Dynamic encoding of incentive salience in the ventral pallidum: dependence on the form of the reward cue. Ahrens, A., Ferguson, L., Robinson, T., & Aldridge, J. eneuro, ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, 2018.
Dynamic encoding of incentive salience in the ventral pallidum: dependence on the form of the reward cue [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
Some rats are especially prone to attribute incentive salience to a cue (conditioned stimulus, CS) paired with food reward (sign-trackers, STs), but the extent they do so varies as a function of the form of the CS. Other rats respond primarily to the predictive value of a cue (goal-trackers, GTs), regardless of its form. Sign-tracking is associated with greater cue-induced activation of mesolimbic structures than goal-tracking; however, it is unclear how the form of the CS itself influences activity in neural systems involved in incentive salience …
	author = {AM Ahrens and LM Ferguson and TE Robinson and JW Aldridge},
	type = {HTML},
	title = {Dynamic encoding of incentive salience in the ventral pallidum: dependence on the form of the reward cue},
	journal = {eneuro},
	publisher = {ncbi.nlm.nih.gov},
	url = {https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/pmc5938716/},
	fulltext = {https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/pmc5938716/},
	related = {https://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=related:B1D2tpbeJYQJ:scholar.google.com/\&scioq=ahrens+am+ferguson+lm+robinson+te+aldridge+jw+dynamic+encoding+of+incentive+salience+in+the+ventral+pallidum+dependence+on+the+form+of+the+reward+cue+eneuro+2018+april+25+5+2+\&hl=en\&as_sdt=0,5\&as_vis=1},
	year = {2018},
	abstract = {Some rats are especially prone to attribute incentive salience to a cue (conditioned stimulus, CS) paired with food reward (sign-trackers, STs), but the extent they do so varies as a function of the form of the CS. Other rats respond primarily to the predictive value of a cue (goal-trackers, GTs), regardless of its form. Sign-tracking is associated with greater cue-induced activation of mesolimbic structures than goal-tracking; however, it is unclear how the form of the CS itself influences activity in neural systems involved in incentive salience …},


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