Periodic and almost-periodic solutions for some delay integral equations in a Hilbert space. Ait Dads, E., Ezzinbi, K., & Arino, O. Differential Equations Dynam. Systems, 8(3-4):193–212, 2000.
  author     = {Ait Dads, E. and Ezzinbi, K. and Arino, Ovide},
  title      = {Periodic and almost-periodic solutions for some delay integral equations in a {H}ilbert space},
  journal    = {Differential Equations Dynam. Systems},
  year       = {2000},
  volume     = {8},
  number     = {3-4},
  pages      = {193--212},
  issn       = {0971-3514},
  fjournal   = {Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems. An International Journal for Theory and Applications},
  mrclass    = {45M15 (45N05)},
  mrnumber   = {1 862 627},
  mrreviewer = {Ela{\"\i}di Hanebaly},

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