The probabilistic method. Alon, N. & Spencer, J. H. John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York, 1992. With an appendix by Paul Erdős, A Wiley-Interscience Publication
@book {MR1140703,
    AUTHOR = {Alon, Noga and Spencer, Joel H.},
     TITLE = {The probabilistic method},
    SERIES = {Wiley-Interscience Series in Discrete Mathematics and
      NOTE = {With an appendix by Paul Erd{\H{o}}s,
              A Wiley-Interscience Publication},
 PUBLISHER = {John Wiley \& Sons Inc.},
   ADDRESS = {New York},
      YEAR = {1992},
     PAGES = {xvi+254},
      ISBN = {0-471-53588-5},
   MRCLASS = {60-02 (05C80 11K99 60C05)},
  MRNUMBER = {1140703 (93h:60002)},
MRREVIEWER = {Bert Fristedt},
  BOEKCODE = {05-02},

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