Semantics-based Indexing of Historical Entities. Allinson, J. Ph.D. Thesis, 2014.
Semantics-based Indexing of Historical Entities [pdf]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
Indexing and researching historical entities, such as people, places and events, is common practice both for historical researchers who consult, analyse and annotate data, and also for cultural heritage institutions (libraries, archives, museums and galleries) who seek to describe their collections for discovery and reuse. This research project will investigate the potential offered by the semantic Web, Linked Data and allied technologies in supporting these endeavours. The project will prototype a semantic tool for the "researcher's workbench" to help research personal names. The tool will make use of Linked Data sources, such as the Virtual Name Authority File, DBPedia (the linked data representation of Wikipedia) and the the British Museum collection catalogue, to allow the researcher to search across multiple sources, identify relevant entities and enrich the data found. Local data will be stored in a semantic RDF data store. In developing the prototype tool, the project seeks to answer two research questions: would users benefit from such a tool? and can current semantic technologies and data sources support, and bring added value, to such a tool?

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