on nitrogen cycling in a northern hardwood forest}, school = {SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry}, author = {Christenson, L. M.}, year = {2007}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{nezat_sequential_2007, title = {A sequential extraction to selectively dissolve apatite for determination of soil nutrient pools with an application to}, volume = {22}, journal = {Applied Geochemistry}, author = {Nezat, C. A. and Blum, J. D. and Yanai, R. D. and Hamburg, S. P.}, year = {2007}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{holmes_what_2005, title = {What causes changes in bird abundance? {Lessons} learned at {Hubbard} {Brook}}, journal = {New Hampshire Audubon Quarterly}, author = {Holmes, R. T.}, year = {2005}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{mitchell_review_2005, title = {Review of {Book}: {E}. {Matzner} (ed): {Biogeochemistry} of {Forested} {Catchments} in {A} {Changing} {Environment}, {A} {German} {Case} {Study}}, volume = {168}, journal = {Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science}, author = {Mitchell, M.J.}, year = {2005}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{johnson_migrants_2005, title = {Migrants in tropical bird communities: {An} assessment of the breeding currency hypothesis}, volume = {74}, journal = {Journal of Animal Ecology}, author = {Johnson, M. D. and Strong, A. M. and Sherry, T. W.}, year = {2005}, keywords = {HBR} }
@incollection{sherry_does_2005, address = {Baltimore, MD}, title = {Does winter food limit populations of migratory birds?}, booktitle = {Birds of two worlds: {Advances} in the ecology and evolution of temperate-tropical migration systems}, publisher = {Johns Hopkins University Press}, author = {Sherry, T. W. and Johnson, M. D. and Strong, A. M.}, editor = {Marra, P. P.}, year = {2005}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{jones_seasonal_2004, title = {Seasonal and successional streamflow response to forest cutting and regrowth in the northwest and eastern {United} {States}.}, volume = {40}, url = {http://cwt33.ecology.uga.edu/publications/2218.pdf}, abstract = {This study examined daily streamflow response over up to four decades in northwest conifer forest and eastern deciduous forest sites in the United States. We used novel methods to analyze daily observations of climate and streamflow spanning more than 900 basin years of record at 14 treated/control basin pairs where forest rem0oval and regrowth experiments were underway in the period 1930-2002. In the 1 to 5-year period after forest removal, maximum daily increases ranged from 2 to 3 mm at deciduous forest sites, to 6 to 9 mm at conifer forest sites. Significant spring surpluses persisted for up to 35 years in conifer forest basins, but winter and spring streamflow deficits appeared after 10 to 15 years of forest regrowth in eastern deciduous forest basins. In all 5-yr posttreatment periods, absolute changes in daily streamflow were significantly more likely during moist, warm seasons, or during snowmelt seasons, but relative changes were more likely during warm seasons irrespective of moisture status. Both relative and absolute streamflow changes in the 1 to 5 and 15 to 25-year periods after forest removal were significantly positively related to the age of the forest at the time it was cut. Eastern deciduous forests had been disturbed by logging or hurricane 12 to 56 years prior to forest removal, while Pacific Northwest conifer forests had been not experienced logging or wildfire for 90 to 450 years. Paired basin experiments provide a continuous, and continuously changing, record of vegetation structure, composition, and climate, and their effects on streamflow.}, journal = {Water Resources Research}, author = {Jones, Julia A. and Post, David A.}, year = {2004}, keywords = {AND, CWT, HBR, experimental watershed studies} }
@article{likens_perspectives_2004, title = {Some perspectives on long-term biogeochemical research from the {Hubbard} {Brook} {Ecosystem} {Study}.}, volume = {85}, number = {9}, journal = {Ecology}, author = {Likens, G.E.}, year = {2004}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{yanai_lead_2004, title = {Lead reduction and redistribution in the forest floor in {New} {Hampshire} northern hardwoods}, volume = {33}, number = {1}, journal = {J. Environ. Qual.}, author = {Yanai, R. D. and Ray, D. G. and Siccama, T. G.}, year = {2004}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{hane_phytotoxicity_2003, title = {Phytotoxicity of {American} beech leaf leachate to sugar maple seedlings in a greenhouse experiement}, volume = {33}, journal = {Can. J. For. Res.}, author = {Hane, E. N. and Hamburg, S. P. and Barber, A. L. and Plaut, J. A.}, year = {2003}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{yanai_detecting_2003, title = {Detecting change in forest floor carbon}, volume = {67}, number = {5}, journal = {Soil Scinece Society of America Journal}, author = {Yanai, R. D. and Stehman, S. V. and Arthur, M. A. and Prescott, C. E. and Friedland, A. J. and Siccama, T. G. and Binkley, D.}, year = {2003}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{bernhardt_dissolved_2002, title = {Dissolved organic carbon enrichment alters nitrogen dynamics in a forest stream}, volume = {83}, number = {6}, journal = {Ecology}, author = {Bernhardt, E. S. and Likens, G.E.}, year = {2002}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{palmer_decline_2002, title = {Decline in mobilization of toxic aluminium}, volume = {417}, journal = {Nature}, author = {Palmer, S. M. and Driscoll, C.T.}, year = {2002}, keywords = {HBR} }
@phdthesis{bernhardt_nutrient_2001, address = {Ithaca, NY}, title = {Nutrient demand and nitrogen processing in streams of the {Hubbard} {Brook} {Experimental} {Forest}}, school = {Cornell University}, author = {Bernhardt, E. S.}, year = {2001}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{campbell_dissolved_2000, title = {Dissolved organic nitrogen budgets for upland, forested ecosystems in {New} {England}}, volume = {49}, journal = {Biogeochemistry}, author = {Campbell, J. L. and Hornbeck, J. W. and McDowell, W.H. and Buso, D. C. and Shanley, J.B. and Likens, G.E.}, year = {2000}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{tank_contrasting_2000, title = {Contrasting food web linkages for the grazing pathway in three temperate forested streams using 15N as a tracer}, volume = {27}, number = {5}, author = {Tank, J.L. and Mulholland, P.J. and Meyer, J.L. and Bowden, W.B. and Webster, J.R. and Peterson, B.J.}, year = {2000}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{sherry_overview_2000, title = {Overview, {Shade} {Coffee}: {A} good brew even in small doses}, volume = {117}, journal = {The Auk}, author = {Sherry, T. W.}, year = {2000}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{winter_relation_1999, title = {Relation of streams, lakes, and wetlands to groundwater flow systems}, volume = {7}, journal = {Hydrogeology Journal}, author = {Winter, T. C.}, year = {1999}, keywords = {HBR} }
@phdthesis{taylor_assessment_1997, address = {Lexington, KY}, title = {An assessment of microbial biomass across a northern hardwood forest successional sequence}, school = {University of Kentucky}, author = {Taylor, L. A.}, year = {1997}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{berner_alkalinity_1997, title = {Alkalinity buildup during silicate weathering under snow cover}, volume = {2}, journal = {Aquatic Geochemistry}, author = {Berner, R. A. and Rao, J. L.}, year = {1997}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{yanai_long-term_1996, title = {Long-term changes in the forest floor of northern hardwood stands of different ages}, volume = {77}, number = {3}, journal = {Suppl. Bull. Ecol. Soc. Amer.}, author = {Yanai, R. D. and Arthur, M. A. and Taylor, L. and Siccama, T. G. and Federer, C. A.}, year = {1996}, keywords = {HBR} }
@phdthesis{schad_biogeochemistry_1996, address = {Syracuse, NY}, title = {The biogeochemistry of silicon and sodium at the {Hubbard} {Brook} {Experimental} {Forest}}, school = {Syracuse University}, author = {Schad, D. E.}, year = {1996}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{holmes_habitat-specific_1996, title = {Habitat-specific demography of breeding {Black}-throated {Blue} {Warblers} ({Dendroica} caerulescens): implications for population dynamics}, volume = {65}, journal = {J. Animal Ecology}, author = {Holmes, R. T. and Marra, P. P. and Sherry, T. W.}, year = {1996}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{pardo_critical_1996, title = {Critical loads for nitrogen deposition: case studies of two northern hardwood forests}, volume = {89}, journal = {Water, Air, and Soil Pollution}, author = {Pardo, L.H. and Driscoll, C.T.}, year = {1996}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{likens_fate_1995, title = {The fate of trifluoroacetate in a northern hardwood forest}, volume = {76}, number = {3}, journal = {Suppl. Bull. Ecol. Soc. Amer.}, author = {Likens, G.E. and Tartowski, S. and Driscoll, C.T. and Berger, T. W. and Buso, D. C.}, year = {1995}, keywords = {HBR} }
@incollection{neary_impacts_1995, title = {Impacts of harvesting and associated practices on off-site environmental quality}, booktitle = {Impacts of {Harvesting} on {Long}-{Term} {Site} {Productivity}}, publisher = {Chapman and Hall}, author = {Neary, D. G. and Hornbeck, J. W.}, editor = {Comerford, N. B.}, year = {1995}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{yanai_losses_1995, title = {Losses of calcium and magnesium from the forest floor in northern hardwoods of {New} {Hampshire}}, volume = {76}, number = {2}, journal = {Suppl. Bull. Ecol. Soc. Amer.}, author = {Yanai, R. D. and Arthur, M. A. and Siccama, T. G. and Federer, C. A.}, year = {1995}, keywords = {HBR} }
@phdthesis{romanowicz_changes_1994, address = {Syracuse, NY}, title = {Changes in soil exchangeable cation pools and concentrations 8 years after whole-tree harvesting}, school = {Syracuse University}, author = {Romanowicz, R. B.}, year = {1994}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{martin_logging_1994, title = {Logging in {New} {England} need not cause sedimentation of streams}, volume = {11}, number = {1}, journal = {North. J. Appl. For.}, author = {Martin, C. W. and Hornbeck, J. W.}, year = {1994}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{pardo_growing_1994, title = {Growing season loss of nitrate at three northeastern hardwood forests: a regional indicator of nitrogen saturation?}, volume = {75}, number = {2}, journal = {Ecol. Soc. Amer.}, author = {Pardo, L.H. and Murdoch, P. E. and Mitchell, M.J. and Driscoll, C.T. and Likens, G.E.}, year = {1994}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{bukaveckas_hydrologic_1993, title = {Hydrologic controls of chemical flux rates in the {Mirror} {Lake} watershed}, volume = {25}, number = {1}, journal = {Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol.}, author = {Bukaveckas, P.A. and Likens, G.E. and Buso, D. C. and Winter, T. C.}, year = {1993}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{mattson_redox_1993, title = {Redox reactions of organic matter decomposition in a soft water lake}, volume = {19}, journal = {Biogeochemistry}, author = {Mattson, M. D. and Likens, G.E.}, year = {1993}, keywords = {HBR} }
@incollection{cole_pelagic_1993, title = {The pelagic microbial food web of oligotrophic lakes}, booktitle = {Aquatic {Microbiology}}, publisher = {Blackwell Scientific Press}, author = {Cole, J. J. and Caraco, N.F.}, editor = {Ford, T.}, year = {1993}, keywords = {HBR} }
@phdthesis{harte_regional_1992, address = {Durham, NH}, title = {Regional ground-water flow in crystalline bedrock and interaction with glacial drift in the {New} {England} uplands}, school = {University of New Hampshire}, author = {Harte, P. T.}, year = {1992}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{pardo_associative_1992, title = {Associative nitrogen fixation in two experimental {Pinus} ecosystems}, volume = {73}, number = {2}, journal = {Bull. Ecol. Soc. Amer.}, author = {Pardo, L.H. and Li, C. Y. and Bormann, B. T. and Bormann, F. H. and Bowden, W.B. and Pierce, R. S. and Snyder, M. C. and Wang, D.}, year = {1992}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{hedin_aerobic_1990, title = {Aerobic decomposition in sediments: {Are} woodland streams different from other aquatic ecosystems? {Bull}}, volume = {71}, number = {2}, journal = {Ecol. Soc. Amer.}, author = {Hedin, LO}, year = {1990}, keywords = {HBR} }
@incollection{sherry_when_1990, title = {When are birds dietarily specialized? {Distinguishing} ecological from evolutionary approaches}, booktitle = {Avian {Foraging}: {Theory}, {Methodology}, and {Applications}}, publisher = {Studies in Avian Biology 13}, author = {Sherry, T. W.}, editor = {Jehl, J. R.}, year = {1990}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{hedin_field_1990, title = {A field experiment to test whether organic acids buffer acid deposition}, volume = {345}, journal = {Nature}, author = {Hedin, LO and Likens, G.E. and Postek, K. M. and Driscoll, C.T.}, year = {1990}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{federer_physiologically_1989, title = {Physiologically based dendroclimate models for effects of weather on red spruce basal-area growth}, volume = {46}, journal = {Agric. Forest Meteorol.}, author = {Federer, C. A. and Tritton, L. M. and Hornbeck, J. W. and Smith, R. B.}, year = {1989}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{asbury_acidification_1989, title = {Acidification of {Adirondack} lakes}, volume = {23}, number = {3}, journal = {Environ. Sci. Technol.}, author = {Asbury, C.E. and Vertucci, F. A. and Mattson, M. D. and Likens, G.E.}, year = {1989}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{thurston_role_1989, title = {The role of initial pin cherry density on stand development}, volume = {70}, number = {2}, journal = {Bull. Ecol. Soc. Amer.}, author = {Thurston, S. W. and Martin, C. W. and Krasny, M. E. and Fahey, T. J.}, year = {1989}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{driscoll_reply_1989-2, title = {A reply to {C}.{W}. {Chen} and {L}.{E}. {Gomez}'s {Letter} to the {Editor}, '{Surface} water chemistry'}, volume = {23}, number = {7}, journal = {Environ. Sci. Technol.}, author = {Driscoll, C.T. and Likens, G.E. and Hedin, LO and Bormann, F. H.}, year = {1989}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{whelan_avian_1989, title = {Avian foliage structure preferences for foraging and the effect of prey biomass}, volume = {38}, journal = {Anim. Behav.}, author = {Whelan, C. J.}, year = {1989}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{dahlgren_aluminum_1989, title = {Aluminum precipitation and dissolution rates in spodosol {Bs} horizons in the northeastern {U}.{S}.{A}}, volume = {53}, journal = {Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J.}, author = {Dahlgren, R.A. and Driscoll, C.T. and McAvoy, D. C.}, year = {1989}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{fahey_patterns_1988, title = {Patterns of nutrient retention following whole-tree harvest of a northern hardwood watershed}, volume = {69}, number = {2}, journal = {Bull. Ecol. Soc. Amer.}, author = {Fahey, T. J. and Hughes, J. W.}, year = {1988}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{mou_ecological_1988, title = {Ecological studies of the {Hubbard} {Brook} {Ecosystem} and its watershed-5 (in {Chinese})}, volume = {12}, number = {2}, journal = {Acta Phytoecologica et Geobotanica Sinica}, author = {Mou, P. and Fahey, T. J. and Hughes, J. W.}, year = {1988}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{hamburg_historical_1988, title = {Historical decline of red spruce populations and climatic warming}, volume = {331}, number = {6155}, journal = {Nature}, author = {Hamburg, S. P. and Cogbill, C. V.}, year = {1988}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{driscoll_longitudinal_1988, title = {Longitudinal variations in trace metal concentrations in a northern forested ecosystem}, volume = {17}, number = {1}, journal = {J. Environ. Qual.}, author = {Driscoll, C.T. and Fuller, R. D. and Simone, D. M.}, year = {1988}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{federer_expected_1987, title = {Expected decrease in diameter growth of even-aged red spruce}, volume = {17}, journal = {Can. J. For. Res.}, author = {Federer, C. A. and Hornbeck, J. W.}, year = {1987}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{lawrence_release_1987, title = {Release of aluminum following whole-tree harvesting at the {Hubbard} {Brook} {Experimental} {Forest}, {New} {Hampshire}}, volume = {16}, number = {4}, journal = {J. Environ. Qual.}, author = {Lawrence, G. B. and Fuller, R. D. and Driscoll, C.T.}, year = {1987}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{holmes_determinants_1986, title = {Determinants of guild structure in forest bird communities: an intercontinental comparison}, volume = {88}, journal = {Condor}, author = {Holmes, R. T. and Recher, H. F.}, year = {1986}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{whitney_demographic_1986, title = {A demographic analysis of {Rubus} idaeus and {Rubus} pubescens}, volume = {64}, journal = {Can. J. Bot.}, author = {Whitney, G.G.}, year = {1986}, keywords = {HBR} }
@incollection{makarewicz_production_1985, address = {New York}, title = {Production and limiting factors: zooplankton}, booktitle = {An {Ecosystem} {Approach} to {Aquatic} {Ecology}: {Mirror} {Lake} and its {Environment}}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag, Inc}, author = {Makarewicz, J. C.}, editor = {Likens, G.E.}, year = {1985}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{hornbeck_documentation_1985, title = {Documentation of red spruce growth decline}, volume = {15}, journal = {Can. J. For. Res.}, author = {Hornbeck, J. W. and Smith, R. B.}, year = {1985}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{lipfert_comment_1985, title = {Comment on local source impacts at {Hubbard} {Brook}, {New} {Hampshire}}, volume = {35}, number = {2}, journal = {J. Air Pollut. Control Assoc.}, author = {Lipfert, F. W. and Dupuis, L. R.}, year = {1985}, keywords = {HBR} }
@incollection{moeller_ecologic_1985, address = {New York}, title = {Ecologic interactions: the littoral region}, booktitle = {An {Ecosystem} {Approach} to {Aquatic} {Ecology}: {Mirror} {Lake} and its {Environment}}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag, Inc}, author = {Moeller, R. E. and Walter, R. A. and Strayer, D. L. and Peterson, B.J.}, editor = {Likens, G.E.}, year = {1985}, keywords = {HBR} }
@incollection{obrien_importance_1985, address = {New York}, title = {Importance of perspective in limnology}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag, Inc}, author = {O'Brien, W. J.}, editor = {Likens, G.E.}, year = {1985}, keywords = {HBR} }
@incollection{walter_species_1985, address = {New York}, title = {Species composition, distribution, population, biomass and behavior: benthic macroinvertebrates}, booktitle = {An {Ecosystem} {Approach} to {Aquatic} {Ecology}: {Mirror} {Lake} and its {Environment}}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag, Inc}, author = {Walter, R. A.}, editor = {Likens, G.E.}, year = {1985}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{hughes_regeneration_1985, title = {Regeneration strategies following whole-tree harvest of a northern hardwood forest}, volume = {66}, number = {2}, journal = {Bull. Ecol. Soc. Amer.}, author = {Hughes, J. W. and Fahey, T. J.}, year = {1985}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{hornbeck_acid_1984, title = {Acid rain and the buffer capacity of forest soils in {New} {England}}, volume = {65}, number = {2}, journal = {Bull. Ecol. Soc. Amer.}, author = {Hornbeck, J. W. and Federer, C. A.}, year = {1984}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{likens_beyond_1984, title = {Beyond the shoreline: a watershed-ecosystem approach}, volume = {22}, journal = {Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol.}, author = {Likens, G.E.}, year = {1984}, keywords = {HBR} }
@phdthesis{strayer_benthic_1984, address = {Ithaca, NY}, title = {The benthic micrometazoans of {Mirror} {Lake}, {New} {Hampshire}}, school = {Cornell University}, author = {Strayer, D. L.}, year = {1984}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{bicknell_development_1982, title = {Development of canopy stratification during early succession in northern hardwoods}, volume = {4}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, author = {Bicknell, S. H.}, year = {1982}, keywords = {HBR} }
@phdthesis{bormann_agricultural_1982-1, address = {New Haven, CT}, title = {Agricultural disturbance and forest recovery at {Mt}. {Cilley}}, school = {Yale University}, author = {Bormann, R. E.}, year = {1982}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{schultz_hemoglobin_1981, title = {Hemoglobin as a binding substrate in the quantitative analysis of plant tannins}, volume = {29}, journal = {J. Agric. Food Chem.}, author = {Schultz, J. C. and Baldwin, I. T. and Nothnagle, P. J.}, year = {1981}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{martin_clearcutting_1980, title = {Clearcutting patterns affect nitrate and calcium in {New} {Hampshire} streams}, volume = {78}, number = {6}, journal = {J. Forestry}, author = {Martin, C. W. and Pierce, R. S.}, year = {1980}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{moeller_fitting_1980, title = {Fitting sedimentation into a dual perspective of lake metabolism and paleolimnology}, volume = {61}, number = {2}, journal = {Bull. Ecol. Amer. Soc.}, author = {Moeller, R. E.}, year = {1980}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{koterba_effects_1979, title = {Effects of sludge applications on soil water solution and vegetation in a northern hardwood stand}, volume = {8}, number = {1}, author = {Koterba, M. T. and Hornbeck, J. W. and Pierce, R. S.}, year = {1979}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{holmes_bird_1979, title = {Bird predation on forest insects: an exclosure experiment}, volume = {206}, number = {4417}, author = {Holmes, R. T. and Schultz, J. C. and Nothnagle, P. J.}, year = {1979}, keywords = {HBR} }
@phdthesis{bennett_foraging_1978, address = {Hanover, NH}, title = {Foraging strategies and niche breadth of the {American} redstart in different competitive environments}, school = {Dartmouth College}, author = {Bennett, S. H.}, year = {1978}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{federer_simulated_1978, title = {Simulated streamflow response to possible differences in transpiration among species of hardwood trees}, volume = {14}, author = {Federer, C. A. and Lash, D.}, year = {1978}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{bormann_nitrogen_1977, title = {Nitrogen budget for an aggrading northern hardwood forest ecosystem}, volume = {196}, number = {4293}, author = {Bormann, F. H. and Likens, G.E. and Melillo, J.M.}, year = {1977}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{burton_natural_1977, title = {The natural history of the red-backed salamander}, volume = {12}, number = {1}, author = {Burton, T. M.}, year = {1977}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{gosz_organic_1976, title = {Organic matter and nutrient dynamics of the forest floor in the {Hubbard} {Brook} forest}, volume = {22}, author = {Gosz, J. R. and Likens, G.E. and Bormann, F. H.}, year = {1976}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{federer_diffusion_1976, title = {Diffusion resistance and xylem potential in stressed and unstressed northern hardwood trees}, volume = {57}, author = {Federer, C. A. and Gee, G. W.}, year = {1976}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{galloway_hydrogen_1976, title = {Hydrogen ion speciation in the acid precipitation of the northeastern {United} {States}}, volume = {6}, author = {Galloway, J.N. and Likens, G.E. and Edgerton, E. S.}, year = {1976}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{holmes_body_1976, title = {Body composition, lipid reserves and caloric densities of summer birds in a northern deciduous forest}, volume = {96}, number = {2}, author = {Holmes, R. T.}, year = {1976}, keywords = {HBR} }
@phdthesis{ohba_hydrologic_1976, address = {Durham, NH}, title = {Hydrologic interpretation of stream water chemistry in {Watershed} 6, {Hubbard} {Brook} {Experimental} {Forest}, {New} {Hampshire}}, school = {University of New Hampshire}, author = {Ohba, T.}, year = {1976}, keywords = {HBR} }
@phdthesis{arnold_input-output_1976, address = {Ithaca, NY}, title = {An input-output nitrogen budget and nitrogen dynamics for {Bear} {Brook}, {New} {Hampshire}}, school = {Cornell University}, author = {Arnold, M. L.}, year = {1976}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{moeller_hydrophyte_1975, title = {Hydrophyte biomass and community structure in a small, oligotrophic {New} {Hampshire} lake}, volume = {19}, number = {2}, author = {Moeller, R. E.}, year = {1975}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{roskoski_differential_1975, title = {Differential nitrogen-fixation in wood litter}, volume = {56}, number = {2}, author = {Roskoski, J. P.}, year = {1975}, keywords = {HBR} }
@phdthesis{cogbill_acid_1975, address = {Ithaca, NY}, title = {Acid precipitation and forest growth in the northeastern {United} {States}}, school = {Cornell University}, author = {Cogbill, C. V.}, year = {1975}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{schlesinger_lead_1974, title = {Lead, copper, and cadmium concentrations in small mammals in the {Hubbard} {Brook} {Experimental} {Forest}}, volume = {25}, author = {Schlesinger, W.H. and Potter, G. L.}, year = {1974}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{gosz_nutrient_1973, title = {Nutrient release from decomposing leaf and branch litter in the {Hubbard} {Brook} {Forest}, {New} {Hampshire}}, volume = {43}, number = {2}, author = {Gosz, J. R. and Likens, G.E. and Bormann, F. H.}, year = {1973}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{johnson_atmospheric_1972, title = {Atmospheric sulfur: its effect on the chemical weathering of {New} {England}}, volume = {177}, number = {4048}, author = {Johnson, N. M. and Reynolds, R. C. and Likens, G.E.}, year = {1972}, keywords = {HBR} }
@phdthesis{dominski_accelerated_1971, address = {New Haven, CT}, title = {Accelerated nitrate production and loss in the northern hardwood forest ecosystem underlain by podzol soils following clear cutting and addition to herbicides}, school = {Yale University}, author = {Dominski, A. S.}, year = {1971}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{mcconnochie_trichoptera_1969, title = {Some trichoptera of the {Hubbard} {Brook} {Experimental} {Forest} in central {New} {Hampshire}}, volume = {83}, number = {2}, author = {McConnochie, K. and Likens, G.E.}, year = {1969}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{eaton_use_1969, title = {Use of membrane filters in gravimetric analyses of particulate matter in natural waters}, volume = {5}, number = {5}, author = {Eaton, J. S. and Likens, G.E. and Bormann, F. H.}, year = {1969}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{federer_spatial_1968, title = {Spatial variation of net radiation, albedo and surface temperature of forests}, volume = {7}, number = {5}, author = {Federer, C. A.}, year = {1968}, keywords = {HBR} }
@article{hart_snow_1963, title = {Snow and frost conditions in {New} {Hampshire}, under hardwoods and pines and in the open}, volume = {61}, number = {4}, author = {Hart, G. E.}, year = {1963}, keywords = {HBR} }
@misc{christensen_meeting_????, title = {Meeting the {Challenge} of {Disruptive} {Change}}, url = {http://hbr.org/2000/03/meeting-the-challenge-of-disruptive-change/ar/1}, abstract = {Business management magazine, blogs, case studies, articles, books, and webinars from Harvard Business Review, addressing today's topics and challenges in business management.}, urldate = {2013-06-02}, journal = {Harvard Business Review}, author = {Christensen, Clayton M.}, keywords = {accounting, business management articles resources, business resources books articles case studies, Communication, entrepreneurship, execution, Finance, Harvard Business School Publishing, HBO, HBP, HBR, HBSP, Innovation, international global business strategy, Leadership, managing people, operations, organizational development, Technology}, file = {14_Meeting the Challenge of Disruptive Change.pdf:files/38720/14_Meeting the Challenge of Disruptive Change.pdf:application/pdf} }