A well-balanced finite volume-augmented Lagrangian method for an integrated Herschel-Bulkley model. Acary-Robert, C., Fernández-Nieto, E. D., Narbona-Reina, G., & Vigneaux, P. Journal of Scientific Computing, 53(3):608-641, Springer Verlag, April, 2012. 40 pages. 12 figures.
Paper doi bibtex 3 downloads @Article{acaryroberthal00709491,
Title = {A well-balanced finite volume-augmented Lagrangian method for an integrated Herschel-Bulkley model},
Author = {Acary-Robert, C. and Fern\'andez-Nieto, E. D. and Narbona-Reina, G. and Vigneaux, Paul},
Note = {40 pages. 12 figures.},
Journal = {Journal of Scientific Computing},
Publisher = {Springer Verlag},
url_Paper = {https://idus.us.es/xmlui/handle/11441/32223},
Volume = {53},
Number = {3},
Pages = {608-641},
Year = {2012},
Month = Apr,
url_Paper = {https://idus.us.es/xmlui/handle/11441/32223},
Doi = {10.1007/s10915-012-9591-x},
Keywords = {variational inequality ; finite volume ; well balanced ; Herschel-Bulkley ; viscous shallow water ; avalanche; Numerical methods},
pdf = {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00709491/file/AFNVswhb-hal.pdf},
HAL_ID = {hal-00709491},