Pâques, la vie nouvelle. Alexandre, M. In Easter sermons of Gregory of Nyssa: translation and commentary, pages 153–194. Philadelphia Patristic Foundation, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1981. tex.ids= alexandrePaquesVieNouvelle1981a
Pâques, la vie nouvelle [link]Paper  bibtex   
	address = {Cambridge, Massachusetts},
	title = {Pâques, la vie nouvelle},
	isbn = {0-915646-08-0 978-0-915646-08-1},
	url = {http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=rfh&AN=ATLA0001144022&site=ehost-live},
	booktitle = {Easter sermons of {Gregory} of {Nyssa}: translation and commentary},
	publisher = {Philadelphia Patristic Foundation},
	author = {Alexandre, Monique},
	year = {1981},
	note = {tex.ids= alexandrePaquesVieNouvelle1981a},
	keywords = {Baptism -- History of doctrines -- 0030-600, Bible -- Homiletic use, Conference proceedings, Day of Yahweh, Easter, Future life -- Christianity, Gregory, Saint, Bp of Nyssa, ca 335-ca 394, Jesus Christ, New creation, Resurrection, Rhetoric, Ancient},
	pages = {153--194},

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