Tamarix Tetrandra - Version 2014.3. Akhani, H. In The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, pages 46102981/0+. 2014.
abstract   bibtex   
[Excerpt] This species is classed as Least Concern as it is widespread with stable populations and does not face any major threats. [::Range Description] T. tetrandra occurs in Ukraine, Turkey, Greece, Cyprus and Syria (Baum 1978). [::Countries] Native:Cyprus; Greece; Syrian Arab Republic; Turkey; Ukraine [::Population] This species is widespread and abundant throughout its range. [::Habitat and Ecology] This species is usually found in temporary river beds, on river banks, water canals and ditches. [::Use and Trade] It is used as an ornamental shrub in gardens. [::Major Threat(s)] There are no known significant past, ongoing or future threats to this species.
  title = {Tamarix Tetrandra - {{Version}} 2014.3},
  booktitle = {The {{IUCN Red List}} of {{Threatened Species}}},
  author = {Akhani, H.},
  year = {2014},
  pages = {46102981/0+},
  abstract = {[Excerpt] This species is classed as Least Concern as it is widespread with stable populations and does not face any major threats. [::Range Description] T. tetrandra occurs in Ukraine, Turkey, Greece, Cyprus and Syria (Baum 1978). [::Countries] Native:Cyprus; Greece; Syrian Arab Republic; Turkey; Ukraine [::Population] This species is widespread and abundant throughout its range. [::Habitat and Ecology] This species is usually found in temporary river beds, on river banks, water canals and ditches. [::Use and Trade] It is used as an ornamental shrub in gardens. [::Major Threat(s)] There are no known significant past, ongoing or future threats to this species.},
  keywords = {*imported-from-citeulike-INRMM,~INRMM-MiD:c-13621395,conservation,forest-resources,iucn,iucn-least-concern-lc,tamarix-tetrandra},
  lccn = {INRMM-MiD:c-13621395}

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