Aurora: a new model and architecture for data stream management. Abadi, D. J., Carney, D., Çetintemel, U., Cherniack, M., Convey, C., Lee, S., Stonebraker, M., Tatbul, N., & Zdonik, S. B. VLDB J., 12(2):120-139, 2003.
Aurora: a new model and architecture for data stream management [link]Link  bibtex   
@article{ DBLP:journals/vldb/AbadiCCCCLSTZ03,
  author    = {Daniel J. Abadi and Donald Carney and Ugur \cCetintemel and Mitch Cherniack and Christian Convey and Sangdon Lee and Michael Stonebraker and Nesime Tatbul and Stanley B. Zdonik},
  title     = {Aurora: a new model and architecture for data stream management},
  journal   = {VLDB J.},
  pages   = {120-139},
  volume   = {12},
  number   = {2},
  ee   = {} ,
  year   = {2003}

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