@book{carroll_truth_2021, address = {New York}, edition = {First edition}, title = {The truth at the heart of the lie}, isbn = {978-0-593-13472-6}, abstract = {"James Carroll weaves together the story of how his Irish mother inspired little Jimmy to believe in the Church, despite his young doubts, with the story of how the Catholic Church evolved in history to become an institution that places dominance and power in an all-male clergy. Carroll argues that clericalism is both the root cause and the ongoing enabler of the present Catholic crisis, and compromises the ability of Pope Francis to create change in a power structure accountable only to itself"--}, publisher = {Random House}, author = {Carroll, James}, year = {2021}, keywords = {1965-, 21st century, Carroll, James, Catholic Church, History}, }
@incollection{brugger_periodizing_2019, address = {London ; Thousand Oaks, California}, title = {Periodizing {Web} {Archiving}: {Biographical}, {Event}-{Based}, {National} and {Autobiographical} {Traditions}}, isbn = {978-1-4739-8005-1}, abstract = {The Web has been with us now for almost 25 years. An integral part of our social, cultural and political lives, 'new media' is simply not that new anymore. Despite the rapidly expanding archives of information at our disposal, and the recent growth of interest in web history as a field of research, the information available to us still far outstrips our understanding of how to interpret it. The SAGE Handbook of Web History marks the first comprehensive review of this subject to date. Its editors emphasise two main different forms of study: the use of the web as an historical resource, and the web as an object of study in its own right. Bringing together all the existing knowledge of the field, with an interdisciplinary focus and an international scope, this is an incomparable resource for researchers and students alike. 0Part One: The Web and Historiography0Part Two: Theoretical and Methodological Reflections0Part Three: Technical and Structural Dimensions of Web History0Part Four: Platforms on the Web0Part Five: Web History and Users, some Case Studies0Part Six: The Roads Ahead0}, booktitle = {The {SAGE} handbook of web history}, publisher = {SAGE Publications}, author = {Rogers, Richard}, editor = {Brügger, Niels and Milligan, Ian}, year = {2019}, note = {OCLC: on1079207785}, keywords = {Computers and IT, History, World Wide Web}, }
@article{gbd_2017_hiv_collaborators_global_2019, title = {Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and mortality of {HIV}, 1980-2017, and forecasts to 2030, for 195 countries and territories: a systematic analysis for the {Global} {Burden} of {Diseases}, {Injuries}, and {Risk} {Factors} {Study} 2017}, volume = {6}, issn = {2352-3018}, shorttitle = {Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and mortality of {HIV}, 1980-2017, and forecasts to 2030, for 195 countries and territories}, doi = {10.1016/S2352-3018(19)30196-1}, abstract = {BACKGROUND: Understanding the patterns of HIV/AIDS epidemics is crucial to tracking and monitoring the progress of prevention and control efforts in countries. We provide a comprehensive assessment of the levels and trends of HIV/AIDS incidence, prevalence, mortality, and coverage of antiretroviral therapy (ART) for 1980-2017 and forecast these estimates to 2030 for 195 countries and territories. METHODS: We determined a modelling strategy for each country on the basis of the availability and quality of data. For countries and territories with data from population-based seroprevalence surveys or antenatal care clinics, we estimated prevalence and incidence using an open-source version of the Estimation and Projection Package-a natural history model originally developed by the UNAIDS Reference Group on Estimates, Modelling, and Projections. For countries with cause-specific vital registration data, we corrected data for garbage coding (ie, deaths coded to an intermediate, immediate, or poorly defined cause) and HIV misclassification. We developed a process of cohort incidence bias adjustment to use information on survival and deaths recorded in vital registration to back-calculate HIV incidence. For countries without any representative data on HIV, we produced incidence estimates by pulling information from observed bias in the geographical region. We used a re-coded version of the Spectrum model (a cohort component model that uses rates of disease progression and HIV mortality on and off ART) to produce age-sex-specific incidence, prevalence, and mortality, and treatment coverage results for all countries, and forecast these measures to 2030 using Spectrum with inputs that were extended on the basis of past trends in treatment scale-up and new infections. FINDINGS: Global HIV mortality peaked in 2006 with 1·95 million deaths (95\% uncertainty interval 1·87-2·04) and has since decreased to 0·95 million deaths (0·91-1·01) in 2017. New cases of HIV globally peaked in 1999 (3·16 million, 2·79-3·67) and since then have gradually decreased to 1·94 million (1·63-2·29) in 2017. These trends, along with ART scale-up, have globally resulted in increased prevalence, with 36·8 million (34·8-39·2) people living with HIV in 2017. Prevalence of HIV was highest in southern sub-Saharan Africa in 2017, and countries in the region had ART coverage ranging from 65·7\% in Lesotho to 85·7\% in eSwatini. Our forecasts showed that 54 countries will meet the UNAIDS target of 81\% ART coverage by 2020 and 12 countries are on track to meet 90\% ART coverage by 2030. Forecasted results estimate that few countries will meet the UNAIDS 2020 and 2030 mortality and incidence targets. INTERPRETATION: Despite progress in reducing HIV-related mortality over the past decade, slow decreases in incidence, combined with the current context of stagnated funding for related interventions, mean that many countries are not on track to reach the 2020 and 2030 global targets for reduction in incidence and mortality. With a growing population of people living with HIV, it will continue to be a major threat to public health for years to come. The pace of progress needs to be hastened by continuing to expand access to ART and increasing investments in proven HIV prevention initiatives that can be scaled up to have population-level impact. FUNDING: Bill \& Melinda Gates Foundation, National Institute of Mental Health of the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the National Institute on Aging of the NIH.}, language = {eng}, number = {12}, journal = {The lancet. HIV}, author = {{GBD 2017 HIV collaborators}}, year = {2019}, pmid = {31439534}, pmcid = {PMC6934077}, keywords = {Cause of Death, Forecasting, Global Burden of Disease, HIV Infections, History, 20th Century, History, 21st Century, Humans, Incidence, Prevalence, Risk Factors, Seroepidemiologic Studies}, pages = {e831--e859}, }
@book{chignell_evil_2019, address = {New York, NY}, series = {Oxford philosophical concepts}, title = {Evil: a history}, isbn = {978-0-19-991545-3}, shorttitle = {Evil}, language = {eng}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, author = {Chignell, Andrew}, year = {2019}, keywords = {Good and evil, History}, }
@book{collins_beep_2019, address = {Waterloo, Ontario?}, edition = {Second edition}, title = {The beep book: the history of game sound : interviews from the set of the {Beep} movie}, isbn = {978-1-70766-020-9}, shorttitle = {The beep book}, language = {eng}, publisher = {Ehtonal, Inc.}, author = {Collins, Karen}, collaborator = {{Ehtonal}}, year = {2019}, keywords = {History, Interviews, Video game composers, Video game music, Video games, Writing and publishing}, }
@article{li_failed_2018, title = {A {Failed} {Circulation}: {The} {Montessori} {Method} and {Teaching} {Materials} in {Republican} {China} (1912-1949)}, volume = {11}, issn = {2358-1425}, url = {https://seer.ufs.br/index.php/revtee/article/view/9011/pdf}, doi = {10.20952/revtee.v11i26.9011}, abstract = {Montessori method arrived in China at the time when Chinese scholars wanted to established Chinese version kindergartens with modern and scienti c teaching method and tools. rough translation and expert coming to China, Chinese scholars introduced Montessori thought into China. However, the study on Montessori method only stopped at the step of translating Montessori’s theory and trying to reshape the didactic materials. In spite of two short-lived success examples in the 1920s and 1930s, it was never large-scale applied in China. Except the expensive of the didactic tools, lacking spokesman and teachers were the main reason for the failure of the method.}, language = {eng}, number = {26}, journal = {Revista Tempos e Espaços em Educação}, author = {Li, Kaiyi}, month = sep, year = {2018}, keywords = {history, History of Montessori}, pages = {77--90} }
@book{manne_down_2018, address = {New York, NY}, title = {Down girl: the logic of misogyny}, isbn = {978-0-19-060498-1}, shorttitle = {Down girl}, abstract = {'Down Girl' is a broad, original and far ranging analysis of what misogyny really is, how it works, its purpose, and how to fight it. The philosopher Kate Manne argues that modern society's failure to recognize women's full humanity and autonomy is not actually the problem. She argues instead that it is women's manifestations of human capacities - autonomy, agency, political engagement - is what engenders misogynist hostility}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, author = {Manne, Kate}, year = {2018}, note = {OCLC: ocn980434044}, keywords = {2000-2099, 21st century, Feminism, Frauenfeindlichkeit, History, Misogyny, SOCIAL SCIENCE / Sociology / General, Social conditions, Women, Women's rights}, }
@book{chattopadhyaya_concept_2018, address = {Albany}, series = {{SUNY} series in {Hindu} studies}, title = {The concept of \textit{{Bharatavarsha}} and other essays}, isbn = {978-1-4384-7176-1}, url = {http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&scope=site&db=nlebk&AN=1878833}, abstract = {Enthält: The concept of Bhāratavarsha and its historiographical implications -- Space, history and cultural process : some ideas on the ingredients of subregional "identity" -- The state's perception of the "forest" and the "forest" as state in early India -- Rama's acts in exile and in kingdom -- Local and beyond : the story of Asura Naraka and society, state and religion in early Assam -- Festivals as ritual : an exploration into the convergence of rituals and the state in early India -- Accommodation and negotiation in a culture of exclusivism : some early Indian perspectives -- Interrogating "unity in diversity" : voices from India's ancient texts., "First published by Permanent Black"--Title page verso., Print version record.}, language = {eng}, urldate = {2020-11-30}, publisher = {State University of New York Press,}, author = {Chattopadhyaya, Brajadulal}, year = {2018}, keywords = {HISTORY, Historiography, History ; India ; India ; India, History\$\$QHistory}, }
@book{anderson_creation_2018, address = {Notre Dame, Indiana}, title = {Creation ex nihilo: origins, development, contemporary challenges}, isbn = {978-0-268-10253-1}, shorttitle = {Creation ex nihilo}, abstract = {The phrase "creation ex nihilo" refers to the primarily Christian notion of God's creation of everything from nothing. Creation ex nihilo: Origins, Development, Contemporary Challenges presents the findings of a joint research project at Oxford University and the University of Notre Dame in 2014-2015. The doctrine of creation ex nihilo has met with criticism and revisionary theories in recent years, from the worlds of science, theology, and philosophy. This volume concentrates on several key areas: the relationship of the doctrine to its purported biblical sources, how the doctrine emerged in the first several centuries of the Common Era, why the doctrine came under heavy criticism in the modern era, how some theologians have responded to the objections, and the relationship of the doctrine to claims of modern science, for example, the fundamental law of physics that matter cannot be created from nothing. Although the Bible never expressly states that God made everything from nothing, various texts are taken to imply that the universe came into existence by divine command and was not assembled from preexisting matter or energy. The contributors to this volume approach this topic from a range of perspectives, from exposition to defense of the doctrine itself. This is a unique and fascinating work whose aim is to present the reader with a compelling set of arguments for why the doctrine should remain central to the grammar of contemporary Christian theology. As such, the book will appeal to theologians as well as those interested in the relationship between theology and science. -- Provided by publisher.}, language = {eng}, publisher = {University of Notre Dame Press}, author = {Anderson, Gary A. and Bockmuehl, Markus N. A.}, year = {2018}, keywords = {Christianity, Creatio ex nihilo, Creation, Creationism, Evolution, History, History of doctrines, Religious aspects, Schöpfungslehre}, }
@book{olivelle_hindu_2018, address = {Oxford}, edition = {First edition}, series = {The {Oxford} history of {Hinduism}}, title = {Hindu {Law}. {A} {New} {History} of {Dharmaśāstra}}, isbn = {978-0-19-870260-3}, shorttitle = {Hindu law}, abstract = {Literaturverzeichnis Seite [507]-540}, language = {eng}, publisher = {University Press}, author = {Olivelle, Patrick and Davis, Donald R.}, year = {2018}, keywords = {Dharma, Dharmashastra, Geschichte, Hindu law, History, Indien}, }
@article{shumway_university_2017, title = {The {University}, {Neoliberalism}, and the {Humanities}: {A} {History}}, volume = {6}, copyright = {http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/}, shorttitle = {The {University}, {Neoliberalism}, and the {Humanities}}, url = {https://www.mdpi.com/2076-0787/6/4/83}, doi = {10.3390/h6040083}, abstract = {Neoliberalism has since the 1970s had a significant negative impact on higher education in the U.S., but this ideology and political program is not solely to blame for the current situation of the humanities or the university. The American university was never the autonomous institution imagined by German idealists, but it was rather always strongly connected to both the state and civil society. Many of the cultural currents and social forces that have led to the reduction in public spending on higher education and to lower enrollments in the humanities long antedate neoliberalism.}, language = {en}, number = {4}, urldate = {2019-09-17}, journal = {Humanities}, author = {Shumway, David R.}, month = dec, year = {2017}, keywords = {capitalism, history, humanities, neoliberalism, university}, pages = {83}, }
@book{kirschenbaum_track_2016, address = {Cambridge, Massachusetts}, title = {Track changes: a literary history of word processing}, isbn = {978-0-674-41707-6}, shorttitle = {Track changes}, abstract = {"The story of writing in the digital age is every bit as messy as the ink-stained rags that littered the floor of Gutenberg's print shop or the hot molten lead of the linotype machine. During the period of the pivotal growth and widespread adoption of word processing as a writing technology, some authors embraced it as a marvel while others decried it as the death of literature. The product of years of archival research and numerous interviews conducted by the author, Track Changes is the first literary history of word processing. Matthew Kirschenbaum examines how the interests and ideals of creative authorship came to coexist with the computer revolution. Who were the first adopters? What kind of anxieties did they share? Was word processing perceived as just a better typewriter or something more? How did it change our understanding of writing? Track Changes balances the stories of individual writers with a consideration of how the seemingly ineffable act of writing is always grounded in particular instruments and media, from quills to keyboards. Along the way, we discover the candidates for the first novel written on a word processor, explore the surprisingly varied reasons why writers of both popular and serious literature adopted the technology, trace the spread of new metaphors and ideas from word processing in fiction and poetry, and consider the fate of literary scholarship and memory in an era when the final remnants of authorship may consist of folders on a hard drive or documents in the cloud."--Provided by publisher}, publisher = {The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press}, author = {Kirschenbaum, Matthew G.}, year = {2016}, keywords = {Creation (Literary, artistic, etc.), History, Technological innovations, Word processing, Writing}, }
@book{koyre_mysterique_2016, address = {Paris}, edition = {Nouvelle édition revue et augmentée}, title = {De la mysterique a la science: cours, conférences et documents, 1922-1962}, isbn = {978-2-7132-2504-8}, shorttitle = {De la mysterique a la science}, publisher = {Éditions EHESS}, author = {Koyré, Alexandre and Redondi, Pietro}, year = {2016}, keywords = {History, Philosophy History, Religion and science, Science}, }
@article{obrassill-kulfan_vagabonds_2016, title = {Vagabonds and {Paupers}: {Race} and {Illicit} {Mobility} in the {Early} {Republic}}, volume = {83}, issn = {0031-4528}, shorttitle = {Vagabonds and {Paupers}}, doi = {10.5325/pennhistory.83.4.0443}, abstract = {In the early republic, Pennsylvania and the surrounding Mid-Atlantic region was a vital space for wanderers, runaways, and migrants. Both under the law as well as on the road, fugitive slaves, pauper migrants, and vagrants shared much by way of identity and occupation. This article considers three key components of this relationship: legal connections that limited the movements of these groups, inherently similar corporeal experiences of transient poverty, and linkage in the public mind. Charting the transiency that former slaves and servants often undertook after leaving bondage reinforces these similarities, especially in light of contemporary associations between race and transiency and the subsequent criminalization of the freedom of movement for persons of color in varying stages of freedom. The imposition of personal status inherent in the category of vagrancy is illustrated in the ways in which individuals defined their own identities and were defined by the laws they encountered.}, language = {eng}, number = {4}, journal = {Pennsylvania history}, author = {O'Brassill-Kulfan, Kristin}, year = {2016}, note = {Publisher: Pennsylvania State University Press}, keywords = {19th century, African Americans, Almshouses, Fugitive slaves, History, Homelessness, Indentured servitude, Law and legislation, Pennsylvania, Poor, Poverty, Rogues and vagabonds, Runaway slaves, Slaves, Transiency, Vagrancy}, pages = {443--469}, }
@book{gartlan_career_2016, address = {Leiden, The Netherlands}, series = {Photography in {Asia} ;; volume 1; {Variation}: {Photography} in {Asia} ;; v. 1.}, title = {A career of {Japan}: {Baron} {Raimund} von {Stillfried} and early {Yokohama} {Photography}}, isbn = {978-90-04-28932-1}, shorttitle = {A career of {Japan}}, language = {English}, publisher = {Brill}, author = {Gartlan, Luke}, year = {2016}, note = {OCLC: 936081873}, keywords = {19th century. Photography. 21.42 history of photographic art. Fotografie Japan Stillfried, Raimund : von, History, Japan, Photography}, }
@article{ hanks_alphabetic_2015, title = {Alphabetic {Literacy} and {Colonial} {Process} in {Yucatán}}, volume = {62}, issn = {00141801}, doi = {10.1215/00141801-2890286}, abstract = {The article outlines the formation and spread of alphabetic writing and reading in Colonial Yucatán. Over the colonial period, Maya people adapted to, appropriated, and ultimately expropriated alphabetic writing for their own purposes. Drawing on what Matthew Restall has called the New Philology and on recent trends in missionary linguistics, this article explores the distinctive characteristics of alphabetic writing, which was a potent force in reshaping Maya communicative practices. I argue that the flexibility, portability, and universal applicability of the graphic alphabet to spoken language made it a uniquely powerful vector for the spread of discourse of all kinds--some of it sanctioned and some not. The written word was in constant alternation with oral enunciation, and writing flourished beyond the confines of colonial order, in the forbidden genres. The same properties that made alphabetic writing a productive part of the project of reducción also made it impossible to control once introduced among the Maya.}, number = {3}, journal = {Ethnohistory}, author = {Hanks, William F.}, month = {July}, year = {2015}, keywords = {ALPHABET, Colonial Maya, History, LITERACY, MAYAN languages -- Writing, MAYAS, MEXICO, MISSIONS, ORALITY, Writing, YUCATAN (Mexico : State), circulation, genre, missionization}, pages = {651--674} }
@inproceedings{chevrier_virtual_2015, address = {Granada, Spain}, title = {Virtual 3D reconstruction of {Plans}-{Reliefs} from historical document analysis for valorisation applications}, copyright = {All rights reserved}, isbn = {978-1-5090-0048-7}, url = {http://www.digitalheritage2015.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/PreliminarProgram.pdf}, doi = {10.1109/DigitalHeritage.2015.7413841}, abstract = {The French collection of Plans-Reliefs, scale models of fortified towns, constitutes an awesome architectural heritage. Facing this patrimonial richness, many cities, represented on these plans-reliefs, would like to expose, develop and exploit this historical heritage. However, the fragility, the dimension of the supports and the exposure conditions makes this acquisition difficult. Thus, the creation and the exploitation of a virtual model constitute an interesting alternative. This paper presents a method exploiting historical documentary for the 3D semantic modelling and the valorisation of the virtual Plan-Relief of Verdun. The original Plan-Relief is currently enclosed in containers in Paris.}, language = {en}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd {International} {Conference} on {Digital} {Heritage}}, publisher = {IEEE}, author = {Chevrier, Christine and Jacquot, Kevin and Humbert, Pascal and Ben Bouheni, Senda and Halin, Gilles}, month = oct, year = {2015}, keywords = {3D surveys, Focusing, Grasshopper, History, Knowledge based systems, Libraries, Louis XIV of France, Semantics, Solid modeling, Three-dimensional displays, architectural artifacts, architectural heritage, architectural knowledge, automatic city part reconstruction, bastioned fortification, cultural heritage collection, digitization tools, feature extraction, fortification design rules, fortification feature extraction, image reconstruction, knowledge-based modeling approach, parallel languages, parametric modeling, plans-relief fortification, reverse engineering, reverse engineering approach, reverse-engineering, scale models, semantic segmentation algorithms, three-dimensional scanning, visual dataflow programming language, visual programming} }
@article{holz_effects_2015, title = {Effects of high-severity fire drove the population collapse of the subalpine {Tasmanian} endemic conifer {Athrotaxis} cupressoides}, volume = {21}, issn = {1365-2486 (Electronic) 1354-1013 (Linking)}, url = {http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25044347}, doi = {10.1111/gcb.12674}, abstract = {Athrotaxis cupressoides is a slow-growing and long-lived conifer that occurs in the subalpine temperate forests of Tasmania, a continental island to the south of Australia. In 1960-1961, human-ignited wildfires occurred during an extremely dry summer that killed many A. cupressoides stands on the high plateau in the center of Tasmania. That fire year, coupled with subsequent regeneration failure, caused a loss of ca. 10\% of the geographic extent of this endemic Tasmanian forest type. To provide historical context for these large-scale fire events, we (i) collected dendroecological, floristic, and structural data, (ii) documented the postfire survival and regeneration of A. cupressoides and co-occurring understory species, and (iii) assessed postfire understory plant community composition and flammability. We found that fire frequency did not vary following the arrival of European settlers, and that A. cupressoides populations were able to persist under a regime of low-to-mid severity fires prior to the 1960 fires. Our data indicate that the 1960 fires were (i) of greater severity than previous fires, (ii) herbivory by native marsupials may limit seedling survival in both burned and unburned A. cupressoides stands, and (iii) the loss of A. cupressoides populations is largely irreversible given the relatively high fuel loads of postfire vegetation communities that are dominated by resprouting shrubs. We suggest that the feedback between regeneration failure and increased flammability will be further exacerbated by a warmer and drier climate causing A. cupressoides to contract to the most fire-proof landscape settings.}, number = {1}, journal = {Glob Chang Biol}, author = {Holz, A. and Wood, S. W. and Veblen, T. T. and Bowman, D. M.}, month = jan, year = {2015}, keywords = {*Climate Change, *Ecosystem, Conservation of Natural Resources/*methods/statistics \& numerical data, Cupressaceae/*growth \& development, Fires/*history, History, 20th Century, Population Dynamics, Species Specificity, Tasmania, dendroecology, fire history, fire sensitive, herbivory, positive fire-flammability feedback, regeneration dynamics}, pages = {445--58}, }
@incollection{harrison_history_2014, title = {History of {Interactive} {Theorem} {Proving}}, volume = {9}, isbn = {978-0-444-51624-4}, url = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/B9780444516244500046}, language = {en}, urldate = {2021-08-19}, booktitle = {Handbook of the {History} of {Logic}}, publisher = {Elsevier}, author = {Harrison, John and Urban, Josef and Wiedijk, Freek}, year = {2014}, doi = {10.1016/B978-0-444-51624-4.50004-6}, keywords = {history, survey, theorem prover}, pages = {135--214}, }
@article{ cooke_generations_2014, title = {Generations and {Regeneration}: "{Sexceptionalism}" and {Group} {Identity} among {Puritans} in {Colonial} {New} {England}}, volume = {23}, issn = {10434070}, shorttitle = {Generations and {Regeneration}}, url = {http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=ehh&AN=98593831&site=ehost-live}, doi = {10.7560/JHS23301}, abstract = {The article discusses Puritan identity, religion, population growth, and reproduction in colonial New England. Topics examined more closely include Puritan theology, views on original sin, ties between sexuality and the institution of marriage, female sexuality, and the role of women in Puritan society.}, number = {3}, urldate = {2015-09-26TZ}, journal = {Journal of the History of Sexuality}, author = {Cooke, Kathy J.}, month = {September}, year = {2014}, keywords = {17TH century, HISTORY, HUMAN sexuality \& history, MARRIAGE, ORIGINAL sin, PILGRIMS (New Plymouth Colony), POPULATION, PURITAN theology, REPRODUCTIVE history, SEXUAL behavior, UNITED States, WOMEN}, pages = {333--357} }
@article{chu_thermal_2014, title = {Thermal ablation of tumours: biological mechanisms and advances in therapy}, volume = {14}, copyright = {2014 Nature Publishing Group}, issn = {1474-1768}, shorttitle = {Thermal ablation of tumours}, url = {https://www.nature.com/articles/nrc3672}, doi = {10.1038/nrc3672}, abstract = {Minimally invasive thermal ablation of tumours has become common since the advent of modern imaging. From the ablation of small, unresectable tumours to experimental therapies, percutaneous radiofrequency ablation, microwave ablation, cryoablation and irreversible electroporation have an increasing role in the treatment of solid neoplasms. This Opinion article examines the mechanisms of tumour cell death that are induced by the most common thermoablative techniques and discusses the rapidly developing areas of research in the field, including combinatorial ablation and immunotherapy, synergy with conventional chemotherapy and radiation, and the development of a new ablation modality in irreversible electroporation.}, language = {en}, number = {3}, urldate = {2018-09-22}, journal = {Nature Reviews Cancer}, author = {Chu, Katrina F. and Dupuy, Damian E.}, month = mar, year = {2014}, note = {00506}, keywords = {Ablation Techniques, Animals, Apoptosis, History, 19th Century, History, 20th Century, History, 21st Century, Humans, Neoplasms, Surgery, Computer-Assisted}, pages = {199--208}, }
@article{mccarty_reclaiming_2014, title = {Reclaiming {Indigenous} {Languages}: {A} {Reconsideration} of the {Roles} and {Responsibilities} of {Schools}}, volume = {38}, issn = {0091-732X}, shorttitle = {Reclaiming {Indigenous} {Languages}}, doi = {10.3102/0091732X13507894}, abstract = {In this chapter, the authors offer a critical examination of a growing field of educational inquiry and social practice: the reclamation of Indigenous mother tongues. They use the term "reclamation" purposefully to denote that these are languages that have been forcibly subordinated in contexts of colonization. Language reclamation includes revival of a language no longer spoken as a first language, "revitalization" of a language already in use, and "reversal" of language shift (RLS), a term popularized by Joshua Fishman (1991) to describe the reengineering of social supports for intergenerational mother tongue transmission. All of these processes involve what Maori scholar Margie Kahukura Hohepa (2006) calls "language regeneration," a term that speaks of "growth and regrowth," recognizing that nothing "regrows in exactly the same shape that it had previously, or in exactly the same direction. The causes underlying shift from a community language to a dominating one are complex and power linked. The authors' goal is to peel back the layers of that complexity. This review is organized around two foci: (1) School-based language reclamation: whether or how schools might be efficacious sites for language reclamation; and (2) Geographic: Native North America illuminates the wide range of language planning challenges and possibilities that attend the sociohistorical, educational, and sociolinguistic circumstances of diverse Indigenous peoples, as well as crosscutting themes of language education policy, sovereignty, and human rights.}, language = {eng}, number = {1}, journal = {Review of Research in Education}, author = {Mccarty, Teresa L. and Nicholas, Sheilah E.}, year = {2014}, keywords = {American Indian Culture, American Indian Languages, Civil Rights, Cultural Pluralism, Educational Policy, Educational Research, Foreign Countries, Foreign Policy, History, Indigenous Knowledge, Language Maintenance, Language Planning, Language Skill Attrition, Native Language, Native Language Instruction, School Responsibility, School Role, Self Determination, Sociolinguistics}, pages = {106--136}, }
@book{szentgyorgyi_tihanyi_2014, address = {Budapest}, title = {A tihanyi apátság alapítólevele}, isbn = {978-963-284-546-3}, publisher = {ELTE Eötvös Kiadó}, author = {Szentgyörgyi, Rudolf}, year = {2014}, note = {OCLC: on1063709386}, keywords = {Benedictine monasteries, Church history, History, Hungarian language, Hungary, Hungary Tihany, Sources, Tihany, Tihany (Hungary), Tihanyi Bencés Apátság (Tihany, Hungary)}, }
@book{rossum_werkers_2014, address = {Hilversum}, title = {Werkers van de wereld: globalisering, arbeid en interculturele ontmoetingen tussen {Aziatische} en {Europese} zeelieden in dienst van de {VOC}, 1600-1800}, isbn = {978-90-8704-419-0}, shorttitle = {Werkers van de wereld}, abstract = {'Maij fudede!' Met deze Portugese vloek sprak de Bengaalse zeeman Anthonij Corea zich uit tegen de Duitse koksmaat Paul Swaan. De mannen werkten op het VOC-schip Cats, dat in 1734 onderweg was van Bengalen naar Batavia. De ontmoeting vraagt aandacht voor de multiculturele bemanningen die de Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie inzette voor haar omvangrijke Aziatische bedrijf. Duitsers, Scandinaviërs en Nederlanders werkten en leefden samen met onder meer Indiase, Javaanse en Chinese zeelieden. "Werkers van de wereld" onderzoekt de onderlinge verhoudingen tussen deze Aziatische en Europese zeevarenden in dienst van de VOC. Met levendige voorbeelden wordt een veelzijdig beeld geschetst van het VOC-bedrijf in Azië en van de kleurrijke wereld van zeelieden, soldaten, koelies en slaven. Deze inzichten worden geplaatst in actuele historische debatten over de geschiedenis van arbeid, vroegmoderne globalisering en het vraagstuk rond het sociaaleconomisch 'uiteengroeien' van Europa en Azië.}, language = {dut}, publisher = {Verloren}, author = {Rossum, Matthias van}, year = {2014}, keywords = {Employees, History, Nederlandsche Oost-Indische Compagnie}, }
@article{crawford_triumph_2013, title = {The {Triumph} of {Pro}-{Nicene} {Theology} over {Anti}-{Monarchian} {Exegesis}: {Cyril} of {Alexandria} and {Theodore} of {Heraclea} on {John} 14.10–11}, volume = {21}, issn = {1067-6341}, shorttitle = {The {Triumph} of {Pro}-{Nicene} {Theology} over {Anti}-{Monarchian} {Exegesis}}, doi = {10.1353/earl.2013.0047}, abstract = {This article begins by identifying a previously unknown quotation in Cyril of Alexandria's Commentary on the Gospel of John as an extract from the Johannine commentary of Theodore of Heraclea, a leading member of the fourth-century Eusebian alliance. I argue that the relevant fragment from Theodore's commentary dealing with John 14.10-11 reveals his attempt to oppose Marcellus's Monarchian exegesis of John 10.38. In order to do so he drew upon third-century anti-Monarchian authors, most notably Origen. Cyril responded to Theodore's exegesis in a thoroughly pro-Nicene fashion, demonstrating that his exegesis fell short of the pro-Nicene consensus that developed in the latter half of the fourth century. Cyril's chief criticisms of Theodore's exegesis are that he applied corporeal categories to the Son, that he implied that the Son does not share the Father's infinity, and that he failed to adequately distinguish the Father/Son relationship from the Creator/creation relationship. This small episode highlights the shifting doctrinal concerns from the fourth to the fifth centuries, as well as the centrality of biblical exegesis to theological formulation during these years.}, language = {eng}, number = {4}, journal = {Journal of early Christian studies}, author = {Crawford, Matthew R.}, year = {2013}, note = {Place: BALTIMORE Publisher: Johns Hopkins University Press}, keywords = {300-1499 Byzantine period, Arts \& Humanities, Bible, Bible. John, Commentaries, Commentarii in Evangelium Joannis, Council of Nicaea, Criticism, interpretation, etc, Cyril, Saint(d. 444), Early church, ca. 30-600, Greek literature, History, John, New Testament, Religion, Theodore, Cyril, \$cBishop of Mopsuestia, approximately or 429. \$lEnglish., \$cSaint, Patriarch of Alexandria, approximately, Theodorus of Heraclea(d. ca. 356), biblical exegesis, prose}, pages = {537--567}, }
@article{ title = {Green-up dates in the Tibetan Plateau have continuously advanced from 1982 to 2011.}, type = {article}, year = {2013}, identifiers = {[object Object]}, keywords = {Databases, Factual,Ecosystem,History, 20th Century,History, 21st Century,Models, Biological,Tibet}, pages = {4309-14}, volume = {110}, websites = {http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=3600495&tool=pmcentrez&rendertype=abstract}, month = {3}, day = {12}, id = {4b196d1d-2802-39a5-a05a-1248ce2420b0}, created = {2015-05-08T02:33:35.000Z}, accessed = {2014-11-03}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {f8c267c4-4c39-31dc-80fa-3a9691373386}, group_id = {63e349d6-2c70-3938-9e67-2f6483f6cbab}, last_modified = {2015-05-08T10:27:30.000Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, abstract = {As the Earth's third pole, the Tibetan Plateau has experienced a pronounced warming in the past decades. Recent studies reported that the start of the vegetation growing season (SOS) in the Plateau showed an advancing trend from 1982 to the late 1990s and a delay from the late 1990s to 2006. However, the findings regarding the SOS delay in the later period have been questioned, and the reasons causing the delay remain unknown. Here we explored the alpine vegetation SOS in the Plateau from 1982 to 2011 by integrating three long-term time-series datasets of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI): Global Inventory Modeling and Mapping Studies (GIMMS, 1982-2006), SPOT VEGETATION (SPOT-VGT, 1998-2011), and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS, 2000-2011). We found GIMMS NDVI in 2001-2006 differed substantially from SPOT-VGT and MODIS NDVIs and may have severe data quality issues in most parts of the western Plateau. By merging GIMMS-based SOSs from 1982 to 2000 with SPOT-VGT-based SOSs from 2001 to 2011 we found the alpine vegetation SOS in the Plateau experienced a continuous advancing trend at a rate of ∼1.04 d·y(-1) from 1982 to 2011, which was consistent with observed warming in springs and winters. The satellite-derived SOSs were proven to be reliable with observed phenology data at 18 sites from 2003 to 2011; however, comparison of their trends was inconclusive due to the limited temporal coverage of the observed data. Longer-term observed data are still needed to validate the phenology trend in the future.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Zhang, Geli and Zhang, Yangjian and Dong, Jinwei and Xiao, Xiangming}, journal = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America}, number = {11} }
@Article{Aaronson2013, author = {Aaronson, Scott}, title = {The Ghost in the Quantum Turing Machine}, journal = {arXiv.org}, volume = {quant-ph}, number = {}, pages = {}, year = {2013}, abstract = {In honor of Alan Turing\'s hundredth birthday, I unwisely set out some thoughts about one of Turing\'s obsessions throughout his life, the question of physics and free will. I focus relatively narrowly on a notion that I call \"Knightian freedom\": a certain kind of in-principle physical unpredictability that goes beyond probabilistic unpredictability. Other, more metaphysical aspects of free will I regard as possibly outside the scope of science. I examine a viewpoint, suggested independently by Carl Hoefer, Cristi Stoica, and even Turing himself, that tries to find scope for \"freedom\" in the universe\'s boundary conditions rather than in the dynamical laws. Taking this viewpoint seriously leads to many interesting conceptual problems. I investigate how far one can go toward solving those problems, and along the way, encounter (among other things) the No-Cloning Theorem, the measurement problem, decoherence, chaos, the arrow of time, the holographic principle, Newcomb\'s paradox, Boltzmann brains, algorithmic information theory, and the Common Prior Assumption. I also compare the viewpoint explored here to the more radical speculations of Roger Penrose. The result of all this is an unusual perspective on time, quantum mechanics, and causation, of which I myself remain skeptical, but which has several appealing features. Among other things, it suggests interesting empirical questions in neuroscience, physics, and cosmology; and takes a millennia-old philosophical debate into some underexplored territory.}, location = {}, keywords = {}}
@book{graeber_democracy_2013, address = {New York}, edition = {1st ed}, title = {The {Democracy} {Project}: a history, a crisis, a movement}, isbn = {978-0-8129-9356-1 978-0-679-64600-6}, shorttitle = {The {Democracy} {Project}}, publisher = {Spiegel \& Grau}, author = {Graeber, David}, year = {2013}, keywords = {Democracy, History}, }
@article{herbert_ceaselessly_2012, title = {"{Ceaselessly} circling the centre": {Historical} contextualization of indigenous education within {Australia}}, volume = {41}, shorttitle = {"{Ceaselessly} circling the centre"}, doi = {10.1108/08198691311269484}, abstract = {Purpose ‐ The purpose of this paper is to explore the educational journey of indigenous Australians since the time of the 1788 invasion through into the modern Australian university. This exploration is intended to clarify the way in which education delivery in this country has been used to position the nation's "first peoples" within a context of centre/periphery thinking. Design/methodology/approach ‐ The paper established an overview of the educational service provision for indigenous Australians through a review of archival materials, historical texts and education reports. This information was then aligned with the data gathered through face-to-face interviews and focus group meetings conducted by the author in her own PhD research, to test the complementarity of the sources in terms of the indigenous experience. Findings ‐ The paper provides insights into the current positioning of indigenous Australians. The process of viewing the present against the backdrop of the past identified important historical landmarks that were then examined through the diversity of lens provided through interviews/meetings with contemporary students and staff to reveal the critical impact of centre/periphery thinking on indigenous education in this country. Originality/value ‐ This paper provides an historical overview of indigenous Australian education that, in clarifying some of the connections and ruptures between "centre and periphery", provides valuable insights into the full diversity of the indigenous historical experience in Australian education.}, number = {2}, journal = {History of Education Review}, author = {Herbert, Jeannie}, year = {2012}, keywords = {Australian aboriginals, Education, Empowerment, History, Indigenous studies}, pages = {91--103}, }
@book{mimouni_judaisme_2012, address = {Paris}, series = {Nouvelle {Clio} : l’histoire et ses problèmes}, title = {Le judaïsme ancien du {VIᵉ} siècle avant notre ère au {IIIᵉ} siècle de notre ère : des prêtres aux rabbins}, isbn = {978-2-13-056396-9}, shorttitle = {Le judaïsme ancien du {VIe} siècle avant notre ère au {IIIe} siècle de notre ère}, publisher = {Presses universitaires de France}, author = {Mimouni, Simon Claude}, year = {2012}, keywords = {History, Judaism, Post-exilic period, 586 B.C.-210 A.D} }
@book{herrera_hermosilla_breve_2012, address = {Madrid}, series = {Breve historia}, title = {Breve historia del espionaje}, isbn = {978-84-9967-314-1}, publisher = {Nowtilus}, author = {Herrera Hermosilla, Juan Carlos}, year = {2012}, keywords = {Espionage, History, Spies}, }
@misc{roeder_automatische_2011, address = {Berlin}, title = {Automatische {Erkennung} von {Identitäten} im {Projekt} {Virtuelles} {Berlin} um 1800}, publisher = {Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften (BBAW)}, author = {Roeder, Torsten}, year = {2011}, keywords = {dh, history, persons, software} }
@book{suarez-nani_representations_2011, address = {Berlin ; New York}, series = {Scrinium {Friburgense}}, title = {Représentations et conceptions de l'espace dans la culture médiévale, {Colloque} {Fribourgeois} 2009 =: {Repräsentationsformen} und {Konzeptionen} des {Raums} in der {Kultur} des {Mittelalters}, {Freiburger} {Colloquium} 2009}, isbn = {978-3-11-025942-1 978-3-11-025943-8}, shorttitle = {Représentations et conceptions de l'espace dans la culture médiévale, {Colloque} {Fribourgeois} 2009 =}, language = {fre eng ger}, number = {Bd. 30}, publisher = {De Gruyter}, editor = {Suarez-Nani, Tiziana and Rohde, Martin}, year = {2011}, note = {Meeting Name: Représentations et conceptions de l'espace dans la culture médiévale OCLC: ocn763160738}, keywords = {Congresses, Cosmology, Medieval, History, Space and time, Space in literature, Space perception}, }
@book{lipschits_yehud_2011, address = {Winona Lake, Ind}, title = {The {Yehud} stamp impressions: a corpus of inscribed impressions from the {Persian} and {Hellenistic} periods in {Judah}}, isbn = {978-1-57506-183-2}, shorttitle = {The {Yehud} stamp impressions}, language = {eng}, publisher = {Eisenbrauns}, author = {Lipschits, Oded and Vanderhooft, David Stephen}, year = {2011}, keywords = {586 B.C.-70 A.D, Antiquities, History, Jews, Judaea (Region), Palestine, Seals (Numismatics), To 70 A.D} }
@book{bornstein_colors_2011, address = {Cambridge, Mass}, title = {The colors of {Zion}: blacks, {Jews}, and {Irish} from 1845 to 1945}, isbn = {978-0-674-05701-2}, shorttitle = {The colors of {Zion}}, publisher = {Harvard University Press}, author = {Bornstein, George}, year = {2011}, note = {OCLC: ocn555658435}, keywords = {African American authors History and criticism, American literature, Blacks, Ethnic identity, Ethnic relations, Ethnic relations History, History, History and criticism, Identity, Irish, Irish literature, Jewish authors History and criticism, Jews, Race identity, Race relations in literature, Racism, United States}, }
@phdthesis{bonnell_imagined_2010, title = {Imagined {Futures} and {Unintended} {Consequences}: {An} {Environmental} {History} of {Toronto}’s {Don} {River} {Valley}}, shorttitle = {Imagined {Futures} and {Unintended} {Consequences}}, school = {University of Toronto}, author = {Bonnell, J. L}, year = {2010}, note = {00012}, keywords = {Don River Valley Historical GIS Project, history, toronto}, }
@article{ bell_out_2010, title = {Out of the {Mouths} of {Crocodiles}: {Eliciting} {Histories} in {Photographs} and {String}-{Figures}}, volume = {21}, issn = {02757206}, shorttitle = {Out of the {Mouths} of {Crocodiles}}, url = {http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=55204792&site=ehost-live}, doi = {10.1080/02757206.2010.521156}, abstract = {Whom and what do we touch, hear and see when we hold, listen and look at photographs? What histories are enfolded within photographs' materiality? What elided pasts do they contain, and what possible futures can be negotiated with source communities by engaging with these artefacts in the present? In this paper I consider these related questions through an exploration of the nexus of relations, perspectives and histories enfolded within a particular glass plate (A6510,499) held in the National Australian Archives. Taken by the government anthropologist F. E. Williams in 1922 in the village of Ukiaravi, this portrait of the two young boys Kauei Ove and Kauri demonstrating a string-figure is one of some ninety-six glass plates produced by Williams during his eight-month trip to the Purari Delta of Papua New Guinea. Viewed with communities, this photograph generated a series of conversations about a set of relations involving the mimetic faculties of Crocodile Monitor Lizards, the growth of knowledge through bodily transformation during male initiation, and various modes of history telling and making. In examining these relationships and the ways in which they unfolded around engagements with this glass plate, I contribute to discussions about the nature of fieldwork and the productive possibilities that connecting source communities to their photographic and archival legacies has for them, museums and the discipline.}, number = {4}, urldate = {2015-09-25TZ}, journal = {History \& Anthropology}, author = {Bell, Joshua A.}, month = {December}, year = {2010}, keywords = {Crocodile Monitor Lizard, DIGITAL images, ETHNOLOGY, HISTORY, HISTORY -- Methodology, HISTORY -- Sources, MANNERS \& customs, MIMESIS, PAPUA New Guinea, PAPUANS, PHOTOGRAPHS -- Social aspects, PURARI (Papua New Guinean people), SOCIAL aspects, String-figures, WILLIAMS, F. E.}, pages = {351--373} }
@misc{plummer_historicist:_2010, title = {Historicist: {Cartographic} {Civic} {Pride} - {Torontoist}}, url = {http://torontoist.com/2010/04/historicist_cartographic_civic_pride.php}, urldate = {2010-04-28}, author = {Plummer, Kevin}, month = apr, year = {2010}, keywords = {bird's eye view, history, map and data library, panoramic, toronto}, }
@article{curry_census_2010, title = {Census debate is nothing new - {The} {Globe} and {Mail}}, url = {http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/census-debate-is-nothing-new/article1675022/}, urldate = {2011-03-20}, author = {Curry, Bill}, month = aug, year = {2010}, keywords = {brian mulroney, census of canada, history}, }
@article{chambers_birth_2010, title = {The birth of the osteoclast}, volume = {1192}, issn = {1749-6632}, url = {http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20392213}, doi = {10.1111/j.1749-6632.2009.05224.x}, abstract = {Thirty-five years ago it had become clear that the osteoclast was not a bone cell but an immigrant into bone, derived from the hemopoietic system. Among hemopoietic cells, mononuclear phagocytes seemed the most likely precursors. However, for the progeny of wandering cells such as those to achieve nonrandom localization implies control by the local bone cells (cells of the osteoblastic lineage). To test this idea, we extracted osteoclasts from bone and observed their behavior in culture. We noted that calcitonin induced a striking shape change, which reflected suppression of cytoplasmic motility. Because bone resorption is likely to depend on motile processes, we used this response to infer the regulation of osteoclasts by systemic and local hormones and osteoblastic cells. We went on to provide direct evidence for the predominantly osteoblastic regulation of osteoclasts by measuring the ability of isolated osteoclasts to resorb the surface of bone slices.}, number = {1}, urldate = {2010-07-06}, journal = {Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences}, author = {Chambers, T J}, month = mar, year = {2010}, pmid = {20392213}, keywords = {Animals, Biomedical Research, Cell Differentiation, Cell Movement, Cell Separation, History, 20th Century, Humans, Models, Biological, Osteoclasts}, pages = {19--26}, }
@book{whorton_arsenic_2010, address = {Oxford ; New York}, title = {The arsenic century: how {Victorian} {Britain} was poisoned at home, work, and play}, isbn = {978-0-19-957470-4}, shorttitle = {The arsenic century}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, author = {Whorton, James C.}, year = {2010}, note = {OCLC: ocn444383899}, keywords = {19th century, Arsenic, Arsenic Poisoning, Great Britain, History, 19th Century, Side effects History, Social aspects History, Toxicology History, history, toxicity}, }
@article{bowman_fire_2009, title = {Fire in the {Earth} {System}}, volume = {324}, issn = {0036-8075}, url = {://000265411200037}, doi = {10.1126/science.1163886}, abstract = {Fire is a worldwide phenomenon that appears in the geological record soon after the appearance of terrestrial plants. Fire influences global ecosystem patterns and processes, including vegetation distribution and structure, the carbon cycle, and climate. Although humans and fire have always coexisted, our capacity to manage fire remains imperfect and may become more difficult in the future as climate change alters fire regimes. This risk is difficult to assess, however, because fires are still poorly represented in global models. Here, we discuss some of the most important issues involved in developing a better understanding of the role of fire in the Earth system.}, language = {English}, number = {5926}, journal = {Science}, author = {Bowman, D. M. J. S. and Balch, J. K. and Artaxo, P. and Bond, W. J. and Carlson, J. M. and Cochrane, M. A. and D'Antonio, C. M. and DeFries, R. S. and Doyle, J. C. and Harrison, S. P. and Johnston, F. H. and Keeley, J. E. and Krawchuk, M. A. and Kull, C. A. and Marston, J. B. and Moritz, M. A. and Prentice, I. C. and Roos, C. I. and Scott, A. C. and Swetnam, T. W. and van der Werf, G. R. and Pyne, S. J.}, month = apr, year = {2009}, keywords = {atmospheric oxygen, carbon, climate, ecosystems, emissions, evolution, expansion, forest-fires, history, synchrony}, pages = {481--484}, }
@article{banta_history_2009, title = {A history of health technology assessment at the {European} level}, volume = {25}, issn = {1471-6348, 0266-4623}, url = {https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/international-journal-of-technology-assessment-in-health-care/article/history-of-health-technology-assessment-at-the-european-level/03BFF2B2A5787459E092B751FACAEF6A}, doi = {10.1017/S0266462309090448}, abstract = {This study summarizes the experience with health technology assessment (HTA) at the European level. Geographically, Europe includes approximately fifty countries with a total of approximately 730 million people. Politically, twenty-seven of these countries (500 million people) have come together in the European Union. The executive branch of the European Union is named the European Commission, which supports several activities, including research, all over Europe and in many other parts of the world. The European Commission has promoted HTA by several policy positions and has funded a series of projects aimed at strengthening HTA in Europe. Around fifteen of the European countries now have formal national programs on HTA and some also have regional public programs. All countries that are members of the European Union and do not have a national approach to HTA have an interest in becoming more involved. The HTA projects sponsored by the European Commission have focused on networking and collaboration among established agencies and institutions for HTA, however, also on capacity building, support, and facilitation in creating mechanisms for HTA in European countries that still do not have any program in the field.}, number = {S1}, urldate = {2017-08-18TZ}, journal = {International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care}, author = {Banta, David and Kristensen, Finn Børlum and Jonsson, Egon}, month = jul, year = {2009}, keywords = {Europe, Health planning, Health technology assessment, History}, pages = {68--73} }
@book{schreiber_nationalsozialismus_2008, address = {Innsbruck-Wien-Bozen}, title = {Nationalsozialismus und {Faschismus} in {Tirol} und {Südtirol}. {Opfer}, {Täter}, {Gegner}. {Mit} einem {Beitrag} von {Gerald} {Steinacher} und {Philipp} {Trafojer}: {Tiroler} {Studien} zu {Geschichte} und {Politik}, 8}, isbn = {978-3-7065-4423-8}, publisher = {Studienverlag}, author = {Schreiber, Horst}, year = {2008}, keywords = {20th century, History, Jews, National socialism, Austria Tyrol, Persecutions, Fascism, Tyrol (Austria), Political persecution}, }
@book{richards_tragic_2008, address = {Chicago}, title = {The tragic sense of life: {Ernst} {Haeckel} and the struggle over evolutionary thought}, isbn = {978-0-226-71214-7}, shorttitle = {The tragic sense of life}, publisher = {University of Chicago Press}, author = {Richards, Robert J.}, year = {2008}, note = {OCLC: ocn173368350}, keywords = {Biography, Biologists, Evolution (Biology), Germany, Haeckel, Ernst, History, Zoologists, pdf1}, }
@incollection{wujastyk_introduction_2008, address = {Albany}, title = {Introduction}, isbn = {978-0-7914-7489-1}, abstract = {"Modern and Global Ayurveda provides an overview of the relatively recent history of Ayurveda in its modern and globalized forms. One of the traditional medical systems originating on the Indian subcontinent, Ayurveda is fast becoming a transnational phenomenon. Contributors to this volume include both scholars and practitioners of Ayurveda. The wide range of perspectives they offer include the philosophical, anthropological, sociopolitical, economic, biomedical, and pharmacological. Issues such as the ideological clashes between "clasical" and "modernized" Ayurveda, the "export" of Ayurvedic medical lore to Western countries, and the possible "reimport" of its adapted and reinterpreted contents are covered and prove particularly relevant to contemporary discussion on the integration of complementary and alternative health care."--BOOK JACKET.}, language = {en}, booktitle = {Modern and {Global} {Ayurveda}. {Pluralism} and {Paradigms}}, publisher = {State University of New York Press}, author = {Wujastyk, Dagmar and Smith, Frederick M.}, editor = {Wujastyk, Dagmar and Smith, Frederick M.}, year = {2008}, keywords = {Europe, History, History / Modern / 20th Century, History, 20th Century, History, 20th Century - Europe, History, 20th Century - India, History, 20th Century - United States, India, Medical / Alternative Medicine, Medical / General, Medicine, Ayurvedic, Medicine, Ayurvedic - Europe, Medicine, Ayurvedic - History, Medicine, Ayurvedic - India, Medicine, Ayurvedic - United States, Medicine, Ayurvedic - history - Europe, Medicine, Ayurvedic - history - India, Medicine, Ayurvedic - history - United States, Medicine, Ayurvedic/ Europe, Medicine, Ayurvedic/ History, Religion / Eastern, Social Science / Anthropology / Cultural, United States}, pages = {1--28}, }
@book{ribichini_da_2008, address = {Roma}, edition = {1}, title = {Da {Sudtirolo} ad {Alto} {Adige}: arrivano gli italiani}, isbn = {978-88-267-0483-8}, publisher = {Edizioni associate}, author = {Ribichini, Paolo}, year = {2008}, keywords = {20th century, History, Politics and government, Ethnic relations, Economic conditions, Italy Trentino-Alto Adige, Trentino-Alto Adige (Italy), Italians}, }
@incollection{SokolowskiPoznanski08a, title = {{Struktura procesu legislacyjnego w analizie ilościowej}}, booktitle = {{Wybrane aspekty funkcjonowania Sejmu w latach 1997-2007}}, author = {Sokołowski, Jacek K. and Poznański, Piotr}, editor = {Sokołowski, Jacek K. and Poznański, Piotr}, year = {2008}, pages = {237--280}, publisher = {{Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM - Krakowskie Towarzystwo Edukacyjne}}, address = {{Kraków}}, isbn = {978-83-7571-037-3}, langid = {polish}, lccn = {JN6763 .S66 2008}, keywords = {History,Legislative bodies,Poland,Politics and government,Sejm} }
@article{van_drie_computer-aided_2007, title = {Computer-aided drug design: the next 20 years}, volume = {21}, issn = {0920-654X}, shorttitle = {Computer-aided drug design}, doi = {10.1007/s10822-007-9142-y}, abstract = {This perspectives article has been taken from a talk the author gave at the symposium in honor of Yvonne C. Martin's retirement, held at the American Chemical Society spring meeting in Chicago on March 25, 2007. The talk was intended as a somewhat lighthearted attempt to gaze into the future; inevitably, in print, things will come across more seriously than was intended. As we all know-the past is rarely predictive of the future.}, language = {eng}, number = {10-11}, journal = {Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design}, author = {Van Drie, John H.}, month = nov, year = {2007}, pmid = {17989929}, keywords = {Computer-Aided Design, Drug Design, Drug Evaluation, Preclinical, History, 20th Century, History, 21st Century, Ligands, Models, Molecular, Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship, Software, Thermodynamics, User-Computer Interface}, pages = {591--601}, }
@article{ title = {Natural selection on female life-history traits in relation to socio-economic class in pre-industrial human populations.}, type = {article}, year = {2007}, identifiers = {[object Object]}, keywords = {Developing Countries,Developing Countries: economics,Developing Countries: history,Family,Family Characteristics,Female,Fertility,Finland,History, 19th Century,History, 20th Century,Humans,Life Expectancy,Longevity,Male,Reproduction,Reproduction: genetics,Reproduction: physiology,Selection, Genetic,Selection, Genetic: genetics,Social Class,Social Class: history}, pages = {e606}, volume = {2}, websites = {http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=1904257&tool=pmcentrez&rendertype=abstract}, month = {1}, id = {eaeb93b3-d15c-39b3-937f-629295484a44}, created = {2017-06-19T13:39:31.040Z}, accessed = {2013-05-22}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {de68dde1-2ff3-3a4e-a214-ef424d0c7646}, group_id = {b2078731-0913-33b9-8902-a53629a24e83}, last_modified = {2017-06-19T13:39:31.139Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, abstract = {Life-history theory predicts that resource scarcity constrains individual optimal reproductive strategies and shapes the evolution of life-history traits. In species where the inherited structure of social class may lead to consistent resource differences among family lines, between-class variation in resource availability should select for divergence in optimal reproductive strategies. Evaluating this prediction requires information on the phenotypic selection and quantitative genetics of life-history trait variation in relation to individual lifetime access to resources. Here, we show using path analysis how resource availability, measured as the wealth class of the family, affected the opportunity and intensity of phenotypic selection on the key life-history traits of women living in pre-industrial Finland during the 1800s and 1900s. We found the highest opportunity for total selection and the strongest selection on earlier age at first reproduction in women of the poorest wealth class, whereas selection favoured older age at reproductive cessation in mothers of the wealthier classes. We also found clear differences in female life-history traits across wealth classes: the poorest women had the lowest age-specific survival throughout their lives, they started reproduction later, delivered fewer offspring during their lifetime, ceased reproduction younger, had poorer offspring survival to adulthood and, hence, had lower fitness compared to the wealthier women. Our results show that the amount of wealth affected the selection pressure on female life-history in a pre-industrial human population.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Pettay, Jenni E and Helle, Samuli and Jokela, Jukka and Lummaa, Virpi}, journal = {PloS one}, number = {7} }
@book{malone_international_2006, address = {Oxford}, title = {The {International} {Struggle} {Over} {Iraq}: {Politics} in the {UN} {Security} {Council} 1980-2005}, isbn = {0-19-927857-1}, abstract = {Spanning the last quarter century, this book examines the impact the United Nations Security Council has had on Iraq - and Iraq’s impact on the Security Council. Told largely in chronological fashion, five phases of the story are here discerned. The first phase deals with the Council’s role as Cold War peacemaker during the Iran-Iraq war. The second phase involves its response to Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait. The third phase is characterized by ‘creeping unilateralism’, occurring within the context of a more multidisciplinary approach to peace operations. The fourth phase covers the period between 9/11 to the bombing of UN headquarters in Baghdad in August 2003. The fifth phase focuses on the Council’s efforts to find its feet in Iraq, and its contemplation of reform in its way of doing business.}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, author = {Malone, David M}, year = {2006}, doi = {10.1093/0199278571.001.0001}, keywords = {1979-1991, 1991, Foreign relations, History, International Relations, Iraq, Peacekeeping forces, Security Council, Security, International, United Nations}, }
@book{tristram_fiscalite_2005, address = {Paris}, series = {Histoire économique et financière de la {France}}, title = {Une fiscalité pour la croissance: la {Direction} générale des impôts et la politique fiscale en {France} de 1948 à la fin des années 1960}, isbn = {978-2-11-094794-9}, shorttitle = {Une fiscalité pour la croissance}, publisher = {Comité pour l'histoire économique et financière de la France}, author = {Tristram, Frédéric}, year = {2005}, keywords = {20th century, Direction générale des impôts, Fiscal policy, France, History}, }
@article{ title = {Global sulfur emissions from 1850 to 2000.}, type = {article}, year = {2005}, identifiers = {[object Object]}, keywords = {Acid Rain,Aerosols,Animals,Asia,Climate,Environmental Exposure,Environmental Exposure: history,Environmental Pollutants,Environmental Pollutants: history,Europe,History, 19th Century,History, 20th Century,Humans,Predictive Value of Tests,Sulfur Compounds,Sulfur Compounds: economics,Sulfur Compounds: metabolism,World Health}, pages = {163-75}, volume = {58}, websites = {http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15571748}, month = {1}, id = {201f641a-5b38-3b69-b69f-82d15752aced}, created = {2014-05-31T04:14:04.000Z}, accessed = {2013-05-26}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {9edae5ec-3a23-3830-8934-2c27bef6ccbe}, group_id = {63e349d6-2c70-3938-9e67-2f6483f6cbab}, last_modified = {2014-11-19T06:02:42.000Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, abstract = {The ASL database provides continuous time-series of sulfur emissions for most countries in the World from 1850 to 1990, but academic and official estimates for the 1990s either do not cover all years or countries. This paper develops continuous time series of sulfur emissions by country for the period 1850-2000 with a particular focus on developments in the 1990s. Global estimates for 1996-2000 are the first that are based on actual observed data. Raw estimates are obtained in two ways. For countries and years with existing published data I compile and integrate that data. Previously published data covers the majority of emissions and almost all countries have published emissions for at least 1995. For the remaining countries and for missing years for countries with some published data, I interpolate or extrapolate estimates using either an econometric emissions frontier model, an environmental Kuznets curve model, or a simple extrapolation, depending on the availability of data. Finally, I discuss the main movements in global and regional emissions in the 1990s and earlier decades and compare the results to other studies. Global emissions peaked in 1989 and declined rapidly thereafter. The locus of emissions shifted towards East and South Asia, but even this region peaked in 1996. My estimates for the 1990s show a much more rapid decline than other global studies, reflecting the view that technological progress in reducing sulfur based pollution has been rapid and is beginning to diffuse worldwide.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Stern, David I}, journal = {Chemosphere}, number = {2} }
@book{metzger_text_2005, address = {New York}, edition = {4th ed}, title = {The text of the {New} {Testament}: its transmission, corruption, and restoration}, isbn = {978-0-19-516667-5 978-0-19-516122-9}, shorttitle = {The text of the {New} {Testament}}, language = {en}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, author = {Metzger, Bruce M. and Ehrman, Bart D.}, year = {2005}, keywords = {Bible, History, Criticism, Textual}, file = {Metzger and Ehrman - 2005 - The text of the New Testament its transmission, c.pdf:files/1170/Metzger and Ehrman - 2005 - The text of the New Testament its transmission, c.pdf:application/pdf}, }
@book{vaugeois_amour_2005, address = {Sillery}, title = {L'amour du livre: l'édition au {Que}́bec, ses petits secrets et ses mystères}, isbn = {2894484259}, shorttitle = {L'amour du livre}, publisher = {Septentrion}, author = {Vaugeois, Denis}, year = {2005}, note = {00000}, keywords = {History, Public libraries, Publishers and publishing, Québec (Province), Vaugeois, Denis} }
@article{ title = {Founder mutations among the Dutch}, type = {article}, year = {2004}, identifiers = {[object Object]}, keywords = {*Founder Effect,Alleles,European Continental Ancestry Group/*genetics/hist,Female,Gene Frequency/genetics,Genetic Diseases, Inborn/*genetics,Genetics, Population,History, 15th Century,History, 16th Century,History, 17th Century,History, 18th Century,History, 19th Century,History, 20th Century,History, 21st Century,History, Ancient,History, Medieval,Humans,Male,Mutation/*genetics,Netherlands,Pedigree}, pages = {591-600}, volume = {12}, websites = {http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&dopt=Citation&list_uids=15010701}, id = {861dba44-a72a-37ad-a54b-b4f70aed149d}, created = {2017-06-19T13:46:04.892Z}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {de68dde1-2ff3-3a4e-a214-ef424d0c7646}, group_id = {b2078731-0913-33b9-8902-a53629a24e83}, last_modified = {2017-06-19T13:46:05.028Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, source_type = {Journal Article}, notes = {<m:note>1018-4813 (Print)<m:linebreak/>Historical Article<m:linebreak/>Journal Article<m:linebreak/>Review</m:note>}, abstract = {Many genetic disorders demonstrate mutations that can be traced to a founder, sometimes a person who can be identified. These founder mutations have generated considerable interest, because they facilitate studies of prevalence and penetrance and can be used to quantify the degree of homogeneity within a population. This paper reports on founder mutations among the Dutch and relates their occurrence to the history and demography of the Netherlands. International migration, regional and religious endogamy, and rapid population growth played key roles in shaping the Dutch population. In the first millenniums BC and AD, the Netherlands were invaded by Celts, Romans, Huns, and Germans. In more recent times, large numbers of Huguenots and Germans migrated into the Netherlands. Population growth within the Netherlands was slow until the 19th century, when a period of rapid population growth started. Today, the Dutch population numbers 16 million inhabitants. Several different classes of founder mutations have been identified among the Dutch. Some mutations occur among people who represent genetic isolates within this country. These include mutations for benign familial cholestasis, diabetes mellitus, type I, infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, L-DOPA responsive dystonia, and triphalangeal thumb. Although not related to a specific isolate, other founder mutations were identified only within the Netherlands, including those predisposing for hereditary breast-ovarian cancer, familial hypercholesterolemia, frontotemporal dementia, hereditary paragangliomas, juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, malignant melanoma, protein C deficiency, and San Filippo disease. Many of these show a regional distribution, suggesting dissemination from a founder. Some mutations that occur among the Dutch are shared with other European populations and others have been transmitted by Dutch emigres to their descendents in North America and South Africa. The occurrence of short chromosomal regions that have remained identical by descent has resulted in relatively limited genetic heterogeneity for many genetic conditions among the Dutch. These observations demonstrate the opportunity for gene discovery for other diseases and traits in the Netherlands.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Zeegers, M P and van Poppel, F and Vlietinck, R and Spruijt, L and Ostrer, H}, journal = {Eur J Hum Genet}, number = {7} }
@Article{Backwell2004, author = {Patricia R Y Backwell and Michael D Jennions}, journal = {Nature}, title = {Animal behaviour: {C}oalition among male fiddler crabs.}, year = {2004}, number = {6998}, pages = {417}, volume = {430}, abstract = {Until now, no compelling evidence has emerged from studies of animal territoriality to indicate that a resident will strategically help a neighbour to defend its territory against an intruder. We show here that territory-owning Australian fiddler crabs will judiciously assist other crabs in defending their neighbouring territories. This cooperation supports the prediction that it is sometimes less costly to assist a familiar neighbour than to renegotiate boundaries with a new, and possibly stronger, neighbour.}, doi = {10.1038/430417a}, keywords = {Animals, Attention, Brain, Decision Making, Face, Female, Haplorhini, Housing, Humans, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Male, Models, Neurological, Pattern Recognition, Visual, Photic Stimulation, Prefrontal Cortex, Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S., Visual Perception, Choice Behavior, Cognition, Dopamine, Learning, Schizophrenia, Substance-Related Disorders, Generalization (Psychology), Motor Skills, Non-P.H.S., Nerve Net, Neuronal Plasticity, Perception, Cerebral Cortex, Memory, Neurons, Sound Localization, Synapses, Synaptic Transmission, Neural Pathways, Non-, Acoustic Stimulation, Adult, Age of Onset, Aging, Blindness, Child, Preschool, Infant, Newborn, Pitch Perception, Analysis of Variance, Animal Welfare, Laboratory, Behavior, Animal, Hybridization, Genetic, Maze Learning, Mice, Inbred C57BL, Inbred DBA, Phenotype, Reproducibility of Results, Darkness, Deafness, Finches, Sleep, Sound, Sunlight, Time Factors, Vocalization, Energy Metabolism, Evolution, Fossils, History, Ancient, Hominidae, Biological, Physical Endurance, Running, Skeleton, Walking, Acoustics, Auditory Perception, Cues, Discrimination Learning, Pair Bond, Social Behavior, Songbirds, Adolescent, England, Habituation (Psychophysiology), Korea, Language, Semantics, Vocabulary, Action Potentials, Hippocampus, Pyramidal Cells, Rats, Rotation, Australia, Brachyura, Cooperative Behavior, Logistic Models, Territoriality, 15269757}, }
@Article{Feinstein_2004_1104, author = {Feinstein, S.B.}, journal = {American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology}, note = {0363-6135 (Print) Historical Article Journal Article Review}, number = {2}, pages = {H450-457}, title = {The powerful microbubble: {F}rom bench to bedside, from intravascular indicator to therapeutic delivery system, and beyond}, volume = {287}, year = {2004}, keywords = {Animals, Arteriosclerosis/*therapy/*ultrasonography, Blood, Vessels/*ultrasonography, Carotid, Stenosis/complications/ultrasonography, Decompression, Sickness/ultrasonography, *Diffusion, of, Innovation, Echocardiography, History, 20th, Century, Humans, *Microbubbles, Neovascularization, Pathologic/etiology/ultrasonography, Ultrasonography/history}, title_with_no_special_chars = {The powerful microbubble From bench to bedside from intravascular indicator to therapeutic delivery system and beyond} }
@book{misa_leonardo_2004, address = {Baltimore}, series = {Johns {Hopkins} studies in the history of technology}, title = {Leonardo to the {Internet}: {Technology} \& {Culture} from the {Renaissance} to the {Present}}, isbn = {978-0-8018-7808-4 978-0-8018-7809-1}, shorttitle = {Leonardo to the {Internet}}, publisher = {The Johns Hopkins University Press}, author = {Misa, Thomas J.}, year = {2004}, note = {00000}, keywords = {History, Technology, Technology and civilization} }
@incollection{masulli_cittadinanza_2002, address = {Roma}, series = {Quaderni della {Rassegna} degli archivi di {Stato}}, title = {Cittadinanza e stato sociale in {Italia}: azione sindacale e politiche governative negli anni {Sessanta} e {Settanta}}, isbn = {978-88-7125-249-0}, language = {it}, number = {101}, booktitle = {Cittadinanza: individui, diritti sociali, collettività nella storia contemporanea: atti del {Convegno} annuale {SISSCO}, {Padova}, 2-3 dicembre 1999}, publisher = {Ministero per i beni i le attività culturali, Direzione generale per gli archivi}, author = {Masulli, Ignazio}, editor = {Sorba, Carlotta}, year = {2002}, note = {OCLC: ocm52088569}, keywords = {20th century, Citizenship, Congresses, History, Italy}, pages = {189--214}, }
@book{nute_voyageurs_2002, address = {St. Paul, MN}, title = {The voyageur's highway: {Minnesota}'s border lake land}, isbn = {978-0-87351-006-6}, shorttitle = {The voyageur's highway}, publisher = {Minnesota Historical Society Press}, author = {Nute, Grace Lee}, collaborator = {Minnesota Historical Society}, year = {2002}, keywords = {Frontier and pioneer life, Fur trade, History, Lakes, Loggers, Minnesota, Minnesota History, Ontario}, }
@book{poirier_histoire_2002, address = {Paris}, title = {Histoire des femmes de science en {France}: du {Moyen} {Age} à la {Révolution}}, isbn = {978-2-85704-789-6}, shorttitle = {Histoire des femmes de science en {France}}, publisher = {Pygmalion/Gérard Watelet}, author = {Poirier, Jean Pierre}, year = {2002}, keywords = {Biography, France, History, Women in science, Women scientists}, }
@article{maas_instrument_2001, title = {An {Instrument} {Can} {Make} a {Science}: {Jevons}'s {Balancing} {Acts} in {Economics}}, volume = {33}, issn = {1527-1919}, shorttitle = {An {Instrument} {Can} {Make} a {Science}}, url = {http://muse.jhu.edu.myaccess.library.utoronto.ca/journals/history_of_political_economy/v033/33.5maas.html}, number = {5}, urldate = {2012-12-21TZ}, journal = {History of Political Economy}, author = {Maas, Harro}, year = {2001}, note = {{\textless}p{\textgreater}Volume 33, Annual Supplement, 2001{\textless}/p{\textgreater}}, keywords = {cryptography -- late modern, history, public-key}, pages = {277--302} }
@book{simons_cities_2001, address = {Philadelphia}, series = {The middle ages series}, title = {Cities of ladies: {Beguine} communities in the medieval low countries, 1200-1565}, isbn = {978-0-8122-3604-0}, shorttitle = {Cities of ladies}, publisher = {University of Pennsylvania Press}, author = {Simons, Walter}, year = {2001}, keywords = {Beguines, Benelux countries, Church history, History, Middle Ages, 600-1500, Monasticism and religious orders for women}, }
@book{lucia_megias_imprenta_2000, address = {Madrid}, title = {Imprenta y libros de caballerías}, isbn = {978-84-7895-127-7}, publisher = {Ollero \& Ramos}, author = {Lucía Megías, José Manuel}, year = {2000}, note = {OCLC: ocm44560425}, keywords = {16th century, 17th century, Boekdrukkunst, Chivalry in literature, History, Imprenta España Historia Siglos XVI-XVII, Publishers and publishing, Publishing History, Ridderromans, Spaans, Spain, Spanish fiction, Spanish imprints} }
@book{gray_forty_2000, address = {Vancouver}, title = {Forty {Years} in the {Public} {Interest}: {A} {History} of the {National} {Energy} {Board}}, isbn = {1-55054-796-8}, shorttitle = {Forty {Years} in the {Public} {Interest}}, publisher = {Douglas \& McIntyre}, author = {Gray, Earle}, year = {2000}, note = {Co-published by the National Energy Board}, keywords = {Canada, Histoire, History, Industrie et commerce Histoire, Pétrole, Petroleum industry and trade, Power resources, Ressources énergétiques} }
@article{ title = {Fecundity of daughters born after short, intermediate, or long birth intervals. An analysis of family reconstitutions from The Netherlands, late 19th-early 20th century.}, type = {article}, year = {2000}, identifiers = {[object Object]}, keywords = {19th Century,20th Century,Adult,Birth Intervals,Cohort Studies,Confounding Factors (Epidemiology),Female,Female: epidemiology,Female: history,Fertility,Fetal Death,Fetal Death: epidemiology,Fetal Death: history,History,Humans,Infertility,Logistic Models,Multivariate Analysis,Netherlands,Netherlands: epidemiology,Nuclear Family,Population Surveillance,Registries,Urban Health,Urban Health: history}, pages = {18-33}, volume = {47}, websites = {http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11521454}, id = {5a8d3e77-57bb-30e6-9bb2-345c6d6de0f6}, created = {2017-06-19T13:39:44.310Z}, accessed = {2013-05-22}, file_attached = {false}, profile_id = {de68dde1-2ff3-3a4e-a214-ef424d0c7646}, group_id = {b2078731-0913-33b9-8902-a53629a24e83}, last_modified = {2017-06-19T13:39:44.415Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, abstract = {In an historical cohort study, we compared the reproductive performances of women born after short (< 14 completed months), intermediate (21-32 completed months), and long (> 39 completed months) birth intervals. Of the initial study base, comprising family reconstitutions of 1,425 women born between 1873 and 1902 in or around Rotterdam (The Netherlands) and married before age 45, a large portion (data of 1,001 women born between 1888 and 1902) was uninformative because of (unintended) selection on birth control behavior. Among the remaining 424 women, those born after very short birth intervals (less than 1 year) showed higher likelihood of childlessness and stillbirth in the offspring than those born after intermediate intervals (adjusted odds ratios (OR) and 95%-confidence intervals: 7.7 [1.8-33.0] and 3.3 [1.3-8.3], respectively). The latter association, however, nearly disappeared after restriction to women whose preceding sibling lived at least 1 year. Women born after modestly short intervals (12-13 months) exhibited longer interpregnancy intervals. So did women born after long birth intervals, but this might well be attributable to intergenerational transmission of reproductive behavior. These results indicate that fecundability is reduced in women born after short birth intervals.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Smits, L J and Jongbloet, P H and Zielhuis, G A}, journal = {Social biology}, number = {1-2} }
@book{glad_russia_1999, address = {Tenafly, N.J.}, title = {Russia abroad: writers, history, politics}, isbn = {978-1-55779-115-3}, shorttitle = {Russia abroad}, language = {English}, publisher = {Hermitage}, author = {Glad, John.}, year = {1999}, keywords = {Criticism, interpretation, etc, Emigration and immigration, History, Russia, Russia -- Emigration and immigration -- History, Russian literature -- Foreign countries, Russian literature -- Foreign countries -- History and criticism, Russians -- Foreign countries, Soviet Union, Soviet Union -- Emigration and immigration -- History, filed under emigration-general} }
@book{alexander_sbl_1999, address = {Peabody, Mass}, title = {The {SBL} handbook of style: for ancient {Near} {Eastern}, {Biblical}, and early {Christian} studies}, isbn = {1-56563-487-X}, shorttitle = {The {SBL} handbook of style}, publisher = {Hendrickson Publishers}, editor = {Alexander, Patrick H. and {Society of Biblical Literature}}, year = {1999}, keywords = {Authorship, Bible, Church history, Civilization Historiography, Historiography, Historiography Authorship, History Authorship, History, Ancient, Middle East, Primitive and early church, ca. 30-600, Religion Historiography, To 622} }
@book{schneewind_invention_1998, address = {Cambridge ; New York, NY, USA}, title = {The {Invention} of {Autonomy}: {A} {History} of {Modern} {Moral} {Philosophy}}, isbn = {978-0-521-47399-6 978-0-521-47938-7}, shorttitle = {The {Invention} of {Autonomy}}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, author = {Schneewind, Jerome B.}, year = {1998}, keywords = {17th century, 18th century, Autonomy (Philosophy), Ethics, Ethics, Modern, History, Kant, Immanuel, djvu1, etext1, pdf1}, }
@book{black_maps_1997, address = {Chicago}, title = {Maps and politics}, isbn = {0-226-05493-4 978-0-226-05493-3}, publisher = {University of Chicago Press}, author = {Black, Jeremy.}, year = {1997}, keywords = {history, maps, maps as power, politics}, }
@book{steininger_osterreich_1997-1, address = {Wien-Köln-Weimar}, title = {Österreich im 20. {Jahrhundert}. {Ein} {Studienbuch} in zwei {Bänden}}, isbn = {3-205-98310-6}, publisher = {Böhlau Verlag}, editor = {Steininger, Rolf and Gehler, Michael}, year = {1997}, keywords = {Austria, 20th century, History}, }
@book{tracy_direct_1996, address = {Chicago}, title = {Direct {Action}: {Radical} {Pacifism} from the {Union} {Eight} to the {Chicago} {Seven}}, isbn = {0226811271; 0226811301}, publisher = {University of Chicago Press}, author = {Tracy, James}, year = {1996}, keywords = {History, Pacifism, Passive resistance, United States}, }
@book{howlett_canadian_1996, address = {Burnaby, B.C.}, title = {Canadian political economy : course guide (second edition)}, publisher = {Centre for Canadian Studies etc., Simon Fraser University}, author = {Howlett, Michael and Ramesh, M. and Centre for Canadian, Studies}, year = {1996}, keywords = {Canada, Economic conditions, Economic policy, Economics Canada, History} }
@book{godwin_hermetic_1995, address = {York Beach, Me}, title = {The {Hermetic} {Brotherhood} of {Luxor}: initiatic and historical documents of an order of practical occultism}, isbn = {978-0-87728-825-1 978-0-87728-838-1}, shorttitle = {The {Hermetic} {Brotherhood} of {Luxor}}, publisher = {S. Weiser}, editor = {Godwin, Joscelyn and Chanel, Christian and Deveney, John P.}, year = {1995}, keywords = {19th century, Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor, History, Occultism, Sources}, }
@InProceedings{han95doctor, author = {Han, Seungjae and Shin, Kang G and Rosenberg, Harold A}, title = {{DOCTOR}: an integrated software fault injection environment for distributed real-time systems}, booktitle = {Computer Performance and Dependability Symposium, 1995. Proceedings., International}, year = {1995}, pages = {204--213}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, abstract = {The paper presents an integrated software fault injection environment ({DOCTOR}) which is capable of (1) generating synthetic workloads under which system dependability is evaluated, (2) injecting various types of faults with different options, and (3) collecting performance and dependability data. A comprehensive graphical user interface is also provided. The software implemented fault-injection tools supports three types of faults: memory faults, {CPU} faults, and communication faults. Each injected fault may be permanent, transient or intermittent. A fault-injection plan can be formulated probabilistically, or based on the past event history. The modular organization of tools is particularly designed for distributed architectures. {DOCTOR} is implemented on a distributed real-time system called {HARTS}, and it capability has been tested through numerous experiments}, date = {1995}, doi = {10.1109/IPDS.1995.395831}, eventtitle = {Computer Performance and Dependability Symposium, 1995. Proceedings., International}, file = {:han95doctor - {DOCTOR}_ an integrated software fault injection environment for distributed real-time systems.pdf:PDF}, groups = {fault injection, dump, fault injection tools}, keywords = {Analytical models, Character generation, communication faults, Computer science, computer testing, {CPU} faults, dependability data {COLLECTION}, distributed architectures, distributed computing, distributed processing, distributed real-time systems, {DOCTOR}, fault-injection plan, fault tolerant computing, formal verification, graphical user interface, graphical user interfaces, Hardware, {HARTS}, History, integrated software fault injection environment, intermittent {faULTS}, memory faults, modular tool organization, options, past event history, performance data {COLLECTION}, permanent faults, probabilistic method, program testing, Real time systems, real-time systems, software implemented fault-injection tools, Software reliability, Software tools, synthetic workload generation, system dependability, System testing, Timing, transient faults}, shorttitle = {{DOCTOR}}, timestamp = {2018-01-18}, }
@book{sivertson_illustrated_1994, address = {Mount Horeb, Wis}, title = {The illustrated voyageur: paintings and companion stories}, isbn = {978-1-883953-05-8}, shorttitle = {The illustrated voyageur}, publisher = {Midwest Traditions}, author = {Sivertson, Howard}, year = {1994}, keywords = {18th century, Canoes and canoeing, Description and travel, Fur trade, Grand Portage Region (Minn.), History, Minnesota Grand Portage Region, Ottawa River (Québec and Ont.), Superior, Lake, Region}, }
@book{jammer_concepts_1993, address = {New York}, edition = {3rd enl. ed}, title = {Concepts of {Space}: {The} {History} of {Theories} of {Space} in {Physics}}, isbn = {978-0-486-27119-4}, shorttitle = {Concepts of {Space}}, publisher = {Dover Publications}, author = {Jammer, Max}, year = {1993}, keywords = {History, Metaphysics, Philosophy, Physics, Science, Space and time, pdf1}, }
@article{kullmanEcologicalStatusGrey1992, title = {The Ecological Status of Grey Alder ({{Alnus}} Incana ({{L}}.) {{Moench}}) in the Upper Subalpine Birch Forest of the Central {{Scandes}}}, author = {Kullman, Leif}, year = {1992}, volume = {120}, pages = {445--451}, doi = {10.1111/j.1469-8137.1992.tb01085.x}, abstract = {Elevational distribution, site characteristics and regeneration patterns of grey alder [Alnus incana (L.) Moench] have been studied in subalpine forest of the southern Swedish Scandes, mainly as a basis for paleoecological inferences. Alder occurs very sparsely in the mountain birch forest and is strictly confined to sites with fresh finegrained soils with an insignificant mor humus layer. It frequently grows in close association with moving water (inundation in the spring). The potential climatic tree-limit is inferred to appear about 30 m below that of mountain birch. Within a more than 200 m broad vertical zone below the tree-limit, sexual reproduction does not take place at the present. Conceivably, the alders here are old relicts from a warmer period in the past. In contrast to other tree species, the range-limit did not advance altitudinally in response to the 20th century warming (up to the 1930s/1940s) and a non-equilibrium relationship with climate is hypothesized to have developed after the maximum range extension in the early- or mid-Holocene. The virtual extinction of alder in the upper subalpine forest during the late Holocene is understandable in terms of pronounced thermophily of generative life-cycle stages and a narrow range of soil preference. Both these properties are acting regressively on reproductive success as a consequence of climatic cooling and long-term soil deterioration.}, journal = {New Phytologist}, keywords = {*imported-from-citeulike-INRMM,~INRMM-MiD:c-13621138,~to-add-doi-URL,alnus-incana,alnus-spp,autoecology,characteristics,history,regeneration,tree-limit,vegetation}, lccn = {INRMM-MiD:c-13621138}, number = {3} }
@book{leroy_mythe_1992, address = {Paris}, series = {Ecriture}, title = {Le mythe jésuite: de {Béranger} à {Michelet}}, isbn = {978-2-13-044692-7}, shorttitle = {Le mythe jésuite}, publisher = {Presses universitaires de France}, author = {Leroy, Michel}, year = {1992}, keywords = {19th century, France, French literature, History, History and criticism, In literature, Jesuits}, }
@book{wuthnow_struggle_1989, address = {Grand Rapids, Mich.}, title = {The {Struggle} for {America}'s {Soul}: {Evangelicals}, {Liberals}, and {Secularism}}, isbn = {0802836690 :\$22.95; 0802804691 :\$16.95}, publisher = {W.B. Eerdmans}, author = {Wuthnow, Robert}, year = {1989}, keywords = {20th century, Evangelicalism, History, United States}, }
@incollection{mezzalira_option_1989, address = {Innsbruck}, series = {Innsbrucker {Forschungen} zur {Zeitgeschichte}}, title = {Die {Option} in der italienischen {Geschichtsschreibung}}, isbn = {3-85218-059-7}, booktitle = {Die {Option}. {Südtirol} zwischen {Faschismus} und {Nationalsozialismus}}, publisher = {Haymon Verlag}, author = {Mezzalira, Giorgio}, editor = {Eisterer, Klaus and Steininger, Rolf}, year = {1989}, keywords = {20th century, History, Politics and government, National socialism, 1939-1945, Italy Trentino-Alto Adige, Territorial questions, Trentino-Alto Adige (Italy), World War, Fascism}, pages = {385--402}, }
@incollection{brown_remarks_1988, address = {Amsterdam}, title = {Remarks on the history of isospin}, booktitle = {Festi-{Val} - {Festschrift} for {Val} {Telegdi}}, publisher = {North-Holland}, author = {Brown, Laurie M.}, editor = {Winter, Klaus}, year = {1988}, pages = {39--47}, file = {Snapshot:/Users/christopher/Zotero/storage/8VBUEQPI/search.html:text/html} }
@article{ title = {Correcting misconceptions in mental health policy: strategies for improved care of the seriously mentally ill.}, type = {article}, year = {1987}, identifiers = {[object Object]}, keywords = {20th Century,Community Mental Health Services,Deinstitutionalization,Disability Evaluation,Health Policy,Health Policy: history,History,Humans,Medicaid,Mental Disorders,Mental Disorders: therapy,Mental Health,Mental Health Services,Mental Health Services: history,Mental Health: history,Patient Advocacy,United States}, pages = {203-30}, volume = {65}, websites = {http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3302647}, id = {989d73f4-2d97-3787-b1d3-476f140d85ff}, created = {2019-04-06T18:15:11.167Z}, accessed = {2018-03-09}, file_attached = {true}, profile_id = {bfdd6dfc-f1a1-3f60-afba-6d90526c6e72}, group_id = {de34baf0-a50f-373e-9c85-1ffe979e98ec}, last_modified = {2019-04-06T18:15:11.390Z}, read = {false}, starred = {false}, authored = {false}, confirmed = {true}, hidden = {false}, citation_key = {Mechanic1987}, folder_uuids = {04be9370-e1fc-4641-b78e-e1622f7005c6}, private_publication = {false}, abstract = {In the decades immediately following World War II a strong coalition of professionals and reformers emerged to shape agendas, debates, and national policy on caring for the mentally ill. The heterogeneity of mental health problems, the demographic shifts in populations at risk, and the realities of designing and implementing effective programs, were often overlooked; yet profound elements of change have taken place. Components essential for maintenance of function and rehabilitation have yet to be linked into a responsible alternative to long-term or episodic hospital care.}, bibtype = {article}, author = {Mechanic, D}, journal = {The Milbank quarterly}, number = {2} }
@book{aftalion_economie_1987, address = {Paris}, series = {Collection {Pluriel}}, title = {L'économie de la {Re}́volution française}, isbn = {9782010101601}, number = {8429}, publisher = {Hachette}, author = {Aftalion, Florin}, year = {1987}, keywords = {18th century, Assignats, Economic conditions, France, History, Revolution, 1789-1799}, }
@book{wikoff_upper_1985, address = {Chelsea, Vt}, title = {The upper valley: an illustrated tour along the {Connecticut} {River} before the twentieth century}, isbn = {978-0-930031-01-5}, shorttitle = {The upper valley}, publisher = {Chelsea Green}, author = {Wikoff, Jerold}, year = {1985}, keywords = {Connecticut River Valley, History, Social life and customs}, }
@book{lacordaire_histoire_1982, address = {Paris}, title = {Histoire secrète du {Paris} souterrain}, isbn = {978-2-01-008578-9}, publisher = {Hachette littérature générale}, author = {Lacordaire, Simon}, year = {1982}, keywords = {France Paris, History, Paris (France), Underground areas}, }
@book{barnes_constantine_1981, address = {Cambridge, Mass.}, title = {Constantine and {Eusebius}}, isbn = {978-0-674-16530-4}, abstract = {Includes index., Bibliography: p.406-442.}, language = {eng}, publisher = {Harvard University Press}, author = {Barnes, Timothy David}, year = {1981}, keywords = {Constantine I, Emperor of Rome, -337; Eusebius, of Caesarea, Bishop of Caesarea, approximately 260-approximately 340; Church history, Constantine I, the Great, 306-337, History, Primitive and early church, ca. 30-600; Rome}, }
@book{parent_hanmer_1980, address = {[Ottawa] : Ottawa}, series = {{PRO}}, title = {Hanmer}, number = {018-S2}, publisher = {Association des enseignants franco-ontariens ; Centre franco-ontarien de ressources pédagogiques}, author = {Parent, Huguette}, collaborator = {Association des enseignants franco-ontariens and Centre franco-ontarien de ressources pédagogiques}, year = {1980}, note = {00003}, keywords = {Description, French-Canadians, Hanmer (Ont.), History, Ontario Hanmer, Sudbury (Ont. : District)}, }
@book{ redmond_project_1980, address = {Bedford, Mass}, title = {Project {Whirlwind}: the history of a pioneer computer}, isbn = {0932376096}, shorttitle = {Project {Whirlwind}}, publisher = {Digital Press}, author = {Redmond, Kent C.}, collaborator = {Smith, Thomas Malcolm}, year = {1980}, keywords = {Electronic digital computers, History, Whirlwind computer} }
@book{lefebvre_reflexions_1978, address = {Paris}, series = {Textes à l'appui}, title = {Réflexions sur l'histoire}, isbn = {978-2-7071-0960-6}, language = {Français}, publisher = {F. Maspero}, author = {Lefebvre, Georges}, year = {1978}, keywords = {History, Philosophy}, }
@book{lavender_winner_1977, address = {New York}, edition = {1st ed}, series = {The {American} trails series}, title = {Winner take all: the trans-{Canada} canoe trail}, isbn = {978-0-07-036678-7}, shorttitle = {Winner take all}, publisher = {McGraw-Hill}, author = {Lavender, David}, year = {1977}, keywords = {Canada, Discovery and exploration, Fur trade, History, New France, Northwest, Canadian}, }
@book{boyer_history_1949, address = {New York}, title = {The history of the calculus and its conceptual development}, publisher = {Dover}, author = {Boyer, Carl B.}, year = {1949} }
@book{societe_historique_du_nouvel-ontario_familles_1944, address = {Sudbury [Ont.]}, series = {Documents historiques}, title = {Familles pionnières: leur odyssée, leur enracinement}, shorttitle = {Familles pionnières}, number = {no 5}, publisher = {Société historique du Nouvel-Ontario}, editor = {Société historique du Nouvel-Ontario}, year = {1944}, note = {00000}, keywords = {History, Ontario Sudbury, Pioneers, Sudbury (Ont.)}, }
@book{ boerhaave_new_1727, address = {London}, edition = {Fisher copy: Armorial binding with the crest of James Stuart on upper cover, and his monogram on lower.}, title = {A new method of chemistry}, url = {https://openlibrary.org/books/OL14781455M/A_new_method_of_chemistry}, abstract = {A new method of chemistry including the theory and practice of that art : laid down on mechanical principles, and accommodated to the uses of life : the whole making a clear and rational system of chemical philosophy : to which is prefix'd a critical history of chemistry and chemists, from the origin of the art to the present time written by the very learned H. Boerhaave ‥. ; translated from the printed edition, collated with the best manuscript copies, by P. Shaw, M.D. and E. Chambers, gent. ; with additional notes and sculptures. Published 1727 by Printed for J. Osborn and T. Longman ‥. in London . Written in English. Edition Notes Fisher copy: Armorial binding with the crest of James Stuart on upper cover, and his monogram on lower. {GenreEarly} works to 1800 The Physical Object Paginationxvi, 383, [1], 160, [161]-[188], 161-335, [45] p., 2 leaves of plates : Number of pages 383 {ID} Numbers Open Library {OL}14781455M Internet Archivenewmethodofchemi00boer}, language = {English}, publisher = {J. Osborn and T. Longman}, author = {Boerhaave, Herman}, year = {1727}, keywords = {chemistry, history} }
@book{della_ratta_theatrum_1637, address = {Naples}, title = {Theatrum feudale in duodecim partes et 760 dilucidationes distinctum}, language = {Latin}, publisher = {Typis Dominici Maccarani}, author = {Della Ratta, Camillo}, year = {1637}, note = {OCLC: 444961885}, keywords = {Encylopeadic, History}, }
@collection{bornet_significant_2023, title = {Significant Others, Significant Encounters}, rights = {Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International}, url = {https://hasp.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/catalog/book/1155}, publisher = {Heidelberg Asian Studies Publishing}, editor = {Bornet, Philippe and Cattoni, Nadia}, urldate = {2024-02-27}, date = {2023}, langid = {english}, doi = {10.11588/HASP.1155}, keywords = {Hindi, History, Literature, Orientalism, South Asia}, }
@misc{Corsa, abstract = {We argue that many of the benefits theorists have attribu- ted to the ability to forget should instead be attributed to what psychologists call the “fading affect bias,” namely the tendency for the negative emotions associated with past events to fade more substantially than the positive emo- tions associated with those events. Our principal contention is that the disposition to display the fading affect bias is normatively good. Those who possess it tend to lead better lives and more effectively improve their societies. Secondarily, we note that if Julia Driver's moral theory is correct, then the disposition to display the fading affect bias is a moral virtue.}, author = {Corsa, Andrew J. and Walker, W. Richard}, booktitle = {Philosophical Psychology}, doi = {10.1080/09515089.2018.1477126}, file = {:Users/khm/Library/Application Support/Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Corsa, Walker - 2018 - Moral psychology of the fading affect bias.pdf:pdf}, issn = {1465394X}, keywords = {Julia Driver,fading affect bias,forgetting,history,remembering,virtue}, title = {{Moral psychology of the fading affect bias}} }