Electrochemical production of low-melting metal nanowires. Hsu, K, W., Li, J., Terrones, H., Terrones, M., Grobert, N., Zhu, Q, Y., Trasobares, S., Hare, P, J., Pickett, J, C., Kroto, W, H., Walton, & M, D. R. Chemical Physics Letters, 301(1-2):159--166, School of Chemistry, Phys. Environ. Sci., Univ. S., Brighton, United Kingdom, 1999.
Electrochemical production of low-melting metal nanowires [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
The extent of nanotube formation arising from the electrolysis of molten LiCl, using graphite electrodes, is reduced by the addition of salts to the electrolyte. In certain cases (99% LiCl+\<1% SnCl 2), considerable quantities of tin-containing nanotubes are formed in addition to Li 2C 2. However, the tube walls are poorly graphitised. Analogous results were obtained by adding trace amounts of Bi, Pb or Sn powder to the LiCl.
@article{ Hsu1999b,
  abstract = {The extent of nanotube formation arising from the electrolysis of molten LiCl, using graphite electrodes, is reduced by the addition of salts to the electrolyte. In certain cases (99% LiCl+\&lt;1% SnCl 2), considerable quantities of tin-containing nanotubes are formed in addition to Li 2C 2. However, the tube walls are poorly graphitised. Analogous results were obtained by adding trace amounts of Bi, Pb or Sn powder to the LiCl.},
  address = {School of Chemistry, Phys. Environ. Sci., Univ. S., Brighton, United Kingdom},
  annote = {Cited By (since 1996): 50

Export Date: 15 January 2013

Source: Scopus


Language of Original Document: English

Correspondence Address: Hsu, W.K.; School of Chemistry, Phys. Environ. Sci., Univ. S., Brighton, United Kingdom

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  author = {Hsu, W K and Li, J and Terrones, H and Terrones, M and Grobert, N and Zhu, Y Q and Trasobares, S and Hare, J P and Pickett, C J and Kroto, H W and Walton, D R M},
  issn = {00092614 (ISSN) },
  journal = {Chemical Physics Letters},
  number = {1-2},
  pages = {159--166},
  title = {{Electrochemical production of low-melting metal nanowires}},
  url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0001356735\&partnerID=40\&md5=f181b8ec6d23ab9a2282480cef2cd35b},
  volume = {301},
  year = {1999}

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