S-AMP: Approximate message passing for general matrix ensembles. Çakmak, B., Winther, O., & Fleury, B. H. In ITW, pages 192-196, 2014. IEEE.
S-AMP: Approximate message passing for general matrix ensembles. [link]Link  S-AMP: Approximate message passing for general matrix ensembles. [link]Paper  bibtex   
@inproceedings{ conf/itw/CakmakWF14,
  added-at = {2015-01-10T00:00:00.000+0100},
  author = {Çakmak, Burak and Winther, Ole and Fleury, Bernard H.},
  biburl = {http://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/26f810e76849656b670071976a12979ea/dblp},
  booktitle = {ITW},
  crossref = {conf/itw/2014},
  ee = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ITW.2014.6970819},
  interhash = {bfd5f21c50633120d42f6d8c195fb105},
  intrahash = {6f810e76849656b670071976a12979ea},
  keywords = {dblp},
  pages = {192-196},
  publisher = {IEEE},
  title = {S-AMP: Approximate message passing for general matrix ensembles.},
  url = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/itw/itw2014.html#CakmakWF14},
  year = {2014}

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