Tamarix Ramosissima - Version 2014.3. Akhani, H. In The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, pages 21251979/0+. 2014.
abstract   bibtex   
[Excerpt] This species is classed as Least Concern as it is widespread with stable populations and does not face any major threats. [::Range Description] T. ramosissima occurs in much of the arid temperate Asia and East Europe. It was found from China westwards in most Central Asian countries: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Caucasus, Turkey, Iraq, Southern Russia and Ukraine. As an invasive plant it occurs in many parts of the world in particular in New World and the United States. [::Countries] Native:Afghanistan; Azerbaijan; China; Greece; Iran, Islamic Republic of; Iraq; Kazakhstan; Korea, Republic of; Kyrgyzstan; Mongolia; Pakistan; Russian Federation; Tajikistan; Turkey; Turkmenistan; Ukraine; Uzbekistan Introduced:United States [::Population] This species is widespread and abundant throughout its range. [::Habitat and Ecology] T. ramosissima occurs along rivers, around fresh water and brackish water wetlands, along canals and running water bodies. In its natural habitat form dense riparian vegetation with great value for keeping biodiversity. It also colonizes man made aquatic habitats like waste water and irrigation systems. This is a potential invasive species which could easily spread both by propagation and seed germination.~Tamarix plants have salt glands and exert salt causing salt rain under their shrubs. Therefore, these plants need leaching by fresh water during their life cycle. [::Use and Trade] Tamarix shrubs have been used in many parts of the range for fuel purposes. [::Major Threat(s)] There are no known significant past, ongoing or future threats to this species.
  title = {Tamarix Ramosissima - {{Version}} 2014.3},
  booktitle = {The {{IUCN Red List}} of {{Threatened Species}}},
  author = {Akhani, H.},
  year = {2014},
  pages = {21251979/0+},
  abstract = {[Excerpt] This species is classed as Least Concern as it is widespread with stable populations and does not face any major threats. [::Range Description] T. ramosissima occurs in much of the arid temperate Asia and East Europe. It was found from China westwards in most Central Asian countries: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Caucasus, Turkey, Iraq, Southern Russia and Ukraine. As an invasive plant it occurs in many parts of the world in particular in New World and the United States. [::Countries] Native:Afghanistan; Azerbaijan; China; Greece; Iran, Islamic Republic of; Iraq; Kazakhstan; Korea, Republic of; Kyrgyzstan; Mongolia; Pakistan; Russian Federation; Tajikistan; Turkey; Turkmenistan; Ukraine; Uzbekistan Introduced:United States [::Population] This species is widespread and abundant throughout its range. [::Habitat and Ecology] T. ramosissima occurs along rivers, around fresh water and brackish water wetlands, along canals and running water bodies. In its natural habitat form dense riparian vegetation with great value for keeping biodiversity. It also colonizes man made aquatic habitats like waste water and irrigation systems. This is a potential invasive species which could easily spread both by propagation and seed germination.~Tamarix plants have salt glands and exert salt causing salt rain under their shrubs. Therefore, these plants need leaching by fresh water during their life cycle. [::Use and Trade] Tamarix shrubs have been used in many parts of the range for fuel purposes. [::Major Threat(s)] There are no known significant past, ongoing or future threats to this species.},
  keywords = {*imported-from-citeulike-INRMM,~INRMM-MiD:c-13621393,conservation,forest-resources,iucn,iucn-least-concern-lc,tamarix-ramosissima},
  lccn = {INRMM-MiD:c-13621393}

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