Keyword: history

2021 (1)
The truth at the heart of the lie. Carroll, J. Random House, New York, First edition edition, 2021.
abstract   bibtex   
2019 (4)
Periodizing Web Archiving: Biographical, Event-Based, National and Autobiographical Traditions. Rogers, R. In Brügger, N. & Milligan, I., editors, The SAGE handbook of web history. SAGE Publications, London ; Thousand Oaks, California, 2019. OCLC: on1079207785
abstract   bibtex   
Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and mortality of HIV, 1980-2017, and forecasts to 2030, for 195 countries and territories: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2017. GBD 2017 HIV collaborators The lancet. HIV, 6(12):e831–e859, 2019.
doi  abstract   bibtex   
Evil: a history. Chignell, A. Oxford University Press, New York, NY, 2019.
The beep book: the history of game sound : interviews from the set of the Beep movie. Collins, K. Ehtonal, Inc., Waterloo, Ontario?, Second edition edition, 2019.
2018 (5)
A Failed Circulation: The Montessori Method and Teaching Materials in Republican China (1912-1949). Li, K. Revista Tempos e Espaços em Educação, 11(26):77–90, September, 2018.
A Failed Circulation: The Montessori Method and Teaching Materials in Republican China (1912-1949) [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
Down girl: the logic of misogyny. Manne, K. Oxford University Press, New York, NY, 2018. OCLC: ocn980434044
abstract   bibtex   
The concept of <i>Bharatavarsha</i> and other essays. Chattopadhyaya, B. State University of New York Press,, Albany, 2018.
The concept of <i>Bharatavarsha</i> and other essays [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
Creation ex nihilo: origins, development, contemporary challenges. Anderson, G. A. & Bockmuehl, M. N. A. University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame, Indiana, 2018.
abstract   bibtex   
Hindu Law. A New History of Dharmaśāstra. Olivelle, P. & Davis, D. R. University Press, Oxford, First edition edition, 2018.
abstract   bibtex   
2017 (1)
The University, Neoliberalism, and the Humanities: A History. Shumway, D. R. Humanities, 6(4):83, December, 2017.
The University, Neoliberalism, and the Humanities: A History [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
2016 (4)
Track changes: a literary history of word processing. Kirschenbaum, M. G. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2016.
abstract   bibtex   
De la mysterique a la science: cours, conférences et documents, 1922-1962. Koyré, A. & Redondi, P. Éditions EHESS, Paris, Nouvelle édition revue et augmentée edition, 2016.
Vagabonds and Paupers: Race and Illicit Mobility in the Early Republic. O'Brassill-Kulfan, K. Pennsylvania history, 83(4):443–469, 2016. Publisher: Pennsylvania State University Press
doi  abstract   bibtex   
A career of Japan: Baron Raimund von Stillfried and early Yokohama Photography. Gartlan, L. Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands, 2016. OCLC: 936081873
2015 (3)
Alphabetic Literacy and Colonial Process in Yucatán. Hanks, W.&nbsp;F. Ethnohistory, 62(3):651--674, July, 2015.
doi  abstract   bibtex   
Virtual 3D reconstruction of Plans-Reliefs from historical document analysis for valorisation applications. Chevrier, C., Jacquot, K., Humbert, P., Ben Bouheni, S., & Halin, G. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Digital Heritage, Granada, Spain, October, 2015. IEEE.
Virtual 3D reconstruction of Plans-Reliefs from historical document analysis for valorisation applications [pdf]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
Effects of high-severity fire drove the population collapse of the subalpine Tasmanian endemic conifer Athrotaxis cupressoides. Holz, A., Wood, S. W., Veblen, T. T., & Bowman, D. M. Glob Chang Biol, 21(1):445–58, January, 2015.
Effects of high-severity fire drove the population collapse of the subalpine Tasmanian endemic conifer Athrotaxis cupressoides [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
2014 (6)
History of Interactive Theorem Proving. Harrison, J., Urban, J., & Wiedijk, F. In Handbook of the History of Logic, volume 9, pages 135–214. Elsevier, 2014.
History of Interactive Theorem Proving [link]Paper  doi  bibtex   
Generations and Regeneration: "Sexceptionalism" and Group Identity among Puritans in Colonial New England. Cooke, K.&nbsp;J. Journal of the History of Sexuality, 23(3):333--357, September, 2014.
Generations and Regeneration: "Sexceptionalism" and Group Identity among Puritans in Colonial New England [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
Thermal ablation of tumours: biological mechanisms and advances in therapy. Chu, K. F. & Dupuy, D. E. Nature Reviews Cancer, 14(3):199–208, March, 2014. 00506
Thermal ablation of tumours: biological mechanisms and advances in therapy [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
Reclaiming Indigenous Languages: A Reconsideration of the Roles and Responsibilities of Schools. Mccarty, T. L. & Nicholas, S. E. Review of Research in Education, 38(1):106–136, 2014.
doi  abstract   bibtex   
A tihanyi apátság alapítólevele. Szentgyörgyi, R. ELTE Eötvös Kiadó, Budapest, 2014. OCLC: on1063709386
Werkers van de wereld: globalisering, arbeid en interculturele ontmoetingen tussen Aziatische en Europese zeelieden in dienst van de VOC, 1600-1800. Rossum, M. v. Verloren, Hilversum, 2014.
abstract   bibtex   
2013 (4)
The Triumph of Pro-Nicene Theology over Anti-Monarchian Exegesis: Cyril of Alexandria and Theodore of Heraclea on John 14.10–11. Crawford, M. R. Journal of early Christian studies, 21(4):537–567, 2013. Place: BALTIMORE Publisher: Johns Hopkins University Press
doi  abstract   bibtex   
Green-up dates in the Tibetan Plateau have continuously advanced from 1982 to 2011. Zhang, G., Zhang, Y., Dong, J., & Xiao, X. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110(11):4309-14, 3, 2013.
Green-up dates in the Tibetan Plateau have continuously advanced from 1982 to 2011. [pdf]Paper  Green-up dates in the Tibetan Plateau have continuously advanced from 1982 to 2011. [link]Website  abstract   bibtex   
The Ghost in the Quantum Turing Machine. Aaronson, S., quant-ph, 2013.
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The Democracy Project: a history, a crisis, a movement. Graeber, D. Spiegel & Grau, New York, 1st ed edition, 2013.
2012 (3)
"Ceaselessly circling the centre": Historical contextualization of indigenous education within Australia. Herbert, J. History of Education Review, 41(2):91–103, 2012.
doi  abstract   bibtex   
Le judaïsme ancien du VIᵉ siècle avant notre ère au IIIᵉ siècle de notre ère : des prêtres aux rabbins. Mimouni, S. C. Presses universitaires de France, Paris, 2012.
Breve historia del espionaje. Herrera Hermosilla, J. C. Nowtilus, Madrid, 2012.
2011 (4)
Automatische Erkennung von Identitäten im Projekt Virtuelles Berlin um 1800. Roeder, T. 2011.
Représentations et conceptions de l'espace dans la culture médiévale, Colloque Fribourgeois 2009 =: Repräsentationsformen und Konzeptionen des Raums in der Kultur des Mittelalters, Freiburger Colloquium 2009. Suarez-Nani, T. & Rohde, M., editors De Gruyter, Berlin ; New York, 2011. Meeting Name: Représentations et conceptions de l'espace dans la culture médiévale OCLC: ocn763160738
The Yehud stamp impressions: a corpus of inscribed impressions from the Persian and Hellenistic periods in Judah. Lipschits, O. & Vanderhooft, D. S. Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake, Ind, 2011.
The colors of Zion: blacks, Jews, and Irish from 1845 to 1945. Bornstein, G. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass, 2011. OCLC: ocn555658435
2010 (6)
Imagined Futures and Unintended Consequences: An Environmental History of Toronto’s Don River Valley. Bonnell, J. L Ph.D. Thesis, University of Toronto, 2010. 00012
Out of the Mouths of Crocodiles: Eliciting Histories in Photographs and String-Figures. Bell, J.&nbsp;A. History \& Anthropology, 21(4):351--373, December, 2010.
Out of the Mouths of Crocodiles: Eliciting Histories in Photographs and String-Figures [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
Historicist: Cartographic Civic Pride - Torontoist. Plummer, K. April, 2010.
Historicist: Cartographic Civic Pride - Torontoist [link]Paper  bibtex   
Census debate is nothing new - The Globe and Mail. Curry, B. August, 2010.
Census debate is nothing new - The Globe and Mail [link]Paper  bibtex   
The birth of the osteoclast. Chambers, T J Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1192(1):19–26, March, 2010.
The birth of the osteoclast [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
The arsenic century: how Victorian Britain was poisoned at home, work, and play. Whorton, J. C. Oxford University Press, Oxford ; New York, 2010. OCLC: ocn444383899
2009 (2)
Fire in the Earth System. Bowman, D. M. J. S., Balch, J. K., Artaxo, P., Bond, W. J., Carlson, J. M., Cochrane, M. A., D'Antonio, C. M., DeFries, R. S., Doyle, J. C., Harrison, S. P., Johnston, F. H., Keeley, J. E., Krawchuk, M. A., Kull, C. A., Marston, J. B., Moritz, M. A., Prentice, I. C., Roos, C. I., Scott, A. C., Swetnam, T. W., van der Werf, G. R., & Pyne, S. J. Science, 324(5926):481–484, April, 2009.
Fire in the Earth System [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
A history of health technology assessment at the European level. Banta, D., Kristensen, F. B., & Jonsson, E. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 25(S1):68--73, July, 2009.
A history of health technology assessment at the European level [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
2008 (5)
Nationalsozialismus und Faschismus in Tirol und Südtirol. Opfer, Täter, Gegner. Mit einem Beitrag von Gerald Steinacher und Philipp Trafojer: Tiroler Studien zu Geschichte und Politik, 8. Schreiber, H. Studienverlag, Innsbruck-Wien-Bozen, 2008.
The tragic sense of life: Ernst Haeckel and the struggle over evolutionary thought. Richards, R. J. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2008. OCLC: ocn173368350
Introduction. Wujastyk, D. & Smith, F. M. In Wujastyk, D. & Smith, F. M., editors, Modern and Global Ayurveda. Pluralism and Paradigms, pages 1–28. State University of New York Press, Albany, 2008.
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Da Sudtirolo ad Alto Adige: arrivano gli italiani. Ribichini, P. Edizioni associate, Roma, 1 edition, 2008.
Struktura procesu legislacyjnego w analizie ilościowej. Sokołowski, J. K. & Poznański, P. In Sokołowski, J. K. & Poznański, P., editors, Wybrane aspekty funkcjonowania Sejmu w latach 1997-2007, pages 237–280. Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM - Krakowskie Towarzystwo Edukacyjne, Kraków, 2008.
2007 (2)
Computer-aided drug design: the next 20 years. Van Drie, J. H. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design, 21(10-11):591–601, November, 2007.
doi  abstract   bibtex   
Natural selection on female life-history traits in relation to socio-economic class in pre-industrial human populations. Pettay, J., E., Helle, S., Jokela, J., & Lummaa, V. PloS one, 2(7):e606, 1, 2007.
Natural selection on female life-history traits in relation to socio-economic class in pre-industrial human populations. [pdf]Paper  Natural selection on female life-history traits in relation to socio-economic class in pre-industrial human populations. [link]Website  abstract   bibtex   
2006 (1)
The International Struggle Over Iraq: Politics in the UN Security Council 1980-2005. Malone, D. M Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2006.
doi  abstract   bibtex   
2005 (4)
Une fiscalité pour la croissance: la Direction générale des impôts et la politique fiscale en France de 1948 à la fin des années 1960. Tristram, F. Comité pour l'histoire économique et financière de la France, Paris, 2005.
Global sulfur emissions from 1850 to 2000. Stern, D., I. Chemosphere, 58(2):163-75, 1, 2005.
Global sulfur emissions from 1850 to 2000. [pdf]Paper  Global sulfur emissions from 1850 to 2000. [link]Website  abstract   bibtex   
The text of the New Testament: its transmission, corruption, and restoration. Metzger, B. M. & Ehrman, B. D. Oxford University Press, New York, 4th ed edition, 2005.
L'amour du livre: l'édition au Québec, ses petits secrets et ses mystères. Vaugeois, D. Septentrion, Sillery, 2005. 00000
2004 (4)
Founder mutations among the Dutch. Zeegers, M., P., van Poppel, F., Vlietinck, R., Spruijt, L., & Ostrer, H. Eur J Hum Genet, 12(7):591-600, 2004.
Founder mutations among the Dutch [pdf]Paper  Founder mutations among the Dutch [link]Website  abstract   bibtex   
Animal behaviour: Coalition among male fiddler crabs. Backwell, P. R Y & Jennions, M. D Nature, 430(6998):417, 2004.
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The powerful microbubble: From bench to bedside, from intravascular indicator to therapeutic delivery system, and beyond. Feinstein, S. American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 287(2):H450-457, 2004. 0363-6135 (Print) Historical Article Journal Article Review
Leonardo to the Internet: Technology & Culture from the Renaissance to the Present. Misa, T. J. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 2004. 00000
2002 (3)
Cittadinanza e stato sociale in Italia: azione sindacale e politiche governative negli anni Sessanta e Settanta. Masulli, I. In Cittadinanza: individui, diritti sociali, collettività nella storia contemporanea: atti del Convegno annuale SISSCO, Padova, 2-3 dicembre 1999, of Quaderni della Rassegna degli archivi di Stato, pages 189–214. Ministero per i beni i le attività culturali, Direzione generale per gli archivi, Roma, 2002. OCLC: ocm52088569
The voyageur's highway: Minnesota's border lake land. Nute, G. L. Minnesota Historical Society Press, St. Paul, MN, 2002.
Histoire des femmes de science en France: du Moyen Age à la Révolution. Poirier, J. P. Pygmalion/Gérard Watelet, Paris, 2002.
2001 (2)
An Instrument Can Make a Science: Jevons's Balancing Acts in Economics. Maas, H. History of Political Economy, 33(5):277--302, 2001. \textlessp\textgreaterVolume 33, Annual Supplement, 2001\textless/p\textgreater
An Instrument Can Make a Science: Jevons's Balancing Acts in Economics [link]Paper  bibtex   
Cities of ladies: Beguine communities in the medieval low countries, 1200-1565. Simons, W. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 2001.
2000 (3)
Imprenta y libros de caballerías. Lucía Megías, J. M. Ollero & Ramos, Madrid, 2000. OCLC: ocm44560425
Forty Years in the Public Interest: A History of the National Energy Board. Gray, E. Douglas & McIntyre, Vancouver, 2000. Co-published by the National Energy Board
Fecundity of daughters born after short, intermediate, or long birth intervals. An analysis of family reconstitutions from The Netherlands, late 19th-early 20th century. Smits, L., J., Jongbloet, P., H., & Zielhuis, G., A. Social biology, 47(1-2):18-33, 2000.
Fecundity of daughters born after short, intermediate, or long birth intervals. An analysis of family reconstitutions from The Netherlands, late 19th-early 20th century. [link]Website  abstract   bibtex   
1999 (2)
Russia abroad: writers, history, politics. Glad, J. Hermitage, Tenafly, N.J., 1999.
The SBL handbook of style: for ancient Near Eastern, Biblical, and early Christian studies. Alexander, P. H. & Society of Biblical Literature, editors Hendrickson Publishers, Peabody, Mass, 1999.
1998 (2)
The Invention of Autonomy: A History of Modern Moral Philosophy. Schneewind, J. B. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge ; New York, NY, USA, 1998.
Haeckel's monism and the birth of fascist ideology. Gasman, D. P. Lang, New York, 1998.
1997 (2)
Maps and politics. Black, J. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1997.
Österreich im 20. Jahrhundert. Ein Studienbuch in zwei Bänden. Steininger, R. & Gehler, M., editors Böhlau Verlag, Wien-Köln-Weimar, 1997.
1996 (2)
Direct Action: Radical Pacifism from the Union Eight to the Chicago Seven. Tracy, J. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1996.
Canadian political economy : course guide (second edition). Howlett, M., Ramesh, M., & Centre for Canadian, S. Centre for Canadian Studies etc., Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C., 1996.
1995 (2)
The Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor: initiatic and historical documents of an order of practical occultism. Godwin, J., Chanel, C., & Deveney, J. P., editors S. Weiser, York Beach, Me, 1995.
DOCTOR: an integrated software fault injection environment for distributed real-time systems. Han, S., Shin, K. G, & Rosenberg, H. A In Computer Performance and Dependability Symposium, 1995. Proceedings., International, pages 204–213, 1995. IEEE.
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1994 (1)
The illustrated voyageur: paintings and companion stories. Sivertson, H. Midwest Traditions, Mount Horeb, Wis, 1994.
1993 (1)
Concepts of Space: The History of Theories of Space in Physics. Jammer, M. Dover Publications, New York, 3rd enl. ed edition, 1993.
1992 (2)
The Ecological Status of Grey Alder (Alnus Incana (L.) Moench) in the Upper Subalpine Birch Forest of the Central Scandes. Kullman, L. New Phytologist, 120(3):445–451, 1992.
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Le mythe jésuite: de Béranger à Michelet. Leroy, M. Presses universitaires de France, Paris, 1992.
1989 (2)
The Struggle for America's Soul: Evangelicals, Liberals, and Secularism. Wuthnow, R. W.B. Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Mich., 1989.
Die Option in der italienischen Geschichtsschreibung. Mezzalira, G. In Eisterer, K. & Steininger, R., editors, Die Option. Südtirol zwischen Faschismus und Nationalsozialismus, of Innsbrucker Forschungen zur Zeitgeschichte, pages 385–402. Haymon Verlag, Innsbruck, 1989.
1988 (1)
Remarks on the history of isospin. Brown, L. M. In Festi-Val - Festschrift for Val Telegdi, pages 39--47. North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1988.
1987 (2)
Correcting misconceptions in mental health policy: strategies for improved care of the seriously mentally ill. Mechanic, D. The Milbank quarterly, 65(2):203-30, 1987.
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L'économie de la Révolution française. Aftalion, F. Hachette, Paris, 1987.
1985 (1)
The upper valley: an illustrated tour along the Connecticut River before the twentieth century. Wikoff, J. Chelsea Green, Chelsea, Vt, 1985.
1982 (1)
Histoire secrète du Paris souterrain. Lacordaire, S. Hachette littérature générale, Paris, 1982.
1981 (1)
Constantine and Eusebius. Barnes, T. D. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1981.
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1980 (2)
Hanmer. Parent, H. Association des enseignants franco-ontariens ; Centre franco-ontarien de ressources pédagogiques, [Ottawa] : Ottawa, 1980. 00003
Project Whirlwind: the history of a pioneer computer. Redmond, K.&nbsp;C. Digital Press, Bedford, Mass, 1980.
1978 (1)
Réflexions sur l'histoire. Lefebvre, G. F. Maspero, Paris, 1978.
1977 (1)
Winner take all: the trans-Canada canoe trail. Lavender, D. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1st ed edition, 1977.
1972 (1)
The Illiac IV system. Bouknight, W., Denenberg, S., McIntyre, D., Randall, J., Sameh, A., & Slotnick, D. Proceedings of the IEEE, 60(4):369–388, April, 1972. Conference Name: Proceedings of the IEEE
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1949 (1)
The history of the calculus and its conceptual development. Boyer, C. B. Dover, New York, 1949.
1944 (1)
Familles pionnières: leur odyssée, leur enracinement. historique du Nouvel-Ontario, S., editor Société historique du Nouvel-Ontario, Sudbury [Ont.], 1944. 00000
1727 (1)
A new method of chemistry. Boerhaave, H. J. Osborn and T. Longman, London, Fisher copy: Armorial binding with the crest of James Stuart on upper cover, and his monogram on lower. edition, 1727.
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1637 (1)
Theatrum feudale in duodecim partes et 760 dilucidationes distinctum. Della Ratta, C. Typis Dominici Maccarani, Naples, 1637. OCLC: 444961885
undefined (2)
Significant Others, Significant Encounters. Bornet, P. & Cattoni, N., editors .
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Moral psychology of the fading affect bias. Corsa, A. J. & Walker, W. R.
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