Direct laser fabrication of free-standing PEGDA-hydrogel scaffolds for neuronal cell growth: Engineering 3D biocompatible microenvironments. Accardo, A., Blatché, M. C., Courson, R., Loubinoux, I., Vieu, C., & Malaquin, L. Materials Today, 2018.
doi  bibtex   
author = {Accardo, Angelo and Blatch{\'{e}}, Marie Charline and Courson, R{\'{e}}mi and Loubinoux, Isabelle and Vieu, Christophe and Malaquin, Laurent},
doi = {10.1016/j.mattod.2018.02.004},
issn = {18734103},
journal = {Materials Today},
title = {{Direct laser fabrication of free-standing PEGDA-hydrogel scaffolds for neuronal cell growth: Engineering 3D biocompatible microenvironments}},
year = {2018}

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