Design Patterns: A Round-Trip. Albin-Amiot, H. & Guéhéneuc, Y. In Ardourel, G., Haupt, M., Agustin, J. L. H., Ruggaber, R., & Suscheck, C., editors, Proceedings of the 11<sup>th</sup> ECOOP workshop for Ph.D. Students in Object-Oriented Systems (PHDOOS), pages N/A, June, 2001. N/A. 10 pages.
Design Patterns: A Round-Trip [pdf]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
Design patterns are of major interest to increase software quality and abstraction level. However, design patterns are difficult to choose, to apply, and to recover. We propose a set of tools to use design patterns in a round-trip fashion. We define a meta-model to describe design patterns. This meta-model is specifically oriented towards design patterns instantiation and detection. We develop a source-to-source transformation engine to modify the source code to comply with design patterns descriptions. Meanwhile, we use an explanation-based constraint solver to detect design patterns in source code from their descriptions. With these tools, we hope to offer a mean to apply and to recover design patterns without overhead for the developers.

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