Continuous-time controllers for stabilizing periodic orbits of hybrid systems: Application to an underactuated 3D bipedal robot. Akbari Hamed, K., Buss, B., & Grizzle, J. In Decision and Control (CDC), 2014 IEEE 53rd Annual Conference on, pages 1507-1513, Dec, 2014.
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author={Akbari Hamed, K. and Buss, B.G. and Grizzle, J.W.},
booktitle={Decision and Control (CDC), 2014 IEEE 53rd Annual Conference on},
title={Continuous-time controllers for stabilizing periodic orbits of hybrid systems: Application to an underactuated {3D} bipedal robot},
keywords={Poincare mapping;asymptotic stability;continuous time systems;control system synthesis;legged locomotion;matrix algebra;nonlinear control systems;optimisation;sensitivity analysis;BMI optimization problem;Poincare return map;bilinear matrix inequalities;continuous-time controller design;exponential stability;hybrid systems;impulse effects;nonlinear systems;periodic orbits;sensitivity analysis;time invariant continuous-time controller;underactuated 3D bipedal robot;Jacobian matrices;Manifolds;Optimization;Orbits;Robots;Sensitivity analysis;Vectors},

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