Autonomous data-driven manipulation of unknown anisotropic deformable tissues using unmodelled continuum manipulators. Alambeigi, F., Wang, Z., Hegeman, R., Liu, Y., & Armand, M. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, IEEE, 2018.
author = {Alambeigi, Farshid and Wang, Zerui and Hegeman, Rachel and Liu, Yun-Hui and Armand, Mehran},
issn = {2377-3766},
journal = {IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},
number = {2},
publisher = {IEEE},
title = {{Autonomous data-driven manipulation of unknown anisotropic deformable tissues using unmodelled continuum manipulators}},
volume = {4},
year = {2018},
data_type={RI and KD and DD and SD and ED}

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