On-Line, interactive computer-based physics laboratory. Sethi, J, R., Antcliffe, & A, G. In TOHE, 2004.
abstract   bibtex   
This paper will describe a set of Physics Experiments that use selected Java and Shockwave Applets. They form a Laboratory course which augments the more conventional lectures in a Concepts of Physics course at Devry University in Pomona, California. The Laboratory has been Instructor-led but is sufficiently self-contained to be a part of a Virtual classroom offering. This allows the teaching of Physics (and other Science subjects) to be successful in the event that the student is not close to a Campus with a Laboratory environment. It is particularly useful in allowing demonstration of Concepts because it is possible to achieve "exact” agreement between theoretical expectations and the "experimental” results. This can even more strongly reinforce the ideas on which the study is based. Details of Course preparation together with student feedback from classes taught by both Principal Investigators will be discussed.
@inproceedings{ Sethi2004,
  abstract = {This paper will describe a set of Physics Experiments that use selected Java and Shockwave Applets. They form a Laboratory course which augments the more conventional lectures in a Concepts of Physics course at Devry University in Pomona, California. The Laboratory has been Instructor-led but is sufficiently self-contained to be a part of a Virtual classroom offering. This allows the teaching of Physics (and other Science subjects) to be successful in the event that the student is not close to a Campus with a Laboratory environment. It is particularly useful in allowing demonstration of Concepts because it is possible to achieve "exact” agreement between theoretical expectations and the "experimental” results. This can even more strongly reinforce the ideas on which the study is based. Details of Course preparation together with student feedback from classes taught by both Principal Investigators will be discussed.},
  annote = {URL: http://www.ipfw.edu/tohe/Papers/Nov%2011/0212__online_interactive_computer-based_physics_laboratory1.pdf

  author = {Sethi, Ricky J and Antcliffe, Gault A},
  booktitle = {TOHE},
  file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/rjs/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Sethi, Antcliffe/TOHE/Sethi, Antcliffe_2004_On-Line, interactive computer-based physics laboratory.pdf:pdf},
  title = {{On-Line, interactive computer-based physics laboratory}},
  year = {2004}

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