Speed and evolution of nonlinear internal waves transiting the South China Sea. Alford, M., Lien, R., Simmons, H., Klymak, J., Ramp, S., Yang, Y., Tang, D., & M.H.-Chang J. Phys. Oceanogr., 40(6):1338-1355, 2010.
doi  bibtex   
@Article{	  alfordetal10,
  Author	= {M.H. Alford and {R.-C.} Lien and H. Simmons and J.M.
		  Klymak and S. Ramp and Y. Yang and D. Tang and
  date-added	= {2010-01-11 17:22:19 -0800},
  date-modified	= {2022-01-14 11:47:47 +0100},
  DOI		= {10.1175/2010JPO4388.1},
  jmkpubtype	= {refereed},
  Journal	= jpo,
  Keywords	= {South China Sea, NLIWI, observations, solitary waves,
  Number	= 6,
  Pages		= {1338-1355},
  PDF		= {http://ams.allenpress.com/archive/1520-0485/preprint/2010/pdf/10.1175_2010JPO4388.1.pdf},
  Title		= {Speed and evolution of nonlinear internal waves transiting
		  the {South} {China} {Sea}},
  Volume	= 40,
  Year		= 2010,
  bdsk-url-1	= {http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/2010JPO4388.1}

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