Влияние барьерных веществ на магниторезистивные свойства композитов на основе манганита лантана стронция. Кабиров, Ю. В., Гавриляченко, В. Г., Богатин, А. С., Чебанова, Е. В., Пруцакова, Н. В., & Русакова, Е. Б. Инженерный Вестник Дона, 2017.
Влияние барьерных веществ на магниторезистивные свойства композитов на основе манганита лантана стронция [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   1 download  
Based on our own, as well as literary experimental data, the analysis of the Influence of a barrier material used to create heterogeneous composites based on La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 on their magnetoresistive properties is carried out. Such composites differ in existence of an isotropic negative magnitorezistivnost (MR) connected from backs - dependent tunneling of carriers in magnetic field. The largest value MR up to 15% in the field of 15 kOe are shown when using glass-like GeO2 oxide at a percolation ratio of components.
	title = {Влияние барьерных веществ на магниторезистивные свойства композитов на основе манганита лантана стронция},
	issn = {2073-8633},
	url = {https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=29911660},
	abstract = {Based on our own, as well as literary experimental data, the analysis of the Influence of a barrier material used to create heterogeneous composites based on La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 on their magnetoresistive properties is carried out. Such composites differ in existence of an isotropic negative magnitorezistivnost (MR) connected from backs - dependent tunneling of carriers in magnetic field. The largest value MR up to 15\% in the field of 15 kOe are shown when using glass-like GeO2 oxide at a percolation ratio of components.},
	language = {ru},
	number = {2 (45)},
	urldate = {2023-11-11},
	journal = {Инженерный Вестник Дона},
	author = {Кабиров, Ю. В. and Гавриляченко, В. Г. and Богатин, А. С. and Чебанова, Е. В. and Пруцакова, Н. В. and Русакова, Е. Б.},
	year = {2017},
	keywords = {Барьерный Слой, Диэлектрическая Проницаемость, Керамика, Композитный Материал, Магниторезистивность, Манганит Лантана Стронция, Одношаговый Синтез, Порог Перколяции, Спиновая Поляризация, Туннелирование, ⛔ No DOI found},
	pages = {4},

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