Evolution of the galaxy stellar mass function: evidence for an increasing \${M}{\textasciicircum}*\$ from \$z=2\$ to the present day. Adams, N. J., Bowler, R. A. A., Jarvis, M. J., Haußler, B., & Lagos, C. D. P. arXiv e-prints, 2101:arXiv:2101.07182, January, 2021.
Evolution of the galaxy stellar mass function: evidence for an increasing \${M}{\textasciicircum}*\$ from \$z=2\$ to the present day [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
Utilising optical and near-infrared broadband photometry covering \${\textgreater} 5{\textbackslash},\{{\textbackslash}rm deg\}{\textasciicircum}2\$ in two of the most well-studied extragalactic legacy fields (COSMOS and XMM-LSS), we measure the galaxy stellar mass function (GSMF) between \$0.1 {\textless} z {\textless} 2.0\$. We explore in detail the effect of two source extraction methods (SExtractor and ProFound) in addition to the inclusion/exclusion of Spitzer IRAC 3.6 and 4.5\${\textbackslash}mu\$m photometry when measuring the GSMF. We find that including IRAC data reduces the number of massive (\${\textbackslash}log_\{10\}(M/M_{\textbackslash}odot) {\textgreater} 11.25\$) galaxies found due to improved photometric redshift accuracy, but has little effect on the more numerous lower-mass galaxies. We fit the resultant GSMFs with double Schechter functions down to \${\textbackslash}log_\{10\}(M/M_{\textbackslash}odot)\$ = 7.75 (9.75) at z = 0.1 (2.0) and find that the choice of source extraction software has no significant effect on the derived best-fit parameters. However, the choice of methodology used to correct for the Eddington bias has a larger impact on the high-mass end of the GSMF, which can partly explain the spread in derived \$M{\textasciicircum}*\$ values from previous studies. Using an empirical correction to model the intrinsic GSMF, we find evidence for an evolving characteristic stellar mass with \${\textbackslash}delta {\textbackslash}log_\{10\}(M{\textasciicircum}*/M_{\textbackslash}odot)/{\textbackslash}delta z\$ = \$-0.16{\textbackslash}pm0.05 {\textbackslash}, (-0.11{\textbackslash}pm0.05)\$, when using SExtractor (ProFound). We argue that with widely quenched star formation rates in massive galaxies at low redshift (\$z{\textless}0.5\$), additional growth via mergers is required in order to sustain such an evolution to a higher characteristic mass.
	title = {Evolution of the galaxy stellar mass function: evidence for an increasing \${M}{\textasciicircum}*\$ from \$z=2\$ to the present day},
	volume = {2101},
	shorttitle = {Evolution of the galaxy stellar mass function},
	url = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2021arXiv210107182A},
	abstract = {Utilising optical and near-infrared broadband photometry covering \${\textgreater} 
5{\textbackslash},\{{\textbackslash}rm deg\}{\textasciicircum}2\$ in two of the most well-studied extragalactic legacy
fields (COSMOS and XMM-LSS), we measure the galaxy stellar mass function
(GSMF) between \$0.1 {\textless} z {\textless} 2.0\$. We explore in detail the effect of
two source extraction methods (SExtractor and ProFound) in addition to
the inclusion/exclusion of Spitzer IRAC 3.6 and 4.5\${\textbackslash}mu\$m photometry
when measuring the GSMF. We find that including IRAC data reduces the
number of massive (\${\textbackslash}log\_\{10\}(M/M\_{\textbackslash}odot) {\textgreater} 11.25\$) galaxies found due
to improved photometric redshift accuracy, but has little effect on the
more numerous lower-mass galaxies. We fit the resultant GSMFs with
double Schechter functions down to \${\textbackslash}log\_\{10\}(M/M\_{\textbackslash}odot)\$ = 7.75 (9.75)
at z = 0.1 (2.0) and find that the choice of source extraction software
has no significant effect on the derived best-fit parameters. However,
the choice of methodology used to correct for the Eddington bias has a
larger impact on the high-mass end of the GSMF, which can partly explain
the spread in derived \$M{\textasciicircum}*\$ values from previous studies. Using an
empirical correction to model the intrinsic GSMF, we find evidence for
an evolving characteristic stellar mass with \${\textbackslash}delta
{\textbackslash}log\_\{10\}(M{\textasciicircum}*/M\_{\textbackslash}odot)/{\textbackslash}delta z\$ = \$-0.16{\textbackslash}pm0.05 {\textbackslash}, (-0.11{\textbackslash}pm0.05)\$,
when using SExtractor (ProFound). We argue that with widely quenched
star formation rates in massive galaxies at low redshift (\$z{\textless}0.5\$),
additional growth via mergers is required in order to sustain such an
evolution to a higher characteristic mass.},
	urldate = {2021-02-04},
	journal = {arXiv e-prints},
	author = {Adams, N. J. and Bowler, R. A. A. and Jarvis, M. J. and Haußler, B. and Lagos, C. D. P.},
	month = jan,
	year = {2021},
	keywords = {Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies},
	pages = {arXiv:2101.07182},

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